ACIMIT Green Guide 2015

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MCL Global also publishes THE GREEN GUIDE TO ITMA series and the influential ECOTEXTILE NEWS magazine Design: G Gibson Creative Design | Edited by Acimit Servizi Updated on May 15, 2015 1

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The ACIMIT Green Guide 2015

The ACIMIT Green Guide 2015



Foreword to the ACIMIT Green Guide 2015 Attention paid to issues such as sustainability, safeguarding our environment and health is growing both in the realm of public opinion and with policy makers. Within this context, the textile and garments industry is considering adopting sustainable development as a business model that is more attentive to environmental issues. However, embarking on the road to sustainability as a means of promoting growth implies embracing innovation, both technologically and culturally. This process thus cannot forsake the use of technologies capable of supporting the industry’s manufacturers in the creation of sustainable products, while rendering their production processes more efficient. This is the reason why Italy’s textile machine manufacturers are promoting themselves as preferential partners in supplying sustainable technologies that make a rational use of resources, minimizing energy consumption and raw materials - in a word, becoming sustainable. ACIMIT’s “Sustainable Technologies” project supports the commitment of Italian textile machine manufacturers on issues related to sustainable innovation. In particular, the ACIMIT “Green Label” certifies the constant improvement of energy and environmental performances for the textile machinery it is affixed to, specifying each unit’s equivalent amount of carbon dioxide emissions (Carbon Footprint - CFP) produced during its operation. This Green Guide contains more detailed information on ACIMIT’s associated members who have adhered to the project, effectively becoming “Suppliers of Sustainable Technologies”.

Raffaella Carabelli ACIMIT President 4

The ACIMIT Green Guide 2015


The ICE Italian Trade Agency is the government organisation which promotes the internationalisation of Italian companies, in line with the strategies of the Ministry of Economic Development. ICE–Agency provides information, support and advice to Italian and foreign companies. In addition to its Rome headquarters, ICE operates worldwide from a large network of Trade Promotion Offices linked to Italian embassies and consulates and working closely with local authorities and businesses. ICE provides a wide range of services overseas helping Italian and foreign businesses to connect with each other: identification of possible business partners, bilateral trade meetings with Italian companies, trade delegation visits to Italy, official participation in local fairs and exhibitions, forums and seminars with Italian experts. With regard to the textile machinery industry, in order to consolidate and improve the trading conditions of Italian companies in the foreign markets, ICE-Agency has implemented promotional activities focused on the marketing of Italian textile production technology that best takes account of environmental protection and energy saving. The construction of environmentally friendly equipment is a valid response to the global demand for textile machinery, characterised by an increasing sensitivity and attention to environmental issues. Most textile companies see the use of technologies energy savings also as an opportunity to also bring down production costs and therefore become more competitive in the foreign markets. ICE-Agency, in collaboration with the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers (ACIMIT), intends to stimulate and guide Italian manufacturers of textile machinery towards environmentally friendly technologies and reinforce the image of Italian firms which operate in this sector as companies with a strong inclination for innovation.

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EDITORIAL The “Sustainable Technologies” project: the ACIMIT green label In an effort to promote growth, the textile industry is looking towards new production models and efficient processes from an energy standpoint, with a reduced environmental impact. The Italian textile machinery sector is working to provide technology solutions that place reduced consumption in energy, water and chemical products at the center of the production process, for a manufacturing cycle that is more responsible and mindful of consumption, while respecting the environment. Within this context, ACIMIT, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers, has realised the “Sustainable Technologies” project, in cooperation with the engineering firm D’APPOLONIA (, with the aim of developing and promoting some key issues for the textile industry. This initiative testifies the commitment of Italian textile machinery manufacturers to research and advanced solutions that respond to sustainability criteria. This commitment translates into environmentally efficient technology solutions that provide significant benefits to users, in terms of reduced production costs. The transparency of the technical information provided is the first step taken to make visible the attention placed by Italian machinery manufacturers on issues involving sustainability. At the centre of the Sustainable Technologies project is the ACIMIT green label, designed by ACIMIT and used by its members. ACIMIT associated companies adhering to this initiative can avail themselves of a descriptive label (named the ACIMIT green label) which demonstrates the efficiency of their machinery, complying with an "energy labeling" type approach.

What is the ACIMIT green label? The ACIMIT green label is a document that aims to identify the energy and environmental performances of textile machinery and make them easily recognisable and comprehensible, using a process designated by the manufacturer as an evaluation parameter. The green label is thus a self-certification of compliance by the machine manufacturer, who assumes the burden and the responsibility of revealing to third parties certain significant characteristics of the machinery. In the absence of an internationally recognised standard for the classification of energy and/or environmental performance levels for textile machinery, Italian machinery manufacturers are promoting an instrument whose goal is to demonstrate some key performance data for their machinery. This information can also be compared with competitors. Enhanced awareness of excellence in technology and sustainability is, in fact, an element that boosts the strength of the Italian textile machinery industry, which is in the front line in order to promote sustainable solutions. 6

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EDITORIAL Specifically, the quantity of equivalent emissions of carbon dioxide (Carbon Footprint CFP) produced during the machine’s operation, is the parameter that has been chosen to provide an environmental efficiency value to the machinery being labeled. Italian textile machinery manufacturers who wish to use the ACIMIT green label must comply with the Sustainable Technologies project by adhering to and respecting a memorandum of understanding, as well as a rigorous compliance standard defined by ACIMIT. By underwriting and complying to this standard, Italian machinery manufacturers who use the ACIMIT green label formalise in writing their commitment to respect the procedures and tests defined by the implementation regulation deliberated by ACIMIT. The ACIMIT Supplier of Sustainable Technologies registered trademark is the symbol that identifies Italian textile machinery manufacturers who comply with the Sustainable Technologies project, and thus use of the ACIMIT green label. The “Green Certified� trademark is a new logo that has just been introduced, and it serves to identify labeled machinery.

The ACIMIT green label - a certified standard At ITMA ASIA + CITME 2012, ACIMIT introduced the certified version of this instrument. In fact, an international certification body, RINA, has validated the green label issuing process and the evaluations it contains. Based on a standardised and certified procedure, a third party verifies (for some manufacturers, drawn from those participating in the project every year) both the evaluation criteria and operating conditions of the machinery being assessed for the labeling process. Other trademark labels exist in the industrial machinery sector that assign sustainability compliances to manufacturers; in actual fact, these are simply self-referenced labels of an exclusively promotional nature. They fail to provide technical criteria (i.e. measurable values) that justify the attribution of the sustainability trademark. Above all, their claims are never verified by third parties. With this further evolutionary process, Italian manufacturers are able instead to provide potential customers machinery performance information that has been verified by an internationally recognized certification organisation.

The ACIMIT Green Guide 2015



ACIMIT’s green label, a way towards a sustainable future The textile machinery sector is not governed by specific standards or directives that force manufacturers to calculate, declare and provide measures to reduce their environmental footprint. It is our opinion that a complete legislation on this matter, that would define standard references and procedures for calculating the performances of such machinery, is an important but still long term objective. Moreover, a sudden duty of sustainability procedures implementation or compulsory limit compliance could even bring the risk of overcharging manufacturers with a completely new subject to take care of. In this framework, the great value of ACIMIT’s “Sustainable Technologies” project and of the Green Label, is to have built a structured and smooth path, for accompanying the textile machinery industry towards an increased sustainability awareness, the first beneficiary of which is the group of textile producers. A company that enters the “Sustainable Technologies” programme, in fact, commits itself to accomplishing, step by step, the milestones of the sustainability path, from the assessment of its machines performance to the reduction of their overall carbon footprint. Through the carbon footprint history reported on the Green Label, the customers of ACIMIT’s associates could check the improvement of textile machinery, year by year, and get a tangible evidence of the machine producers’ environmental advancements. Being directly related to energy and process material efficient use, such reduction of the environmental impact confirms also the will for a continuous challenge towards the decrease of the process costs the machine is designed for. The “Sustainable Technologies” project groups all the Italian textile machines manufacturers sensible on sustainability theme and characterized by a use of “Life Cycle Thinking” approach as a driver for development. These companies are aware of the meaning of sustainability and know the main instruments of LCA (Life Cycle Analysis) to assess the environmental performances of their products. When a company joins the “Sustainable Technologies” project, in fact, it has to accept the Memorandum of Understanding of ACIMIT, that formalizes the commitment of the companies to respect the principles of sustainability in the design and manufacturing of products for the textile industry. The company is then provided with an initial training, made by a group of experts from D’Appolonia. This phase is fundamental to make producers aware of concepts and parameters related to sustainability as, for example, LCA and Carbon Footprint. Once trained, the company is able to evaluate its machines from an environmental perspective, thanks to a user friendly Carbon Footprint calculator. At the end of this phase, the company has a term of reference on the current performances of its products, to be improved in the years, in a “challenge against itself”. The challenge is testified by the “carbon footprint reduction history” reported on the Green Label and will contribute to an overall reduction of the textile production costs. 8

The ACIMIT Green Guide 2015


Based on the ISO 140401 and 140442 standards, the Green Label summarizes the characteristic parameters of textile machines, in terms of energy consumption and environmental impact and, in particular, it provides the value of the Carbon Footprint, calculated on the basis of a reference process and of typical boundary conditions defined by the machine producer. “If You Cannot Measure It, You Cannot Improve It”1 : far from being a means to compare the performances of different products, the Green Label represents for companies the first step of a structured approach for decreasing the environmental load of their machines, giving them a reference and the possibility to evaluate the benefit of technical improvements. The culture associated to the Green Label will have a positive impact both on machinery producers and on textile manufacturers pushing the first to consider its products’ sustainability as priority and work to improve it and the second to understand the environmental impact of the machinery installed in its firm. Since 2012, the Green Label raised value thanks the certification of the issuing process by an international certification body as RINA ( The certification procedure, in which a third party give written assurance that the process is in compliance to the specified requirements has a double function: ACIMIT associates have, at their disposal, shared and standardised reference parameters for process development as well as a baseline from which to monitor any deviation and aim to improve the values of the parameters stated on the label. In relation to certification, RINA sampled the ACIMIT associates taking part in the project by undertaking a document review involving checking the ACIMIT rules and procedures for collecting, processing and filing data followed by an “on-site” audit to verify how the environmental parameters indicated on the label were calculated. Thanks to this certification, RINA gives written assurance that the process of issue of the “Green Label” meets the requirements established in the “Sustainable Technologies” rules. Future challenges will have to be addressed by ACIMIT and its associated companies: • to increase the number of companies involved in the “Sustainable Technologies” project, for generating a wider impact on the whole sector and gather a “domino effect”; • to extend the sustainable approach to the whole manufacturing lines and value chains, for increasing the global LCA impact of finished goods; • to acquire relevant trends and requirements from the market, oriented to anticipate expectations and performances. Thanks to the “Sustainable Technologies” project and to the Green Label, ACIMIT broke the ice towards an increased sustainability of textile manufacturing system: the definition of universal standards, of a worldwide recognized “Energetic Labeling” is still a long term and very challenging objective but, today, the Green Label Companies have taken the first step to tackle it and they have knowledge on the tools that will support them in the future sustainability challenge. 1

Lord Kelvin

The ACIMIT Green Guide 2015


D’APPOLONIA and RINA With a history going back 150 years, RINA is a global corporation serving clients worldwide. D'Appolonia S.p.A. is the operational arm of RINA, developing and offering engineering services such as Consulting Engineering, Design, Project Management & Control, Special Studies and Operability Assurance. D'Appolonia, originally established in 1956, joined RINA in 2011. Recently our capabilities, staff and experience have been increased by merging C.Engineering, Projenia and part of RINA SERVICES, making the company a market leader. D'Appolonia is a team of engineers, consultants, designers, planners and specialists supporting public and private clients from concept to decommissioning, through consultancy, design, management, operation and maintenance. Our company operates in the markets of Energy, Transport and Infrastructures, Industry and Investor Support. We provide a wide range of services such as feasibility and specialized studies, design, project management, site engineering and operability assurance management. In addition, we offer technical capabilities to cover all aspects related to the environment, health and safety, geosciences and innovation for specific applications. With a staff of about 700 engineers, scientists and associated professionals located in 20 offices worldwide, D'Appolonia offers high-end services to investors, promoters, operators and contractors, as well as to insurers and public administrations, to support their initiatives. RINA Services S.p.A. is the RINA company that delivers services of classification, ertification, testing and inspection (TIC Services) to guarantee excellence to organisations in the marine, environment and energy, infrastructures, transport and logistics, quality and safety and agri-food sectors. As a result of our ongoing investments in R&D and training, we have consolidated exceptional skills in certifying management systems, products, installations and personnel for companies of all sizes operating anywhere in the world, at the same time developing our core business of ship classification and certification. As third-party, independent company, we deliver our services in full compliance with the principles of professional ethics, transparency, confidentiality and social accountability. RINA is one of the founders of IACS (International Association of Classification Societies), that since 1968 makes a unique contribution to maritime safety and regulation through technical activities, compliance verification, research and development. As a guarantee of the value of our certifications and assessments, we have acquired extensive accreditation issued by international, EC and national accreditation societies/organisations, including: ACCREDIA, ANAB, INMETRO, NABCB, SAAS,ISPRA, EMAS, UNFCCC, ANSF and relevant Ministries. We are a member of the Board of Directors of the International Confederation of inspection and certification organizations (CEOC), of the Italian association of certification, inspection, testing and calibration societies (CONFORMA) and of the federation for Italian certification of company quality systems (CISQ), which represent the main certification companies in Italy. Lastly, through CISQ, we have endorsed the multilateral agreement of The International Certification Network (IQNet), the largest international certification network for quality, environment and safety management systems.


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INDEX Aigle ..........................................................................................................................12 Air International ..........................................................................................................13 Arioli ..........................................................................................................................14 Bianco ........................................................................................................................15 Bigagli ........................................................................................................................16 Brongo ......................................................................................................................17 Btsr ............................................................................................................................18 Cibitex ........................................................................................................................19 Color Service ..............................................................................................................20 Comez........................................................................................................................21 Corino Macchine ........................................................................................................22 Durst ..........................................................................................................................23 F.lli Robustelli ..............................................................................................................24 Fadis ..........................................................................................................................25 Ferraro........................................................................................................................26 Flainox........................................................................................................................27 Itema ..........................................................................................................................28 Lafer ..........................................................................................................................29 Lawer..........................................................................................................................30 LGL Electronics ............................................................................................................31 Lonati ........................................................................................................................32 Loptex ........................................................................................................................33 Mactec ......................................................................................................................34 Mario Crosta ..............................................................................................................35 Marzoli ......................................................................................................................36 MCS ..........................................................................................................................37 Mesdan ......................................................................................................................38 Noseda ......................................................................................................................39 Pafasystem ..................................................................................................................40 PLM ............................................................................................................................41 Reggiani Macchine ......................................................................................................42 Roj..............................................................................................................................43 Salmoiraghi ................................................................................................................44 Santoni ......................................................................................................................45 Savio ..........................................................................................................................46 Tecnorama ..................................................................................................................47 Testa ..........................................................................................................................48 Tonello........................................................................................................................49 Triveneta ....................................................................................................................50 Ugolini........................................................................................................................51 Unitech ......................................................................................................................52 The ACIMIT Green Guide 2015


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AIGLE COATING, FLOCKING AND LAMINATION: IMPROVING PROCESS OF A BETTER ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Aigle manufactures coating, flocking and lamination plants. For 60 years is present in the global market. Aigle is a reference Company in his sectors. Aigle is certified ISO 9001 and 14001. The big effort for achieving and maintaining the a.m. certifications has given its results for reaching the better customer satisfaction, the better work conditions of our employees and for lowering the environmental impact of Aigle's industrial activity and products. Besides this activity, Aigle is operating and studying solutions for reducing at the maximum the energy consumption of the machines designed and manufactured and in the meantime the environmental influence of the processes result of Aigle's machines work.

Flocking, lamination and coating: better processes, lower environmental impact The coating head mod. BS2 has been designed and built so that different coating techniques can be employed. The following are among the advantages the machine has to offer: • Easy implementation: the coating head can placed at the inlet of a common stenter frame oven. • Maximum control over compound quantity; process reproducibility is guaranteed. • Great flexibility in choosing compounds and textile supports, the variety of which is continuously growing. • Great accuracy in the tensioning of textile support passing through the machine. The unit can be used both for air-coating and coating on cylinder, and is equipped with a motorized device to adjust coating thickness through digital displays.

The machine is equipped with a rotary screen coating head. Such coating system allows for maximum control over compound penetration. Updated motorization systems of the different machine devices using new generation of inverters and converters, and high efficiency motors are the elements object of the deep research involved for this project. Further step has been the precise sizing of the machine motorizations in function of the different material tensioning requirement and in function of the working width and different processes requirement. The project has the result to obtain a reduction of 50% of electric consumption of this equipment.

AIGLE MACCHINE S.r.l. Tel.: +39 011 2624382 web: e-mail: 12

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AIR STABILIZATION SYSTEM FOR INDUSTRY & TEXTILE Technical progress, with man as protagonist, has seen a constant perfectioning of the processes for transforming raw materials and natural elements into goods that can be increasingly well utilised and among these processes the use of air, in determined quantities and with precise typical characteristics, is fundamental. We are dedicated to the treatment of this important element: AIR. Through the study of the phenomena and laws of physics that govern its behaviour, our mission is to transform air, making it suitable for use in production processes and in the improvement of work environments.

Savyo Energy for air stabilization system Air International offers its clients the innovative Savyo Energy electronic regulation system which controls the heating, cooling and humidifying of the air on the basis of the information provided to it by the temperature and humidity sensors installed. Savyo energy forms part of an innovative project with which Air International offers its clients continually evolving products, always available and interchangeable guaranteeing ongoing operation even with obsolete systems. Savyo Energy is able to guarantee high quality regulation thanks to the processor that implements the logic PID using the high sampling rate of the probes and the consequential accurate regulation of dampers, battery, inverter and humidification pump.

The new regulation system offered by Air International can be installed with a completely electric and electronic configuration as well as with an electro-pneumatic or pneumatic configuration.

AIR INTERNATIONAL S.r.l. Tel.: +39 0363 397883 web: e-mail: The ACIMIT Green Guide 2015


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ARIOLI: THE STEAMING FACTORY The Arioli plant is located in the Como area, one of the most important textile districts in the world, where ARIOLI has been producing machinery for fabric finishing for more than 60 years. The success of the company is based on the founder’s invention of a continuous steamer for fixing prints on textiles, as an alternative to the consolidated batch processes that had, previously, been more commonly used for the process. The technical, economic and environmental benefits related to the new technology were so extraordinary that they became a standard reference for the sector and, still today, the ARIOLI brand is globally recognised and widely associated with this steaming process.

ARIOLI VAPO2008: for an eco-efficient steam management VAPO 2008 represents the state of the art in textile steaming processes. The steam injection system, as well as the configuration of the ventilation, is the heart of the technology. This system ensures a controlled differential steam distribution in the various fabric treatment zones, maintaining a constant temperature of the overall reaction chamber. In this way, it is possible to concentrate a high quantity of steam, up to 70 per cent of the total, where it is mostly needed - i.e just after the fabric enters into the steamer, where the first fixation phase takes place. Thanks to this system, it is possible to maximise the action of the chemicals in the printing paste, whose action is determined by

the presence of water (hygroscopic, hydrotropic, imbibing, swelling agents…), with results that can be qualified as follows: • Up to 30 per cent reduction in chemical demand; • About 30-40 per cent reduction in the urea concentration in the printing paste formulation; • Consistent treatment time reduction with productivity increase.

ARIOLI S.p.A. Tel.: +39 02 96399311 web: e-mail: 14

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INNOVATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY Bianco S.p.A., operating since over 40 years in the sector of textile machinery for fabric finishing, has long since undertaken its virtuous way aimed at following the principles of a sustainable development with full respect for the environment and for natural resources. Innovation and environmental sustainability are the keywords that define Bianco's strategy to face the new challenges of the global market by implementing solutions based on innovative development and “green” innovation ensured by the use of alternative materials and the improvement on machines' performances: this is today’s key to be highly competitive on the international level.

Bianco Evotech Tensionless: high cutting precision, speed and fabric relaxation for a unique and extremely “eco-friendly” slitting line! Two machines in one. Thanks to its modular structure, Bianco Evotech offers a double application, working both as rope opener and as slitting line. Ultimate control. The Luxury version - complete with hydraulic platform and fully synchronized rope squeezer and AP04-untwister - allows fabric unwinding by reducing the elongation in the opening phase: all that being completely steered by electronics and software entirely designed and manufactured by Bianco - able to exactly control the whole process. Cutting speed. The slitting basket sensors entirely developed by Bianco - utilize a double couple of high power and long lasting light sources with reduced power consumption thanks to the new LED-technology. These innovative detectors let Bianco Evotech be the quickest slitter on the market.

Relaxation. Once that the cutting is complete, the fabric is taken onto a conveyor belt, where fibres shrink naturally, thanks to their complete relaxation. This operation leads to a reduction of fabric elongation by speeding up the following processes as well as to a considerable time and consumption saving. Ecological washing system. Bianco Evotech is equipped with TNK washing tank for the removal of enzymatic residuals. This washing process exploits the principle of full water recirculation with consequent reduction of water consumption thanks to its accurate pressure and level control, too. Ideal squeezing. To complete the line, one or more squeezing padders may be added to equalize the residual moisture on the fabric width, by ensuring a pressure of 52kg/cm2.

BIANCO S.p.A. Tel.: +39 0173 314111 web: e-mail: The ACIMIT Green Guide 2015


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SELF-ACTING MULE MOD. B7DD (DOUBLE DRIVE) BIGAGLI has been producing textile machinery since 1901. The BIGAGLI brand is one of the most recognized names in the history of woollen yarn textile machinery. We have specialized over the years in manufacturing advanced spinning frames, known as BIGAGLI SELF-ACTING mules. Our spinning machines are specifically designed, developed and constantly improved to produce fine and extra fine woolen yarn as cashmere, angora, mohair, vicuna, camel hair and their blends with wool. The main producers of high quality yarns currently work with our self-acting mules as a guarantee for reliability and durability of our machinery.

Get the best performance by saving energy and the environment The self-acting mule model B7DD is composed of two independent sections. This improvement increases flexibility, production and decreases downtime. The new Siemens electronics allows an important energy saving. The new brushless motors do not produce carbon powder. The B7DD self-acting mule: • produces the best carded yarns from natural fine fibers • works automatically with a vast range of yarn counts from 4000Nm up to 46000Nm (meters of yarn for kilo)

• • • • •

has the most competitive price is very reliable is completely programmable does not need compressed air has the lowest energy consumption compared with other Mules or Ring Frames

PROXIMA S.r.l. Tel.: +39 0574 701029 web: e-mail: 16

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BRONGO: INNOVATION, SIMPLICITY, SUSTAINABILITY Brongo has operated in the field of industrial machines for washing and dyeing garments for more than 30 years. Our experience has led to the creation of cutting-edge products on the Italian market and abroad that are highly appreciated for the quality of their construction, their strength and reliability, their ease of use and advanced technology. Our first priority is to our customers and we have studied and developed solutions customized to their needs. We have focused on eco sustainability, preferring constructive options to reducing the liquid ratio for both washing and dyeing.

Less liquor ratio = less consumptions Our rotary dyeing machines with divided drum (models RT and RCT) are appreciated and known throughout the world as our strength. They have been designed for all dyeing treatments on ready-made garments and have been developed to satisfy customers requests to decrease energy and water consumption, which means less environmental impact. Brongo has operated in this field for more than 30 years like developer so we have focused on “constructive options”. We reduce at the minimum the distance between the drum and the shell and we realize a system of indirect steam heating which doesn’t require water in circulation between the shell and the boiler. This characteristic reduces the use of water and allow the operator to keep a small ratio of water/dry material even if he needs to reduce the quantity of material in the machine.

We have also improved our machines for ready-made garments washing treatments (models L and LCO) to make more innovative, simple and eco sustainable.

BRONGO S.r.l. Tel. +39 055 696061 web: e-mail: The ACIMIT Green Guide 2015


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UNIFEEDER - HIGH TECH REVOLUTION IN YARN STORAGE FEEDING TECHNOLOGY BTSR International Spa is a worldwide leading company in the design and development of advanced solutions for yarn control in a variety of industrial processes, from yarn preparation to textile fabrics manufacturing. BTSR is today a world Reference Partner for the major companies operating in the textile chain, by contributing to their production efficiency and quality improvement.

The latest innovation combining top performance with processing and environment cost-saving UNIFEEDER is BTSR’s latest solution drastically overcoming the state-ofart of yarn storage feeding technology and destined to dramatically impact socks, hosiery and knitting textile sectors. A multi-patented system featuring the new concept ‘Yarn Anti-twist System’ and able to guarantee a total combined yarn feeding and storage control, thus representing the first ‘positive storage’ feeder Concept introduced on the market. UNIFEEDER unique technology includes input yarn breakages and knots detection control as well as yarn tears compensation, providing real-time machine stop signaling and preventive needles breakages, yarn waste, second-rate production.

It comes with unique functions like ‘Yarn Graduation Compression’ capability and the unique possibility to real-time measure the yarn consumption (LFA) and self-compensate its variation. This ‘All in One’ device features incredibly minimized size and weight (up to less 50% then traditional storage feeder), thus allowing the simplest and cost-saving installation configurations. A ‘plug and play’ solution able to reduce product wastes and second-rate products up to 85% with meaningful advantages in terms of energy consumption and raw material waste reduction. UNIFEEDER represents a high-profitable investment for textile operators, by allowing measurable correlated ‘Return on Investment’ (ROI) in terms of production efficiency, costsaving and machine maintenance.

BTSR INTERNATIONAL S.p.A. Tel.: +39 0331 323202 web: e-mail: 18

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INKJET FINISHING - easySTEAM Cibitex, a company located in Solbiate Olona, in the industrial area placed in the north of Milan, manufactures complete finishing lines for the treatment of woven and open-width knitted fabrics and new machines for digital finishing. Cibitex adopted such techniques which help the reduction of CO2 emissions and water consumption. Furthermore Cibitex is equipped with photovoltaic system for the production of energy used at its facility, reduces and recycles the rubbish produced according to the most severe standards.

Highly efficient technologies reducing power consumption What’s easySTEAM? Designed to operate in combination with low and mid-productivity textile inkjet printers running with acid and reactive inks, easySTEAM is in the forefront of the textile printing industry. Thanks to its longstanding experience in textile pretreatment and finishing plants, Cibitex has designed easySTEAM according to the steaming requirements of professional users in the clothes, linen and soft signage industry. Even if powerful and highlyefficient, easySTEAM doesn’t work under pressure and it stands out for its easeof-use and easy integration within existing workflows, even if operated by inexperienced employees. When installed at digital printing plants and service shops, easySTEAM uses the steam produced by its own steam generator, powered

by the electrical system. The water utilized in the steaming cycle is regular tap water. The entire steaming cycle, regulated by an automatic timer and steaming presets, ensures excellent results, stability of printed fabrics and unattended production except for loading and unloading operation. According to customers’ requirements, easySTEAM series is designed to easily answer the fast growing needs of production speeds, versatility and quick turnaround times. Each easySTEAM unit can load up to 50 meters of fabric per cycle, with an average productivity up to 600/700 linear meters/day on a single shift, depending on fabric’s type and weight.

CIBITEX S.r.l. Tel.: +39 0331 642644 web: e-mail: The ACIMIT Green Guide 2015


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LABORATORY AUTOMATION Color Service was founded in 1987 and it is the worldwide leader in the production of automatic dosing systems for textile industry. It was the first company to introduce the automatic weighing system for powder dyestuff and consequently this innovation went on to change the approach of the textile world towards automation. This is the reason why Color Service designs its own system, with serious attention to precision and reliability, increasing productivity and improving the reproducibility of the recipe. The automation leads to the elimination of waste and to a reduction of industrial waste of products/water.

Green solutions: excellent performance with less environmental impact The SMP unit has been designed especially for sample dyeing machines with automatic dispensing of small quantities of dyestuffs and chemicals, typical of laboratory or additions to the production system. This is only the system can dissolve and dispense directly without using solution bottles. The system enables fully automated operations such as dyes dissolving or solution preparation, bottles washing and dyestuff weighing with scale accuracy of 0,001 gr. The unit is able to produce 45 recipes per hour (average 4 solutions for each recipe).

In addition, SMP is equipped with mini hoppers for powder dyes storage and with a handling robot that carries a hopper to solution making position and weights dyes on high precision scale. Adds water and dissolves automatic depend on required concentration. Solution is transferred to stock solution bottle, which is cleaned simultaneously. Robot carries back the bottle to original position to be ready for pipetting. This is a big advantage to pipet any dyestuff immediately after dissolving. High concentration of dyes can be delivered without problem.

COLOR SERVICE S.r.l. Tel.: + 39 0444 366000 web: e-mail: 20

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ENERGY-EFFICIENCY PRODUCTION OF NARROW FABRICS WITH CROCHET AND WARP KNITTING MACHINES COMEZ is a global leader in the technology of crochet and warp knitting machines, specializing in narrow fabric technology. These machines allow for creation of innovative textiles, enabling textile designers to obtain results which enhance their creativity by constantly multiplying their range of products according to fashion and technical demands. COMEZ machines can produce a wide range of: • laces, ribbons, bands, for underwear, lingerie, foundation garments, sportswear and accessories • passementerie, fringes, trimmings used in home textiles and on outer garments • fancy yarns • shawls, scarves, fabrics for outerwear

Highly productive and cost-efficient manufacturing of bands, ribbons, laces and medicals textile with crochet knitting technique COMEZ 829/B3 is a high speed crochet knitting machine, featuring higher energy efficiency and low environmental impact. It is intended for the specialised production of elastic and non-elastic bands, ribbons and medical textiles. It comes with a 824 mm-working width, in gauges from 12 to 15 n.p.i, with 2 weft bars and the elastic threads bar, and employs bearded needles. In designing this machine, particular importance has been given to the easiness of use and accessibility, so that all operations for regulations and maintenance are facilitated.

Thanks to its innovative design, the 829/B3 makes use of the best of the technologies applied previous the to machines, accentuating eco-compatibility its characteristics: • 80% reduction in lubricating oils • 20% reduction in absorbed electrical power, using innovative high performance motions • new highly integrated control electronics allow for the use of electrical cables with a reduced section and length

COMEZ INTERNATIONAL S.r.l. Tel.: +39 0381 698611 web: e-mail: The ACIMIT Green Guide 2015


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THE QUALITY IS GREEN Since 1983, CORINO MACCHINE has worked to find the right solution for every problem arising from fabric handling and moving in the processing sector. The wide production ranges from accessories to complete automatic lines and includes complementary equipment, rope openers, slitters dewatering systems, weft straighteners and digital printing service. Innovative, reliable and long life machines have decreed the worldwide success of the company, that become throughout the years an undisputed benchmark in the sector. The commitment to a sustainable technology has always been implicit in the company mission, as without it there is no long term achievement.

Italian flag starts from green Like the Italian flag, also CORINO MACCHINE philosophy is based on green. A green vision of the machines, starting from their design, always addressed to produce simple, compact, low energy consumption and zero water discharge equipment. It follows that the concept of “green label” is inherent in its nature. Over the two CORINO lines which have already achieved the green label in the past (ST4-TUBULAR AQUAFLOW and SUPER SLIT LINE), in 2015 one more machine has got this target: NORMATEX “SUPER N” (pin wheels weftstraightener). This machine is suitable, with a simple but very efficient mechanical system, to remove the weft distorsions of the woven fabrics and so, to increase a lot their quality.

The sustainability of NORMATEX the “SUPER N” comes from several aspects: • A patented solution, that combines the highest performances among the machines of its category with an user-friendly and versatile use. • Very low installed electrical power. • Minimum consumption of compressed air, even if the working system is based on pneumatic. • A careful layout design, that minimizes the of wastes and costs the maintenance operations. More than 1200 units already sold worldwide confirm that NORMATEX “SUPER N” matches well efficiency and a sustainable technology.

CORINO MACCHINE S.p.A. Tel.: +39 0173 440576 web: e-mail: 22

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DURST PHOTOTECNIK AG - KAPPA 180 Durst is the world’s leading supplier of digital inkjet printer systems for industrial applications. High productivity, printing quality, reliability and flexibility are the unique features of Durst inkjet technology across all industries. With its inkjet technology, Durst provides a solution to all textile finishers for today’s shifting demands and changing customer requirements. Its digital highperformance printers present a real alternative to the traditional screen printing process. They facilitate an economically efficient and ecologically sound production of anything between one and thousands of running meters, on-demand, in high printing quality and reproducible anytime.

Durst: the industrial inkjet specialist The Kappa 180 is a genuine alternative to flat-bed screen printing. It has a printing speed of up to 580 sqm/hour (300 running meters) and an outstanding printing quality. It is the new flagship of the textile printing sector. The Kappa 180 was developed on the basis of Durst’s proprietary Quadro printhead technology at the Durst Development Center in Kufstein, Austria, to meet the specific requirements of the textile industry with “QuadroZ”. Specialsed high-grade inks (Kappa Inks) for textile printing were developed in the Durst Research Center in Lienz, Austria, to print on different textile fibres with absolutely environmentally friendly, water-based dispersion, reactive and acid inks using the QuadroZ Arrays.

The Kappa 180 is an economical and ecological innovation, since it reduces water and power consumption compared with conventional methods while at the same time offering total flexibility to customers. There are no limits with the Kappa 180 as far as design and colors are concerned. Every changeover is direct and immediate – set-up times and screen-making are now a thing of the past. The Kappa 180 has fully automatic feeding-in and guiding facilities for textiles with a maximum printing width of 195 cm and a printing blanket with an integrated washing system. The Durst Quadro Array has been modified for textile printing and is now capable of printing on textiles with a specially hardened, fray-resistant nozzle plate with a drop size of 7/14/21 picoliters.

DURST PHOTOTECHNIK AG Tel.: +39 0472 810111 web: e-mail: The ACIMIT Green Guide 2015


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MONNA LISA EVO - ENHANCED PRODUCTIVITY ENHANCED ENERGY SAVING From 2002 F.LLI ROBUSTELLI has produced and sold under its own brand name “MONNA LISA” the digital inkjet printers currently used by 90% of fabric printers in the Como textile district. The fabric printing industry of Como, renowned all over the world, is the leading supplier of printed fabrics for Haute Couture, an excellence "made in Italy". The continuous evolution of the "MONNA LISA" printers combines higher productivity with a continuous reduction of energy consumption and of the consequent environmental impact.

Energy saving technological evolution The adoption of new technological tools and the continuous collaboration with our customers, has enabled us to increase the performance of the new inkjet printers “MONNA LISA” without increasing their energy consumption. Increasing printing speed involves a consequent speed increase of the ancillary stages, such as fabric drying and machine carpet washing and drying. The use of innovative systems has enabled us to limit the consumption of electricity and water needed for these processes. The increase in electricity consumption has been limited, while water consumption has remained unchanged. Also significant is the low noise during printing that is only 73 dB.

MONNA LISA is able to print on various textile fibres with acid, reactive, disperse and pigment inks. The colours used are water-based, and were formulated in absolute respect for the environment. The Epson piezo heads technology allows to minimize the consumption of ink, achieving however a top print quality.

F.LLI ROBUSTELLI S.r.l. Tel.: +39 031 483319 web:, e-mail:, 24

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A GREEN COMPANY FOR A GREEN MACHINE Fadis was founded in 1960 with the purpose of manufacturing textile machines such as rewinders, soft winders, assembly winders, hank to cone winders, reeling machines, spooling machines and intermingling machines, which are meant to process all types of yarns such as cotton, wool, silk, artificial fibres, synthetic fibres, mixed fibres, intermingled yarns, fancy yarns. Fadis has invested in its production process by installing a photovoltaic system that achieves complete energy independence through renewable energy and allows a reduction of CO2 emissions in the atmosphere equal to 11.6 tons per year.

SINCRO SPRINT: simple to use, energy and space efficient One fundamental aspect of eco-sustainability is the extremely compact size of our machines, resulting in lower investment in premises, less lighting of these and thus less investments in buildings and a larger environmental protection of “green spaces�. In fact, the SINCRO SPRINT is a new spooling machine with a very compact structure that allows a 33% increased container loading. This has been obtained thanks to the use of a more modern structural building concept, with new and lighter materials. The KWh/kg required, in comparison with the previous Spoolex model, has decreased from 0,29 to 0,15, this means less than 50% of energy consumption required for kg produced. This savings is not only economically convenient but it is also a protection for our environment with a CO2 eq./produced yarn release value of 0,0657 compared with a 0,1.

This has been obtained by replacing the high power consumption motorized spindle with a more efficient winding spindles system where the flanged bobbin is locked between two flanges guaranteeing an excellent control and structural stability of the bobbin itself. Last but not least, the winding technique used together with our unique tension control system allows the formation of perfect flanged bobbins that will strongly reduce the wastage during the subsequent covering / twisting process, thus making the processing more efficient and cost saving.

FADIS S.p.A. Tel.: +39 0331 989533 web: e-mail: The ACIMIT Green Guide 2015


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FERRARO SANFOR: CONSISTENT COOLING WATER REDUCTION Ferraro Spa, founded in 1952, is officially recognized as the leading manufacturer and marketer of finishing machines for knitted fabrics. Appreciated for the high quality of its products, for the effective after-sales service and for the high degree of flexibility in meeting the needs of customers from all over the world, welcomes with enthusiasm and innovative spirit the new challenges for the design of machines ever more efficient but at the same time with the lowest environmental impact.

Less water, higher efficiency, less cost Since 2006, Ferraro has focused his attention developing a sanfor unit mainly designed for sensitive knitted fabrics. After few years , Ferraro leads the worldwide market due its particular patented design that allows to manage the most delicate and light pure viscose drawning its attention on energy saving, production improvement and maintenance reduction costs. In order to prolong the service life of the rubber blanket, it has to be cooled on the inside and outside. It requires approx. 4m³/hr (220 cm working width). New Ferraro inbuilt cooling and recycling system has drastically reduced the amount of water required to only

the amount necessary as fabric pick up. The standard tank contains only 120 lts constantly recycled, kept at constant 21/24°C and simply refilled with water picked up by fabric (ex.: 2.2 mt fabric, weight 160 gsm = 352 gms - linear meter = considering a pick up at 8 to 10% = 35.2 gms of water picked up. Considering an average speed of 30 mt/m we have 35,2 gms x 30 min x 60 min = approx 65 lt /h.!!!). Everything with a little additional cost, extra pump less than 1Kw, water at ideal °C hencing to shorter rubber grinding intervals and ultimately a shorter service life of the blanket. The fastest pay-back than ever!!

FERRARO S.p.A. Tel.: +39 0331 302994 web: e-mail: 26

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NUMBERS, NOT WORDS! FLAINOX is an Italian company with an important international presence which has studied, designed and manufactured machinery for dyeing and finishing since 1968. The company has based its growth on strong partnerships with its customers. Over the past few years it has dedicated itself to the study and development of advanced machinery, with a focus on cost reduction during use and respect for the environment and saving valuable resources such as water, electricity, dyes and additives. Please visit us at ITMA 2015 (booth H14D107), our range will be showed there and we will present the new “E-CUBE” machine.

“NRG- DL / USK”, the new standard of efficiency Rotary dye-extractor for garments, hosiery and seamless mod. NRG-DL “USK” version means: • 25% less power and up to 70% less water, steam and chemicals. • Machine fully constructed in stainless steel AISI 316. • Function of filling at minimum bath level (ECO-LEVEL). • Function of indirect cooling water reuse to start washing (ECO-RINSE). • High efficiency hydraulic balancing system in the centrifuging phase. • Reduced machine dimensions: saving in packing, transport and space in the customer’s premises.

• “ECO-SHOWER” function: the bath can be recirculated also from the top of the machine directly in the drum allowing a further reduction of the bath ratio in the dyeing phase and a great efficiency in the washing phase as the material is always in contact with clean water from the line. • UTILITY SAVING KIT (U.S.K.): it allows the monitoring of utilities consumption and the bath deplation allowing the optimization of the dyeing / washing cycle in order to reduce consumptions and impact on the environment. • Easy maintenance and reduced costs. • Very high recycling possibility (more than 90% of material can be easily recycled).

FLAINOX S.r.l. a socio unico Tel.: +39 015 980680 web: e-mail: - The ACIMIT Green Guide 2015


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ITEMA TECHNOLOGY FOR SMARTER, GREENER, CLIMATE-FRIENDLY WEAVING Itema S.p.A. is the largest privately-owned multinational company providing best-in-class weaving machines, spare parts and integrated services. Itema is the only manufacturer worldwide to provide the top three shuttleless weft insertion systems: rapier, airjet and projectile. The common denominator of all Itema products across the three weft insertion technologies is the tireless devotion to quality and attention to detail. We love weaving and put all our ideas and passion into creating original and innovative weaving solutions to unleash the creativity of our Customers. Itema strongly believes in innovation, and invests every year a significant part of profits to find inventive and innovative technological advancements, including smarter, faster, greener weaving with today’s technology, as well as breakthrough solutions for the weaving of tomorrow. Our advanced R&D innovation hub, ItemaLab, is working on the “loom of the future.”

Itema: weaving a better tomorrow, today Itema’s product offering features advanced weaving machines, certified with ACIMIT’s green label, which constantly receive accolades from the growing ranks of Customers worldwide. Specifically, Itema’s rapier R9500 has affirmed itself as the most innovative rapier loom in the market today and represents half of all Itema’s revenues from weaving machines. The R9500 attained the status of global best-seller due to its proven technological superiority and innate capability to weave virtually every type of fabric – as diverse as home textile, apparel and technical, to name just a few. Ultra-flexible rapiers and an optimized shed geometry further boost the versatility of the R9500 loom by Itema, vastly

contributing to the machine’s unparalleled performance. On the airjet side, Itema’s comprehensive airjet portfolio is by far the best choice on the market today to weave heavier styles – a feature recognized and sought after by the most sophisticated weavers worldwide. Setting Itema airjet looms apart from competition are the cam sley drive coupled with the optimized shed geometry which guarantee top flexibility to weave a wider range of fabrics. Itema, with its series of three distinct, right-for-application A9500 airjet models, also offers high-speed performance, consistent fabric quality and value-for-money, whilst ensuring versatility, optimizing productivity and enabling Customers to quickly respond to market expectations.

ITEMA S.p.A. Tel.: +39 035 7282111 web: e-mail: 28

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FABRIC FINISHING TECHNOLOGIES WITH NO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT After introducing an environmentally friendly continuous waterless scouring plant, Lafer has made another “green” development to be added to its range of surface finishing machines that includes Sueding, Compacting and Raising & Shearing.

The first and only liquid ammonia finishing plant for knit fabrics The machine is very user-friendly thanks to the controls and automations that are integrated and controlled by industrial computers. The process is from dry to dry. 95% of the ammonia is recovered, while 5% is safely neutralized. No water used for processing fabric. Ammonia modifies the reticular structure of the cellulose. Stretch performance is enhanced because ammonia is not aggressive and the process allows the fabric to relax and shrink naturally in width. Advantages of the ammonia for knits: • Dimensional stability after repeated washings

Unique and superior Look and Touch Improved elasticity Superior hand feel (soft touch) Eco friendly Superior stabilizing effect, elasticity and softness will create a new premium knit • Fabric not reproducible by conventional methods Ammonia process will become the highest quality standard for knits.

• • • • •

LAFER S.p.A. Tel. +39 0445 694301 web: e-mail: The ACIMIT Green Guide 2015


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‘GREEN‘ DOSING & DISPENSING SYSTEMS FOR DYE-HOUSE AUTOMATION Since 1970 Lawer is a well-established, all-Italian company, a world leader in innovative dosing and dispensing systems for dyeing, printing and textile finishing. The Company is operating in Biella, a long-established Italian textile district, where the production of finest quality yarns and fabrics is carried out with high regard to the safeguard of the environment. Thanks to the know-how developed in pursuing this “productive sustainability” Lawer has got the specialization in automatic dosing systems for bulk production and laboratory, which are aimed at ensuring safety, quality and hygiene the workplace, environmental safeguard, reducing waste of energy, water and chemicals.

Sustainable high-yeld dosing equipment The DOS-CHEM is a volumetric dispensing equipment, which rapidly executes precise and safe dosing of liquid chemicals and auxiliary products, dispensing them, through a ‘Singlepipeline’ to the dyeing and finishing devices.

Details : • • • • •

Modular dispensing station Volumetric dispensing in sealed manifold High precision inductive measuring device Optional micro-dispensing device Products dispensing trough “Singlepipeline“, Lawer technology • Manufactured employing renewable energies

Goals: • Maximum safety of utilization • Total hygiene in work environment

• • • • • •

Fast & accurate dispensing Deleting of waiting times Reduction of chemical and water waste Reduction energetic waste Lower pollution levels Reduction of waste in purged waters

LAWER S.p.A. Tel.: +39 015 9899511 web: e-mail: 30

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ECO POWER – NEW ELECTRONIC YARN FEEDER LGL ELECTRONICS is a specialist with 30 year experience in research, development and manufacturing of yarn feeders, offering a complete and innovative range of electronic yarn feeders suitable for: • Weaving machines (rapier, projectile, air-jet) • Knitting machines (socks, seamless, large diameter and flat- bed) As well as a new range of electronic brakes able to remarkably reduce the stress on the yarn and to increase performances. Environmental technology: since long time LGL operates major investments in research to achieve solutions for yarn feeding able to promote the sustainable management of the resources. In 2011 LGL yarn feeders have been attributed the first Green Label for high energy efficiency and low environmental impact.

Higher performances – lower power consumption ECO POWER is a new electronic yarn feeder suitable for all kind of knitting machines (socks, seamless, large diameter and flat-bed) which combines innovation and environmental sustainability with high performances. Its main characteristics are: • maximum motor torque also at low speed • significant reduction of the power consumption (30% average) • available also in CAN BUS version • ergonomic solutions to make it simple and easy to use • available also with ATTIVO, an electronic

brake which automatically keeps the programmed/desired tension of the yarn • Count range: from 5 to 800 Den

LGL ELECTRONICS S.p.A. Tel.: +39 035 733408 web: e-mail: The ACIMIT Green Guide 2015


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OVER SIXTY YEARS EXPERIENCE EXTENSIVE KNOW-HOW A structure strongly oriented to customer needs and continuous technological innovation makes LONATI S.p.A. a Leader in the field of circular knitting machines for hosiery. Our customers refer to LONATI S.p.A. to get surely the best possible solution to any need. With a management capable to anticipate market trends and an ongoing professional updating LONATI S.p.A. is able to get a partnership with its customers. From some time Lonati S.p.A. has started a process to improve the environmental impact of its products, convinced that the reduction of global pollution is a priority to create a better future.

Research, design and development with an eye to the sustainable technology One of our flagship machine is the men-children single cylinder GOAL GL616F machine.

“TRUE LINKING” A machine that revolutionized the way of making men's socks. Toe linking is performed entirely by a separate device. The advantages for the users are saving in labor, space and the possibility of having a superior quality sock finishing, resistance and comfort compared to socks made using conventional systems. Single-cylinder, 1 feed machine for the production of socks and pantyhose with the possibility of multicolor patterns, with reciprocated heel. Electronic programming of the full knitting cycle, article and knitting adjustment.

Production characteristics: • Single or double welt • Socks in plain fabric, standard or sandwich terry • 6 colors on the same course plus 3 ground colors for a total combination of 21 colors within the sock • 3D-effect socks, 180° reversed toe, right and left socks, 2-color heel and toe Last years, we have already made reductions of energy consumption of our machines by using higher performance devices. Our target is still to continue to further improve energy consumption. In manufacturing our machines we are also increasing the use of innovative materials having low environmental impact.

LONATI S.p.A. Tel.: +39 030 23901 web: e-mail: 32

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LOPTEX, SUPPLIER OF SUSTAINABLE TECHNOLOGIES Loptex is a company which specialises in designing, producing and marketing systems for the detection and removal of contamination in a free fibre stream. The application refers to cotton and non-woven industries. The commitment of Loptex is to supply systems and solutions which have high regards to the environmental while also having low energy consumption. Their easy handling speeds up and simplifies all the calibration procedures - reducing the impact on the operator.

Loptex sustains the environment Loptex Optosonar HDS system couples two technologies for the identification of contamination and foreign mater in a free fibre flow. The Sonar technology generates waves with low acoustic emissions and low environment impact. This technology identifies contamination with higher density than the processed fibres. The Optical technology implements mini built-in camera systems for the identification, in a illuminated chamber with lamps containing low mercury and phosphorus (Decree RoHs), the colored contamination. The rejection of the contamination is made by a line of pneumatic solenoid valves. System consumptions: • Installed Power: 3.7 KW. • Energy consumptions: 0,0062 KWH/kg material processed. • Compressed air consumptions: 0,001 Nm³/Kg material processed. • Acoustic Emission: less than 45 dB.

LOPTEX ITALIA S.r.l. Tel.: +39 031 471199 web: e-mail: The ACIMIT Green Guide 2015


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MARGHERITA 50 HSX MACTEC is a company with twenty years of experience for the construction of systems and equipment for the aging of the garments. Currently our strong point is the machine MARGHERITA for the process of 3D whiskers, it's known worldwide and it's valid for the value of saving time/energy and excellent results of the 3D product. Our company has always had, as a basic strategic vision, the research of solutions that use products and sustainable production methods not harmful to the environment and workers.

Save 50% of space and energy MARGHERITA 50HSX is a brand new concept of automatic oven, because it combines the advantages of batch oven and the conveyor oven. It has an excellent control of the internal temperature control, same as a batch oven. Unlike ordinary conveyor used for textile processing, in the Margherita machine the production process is divided into two phases that occur in two separate parts of the machine. Therefore only a part of the machine works at high temperatures and not the entire machine as in normal conveyor. Footprint required is also reduced of about 50%.

Ensure a good thermal insulation, and this allows to have the minimum heat loss between the inner and outer wall of the oven. Ensuring maximum functionality of the burner and the minimum quantity of fuel needed to bring the oven to the desired temperature. Panels certified for reaction to fire: Class 0-0 - REI 120. Modulating burners series guarantees high efficiency levels in all the various applications, thus reducing fuel consumption and running costs. Margherita 50 HSX can be supplied by, LPG, Natural Gas, Diesel or even Steam.

MACTEC S.r.l. Tel.: +39 0721 853611 web: e-mail: 34

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ECO FRIENDLY BRUSH SUEDING Mario Crosta has been producing machines since 90 years for raising, shearing and sueding the fabrics. Its engineering section also deals with customized plants for the coating and the lamination, using technologies with flame, hotmelt, thermoplastic powder scattering and knife coating. Mario Crosta has been using since more than 15 years, a DC BUS power system, which allows an optimization of the energy levels, achieving savings that, in some cases, can reach 35%.

Manage your business, manage your energy consumption The latest release of LISA 4 brush sueding machine adopts the same concepts of low energy consumption of all machines of Mario Crosta. The DC BUS power system, not only lengthens the life to all the dedicated electronics, but substantially reduces their energy consumption. A careful study on the type of material used for the brushes brought Mario Crosta to produce a machine which treats the fabrics "gently but firmly", increasing the production speed, but always with a view to the consumption reduction. This choice has also increased significantly the uniformity of the process, with surprising results in terms of quality and repeatability of the effect.

The great attention to the aerodynamics of the machine has furthermore achieved a high cleaning fabric output, without being necessary to increase the suction power. The result is a fabric that will caress you, without damaging the environment.

MARIO CROSTA S.r.l. Tel.: +39 0331 631380 web: e-mail: The ACIMIT Green Guide 2015


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MARZOLI GREEN INNOVATION Marzoli has been producing textile machinery since 1851, offering a complete spinning line for cotton, blended and technical fibers from the blowroom to the ring frame. Marzoli is convinced that commitments made by corporations to sustainability, both in their own practice and in their products, are important factors in deciding the quality of future life. That’s why Marzoli strives to excel at sustainability. Marzoli aims to reduce the environmental impact of its productive processes during all phases of the equipment life cycle, starting from production to their use within the client’s plants.

Every day, we build the world our children will grow up in The Marzoli Galileo line focuses not only on increasing production and reducing energy consumption, but also on improving quality, while reducing the waste of cotton during the spinning process. The cotton affects up to 60 per cent of the cost of the final product. Reducing the waste, with same quality creates an immediate benefit for the spinner. Blowroom: same standard quality with less waste thanks to a better opening and selection of fibres. Card C701 has the greatest carding surface in the world market today. High carding action, best selection of short fibres and reduction of trash percentage. Comber CM7 allows users to further improve the selection of the fibres, reducing the short fibres present in the sliver. Roving frame improves the quality of the yarn utilizing cylinders with 27 mm diameter

(optional) for a better control of short fibres. Arco bridge: special shape of the bar and the cradle for reducing the imperfection in the yarn. MAC1 Compact device reduces hairiness and increases strength. The Galileo Line, from Blowroom to Spinning frame allows the customer to reduce the total waste by up to 6 per cent, while keeping the same yarn evenness, or getting better quality with same amount of waste.

MARZOLI S.p.A. Tel.: +39 030 73091 web: e-mail: 36

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PAINT ALWAYS YOUR FUTURE WITH US! MCS SpA is the leader of a group of companies in the textile machinery industry, starting their activity at the beginning of the ’60 years. MCS group includes: • TERMOELETTRONICA manufacturer of industrial automation systems (automatic dosing) and control systems. • EUROPIZZI, dye-house, printing-house, finishing and producer of chemical auxiliaries for the textile industry and other application fields. Daily production at Europizzi is 30 tons of knits and 50.000 metres of woven fabrics. Our mission is to provide an integrated system of products, assisting you with efficiency in every step of your decision.

Sustainable excellence Dynamica represents the latest result of a Research & Development process of a dyeing machine with an extremely low environmental and energy impact started over 20 years ago. The results obtainable today, thanks to a series of technical developments now available on the machine, make Dynamica one of the machines with the lowest energy consumptions on the market today, which we can sum up as follows considering a 100% cotton knitted article, dark shade dyed:

• water consumption per KG fabric 26,5 litres •steam consumption fabric KG per 1,97 KG •energy consumption fabric KG per 0,14 kWh These excellent results together with MCS contact attention into the manufacturing process of the machines brought ‘carbon footprint’, therefore the amount of carbon dioxide emitted in the atmosphere, is only 1,34 KG CO2 Eq/material processed.

MCS DYEING & FINISHING MACHINERY S.p.A. Tel.: +39 035 4822811 web: e-mail: The ACIMIT Green Guide 2015


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AQUASPLICER 692 (YARN JOINING DEVICE FOR SAVIO POLAR AUTOMATIC WINDERS) MESDAN is worldwide leader in the production of yarn joining devices for the textile industry with a complete range of splicers and knotters, both in automatic and hand-operated versions, to be fitted on all types of textile machines to join yarns of different nature. Mesdan products help its customers and end consumers directly or indirectly to reduce energy consumption and improve their carbon footprint. Mesdan is committed to creating sustainable value for all stakeholders, to support and promote the communities in which it does business.

Mesdan products are aimed to contribute to the commercial success of its clientele, by sprouting a variety of benefits, such as improved competitiveness, high product quality, increased efficiency, reduced waste, low energy costs, etc. Yarn joining device 692 is a pneumatic device designed to join two yarn ends by mingling the fibres composing the yarn, which results in the continuity of the yarn itself, remarkable benefits in quality and distinct advantages in all the subsequent manufacturing stages. The 692 device is capable of joining yarns which may differ in fibre nature, spinning method, count and twist (e.g.: single and twisted ring spun yarns, open-end, compact and elastomeric varieties). The 692 splicer uses water in addition to compressed air, to better join hygroscopic yarns, such as cotton and linen. Mesdan research and development work is focused on reducing energy consumption and

increasing the yarn splicing efficiency by at least 10 %, with the reduction of the extra cycle necessary to join the yarn.

MESDAN S.p.A. Tel.: +39 0365 653142 web: e-mail: 38

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ACQUAZERO® MACHINES AND TECHNOLOGIES FOR YARN AND FABRIC DYEING AT LOW LIQUOR RATIO Established in 1893, Noseda is worldwide recognized for innovation and product performance. Noseda offers a complete line of machines for continuous pre treatment and for yarn, fabrics and knits dyeing. The CONCEPT versions offers state of the art and reliable equipments. The well known AcquaZero® line assures the lowest liquor ratio with the highest level of flexibility and efficiency.

Noseda introduces AcquaZero® dyeing machines for minimized and pre-determinable Liquor Ratio, regardless of load variations. AcquaZero® Yarn dyeing machine featured with HPF-HS Plus and SCR 4000 technologies, allow to process different types of yarns and bobbins at a very minimum (up to 1:3). Loading between 10 and 100% of the nominal capacity can be managed in a very narrow range of liquor Ratio variation. AcquaZero® Fabric beam dyeing machines sets new standards in dyeing woven and knitted fabrics with a great load flexibility at the lowest liquor ratio. The AcquaZero® jet dyeing machine type MF, SR and the latest reel less SP model allow

higher flexibility and up to 50% water saving. AcquaZero® Jigger fabric dyeing machines model NJ – AcquaZero® allows constant liquor and 30% savings at reduced load thanks to the design of the tank and to the new water circulation system.

NOSEDA S.r.l. Tel.: +39 031 360360 web: e-mail: The ACIMIT Green Guide 2015


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FANCY YARN AND CHENILLE YARN MACHINES: INNOVATION, TECHNOLOGY, SERVICE AND SUSTAINABILITY Pafasystem is a worldwide leading company in the manufacture of Spinning-Twisting equipment and accessories for fancy yarns and chenille yarns sector. During more than 50 years of experience, our mission remain experimentation of new techniques, the ability to exploit new ideas and the maximum customization of the products, elements which enables us to become, for our customers, more than mere suppliers of machine. Since the beginning we pursue a constant research and development strategy for steady improvement of our products. Our strength points: innovation, technology, service and sustainability.

Pafa is green because you will save energy! The machine Legafil / s 100 is the project that makes Pafasystem famous worldwide. From the very first prototype dated back to the 80’s, we come to the line Leg 100 which today includes many variations of models and makes it extremely versatile: a machine suitable for many processes in the field of fancy yarns. It can be equipped with one or two drafting lines, on single or double face, with collection on spindles or bobbins, feeding by sliver or yarn, equipped with heads needle and compressed air. This

machine is green and eco-friendly because compared to other similar machines in the industry - allows you to save energy!

PAFASYSTEM S.r.l. Tel.: +39 0574 592557 web: e-mail:; 40

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BUILDING YOUR SOLUTIONS SINCE 1970 PLM Impianti established in 1970 has been one of the first company, which took up the automation applied on the fabric inspection, winding, handling and packing. The company does constant research in order to keep its acquired position on the market and to develop not only standard manufacturing, but also technologically advance products, which is a guarantee for PLM customers and the key of PLM success. The production program includes: Inspection, winding up and measuring machines, no-stop winding device for continuous line, automatic transport and packing systems, software systems to record the production data, equipment for the textile industry.

Higher efficiency and lower environmental impact The packaging represents an integral part of the company image. This principle and the sense of care that PLM Impianti shows towards the environment, have brought to the DYNAPAK packing machines, which can works with 4 polyethylene rolls with different widths in order to minimize the packing waste and to reduce the exercise costs. The machine is able to detect the dimensions of the roll to be packed and to automatically choose the most appropriate polyethylene width to pack the same, thanks to this calculation is possible to extremely reduce the polyethylene waste: up to 50%. The last version of the packing machine DYNAPAK 400K with automatic

loading has a production range of 120-240 rolls/hrs. The energetic consumption is reduced up to 40% in comparison with the traditional machines. A good package means a better presentation of the product and consequently improves the company image on the market.

PLM Impianti S.r.l. Tel.: +39 035 527663 web: e-mail: The ACIMIT Green Guide 2015


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THE GREEN PRINTING PROCESS Reggiani Group, including Reggiani Macchine, Mezzera, Jaeggli, MTS, RPR, provides worldwide complete solutions to the market focused on the development of sustainable processes. Thanks to the high quality and performances of machines and the excellent service to customers, Reggiani Group is the leading manufacturer of printing machines and pre-post treatment machines (washing systems, bleaching, Indigo, dyeing). An overall answer to the whole yarn-fabric process, starting from the yarn treatment processes to the fabric printing and finishing. The Group designs and manufactures in Italy, sells and services all over the world high quality machines. Group counts on a world-wide network of local agents, after sales service centers in crucial markets allow the Group to guarantee efficient and effective support to the customers just in time.

ReNOIR: Ecological excellence ReNOIR is the digital printing machine born from a vision facing the future which is able to process any kind of substrate and ensure the highest standards of productivity, reliability and quality. ReNOIR is a very adaptable and flexible machine and thanks to water based inks and low consumption, it is the most eco-friendly printing process available in the market. Besides guaranteeing a printing speed of more than 600 square meters/hour with a quality of up to 2400DPI, today ReNOIR works with the least amount of ink: the average consumption amounts to less than 5 grams per square meter. Thanks to the integrated ink recovery system, Reggiani machine can reuse the colour

normally lost during the purging procedure, saving up to 90 per cent. The new generation belt cleaning system, embedded in the machine, allows water recycling while avoiding the use of soaps or detergent. Thanks to the new belt drying system, through cold air blade, it is now possible to save a large amount of energy. Sinamics: the latest generation inverter from Siemens guarantees a large reduction in energy bills. The printing heads cleaning procedure goes through distilled water obtained by a reverse osmosis process thanks to an on board procedure, saving also on costs and materials. Reggiani’s target is to improve machine productivity, quality and optimise the printing process reducing energy, water and inks consumption as well as environmental impact.

REGGIANI MACCHINE S.p.A. Tel.: +39 035 3844511 web: e-mail: 42

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WEFT LENGTH MEASURER – SUPER ELF X3 ROJ was founded in Biella in 1965. In 2000, ROJ becomes part of the Belgian VAN DE WIELE Group and becomes a more electronic oriented company. ROJ believes that communication is a strategic element to respond promptly to market demands. Our highly qualified teams follow the entire life cycle of the products, from design to industrialization, from sales to customer service worldwide, providing our customers with all the necessary skills to carry out joint projects. ROJ is your partner for custom designed products and systems using cutting-edge technologies tailored to specific applications.

Quicker, Better, Cheaper ‌ Together SUPER ELF X3 is a weft feeder for air jet looms suitable for all types of yarn with a minimum count of 20 dTex and maximum 5mm. Special variants of the product are defined for special yarns as jute, flat monofilament (PP, PE), Kevlar, Carbon, Glass. The unwinding from the bobbins is powered by a permanent magnet motor that reduces to a minimum the consumption of electricity. The yarn is temporarily wound on a cylindrical body whose surface is designed in the shape and treated to minimise friction with the weft, reducing the time of flight of the same, with consequent saving of compressed air by the loom. An innovative system of optical sensors for the weft detection is particularly

insensitive to dust or dirt deposited by the passage of the yarn. This avoids the increase of light intensity of the emitter necessary to compensate for the lower sensitivity due to dirt and to avoid the need for cleaning by means of compressed air. It means a further saving of electric energy and the elimination of the consumption of compressed air.

ROJ S.r.l. Tel.: +39 015 8480111 web: e-mail: The ACIMIT Green Guide 2015


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EFFICIENT HANDLING OF MANMADE FIBER PRODUCTS Since fifty years we specialize in automatic handling systems for manufacturing plants, making the process safe and efficient, thus guaranteeing optimized product tracking and total quality.

We minimize environmental impact and energy consumption during the “chuck to truck” handling of continuous fiber bobbins. The Doffer is the Salmoiraghi system for bobbin pick-up from any winder type, and bobbin transfer to overhead or ground transport vehicles for subsequent automated handling. The machine consists of the following main groups: • Vertical rotary column. • Upper travel carriage. • Vertically moving mandrel group equipped with winder approach mechanism and bobbin pusher. The machine is controlled by a PLC, which supplies the positioning and speed target values to a multi-axis motor controller, featuring kinetic energy recovery and intelligent torque and power management for energy saving. The machine does not use pneumatic circuits, thus minimizing noise emissions and environmental impact; it is equipped with advanced obstacle-detection sensors to guarantee operator safety.

After receiving a “call”, the Doffer travels to the relevant winding position, and aligns its mandrel with the winder chuck; following a signal exchange, the Doffer receives the bobbins on board, and successively transfers them to an overhead “Shuttle” (bobbin transport vehicle) or a pin cart. This fully automatic work cycle is characterized by low energy consumption, and completely eliminates manual handling, guaranteeing total quality and significant cost reduction.

SALMOIRAGHI S.p.A. Tel.: +39 039 206961 web: e-mail: 44

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THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE RANGE OF ELECTRONIC SEAMLESS-GARMENT CIRCULAR KNITTING MACHINES The Santoni company was founded in 1919 as the first Italian manufacturer of sock machines. In 1988 Santoni became part of the extended Lonati Group family. Today Santoni builds machines for various clothing sectors such as underwear, sportswear, beachwear, outerwear and medicalwear making the Santoni name synonymous with the world of Seamless, and thus becoming the universal leader in the manufacturing of fully electronic knitting machines for seamless clothing. Santoni firmly believes that reducing the environmental impact of its own products is economically beneficial for the future that lies ahead.

Innovation with respect for the environment as contribution to a Sustainable Earth’s Ecosystem The SM8-TOP2V model is the latest addition to the Santoni knitting machine collection, soon to become the company’s new flagship series. The range of the SM8-TOP2V single knit Seamless clothing includes underwear, lingerie, outerwear, swimwear, sportswear, sanitary products as well as optional terry garments. A fully-electronic, 8-feed single jersey circular knitting machine with 2 needleby-needle selection points and 8 moveable yarnfingers per stitch feed. Diameters range from 11” to 22” in gauges from E16 to E40 with a speed factor of 1700. Main knitting features include: single or double welt by means of transfer jacks in various selections

with knitted, floated or laid-in elastic; 3-way knitting on 8 feeds, 2-way knitting with 1 colored ground yarn, extra-clear patterns, laid-in. The new SM8-TOP2V model is an evolutionary upgrade from its original SM8TOP2 beginnings with a 20% productivity increase as well as a major decrease in both power consumption and carbon footprint emissions of almost 30%. The enhanced performance is due to a complete project overhaul with updated electronics, mechanics and the use of innovative materials. The new technological features of the SM8-TOP2V are all currently covered by 15 new patents for invention as well as 20 patents for design.

SANTONI S.p.A. Tel.: +39 030 376711 web: e-mail: The ACIMIT Green Guide 2015


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SAVIO: PEAK TECHNOLOGIES AND EXCELLENT SOLUTIONS FOR TEXTILES Since 1911, Savio is specialized in the yarn-finishing segment, being the leading supplier of winding, twisting and rotor spinning machines, with manufacturing plants spanning over Italy, China, India and Czech Republic. Present in more than 60 countries through a sales network of local agents, Savio R&D department has been committed for 30 years in sustainable development projects: energy saving & recovery, noise reduction, pollution reduction, water consumption reduction, electro-magnetic emissions reduction. Savio resolutely avoids using in its machinery dangerous products and harmful materials like asbestos, lead, acid.

Savio: sustainable supplier of winding and twisting solutions Savio has been recognized as sustainable supplier over the last 30 years. To quote some examples of Savio “green attitude”: 1987, ITMA PARIS: the first energy saving recognition thanks to the inverter which drove the grooved drum, established by the Savio winder model ESPERO, launched in Paris. 1999, ITMA PARIS: ATI AWARDS INNOVATION to the Savio winder model ORION. 2003, ITMA BIRMINGHAM: TEXTILE WORLD INNOVATION AWARD to FlexiRotors 3000, O.E. spinning machine. Today the heritage continues, having being certified as sustainable supplier both for winding and twisting machines in our actual product range.

• Polar winding machine: power and compressed air savings up to 15% • Sirius EDS Two-for-one twister: power savings up to 7% The two machines are equipped with sustainable technologies that are able to save power consumption, to achieve minimum wear of parts and minimum yarn waste, to preserve the spinning area from dust pollution.

SAVIO MACCHINE TESSILI S.p.A. Tel.: +39 0434 3971 web: e-mail: 46

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DOS&DYE THE AUTOMATION SERVING THE QUALITY TECNORAMA designs and produces fully automatic systems for dispensing, dissolving and transferring of dyestuffs and chemicals both solid and liquid, for laboratory and bulk production use, as well as fully automatic systems for the management of dyeing cycles in laboratory and small-batches. The great reliability and reproducibility of results leads to consumptions and process duration savings and represent our drive to sustainable development, environmental protection and health.

Reliability and reproducibility: the way to the Sustainable Innovation DOS&DYE® is a fully automatic system, conceived and produced by Tecnorama, integrating dispensing equipment with special robotized dyeing machines. These special systems can be used to manage, in complete autonomy, all laboratory work cycles without requiring any manual intervention, helping to prevent errors during work processes that are always possible when working manually. These systems are able to work 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, without the assistance of the machine operator, and represent a cuttingedge solution in this particular, strategic sector. The great reliability and reproducibility of results leads to energy and water consumption savings and to faster dyeing execution times and represent our drive to sustainable development, environmental protection and health.

Characteristics: • automatic preparation of solutions using dyestuffs in powder

• automatic replacement/replenishment of expired/exhausted solutions, with washing of bottles • direct dispensing into dye-kiers • robotized system for handling bottles, pipettes, powder dispensing containers (canisters) and material-holders • up to 24 independent dyeing units (20g, 100g, 200g and 500g) for the exact reproduction of bulk production dyeing cycles, with automatic execution on materials of varying nature, with up to 160 dyeing cycles in complete autonomy.

TECNORAMA S.r.l. Tel.: +39 0574 51321 web: e-mail: The ACIMIT Green Guide 2015


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TESTA, THE BEST SOLUTION TO MAKE QUALITY Testa is the worldwide leader in the production of the Textile Machinery. Since its foundation, in 1969, Testa has always been considered the TOP in this field. The manufacturing range – totally done in Italy – includes: • Non stop feeding machine for inlet of Printing machinery (we installed more than 3.000 inlet all over the world) • Inspection machines • Winding, cutting, slitting machines • Packing machines

The high technology with respect of the future When the inspection of the fabric is done in a separate step, the cutting and packing can be done at a very high speed. TestaRossa is the automatic cutting and packing machine that works at 300 mt min according to the optimized map. The model is able to cut and pack up to 100.000 meters per day. The main cycles are: • Winding at 300 meters/minute • Automatic cutting of the fault fabric, sample; automatic application of the label on the sample • Automatic resumption of the first quality roll after the discard of the second rate

• Automatic packing, labelling The new technology permits a reduction of around 30%-40% of energy consumption compare to the previous technology.

TESTA S.r.l. Tel.: +39 035 670444 web: e-mail: 48

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SIDING WITH THE ENVIRONMENT. ALWAYS Founded in 1981, Tonello is an all-Italian company specialized in sustainable technologies and innovative solutions for denim and garment washing, dyeing and finishing. Research, service, reliability, quality, ecology and safety are just some of the features that mostly distinguish the company and its products. In addition to laundries and dyeing plants, Tonello praises the most important sportswear and fashion brands, denim mills, chemicals, fabrics and accessories companies within its customers, as well as collaborations with world-renowned fashion stylists, designers and schools.

Turning the present into future Tonello machines are accurately designed and engineered in terms of efficiency, performance and sustainability, in order to ensure less water usage and energy consumption, as well as reduced emissions. A significant and revolutionary example is ECOfree, a new ozone washing system to create a pure indigo look with greater contrast on the seams while saving up to 80% in terms of water, energy and time. The ECOfree treatment is also completely safe for both the workers and the final customers. Other examples are the Jet System for dyeing with 1:3 liquor ratio, which means reduction of water, steam, salt and alkali usage of 70% and Kit Batik to create special effects and to apply a wide range of products

(e.g. eco-softeners, resins) on denim and ready to dye garments while saving 96% of water and 87% of product per process. Outstanding performance and excellent results have been equally achieved by the company with the Nitrogen Dyeing System, designed for eco-friendly sulphur dyeing. Concerning dry finishing, Tonello is offering Laser Blaze, the most recent model of laser machine. Laser Blaze can recreate vintage effects such as localized wear, whiskers and breakages as well as patterns, textures and amazing tridimensional effects on any kind of fabric. With more than 6500 units sold worldwide, Tonello designs and manufactures its machines focusing on environmentally sustainable processes and consumer health care, always up-to-date with the latest fashion trends.

TONELLO S.r.l. Tel.: +39 0445 343200 web: e-mail: The ACIMIT Green Guide 2015


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TRIVENETA GRANDI IMPIANTI SRL EVERGREEN DRYING For more than forty years, the company Triveneta Grandi Impianti srl has been devoting itself to its customers by offering them high quality services. To date it is, for sure, the undisputed international reference for the construction and sale of Dryers and Tumblers. Its point of strength is the continuous search for innovative ecofriendly solutions which satisfy the highest demands of customers and markets. Its purpose is to reduce fuel consumption by increasing, at the same time, the quality.

Stay efficient, stay green We came to this year 2015 with the acquisition of the "Green Label" for almost the whole range of dryers for large industrial productions. The models E / 200, E / 250 and E / 300 with steam heating, thanks to their components designed to get an immediate energy saving, by the end of this year will all manage to get the Green Label. The steam batteries are designed to optimize the performance, without omitting the

attention for the details and the choice of the best materials. The special ventilation system ensures maximum efficiency with the least noise impact.

TRIVENETA GRANDI IMPIANTI S.r.l. Tel.: +39 0445 575180 web: e-mail: 50

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LABORATORY & PRODUCTION DYEING MACHINES Ugolini S.r.l. is a leader in the textile machinery sector. Since 1970, the year it was founded, Ugolini has offered a wide range of products to textile companies all over the world, consisting in: dyeing machines, laboratory apparatus, stainless steel accessories for dyeing, machines for drying, for hydroextraction (centrifugal machines) and for dyeing automation.

Safeguarding the environment with ecological machinery: the future is in our hands Ugolini always strives to reduce its consumption of energy, seeking to minimise the emission of carbon dioxide into the environment, during the processing of industrial dye. The GSECO is a machine which incorporates the historical GS and, on it, applies the environmental policy of the company, minimising the liquor ratio, the consumption of water and energy per unit of product. It minimises the amount of chimical used and recovers the water used for cooling and the heat energy associated with it. In GSECO, the amount of energy used was reduced by 30 per cent compared to the classical GS, through the use of dedicated electronics instrumentation, software that optimises the dyeing, reducing the time and the internal

geometry to the load. The machine allows Ugolini to bring the values of the liquor ratio to those of the historical GS, guaranteeing a total flexibility and allowing the dyeing of all the natural fibers. The management of the dyeing cycle is fully automatic, leaving to the operator the interspace to do more dyes simultaneously, even on different machines.

UGOLINI S.r.l. Tel.: +39 0445 576110 web: e-mail: The ACIMIT Green Guide 2015


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YOUR PARTNER IN FINISHING With over 50 years of experience in fabric finishing, Unitech is a modern and dynamic company specialized in manufacturing tenter frames, dryers and surface finishing machines such as raising, brushing, shearing and polishing machines.

Committed to respect the environment and focused on Customers satisfaction! Tenter frame model Redevo6-6K-180-gas. machine for drying and/or heat setting of textiles. The patented systems for airflow distri-

bution over the fabrics and the heat recovery permit an outstanding reduction of the energy consumption thus reduction the CO2 emissions of the machine.

UNITECH TEXTILE MACHINERY S.p.A. Tel.: +39 0574 68201 web: e-mail: 52

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Updated on May 15, 2015

Italian textile machinery producers: Committed to Sustainable Technologies

Water Saving - Waste Reduction - Chemicals Reduction - Fewer Emissions - Energy Saving - Production Efficiency. Look for the Green Certified logo identifying the labelled machines.


Find out more about ACIMIT’s Sustainable Technologies project:

The ACIMIT Green Guide 2015

Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers


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Energy made-to-measure Energy made-to-measure is the information campaign which promotes energy efficiency for the companies of the European Textile and Clothing industry. The name, also shortened in EM2M, has been translated into 10 languages and used in most of the sector-relevant European countries where the campaign is already active. Launched in 2014 by Euratex, the European Apparel and Textile Confederation, in collaboration with dozens of organizations across Europe the campaign promotes key results of successful initiatives for energy efficiency in the sector and it supports companies to access, understand and use those results. The ultimate goal is to help no less than 300 companies to gain from the right information by accessing tools, best practices and training which enable managers to assess options and take informed decisions. The starting point is that most companies, notably the SMEs, are not really aware of the actual energy consumption and of the saving potential. Where and when is energy used, where is it lost in the building or in production, what are the options and how long does it take to repay the investment. These often unaddressed questions represent information failures which are the first barriers preventing companies to unlock investments and which are indeed tackled by Energy Made to Measure. From an operational stand point, EM2M does not create new original contents but it gathers high quality results and promotes them with a common identity across Europe and in countries’ mother tongues thanks to collaborations with partners and local stakeholders. This creates scale economies, and critical mass for projects which therefore increase their lifetime, reach and overall the impact at international level. In 2014 over 500 professionals participated in 21 EM2M public events organized in Italy, Portugal, Belgium, Germany, Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria and Lithuania in cooperation of several dozen organizations and within two projects co-financed by the European Union: ARTISAN and SESEC. As of 2015 the activities of Energy Made to Measure focus on textile production processes thanks to the resources of the project SET, coordinated by Euratex, and in collaboration with the initiatives launched by two national associations of textile machinery manufacturers namely the VDMA in Germany and the ACIMIT in Italy. Both associations have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Euratex. The cooperation between the Sustainable Technology Project of ACIMIT and Euratex’s Energy Made to Measure campaign establish synergies to exchange technical information and maximise the impact of communication. ACIMIT is also member of the Advisory Board of the SET project and in such capacity supports defining the project strategic direction, technical and communication activities run in at least 10 European Countries. 54

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The ACIMIT Green Guide 2015





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