ADP Network Webinar What Gets Measured Gets Done: Adding College-Course Completion to K-12 Accountability Systems January 27, 2012
Webinar Presenters
Alissa Peltzman, Director State Leadership & Policy Development, Achieve Dr. Joel Vargas, Vice President High School Through College, JFF Diane Ward, State Education Policy Director, JFF Dr. Margaret Reichrath, Deputy Superintendent, Georgia DOE
Today’s Objectives
Share a Vision for College- and Career-Ready Accountability
Provide Research Basis for Earning College Credits While In High School As College Readiness Strategy
Illustrate Variety of Emerging State Approaches
Outline Key Design and Policy Considerations
Evolving Accountability Systems
Current Systems
Next Generation
College and career readiness is peripheral
College and career readiness is central
Dominated by assessments
Assessments part of broader array of indicators
Raise floor
Raise floor & ceiling
Same label to all low performing schools
Low- performing schools differentiated & diagnosed
Driven by consequences for failure
Combines consequences with positive incentives & support 4
A New Vision of Accountability
Accountability systems need to reflect the goal of college- and career readiness for all students. Readiness must become the central driver. Readiness should not be viewed as a fixed state. Indicators should measure whether students are on a path toward, are meeting, and are exceeding college & career readiness. Accountability should provide actionable information to that can help improve teaching and learning. Indicators should help schools now how they are progressing and suggest where they need to focus attention.
Indicators that Value College & Career Readiness
Along the way toward college and career readiness
Meeting college and career readiness
Exceeding college- and career readiness
Course completion and success
ü Timely credit accumulation
ü Completion of college & career ready course of study
ü Participation in AP, IB and dual enrollment
ü Performance on aligned assessments early in high school
ü Meeting standards on anchor assessment
ü College-level performance on AP and/or IB exams
ü Graduation
ü Earning a collegeand career-ready diploma
ü Credit recovery
ü Postsecondary remediation rates ü Earning dual enrollment credits ü Application to and enrollment in postsecondary
Uses for College & Career Ready Indicators
Core school and district accountability determinations
Statewide performance goals
Public reporting
Positive incentives and rewards
Percentage of High School Graduates Who Earn College Credit While Still in High School
Annual Schoollevel Public Reporting
Hawaii Indiana
Statewide School-level Accountability Performance Incentives Formula Goals ü
ü ü
Source: Achieve Survey/Research, 2011
ü ü
Texas Utah
Kentucky Ohio
Defining the Indicator
The percentage of students who earn college credit through AP, IB and/or dual enrollment while still enrolled in high school. The denominator includes all students in a high school graduation cohort. The numerator includes the number of students earning credit for their college- and career-ready performance in AP, IB or dual enrollment.
These examples would not be recognized: Data reported at the state or district level, but not school level School report cards that list the % of 12th grade students tested and the % of exams with a score of 3 or more, but not the % of students scoring 3 or more # of students taking AP exams, # of AP exams taken, # of AP test scores 3 or higher, and % of test scores 3 or higher, but not the % of students earning a 3 or higher % of students enrolled in AP/IB programs and the % of students successful on AP/IB exams, but not the # of 12th graders earning college credit while in high school 9
ESEA Flexibility
Capitalizing opportunity for state leadership and momentum
College-Level Course Completion Is An Effective College-Readiness Strategy
Students become familiar with college expectations, academic behaviors, and habits of mind Students get a head start on postsecondary education and gain academic momentum toward a degree or credential Students develop college identity Promise of college credit for low-income students is motivational Early assessment and preparation for college courses focuses instruction and creates college-going culture
On Ramp to College
Research suggests that completion of college courses in high school is related to: Higher rates of high school completion Direct enrollment in college after high school Higher college GPA’s Persistence through the first two years of college Improving the likelihood of completing a postsecondary degree program
Greater Benefits for Low Income & Underrepresented Students
College in the High School
Education Pathways/ Supports
College Success
Encourages schools to prepare more students for success in college 13
State Approaches
• New College & Career Ready Performance Index - Post High School Readiness
• % of graduates earning high school/ college credit via Early College, Gateway to College, Articulated Credit, AP or IB courses • % of AP exams receiving scores 3 or higher and/or % of IB exams receiving scores of 4 or higher
Source: Georgia ESEA Flexibility Waiver Application, November 2011
• Missouri School Improvement Program Accreditation Standards
• % of graduates who earn a qualifying score AP, IB, TSA and/or who received college credit through dual enrollment, completed career readiness programs, placed in occupation directly related to training, continuing education or military within 6 mos. of graduating
Source: Missouri Revised MSIP 5 proposed at January 2012 SBE Meeting: stateboard/meetings/January/documents/scoringguide.pdf
• Indiana A-F Accountability • College & Career Readiness worth 10% Indiana • # of students who received at least 3 hours of college credit, industry certification, passed an AP or IB exam
Source: Indiana ESEA Flexibility Waiver Application, November 2011 files/grants-management/indiana-esea-flexibility-request-nov-14.pdf
• Louisiana Graduation Index Louisiana
• Graduation index = 30% school accountability score. • Schools get additional points for students taking a technical or dual enrollment college course or earned industry certificate
• Gold Performance Acknowledgment Standards Texas
• Districts and campuses recognized for performance on various indicators including: completion of dual enrollment college courses, AP/IB exams
Source: Louisiana: Louisiana Students College and Career Ready Report Texas: 2011 Accountability Manual, Chapter 5 - Gold Performance Acknowledgments: manual/index.html
Recommended Elements for Accountability Framework
Set goals for raising college-level course completion by high school students • Count all college-level courses completed satisfactorily in high school, but distinguish among dual enrollment, AP, IB options in report • Disaggregate data by income & race/ethnicity Include disaggregated data on school level report cards Factor into determinations Recognize schools/districts for meeting goals or showing improvement – especially those that serve more low-income and other underrepresented student populations.
Alissa Peltzman Director, State Leadership & Policy Development Achieve State Leadership & Policy Development Joel Vargas Vice President, High School through College Jobs for the Future Diane Ward Director of State Education Policy Jobs for the Future