ACICS 2014 Annual Report

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2014 ACICS



























Institutional Effectiveness & Accountability



PURPOSE AND VALUE Like individuals, every man-made organization is made stronger through regular acts of retrospection and reflection. Assuring the quality of more than 900 colleges and schools across the US and internationally generates an intensity of activity that is not always conducive to sustained, deliberate contemplation of organizational purpose and values. The occasion of re-recognition, however, requires nothing less. In 2014, the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS) began preparing for another cycle of review with entities that grant the Council its authority to assure the quality and integrity of private, independent colleges and schools. They are the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) and the Accreditation and State Liaison Division (ASL) of the US Department of Education. ACICS’s recognition with CHEA expires December 2015, and the Department’s recognition expires December 2016. Partially in anticipation of the re-recognition cycle but mostly to continue to connect with core principles, the Council initiated and completed a strategic planning process in 2014 that produced stronger focus and clarity on that which is most important: students enrolled at member institutions. Among other outcomes, the Council developed and published a new “values” statement that reads, “ACICS is committed to the importance of a quality educational experience for all students.” Simply stated, the Council emphasizes the elements of the accreditation process that most directly and immediately impact the experience of current students in a positive manner. ACICS’s standards, program of quality assurance, governance structure, review process, and other factors have withstood sustained scrutiny in recent years, as have many member institutions. It is noble to pursue the transformation of the quality assurance discipline in the name of greater transparency, higher returns for student investment, better student achievement, and clearer consumer information. Measuring incremental, institutional progress toward these abstract outcomes, however, requires great patience and a high tolerance for ambiguity.



To me success means effectiveness in the world, that I am able to carry my ideas and values into the world - that I am able to change it in positive ways. — Maxine Hong Kingston


The working adults who enroll at ACICS member institutions are typically in pursuit of something more tangible and immediate than abstractions or lofty ideals. Their enterprise is tightly focused on completion and gaining access to economic opportunity. They may not be able to define quality in the esoteric and nuanced terms of the accreditation community, but they know quality when they encounter it; they recognize integrity when it is manifest; and they value student-centric education when it delivers on the promise of creating access to economic opportunity. ACICS will have the opportunity to defend its contribution to “higher education in the public interest” during the re-recognition cycle. Those granting authority will want to know how ACICS’s institutional purpose serves the public interest, and how its operations and actions protect and advance the quality, value, and defensibility of higher education in general. In 2014, ACICS’s introspection placed those expectations on solid footing: the knowledge and deliberate consideration of the interests of students and the quality of their educational experience. That solid ground provides stability for the accreditation enterprise every day, during every campus visit and every Council meeting. It is a high ground, indeed.


Albert C. Gray, PhD

Jeanne Herrmann

President & CEO

2014 Chair of the Board of Directors

Albert C. Gray, PhD, President & CEO; Jeanne Herrmann, 2014 Chair of the Board of Directors


Dr. Seth Balogh Chief Academic Officer/Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Bryan University

Dr. Dennis Trinkle Provost/Chief Academic Officer Harrison College

Dr. Lawrence Leak Former Interim Provost & Chief Academic Officer University of Maryland University College

Ms. Linda Blair Dean & Chief Academic Officer Spencerian College

Ms. Beth Wilson Executive Vice President Everest College

Ms. Julie Blake Vice President, Operations Eagle Gate College Group

Mr. Miguel Angel Rivera Dewey University

Ms. LaShondra Peebles, JD Vice President & Chief Compliance Officer, School Policy, Accreditation, and Compliance Division, Kyle Law Group

Mr. John D. Euliano, Chair-Elect Board of Directors American Higher Education Development Corporation Dr. Edward G. Thomas, Treasurer Professor Emeritus of Marketing Cleveland State University Mr. Luis Llerena Executive Director, CBT College Dr. Albert C. Gray, President & Chief Executive Officer ACICS, Ex Officio

Ms. Jeanne Herrmann, Chair Chief Operating Officer Globe University/Minnesota School of Business Dr. Ruth Shafer Lindenwood University, Adjunct Professor, Master of Education and Administration Programs Dr. Mary Anne Ramirez Campus Dean, Stratford University

Not shown: Mr. William L. Atkinson* Executive Director Florida Technical College

* replaced commissioner resignation in 2014


People, like nails, lose their effectiveness when they lose direction and begin to bend.

— Walter Savage Landor



ACHIEVE INVEN MENTTORY Providing quality assurance that preserves the best and immediate interests of today’s students requires an interest and knowledge of the students themselves: their life circumstances, their aspirations, their strengths, and their areas of greatest need. ACICS continues to acquire and analyze empirical information to inform the way it reviews and assures quality on their behalf.

Unlike newly minted graduates from college prep high schools (counted in the federal post-secondary education database as “full-time, first time” students), students enrolled at ACICS colleges and schools are typically part-time students, many of whom have attempted post-sec-

ondary education in the past. In addition, many are independent from parental financial support, 25 years old or older, have dependent children, and come from homes where neither parent has attained a bachelor’s degree. Also, most are also Pell grant eligible. (Source: IPEDS)

A substantial portion (nearly 60 %) of the students live and attend college outside of major metropolitan areas; their access to economic opportunity and post-secondary education is more limited than is expected for young adults living in a coastal urban center; and their needs are derived from the geography and communities where they live and raise their families (See Table 1).

Table 1: Geographic Distribution of ACICS Institutions by Population of Metropolitan Area Year

Major Urban >500,000

Secondary 150,000–500,000

Tertiary <150,000





















Competency-Based Education Based on this insight and the expectation that adult learners have acquired knowledge through a variety of sources and experiences that may not directly reflect classroom instruction, member institutions are actively seeking new and more relevant ways to measure and evaluate the competencies of their students. Specifically, learning that cannot be measured in clock hours or credit hours is still a valid achievement that deserves recognition and support from funding sources and the quality assurance community. In 2014, with guidance and interaction with the Department of Education, ACICS brought forward a comprehensive set of standards for the direct assessment of competency-based programs.

The Department’s examples of direct measures of competencies include “projects, papers, examinations, presentations, performances, and portfolios.” Among multiple requirements, an institution’s delivery of competency-based education is eligible for Federal Student Financial Aid (FSA – Title IV) participation if: • The institution successfully submits an application to the FSA division for specific programs; and • The programs are reviewed by a recognized accrediting body to ascertain their quality and educational equivalence in clockhours or credit-hours.

After vetting the draft standards and implementation plans with the Department, The Department’s guidance describes ACICS shared the proposed policy with competency based education as the membership, solicited feedback from the field, and made revisions and “new and creative program models adjustments. The Council adopted the in which students are provided with provisions as Section 3-1-504 and Section the means to acquire the knowlI of Appendix H, ACICS Accreditation edge and skills at an individual Criteria. pace to demonstrate achievement of specific competencies identified as necessary to complete a program and earn a degree or other credential.”(ED.GOV DCL ID GEN-13-10; March 2013)


Quality in International Education Colleges and schools serving international students at locations overseas have been accredited by ACICS for decades. From Western Europe through Southeast Asia, the demand for quality assurance under the ACICS banner has expanded the agency’s geographic footprint well beyond North America. In 2014, the demand for US-based accreditation review of international institutions offering professional, technical and occupational programs continued to grow. ACICS now accredits 16 international institutions; institutions in Italy, Malaysia, Albania, and Jamaica have applied for initial accreditation and will be reviewed through site visits in the near future. In aggregate, internationally-based ACICS colleges and schools now serve more than 20,500 students enrolled in campuses spanning Africa, Scandinavia, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, the Caribbean, Central America, and South America. More than 80% of the students are enrolled in programs at the bachelor’s degree level or above, including more than 60% in master’s degree programs.

applicable standards and policies in 2014. One category of standards is those that apply to partnerships with international institutions, either through formal agreements or through the placement of US students in “study abroad” activities. An important milestone in the development of quality assurance protocols for international and study abroad programs was the establishment of a formal relationship with the Forum on Education Abroad (, an independent authority on the quality and integrity of study abroad programs. The Forum’s membership includes hundreds of the world’s most prestigious and long-established colleges and universities. For ACICS institutions offering study abroad programs, the expectation is that the activity be reviewed by the Forum and the report submitted to ACICS. The Council will use the findings of the Forum to determine if the study abroad activity meets or falls short of ACICS standards.

The standards for study abroad activities, including the new requirement of review by the Forum, were shared with the field and adopted by Council as Appendix J of In response to the demand and in rec- the ACICS Accreditation Criteria. ognition of the opportunity to support institutional effectiveness on an international basis, the Council revisited


Formation of Public Policy Election-year politics at the state and federal level temporarily drew attention away from post-secondary education issues and controversy during 2014. However, on-going demands for greater accountability and transparency, and new ways to measure institutional effectiveness, created opportunities to explain and defend the value of self-governed, peer-reviewed accreditation. ACICS provided information and perspective on a variety of topics through formal, written communications and white papers. The topics were varied and the venues diverse, but they included perspective on the new Gainful Employment regulations and the overlap and conflicts with accreditation standards and peer-based review of institutional effectiveness; and the metrics integral to the new College Ratings System announced by the White House that are designed to supplement information used by students in making enrollment decisions.

Fits None: The Skills Gap and America’s On-Going Workforce Development Challenges, inventories some of the structural and episodic sources of unemployment and underemployment at the time of the reauthorization of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA). It discusses how many major employers are vexed by a lack of trained and capable workers, and the back-to-work initiative falls short in areas of accountability and relevance to contemporary workforce needs. Many ACICS schools provide training programs that are partially funded through WIA resources.

The second, Notwithstanding Title IV Eligibility: The Enduring and Ubiquitous Value of Institutional Accreditation, discusses at length the value of accreditation and peer-based quality assurance beyond the role as “gatekeeper” to federal student financial aid. The whitepaper, in part, responds to recommendations from Capitol Hill, some in the Department of Education, and others in the accreditation ACICS published two substantial whitepa- community that suggest accreditation and pers on contemporary issues confronting the Title IV gatekeeper functions should member institutions. The first, One Size be bifurcated.


The keys to brand success are self-definition, transparency, authenticity and accountability.

— Simon Mainwaring


ACICS Historic Archives In the wake of celebrating its Centennial in 2012, ACICS curated and documented its historic archives and made the digital manifestations available to the public for the first time in 2014 through the launch of the ACICS Historical Archives: 100+ Years of Quality Assurance. The history of ACICS and its predecessor organizations, spanning more than 100 years, directly illustrates the impetus for self-governance and voluntary quality assurance that came from the owners and operators of private career colleges and schools who founded the organization in Chicago in 1912. The nine collections of the ACICS Historical Archives, consisting of more than 20,000 pages, include periodicals as far back as 1921, monographs, annual reports and key operating statistics, published membership directories, official accreditation standards, manuscript school accreditation records, historic photographs, and a wide array of official historic documents. With the rich history of the ACICS community available online, history researchers and interested parties can better avail themselves of the deep and enduring context that validates the private, independent colleges and schools serving post-secondary students today.


Study history, study history. In history lies all the secrets of statecraft.

— Winston Churchill

AICS Annual Meeting, Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco, October 15, 1977.


The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined efforts of each individual.

— Vince Lombardi

ACICSEVALUATORS OF THE YEAR Every year, ACICS staff conduct more than 1,000 compliance visits to our member institutions. Every visit is built on a team of volunteer subject specialists who bring their knowledge and experience in higher education for the benefit of our members. We would like to congratulate the following evaluators for their selection by the ACICS staff as this year’s Top Evaluators. They exemplify the high standards and dedication ACICS seeks in all evaluators.

Dr. Harpal Dhillon - Evaluator of the Year For the last 15 years, Dr. Dhillon has been devoting most of his time to community activities, which include mentoring six small business owners; membership on advisory boards for three local universities/colleges; and participation in the activities of regional, national and specialized program accrediting organizations. For six years, Dr. Dhillon was an administrator and professor at three higher education institutions in the US and Europe. He is currently the CEO of a small company that provides expertise and services related to online instruction delivery and utilization of information technology for health care delivery and management.

Dr. Joyce Caton - Chair of the Year Dr. Caton spent 30 years as a teacher and supervisor of business education at the secondary, community college, and four-year college levels of education. She also served as a curriculum coordinator of business education, marketing education, consumer and family science, industrial technology, and health occupations. Dr. Caton has chaired or served as an education specialist on more than 100 ACICS team visits. She served as a public member commissioner on the ACICS Council from 20042009, serving as the ACICS treasurer for three of those years. During that time, she helped present accreditation, evaluator training, and chair training workshops.

Ms. Michelle Edwards - Student Relations Expert of the Year Michelle Edwards has garnered more than 16 years of corporate training and management experience prior to starting in proprietary education in 2008. Ms. Edwards is currently the Dean of Academics at Delta School of Business & Technology (Delta Tech) in Lake Charles, Louisiana, an ACICS-accredited institution since 1976. At Delta Tech, she manages department staff and directors, lead instructors, and all faculty members. She serves as part of the institution’s executive team and is the campus’s on-site administrator for ACICS. 15






Approvals 418 Deferrals 117 4 Denials




22 16

30 20 10 0



Voluntarily Withdrew



Fortis Institute, Birmingham ITT Technical Institute, Bessemer ITT Technical Institute, Mobile ITT Technical Institute, Madison Prince Institute - Southeast, Montgomery Virginia College, Huntsville Virginia College, Birmingham Virginia College, Mobile * Virginia College, Montgomery


Charter College, Anchorage


Anthem College, Phoenix Anthem College - Bryman School, Phoenix Art Institute of Phoenix, Phoenix Brookline College, Tempe Brookline College, Phoenix Brookline College, Tucson Brown Mackie College - Phoenix, Phoenix Brown Mackie College - Tucson, Tucson Bryan University, Tempe Carrington College, Mesa Carrington College, Phoenix Carrington College, Tucson Carrington College, Phoenix Carrington College, Phoenix Collins College, Phoenix Golf Academy of America, Chandler * ITT Technical Institute, Tempe ITT Technical Institute, Tucson ITT Technical Institute, Phoenix ITT Technical Institute, Phoenix Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts Scottsdale, Scottsdale Sanford-Brown College, Phoenix The Art Institute of Tucson, Tucson Tucson College, Tucson UEI College, Phoenix



ITT Technical Institute, Orange ITT Technical Institute, Lathrop Bryan University, Rogers ITT Technical Institute, Oxnard ITT Technical Institute, Little Rock ITT Technical Institute, Rancho Cordova ITT Technical Institute, San Bernardino ITT Technical Institute, National City ITT Technical Institute, Sylmar ITT Technical Institute, Torrance Academy of Couture Art, Beverly Hills ITT Technical Institute, San Dimas American University of Health Sciences, ITT Technical Institute, Clovis Signal Hill ITT Technical Institute, Culver City Anthem College, Sacramento ITT Technical Institute, San Dimas Bay Area College of Nursing, Palo Alto Bay Area Medical Academy, San Francisco ITT Technical Institute, Concord ITT Technical Institute, Corona Bergin University of Canine Studies, ITT Technical Institute, Oakland Rohnert Park ITT Technical Institute, Vista Bristol University, Anaheim Kaplan College, Sacramento Brooks Institute, Ventura Kaplan College, Bakersfield Brooks Institute, Santa Barbara Kaplan College, Clovis Bryan University, Los Angeles Kaplan College, Riverside California International Business Kaplan College, Chula Vista University, San Diego Kaplan College, Palm Springs California Miramar University, San Diego California University of Management and Kaplan College, Vista Kaplan College, San Diego Sciences, Anaheim California University of Management and Kaplan College, North Hollywood Sciences San Diego Branch, San Diego Kaplan College, Salida Kingston University, Norwalk Cambridge Junior College, Yuba City Laurus College, San Luis Obispo Cambridge Junior College - Woodland, Laurus College, Oxnard Woodland Charter College - Canyon Country, Canyon Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts, Sacramento Country Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts, Charter College - Lancaster Campus, San Francisco Lancaster Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts, Charter College - Oxnard, Oxnard Pasadena Charter College - Long Beach, Long Beach Learnet Academy, Inc., Los Angeles Coleman University, San Diego Lincoln University, Oakland Coleman University, San Marcos Design Institute of San Diego, San Diego * NewSchool of Architecture & Design, San Diego Empire College, Santa Rosa Northwestern Polytechnic University, EMSTA College, Santee Fremont Everest College, San Bernardino Pacific States University, Los Angeles Everest College, Santa Ana Premiere Career College, Irwindale Everest College, Ontario Golden State College of Court Reporting & Professional Golfers Career College, Temecula Captioning, Pleasanton SAE Institute of Technology, Los Angeles Golf Academy of America, Carlsbad * SAE Institute of Technology, San Francisco Herguan University, Sunnyvale Sage College, Moreno Valley International Academy of Design and Sage College, San Diego Technology, Sacramento


CALIFORNIA (Continued)

Santa Barbara Business College, Rancho Mirage Santa Barbara Business College, Bakersfield Santa Barbara Business College, Santa Maria Santa Barbara Business College, Ventura Santa Barbara Business College, Santa Barbara Santa Barbara Business College - Online, Ventura Shepherd University, Los Angeles Sierra Valley College of Court Reporting, Fresno Silicon Valley University, San Jose South Coast College, Orange Southern California Health Institute (SOCHI), North Hollywood Southern States University, Newport Beach Southern States University, San Diego University of Antelope Valley, Lancaster Westwood College - Los Angeles, Los Angeles * Westwood College-Anaheim, Anaheim Westwood College-Inland Empire, Upland Westwood College-South Bay, Torrance


Anthem College, Aurora Heights University, Denver Ecotech Institute, Aurora Everest College, Aurora Everest College, Thornton Everest College, Colorado Springs IBMC College, Fort Collins IBMC College, Greeley IBMC College, Longmont ITT Technical Institute, Westminster ITT Technical Institute, Aurora Prince Institute - Rocky Mountains, Westminster Redstone College, Broomfield Redstone College - Denver East, Denver Remington College, Colorado Springs Westwood College-Denver North, Denver *

Westwood College-Denver South, Aurora Westwood College-Denver South, Denver * Westwood College-Online, Broomfield

Everest University - Brandon, Tampa Everest University - Jacksonville, Jacksonville Everest University - Lakeland, Lakeland Everest University - Melbourne, Melbourne Everest University - North Orlando, Orlando Everest University - Orange Park, American Institute, West Hartford Orange Park Branford Hall Career Institute, Branford Everest University - Pinellas, Largo Branford Hall Career Institute, Windsor Everest University - Pompano Beach, Branford Hall Career Institute, Southington Pompano Beach * Harris School of Business, Danbury Everest University - South Orlando, Ridley-Lowell Business & Technical Inst., Orlando New London Everest University - Tampa, Tampa Ridley-Lowell Business & Technical Florida Career College, Lauderdale Lakes Institute, Danbury Florida Career College, Orlando Sanford-Brown College, Farmington Florida Career College - Boynton Beach, Stone Academy, West Haven Boynton Beach Stone Academy, Waterbury Florida Career College - Hialeah, Hialeah Stone Academy, East Hartford Florida Career College - Jacksonville, Jacksonville Florida Career College - Kendall, Miami Florida Career College - Margate, Margate Florida Career College - Miami, Miami Radians College, Washington Florida Career College - Pembroke Pines, Pembroke Pines Florida Career College - Riverview, Tampa Florida Career College - West Palm Beach, West Palm Beach American College for Medical Careers, Florida Medical Training Institute, Orlando Coral Springs Anthem College, Orlando Florida Medical Training Institute, Miami Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale, Fort Florida Medical Training Institute, Tampa Lauderdale Florida Medical Training Institute, Brown Mackie College - Miami, Miramar Jacksonville City College, Fort Lauderdale Florida Medical Training Institute, City College, Gainesville Melbourne City College, Miami Florida Technical College, Lakeland City College, Altamonte Springs Florida Technical College, Orlando City College, Hollywood Florida Technical College, Deland College of Business & Technology, Cutler Florida Technical College, Kissimmee Bay Florida Technical College, Pembroke Pines College of Business & Technology, Miami College of Business & Technology, Hialeah Florida Technical College, Cutler Bay Fortis College, Orange Park College of Business & Technology, Miami Fortis Institute, Jacksonville College of Business & Technology, Golf Academy of America, Apopka * Miami Gardens Harris-Casel Institute, Melbourne Digital Media Arts College, Boca Raton Institute of Healthcare Professions, Everest Institute, Miami West Palm Beach Everest Institute - Kendall, Miami





FLORIDA (Continued)

ITT Technical Institute, Jacksonville ITT Technical Institute, Lake Mary ITT Technical Institute, Hialeah ITT Technical Institute, Fort Lauderdale ITT Technical Institute, Tampa ITT Technical Institute, Tampa ITT Technical Institute, Fort Myers ITT Technical Institute, Tallahassee ITT Technical Institute, Bradenton ITT Technical Institute, Lake Mary ITT Technical Institute, West Palm Beach ITT Technical Institute, Ft Lauderdale ITT Technical Institute, Pensacola Jones College, Jacksonville Jones College, Jacksonville Jose Maria Vargas University, Pembroke Pines Kaplan College, Jacksonville Key College, Dania Beach Lasalle Computer Learning Center, Inc., Tampa Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts, Orlando Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts In Miami, Miramar Lincoln College of Technology, West Palm Beach Management Resources College, Miami Management Resources College, Miami Lakes Mattia College, Miami Medtech Institute, Orlando Millennia Atlantic University, Doral Professional Golfers Career Academy, Apopka Professional Training Centers dba Mattia College, Miami SAE Institute of Technology, North Miami Beach San Ignacio College, Doral Sanford-Brown College, Jacksonville Sanford-Brown College, Fort Lauderdale Sanford-Brown College, Tampa Sanford-Brown College, Orlando Sanford-Brown College Online, Tampa Sanford-Brown Institute, Tampa Sanford-Brown Institute, Orlando Schiller International University, Largo


Southern Technical College, Fort Myers Southern Technical College, Tampa Southern Technical College, Port Charlotte Southern Technical College, Orlando Southern Technical College, Bonita Springs Southern Technical College - Auburndale, Auburndale Southern Technical College - Mount Dora, Mount Dora Southern Technical College, Brandon, Brandon Southern Technical College-Sanford, Sanford Stenotype Institute of Jacksonville, Jacksonville The Digital Animation & Visual Effects School, Orlando Unilatina International College, Miramar University of Southernmost Florida, Jacksonville University of Southernmost FloridaHomestead Campus, Homestead University of Southernmost Florida-Coral Gables Campus, Coral Gables Virginia College, Fort Pierce Virginia College, Pensacola * Virginia College, Jacksonville


Anthem College, Atlanta Brown Mackie College - Atlanta, Atlanta Gwinnett College, Lilburn ITT Technical Institute, Duluth ITT Technical Institute, Kennesaw ITT Technical Institute, Atlanta ITT Technical Institute, Douglasville Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts, Tucker Lincoln College of Technology, Marietta Miller-Motte Technical College, Augusta Miller-Motte Technical College, Columbus Miller-Motte Technical College, Macon Pacific Institute of Technology, Morrow SAE Institute Atlanta, Atlanta Sanford-Brown College, Atlanta Virginia College, Augusta Virginia College, Macon * Virginia College, Savannah

Virginia College, Columbus Westwood College Atlanta Northlake, Atlanta Westwood College-Atlanta Midtown, Atlanta *


Broadview University - Boise, Meridian Broadview University - Boise, Meridian Brown Mackie College - Boise, Boise Carrington College, Boise Guardian College, Meridian ITT Technical Institute, Boise


Ambria College of Nursing, Hoffman Estates BIR Training Center, Chicago Computer Systems Institute, Skokie Computer Systems Institute, Chicago Computer Systems Institute, Gurnee Computer Systems Institute, Elgin Everest College, Merrionette Park * Gem City College, Quincy ITT Technical Institute, Orland Park ITT Technical Institute, Oak Brook ITT Technical Institute, Arlington Heights ITT Technical Institute, Springfield MDT College of Health Sciences, Inc, dba ATS Institute of Technology, Chicago National Latino Education Institute, Chicago Northwest Suburban College, Rolling Meadows PCCTI Healthcare, Oak Brook Prince Institute-Great Lakes, Schaumburg SAE Institute of Technology Chicago, Chicago Sanford-Brown College, Collinsville Sanford-Brown College, Tinley Park Sanford-Brown College, Hillside Sanford-Brown College, Skokie Sanford-Brown College-Chicago, Chicago SOLEX College, Wheeling Taylor Business Institute, Chicago

ILLINOIS (Continued)

Tribeca Flashpoint Media Arts Academy, Chicago Westwood College Chicago Loop, Chicago Westwood College DuPage, Woodridge Westwood College O'Hare Airport, Chicago Westwood College River Oaks, Calumet City


Art Institute of Indianapolis, Indianapolis Brown Mackie College - Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne Brown Mackie College - Indianapolis, Indianapolis Brown Mackie College - Merrillville, Merrillville Brown Mackie College - Michigan City, Michigan City Brown Mackie College - South Bend, South Bend College of Court Reporting, Hobart Harrison College, Elkhart Harrison College, Indianapolis Harrison College, Indianapolis Harrison College, Anderson Harrison College, Columbus Harrison College, Terre Haute Harrison College, Lafayette Harrison College, Evansville Harrison College, Fort Wayne Harrison College, Indianapolis International Business College, Fort Wayne International Business College, Indianapolis ITT Technical Institute, Indianapolis ITT Technical Institute, Newburgh ITT Technical Institute, Fort Wayne ITT Technical Institute, South Bend ITT Technical Institute, Merrillville ITT Technical Institute, Indianapolis Kaplan College, Indianapolis Kaplan College, Hammond Medtech College, Indianapolis Medtech College, Greenwood Medtech College, Fort Wayne National College, Indianapolis National College, South Bend

National College, Fort Wayne Radiological Technologies University VT, South Bend Sanford-Brown College, Indianapolis

National College, Pikeville National College, Lexington Spencerian College, Louisville Spencerian College, Lexington Sullivan College of Technology and Design, Louisville


Brown Mackie College - Quad Cities, Bettendorf ITT Technical Institute, Clive ITT Technical Institute, Cedar Rapids


Art Institutes International - Kansas City, Lenexa Bryan University, Topeka ITT Technical Institute, Wichita ITT Technical Institute, Overland Park Pinnacle Career Institute, Lawrence Wright Career College, Overland Park Wright Career College, Wichita


American School of Business, Shreveport Camelot College, Baton Rouge Career Technical College, Monroe Career Technical College, Shreveport Delta School of Business & Technology, Lake Charles ITT Technical Institute, St. Rose ITT Technical Institute, Baton Rouge Virginia College, Baton Rouge * Virginia College, Bossier City


Beal College, Bangor


Beckfield College, Florence Brown Mackie College - Hopkinsville, Hopkinsville Brown Mackie College - Louisville, Louisville Brown Mackie College - Northern Kentucky, Ft. Mitchell Daymar College, Paducah Daymar College, Bowling Green Daymar College, Owensboro Daymar College, Bellevue Daymar College, Madisonville Daymar College, Louisville Daymar College, Scottsville Daymar College, Louisville Daymar College (Online), Louisville ITT Technical Institute, Louisville ITT Technical Institute, Lexington Medtech College-Lexington, Lexington National College, Danville National College, Florence National College, Louisville National College, Richmond


Everest Institute, Silver Spring Fortis College, Landover ITT Technical Institute, Owings Mills ITT Technical Institute, Hanover Stratford University Baltimore Campus, Baltimore TESST College of Technology, Beltsville TESST College of Technology, Towson TESST College of Technology, Baltimore TESST College of Technology, Baltimore


Branford Hall Career Institute, Springfield ITT Technical Institute, Norwood ITT Technical Institute, Wilmington Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts Boston, Cambridge Lincoln Technical Institute, Somerville Lincoln Technical Institute, Brockton Lincoln Technical Institute, Lowell



Mildred Elley, Pittsfield Salter College, Chicopee Salter College: A Private Two-Year College, LLC, West Boylston Salter School, Tewksbury Salter School, Malden Salter School, Fall River Sanford-Brown College, Boston


Detroit Business Institute-Downriver, Riverview Dorsey School of Business, Madison Heights Dorsey School of Business, Southgate Dorsey School of Business, Roseville Dorsey School of Business, Wayne Dorsey School of Business, Detroit Dorsey School of Business - Lansing, Lansing Dorsey School of Business, Farmington Hills, Farmington Hills Dorsey School of Business, Saginaw, Saginaw Dorsey School of Business, Waterford/ Pontiac, Pontiac International Academy of Design and Technology, Troy ITT Technical Institute, Troy ITT Technical Institute, Wyoming ITT Technical Institute, Canton ITT Technical Institute, Swartz Creek ITT Technical Institute, Dearborn ITT Technical Institute, Troy ITT Technical Institute, Wyoming Kaplan Career Institute - Dearborn, Detroit Michigan Jewish Institute - The Shul, West Bloomfield Sanford-Brown College, Dearborn Sanford-Brown College, Grand Rapids Stautzenberger Institute, Allen Park


Academy College, Bloomington Anthem College, St. Louis Park Duluth Business University, Duluth Globe University, Woodbury Globe University, Woodbury Globe University - Minneapolis, Minneapolis Globe University - Minneapolis, Minneapolis Globe University - Moorhead, Moorhead ITT Technical Institute, Eden Prairie ITT Technical Institute, Brooklyn Center Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts, Mendota Heights Minneapolis Business College, Roseville Minnesota School of Business, Richfield Minnesota School of Business, Brooklyn Center Minnesota School of Business, Plymouth Minnesota School of Business, Waite Park Minnesota School of Business, Rochester Minnesota School of Business, Shakopee Minnesota School of Business - Blaine, Blaine Minnesota School of Business - Elk River, Elk River Minnesota School of Business - Lakeville, Lakeville Sanford-Brown College, Mendota Heights Sanford-Brown College, Brooklyn Center The Art Institutes International Minnesota, Minneapolis


ITT Technical Institute, Madison Miller-Motte Technical College, Gulfport Virginia College, Jackson Virginia College, Biloxi


Anthem College, Kansas City Bolivar Technical College, Bolivar Brown Mackie College - St. Louis, Fenton Bryan University, Springfield Bryan University, Columbia


Court Reporting Institute of St. Louis, Clayton Everest College, Springfield Everest College, Earth City Everest College, Kansas City Hickey College, St. Louis ITT Technical Institute, Arnold ITT Technical Institute, Earth City ITT Technical Institute, Kansas City ITT Technical Institute, Springfield Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts, Saint Peters Metro Business College, Jefferson City Metro Business College, Cape Girardeau Metro Business College, Rolla Metro Business College, Arnold Missouri College, Brentwood Pinnacle Career Institute, Kansas City Pinnacle Career Institute - North Kansas City, Kansas City Pinnacle Career Institute - Online Education, Kansas City Sanford-Brown College, Fenton Sanford-Brown College, Saint Peters Stevens - The Institute of Business and Arts, Saint Louis Texas County Technical College, Houston The Art Institute of St. Louis, Saint Charles


ITT Technical Institute, Omaha Wright Career College, Omaha


Anthem College, Las Vegas Art Institute of Las Vegas, Henderson Carrington College, Las Vegas Carrington College, Reno Euphoria Institute of Beauty Arts & Sciences, Henderson Euphoria Institute of Beauty Arts & Sciences, Las Vegas Euphoria Institute of Beauty Arts & Sciences - Summerlin, Las Vegas Everest College, Henderson ITT Technical Institute, Henderson

ITT Technical Institute, North Las Vegas Kaplan College, Las Vegas Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts, Las Vegas Morrison University, Reno Sanford-Brown College, Henderson


Lebanon College, Lebanon Salter School of Nursing & Allied Health, Manchester


American Institute, Clifton American Institute, Toms River Anthem Institute, Cherry Hill Best Care Training Institute, East Orange Branford Hall Career Institute, Woodland Park Drake College of Business, Elizabeth Drake College of Business, Newark Eastwick College, Ramsey Eastwick College, Nutley Eastwick College, Hackensack Harris School of Business, Cherry Hill Harris School of Business, Linwood Harris School of Business, Hamilton ITT Technical Institute, Marlton Lincoln Technical Institute, Edison Lincoln Technical Institute, Moorestown Lincoln Technical Institute, Paramus Omega Institute, Blackwood PC AGE Career Institute, Jersey City PC AGE Career Institute, Edison Sanford-Brown Institute, Iselin StenoTech Career Institute, Piscataway Universal Training Institute, Perth Amboy


Anamarc College, Santa Teresa Brookline College, Albuquerque Brown Mackie College-Albuquerque, Albuquerque Carrington College, Albuquerque ITT Technical Institute, Albuquerque


Art Institute of New York City, New York Branford Hall Career Institute, Bohemia Branford Hall Career Institute, Albany Branford Hall Career Institute, Amityville Cheryl Fell's School of Business, Niagara Falls Cope Institute, Brooklyn EDP School of Computer Programming, Brooklyn Elmira Business Institute, Elmira Elmira Business Institute, Vestal Emerging Technologies Institute, Forest Hills Everest Institute, Rochester Hunter Business School, Levittown Hunter Business School, Medford ITT Technical Institute, Albany ITT Technical Institute, Liverpool ITT Technical Institute, Getzville Long Island Business Institute, Commack Long Island Business Institute, Flushing Manhattan Institute of Management, New York Manhattan School of Computer Technology, Brooklyn Mildred Elley, Albany Mildred Elley-New York City, New York New York Institute of English and Business, New York Professional Business College, New York Ridley-Lowell Business & Technical Institute, Binghamton Ridley-Lowell Business & Technical Institute, Poughkeepsie SAE Institute of Technology New York, New York Sanford-Brown Institute, White Plains Sanford-Brown Institute, Garden City Sanford-Brown Institute, New York SBI Campus - An Affiliate of SanfordBrown, Melville Spanish-American Institute, New York


Brookstone College of Business, Charlotte Brookstone College of Business, Greensboro ITT Technical Institute, Charlotte ITT Technical Institute, High Point ITT Technical Institute, Cary ITT Technical Institute, Charlotte ITT Technical Institute, Durham Kaplan College, Charlotte King’s College, Charlotte Living Arts College @ School of Communication Arts, Raleigh Living Arts Institute @ School of Communication Arts, Winston Salem Miller-Motte College, Wilmington Miller-Motte College, Greenville Miller-Motte College, Cary Miller-Motte College, Raleigh Miller-Motte College, Fayetteville Miller-Motte College, Jacksonville South College-Asheville, Asheville The Chef’s Academy, Morrisville Virginia College, Greensboro


Beckfield College, Springdale Bradford School, Columbus Brown Mackie College - Akron, Akron Brown Mackie College - Cincinnati, Cincinnati Brown Mackie College - Findlay, Findlay Brown Mackie College - North Canton, Canton Daymar College, Lancaster Daymar College, Chillicothe Daymar College, New Boston Daymar College, Jackson Felbry School of Nursing, Columbus Fortis College, Ravenna Gallipolis Career College, Gallipolis Harrison College, Grove City Hondros College, Westerville Hondros College, Fairborn Hondros College, West Chester Hondros College, Independence Hondros College, Maumee


OHIO (Continued)

Hondros College of Business, Westerville ITT Technical Institute, Youngstown ITT Technical Institute, Norwood ITT Technical Institute, Dayton ITT Technical Institute, Strongsville ITT Technical Institute, Hilliard ITT Technical Institute, Warrensville Heights ITT Technical Institute, Maumee ITT Technical Institute, Columbus ITT Technical Institute, Akron ITT Technical Institute, Norwood Kaplan Career Institute, Brooklyn Kaplan College, Dayton MDT College of Health Sciences, Inc., Highland Heights Miami-Jacobs Career College, Dayton Miami-Jacobs Career College, Independence Miami-Jacobs Career College, Columbus Miami-Jacobs Career College, Sharonville Miami-Jacobs Career College, Springboro Miami-Jacobs Career College, Troy National College, Youngstown National College, Stow National College, Willoughby Hills National College, Columbus National College, Canton National College, Kettering" National College, Cincinnati" Ohio Business College, Sheffield Village Ohio Business College, Sandusky Ohio Business College, Hilliard Ohio Medical Career College, Dayton Ohio Valley College of Technology, East Liverpool Sanford-Brown College, Middleburg Heights Sanford-Brown College, Columbus Stautzenberger College, Maumee Stautzenberger College, Brecksville Trumbull Business College, Warren


Brown Mackie College - Tulsa, Tulsa Career Point College, Tulsa Clary Sage College, Tulsa


Community Care College, Tulsa ITT Technical Institute, Tulsa ITT Technical Institute, Oklahoma City Oklahoma Technical College, Tulsa Virginia College, Tulsa Wright Career College, Oklahoma City Wright Career College, Tulsa

Harris School of Business, Upper Darby ITT Technical Institute, Pittsburgh ITT Technical Institute, Tarentum ITT Technical Institute, Harrisburg ITT Technical Institute, Levittown ITT Technical Institute, Plymouth Meeting ITT Technical Institute, Dunmore ITT Technical Institute, Philadelphia Kaplan Career Institute, Broomall Kaplan Career Institute, Philadelphia Kaplan Career Institute, Philadelphia Carrington College, Portland Kaplan Career Institute, Harrisburg * Everest College, Portland Kaplan Career Institute - ICM Campus, Everest Institute - Tigard, Tigard Pittsburgh ITT Technical Institute, Portland Lansdale School of Business, North Wales ITT Technical Institute, Salem Laurel Business Institute, Uniontown Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts, Laurel Technical Institute, Meadville Portland Laurel Technical Institute, LLC, Sharon * Oregon Culinary Institute, Portland Lincoln Technical Institute, Philadelphia Pioneer Pacific College, Wilsonville Lincoln Technical Institute, Philadelphia Pioneer Pacific College - Eugene Branch, McCann School of Business & Technology, Springfield Carlisle Sanford-Brown College, Portland McCann School of Business & Technology, Sumner College, Portland Hazle Township McCann School of Business & Technology, Pottsville McCann School of Business & Technology, Sunbury Anthem Institute, Springfield McCann School of Business & Technology, Berks Technical Institute, Wyomissing Dickson City Bradford School, Pittsburgh McCann School of Business & Technology, Cambria-Rowe Business College, Indiana Allentown Cambria-Rowe Business College, McCann School of Business & Technology, Johnstown Wilkes Barre Cambria-Rowe Business College, School of Pace Institute, Reading Technology, Johnstown Penn Commercial Business/Technical Consolidated School of Business, York School, Washington Consolidated School of Business, Pennsylvania Institute of Health and Lancaster Technology, Mount Braddock * Douglas Education Center, Monessen PITC Institute, Glenside DuBois Business College, DuBois Pittsburgh Career Institute, Pittsburgh DuBois Business College, Oil City Sanford-Brown Institute, Trevose DuBois Business College, Huntingdon Sanford-Brown Institute, Pittsburgh Education and Technology Institute, South Hills School of Business and Greensburg Technology, State College Erie Business Center, Erie South Hills School of Business and Erie Business Center South, New Castle Technology, Altoona Everest Institute, Pittsburgh The Art Institute of York - Pennsylvania, Everest Institute, Bensalem York Fortis Institute, Erie Yorktowne Business Institute, York




American Educational College, Bayamon American Educational College, Vega Alta American Educational College, Toa Alta Atlantic University College, Guaynabo Colegio Tecnologico y Comercial de PR, Aguada Dewey University- Arroyo Campus, Arroyo Dewey University- Bayamon Campus, Bayamon Dewey University- Carolina Campus, Carolina Dewey University- Farjardo Campus, Fajardo Dewey University- Hatillo Campus, Hatillo Dewey University- Hato Rey Campus, Hato Rey Dewey University- Juana Diaz Campus, Juana Diaz Dewey University- Manati Campus, Manati Dewey University Mayaguez, Mayaguez EDIC College, Carolina EDIC College, Caguas Humacao Community College, Humacao Instituto de Banca y Comercio, Aguadilla Instituto de Banca y Comercio, Moca Instituto de Banca y Comercio, Yauco Instituto de Banca y Comercio, Hato Rey Instituto de Banca y Comercio, Guayama Instituto de Banca y Comercio, Cayey Instituto de Banca y Comercio, Manati Instituto de Banca y Comercio, Fajardo Instituto de Banca y Comercio, Ponce Instituto de Banca y Comercio, Mayaguez Instituto de Banca y Comercio, Caguas Instituto De Banca Y Comercio, Humacao Instituto de Banca y Comercio, Arecibo Instituto de Banca y Comercio, San Juan Instituto De Banca Y Comercio, Bayamon Instituto De Banca Y Comercio, Los Colobos, Carolina MBTI Business Training Institute, Santurce MBTI Business Training Institute, Fajardo MBTI Business Training Institute, Mayaguez MBTI Business Training Institute Bayamon, Bayamon PPG Technical College, Caguas Trinity College of Puerto Rico, Ponce

Universal Technology College of Puerto Rico, Aguadilla Universal Technology College of Puerto Rico, Camuy


Lincoln Technical Institute, Lincoln Ridley-Lowell Business & Technical Institute, West Warwick Sanford-Brown Institute, Cranston


Brown Mackie College - Greenville, Greenville Forrest College, Anderson Golf Academy of America, Myrtle Beach ITT Technical Institute, Greenville ITT Technical Institute, Columbia ITT Technical Institute, North Charleston ITT Technical Institute, Myrtle Beach Miller-Motte Technical College, Charleston Miller-Motte Technical College, Conway National Center for Credibility Assessment, Columbia Professional Golfers Career College-Hilton Head, Bluffton Virginia College, Greenville Virginia College, North Charleston Virginia College, Columbia Virginia College, Spartanburg Virginia College, Florence


Globe University - Sioux Falls, Sioux Falls Globe University - Sioux Falls, Sioux Falls


Anthem Career College, Nashville Anthem Career College, Memphis Daymar College, Nashville Daymar College, Clarksville Daymar College, Murfreesboro

International Academy of Design and Technology, Nashville ITT Technical Institute, Knoxville ITT Technical Institute, Cordova ITT Technical Institute, Nashville ITT Technical Institute, Chattanooga ITT Technical Institute, Johnson City Kaplan College, Nashville Miller-Motte Technical College, Clarksville Miller-Motte Technical College, Chattanooga Miller-Motte Technical College, Madison National College, Bartlett National College, Bristol National College, Nashville National College, Knoxville National College, Memphis National College, Madison SAE Institute of Technology dba SAE Institute of Technology Corp., Nashville Virginia College, Chattanooga Virginia College, Knoxville West Tennessee Business College, Jackson


American Commercial College, Odessa American Commercial College, San Angelo American Commercial College, Wichita Falls Anamarc College, El Paso Anamarc College, El Paso Anthem College, Irving Brown Mackie College - Dallas/Ft. Worth, Bedford Brown Mackie College - San Antonio, San Antonio Career Point College, San Antonio Career Point College, Austin Carrington College, Mesquite Court Reporting Institute of Dallas, Dallas Ecotech Institute, Austin Everest College, Dallas Everest College, Fort Worth Everest College, Fort Worth Everest College, Arlington Golf Academy of America, Farmers Branch International Business College, El Paso International Business College, El Paso


TEXAS (Continued)

ITT Technical Institute, Houston ITT Technical Institute, Arlington ITT Technical Institute, Austin ITT Technical Institute, Richardson ITT Technical Institute, San Antonio ITT Technical Institute, Webster ITT Technical Institute, Houston ITT Technical Institute, Desoto ITT Technical Institute, Waco ITT Technical Institute, San Antonio Kaplan College, Corpus Christi Kaplan College, Fort Worth Kaplan College, McAllen Kaplan College, Arlington Kaplan College, Beaumont Kaplan College, Brownsville Kaplan College, Dallas Kaplan College, El Paso Kaplan College, San Antonio Kaplan College, Laredo Kaplan College, Lubbock Kaplan College, San Antonio Lawyer's Assistant School of Dallas, Dallas Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts, Austin Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts, Dallas Lighthouse College, Dallas North American University, Houston Sanford-Brown College, Dallas Sanford-Brown College, Houston Sanford-Brown College, San Antonio Sanford-Brown College, Houston Sanford-Brown College, San Antonio Sanford-Brown College, Austin Texas Health and Science University, Austin Texas Health and Science University San Antonio, San Antonio Texas School of Business, Houston Texas School of Business-Friendswood, Friendswood The Recording Conservatory of Austin, Austin UEI College, Houston Vet Tech Institute of Houston, Houston Virginia College, Lubbock Virginia College, Austin



Art Institute of Salt Lake City, Draper Broadview Entertainment Arts University, Salt Lake City Broadview Entertainment Arts University, Salt Lake City Broadview University-Layton, Layton Broadview University-Layton, Layton Broadview University-Orem, Orem Broadview University-Orem, Orem Broadview University-West Jordan, West Jordan Broadview University-West Jordan, West Jordan Eagle Gate College, Murray Eagle Gate College, Layton Eagle Gate College, Salt Lake City Everest College, West Valley City ITT Technical Institute, Murray Neumont University, Salt Lake City Provo College, Provo


American National University, Salem American National University, Martinsville American National University, Lynchburg American National University, Harrisonburg American National University, Danville American National University, Charlottesville American National University - Northern Virginia Center, Manassas Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing, Richmond California University of Management and Sciences, Arlington Columbia College, Fairfax Everest College, Newport News Everest College, Chesapeake Everest College, Woodbridge Everest College - McLean, Vienna Fortis College, Norfolk Fortis College, Richmond Global Health College, Alexandria IGlobal University, Annandale

ITT Technical Institute, Norfolk ITT Technical Institute, Richmond ITT Technical Institute, Springfield ITT Technical Institute, Chantilly ITT Technical Institute, Salem Miller-Motte Technical College, Roanoke Miller-Motte Technical College, Lynchburg Sanford-Brown College, Mc Lean Sentara College of Health Sciences, Chesapeake Stratford University, Falls Church Stratford University, Woodbridge Stratford University, Newport News Stratford University - Alexandria Campus, Alexandria Stratford University - Glen Allen, Glen Allen Stratford University - Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach University of North America, Vienna Virginia College, Richmond Virginia International University, Fairfax Westwood College-Annandale, Annandale Westwood College-Arlington Ballston, Arlington


Carrington College, Spokane Charter College - Pasco Washington, Pasco Charter College - Vancouver, Vancouver Charter College Fife, Fife Charter College-Lynnwood, Lynnwood Everest College, Vancouver Everest College, Everett Everest College, Bremerton Everest College, Tacoma Everest College - Seattle, Seattle ITT Technical Institute, Everett ITT Technical Institute, Spokane Valley ITT Technical Institute, Seattle Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts, Tukwila Pinchot University, Seattle Sanford-Brown College, Seattle


American National University, Princeton American National University, Parkersburg ITT Technical Institute, Huntington Mountain State College, Parkersburg Valley College, Princeton Valley College, Beckley Valley College, Martinsburg West Virginia Business College, Wheeling West Virginia Business College, Nutter Fort West Virginia Junior College, Charleston West Virginia Junior College, Bridgeport West Virginia Junior College, Morgantown *


Globe University - Appleton, Grand Chute Globe University - Appleton, Grand Chute Globe University - Eau Claire, Eau Claire Globe University - Eau Claire, Eau Claire Globe University - Green Bay, Bellevue Globe University - Green Bay, Bellevue Globe University - La Crosse, Onalaska Globe University - La Crosse, Onalaska Globe University - Madison East, Madison Globe University - Madison East, Madison Globe University - Middleton, Middleton Globe University - Middleton, Middleton Globe University - Wausau, Rothschild Globe University - Wausau, Rothschild ITT Technical Institute, Greenfield ITT Technical Institute, Green Bay ITT Technical Institute, Madison ITT Technical Institute, Greenfield The Art Institute of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Wright Graduate University for the Realization of Human Potential, Elkhorn


IBMC College, Cheyenne


Antigua, West IndiesAmerican International College of Arts and Sciences-Antigua, St. John’s ANTIGUA & BARBUDA American University in Bosnia & Herzegovina, Tuzla BOSNIA & HERZEGOWINA The Art Institute of Vancouver Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA Trillium College Kingston Kingston, CANADA Trillium College Ottawa Ottawa, CANADA International College of the Cayman Islands Newlands, CAYMAN ISLANDS Niels Brock Copenhagen Business College Copenhagen, DENMARK Schiller International University Paris, FRANCE Schiller International University Heidelberg, GERMANY Stratford University New Delhi, INDIA California Miramar University Nairobi, KENYA Westhill College Distrito Federal, MEXICO Universidad San Ignacio De Loyola S.A., Lima, PERU Universidad San Ignacio Loyola Lima, PERU Schiller International University Madrid, SPAIN Niels Brock At Foreign Trade University Hanoi, VIETNAM

* Indicates Honor Roll Schools


ACICSFINANCIAL AUDIT REPORT The following pages reflect the review and findings of an independent financial audit of ACICS current accounts, cash position, assets and liabilities. The review establishes, for the information of the Board of Directors and the general public, ACICS’s capacity to sustain its operations and financial position. Once again in 2014, the independent auditor found ACICS to be in solid financial shape, with sufficient current assets and reserves to sustain its current level of activity and operations. The audit found no material weaknesses or abnormalities in ACICS’s system of financial control. The findings provide a solid foundation for ACICS to continue to fortify and expand its enterprise of quality assurance and institutional integrity.

















Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools 750 First Street, NE, Suite 980 Washington, DC 20002-4223 202.336.6780

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