Volume 1, Issue 4
Volume 1, Issue 4
4 Chairman’s Corner 5
Principles of Community Development
To collectively promote quality affordable housing and community economic development in Arkansas.
“Money, Messaging and More”
Federal & Partner News
Member News
Words and Pictures
10 2012 Meeting Schedule/ Resources 11 Executive Committee/Poll/ Contact Info
This issue is dedicated to a long-time friend of ACHANGE, Lyn Haralson. Lyn is now making the world a safer place for consumers at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. We miss you, Lyn!
Volume 1, Issue 4
TIME FOR ACHANGE! Welcome to the new ACHANGE newsletter. I think that this new format will provide us with the opportunity to share more information, and in an exciting format.
There are more changes on the horizon designed to allow us to reach out more efficiently and effectively than ever. ACHANGE is all about advocacy, training and providing networking opportunities for those who believe that “affordable housing” is a vital component of the state’s overall economic development.
The work that the members of ACHANGE do is important, and with organizations facing additional federal funding cuts, having a collective voice becomes even more important to any organization providing homebuyer education, counseling and any kind of development. If you know anyone who should be a member of ACHANGE, let’s make it happen!
Lastly, ACHANGE is working with Housing Arkansas to secure funding for the Arkansas Housing Trust Fund. Use the four messages developed by Housing Arkansas to spread the word. Children, seniors, persons with disabilities, and hardworking Arkansans all over the state will benefit from our efforts! If you need more information or training on how to use these messages, contact me or Housing Arkansas.
Change is all around us, and for those persons who want to really make a difference in the lives of individuals, communities and the state, it’s “Time for ACHANGE”!
Debra Banks Program Manager
P.S. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! May it be filled with food, family and fun! 3
Volume 1, Issue 4
CHAIRMAN’S CORNER COLLECTIVELY SUPPORTING THE ARKANSAS HOUSING TRUST FUND Thousands of children in Arkansas live in extremely substandard housing conditions. I have personally seen children living in homes without adequate plumbing, extremely unsafe wiring, without access to cooling or heating, and unhealthy atmospheres full of mold and/ or lead. Every child deserves a safe place to call home.
The agency I am employed with is currently trying to assist a family of 8 who live in these unsafe housing conditions. I personally spoke to two teenage girls who are in the home and they talked about how they are always sick and it "must be" the mold. The youngest boy in the home has cancer that is currently in remission. The girls spoke about how their baby brother, Brian, gets so sick at times and has dark circles around his eyes. The thought of this boy having to live his life in such conditions saddens me. The grandparents have done all they can to improve the home including overpaying a subcontractor to do work who never completed it and overcharged them.
It is our job to be the collective voice who tells the story of these who have no podium. ACHANGE through a grant from Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation has been able to help fund the message development polling activities that Housing Arkansas recently conducted. The work that Housing Arkansas did tells us the most effective way to tell our stories. The message is true and worth telling. Join with me to be the collective voice for those who, alone, cannot be heard.
Karen Phillips ACHANGE Board President 4
Volume 1, Issue 4
The third component of the Community Development Principles of Good Practice is to
"Incorporate the diverse interests and cultures of the community in the community development process; and disengage from support of any effort that is likely to adversely affect the disadvantaged members of a community."
Many efforts do a great deal to promote the diverse interests of a community - everything from cultural events to festivals that celebrate an area product (crawfish, anyone?). Those are positive endeavors that can create goodwill within a community. Housing development can have a positive effect on a community as well, but the development should not have a negative impact on the residents of that community. Therefore, developers have to always keep the ‘big picture� in mind.
The process of gentrification often prices residents with lower incomes out of neighborhoods that they previously called home. It is doubtful that many affordable housing providers would support an effort that would negatively impact the persons who receive assistance from those providers. Embrace the diverse aspects of a community. Build dwellings that reflect the character of a neighborhood; the nice thing about affordable housing providers is that the residents can afford to live there.
Volume 1, Issue 4
“MONEY, MESSAGING AND MORE” The November General Member’s Meeting was much more than a meeting. Attendees were treated to a great meal prepared by Two Sisters Catering, two informative training sessions—and an impromptu photo shoot.
The AEDC Energy Office conducted a presentation that highlighted energy assistance programs and the new energy code. Thank you to Scott Hamilton, Sara Telano and Evan Brown for an informative session. If you missed the presentation, you can view a copy of the video by clicking here.
Karen Phillips and George Holcomb trained members on “Building Support for Housing: Tools to Reframe the Debate”. This presentation highlighted how best to use Housing Arkansas’ four messages to advocate for funding the Arkansas Housing Trust Fund. If you missed this training, there will be more sessions conducted. You may also request a session by contacting ACHANGE at 501-766-3941.
Finally, ACHANGE members and friends gathered to take part in the “Thanks in Three Words” promotion being conducted by KATV Channel 7. On Monday, November 14, 2011, ACHANGE was one of three photos featured in that segment. To view the segment, click here.
ACHANGE’s “Thanks in Three Words”: Safe, Affordable Housing 6
Volume 1, Issue 4
FEDERAL NEWS On November 17, the House passed H.R. 2112, a HUD Appropriations Bill. Under the final version of the bill, the FY 2012 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Bill, the following funding levels are included:
3.4% increase for Tenant-Based Rental Assistance contract renewals
1% increase in Project-Based Rental Assistance
38% decrease in the HOME Investment Partnerships Program
11.6% decrease for the Community Development Block Grant Program
8% decrease in the Public Housing Capital Fund
14% decrease for the Public Housing Operating fund
For a more detailed view of the specific numbers, visit these sites: National Low Income Housing Coalition Enterprise Community Partners
PARTNER NEWS NACEDA forms Southern Caucus. NACEDA, the National Alliance of Community Economic Development Associations has formed two caucuses recently as a way of establishing closer relationships among state housing associations. ACHANGE is a member of the Southern Caucus. The caucus will meet periodically to discuss issues like the Housing Trust Fund.
ACE’s Executive Director, Hunter Goodman, is leaving to pursue a Ph.D. in Leadership Studies. The ACE Executive Director Search Committee is looking for a candidate to fill this vital position. Interested applicants can read the job description and application information at www.acenonprofit.org. 7
Volume 1, Issue 4
MEMBER NEWS!!! DUES INCREASE! Beginning January 1, 2012, ACHANGE membership dues will increase from $50 annually to $100 annually. This is the first increase in dues since ACHANGE began in 2004. The dues increase will assist with funding the work of ACHANGE.
NEW AND RENEWING MEMBERS NEW MEMBERS Mississippi County Economic Opportunity Commission, Inc., Blytheville Arvest Bank, Little Rock Delta Community Development and Law Center, Inc., Little Rock RENEWING MEMBERS Housing Harrison, Harrison Urban Impact Affiliated Ministries, Little Rock
ARGENTA CDC NAMES NEW DIRECTOR Argenta CDC has named Mary Beth Bowen, as the new Executive Director. Before taking this position, Ms. Bowen was Director of the Community Development Agency of the City of North Little Rock. Welcome to the ACHANGE family!
Volume 1, Issue 4
ACHANGE IN WORDS & PICTURES Lyn Haralson receives a Leadership Award from ACHANGE Board members Martie North and Barrett Allen.
ACHANGE’s “Keep Arkansas Home” foreclosure prevention events were made possible with the assistance of GMAC and Bank of America.
Education and Training Committee Chair Roma Isom presents Ruth Jones of Better Community Developers with a Loss Mitigation award.
Volume 1, Issue 4
2012 MEETING SCHEDULE GENERAL MEMBERS MEETINGS 2/14/2012 4/10/2012 6/12/2012
8/14/2012 10/9/2012 12/11/2012
MEMBER RESOURCES Legal Guide for Arkansas Nonprofit and Volunteer Associations – great resource for training of boards, directors and staff. Covers liability, financial management, joint ventures, conflict of interest, bylaws, and Arkansas statutes. For more resources, visit the ACHANGE Resource page by clicking here.
__________________ Visited the Member’s Forum lately? Now, you can post topics for discussion. Get a discussion started today! If you need password assistance, just email Debra at dbanks@achange.org.
Volume 1, Issue 4
ACHANGE Executive Committee Board Chairman—Karen Phillips 1st Vice Chairman—Barrett Allen 2nd Vice Chairman—George Holcomb Secretary— Frances Newsome Treasurer—Cathy Carlock Associate At-Large Board Member—Martie North At-Large Board Member—Darryl Swinton Committee Chairs Education and Training Committee Chairman—Roma Isom Finance Committee Chairman—Cathy Carlock Membership & Marketing Committee Chairman—George Holcomb Public Policy Committee Chairman—Darryl Swinton Resource Development Chairman—Charles Vann Ad-hoc Committee Chairman—Martie North
POLL TIME! Do you like the new ACHANGE newsletter? Take a very short poll and cast your vote today! Click here!
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North Little Rock, AR 72114 11