Integrating EQuIP into Your State’s Common Core State Standards Implementation Strategy Tuesday, April 29th 3:00-4:00 p.m. ET
Alissa Peltzman, Vice President of State Policy & Implementation Support, Achieve Sasheen Phillips, Director of EQuIP and OER, Achieve
Reflections from State & District Leaders
• Welcome and Introductions • Overview of EQuIP • Reflections from State and District Leaders • EQuIP Resources and Tools • FAQ
Webinar Facilitators Alissa Peltzman Vice President, State Policy and Implementation Support Sasheen Phillips Director, EQuIP and OER
Overview and Objectives of EQuIP EQuIP = Educators Evaluating the Quality of Instructional Products •
EQuIP builds on a collaborative effort of education leaders from Massachusetts, New York and Rhode Island that Achieve facilitated. The outcome of that effort was the development of the “Tri-State Rubrics” and a quality review process designed to determine the quality and alignment of instructional lessons and units to the CCSS.
The objectives are two-fold: • •
Increase the supply of high quality lessons and units aligned to the CSSS that are available to elementary, middle, and high school teachers as soon as possible; and, Build the capacity of educators to evaluate and improve the quality of instructional materials for use in their classrooms and schools.
EQuIP Rubrics • The EQuIP rubrics are designed to evaluate: — Lessons that include instructional activities and assessments aligned to the CCSS that may extend over a few class periods or days — Units that include integrated and focused lessons aligned to the CCSS that extend over a longer period of time — The rubric is NOT designed to evaluate a single task or activity
• The intent is not to endorse a particular curriculum, product or template.
The Rubrics Organizes Criteria that Describe Quality Lessons/Units Criteria that define the rubric are organized to describe quality in four dimensions.
Roles & Sample Uses Role State education agency staff Superintendents Instructional Leaders & Curriculum Coaches
Classroom Teachers
Sample uses • Vetting materials to post on websites • Providing quality control/quality assurance with vendors • Creating model units • Vetting materials to post on websites • Providing quality control/quality assurance with vendors • Creating model units • Guiding professional learning community conversations about selecting materials and providing feedback on lesson and unit plans • Integrating into professional learning as a way to study the CCSS • Growing leaders by creating opportunities to create, vet and/or share instructional materials • Producing useful data about the quality and alignment of instructional materials and the capacity of educators • Guiding the creation of new materials • Reviewing and refining existing materials
Benefits of the EQuIP Quality Review Process •
• •
Collaboration – The EQuIP Quality Review Process is a collegial process used to come to common understanding and agreement about the alignment and quality of instructional materials across classrooms, schools, districts and states. Consistency – When a set of common criteria are used, all students, regardless of zip code or classroom, have instructional materials that set the same high standards and expectations. Equity – Educators across classrooms, districts, and states identify and use instructional materials that set the same rigorous standards for all students. Efficiency and Cost Effectiveness – Instead of each teacher, school, or state developing all of its own instructional materials, states now have multiple partners among whom they can share resources. Innovation – As model lessons and units are reviewed, identified, and posted, educators share effective ways to organize and plan CCSS-aligned instruction. 9
Reflections from State & District Leaders Name Merri Ann Drake
Position Idaho Core Coach
Organization Idaho State Department of Education
Elissa Farmer
Curriculum Specialist
Seattle Public Schools
Terri King-Hunt
Gifted Support Specialist
Atlanta Public Schools
Linda Schoenbrodt
Elementary Mathematics Program Specialist Founder
Maryland Department of Education Eduoptimus
Amy Youngblood
EQuIP Peer Review Panel Materials Submission Process • Purpose: Identify lessons and units that best illustrate the cognitive demands of the CCSS. The intent is not to endorse a particular curriculum, product, or template. • Materials Submission: Individual, state, district, school or organization may submit instructional materials aligned to the CCSS for review by the EQuIP Peer Review Panel in order to provide educators across the country with various models and templates of high quality and CCSS-aligned lesson and unit plans. • EQuIP Exemplars: Lessons and units identified as “Exemplars” and “Exemplars if Improved” will be posted on Achieve’s website and shared broadly.
Contact Information Alissa Peltzman Vice President, State Policy and Implementation Support, Achieve or 202-419-1573 Sasheen Phillips Director, EQuIP and OER, Achieve or 202-669-0143 Anne Bowles Senior Policy Associate, Achieve or 202-419-1553