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Top 4 Glitches Found in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
By: Jeong-Hyeop Lee
The newest Pokémon game was released on 18 November 2022, with many controversies, along with appreciation. Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, despite its well-made story, has many glitches that could affect a player's gameplay. In this article, I'm going to introduce the 4 weirdest glitches in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.

The first glitch I am going to introduce to you is the “wall breaking glitch”, in which the character of the game ignores every obstacle and goes past the walls or falls under the map infinitely. It can happen anywhere and anytime. The only explanation for this glitch is that the character slipped into a leap between a ledge and flat ground, causing an error.
Another frustrating glitch in the game is "Tera Raid battle glitch". The AI used on raid Pokémon contains some problems. The ordinary raid battle follows a certain pattern. You can attack three times before the Pokémon generates a crystal bar that reduces damage. Players can “Teralizes” to decrease its Hp. But because of the error, it randomly creates a barrier before you reach three hits.
The next mind-blowing glitch is "Hand standing Pokemon”. This glitch happens when you land between rocks, or edges riding your legendary, and they will stop in the pose when they land. If you’re afraid of being stuck forever, don’t worry. Game Freak has made a system to move characters to a nearby spot when the program detects when character's are “Stuck”.

The final and most bizarre glitch that I’m going to show is “Model glitch”. You might not find much difficulty in your gameplay, but it looks rather funny under some circumstances. For example, people can turn into giants by riding their Pokémon. Or riding a Pokémon, which makes you like floating in the air. But in other cases, you might find it creepy. People’s bodies twisting and spinning like a drill. But still smiling like nothing is happening.

Though there are negative aspects in the game, I think the joy of playing Pokémon Scarlet & Violet isn't impacted. And we know, someday, there will be a perfect Pokémon game that can satisfy everyone. But now, why don’t you go to the game shop nearby and purchase this new Pokémon game?

Controversy: Heated disagreement in public.
AI (Artificial Intelligence): The computer system which can perform human-required tasks.
Error: Problem caused in program.
Circumstance: Certain situations related to event or action.