Reporting college and career readiness results to the public

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Reporting college and career readiness results to the public DQC Public Reporting Task Force | January 9, 2014


Today’s webinar is designed to address several questions: What are college- and career-ready indicators (CCR) and to what extent do states report them to the public? What considerations should states use when reporting CCR indicators? What are trends across states as well as emerging issues?


Categories of CCR indicators and reporting across states

CCR indicators fall along a continuum of readiness Progressing Toward CCR

Meeting CCR

Exceeding CCR


Students with “On-track to CCR” performance on assessments in middle and early in high school

Students in a graduating cohort with “CCR” level of performance on state anchor or college readiness assessments

Graduates with college-level performance on AP or IB exams

Course Completion and Success

High school students, by grade, with timely credit accumulation along a CCR course of study

Students in a graduating cohort who complete a CCR course of study

Graduates who have completed AP, IB, or dual enrollment courses


9th grade students with “ontrack” to graduation status based on grades and attendance in core courses in first grading period

Students in a graduating cohort who receive a college and career ready diploma Students in a graduating cohort who receive industry certification

Graduates who enroll into postsecondary education with no need for remediation Graduates who successfully complete at least one year of postsecondary education

Source: Adapted from Measures that Matter: Making College and Career Readiness the Mission of High Schools, Achieve and the Education Trust, 2008


States that use multiple CCR indicators in a variety of ways signal a commitment to readiness

INDICATORS the percentage of students who...


Earn a college- and career-ready diploma

Report school-level data to the public

Score college-ready on high school assessments

Set statewide performance goals

Earn college credit while in high school

Provide school-level incentives to improve

Are required to take remedial courses in college

Factor into accountability formula


Only one state, Florida, reports all categories of CCR indicators to the public

Data Source: Achieve, Closing the Expectations Gap 2013,


Guidance for states

Achieve has published several resources to provide guidance to states



Some guidance for calculating CCR indicators

The way states calculate CCR indicators matters for results Indicators should be criterion-referenced where possible (e.g. “percent of students meeting the CCR benchmark� rather than average score) to better capture changes in readiness Denominators should include all students, preferably all students in a graduating cohort (e.g. the 2012-13 graduating cohort rather than just students taking an assessment) to improve the stability of the indicator and its ability to portray the full picture of readiness for students in the school

This may mean that states will need to work with data providers to refine the way they receive data.


EXAMPLE: North Carolina reports the percent of all 11th grade students meeting benchmarks

Source: North Carolina ACT and WorkKeys Data Sets, http://



Reporting techniques can build understanding and raise the sense of urgency

States can use a number of strong techniques Reporting the number of students as well as percentages Building in comparisons - vertical comparisons such as school to district to state, horizontal comparisons such as school rankings or showing where the school’s performance lies upon a spectrum, or trends over time Highlighting disparities among student groups

Some data and functionality may need to live online (along a spectrum of static to interactive reports) while others can translate to a paper report that might be given to parents 11

EXAMPLE: Illinois reports the percent of students meeting ACT benchmarks with vertical comparisons to the district and state



EXAMPLE: Indiana compares CCR outcomes across student groups

Source: Indiana COMPASS reports,


EXAMPLE: Indiana compares school to state and district performance and trends

Source: Indiana COMPASS reports,


EXAMPLE: Michigan displays remediation data over time – and by student subgroup

Source: Michigan School Data, https:// ol.aspx


EXAMPLE: Maryland includes both percent and number of students graduating with CCR courses of study

Source: 2013 Maryland Report Card, http:// :3


EXAMPLE: Massachusetts DART shows the number and percent of students graduating with MassCore requirements over time

Source: Massachusetts DART system,


EXAMPLE: Texas uses student numbers to explain graduation rates

Source: Texas 2012 Campus Graduation Summary, http://


EXAMPLE: Australia’s MySchool shows student performance along a spectrum of similar schools’ results

Source: Australian Curriculum, Assessment, and Reporting Authority http ://


States can also use other techniques to better present the data in context

Adding “judgments” can enhance understanding of performance patterns Traffic-lighting – color-coding in categories such as red, yellow, green Presenting performance data against goals and benchmarks Ratings or classifications – these may include those used in the state accountability system, or be defined separately for measures used only in the report card


EXAMPLE: Kentucky shows actual scores against performance targets

Source: 2013 Kentucky School Report Cards, http://


Trends and issues

There are a few trends across states

Far better visibility and functionality Enhanced engagement with stakeholders, focus groups Greater influence from accountability on public reporting than in previous years – district/school report cards are becoming the primary way SEAs report data to the public Less top-level reporting of student subgroup-level results More states are using “combined” indicators More transitions “coming in 2015”


Emerging issues

How will states leverage reporting from new assessments aligned to CCR standards to answer critical questions from parents, policymakers and the public? How will states collaborate across agencies and sectors to get the right data to the right people at the right time? How might states use public reporting as a strategy to meet goals for students?


Reporting college and career readiness results to the public

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