Controll innerseal test results thermal conductivity

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Examination report No: 220007478-2009-06 Commissioned by: Betonseal GmbH & Co. KG Commissioned on: 18.06.2009 Samples produced on: 30.05.2009

Task Test to examine thermal conductivity within treated and untreated concrete samples (Concrete density: C20/25, dimensions 500 x 500x 80mm)



Application of coating


Test description and relevant regulations DIN EN 12667: 2001-05: Thermal performance of building materials and building products – determination of thermal resistance using guarded hot plate apparatus – products with medium and high thermal resistance

These test results relate solely to the above specified samples. Publication of the examination report is only permitted in its original form. No alterations or condensed summary of the content may be made without prior permission from the MPA NRW.


Description of the examination

Sample specification: Samples: CONTROLL@INNERSEAL Dose

Standard concrete (C20/25) submitted by the client

Product delivered and coating applied by the client The sample application was carried out by the client. According to the client 0.5l of CONTROLL@INNERSEAL was applied to each sample.

The samples were treated on the day of production (fresh concrete) and 1, 2 and 3 days thereafter. CONTROL@INNERSEAL was applied to all surfaces to saturation. The samples were stored in airy conditions and the tests undertaken 60 days after production.

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