Agroforestry and Forestry Sulawesi (AgFor) Project Monthly Report District Date(s) Submitted by
: Kolaka : November 30, 2012 : Edi Purwanto based on Gusti Suganda Report
ACTIVITIES: Continued facilitating and providing technical assistances on 6 AgFor Farmer Groups and 2 spontaneous (Susulan) farmer groups (Segara Madu and Kakao Maju Makmur). Facilitated the making of liquid fertilizer made of goat dungs and gamal leaves. Facilitated the preparation of growth media (poly-bags) for 6 farmers groups. Facilitated the establishment of Agroforestry model 1 (Pepper, Gamal and Red Zinger), phase 1: staking out the planting space and planted Gamal in Simbune Village. Procured clove seeds (Zanzibar) from Kolaka Utara District. Facilitated clove seeds nursery (using several germination treatments) in Mombehawa/Simbune Village (5 liter seeds), Sumber Rejeki (Andowengga Village/6 liter seeds) and Bangun Bersama (Tasahea Village/6 liter seeds). Facilitated ginger planting in Simbune and Andowengga Villages. Facilitated Segara Madu Farmer Group to harvest and market straw mushroom and conduct second cycle of straw mushroom planting. Facilitated Kakao Maju Makmur (Dangia) to produce and market the organic fertilizer. Facilitated the formulation of Mombehawa Farmer Group Regulation (AD/ART). Facilitated CIDA/ICRAF field visit to Simbune, Andowengga and Susulan Farmer Groups in Atula (Segara Madu) and Dangia (Kakao Maju Makmur)
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Initial development of agroforestry model in Simbune Village established. Clove nursery established on three AgFor farmer groups. Six farmers groups have completed their growth media to develop 5 most preference species. Farmers groups in Simbune and Andowenga trained on the making of: (a) liquid fertilizer; (b) rice husk charcoal for growth media. Both have planted red-gingers (each 23 kg). Local market for straw mushroom has been established and Segara Madu Farmer Group (200 kg mushroom sold) has ready to conduct second planting cycle. Local market for organic fertilizer has been established and Kakao Maju Lestari Farmer Group (7000 kg organic fertilizer sold).
Monthly Report – Kolaka office – November 2012
Agroforestry and Forestry Sulawesi (AgFor) Project Monthly Report Evaluation of last month workplan (November 2012): Activities No. 1.
Staff in responsible GS, GK, JS, TF, GD
Achievement status
Facilitated the planting of 14 100% rubber rootstock seeds on the germination bed 2. Seeds collection for GS, GK, JS, TF, 1- 4 30%, clove seeds have been Cacao, Pala and Cengkeh. GD collected 3. Facilitated the cultivation GS, GK, JS, TF, 1-4 100% of straw mushroom GD 4. Facilitated the production GS, GK, JS, TF, 1-4 100% process of organic GD fertilizer 5. Facilitated Focus Group GS, GK, JS, TF, 1-4 30%, discussion has been Discussion of spontaneous GD initiated for Segara Madu and farmer groups to select Kakao Maju Makmur most preference species. 6. Facilitated site selection GS, GK, JS, TF, 1-4 0% of nursery sites for some GD spontaneous farmer groups. 7. Facilitated Farmers GS, GK, JS, TF, 3 30%, we facilitated AgFor farmer Groups to Farmer Groups GD groups to visit straw mushroom visit. cultivation in Atula Village. Remarks: GS: Gusti Suganda; GK: Gusti Kusuma; GD: Gusti Agus Dwipayana; JS: Jeremia Sibarani; PS: Putu Suasana; TF: Taufiq
Number of training participants in November 2012 Date November 7 November 7 November 17 November 21 November 21 November 24 November 28,
Village and Training Topic Simbune: Training on the making of rice husk charcoal Andowengga: Training on the making of liquid fertilizer Simbune: Training on the making of liquid fertilizer Andowengga: Training on clove seeds germination and nursery Simbune: Training on clove seeds germination and nursery Tasahea: Training on tree nursery Simbune: Training on budding of Durian seedlings.
Workplan for Desember 2012 No. Activities 1.
Training on Jabon seeds extraction and nursery development
Training on the making of liquid fertilizer in Tinondo and Lamunde Villages
Staff in responsible MS, GS, GK, TF
Farmers groups will be able to extract Jabon seeds and develop nursery. .
All AgFor Farmers groups are able to make liquid fertilizer.
Monthly Report – Kolaka office – November 2012
Participants Male Female 19 5 21 8 26 5 19 6 24 7 13 8 36 14
Expected Output(s)
Agroforestry and Forestry Sulawesi (AgFor) Project Monthly Report 3.
Training on clove nursery in Tinondo, Lamunde and Taosu Villages
All AgFor Farmers groups establish cloves nursery
The installation of water pump and building water storage at Sumber Rejeki Farmer Group, Andowengga Village
Improve water access for the nursery demo-plot
Facilitated the formulation of Farmer Group Regulation (AD/ART) on Tasahea, Simbune and Tinondo Villages.
All AgFor Farmers Groups have AD/ART
Planted pepper and Gamal at Simbune, Andowenga and Tasahea Villages
Agroforestry model in several AgFor Farmer Group established
Facilitated site selection GS,GD,GK, TF 3-4 Replication of AgFor farmer of nursery sites for some group initiatives to the spontaneous farmer Susulan farmer groups groups. Remarks: GS: Gusti Suganda; GK: Gusti Kusuma; GD: Gusti Agus Dwipayana; TF: Taufiq
Challenges: Difficulties to collect high quality seed sources/planting materials in SE Sulawesi Province Lack of interest of women groups to follow the program especially for indigenous ethnic groups Some farmer groups have difficult access on water resources for nursery maintenances Remedial actions: We need to collect high quality seeds especially for rubber (scion). We collected high quality clove seeds from Kolaka Utara and will collect Pala seeds from Buton. Durian can be gained from Ladongi, but we still wait for fruiting seasons. We need to organize additional relevant activities which can attract women such as Arisan We will install water pump and building water storage.
Monthly Report – Kolaka office – November 2012
Agroforestry and Forestry Sulawesi (AgFor) Project Monthly Report Documentation:
The making of rice husk charcoal in Simbune Village
The making of Liquid fertilizer in Andowengga Village
Procurement of Clove seeds (Zanzibar) from Kolaka Utara
Training on Durian budding in Simbune Village
Monthly Report – Kolaka office – November 2012
Agroforestry and Forestry Sulawesi (AgFor) Project Monthly Report
CIDA and ICRAF visit to Organic fertilizer Production House, Kakao Maju Lestari Farmer Group, Dangia Village
Monthly Report – Kolaka office – November 2012
CIDA and ICRAF discussion with Sumber Rejeki Farmer Group, Andowengga Village