17 real visions

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Perceptions of Bognor Regis Real Visions Wordle showing the main responses from our question ‘Describe Bognor Regis in three words’

Student numbers: 1400953, 1402997, 1403144, 1405461, 1402053


As we can see from this pie chart that displays the results regarding cleanliness for the streets in Bognor Regis, the overall cleanliness needs to be improved as it is apparent to see that the number of people that rated the cleanliness as unsatisfactory or average massively outweighs the number of people who rated the cleanliness as satisfactory.

In this poster we will be discussing current issues within Bognor Regis. We have conducted a survey that has been completed by people within and around Bognor. We received a total of 99 responses which we have thoroughly analysed. We have focused on people’s views and perceptions of Bognor Regis. Our poster will focus on three main topics. The first topic is ‘Views and perceptions of Bognor Regis’, second topic is, ‘Aspects of Bognor Regis the public want improved, and the third topic, ‘Responses to different regeneration ideas for Bognor Regis..’

Literature Review The literature has identified that the seaside resort has been the most impressive through the years by shaping new activities and creating social/economic relationships. The transformation of the seaside town is complex with significant challenges such as residential attitudes towards development. From the early 19th century it is evident that the following motivates tourism:

In relation to establishing value for money for leisure facilities, the number of people who rated the value for money as both extremely satisfied and satisfied is more than the votes for barley satisfied and unsatisfactory. Although the amount of people that voted for average was slightly more than both. This allows us to understand that it is not a major issue but definitely can have room for improvement.

Beach  Heritage  Leisure (Williams, 2003, P.26) The regeneration was rejected from Arun Council on November 11th 2015 which brought confusion to residents as they felt that implanting the changes would meet demands as people felt certain aspects were outdated even with the recent changes. (The Observer, 2015) 

The respondents were passionate about the Sir Richard Hotham Project. The included: Correlation Test

Branded shops  Bars and restaurants  Health and fitness spas (Regis Centre site)  Theatre However the council wanted more accommodation for students and staff from firms like Butlin’s. (The Observer, 2015) 

Our results identified that residents favoured arts and entertainment for Bognor’s new developments as well as attractions on the pier. Residents wanted the theatre developed further and other builtings showing residents are on board with new motives to attract visitors but would like culture and heritage maintained. Hughes stated, ‘entertainment and arts are not an attraction itself but either residents or visitors such as holiday makers.’ (Hughes, 2001, P.3) The literature also explains resident attitudes can be described as predisposition reflected in ways of thinking, feeling and their behaviour towards developments. Three dimensions are involved with residents and regeneration which is cognitive such as beliefs, affective which is likes and dislikes and behavioural which is the action taken towards the development. (Jennings, 2005, P.118) Since the revolution of public transport and households owning more vehicles, multiple challenges arise involving traffic congestion into the town. (Argarwal, 2006) New road developments have been needed in the past in relation to the Bognor urban transport summary. With any regeneration project issues will always present themselves because these setbacks involves planning which includes location, accessibility or facilities. (Williams, 2003, .156)

(r=-0.189) between the range of retail stores and visit town centre because of shopping in the Bognor Regis.

Null hypothesis  H0: There is no significant difference between the levels of shopping as a main reason to visit Bognor Regis and whether the environment of the shopping is improved or not; the reason of shopping in Bognor will not be influenced by the improvement of shopping environment. Alternative hypothesis  H1: There is a significant difference between the levels of shopping as a main reason to visit Bognor Regis and whether the environment of shopping is improved or not; the reason of shopping in Bognor will be influenced by the improvement of shopping environment. Reporting  Accept H0, so there is no significant difference between the levels of shopping, the main reason to visit Bognor Regis and whether the environment of the shopping is improved or not, because p-value (2-tailed) =0.839>0.05, therefore the reason of shopping in Bognor will not be influenced by the improvement of shopping environment.

Reason and affects: We used this test to understand the relationship between the experiences in a range of retail stores and people coming to Bognor for shopping. Unfortunately it shows a weak negative association, which means that an increase in the range of retail stores will lead to a decrease in visitors into Bognor town centre because of shopping. And this may be because more individuals come to Bognor for the sun and the beach. Therefore, it may be better to have more entertainment, such as a fun fair or traditional seaside rides, in order to increase the number of visitors.

Questionnaire responses:

Male respondents:



Female respondents:


“I would like the pier rebuilt, the size it is at present would not support anymore than it already has at present” (Respondent)

This graph represents the most desired proposals that are planned for North London Road Junction.

The café space is the least desired, which contradicts earlier results that state people wanted a wider range of restaurants and cafes.

The upgrading of the upper elevations of the shops along Station Road was the most agreed proposal shortly followed by making the junction area more pedestrian friendly.

The results we gained in this part of the survey will vary in dependence on whether respondents lived in or outside of Bognor Regis. Visitors are mainly interested in leisure activities that sound exciting, whereas local residents are far more interested in planning and regeneration of the traditional areas.

Mann-Whitney T-Test

Reporting: Reject H0 (1-tailed test), because p=0.033 (<0.05), so there is a weak negative association.

In comparison to the small percentage of the 9% of people who rated it the least important, it was a clear to see that there was a big population of people who wanted to see the pier expanded with this would come the opportunity of being able to add vast amount of entertainment to the pier.

Respondents said that they want the shopping environment improved. It has been improved with new walkways and benches through the main high street, and was shortlisted for the award of the best improved coastal high street of the year. People still aren’t 100% happy. They said it needs more clothes shops, more restaurants and more bars to attract more people to come into the town centre.

Null hypothesis  H0: There is no significant association between the range of retail stores and visitors into the town centre because of shopping in Bognor Regis. Alternative hypothesis  H1: There is a negative association between the range of retail stores and visitors into the town centre because of shopping in Bognor Regis.

One of our question asked the public to rate on a scale of 1 to 4 on how important they thought the expansion of the pier was in comparison to other factors. These being: adding sculptures, expansion of the car parking facilities and the retention and expansion of the Alexander theatre. With 1 being the most important, a resounding 61% rated that the expansion of the pier was the most important.

Test Statisticsa 13.2. Shopping


Spearman's rho

8.1. Store range

Correlation Coefficient

8.1. Store range

13.2. Shopping













Sig. (1-tailed) N 13.2. Shopping

Correlation Coefficient Sig. (1-tailed) N

Mann-Whitney U Wilcoxon W

1066.000 2662.000



Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)

Place St Maur has planned proposals that we asked for people’s opinions on. From the graph it is clear that respondents felt all proposals would be an appreciated addition to Place St Maur.

The volume of people agreeing that a proposal should be put in place for Place St Maur suggests that this is an area that needs improvement, or at least something that can be introduced to that particular area.

Reason and affect:  The reason of using this test is we asked whether the environment of shopping is improved in Bognor Regis, so we would like to know does this improvement effect more visitors to come and spend their money in Bognor. Unfortunately, it does not make any differences.

Chi-Squared test


Null hypothesis

a. Grouping Variable: 33. Shopping environment improved?

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (1-tailed).

H0: There is no significant difference between the frequency of visiting Bognor Regis town centre and the agreement of the car parking permit scheme being maintained; visiting frequency is not effected by car parking permit.

Alternative hypothesis

Aspects of Bognor Regis the public want improved

H1: There is a significant difference between the frequency of visiting Bognor Regis town centre and the of car parking permit scheme is maintained; visiting frequency is effected by car parking permit.

degree of freedom is (2-1)*(6-1) = 5,

critical value of Chi with 6 degree of freedom at 95% confidence level = 12.59


Responses to different regeneration ideas for Bognor Regis

This section aims to evaluate what the public (local people) want to see be improved in Bognor Regis . This information was interpreted to show that the local people do like the aspects which it has to offer, however by improving things such as the Picturedrome and the pier, it will make it more attractive for visitors.

In this section we aim to look at the different regeneration ideas for a numerus number of areas in Bognor Regis. Some of the regeneration plans are similar to what the local people want to see be improved, so this is good due to the local people then supporting the decisions made by the council on regeneration.

Reporting: 

Reason and effect:

Survey results indicate residents want a number of things to be improved in Bognor Regis.

From the literature we have found out the people at the Picturedrome are wanting to improve and refurbish the cinema. Due to finding this out, we thought we would see if the users of the Picturedrome and the local people want to see an additional screen.

The questions we asked were, ‘Did you go prior to the refurbishment?’ and ‘Would you like to see an additional screen at the Picturedrome?’ In both of these questions asked, 67.7% of people said they went to the Picturedrome before the refurbishment and 77.3% of people did want to see an additional screen added to the Picturedrome.

Results from Q15 clearly show that the majority of respondents feel that the parking permits are priced appropriately. Only 6% of people felt that the car parking permit is overpriced. When asked if they would like to see the car parking scheme maintained, 99% of respondents answered ‘yes’. Despite the positivity over the parking permits, when asked if people had visited Bognor Regis town centre more due to the scheme, only 35% claimed that it influenced them to visit more regularly.

We would like to know, would visitors come to Bognor Regis town centre more frequently if there is cheaper car parking and a larger permit scheme, if so then we can see that there will be more visitation into Bognor. However, there is no significant difference in this test, so the frequency of visiting Bognor town centre is not influenced by the agreement of the car parking permit scheme. Which means their total spending may not increase or even decrease in town centre with a better car parking scheme. On the other hand, cheaper car parking scheme may affect visitors spend more time in Bognor town centre, even though the frequency of visiting is not changed. This means that visitors could spend more in Bognor because of a cheaper car parking.


Accept H0, because p-value(2-tailed)=0.766>0.05, so there is no significant difference between the frequency of visiting Bognor Regis town centre and the agreement of car parking permit scheme is maintained; visiting frequency is not effected by car parking permit.

Chi-Square Tests Asymp. Sig. (2Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association

N of Valid Cases













a. 7 cells (58.3%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .01.

This is something which should be improved in Bognor Regis.


Views and perceptions of Bognor Regis This is the first objective of our poster. It is to understand what people want to be improved in Bognor Regis. We thought it would be useful to understand what the local people feel about their area. This is important as we can then see the main areas which they like and dislike to then later on focus on specific questions from the survey to get the full picture on what needs improving in Bognor Regis town to make it become a more popular location. 

24,064 residents live in Bognor Regis 2015 and the total number of respondents was 99 people. This equates to 0.4% of the residents. 

Most people would like to have possession of a car parking permit as they like the idea of the scheme. 99% of respondents choose yes to maintain the car parking permit scheme. Only one person voted against keeping the car parking scheme intact. This is a positive view for Bognor Regis as the public will view their town as easily accessible. Then brings on the opportunity for them to attend the town more often. With the resounding result of the want for the car parking scheme to be maintained this also implements that the public believe the concept is good and useful to the town.

Here is a bar graph showing the specific areas in which people want to see be improved. The most popular area to be improved, shown in the graph, is the pier. Second most popular thing is generally having more stuff to do in Bognor Regis, such as an ice rink, more night life and better transport.

Currently the pier is very basic and there is nothing to do.

In our survey we asked the question, ‘What would be your preferred development option for Bognor Regis?’ Out of the 99 people we got a response from, 77 people responded to this question.

 

 

Through this pie chart it is clear to see that the public are extremely unsatisfied with the range of restaurants and bars available to them in Bognor Regis. This plays a key part on how people view Bognor Regis. This is because people like to see their town as a place they can go to for social occasions and with the use of restaurants and bars being heavily used by the public for social events, this could effect the way people perceive Bognor Regis as it may cause them to travel away from Bognor to use other towns for their restaurants and Bars.

A popular outcome that we noticed was the addition of rides/fun fair amusements. Another resounding response was the need to model Bognor pier off of Brighton’s. This is shown in the bar graph in the “like other pier” section, as the majority of those responses where linking to Brighton’s pier. This includes things such as adding more food outlets, a bigger and better arcade, the instalment of rides/fun fair events, often events of music and shows being put on and seated cafe’s. Although there was a lot of responses expressing their desire to create similarities to Bognor pier. Brighton Pier has a distinctive advantage in their size of the pier.

We have the view that Bognor Regis needs a lot of work doing for it to receive the positive seaside town that its residents want and deserve. It is important that Bognor becomes an area where people from all over the country or even the world, will travel to come to this traditional seaside town for all sorts of reasons such as shopping, the pier, theatre and the Picturedrome.

Our survey asked for people’s opinions on the proposals listed in the bar chart for Station Square. 76% of people felt that an area for music performances was a beneficial proposal. 88% of people felt that a space for markets, art exhibitions and cafes was necessary. Another 76% of people felt that clearly defined routes in town would be a worthy addition to Station Square. Least desired was an artist inspired long beach. Hughes stated “entertainment and arts are not an attraction itself but still brings either residents or visitors such as holiday makers”. (Hughes, 2001, P.3) Therefore locals not desiring an artist inspired long beach doesn’t necessarily mean it will be a bad thing for Bognor Regis as this sort of thing interests visitors.

An example of this from the results is one of the respondents’ who answered ‘Boring , dangerous, dull’ for the 3 words to describe Bognor Regis. This may of been biased due to some of the respondent not being from Bognor Regis, where as a local resident responded, ‘Community, seaside, exciting’ to the same question. From our own research and wider study we can determine that the high street and the pier is the biggest drawback for Bognor Regis. For instance, people want the pier to have activities to do on it, so there is more to do in the town. More attention is needed on this from the consultation meeting with the council. Not only does Bognor want to bring in the tourists, but also the local people to actually use Bognor town centre for shopping and other things, rather than going to Chichester and other surrounding areas.

Reflection 

Look at the survey design and compose the aims before doing the survey. To then be able to anticipate answers and the layout of the poster.

London Road was another area that we wanted respondent’s to give their opinions on. The results show that most respondents were in agreement that all four proposals would come as a useful addition to Bognor Regis. Making London Road pedestrian only being the least important to people, perhaps due to the fact it doesn’t sound as appealing as the other proposals and doesn’t come with as much excitement. Added lighting in Bognor Regis was the most popular by a small margin of just three people.

Send out the survey as soon as possible, to provide more time for analysis.

We should consider the option more of where we will send out the survey to be able to get a wider base of respondents, e.g. people who aren’t of social media, so standing in the street getting more responses.

We need more ratio and interval questions asked in the survey so that we can do a wider variety of tests.

Would more people of filled out the survey if there was a larger/better incentive?

Reference List Agarwal, S. and Brunt, P. (2006) ‘Social exclusion and English seaside resorts’, Tourism Management, 27(4), pp. 654–670. doi: 10.1016/ j.tourman.2005.02.011. Becken, S. and Hay, J. E. (2007) Tourism and climate change: Risks and opportunities (climate change, economies and society). United Kingdom: Channel View Publications, Limited, Clevedon, United Kingdom. Hughes, H. L. (2001) Arts, entertainment and tourism. United Kingdom: Butterworth-Heinemann. Jennings, G. and Nickerson, N. P. (eds.) (2005) Quality tourism experiences. 1st edn. United Kingdom: Elsevier ButterworthHeinemann. Morgan, M., Lugosi, P. and Ritchie, J. B. R. (eds.) (2010) The tourism and leisure experience: Consumer and managerial perspectives. Buffalo, NY: Channel View Publications. Shaw, G. and Williams, A. M. (2002) Critical issues in tourism: A geographical perspective. 2nd edn. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. Williams, S. (2003) Tourism and recreation. United Kingdom: Prentice Hall.

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