Pgp acceleration brochure, april 2015

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The Acceleration Programme Master of Arts in Communication (Magister Ilmu Komunikasi) Corporate Communication Marketing Communication International Relations Communication Mass Media Management

Contents LSPR Profile ...........................................................................................................01 Why the London School of Public Relations-Jakarta is a good choice for you?..02 About LSPR - Jakarta ............................................................................................03 Programme Spesifics.............................................................................................04 Class Types.............................................................................................................04 About the Programme............................................................................................05 What are the Benefits?...........................................................................................06 Privillage ................................................................................................................06 The Faculty............................................................................................................. 07 Corporate Communication.................................................................................... 08 Marketing Communication.....................................................................................10 International Relations Communication................................................................12 Mass Media Management......................................................................................14 Registration Procedure..........................................................................................16 Facilities..................................................................................................................17 Career Centre.........................................................................................................18 Research and Community Service Centre.............................................................20 English Division.......................................................................................................21 Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi LSPR (LSP LSPR)................................................... 22 ASEAN Public Relations Network (APRN).............................................................23 Testimonials............................................................................................................24



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Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR Founder & Director of LSPR - Jakarta

University Partners Around The World The Acceleration Programme | 1

Why the London School of Public Relations-Jakarta is a good choice for you? • Our focus is YOU

We, at LSPR-Jakarta, are all compassionate with work and we aim at giving the best assistance, there’s no small or big request, you just have to approach our friendly staff and we will do our great effort to satisfy your concern.

• We have the best calibre lecturers

All our lecturers and practitioners are all in a high calibre scale of educational background, skills and experience. Each of them has proven something big in their respective fields and institution. They will also make sure that you will learn in a more enjoyable and lively way, making this an edge among other lecturers. Most importantly, they don’t do teaching as a hobby, they use it to slowly nurture you, develop your abilities and challenge you to reach your desired goal by the end of the programme.

• Comprehensive courses

We have comprehensive courses to ensure that we cover all the aspects that each of our graduates will be proud to have learnt. We will let you experience the Communication science in a higher and extensive scale because we aspire in giving you the best creative learning experience.

• An Elite Graduate School

We are proud to have the best movers and shapers in the Communication field that are leading the top companies in Indonesia and outside the country as well. With these selected few, we’re privileged to develop them and be competent and stand out in our ever evolving industry.

• International Standard Quality Education

Our Indonesian lecturers have International standards and our Native speakers that are experienced in Communication come from: Great Britain, Australia, Canada, Africa, America, India, Malaysia and the Philippines.

• Internationally recognized

LSPR-Jakarta works together with the Institute of Public Relations of Singapore, Institute of Public Relations Malaysia, Edith Cowan University, Australia and Shanghai Public Relations Association in holding seminars, workshops and exchange programs.

2 | The Acceleration Programme

About LSPR-Jakarta We are No. 1 in Indonesia as Best School of Communication 2014, declared by two well-known companies - MIX Marketing Communication Magazine and TEMPO. We were accredited by the National Accreditation Body of Higher Education in Indonesia (Badan Akreditasi Nasional – Indonesia), Grade ‘A’ for our Undergraduate Program in Communications Studies and Grade “B” for our Postgraduate Program. We are also ISO 9001:2008 & IWA 2:2007 for Quality Management System Fun and effective learning at LSPR-Jakarta (Experiential Learning) • Studio Room • Music Room • Recording Room • Radio Station International Exposure (Global Experience) • International Study Tour • Student Exchange • International Examinations : - Edith Cowan University, Australia - City & Guilds, UK • Visiting Professors • International Speakers

The Acceleration Programme | 3

Programme Specifics • Level • Qualification • Focus of Study • Majors offered • Total number of subjects • Total credits • Length of study • Medium of instruction • International subject

: Master of Arts in Communication : Magister Ilmu Komunikasi (M.Si), Equivalent to MA in Communication Studies (MA) : Communication : Corporate Communication Marketing Communication International Relations Communication Mass Media Management : 10 including Thesis : 44 : 4 semesters - approximately 24 months : Bilingual (English and Bahasa Indonesia) : Strategic Issues Management (ECU, Australia) Social Media for Business (City and Guilds, UK)

Class Types Honors

• Applicant must have at least a GPA of 3.0 in their S1 Programme • Applicant must possess a recommendation letter from their respective Dean • Entry Test requirements (City & Guilds, level 2)


• Applicant must have at least a GPA of 2.7 in the S1 Programme • Applicant must possess a recommendation letter from their respective Dean • Entry Test requirements (City & Guilds, level 1)

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About The Programme

LSPR-Jakarta has pioneered, developed and refined an intensive, high-level course designed to equip candidates with skills in Advanced Communication Management and Programme Formation. Its curriculum is designed for communication practitioners, or for those preparing for management responsibilities in the communication field. For those Public Relations and communication practitioners moving to senior management roles, the programme opens a broad range of opportunities for both personal and career development, focusing on communication problem-solving in a variety of situations. Technological, psychological and organizational designs are among the areas analysed and reviewed. Authentic case studies, including examples from the ASIA-Pacific Region, are extensively quoted on the course, and are supplemented with materials dealing with current issues before the public.

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What are the Benefits? Value for Money

Students can save on cost in the long run since they don’t have to spend for the cost of living and allowances for one semester.

Time Efficient

Students will save one semester. They will obtain both Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in five years instead of the ususal five and a half years.

Intergrated Approach of Theses

Students utilize an intergrated approach in conducting their S1 and S2 Programme Theses. The thesis in both programme are related-allowing for more in-depth and significant researches to be carried out. Students become highly competent in their specific thesis topics.

Cross Major

Students may choose to have two related study concentration-one for the Bachelor’s Degree and another for the Master’s Degree. For example, a student have a major in Public Relations for his/her Bachelor’s Degree and Marketing for his/her Master’s Degree.

Career Advice

Provide career education and motivation to all students and alumni to establish and expand their professional career in the field of communication at all levels.

Graduate in Style

As an LSPR Alumni, you may use all campus facilities such as learning resources in the library. Furthermore , you have an opportunity to take part in the graduation ceremony and may be invited in various LSPR events and activities

Privileges Introduction to Graduate Studies

Students will undergo Soft Skills Development Programme (Research skills & Learning skills).

English for Academic Improvement

To improve English proficiency level through English Remedial Course leading to TOEFL Predicted Test (English Instructor available full-time).

Thesis Counselling

Integrated (S1) Skripsi and (S2) Thesis, thesis advisers and thesis topics are provided by PGP Thesis department.

Internship and Career Counselling

The students can start his/her internship earlier during the semester break or prepare a Business Plan/PR Plan/Marketing Plan/Communication Plan for a corporation to fulfill internship requirement.

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The Faculty

• • • • • • • • • •

Dr. Rino F. Boer

Dr. J.A. Wempi, S.Sn., M.Si

Rudi Sukandar, Ph.D

Dr. Andre Ikhsano

Prof. Alo Liliweri

Prof. Nizam Jim Wiryawan

Nico A Wattimena, Ph.D, MCIPR

Dr. Bayu Prawira Hie, MBA

Gerald Ariff, Ph.D

Sania Makki, MBA, MM

Drs. Teguh Poeradisastra, MM

Hersinta, M.Si

Ari S Widodo Poespodihardjo, Ph.D

Ida Bayuni, MM

Goenawan Loekito, MM

Sue Davies, HND

Prof. Saleh Sjafraji Amalia E. Maulana, Ph.D Arno Kermaputra, M.Si Ir. Bambang Sumaryanto, M.Si, MBA Benny Siga Butar-Butar, M.I.Kom, MM Dr. Eddy Kurnia Drs. Eddy Setiohardono, MBA Drs. Eduard Depari, MA, M.Sc Dr. Hifni Alifahmi Dr. Iin Mayasari

• • • • • • • • •

Indrawadi Tamin, Ph.D Dr. Irwansyah Dr. Leonnard Ong Drs. Marco D Umbas, M.Si Dr. Soebandono Sriati Rusmin, M.Si Drs. Sri Tunggul Panindriya, MA Sumardy, Diplm. ACIM, MM Syafiq Basri Assegaff, MD, MA, CBM

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The CORPORATE COMMUNICATION study concentration prepares students to become the leaders of the Public Relations industry. It provides students with a working knowledge on Principles of Corporate Communication, Issues Management and Corporate Social Responsibility. In this manner, students are equipped with the proper skills and attitude to enable effective image management of private and public institutions as well as individual personalities.

Career Path after taking Corporate Communication concentration: • • • •

Public Relations Manager Corporate Communications Head VIP External Affairs Investor Relations Manager

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1. Methodology of Communication Research 4

This course will emphasize the deepening of some material on communication research methodology that uses quantitative and qualitative approaches. Highlights will be focused on the history of science; history of communication studies; linkage of the phenomenon, theories, and methods and characteristics of quantitative and qualitative approaches up to data analysis.

2nd Semester 1. Strategic Public Relations Planning 4

Communication practitioners are required to produce Strategic PR Planning for their organizations or clients all the time. Not many of them has the skill and background knowledge to produce one that is comprehensive, proper and operationable. This subject will provide students with guide for a solid plan that is common in the PR/Communication industry.

2. Principles of Corporate Communication 4 This course aids students to intelligently evaluate stakeholders’ attitudes, identify policies and procedures of an individual or organization with the public interest, and plan and execute a program of action to earn stakeholders’ understanding and acceptance.

3rd Semester 1. Advanced Communication Theory 4

This course will emphasize the skills of students to be able to determine the various theories of communication in accordance with the objects observed in the scope of work or their respective interests. Therefore, it is intended to provide in-depth understanding of the ability to determine the relevant communication theories.

2. Strategic Issues Management - leading to International Examination (Edith Cowan University, Australia)


Strategic Issues Management is one of the areas of public relations research and practice. It relates to crisis management, reputation management, image restoration and change management, among others.

3. Public Relations Ethics 4

It introduces students to the ethical public relations practices to counter the wrong perception about PR practitioners as “hired guns” who will say or do whatever it takes to accomplish the goals of their organizations and clients. Effective PR cases as well as examples of PR process in action will be presented as models for students.

4th Semester 1. Corporate Social Responsibility 4

This course introduces a comprehensive approach to managing situations which may turn into crises, and ways to handle crises once they occur. It will outline a number of potential crisis scenarios and involve students in practicalities of legal issues involved, the crisis management planning process and the nitty-gritty of handling crises as they unfold, following through after the immediate crisis dies down.

2. Crisis Communication 4

This course looks at different types of CSR activity, its development and wider context, and introduces key areas of debate. The essence of public relations practice is to apply communication to help an organization to develop and maintain reciprocal relationships with stakeholders (publics) that can influence their future and their businesses.

3. Seminar and Colloquium 2

This course will discuss in-depth and open proposal / research design, or the so-called research proposals, both for the thesis and non-thesis work. Through the course of this activity, students can apply the abilities and understandings with respect to the theory and methodology of communication research.

4. Thesis / Non Thesis 8 Total Credits 44

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The MARKETING COMMUNICATION study concentration prepares students to excel in the promotion aspect of Marketing – enabling them to become leaders given the stiff competition in the era of globalization. It provides students with a well-rounded curriculum to cover Marketing Communication Research, Customer Behavior, Market Analysis and Branding. Through this approach, students become successful in communicating the attributes of products, services or ideas to targeted and segmented audiences.

Career path after taking Marketing Communication concentration: • Product Manager • Brand Manager • Marketing Communication Manager

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• Marketing Director • Account Manager • Social Media Manager



1. Methodology of Communication Research 4

This course will emphasize the deepening of some material on communication research methodology that uses quantitative and qualitative approaches. Highlights will be focused on the history of science; history of communication studies; linkage of the phenomenon, theories, and methods and characteristics of quantitative and qualitative approaches up to data analysis.

2nd Semester 1. Consumer Behavior 4

Consumer behavior consists of cognitive, affective, and behavioral responses of consumers to products and services that effective marketers need to study aggressively. This course will help the student to interpret the internal psychological factors in the purchasing behavior of consumers that can help in coming up with an effective marketing strategy.

2. Strategic Marketing Communication 4

Communication practitioners are required to produce Strategic PR Planning for their organizations or clients all the time. Not many of them has the skill and background knowledge to produce one that is comprehensive, proper and operationable. This subject will provide students with guide for a solid plan that is common in the PR/Communication industry.

3rd Semester 1. Advanced Communication Theory 4

This course will emphasize the skills of students to be able to determine the various theories of communication in accordance with the objects observed in the scope of work or their respective interests. Therefore, it is intended to provide in-depth understanding of the ability to determine the relevant communication theories.

2. Social Media for Business - leading to International Examination (City & Guilds, UK)

This unit is endorsed by City & Guilds UK, the sector skills council for business and information technology. This unit is about using social networking for business in a cost effective and time efficient way.


3. Integrated Marketing Communication 4

Integrated marketing communications simply recognizes the need to plan and build-up all relevant marketing communications so that they work together in harmony to the greatest effect and with greatest efficiency.

4th Semester 1. Managing Marketing Communication 4

The key focus of this subject has been written from an academic perspective and seeks to provide a consistent appraisal of the ever-changing world of marketing communications. The intention is to stimulate thought, a ripple of consideration about a wide range of interrelated issues, and to help achieve this number of theories and models that are advanced.

2. Strategic Branding Communication 4

This subject is aimed for students to have the skills to develop, dissect, add, expand and measure brand equity in order to build a successful brand.

3. Seminar and Colloquium 2

This course will discuss in-depth and open proposal / research design, or the so-called research proposals, both for the thesis and non-thesis work. Through the course of this activity, students can apply the abilities and understandings with respect to the theory and methodology of communication research.

4. Thesis / Non Thesis 8 Total Credits 44

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The INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS COMMUNICATION study concentration prepares students to be international communication intellectuals and practitioners. Students will be equipped with theoretical knowledge and practical skills to deal with problems in the globalizations era. The course subject include Globalization in Politics and Economy, International Media Studies, Cross – cultural Communication, and Mediation and Advocacy in International Communication.

Career path after taking International Relations Communication concentration: • • • • •

Intercultural Communication Specialist Diplomat International Lobbyist and Negotiator Export Manager International Policy Analyst

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1. Methodology of Communication Research 4

This course will emphasize the deepening of some material on communication research methodology that uses quantitative and qualitative approaches. Highlights will be focused on the history of science; history of communication studies; linkage of the phenomenon, theories, and methods and characteristics of quantitative and qualitative approaches up to data analysis.

2nd Semester 1. International Media Studies 4

The students are expected to gain general knowledge and in-depth understanding about International Media dynamics.

2. Business Communication & Global Economics 4

This course will emphasize the deepening of a number of materials on business communication which is different with a personal communication approach. The subject will be focused on the characteristics of business communication in economy and global business today, which is too intense in demanding excellence in almost all aspects in order to win the competition.

3rd Semester 1. Regional Studies 4

This course is designed to introduce international relations and cooperation among the Southeast Asian nations and other regions. It studies regionalism and regional cooperation in Southeast Asia and examines how ASEAN as an entity has coped with various issues and challenges and managed regional order and stability.

2. Strategic Issues Management - leading to International Examination (Edith Cowan University, Australia)


Strategic Issues Management is one of the areas of public relations research and practice. It relates to crisis management, reputation management, image restoration and change management, among others.

3. Advanced Communication Theory 4

This course will emphasize the skills of students to be able to determine the various theories of communication in accordance with the objects observed in the scope of work or their respective interests. Therefore, it is intended to provide in-depth understanding of the ability to determine the relevant communication theories.

4th Semester 1. Argumentation & Advocacy 4

Argumentation is a form of instrumental communication relying on reasoning and proof to inform and influence belief or behavior through the use of spoken words, written messages and the language of visual images.

2. Globalization 4

Globalization is the analogy of “the world is very flat�, it is the multinational companies’ opportunity to expand its market globally.

3. Seminar and Colloquium 2

This course will discuss in-depth and open proposal / research design, or the so-called research proposals, both for the thesis and non-thesis work. Through the course of this activity, students can apply the abilities and understandings with respect to the theory and methodology of communication research.

4. Thesis / Non Thesis 8 Total Credits 44

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The MASS MEDIA MANAGEMENT study concentration prepares students to be professional media broadcaster. The course subjects include Media Planning & Production, Advertising Planning & Production, Mass Media Management, and Practical Semiotic.

Career path after taking Mass Media Management concentration: • • • • • • • •

Operational Manager Producer Media Relations Manager Account Director Creative Manager Media Planner/ Buyer Art Director Studio Manager

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1. Methodology of Communication Research 4

This course will emphasize the deepening of some material on communication research methodology that uses quantitative and qualitative approaches. Highlights will be focused on the history of science; history of communication studies; linkage of the phenomenon, theories, and methods and characteristics of quantitative and qualitative approaches up to data analysis.

2nd Semester 1. Mass Media Management 4

This subject gives the knowledge and perspective about management and mass convergence.

2. Practical Semiotic 4

This subject gives comprehension and experience in producing the meaning of symbols in brands to be able to communicate its cognitive, affective and conative marketing objectives.

3rd Semester 1. Media Planning & Production (TV, Radio & Printing)


2. Strategic Issues Management - leading to International Examination (Edith Cowan University, Australia)


This course provides knowledge, understanding and experience in composing, planning and producing TV & Radio content.

Strategic Issues Management is one of the areas of public relations research and practice. It relates to crisis management, reputation management, image restoration and change management, among others.

3. Advanced Communication Theory 4

This course will emphasize the skills of students to be able to determine the various theories of communication in accordance with the objects observed in the scope of work or their respective interests. Therefore, it is intended to provide in-depth understanding of the ability to determine the relevant communication theories.

4th Semester 1. Mass Media Political Economy 4

This course delivers awareness and understanding of the political economist, regulations, code of ethics and perspective of mass media.

2. Advertising Planning & Production 4

This course gives knowledge and cognition in composing advertising plan based on the principles of advertising industry.

3. Seminar and Colloquium 2

This course will discuss in-depth and open proposal / research design, or the so-called research proposals, both for the thesis and non-thesis work. Through the course of this activity, students can apply the abilities and understandings with respect to the theory and methodology of communication research.

4. Thesis / Non Thesis 8 Total Credits 44

The Acceleration Programme | 15

Registration Procedure

Application Form

Submit the Requirements

Entry Test

• The registration form is free • You may get the form at Marketing S1 (Campus C) or at Marketing S2 (Campus PGP)

• Fully completed application form • 2 sets of legally-certified transcripts & Diploma from the last educational institution attended • 2 sets of 3x4 professional ID photo (colored) • 1 photocopy of KTP or Passport/KITAS (for foreigners) • 1 photocopy of City & Guilds Certificate • TOEFL Test – composed of Grammar and Listening. This is to determine the English Proficiency level of the student. If the student fails to meet the passing score of 500, he/she is required to take the English Remedial class within LSPR for an additional fee of Rp. 1.300.000. • Note: Existing TOEFL certificate taken from other institution with 500 passing score can also be accepted • General Knowledge Test – can be taken in Bahasa or English (for foreigners) • Interview will be conducted by our respective Program Director

Acceptance Letter

• Wait for the Acceptance letter to be sent in your email 2-3 days after the interview then sign and submit to the Marketing & Admissions Department


• Pay the required amount of course fee at the specified banks

Fill-in KRS Form

• Fill-in your Subject Plan Form (KRS) at the Academic Bureau

Welcome to Postgraduate Acceleration Programme

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The Faculty

Student Lounge


English Division

Research Centre

Catering Service

Thesis Defence Room

WiFi Area The Acceleration Programme | 17

Career Centre About LSPR Career Centre:

LSPR Career Centre is one of the key drivers in LSPR’s Jakarta Learning Support Centre with the aims of providing career education, motivation and greater opportunities to all students and alumni in order to gudie their way to expand their professional careers.

Our Objective:

• To provide career education and motivation to all students and alumni to establish and expand their professional career in the field of communication at all levels. • To extend assistance to students by providing opportunities for jab placement. • To provide an avenue for LSPR-Jakartra students particularly those in the internship programme to have opportunity to gain real world work experience and develop professional competence. • To support students in developing their potential and capabilities in order to achieve a high level of success in their future professions.

Service Offered: • • • • • •

Internship Programme Career Guidance Seminar & Workshop Career Counseling Alumni Mentoship Programme Professional Course Job Placement Services

• Job Posting

Depends on the company demand, 2 working days process. The company that need to hire candidates from LSPR should send the qualifications and th positions that are needed. There are charges for job posting, depend on the package and distinguished into corporate partner and non corporate partner. Here are the charges details of the package

• Campus Hiring

Depends on the company demand. Prefer in Odd semester, before graduation (September-November) The company that need employees in large number, for example to open a new branch or was much needed employees, we suggest to have Campus Hiring in LSPR. The Campus Hiring set in one day. Firstly the company present their company profile to the alumni and the benefit by joining work in their company. After that some of the company has interview or psychological test to the candidates, it’s depend on the company needed. Sometimes the result announce in the end of recruitment section, but sometime the result announce later.

• Career Fair

Before Graduation (November-December) Many big companies participate in this programme. In this event we provide the alumni to search the job. LSPR Career Centre set this event after the alumni pass their thesis defense and before the graduation. This is the right time to grab the graduates because they newly graduate and haven’t got a new job.

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LSPR Career Centre Corporate Strategic Partners

The Acceleration Programme | 19

Research and Community Service Centre

During the 13th LSPR’s Anniversary celebration on Thursday, July 1, 2004, at Jakarta Media Centre, Gedung Dewan Pers, Jakarta, the Director of LSPR-Jakarta Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR inaugurated LSPR Research Centre for Excellence. The objective of establishing the Research Centre is amongst other things to pursue in-depth research for the interest of LSPRJakarta in terms of curriculum design, preparation of instructional materials for the lecturers as well as other esearch for our students. Furthermore, the Research Centre for Excellence is to conduct research in communication science, in particular for Public Relations, Mass Communications, Marketing and Advertising, and will expand soon by collaborating with National and International Institutions/Universities so that we can apply the result of the research to both the Indonesian & International study and work places. On 2014, LSPR Research Centre and Excellence now stand as Research and Community Service Centre (LPPM). Research and Community service Centre is to take part on giving guidance and agent of change in community widely and accessible for all.


The LSPR’s Centre of Excellence in Public Relations - Research Centre is aimed to generate both the academic community and the industry.

MISSION • • • • • •

To generate knowledge in the field of communication. To foster research culture in LSPR and community. To foster critical thinking in LSPR and community. To foster innovative thinking in LSPR and community. To foster links between LSPR and other institutions in communication research. To produce research work in the Public Relations and Communication field in general, society and instituitions in Indonesia, the religion and the world.

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English Division

Centre for “Excellence in English” WHY ENGLISH IS IMPORTANT TO OUR LSPR-JAKARTA STUDENTS? • • • • • • • •

50% english used as a medium for teaching Quality research resources e.g internet, books Your aim is to be a professional communicator International business language Indonesian employers seeking graduates with fluent english language abilities Further education overseas International work experience singapore & australia Work opportunities in international companies

WE WANT TO SEE YOU MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR TIME AT LSPR-JAKARTA AND REACH YOUR FULL POTENTIAL AS COMMUNICATION GRADUATES HOW CAN WE HELP YOU ACHIEVE THOSE DREAMS? • Providing you with extracurricular time to practise & learn english • Making sure you have the right skills for your future • Being available to help you in times of need

The Acceleration Programme | 21

A Public Relations professional must be equipped with a wide range of competence in respect of; knowledge, skills, and attitudes which are required for an appropriate professional attitude. Recognition has been agreed on, by various organizations that are related to amongst others; Associations of the Society of Public Relations, Institutions, Industries.Public Relations competence is not only associated with knowledge, skill and attitude, but also in understanding the necessary public relations code of ethics as the foundation of ethics in the profession. To achieve the needs of the plenary public relations, the public relations officer must take a proficiency test to gain a certificate of competence accredited by BNSP Indonesia. 1. Expert Public Relations

Before undertaking the expert level, you are required to take intermediary level. However, if you have a curriculum vitae or portfolio that supports study at expert level, you can sign up to follow this level after receiving approval from LSP - LSPR.

2. Managerial Public Relations

If you have a minimum 5 (five) years working as a PR Executive, you will be allowed to advance your level to managerial level by submitting your curriculum vitae and portfolio to LSP - LSPR. They will be examined and should be approved by the examination board

Certified Public Relations LEVEL 1




Junior Public Relations 3 Units

Intermediate Public Relations 3 Units

Expert Public Relations 3 Units

Managerial Public Relations 3 Units

Please contact: Hotline: 081510210120 For registration

Pre Assessment & Submission of documents

Level 1: Certificate in Public Relations

Level 2: Higher Certificate in Public Relations

Introduction to Public Relations PR Writing & Publicity Media Relations

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Public Speaking & Presentation skills PR Strategies & Tactics Intergrated Public Relations

Workshop & Training


Level 3:

Advanced Certificate in Public Relations

Strategies Issue Management International Public Relations Event Management

Certification & Awarding

Level 4: Managerial Public Relations Evaluation & Research Public Relations PR Campaign Programme Crisis Communications

ASEAN PUBLIC RELATIONS NETWORK Facing the challenges ahead of the ASEAN Community 2015, Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR, Founder & Director of LSPR-Jakarta who is also the chairperson of Perhumas (Public Relations Association of Indonesia), has taken the initiative to make LSPR-Jakarta as the centre for ASEAN Public Relations. LSPR-Jakarta, Centre for ASEAN Public Relations form a platform for Public Relations (PR) leaders, PR educators, PR practitioners and others in 10 ASEAN member countries with the aim to connect, meet, discuss, share current issues and create integrated programs that will develop the quality of PR in Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Vietnam and Laos. The platform name is ASEAN Public Relations Network. With the objective to champion connectivity, friendship and mutual understanding among ASEAN member countries, gaining skills and strength from one anothers PR best practices ; ASEAN Public Relations Network will conduct regular activities that benefit the PR society in general especially its members. To ensure that this objective is fulfilled, an annual conference, seminars and workshops will be organized to gather all PR professionals, PR institutions, PR associations from the ASEAN member countries to meet minds and discourse on pertinent PR issues affecting the South-East Asian region. Any collaborative efforts to strengthen the ties among the ASEAN member countries will be of the utmost priority for the network. Name of Organization : ASEAN Public Relations Network Abbreviation : APRN Formation : June 02, 2014 Headquarter : The London School of Public Relations Jakarta Centre for ASEAN Public Relations Address : Intiland Tower - Annexe 7th Floor Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 32 Jakarta 10220 – Indonesia Region served : South East Asia Membership : PR Associations, PR Institutions, PR Practitioners, PR Educators, Journalists (who are interested in PR), Researcher, etc


Vision Identity Community To be the highest holder of PR professional standards in ASEAN or its PR central.

Parent Organization : ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) Website : E-mail : Telp : 6221-5711999 Fax : 6221-5711888

MISSION 1. To facilitate between APRN member countries to create relations between practitioners, academics, and PR associations in ASEAN countries. 2. To advance mutual recognition in the pursuit of common goals, and promote awareness of the professional PR discipline among the ASEAN Community.

OBJECTIVES 1. Bond ASEAN friendship for PR practice and education in facing the challenges of ASEAN Community 2015. 2. Collectively strengthen and increase the competence of public relations practice. 3. To facilitate the activity of public relations practices and education in uniting ASEAN transnational cooperation. ACTIVITIES 1. To set guidelines for standard competency and knowledge in Public Relations 2. To create a universal code of conduct in PR practice 3. To standardize the practice as a pool of talents 4. To hold seminars, workshops, colloquium, conferences, forum discussions, visits, road shows 5. To hold joint projects, joint programs 6. To conduct joint research, journals and publications 7. To hold lecturer exchanges 8. To have student exchanges and to award scholarship grants 9. To have a directory of: a. PR Practitioners b. PR Educators c. PR Associations The Acceleration Programme | 23

Testimonials Angkie Yudistia

Marketing Communication Batch 3 Founder & CEO Thisable Enterprise As a hard of hearing person, it is not easy to focus in the field of communication, but studying communication at LSPR was my top choice. It turns out that the choice I made was the right choice for me. I fell in love with the world of communication and was determined to pursue a career in it. I started my career by working in several firms in marketing communication teams, and had many good and bad experiences. Work is my passion, but Social is my soul. So I decided to change my path, and took one that was the most suitable for me. After receiving a Master’s degree in Marketing Communications, I wrote the book “A Deaf Woman Without Limit” and then established Thisable Enterprise, a social business for society profit whose mission is to enable people with disabilities and inspire society, and I use marketing communication strategies to run this company.

Johan Jang Marketing Communication – Acceleration Batch 5 Director at Presentology, co-founder, Trainer and Lecturer

Learning in LSPR’s Master Degree had broaden and deepen my knowledge, skills and attitude as professional communicator. Combination between practical and academic teaching by experts lecturers, filled with challenges, enabled me to learn field of communication holistically and applied these in real working world. The program is perfect for anyone who wish to be globally competitive professionals and entrepreneurs. With my experience learning so many great things through this program, I am genuinely very proud to say that I am alumni from LSPR Master Programme.

Nabila Marsyanada Marketing Communication – Acceleration Batch 7 Singer and Presenter

I’m so proud for being part of LSPR. All of knowledge that I had is very useful for my career path and my social life . I gradually know more about communications and make it as a skill that I have for enhancing my career. PGP LSPR was an opportunity to explore my knowledge from its lecturers , staff and friends . Really wish LSPR will be able to keep providing the best quality of the alumni.

Liu Janice Puspasari Marketing Communication – Acceleration Batch 7 Project Manager at Cameo Productions

Many said an acceleration student will be overwhelmed because of busy schedules, but for me, it made me better and tougher.I was working on my non-thesis project in S1 and working full time when I enrolled in the Acceleration programme of LSPR. Yes, there are many obstacles along the way, but all is worth the effort. This program gave me a Master’s degree very efficiently, in time and money. Moreover, the knowledge I got from the classes, exams and from the experienced lecturers and practitioners brought me closer in achieving my biggest dream.

24 | The Acceleration Programme

The Acceleration Programme | 25

Campus Address London School of Public Relations - Jakarta Postgraduate Programme Intiland Tower Annex 9th floor Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 32 Jakarta Pusat 10220, Indonesia : +62 21 - 5790 4365 / 66 : +62 21 - 5790 4380 : : +62 815 1109 8699 / +62 855 8111 428 : @STIKOMLSPR : Postgraduate Programme STIKOM LSPR - Jakarta : 29D4D2E4 : lsprpgp

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