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QUARTERLY REPORT 02/2012 Reporting Period: [1 July – 30 September 2012] For THE WORLD BANK - INDONESIA

Dr. Edi Purwanto (First Revision: 30 November 2012)



Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah, Development Planning Agency at district/province level Badan Kerjasama antar Nagari, Inter villages cooperation council Bantuan Langsung Masyarakat, government grant directly send to community coordinating body’s (UPK) bank account Watershed Management Centre, technical implementing unit of the Ministry of Forestry Badan Perwakilan Desa, Village representative council Badan Usaha Milik Desa, village owned enterprise Coconut shell charcoal briquette Community driven development Civil Society Organization/Non Government Organization Demonstration Plots Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (District Parliament) Green-PNPM facilitator at kecamatan level (consultant) Income Generating Activity Information Education and Communication Key village champions Key village government Kader Pemberdayaan Masyara kat Desa, village development cadre Consultant coordinator at province level Koordinator Kabupaten, OWT Coordinator at district level Koordinator Kecamatan, OWT staff at sub-district level Mushroom incubation house Lembaga Ekonomi Masyarakat, village owned enterprise (BUMDES) Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat/Civil Service Organization Inter-villages meetings at sub-district level Musyawarah Desa Serah Terima; A meeting to hand-over the completed sub-project into village government. Natural resources management PNPM Support Facility Pembantu Lapangan, FKL assistance at sub-district level Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (Solar Photovoltaic) Government official in charge in operating the PNPM-Green at kecamatan level Peraturan Desa, village regulation Peraturan Daerah, district regulation Rencana Anggaran Biaya, project cost proposal Renewable energy, energi baru terbarukan PNS fasilitator, Civil servant facilitator Surat Perintah Camat, final committed sub-projects proposal at the pilot sub-district which had been legalized by the Head of Sub-district Sumberdaya alam, natural resources Satuan kerja perangkat daerah, district agencies Tim Pelaksana Kegiatan, Team work in charge on executing project at village level Operation Wallacea Trust Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa, Village and Community Empowerment Office at central/province/district level Unit Pelaksana Kegiatan, implementing unit, PNPM Organization at Kecamatan level which is in charge in administering PNPM funding. Quarterly Report Wildlife Conservation Society


Table of Content Page 4




Executive Summary


Financial Issues



Challenges and Remedial Actions over the Reporting Period


A. Response to the abundance of rice farming harvesting waste (Lesson Learned No. 3/2012) B. Response to the decline of Arenga piñata (Aren) population (Lessons Learned No. 4/2012) C. The need to sustain edible mushroom cultivation at village level (Lesson Learned No. 5.2012






Beneficiary Success Stories A. Straw mushroom enters Padang Pariaman and Agam Districts, West Sumatra (Beneficiary success story No. 3/2012)


Appendices Appendix 1: Link of Project Activities Against Performance Indicators West Sumatra and Bengkulu Province


Appendix 2: Update and Proposed Workplan for West Sumatra and Bengkulu Province (Oct – December 2012 and Jan – June 2013)


Appendix 3: Photo Galleries


Appendix 4: List of Training Delivery Activities



I. Background A. PNPM-Green: It is a pilot-project which is designed in part to mainstream natural resource management and renewable energy issues within the core operations of the national PNPM-Rural program. On Sulawesi Island (North Sulawesi, South Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, and Southeast Sulawesi), PNPM-Green has been active since 2008, and in 2010, the pilot program expanded into four provinces on Sumatra Island (Aceh, North Sumatra, West Sumatra, and Bengkulu). A key component of PNPM-Green – to which approximately USD 5.3 million has been allocated – is the technical assistance provided by Indonesian and international civil society organizations (CSO). The CSO partners are responsible for delivering environmental awareness raising and training activities to the pilot’s community beneficiaries and local government officials to assist in the design and implementation of viable ‘green sub-projects’. These sub-projects are financed through the PNPM-Green block grants and are focused in improved NRM practices, environmental conservation, environmentally-sound income generating activities and renewable energy (RE). As PNPM-Green is currently designed, there is CSO coverage in the eight target provinces. B. Operation Wallacea Trust (OWT): It is a CSO has Grant Agreement (TF 090977) with the World Bank to conduct environmental awareness and training to local community, actors and stakeholders in the Pilot PNPM-Green in Buton, Muna and Kolaka Districts, Southeast Sulawesi Province (October 2007 to October 2012). On March 14, 2012, we received additional grant on the existing TF 090977 to extent our facilitation areas to cover Maros, Wajo and Tana Toraja Districts, South Sulawesi Province. Considering several pilot districts in Sumatra had not yet received CSO supports, on April 24, 2012, we signed another GA (TF 011930) to cover Padang Pariaman and Agam Districts (West-Sumatra) and Lebong District (Bengkulu Province). TF 090977 had been ended on 31 October 2012, while TF 011930 which was originally planned to end on 31 December 2012; had been proposed to be extended until 30 June 2013. All the documents for the no-cost extension have been submitted to the Task Team Leader (Mrs. Chloe Oliver) on 31 October 2012. C. OWT intervention and approach: Since 2008, our interventions have been focused at village and sub-district level, in the form of environmental awareness and training, technical assistance and facilitation to ensure the program and its associated block-grant will enable to raise the quality of beneficiaries’ livelihoods. Community based environmental program will only be sustainable if they enable to open new opportunities to local community livelihoods. NRM and RE initiatives within PNPM-Green will only be sustainable if they can enhance IGA or at least reduce poor household expenditure. Green block-grant only acts as a ‘starter’ or ‘stimulant’, whether those end-up to environment and livelihoods improvement or not will heavily depend on the quality of community facilitation. Taking this in mind, the success of PNPM-Green will require extra ordinary facilitation efforts at grass-root level.

II. Executive Summary 01. Facilitated PNPM-Green in Sumatra: Following up the Bank’s supervision mission in December 2011 and responding to a letter sent by GOI (Directorate General of Village and Community Empowerment/PMD) addressed to the Bank regarding the need to have additional support (awareness raising and capacity building) in South Sulawesi and three districts in Sumatra (Agam, Padang Pariaman and Lebong), OWT was requested by the Bank to involve for the technical assistance. In response to the request, for the case of 4

Sumatra, on 13 January 2012, we submitted technical proposal entitled: ‘Proposed CSO Services to Support Green-PNPM in Agam and Pariaman Districts (West Sumatera Province) and Lebong District (Bengkulu Province). After having some revisions, the proposal was finally accepted; a new Grant Agreement (GA) developed and signed on April 20, 2012 (TF 011930; USD 265,000). Under TF-011930, since May 2012, we have provided full supports in three districts until 31 December 2012 with possible no-cost extension. 02. OWT facilitation sites in Sumatra to support PNPM-Green (TF-011930): West Sumatra Province: Agam and Padang Pariaman Districts, which are composed of 6 subdistricts (kecamatan). Agam District: Palembayan, Palupuh, and Malalak; Padang Pariaman District: Enam Lingkung, VII Koto Sungai Sarik, and Batang Gasan. Bengkulu Province: Lebong District, which is composed of 3 sub-districts, Padang Bano, Lebong Utara, and Lebong Atas. 03. ‘Nagari’, a smallest government unit in West Sumatra Province: Nagari (N.) is a customary defined administrative area boundary inherited by Minangkabau1 geo-political structure (Langgam). ‘Nagari’ is equal to ‘desa’ (village), but the administrative area is larger than Desa (village). The area size and population of one nagari is equal to 2-5 villages. The New Order government had nationalized indigenous and diverse village governance systems which had been in existence before 1945; through Law No. 5/1979, the nagari system was changed into ‘desa’. With reference to Law No. 22/1999, issued during reformation era, West Sumatra Province enacted Law No 9/2000 which returned (from ‘desa’ during the New Order) into indigenous ‘Nagari’ governance system. One Nagari (subtracted into N. in this report) is composed of 5 -10 Jorong or Korong. (sub-village); Agam District use ‘Jorong’ (subtracted subtracted into J. in this report) for sub-Nagari, while Padang Pariaman District use ‘Korong’ (subtracted into K. in this report). 04. Physiographic and accessibility of the pilot districts: (a) Padang Pariaman District is located on the lower foot slope of Bukit Barisan mountain ranges. The landscape is dominated by flat and gentle slopes area; soil is fertile while the average annual rainfall is 3,000 mm. The pilot sub-districts have an excellent accessibility and closed to each other. It is only about 1 hour car drive from the Airport. Some areas have high Tsunami hazards; the major land-use is paddy field (sawah) and agroforestry. (b) Agam District covers the upper and middle slope of Bukit Barisan Mountain ranges. The landscape is dominated by gentle to steep slopes area; soil is fertile while annual rainfall is 4,000 mm. The District has beautiful scenery and comfortable weather conditions. Water resources are abundant with low turbidity (suspended-load) due to the stable substrate. Lake Maninjau, one of the largest lakes in West-Sumatra, is located in the District. The pilot subdistricts have a good accessibility, although the pilot sub-district is far to each other. It is about 1-3 hours’ car drive from Bukittinggi or Lubuk Basung (Capital of Agam District). Some areas have high landslide hazards; the major land-use is paddy field (sawah) and agroforestry. (c) Lebong District covers the upper and middle slope of Bukit Barisan Mountain ranges. The landscape is dominated by steep slopes area; soil is fertile while annual rainfall is 3,500 mm. One of the pilot sub-district (Padang Bano) has poor accessibility during wet season. It is about 5-6 hours’ car drive from Province capital/Bengkulen. Some areas have high


The dominant ethnic group in West-Sumatra Province


landslide hazards; the major land-use is agroforestry and forestry; about 70% of the area is under state forest area (kawasan hutan negara). 05. OWT technical assistances to support catchment area management to sustain MHP scheme in Agam District: With Danida grant, ‘Capacity Building on Catchment Areas Management and Conservation to Sustain MHP schemes’ (1.MRD.16-3), since March 2011, OWT had been working in Palembayan Sub-District (Agam District) to facilitate catchment area rehabilitation to sustain PNPM-Green’s MHP project. The activities, which are much aligned and aimed to support PNPM-Green, had been completed on 31 October 2012. 06. The stage of PNPM-Green Cycle in West Sumatra Province: 2011: Agam District received 20 sub-projects, Palembayan (9), Malalak (5) and Palupuh (6), in June 2012, when OWT started to facilitate PNPM-Green in Sumatra, the completion of the sub-projects was 49 %. The slow progress partly caused by, (a) the long distance among pilot sub-districts; (b) delay disbursement of the third block-grant disbursement; (c) the absence of CSO technical assistance and support. In October 31, 2012, all 2011 sub-projects have been MDST. Padang Pariaman received 26 sub-projects, Batang Gasan (5), VII Koto (10) and Enam Lingkung (11). In June 2012, the completion was 59%, in October 31, 2012, all have been MDST. 2012 :Agam District received 16 sub-project, Palembayan (6), Malalak (4) and Palupuh (6). In Juni 2012 have not even reached MAD-3, in October 31, 7 sub-projects have been MDST. Padang Pariaman received 27 sub-projects, Batang Gasan (9), VII Koto (8) and Enam Lingkung (10), 11 have been MDST. 07. The stage of PNPM-Green Cycle in Bengkulu Province: 2011: Lebong District received 15 sub-projects, Padang Bano (5), Lebong Atas (5) and Lebong Utara (5). Until the end of September 2012, all sub-projects in Lebong Atas and Lebong Utara have been MDST, while two Piko Hydro sub-projects in Padang Bano Subdistrict were still in contruction phase, the poor accessibility of the sub-district was due to the remoteness of the project site which constrained materials mobilization. 2012: Lebong District received 15 sub-projects, Padang Bano (5), Lebong Atas (5) and Lebong Utara (5). Until the end of September 2012, all tree planting activities in Lebong Atas, Lebong Utara and Padang Bano have not been completed as rainy season have not started. While all physical sub-project such as installation of garbage beans in Lebong Atas (3 sub-projects) have already been MDST. 08. Our principle facilitations in both provinces during July-September 2012: (a) together with Green-Facilitators (FKL, Astal and SPL) facilitated PNPM cycle to ensure that the process follow the spirits of community driven development; (b) provided awareness rising, training and field technical assistances to PNPM key actors and stakeholders; (c) Developed several demo-plots to inspire local community on susstainable livelihoods; (d) Provided intensive technical assistance on the implementation of 2012 PNPM-Green sub-projects; (e) Prepared exit-strategy on the maintenance and development of PNPM-Green investment; (i) strengthened community institution (Village Regulation/Perdes); (ii) enhanced sense of ownership of key development agents, i.e. extension workers, key village government/KVG and key village champions/KVC etc. at village and (sub) district level; (iii) enhanced sense of government ownership on PNPM-Green investment. 6

09. Strategy to enhance coordination among key actors in West-Sumatra Province: Considering: (a) we need to develop a good coordination with the existing CSO which had been previously active in the province (WCS); (b) late completion of 2011 PNPM-Green in West Sumatra; (c) the strong spirits of PNPM-Green actors in West Sumatra, as strongly movivated by Province PJO (Pak Zukirwan Chan), to complete 2011 and 2012 in time; we have been committed to: (a) attend weekly coordination meeting at province level together with PJO Province, SPL and WCS representatives; (b) attend monthly coordination meeting at province level together with all PNPM-Green key actors; (c) facilitated monthly coordination meeting at district level with PNPM actors and green facilitators (Astal and FKL), (d) Monthly internal meeting of OWT staffs to enhance strategy on technical assistances of PNPM-green sub-project implementation. 10. Strategy to enhance coordination among key actors in Bengkulu Province: (a) To harmonize relationships and sharpen synergetic actions among consultants and OWT, we share district coordination office in Lebong District; (b) facilitated monthly coordination meeting at district level involving CSO (including WCS representatives) and consultants; (c) attend monthly coordination meeting at province level together with all PNPM-Green key actors. 11. Strategy to speed-up the completion of 2012’s PNPM-Green sub-projects in West Sumatra and Bengkulu Provinces: (a) Coordinate with FKL and facilitate the whole peoject implementation with project beneficiaries; (b) Deliver on-the-job training to key project beneficiaries; (c) Assist the procurement process on materials which are not available on project sites (such as straw and oyster mushroom inoculants). 12. Strategy to conduct environmental awareness in West Sumatra Province and Bengkulu Province: (a) Deliver environmental awareness and training to Customary and Religious Leaders; (b) Together with Customary and Religious Leaders inspired local community on the list of possible village environmental restoration measures through film screening (using ‘My Darling‘ car) at Jorong (sub-village) level; (c) Supported environmental education at secondary schools; (d) Installed Banners and framed posters on public areas; (e) Distributed leaflets, booklets, ‘Lestari Desaku’ magazines, DVD films and manuals to key sub-districts (villages) governments and KVC. 13. Specific facilitations in Agam and Padang Pariaman Districts, West Sumatra Province: (a) Conducted intensive facilitation on tree plantation and village nursery maintenance; (b) Facilitated the implementation of Province Coordination meetings; (d) Delivered technical training to PNPM Green actors and stakeholers; (e) Facilitated Kecamatan workshop to draw problems, smart practices and lessons learned of PNPMGreen implementation; (f) Delivered training to Customary and Religious Leaders; (g) Establish demo-plots on straw and oyster mushroom cultivation, biogas (5000 liters digester), organic fertilizer, village nurseries; (h) Facilitated Palembayan villagers to map MHP catchment area and define targeted areas for catchment protection and rehabilitation; (i) Facilitate establishment of nursery and bokashi house in Palembayan Sub-District; (h) Provided intensive facilitation and technical assistance on PNPM-Green sub-project implementation, such as: biogas, straw mushroom, nursery development, tree planting and maintenances. 14. Specific facilitation in Lebong District, Bengkulu Province: (a) Conducted intensive facilitation on tree plantation and village nursery maintenance; (b) Facilitated villagers to develop a map of targeted tree planting areas; (c) Facilitated the design and implementation 7

of Semiloka for SKPD and DPRD; (d) Established demo-plots on straw mushroom cultivation, biogas, organic fertilizer, village nursery and Arenga pinata nursery; (e) Facilitated the establishment of MHP Management Team (TP3) in Air Pawuk, Padang Bano Sub-district; (f) Facilitated Air Pawuk villagers to map MHP catchment area and define targeted areas for catchment protection and rehabilitation; (g) Provided intensive facilitation and technical assistances on sub-project implementation such as nursery development, organic fertilizer making, tree planting and maintenances. The detail list of activities during the reporting period and its link to Performance Indicators is presented in Appendix 1 of the report, while revised Workplan for October-December 2012 and January–June 2012 (proposed no-cost extension) is presented on Appendix 2. Photo galleries are given in Appendix 3. Some new developments, approaches and important facilitations during the reporting period are highlighted below: Performance Indicator 1: Well-trained PNPM-Green facilitators and other local PNPM stakeholders, who can ignite and facilitate ‘green’ projects within PNPM, not limited to those within PNPM-Green Target Locations. 1.1. Supported DANIDA training on NRM in Bengkulu (16-20 September 2012): We provided full supports on the last series of NRM training organized by Danida. The training held at Santika Hotel, as the previous training, we delivered 4 subjects, i.e. (a) Introduction on Natural Resource Management; (b) Catchment Area Management; (c) Selection of tree crop species; (d) Tree planting.

1.2. Training for Facilitators and Stakeholders during PNPM-Green Province Coordination Meeting in West Sumatra (August 31, 2012): We collaborated with Province working unit (Pak Sukirwan Chan) to organize province coordination meeting plus one day CSO training. The objective of the cordination meeting was to formulate strategy to speedup the completion of 2011 and 2012 sub-projects. We followed-up the meeting with technical capacity building to Green Facilitators all over West Sumatra Province (5 Districts): (a) Facilited Green facilitators to indentify and inventory the social and technical problems; (b) Discussed (kupas-tuntas) step-by-step social and technical problem solving approaches; (c) Together with WCS, facilitated share learning among PNPM-Green facilitators; (d) Delivered lecture on techniques to empower microorganism (bacteria and fungi) troops; (e) Delivered seven manuals on catchment area protection and rehabilitation to all participants. The training was attended by Consultants, PJOK and Camat from five pilot districts. Total participants were 78 persons, 66 male and 12 female. See Photo 1.

1.3. Published Information Education and Communication (IEC) materials: (a) Published and distributed the second and the third edition of ‘Lestari Desaku’ magazine: During the Quarter, we prepared the second and the third edition of Lestari Desaku magazine. The focus of the second edition: Menuai Berkah Dari Limbah: Kiat Memberdayakan Pasukan Mikroba; Transforming waste into grace: Strategy to empower microorganism troop. While the focus of the third edition is: Kini menanam and esok memanen; Kiat Memberdayakan Tanaman Buah; Today Planting, Tomorrow Harvesting: Empowering fruit trees. The second edition was published on 8

September, while the third edition is on October 2012. Both are printed for 3000 copies and distributed to key PNPM-Green stakeholders. (b) Published multi-uses of biogas poster, printed for 1500 copies. (c). Revised and published 8 manuals on Catchment Area Management Protection and Rehabilitation: During the last three years, we developed 8 manuals on catchment area protection and management and had been tried out on several trainings. We used to copy those manuals for participants and made regular revisions based on feed-back received during the trainings, During this quarter, we made final revision of 8 manuals: (a) Volume 1: Principles of Vegetative and Civil Technique Conservation Measures; (b) Volume 2: Participatory mapping on catchment areas boundary and problems; (c) Volume 3: Generative propagation of tree seedlings; (d) Volume 4: Vegetative propagation of tree seedlings; (e) Volume 5: Techniques on tree planting, maintenance and its survival evaluation; (f) Volume 6: Agroforestry Development; (g) Volume 7: Mangrove Rehabilitation; (h) Volume 8: Green Income generating Activities Model: Mushroom cultivation. Each manual is printed for 1000 copies. The eight manuals will be distributed to PNPM-Green facilitators, key village champions, schools and district offices, i.e. Forestry, Agriculture, Environmental and BPMD offices. (d) Installed framed environmental posters in Padang Pariaman and Agam District, West Sumatera and Lebong, Bengkulu: We installed 50 wooden/aluminium framed environmental posters on every district and installed on strategic sites, such as at district agency offices, village halls, restaurants, schools etc. As we developed three posters, so we installed 150 posters for each district or 900 framed posters for 3 districts. (e) Developed film on straw mushroom cultivation: We developed straw mushrroom cultivation based on film shooting in Yogyakarta and Karawang.

Performance Indicator 2: Local community members (including women) who are aware of environmental issues and sustainable natural resource decisions that they can participate in. 2.1. Development and promotion of appropriate technologies: We continuously develop environmentally sound TTG applicable on rural community and facilitated its adoption. In this Quarter, we have introduced several types of TTG: (a) Jamur merang/straw mushroom: We provided intensive facilitation and technical assistance on PNPM-Green straw mushroom cultivation sub-projects in VI Lingkung and Palembayan Sub-districts. We established straw mushroom demo-plots in Padang Pariaman and Agam Districts. Straw mushroom is developed on straw (jerami) growth media and suitable for warm climate. The benefits of straw mushroom cultivation: (i) suitable to grow in low-land areas (warm weather); (ii) enable to use straw, which widely considered as low value agriculture (rice) side-products; (iii) ready to harvest within 24 days; (iv) this can be developed on various scales; (v) high market demand and financially sound. We also developed the Film and the Manual on straw mushroom cultivation. (b) Trial the most efficient and effective local straw mushroom growth media composition in West Sumatra: We tested several local specific growth media materials and found that the most efficient and effective growth media composition is rice straw and the waste of Arenga Pinata tree extraction (ampas hasil ekstraksi pohon aren) which ratio 9 9

to 1; meaning that nine (9) parts are rice straw and one (1) part is Ampas Aren. See Photo 14. (c) Development of organic fertilizer made of former straw mushroom growth media: We introduced the way to recycle used straw mushroom growth media as organic fertilizer for paddy field cultivation. Straw mushroom growth media is mainly made of straw, used straw mushroom growth media can be processed as organic fertilizer to restore paddy field cultivation (From paddy field return to paddy field, Dari Sawah Kembali ke Sawah). (d) Vegetative Propagation for fruit trees: There are many emerging techniques to produce fruit trees planting materials enabling for today planting and tomorrow harvesting (kini menanam, esok memanen). We trained vegetative propagation for fruit trees to farmers groups such as cutting (stek), budding (okulasi), grafting (sambung), air layering (cangkok). We facilitated the existing nursery in Jorong Ambalu, Sikilir and Padang Toboh of VII Koto Sub-district and Jorong Sarang Gagak of VI Lingkung Sub-district to plant root-stock (lower stump) from generative propagation and to identifiy potential mother trees as source of entres (cutting) in the villages. 2.2. On the job training for PNPM-Green actors and beneficiaries at village level: This was conducted on five selected villages for each targeted sub-district. The training was also invited KVC and KVG (such as agriculture extension workers) from surrounding villages. The training topics were selected in response to community needs and mostly conducted as a preparation of PNPM-Green sub-projects implementation. To support learning by doing training, before training implementation, we facilitated KPMD, TPK and project beneficiaries to prepare materials, equipment and basic infrastructures relevant to the training topics. When the training is dealing on nursery, they have to prepare germination bed, poly-bags, organic fertilizer, seeds and seedlings for trainee’s practical activities. During the last quarter, we conduct the following trainings; (a) Tree nursery development and tree planting (K. Ambung Kapur and K. Toboh, VII Koto; K. Sarang Gagak, VI Lingkung; Kampung Gandum Village, Lebong Utara), see Photo 9; (b) Straw mushroom cultivation (K. Padang Toboh and K. Kampung Bonai, VI Lingkung, N. Salareh Aia, Palembayan), see Photo 10; (c) Organic fertilizer (K. Buluah Kasok, K. Sikumbang, K.Toboh Sikumbang, K. Toboh Mandailiang, K. Bungin, K. Kampung Surau, VII Koto; J. Salimpaung, Malalak); (d) Biogas installation (K. Kampung Bendang and K. Duku Banyak, VII Koto; K. Hilalang,VI Lingkung; K. Piliang, Batang Gasan; J. Gumarang 1, Palembayan); (e) Casia vera syrub (J. Salumpaung, Malalak); (f) CCB (Ladang Palembang and Kampung Dalam Villages, Lebong Utara; K. Kampung Tengah, K. Balai tengah and K. Tanjung-VI Lingkung). The total benefiaries of those training were 651 persons (183 males and 468 females). 2.3. Facilitated Straw Mushroom sub-project implementation in VI Lingkung and Palembayan Sub-districts: K. Padang Taboh and K. Kampung Bonai respectively received of 2011 block-grant to cultivate one unit straw mushroom, while N. Salareh Aia received 2012 block-grant to cultivate one unit straw mushroom. In Padang Pariaman, they have spent the first and the second block-grant fund disbursment to build Kumbung (mushroom house) and to conduct mushroom cultivation trial. Unfortunately, the trial failed and they were discourage to complete the project. The failures were also occured in many other PNPM-Green mushroom block-grant in West Sumatra Province. The situations have led PNPM-Green actors lost confident to complete the mushroom projects. The situation has challenged us to solve and complete the projects. After learning straw mushroom cultivation in Karawang and Yogyakarta during August 2012, we started to provide 10

technical assistances on three units straw mushroom incubation houses (Kumbung) which have already been established. We improved some techniques and changed the unsuitable infrastructures for mushroom growth. Fortunately our facilitation was successful and led to project beneficiaries happy and enjoy the first harvesting on September 25, 2012. Total harvested mushroom on each Kumbung was 250 kg. The success story have been acknowledged by PNPM Green actors, many of them and local NGOs visited VI Lingkung to learn straw mushroom cultivation (see Photo 16). They have learned the success story and asked us to support similar initiative there. In response to the success story, project beneficiaries of K. Padang Taboh and K. Kampung Bonai used the remaining fund (each IDR 19 millions) to build a new Kumbung. 2.4. Developed straw mushroom demo-plot in VI Lingkung Sub-district: Considering: (a) the need to promote ideal mushroom cultivation, such as ideal Kumbung size and construction and several methods on growth media sterilization; (b) Trial on the most effective local specific growth media materials; (c) financial analysis of mushroom business, we established straw mushroom demo-plot in K. Kampung Bonai. 2.5 Facilitated the establishment of tree nursery demo-plots in West Sumatra and Bengkulu: We replicated village nursery as we developed in N. Salareh Aia (Palembayan, Agam) in Padang Pariaman and Lebong Districts, it is a nursery complex supported with organic fertilizer production houses. We facilitated: (a) establishment of nursery facilities; (b) growth media preparation; (c) seeds germination; (d) nursery maintenance and organic fertilizer making. We made use the nursery pilot, which is currently used generative propagation, as embryo to develop vegetative propagation. The initiatives were conducted on K. Ambung Kapur, K. Toboh, VII Koto; K. Sarang Gagak, VI Lingkung; Kampung Gandum Village, Lebong Utara, Air Pawuk Village, Padang Bano. 2.6. Provided intensive technical assistances on tree planting sub-project in West Sumatra: We provided tree planting technical assistance on 5 selected villages on each subdistrict. This included: (a) Verification on the quality of tree seedlings; (b) Facilitation of planting activities to ensure that every single tree seedling will be planted properly according to its light demand, cropping pattern (open area or enrichment planting), physiographic of the planting sites (gentle or steep slope) etc. Technical assistances were delivered in K. Sarang Gagak, K. Balah Aie, K. Labuah, VI Lingkung; K. Toboh Baru, K. Simpang; Batang Gasan, K. Koto Muaro, K.Mandahiliang, K. Padang Jajaran and K. Barang-barangan, VII Koto, West Sumatra. 2.7 Provided intensive technical assistances on 2011 tree planting maintainances: We provided maintenance support on tree planting. Our support is composed of: (a) facilitated replanting (penyulaman) about 2 months after planting; (b) facilitated the making of organic fertilizer (Bokashi) and its application; (c) facilitated regular (every two months) weeding and soil tillage surrounding the planted trees. Such event is organized in association with regular village voluntary working day (‘gotong-royong’). The facilitations were provided at: K. Mandailiang, VI Lingkung; K. Sungai Ibur, K. Buluh Kaso, VII Koto; K. Koto Muaro, K. Barang-Barangan, K. Padang Jajaran, Batang Gasan; Nagari Baringin, Malalak. 2.8. Provided intensive technical assistance on biogas sub-projects in Padang Pariaman and Agam Districts, West Sumatra Province: Biogas sub-projects in Padang Pariaman District were a lot during 2012, we have invested considerable resources on the construction process to ensure that biogas installation done properly and work well. At the beginning (prior to the construction) we delivered trainings for TPK and project 11

beneficiaries, then we facilitated the construction process of all biogas sub-projects. We facilitated 56 units biogas installation; (a) K. Hilalang Gadang (10 units), VI Lingkung; (b) K. Mandaling/Duku Banyak (11 units); K. Kampung Bendang (17 units), VII Koto; (c) K. Piliang (3 units), Batang Gasan; (d) J. Gumarang 1 (14 units), Palembayan. 2.9. Continued Film screening through ‘My Darling’ awareness car in Padang Pariaman and Agam Districts: My Darling’ car: Since the end of June 2012, we have started to use awareness rising cars to disseminate environmental issues on sub-village (Jorong) level in West Sumatra and village level in Bengkulu Province. The topics of film screening are arranged in line with the main potential resource and environmental problems of the subvillage. Considering the strong roles of religious leaders/preachers (Ustad) and Customary leaders (Datuk), we used to involve them on the awareness campaign (See Photo 6). The awareness campaign using My Darling car are the following::(a) During the day: coordination with KVG and KVC; (b) During the night (8 – 11 PM): (i) Socialization on PNPM-Green; (ii) Film Screening; (iii) Environmental campaigns conducted by Ustat and Datuk; (iv) Discussion by delivering list of questions related with films content and PNPMGreen Program. To energize participants, we provided prizes for some actives participants (T-shirts and books, about USD 20 in total). Each film screening is normally attended by 80 – 150 people. Film screenings were also conducted during the day on secondary school (junior high schools) to support environmental education. During this Quarter, Film screening have been conducted on 22 sub-villages and attended by 1640 persons (See Photo 7), 5 secondary schools which attended by 313 persons (See Photo 8). 2.10 Facilitated catchment areas protection and rehabilitation on MHP beneficiaries in Agam and Lebong District : Our facilitation covered: (a) Technical assistance on the formulation of budget planning; (b) Participatory mapping of catchment areas boundary, critical lands and tree planting areas; (c) Tree nursery development; (d) establishment of organic fertilizer production house; (e) Facilitation on village regulation on catchment areas management (Air Pawuk, Padang Bano); (f) Inter-villages workshop on catchment area management planning. Facilitations were conducted on N. Maur Mudik, N. Gumarang, N. Bamban and N. Sipinang, Palembayan; Air Pawuk, Padang Bano. Village regulation in Air Pawuk had been completed in July, while inter-villages meeting to formulate catchment areas management planning in Palembayan held on 27 September, involved 40 KCV representatives from 8 Jorong. 2.11. Facilitated the establishment of mediun scale Biogas Installation at N. Guguak Kuranji Hilir, Sungai Limau, Padang Pariaman: There have been many block-grants invested on biogas construction within PNPM-Green but many of them are for household scale, thereby the direct beneficiaries in many cases are household rather than community group unit. The issue can be addressed if the biogas has big capacity and enable as common source of energy for the entire members group. To do so, we developed medium scale biogas (5 m3) on the respected farmer group in Padang Pariaman District named S3 (Sairing, Saiyo, Sakato). The farmer groups raise 10 cows in cage while the group will establish Tahu industry, the gas will use as source of energy to process tahu. The biogas construction which used fiber digester is under construction. 2.12. Facilitated the establishment of NRM and sustainable livelihoods demplots: Apart from the aforementioned demplots, in this quarter we also initiated the establishment of the following: (a) Arenga piñata nursery (Taba Baru Village, Lebong Atas); (b) Oyster mushroom cultivation (Enam Lingkung, Palembayan); (c) Preparation for vegetatif propagation (J. Ambalu, J. Sikilir, J. Sungai Ibur, and J. Toboh, VII Koto; J. Sarang Gagak, VI Lingkung; (d) establishment of rubber seeds orchard (Air Pawuk Village, Lebong 12

District); (e) Rehabilitation of coastal areas with Casuarina equisetifolia seedlings in Batang Gasan Sub-district. Performance Indicator 3.Adoption by regional governments of natural resources governance issues as an integral part of the policy development and decision making process. 3.1 Promoted re-adoption of ‘Conservation District’ in Lebong District (19-20 September): Each year every pilot district receive national fund to organize ‘semi-loka’ (workshop) event to promote PNPM-Green to SKPD and DPRD. Such strategic event was used to be organized in low profile manner by Lebong District PMD leading to the poor promotion of the program. In response to the situation, we offered technical assistance to support the organization of the event; The offer was warmly accepted by Lebong District PMD. We made use the important event to revive the ‘conservation district’ discourse which has long been forgotten. In 2004, Lebong District had proclaimed themselves as Conservation District, together with Malino, Kapuas Hulu Districts (East Kalimantan) and Kuningan District (West Java). By claiming as conservation district, they expected to receive special national and international investment to support sustainable development in their areas. This is reasonable, as 70% of Lebong District area is laid on protected areas (Kerinci Seblat National Park and Watershed Protection Forest/Hutan Lindung). The discourse was gradually disappeared after no clear follow-up on funding set-up. However, conservation district discourse for Lebong District is indeed still relevant as the district is a good model for sustainable development on district dominated by protected areas. This is supported by the following conditions: (a) conservation efforts on the district dominated by protected areas may be able to be supported with REDD+ scheme; (b) Ministry of Forestry Regulation on Village Forest/Hutan Desa (No. 49/200) and Community Forestry/Hutan Kemasyarakatan have provided strong legal aspects to enhance rural community access on land resources in the protected areas. With this background, we made use the ‘semi-loka’ event to stimulate discussion on conservation district. The theme of the workshop was: “Through PNPM-Green we strengthen sustainable development in Lebong toward Conservation District’. The two days workshop were so fruitful and successfully convinced SKPD and DPRD on: (a) the fact that Lebong District is dominated by protected areas should be seen as opportunity rather than burden; (b) Lebong District should be active to collaborate with Ministry of Forestry on the legal arrangement to enhance rural community access to HKM, HD and HTR (Hutan Tanaman Rakyat) schemes. CSO (OWT) will provide technical assistance on the preparation, such as mapping potential areas for HKM and link with officials in the Ministry of Forestry. See Photo 2. 3.2. Workshop for Customary and Religious Leaders on environmental management in Padang Pariaman (3 August 2012) and Agam District (4 and August 14, 2012): West Sumatra Population is dominated by Moslem with strong engagement on customary law. The roles of Customary Leader (Datuk) and Moslem preachers/leaders (Ulama/Ustat) is of equally important with government officials, either Datuk and Ulama are well respected leaders and being a powerful agents/motivator for sustainable development at local level. The training was aimed at inspiring Datuk and Ulama/Ustat on West Sumatra environmental issues and roles as a basis for Datuk and Ustat to direct their ‘ummat’ (followers) and remind government on the importance of natural resource protection and sustainable development. The workshop in Padang Pariaman District was attended by 40 (37 males and 3 females), while in Agam District was attended by 43 (42 males and 1 female). See Photo 5.


Performance Indicator 4: A sustainable capacity among both [PNPM] facilitators and [PNPM] stakeholders of all levels to continue the implementation of locally driven ‘green’ development investment and to expand its geographic coverage to new areas. 4.1. Promoted Mushroom cultivation as new income generating activity in West Sumatra: Mushroom is a potential Green income generating activities, the problems on mushroom cultivation are: (a) Lack of intensive technical assistant from experienced/skill person; (b) Difficulties to gain mushroom inoculants (F2). We successfully delivered technical assistances to convince rural community that mushroom cultivation is easy. The success story on Korong Kampung Bunei has attracted PNPM actors (FK, FT) and government officials to learn the making of mushroom as a source of income generating activity. Since the end of September, every week our field staffs receive 20 – 30 PNPM actors (FK, FT, Green Facilitator from surrounding sub/district), farmer champions and government officials to learn the key secret behind the success of mushroom cultivation. This provided strong basis on the adoption of PNPM-Green smart practices to PNPM-Rural and other programs. We will facilitate local community to develop mini-laboratory to establish mushroom inoculants (F1 and F2) in West Sumatra and Bengkulu. 4.2. Mainstream green activities through ‘Lestari Desaku’ Magazine: We commit to publish ‘Lestari Desaku’ Magazine on regular basis (every two months) as a way to mainstream green activities and strengthen village governance. During the last three editions (April, September and October 2012), we printed for 3000 copies of each edition and distribute the hard copies at national and province level (as away to mainstream PNPMGreen at national level), pilot (sub) district and village level (as away to provide strong technical assistance at grass-root level). We have already selected 12 of the existing farmer groups as ‘Lestari Desaku’ farmers groups by facilitating discussion on every edition of Lestari Desaku magazine in West Sumatra and Bengkulu. We also published the electronic copy of the magazine in the website and promoted on social media. This is the way to promote PNPM-Green on elegant fashion.

III. Financial Issues Since July, 1 until September 30, 2012 total disbursment was USD 156,304.07. This amount covers cost estimation for 2 quarters period April to June and July to September 2012 2. The withdrawal Application was submitted to the World Bank on May 7, 2012. This Fund request is the first advance of Operation Wallacea Trust to The World Bank and was paid on June 19, 2012. In this current quarter period July to September 2012, total project disbursement reached USD 60,977.12. This amount disbursed into (1) Category 1 for Dedicated Staff time as of USD 11,438.78; (2) Category 2 for Consultant Services, Training/Workshop, Goods, and other Operating Cost as of USD 48,095.48 and (3) Category 3 for Management Fee as of USD. 1,880.17. The fourth quarter of period October to December 2012, TF 011930 will have available fund as of USD 189,008.75. The detailed grant disbursement since April 20 until September 30, 2012 can be shown on the following table:


The Cost Estimation: Category 1 Dedicated Staff Time as of USD 22,274.73; Category 2 Workshop/Training, Consultant Services, Goods and other operating costs as of USD 127,157.84 and Category 3 Management Fee as of USD 6,871.51.


Table 1. Project uses of fund by category for quarter ended of 30 September 2012 Up to

June 2012 Dedicated time


Consultant Services, Training/Workshop , Goods, and other Operating Cost

Management Fee



July to Sept 2012

Total as of Sept 2012

Grant Allocation






















Challenges and Remedial Actions Over the Reporting Period

A. Response to the abundance of rice farming harvesting waste (Lessons Learned No. 3/2012) Straw is abundance in agriculture areas which is dominated by paddy field (sawah), such as Padang Pariaman, Agam and Lebong Districts. About 40% of harvested biomass during rice harvesting is composed of straw. Rice straw has poor economic values. Some farmers collect straw for cow fodder (yellow fodder) but it is less palatable compared to green fodders. Many farmers burnt straw on the rice land to enhance soil fertility, this led to carbon emission. Similarly with rice husk, milling husked rice produces 50-65% unhusked rice, rice husk (20-30%), and bran flour (812%). If 1 ha sawah produces 4 tons of rice, the rice husk production is 800-1200 kg. Unfortunately, so far local communities have not made use the abundant rice husks as a new source of income generating activities. Remedial actions: We have stimulated local community to use straw as raw material for organic fertilizer and straw mushroom, while we facilitated farmers to make rise husk charcoal for growth media. B. Response to the decline of Arenga pi単ata (Aren) population (Lessons Learned No. 4/2012) Rapid and unchecked land cover changes had declined the population of Arenga pi単ata (Aren). In Agam District, most of natural Aren tress has been converted into oil-palm plantation, while in Bengkulu Cacao plantation is mostly established at the expense of Aren plantation. Most of old Aren trees were established by natural succession process, the seeds were distributed by natural vectors (wild animal). The liquid of Aren flower is tapped for sugar; the Arenga sugar demand is still high while the supply is low due to lack of Aren trees, while man-made germination of Aren seeds often fail due to lack of communities technical assistances. 15

Remedial actions: In response to the technical problem, since July 2012, we facilitated the establishment of Aren Nursery in Lebong Atas Sub-district. We germinated 20,000 seeds and now 11,000 seeds have been germinated and have been move to poly-bags. We will develop manual on know-how on Aren seed germination and cultivation. C. The need to sustain edible mushroom cultivation at village level (Lesson Learned No. 5.2012) The main problem of sustainable edible mushroom production at village level in Sumatra is the availability of F1 and F2 (mushroom inoculants) at local level. Now the F2 is still bought from Java, which takes time to transport, while the price of F2 and the transportation cost is until 30 % to 40% of the total production cost. Proposed remedial actions: During the coming 6 months extension period (1 January – 30 June 2012), we will facilitate local community to establish mini laboratory to develop mushroom inoculants (F1 and F2).

V. Beneficiary Success Stories A. Straw mushroom cultivation enters Padang Pariaman and Agam Districts, West Sumatra (Beneficiary success story No. 3/2012) K. Padang Taboh and K. Kampung Bonai respectively received of 2011 block-grant to cultivate one unit straw mushroom, while N. Salareh Aia received 2012 block-grant to cultivate one unit straw mushroom. In Padang Pariaman, they have spent the first and the second block-grant fund disbursment to build Kumbung (mushroom house) and to conduct mushroom cultivation trial. Unfortunately, the trial failed and they were discourage to complete the project. The failures were also occured in many other PNPM-Green mushroom block-grant in West Sumatra Province. The situations have led PNPM-Green actors lost confident to complete the mushroom projects. The situation has challenged us to solve and complete the projects. After learning straw mushroom cultivation in Karawang and Yogyakarta during August 2012, we started to provide technical assistances on three units straw mushroom incubation houses (Kumbung) which have already been established. We improved some techniques and changed the unsuitable infrastructures for mushroom growth. Fortunately our facilitation was successful and led to project beneficiaries happy and enjoy the first harvesting on September 25, 2012. Total harvested mushroom on each Kumbung was 250 kg. The success story have been acknowledged by Green actors/stakeholderls, many PNPM actors and local NGOs then visited VI Lingkung to learn. They have learned the success story and asked us to support similar initiative there. In response to the success story, project beneficiaries of K. Padang Taboh and K. Kampung Bonai used the remaining fund (each IDR 19 millions) to build a new Kumbung.




Appendix 1: Link of Project Activities against Performance Indicators in West Sumatra and Bengkulu Province Performance Indicator 1: Well-trained Green PNPM facilitators and other local PNPM stakeholders, who can ignite and facilitate ‘green’ projects within PNPM not limited to those within Green PNPM Target Locations. No

Results Indicators Associated Activities 1 Increased capacity of GOI-contracted 1.1 Active engagement in design of 1.1.1 Continuing on facilitation of coordination meeting involving Green PNPM NMC ‘pre-service dan refresher training for consultants/ facilitators

consultants/facilitators to promote viable ‘green sub-project’ proposals (within and outside Green PNPM target locations

actors: Astal, FKL, Korkab OWT, Korcam OWT, PJO Kab PNPM, and PJOK in Agam District, West Sumatra Province 1.1.2 Continuing on facilitation of coordination meeting involving Green PNPM actors: Astal, FKL, Korkab OWT, Korcam OWT, PJO Kab PNPM, and PJOK in Padang Pariaman District, West Sumatra 1.1.3 Continuing on facilitation of coordination meeting involving Green PNPM actors: Astal, FKL, Korkab OWT, Korcam OWT, PJO Kab PNPM, and PJOK in Lebong District, Bengkulu Province

Continuous training modules designed and delivered to consultants

1.2.1 We have developed 7 series of modules on “Protection and Rehabilitation of Water Catchment Area” : (1) Concept on Protection and Rehabilitation of Water Catchment Area, (2) Technique of Water Catchment Area Mapping, (3) Nursery Establshment and Seedlings Propagation Technique, (4) Vegetative Propagation Technique, (5) Technique on plantation and maintaining, (6) Agroforestry, (7) Technique on Rehabilitation of Mangrove Area.

1.3 Post-training evaluations conducted by other partner CSO

1.3.1 We emphasize more intensive on technical assistances and mentoring in the field (sub-villages) to implement sub-project that already be trained to the beneficiaries and TPK.



Performance Indicator 2: Local community members (including women) who are aware of environmental issues and sustainable natural resource decisions that they can participate in. No

Results Indicators

Associated Activities


Increase in amount and quality of environmental information, education, and communication (IEC) material available to PNPM stakeholders

2a.1 Production and dissemination of quality environmental IEC material.

2a.1.1 Published and disseminated Magazine“Lestari Desaku’ (Sustainable Village); The Second Edition with the main topic is: Transforming waste into grace: Strategy to empower microorganism troop

2a.1.2 Designed and disseminated posters of Vegetative Propagation Seedlings 2a.1.3 Dinseminated of awareness media; factsheet / environmental information sheets, magazines and posters of environment, environmental films CD (Biogas, technique on nursery establishment, and Rehabilitation of Mangrove, Charcoal Briquette)



Women are actively engaged in the selection, planning, and implementation of sub-projects funded by PNPM-Green.

Increase in NRM training opportunities available to local community members (including women)

2b.1 Delivery of Technical Assistance (TA) to women’s’ groups in developing ‘green sub-project’ proposals.

2b.1.1 Already be given on the last period of report


Develop awareness materials and deliver gender training

2b.2.1 We collected material to develop gender training module that will be conducted on November 2012 in West Sumatera.

2c.1 Design and delivery of environmental awareness/training activities specifically targeting women

2c.1.1 Environmental awareness through door to door in women group and marginalized communities.

2c.1.2 Environmental film screenings for local community (including women and children) in each sub-village (Jorong/Korong)


Preaching for environmental awareness by mubaligh during Ramadhan 2c.1.3

2c.1.3 Conducted training for local communities, village cadres, and TPK on : (1) The use of organic waste for edible mushroom cultivation in Padang Pariaman and Agam District while the 80% of training participants were dominated by women, (2) Trianing on biogas installation, (3) nursery etablishment and seedlings propagation, (4) making of oraginc fertilizer 2c.1.4 Facilitated Word Bank and PMD Jakarta on monitoring and evaluation of PNPM Green Best Practices activities for components of implementation, training, and environmental awareness in Lebong District, Bengkulu Province 2c.1.5 Training for TPK (Team work in charge on executing project at village level) of PNPM Green 2012 in sub-district of Enam Lingkung, Padang Pariaman District 2c.1.6 Technical assistance on nursery establishment and seedlings propagation in sub-district of VII Koto and Enam Lingkung (Padang Pariaman District) 2c.1.7 Technical assistance on rehabilitation of coastal area in Batang Gasan Sub-district,coconut plantation in VII Koto Sub-district, and seedlings plantation in Enam Lingkung Sub-district (Padang Pariaman District) 2c.1.8

Technical assistance on biogas installation in Sub-district of Enam Lingkung, VII Koto, and Batang Gasan (Padang Pariaman District) and Pelambeyan (Agam District) 2c.1.9 Facilitated training on production of cinnamon syrop/kayu manis (Cinnamomum sp) in Malalak Sub-district, Agam District 2c.1.10 Socialization on development of Renewable Energy (biogas) in subdistrict of Batang Gasan, VII Koto, and Enam Lingkung (Padang Pariaman district) and Padang Bano (Lebong District) 2c.1.11 Facilitated on training of biobricket making in VII Koto sub-district 2c.1.12 Technical asiistance on selection of nutmeg/pala seedlings (Myristica fragrans) for plantation


2c.2 Design and delivery of environmental awareness/training activities specifically targeting children/youth 2d

Demonstrated links between TA provided by CSO and types of ‘green sub-projects’ chosen by communities to finance

2c.1.13 Facilitated on solar photovoltaic installation Environmental film screenings for young students (junior high schools and elementary schools) in District of Padang Pariaman, Agam, and Lebong.

2d.1 Environmental awareness raising activities.


Involving of the religious leaders on film screening activities on environmental awareness raising.at all sub-villages.

2d.2 Demonstration Plot


Establishment of biogas installation demplot with capacity of 5 m3 in Sungai Limau Sub-district (Padang Pariaman district) and Padang Bano sub-district, (Lebong District) Demplot estabishment of sugar palm/aren (Arenga pinata) seedlings propagation in Lebong Atas Sub-district (Lebong-District)



Improving and maintaining of village nursery and rubber tree hedge orchard demplot in Padang Bano Sub-district, Lebong District to produce good quality of rubber seedlings by grafting technique propagation

2d.2.4 Demplot establishment of merang mushroom cultivation (Volvariella volvaceae) in Enam Lingkung Sub-district (Padang Pariaman District) 2d.2.5 Demplot establishment of white tiram mushroom cultivation (Pleurotus ostreatus)) in Pelambayan Sub-district (Agam District)


Increase in community awareness of links between improved NRM practices and enhanced livelihood.

2e.1 Environmental awareness raising activities


Preparation for demplot establishment of fruit seedlings vegetative propagation techniques in VII Koto Sub-district (Padang Pariaman District)


Preparation for demplot establishment of inoculum propagation of merang and tiram mushroom.

2e.1.1 Initial marketing of merang mushroom in traditional market in Enam Lingkung sub-district (Padang Pariaman District)


Performance Indicator 3. Adoption by regional governments of natural resources governance issues as an integral part of the policy development and decision making process. No

Results Indicators 3a

Increased emphasis of NRM/environmental issues in local development plans.

Associated Activities 3a.1 Environmental awareness activities



3a.2Direct assistance in strengthening/developing local development plans/regulations (i.e. RPJM-Desa), training/review/revise RPJM-Desa at district level


Increase in local government awareness of links between improved NRM practices and enhanced livelihood.

3a.1.1 Facilitated and Key person of Workshop on PNPM-Green Best Parctices with parliements in Lebong District Facilitated and key person of Workshop on PNPM-Green Best Parctices with SKPD and PNPM stakeholder in Lebong District

3a.1.3 Sub-district Workshop on Potential and Problems of natural resouces in Sub-district of Enam Lingkung, VII Koto, and Batang Gasan (Padang Pariaman District) with PNPM stakeholder and related institutions in sub-district level 3a.1.4 Sub-district Workshop on Potential and Problems of natural resouces in Sub-district of Malalak, Palupuh, and Palembayan (Agam District) with PNPM stakeholder and related institutions in subdistrict level 3a.2.1 Facilitated on village regulation making process in Enam Lingkung Sub-district, (Padang Pariaman District)


Focus of discussions with BPMD concerning on implementation of the PNPM Exit : mechanisms of implementation in Lebong District


Technical assistance given to community proposal development teams.


Facilitated TPK and local community on review of the budget planning (RAB) of merang mushroom cultivation in Enam Lingkung Sub-district


Develop training material for government officials and work with PMD/NMC to deliver the training


We develop seven modules of Serial Modules on Protection and Rehabilitation of Catchment Area (see result indicator 1.2.1)


Performance Indicator 4: A sustainable capacity among both [PNPM] facilitators and [PNPM] stakeholders of all levels to continue the implementation of locally driven ‘green’ development investment and to expand its geographic coverage to new areas. No 4a

Results Indicators ‘Green sub-projects’ are sustainably managed beyond initial year of block grant funding.

Associated Activities 4a.1 Provision of continued technical assistance to communities in maintenance of ‘green sub-projects’

4a.1.1 Continuing of technical assistance to project beneficiaries to maintain PNPM-Green pilot 4a.1.2 Repaired of biogas installation at Malalak Sub-district (Agam District)

4a.2 Promoting networking of Tim Pemelihara (Maintenance Team)

4a.2.1 Facilitated on meeting of maintenance team and farmer group member to improve production of coconut oil in Batang Gasan Subdistrict

4a.3 Promoting demplot as a model for related sub-project sustainability

4a.3.1 Improved village nursery in Padang Bano sub-ditsrict as a semipermanent nursery to produce tree seedlings and dominated by vegetative propagation of good quality of rubber trees. 4a.3.2 Establishment of demplot of merang mushroom cultivation to provide information of the best treatments of mushroom media growth and inoculum production to sustain merang mushroom cultivation in Padang Tabo and Kampung Bonai sub village of Enam Lingkung sub-district that funded by block grant.


Increase of coordination between ‘green sub-projects’ implementation and other environment/NRM related activities in the region.

4b.1 Technical assistance provided to local government and communities in identifying means to link ‘green subprojects’ with other environmental projects in the region.

4b.1.1 Technical assistance on preparation of establishment of Community Village Nursery (Kebun Bibit Rakyat) funded by district forestry agency in Salareh Aia Village, Agam District


Implementation of locally driven ‘green’ development beyond its geographic coverage to new areas.

4c.1 Replicate Green PNPM smart practices beyond its geographic coverage

4c.1.1 Establishment of demplot of biogas in sub-district of Sungai Limau 4c.1.2 Facilitated on visiting of PNPM actors from Pasaman District and LP2M Padang to OWT Demplot in order to study on cultivation of merang mushroom that will be replicated beyond OWT geographic coverage



Increased capacity of local NGOs to manage and implement environmental awareness raising campaigns

4.d.1 Sub-contract support to local NGO

There were no activities during this reporting period

Appendix 2. Update and Proposed Workplan for West Sumatra and Bengkulu Province (Oct – December 2012 and Jan – June 2013) Targeted 2012 2013 No. of No. of Units Units Main Intervention Detail Activities from Jan from Sept 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 till June - Dec 2013 2012 A. Performance Indicator 1: Well-trained Green PNPM facilitators and other local PNPM stakeholders, who can ignite and facilitate ‘green’ projects within PNPM, not limited to those within Green PNPM Target Locations. Targeted No. of Units Until December 2012

No. of Units Achieved Until 30 Sept 2012

A.1 : Enhanced technical capacity of PNPM-Green Facilitators and ensure that PNPM-Green planning, implementation and maintenance process at field level comply with (Green)-PNPM spirits A.1.1. Enhance capacity A.1.1.1. Awareness campaign building of GF on for GF on the Daily facilitation activities PNPM-Green smart application of NRM and practices. RE technologies A.1.1.2. ToT for GF on NRM 2 1 13 24 1 1 1 and RE smart practices A.1.2. Facilitate GF monthly meeting with CSO and PNPM-Green actors at (sub)-district level A.1.3. Support GF to facilitate PNPMGreen cycles and ensure PNPM-Green planning and implementation inline with the spirits of CDD and 3


A1.3.1. Improve the quality of sub-project proposal A1.3.2. Improve verification process and MAD II A1.3.3. Improve the quality of sub-project proposals in MAD III and Budget

After Dec 2012: Setrawan and Maintenance Team facilitation After Dec 2012: Setrawan and Maintenance Team facilitation After Dec 2012: Setrawan and Maintenance Team facilitation

Training on gender for PNPM-Green facilitators Training for Setrawan, BKAD, Village Head and BPD on NRM 24

sustainable Planning development B. Performance Indicator 2: Local community members (including women) who are aware of environmental issues and sustainable natural resource decisions that they can participate in. B.1 : Enhanced communities participation, capacity building, access and control of women and youth on planning and implementation of NRM at village and Subdistrict level B.1.1. Awareness and B.1.1.1. Awareness for village stimulation to woman group (PKK) on women and youth to PNPM-Green process, 18 9 9 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 participate on NRM NRM, IGA and RE planning and smart practices implementation B.1.1.2. Awareness for youth group and students on 9 3 6 12 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 NRM smart practices B.1.1.3. Environmental awarness film screening at village 90 40 50 30 10 20 20 15 15 level B.1.2. Facilitate the B.1.2.1. Development of biogas development of application and innovative NRM, associated use for liquid 6 3 3 0 1 1 1 RE and IGA fertilizer and lighting in applicable to each all Districts pilot sub-districts B.1.2.2.a Utilization of rice husk and other organic waste for organic fertilizer 8 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 (Bokashi, Kascing) and other purposes in all districts B.1.2.2.b. Making Local Microorganisms (MOL) 9 3 3 3 for organic fertilizert B.1.2.3. Advance development of coconut based products (Virgin Coconut Oil/VCO, Coconut Shell Charcoal 3 0 3 0 1 1 1 Briquette/CCB and Nata De Coco) application in Agam and Padang Pariaman District


B.1.3. Provide awareness and motivation to village elites to involve women on NRM planning and implementation


B.1.2.4. Develop or poultry feed using organic waste in all districts. B.1.2.5.a Develop mini nursery to grow rootstock seedlings B.1.2.5.b Mother Trees selection for collecting of scion B.1.2.5.c Development of nursery of fruit trees species vegetative propagation B.1.2.6. Develop plastic and organic waste handicraft. B.1.2.7. Develop of food mushroom (white oyster/tiram putih or merang) production in Padang Pariaman, Lebong, and Agam Districts B.1.2.8 Development of central mini-laboratory on propagation of food mushroom inoculants B.1.2.9 Facilitate MHP catchment area protection and rehabilitation B.1.3.1. Intensive awareness and facilitation PNPM planning and implementation process B.1.3.2. Stimulate village community organizations and community groups to














































After Dec 2012: Village Head, BPD, KVC5 facilitation

After Dec 2012: Village Head, BPD, KVC facilitation

KVC = Key village champions (including KPMD) 26

monitor and evaluate PNPM-Green planning and implementation process B.2 : Enhanced awareness and capacity building of Key Village Government (KVG) on PNPM-Green smart practices at village and sub-district level B.2.1.1. Awareness campaign for KVG and village institutions (LPM, PKK After Dec 2012: Village Head, BPD, KVC etc) on PNPM-Green facilitation and the application of NRM and RE technologies B.2.1.2. Facilitate KVG on the development and review of RPJM Desa, Village 18 9 9 9 6 3 3 B.2.1. Capacity building on Regulation and the PNPM-Green smart application of NRM and practices to KVG. RE technologies B.3. Increased in amount and quality of environmental information, education and communication (IEC) available to PNPM stakeholders 2 (1000 copies) 8 (1000 copies) 6 (1000 copies) 3 (1500 copies) 3 (1000 copies)



3 (1000 copies)

B.3.6. Development of awareness T-Shirt

1 (1000)


1 (1000)

B.3.7. Development of awareness Board

9 (1)

B.3.8. Development of awareness Ballyhoo

27 (1)

B.3.1. Development of awareness films B.3.2. Development of training modules B.3.3. Development of leaflets B.3.4. Development of Poster B.3.5. Development of Booklet


3 (1000 copies) 4 (1000 copies) 6 (1000 copies) 1 (1500 copies)


1 1

9 (1)

1 2


1 1




1 1

1 (1000)





1 3



27 (1)

All IEC activities and priting were funded by PNPM-Green Sulawesi (TF-090977) 27

C. Performance Indicator 3: Adoption by regional governments of natural resources governance issues as an integral part of the policy development and decision making process. C.1 : PNPM-Green smart practices adopted by local government within pilot areas C.1.1. Workshop on PNPM-Green implementation and lessons learned

C.1.1.1. Kecamatan Workshop on problems and potential of NRM, RE and IGA application at village level. C.1.1.2. Kecamatan Workshop on PNPM-Green implementation and lessons learned at subdistrict C.1.1.3. District Workshop on PNPM-Green socializations C.1.1.4. District Workshop on PNPM-Green implementation and lessons learned C.1.1.5. Province Workshop on PNPM-Green implementation and lessons learned C.1.2. Facilitate the visits of SKPD and parliaments on PNPMGreen smart-practices sites C.1.3 Environmental C.1.3.1. Training and awareness awareness and for SKPD and training for SKPD parliament at province and Parliament level (in collaboration beyond PNPMwith provincial Green pilots areas government) C.1.3.2. Training and awareness for SKPD and parliament at potential (selected) districts (in collaboration with districts government) C.1.3.3. Training and awareness




































for camat at district level (in collaboration with districts government) C.1.4. Promotion of C.1.4.1. Exhibition of PNPMPNPM-Green smart Green smart practices at 1 1 1 practices within and province level beyond PNPMC.1.4.2 Exhibition of PNPMGreen pilot areas Green smart practices at 3 3 1 1 1 district level C.1.4.3 Develop and publish environmental 1 (500) S awareness books (“Nasling”) C.1.4.4 Develop Lestari Desaku 3 (1500) S 1 (3000) 3 (3000) 1 1 1 1 Magazine D. Performance Indicator 4: A sustainable capacity among both KDP facilitators and KDP stakeholders of all levels to continue the implementation of locally-driven ‘green’ development investment and to expand its geographic coverage to new areas. D.1.: Enhanced the capacity of PNPM Rural Facilitators (FK and FT) within and beyond pilot project areas on Green-PNPM smart-practices D.1.1

Enhance capacity building of FK and FT on Green-PNPM smart practices

D.1.1.1. Involved FK and FT within and beyond pilot projects on community 2 2 0 2 1 1 training activities at village and sub-district level D.1.1.2. Involved selected FK and FT within and beyond 2 2 0 2 2 pilot projects on GreenFacilitator trainings D.2. Enhanced awareness of and capacity building of Key Village Government (KVG) and Key Village Champions (KVCs) on Green-PNPM smart practices on villages of the neighboring Green-PNPM sub-districts

Awareness campaign and capacity building on Green PNPM smart practices to KVG and KVC from villages of the neighboring Green-PNPM sub-districts










D.3. Facilitate the maintenance of green sub projects, strengthen the institution and its environment and economic impacts D.3.1. Facilitate the implementation,

D.3.1.1. Technical during

assistance project

Daily facilitation


maintenance and development of PNPM-green sub project


D.3.1.2.Capacity building of Daily facilitation maintenance team D.3.1.3. Facilitate the maintenance of green sub Daily facilitation projects D.3.1.4. Strengthen the Daily facilitation community group institution D.3.1.5. Facilitate the enhancement of environment Daily facilitation and economic impacts of the green sub-projects D.4. Increased capacity of local NGOs to manage and implement environmental awareness rising campaigns D.4.1. Enhanced capacity building of local NGOs on PNPM-Green smart practices Training

D.4.1.1. Involved local NGOs within and beyond pilot projects on community training activities at village and sub-district level D.4.1.2. Involved selected local NGOs within and beyond pilot projects on GreenFacilitator trainings




















Appendix 3: Photo Galleries

Photo 1: PNPM-Green Coordination Meeting to accelerate completion of PNPM-Green subprojects in West Sumatra Province

Photo 3: Socialization and coordination of CSO roles to support PNPM-Green in Agam District

Photo 2: PNPM-Green Workshop (semi-loka) for SKPD and Parliament to promoted readoption of ‘Conservation District’ in Lebong District (19-20 September)

Photo 4: Kecamatan Workshop to identify environmental issues and natural resources potential and problems in Malalak, Agam District


Photo 5: Workshop for Customary and Religious Leaders on environmental management in Padang Pariaman

Photo 6: Preaching of Religious Leader (Ustat) during Film Screenings at sub-village level

Photo 7: Environmental awareness through My Darling Car in sub-villages

Photo 8: Environment awareness for Junior High Schools students


Photo 9: Training on tree seedlings propagation and nursery establishment in VII Koto Sub-district, Padang Pariaman District

Photo 10: Training on cultivation technique of straw mushroom in Salareh Aia Village, Agam District

Photo 11: Technical assistance on rehabilitation of coastal area using Casuarina equisetifolia seedlings in Batang Gasan Sub-district

Photo 12: Technical assistance on improving of rubber trees nursery to propagate good quality seedlings by vegetative propagation in Lebong District


Photo 13: Technical assistance on making of incubation house for merang mushroom growth in Agam and Padang Pariaman District

Photo 14: The growth of fruiting bodies of merang mushroom on several media growth composition in OWT Demplot

Photo 15: Production of fruiting bodies of merang mushroom from OWT Demplot

Photo 16: PNPM actors (UPK, FKL, FK, FT, BKAN and KVC) from Pasaman District learned straw mushroom cultivation to OWT demplot in Padang Pariaman District


Appendix 4: List of Training Delivery Activities


Title of Training/Awareness




Number of Participant Male Famale

Province Level 1









Training on NRM for Bukittinggi, West 02.07.2012 green facilitators and Sumatera Setrawan in West Sumatera, funded by DANIDA Field practical Sungai Ibur I and 04.07.2012 exercise of DANIDA Buluh Kaso, Kec. training participants VII Koto Training on NRM for Bengkulu Green facilitators and setrawan in Bengkulu, funded by DANIDA Training on “The role Padang, of microorganism� Sumatera for Facilitators and Stakeholders during PNPM-Green West Sumatra Province Coordination Meeting


West 31.08.2012

District Level Training on NRM for Meeting room of 03.08.2012 moslem and KBIH Baitullah, customary leaders in Padang Pariaman Padang Pariaman District Training on NRM for Bukittinggi 14.08.2012 moslem and customary leaders in Agam District Sub-district Level Training for TPK (Tim Kantor UPK Batang 19.07.2012 Pelaksana Kegiatan) Gasan Training for TPK (Tim Meeting House Pasa 14.09.2012 Pelaksana Kegiatan) Pakandangan, Kecamatan Enam Lingkung Training on Kecamatan VII Koto 29-09-2012 establishment of biogas installation

FKL, Setrawan



FKL, Astal, SPL, Setrawan, PJOK, CSO, Danida, local community FKL, Setrawan, PJOK,





PJO Prov, PJO Kab. Camat, SPL, Astal, FKL, CSO



Kementrian Agama, PJO Kab, PJOK, FKL, Astal, Korkab, Korcam, participants Kementrian Agama, PJO Kab, PJOK, FKL, Astal, Korkab, Korcam, participants





Korkab, korcam 17 Astal, UPK, PL and TPK, TP3, FKL, Korcam, 10 PL

Village technicians







for village technicians Training for TPK (Tim Pelaksana Kegiatan) Training for TPK (Tim Pelaksana Kegiatan) Training for TPK (Tim Pelaksana Kegiatan) Training for KPMD


Training for KPMD

Kec. Padang Bano



Training for TP3

Kec. Padang Bano


4 5 6


2 3









Kecamatan Palupuh




Kecamatan Palembayan Kecamatan Malalak







Kec. Lebong Utara


Korkab, ASTAL, FKL, PL, BKD, KPMD Korkab, korcam, FKL, Sakel tehnik, UPK, KPMD Korkab, ASTAL, FKL, TP3, Korcam,







Korkab, Korcam, TPK, KPMD, FKL, local community TP3 members





Korkab, Korcam, FKL, TPK, PL, local community FKL, TPK, PL, Korcam, local community





PJOK, UPK, FKL, Korcam, PL, TPK, local community PL, Korcam, TPK, FKL, local community





PL, Korcam, FKL, TPK, local community PL, TPK, Korcam, FKL, local community






PL, TPK, Korcam, FKL, local community




PL, TPK, Korcam, FKL, local community Sub-village technicians, FKL, PL, Korcam, OWT biogas specialist





Village Level Training on making of Korong Buluah 03.07.2012 organic fertilizer for Kasok, Sungai local community Sarik, VII Koto Training for TP3 Mudiak Palupuh 03.07.2012 Training on making of Korong Sikumbang, organic fertilizer for Balah Aie, VII local community Koto Training on making of Korong Malai coconut oil Tengah, Malai V (Senggan) Suku, Batang Gasan Training on making of Korong Toboh liquid organic Sikumbang, VII fertilizer Koto Training on making of Korong Toboh organic fertilizer for Mandailaing, local community Kecamatan VII Koto Training on weaving Korong Balah Aie, of Pandanus sp Koto Tinggi, VII Koto Training on seedlings Korong Surau propagation and Labuh, Toboh nursery Ketek, Enam establishment Lingkung Training on seedlings Korong Sarang propagation and gagak, nursery Pakandangan, establishment Enam Lingkung Training on making of Korong Bungin, organic fertilizer for Lareh nan panjang, local community VII Koto Training on making of Korong Kampung biogas installation Bendang, Sunagai Sarik, VII Koto




07.08. 2012








Training on Gumarang, Kec. 15.08.2012 establishment of Palembayan biogas installation Training on seedlings Korong Sarang 07.09.2012 propagation and Gagak Kecamatan plantation technique Enam Lingkung Training on processing Salimpaung, Kec. 08-09-2012 of Casia vera syrup Malalak

Local comminity, FKL, Korcam, OWT specialist Local community, FKL, PL, Korcam





Local comminity, FKL, Korcam, OWT specialist Local comminity, FKL, Korcam, OWT specialist Local comminity, FKL, Korcam, OWT specialist







Camat, PJOK, 23 setrawan, SPL, Astal, FKL, TPK, PL, wali jorong, OWT coordinator, Korcam, local community PJOK, setrawan, 14 Astal, TPK, PL, wali jorong, OWT coordinator, korcam, local community PJO, FKL, Korcam, 12 local community


PJO, FKL, Korcam, local community



Korong Padang 25.09.2012 Toboh Kecamatan Enam Lingkung

Korcam, TPK, local community



Salareh palembayan

Aia, 26.09.2012

Local community, PL, TPK, OWT



Korong Kampung 26.09.2012 Surau, Kecamatan VII Koto Korong Toboh, 28.09.2012 kecamatan VII Koto

Korcam, FKL, PL, TPK, local community OWT Coordinator, Korcam, FKL, PL, TPK, local community Korcam, TPK, local community








Training on Catchment Gumarang 1, Kec. 19-09-2012 Management Palembayan


Training on the use of Salimpaung, Kec. 20.09.2012 biogas-slurry for Malalak making of liquid organic fertilizer Training on straw Korong Padang 20.09.2012 mushroom Toboh Kecamatan cultivation Enam Lingkung



Training on mushroom cultivation


Training on making of bio-bricket of coconut shell charcoal Training on making of bio-bricket of coconut shell charcoal Practical training on processing of straw decomposing for mushroom media growth Training on straw mushroom cultivation Training on making of organic fertilizer for local community Training on seedlings propagation and plantation technique







straw Korong Kampung 22.09.2012 Bonai, kecamatan enam lingkung

Korong Toboh 24.09.2012 Mandahiling, kecamatan VII Koto Korong Kampung 24.09.2012 Tangah, Kecamatan Batang Gasan

Practical training on Korong Padang 30.09.2012 processing of straw Toboh, Kecamatan





decomposing for Enam Lingkung mushroom media growth Training on vegetative Kampung Gadung, 10.10.2012 propagation of Lebong Utara rubber tree seedlings for farmers

TP3, FKL, Korcam, farmer group




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