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Contemporary Tourism and Event Environment Module and Assessment Guide 2017

Business School Dr Andrew Clegg

The Contemporary Tourism and Event Environment

The Contemporary Tourism and Event Environment Introduction

The tourism and event industry is one of the fastest growing areas in the British and world economies that has considerable economic, social, political and environmental significance. The aim of this introductory module is to introduce students to the characteristics of the contemporary tourism and event environment. The module is designed to provide a foundation unit for the study of tourism and events at a local, regional, national and international level.

Learning Outcomes

Learning Strategy

Knowledge and Understanding: On successful completion of this module students will be able to: •

Discuss the concepts and characteristics of tourism and events as areas of applied academic study

Identify the structural and spatial processes determining the demand and supply of tourism and events

Discuss the institutional framework for tourism planning and the involvement of public and private sector organisations in the tourism industry, at a local, regional, national and international scale

Evaluate the spatial awareness of the economic, social and environmental impacts of tourism and events in a range of different destination environments

Demonstrate an understanding of the character and composition of the different sectors of the tourism and event industry

Work co-operatively with others

Communicate effectively in written and verbal form

Seek, handle and interpret information

Demonstrate appropriate IT skills

The module will be based upon interactive lectures that encourage student participation through video-based discussion and groupbased discussion and activities. The programme will be structured so that particular themes are addressed each week, and students will be expected to read a number of key articles to facilitate class discussion. Fieldtrips and guest speakers will also be integral to this introductory module.

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The Contemporary Tourism and Event Environment

Module Content

25/9/17: Week 4:

Introduction to the The Contemporary Tourism and Event Environment

2/10/17: Week 5:

Contemporary Events - Festivals to Mega Events

9/10/17: Week 6:

The Contemporary Visitor: Behaviours, Motivation and Demand

16/10/17: Week 7:

Understanding the Markets for Tourism and Events

23/10/17: Week 8:


30/10/17: Week 9:

Contemporary Governance and Policy for Tourism and Events

6/11/17: Week 10: Sector Analysis: Attractions 13/11/17: Week 11: Sector Analysis: Accommodation 20/11/17: Week 12: Tourism and Events: Destination Perspectives 23/11/17:

Thursday Evening

Christmas Lights Switch-on Chichester

We will be volunteering for the Chichester Round Table organisation to help marshall the event

27/11/17: Week 13: Tutorial Support 4/12/17: Week 14:

Group Presentations

The specific learning outcomes for each session are provided on a weekly basis, and can also be accessed via the BML109 Moodle homepage.

Module Resources

Module resources are available via the BML109 homepage on Moodle. Reading lists, online publications, weblinks and statistics are also available at You will be introduced to the resources available to you during the module. If you run into problems please do not hesitate to ask the Business School Subject Librarian, Gail Graffham for help.

Self-Directed Activities

As part of the 150 hours for each module, you will also be asked to complete short tasks that will form part of the next lecture session. While not assessed, these tasks are intended to support your own learning, and to explore specific tourism issues covered during the module. Specific tasks will be allocated on a weekly basis. It is essential that these tasks are completed, as student feedback resulting from these tasks will feature as an important part of the programme and, in particular, the surgery sessions.

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The Contemporary Tourism and Event Environment They are also designed to encourage you to start reading and exploring the resources that you have to hand.

Student Support

I can be found on the top of floor of the Dome (Room 2.14) on the Bognor Regis campus. If you have any problems please do not hesitate to come and see me. While I am usually around, teaching, consultancy work and University duties does influence my availability. Therefore while you are welcome to pop in informally, please email me to make an appointment ( 812017) to guarantee that I am in to see you.


At the end of the module, you will have the opportunity to complete an evaluation form to comment on the overall structure, content and quality of the module. If you have any immediate concerns about the quality of the module then please do not hesitate to come and talk to me directly. The module evaluation form will be hyperlinked via the BML109 homepage on Moodle. You can also make comments throughout the course of the module by using the comment and suggestion wall that has been embedded into the BML109 homepage. The University’s Commitment Charter (Section C) sets out the codes of behaviour that staff and students can expect from one another. Every member of the University community is expected to uphold the Charter commitments and to help to maintain a respectful and constructive learning environment for themselves and for others. In contact (class) time, and outside of it, the University expects you to show consideration towards other students and the staff of the University. In lectures, seminars and workshops it is your responsibility to avoid behaviour which distracts the learning process for yourself and others. Behaviours which may seem insignificant to you, such as whispering to friends, or texting during a seminar, are almost always noticed! They can have an accumulative, negative impact on the group and the tutor. Such behaviours signal lack of respect for others - even if this was not your intention. To help illustrate these points, here are some behaviours that students and tutors have found distracting: •

Talking or whispering in lectures, outside times set aside for group discussion

Talking or whispering while other students are making points

Interrupting other students or the tutor while they are talking

Habitually arriving late or leaving early (without forewarning the tutor)

Sending and receiving texts / mobile phones ringing

Using MP3 players / playing electronic games

Surfing the net in class

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The Contemporary Tourism and Event Environment Students whose behaviour disrupts a class persistently may be asked to leave the session. However we are sure that as adult learners you’ll use common sense and be willing to help create the best possible learning environment for everyone.


Students are reminded that attendance at all modules is compulsory. On arrival at each scheduled/timetabled session you will be expected to ‘tap in’ to the SAM reader located near the entrance to the teaching room. It is your responsibility to register your attendance. Failure to register your attendance will be treated as non-attendance. If you miss a session, for whatever reason, you should complete and submit a student absence via ChiView - guidance on how to do this will be provided at the start of the module. It is also courteous to let the module tutor know of any absence in advance or immediately after the session that was missed. You are reminded that persistent absence can potentially result in your de-registration from the module. The full University regulations regarding attendance can be found in your student handbook. You are also asked to arrive punctually for your lectures. Students that are persistently late will be marked as absent. A record of your punctuality will also be captured via the SAM system.


In terms of enhancing your own employability, the aim of this module, through session-based activities, fieldtrips and guest speakers, is to enhance your understanding of the contemporary tourism and event environment. The range of topics covered in the module is intended to offer different perspectives on tourism and event industries, offering a specific insight into policy, sector analysis and different destination environments.

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The Contemporary Tourism and Event Environment


The assessment for this module will consist of a group presentation (approximately 7-8 min per student) (40%) and an essay (1,500 word) (60%). Assessment#1: Essay Essay Titles: 1. With reference to examples, discuss the attempts made by academics to conceptualise consumer demand for tourism and event products and experiences 2. With clear reference to specific examples discuss the factors that have influenced the development of one sector of the tourism and/or events industry over the last 50 years 3. With clear reference to specific sectors, discuss the key challenges and opportunities facing the tourism and events industry in the 21st century and the likely industry response. Reference should be made to relevant sectors within the tourism and events industry 4. With reference to examples, evaluate to what extent tourism and events can be regarded as a tool for economic development Background reading is essential as I shall expect to see the consistent inclusion of case study material and references to the literature in essays. Do not expect to get a high grade if this is missing! You will be supported in this assignment by the linked Academic and Professional Skills module and supporting academic tutorials. The specific assessment criteria for the essay are detailed below. To aid you I have attempted to highlight the key aspects of work that characterise a first (i.e. above 70%). Please read through these carefully, and also compare against the undergraduate assessment criteria (see page 13). It is important then when writing your essay you bear these assessment criteria in mind - as they are what you are being assessed on.

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The Contemporary Tourism and Event Environment •

Content quality, relevance and coherence of answer in relation to chosen essay title What makes a first? •

To start, make sure you have understood what the essay question is asking you to consider, and plan your response accordingly.

Background reading is critical for this assessment, and you are encouraged to engage with a range of contemporary sources - in addition to books available in the library please also ensure that you are using the electronic resources including Business Source Complete and Science Direct.

I will be looking for reference to specific and relevant examples that serve to address the main points you are addressing in your main discussion.

Please do not write in the first person.

Please check your spelling, sentence and paragraph construction and overall grammar. A first piece of work will contain little to no errors!

Clear and logical structure, including introduction, main body and conclusion What makes a first? •

I expect to see a clear structure supporting this essay and as such an introduction, main body and conclusion, should be clearly discernible.

It is important that the overall structure of the discussion flows coherently so think carefully about the use of connectives to support the development of your discussion/argument.

Within the main body you should aim to include clear paragraphs, which should be structured clearly. Use the P.E.E.L approach (point, evidence, evaluate, link) to help structure your essay.

Aspects of writing skills will be discussed in the Academic and Professional Skills module so use this module constructively to aid your emerging writing style.

You are writing an essay so you should not be using subheadings on this occasion.

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The Contemporary Tourism and Event Environment •

Quality, choice and exposition of support material and case studies What makes a first? •

Quite simply, background reading is critical for this assessment, and you are encouraged to engage with a range of contemporary sources - in addition to books available in the library please also ensure that you are using the electronic resources including Business Source Complete and Science Direct.

You can also include material from the Internet such as government reports but always check the authenticity and legitimacy of the sources that you are using.

Effective use of tables, figures and illustrations What makes a first? •

I like to see a discussion that is supported by a variety of media e.g. tables, figures, illustrations etc. Anything included should be clearly referenced. All inclusions should also have a Figure number.

Don’t include any illustrations for the sake of it - this merely constitutes window-dressing; any inclusion should be there for a reason and serve to support your discussion.

When including illustrations please do not use text-wrap options in Word (or equivalent); illustrations should be incuded in the main body of the text and labelled and referenced accordingly.

• •

Please do not use appendices.

Evidence of referencing to the academic literature using correct referencing conventions What makes a first? •

You must make every effort to reference accurately using the Harvard referencing system (this will be discussed during the Academic and Professional Skills module).

I will be looking for accurate and consistent in-text referencing, and also an accurately presented reference list.

Please only include a reference list and not a bibliography.

Write your essay in good time so you have ample opportunity to submit a draft via Turnitin so you can check the accuracy of your referencing, and overall level of engagement with the academic literature. I will cover this during the module, and it will also be covered in your Academic and Professional Skills module. p. 8

The Contemporary Tourism and Event Environment Assessment#2: Seminar Presentation In addition to the essay, you will also be assessed on a group seminar presentation. The seminar presentation will account for 40% of your overall grade and will focus on a specific aspect of the module. Seminar Presentation Titles: 1. Evalue the current and future impact of Brexit on the tourism and events sectors in the UK 2. With reference to global case studies, discuss the economic and social legacies afforded by mega events 3. With reference to specific example discuss the challenges and opportunities facing destination managers to create a successful and sustainable visitor economy 4. With reference to the latest statistics and research, discuss the key trends in holiday-taking and leisure time behaviour in the UK 5. Discuss the concept and importance of the visitor experience, and evaluate the approaches being taken within the tourism and event sectors to maximise the quality of the visitor experience In terms of the actual presentation, you should not read your full script but speak with the aid of notes. You should aim for a high standard of presentation and credit will be given for clear and concise presentations. Emphasis should be given to a lively and interesting presentation. Your presentation must include the use of PowerPoint. The seminar presentation should last for approx. 30 minutes (depending on student numbers). This presentation will take place in the assessment period after formal teaching sessions have finished. Each group will be expected to see me to discuss the content and structure of their presentation. Specific assessment criteria are detailed below. As with the essay titles I have attempted to identify the key elements that would characterise a first. Again, please also compare against the undergraduate assessment criteria (see page 13).

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The Contemporary Tourism and Event Environment •

Depth, knowledge and relevance of the presentation

What makes a first? •

To start, make sure you have understood what the presentation title is asking you to consider, and plan your response accordingly.

Background reading is critical for this assessment, and you are encouraged to engage with a range of contemporary sources in addition to books available in the library please also ensure that you are using the electronic resources including Business Source Complete and Science Direct.

I will be looking for reference to specific and relevant examples that serve to address the main points you are addressing in your presentation.

I also expect to see evidence of accurate referencing throughou the presentation to reflect your background reading.

Structure of the presentation and ability to convey information accurately and succinctly What makes a first? •

As with your essay, structure is critical and I expect to see a clear introduction, main body and conclusion.

It is important that the overall structure of the presentation flows coherently so think carefully about how the respective parts of the presentation fit together.

You need to present concisely and to the point throughout; you only have a fixed amount of time so prioritise the key points don’t necessarily try and cover everything (the quality and depth of your background reading will help you here).

Don’t overload your PowerPoint with too much information and don’t read off the screen; you should be using the PowerPoint as a guide/pointer for the main points under discussion.

Again aspects of presentation skills will be discussed in your Academic and Professional Skills module, and I will also cover them in more detail during the module.

Again check through all spellings and grammar!

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The Contemporary Tourism and Event Environment •

The delivery of the presentation and the use and quality of visual aids What makes a first? •

PowerPoint is a powerful tool and I expect to see you use it confidently to present a clear and visually engaging presentation.

I expect to see illustrations throughout to help the audience contextualise and relate to the points you are making.

Do not run over time!

Talk and engage with your audience; do not simply read off the screen.

Avoid using large piece of paper as notes; small cue cards are acceptable or even better no notes at all!

Give emphasis to the overall look of the presentation; I expect to see a level of consistency in the overall use of design elements.

I am very conscious that this is one of your first pieces of work at degree level. All I ask is that you give it your best shot! Above all, I really want to see you engaging with the academic literature. I can help you with essay structure and presentations but I cannot do your reading for you. This is something that you have to do and the sooner you gain the confidence to do so the better. The more you read the more you confident you become in the use of case studies, the application of ideas, the appropriate use of terminology, and, above all, how to develop the appropriate academic tone. This is something I will discuss during the module. If in doubt ask me or your tutors on Academic and Professional Skills.

Submission Dates

Key dates for your diary: The presentations will take place on during the scheduled session on Monday 4th December. Your essays should be submitted by 1pm on Friday 15th December. An electronic copy should also be submitted via Turnitin.


Re-Assessment In the event that you fail this module, the reassessment will consist of a 2,500 word research essay. The same assessment criteria will apply.

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The Contemporary Tourism and Event Environment

Team Work Guidance

For your presentation, I am asking you to work as a part of a team, and therefore expect you to work together collegiality, using the timetabled team meeting slot effectively throughout the course of the semester. You are asked to adhere to the following guidelines to ensure that each member of the team contributes fully to the task at hand, and that individual contributions to the assessment are recorded. Guidelines: •

Each team should appoint a project manager.

Each team meeting should be formally minuted, with attendance clearly noted.

Action points for individual team members should be made at each meeting, and then subsequently monitored and updated.

Anybody not contributing fully to the assessment process will be asked to attend a meeting with the module tutor to explain their lack of engagement. If a student demonstrates a persistent lack of engagement, then an individual mark may be awarded that is more representative of the individual contribution to the team effort.

The satisfactory completion of team meetings and the recording of action points is a required part of the assessment process and I ask that you take this task seriously and complete in a conscientious and appropriate manner, as it is designed to ensure effective teamworking, which is in your own interests.

Time management is crucial to both assessments and you are advised not to leave the assessments until the last minute.

Study Skills Support

To help you with the respective assessments you are advised to engage fully with the Academic and Professional Skills module. You will be able to link assessment elements for BML109 with this module. I will explain more clearly during the module. I will also be available to provide study skills guidance, and you can request a meeting with me to discuss any aspect of the assessment(s) whenever needed. Please email me at: Please also make use of the fantastic array of study skills resources that can be found at You can also book appointments to discuss study skills via the SIZ. Please be sure to take advantage of all the available support to help you gain confidence with the requirements of degree level work.

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Non-submission of work

Contains little of relevance to the objectives of the assessment task. Fails to answer and address the set topic

Contains limited relevance to the objectives of the assessment task. May address the topic but not the assignment brief. May be scanty and brief.

Inconsistency of relevance to the objectives of the assessment task. Addresses topic but not always the assignment brief. May be significantly short of required length/ time.

May be some deviation from objectives of the assessment task. May not consistently address set question or assignment brief. May be short of required length/time.

Satisfactorily addresses most objectives of the assessment task Completed to acceptable tolerance, limits of time/length.

Competently addresses objectives of the assessment task, but may contain minor errors or omissions at the lower end, where treatment of issues may be superficial. Completed to required time length etc

Clearly addresses the objectives of the assessment task, especially those elements requiring critical analysis. At the higher end the work will not contain errors or omissions.

Authoritatively addresses the objectives of the assessment task, especially those components requiring critical analysis, synthesis and evaluation.

Innovatively addresses objectives of the assessment task, especially those components requiring sophistication of critical analysis, synthesis and evaluation.

Professionally addresses the objectives of the assessment task, especially those components requiring originality of critical analysis, synthesis and evaluation.


Fail 1-9% Minimal quality

Fail 10-19% Very poor quality

Fail 20-34% Poor quality

Fail/PP 35-29% Weak quality

3rd 40-49% Acceptable quality

2(ii) 50-59% Sound quality, competent with some limitation

2(i) 60-69% High quality, skilled work

1st 70-79% Outstanding quality

1st 80-89% Outstanding quality

1st 90-100% Exceptional or distinguised quality

Consistent line of profound critical and evaluative argument, displaying the ability to develop original ideas from an innovative synthesis of the work of others. Creative flair in advanced theoretical and conceptual analysis.

A clear and consistent line of highly critical and evaluative argument, displaying the ability to develop oneâ€&#x;s innovative ideas from the work of others. Creative flair in theoretical and conceptual analysis.

A clear and consistent line of critical and evaluative argument, displaying the ability to develop oneâ€&#x;s own insightful ideas from the work of others. Excellent engagement in theoretical and conceptual analysis.

Generally clear line of critical and evaluative argument, with ability to develop own ideas from the work of others. Ability to engage in theoretical and conceptual analysis.

Some limited critical discussion, but argument is unconvincing, particularly at the lower end where the work is more descriptive. More reliance on work of others rather than developing own arguments. Limited theoretical and conceptual analysis.

Work is descriptive with minimal critical discussion and limited theoretical engagement. Too much reliance on the work of others rather than developing own understanding and application of the material

Descriptive or anecdotal with little or no critical discussion and theoretical engagement. Unconvincing or minimal line of argument. Mostly reliant on the work of others, displaying little understanding or ability to apply the material.

Descriptive or anecdotal work with scanty or no argument. Reliant on the work of others and does not use this to develop own arguments. No critical discussion or theoretical engagement. Little practical and intellectual application.

Work is descriptive and anecdotal. Minimal or no argument. May be entirely reliant on the work of others, with no practical and /or academic application to demonstrate understanding of the material.

No practical, academic or intellectual application.

Argument (Reasoning)

Focus your attention on the criteria for 1st and above!


Class Marks/Overall Quality

Undergraduate Assessment Criteria

Wide range of relevant and recommended sources used in a profound and consistent way as supporting evidence. Use of cutting-edge sources beyond the recommended texts, including in-depth use of complex material demonstrating advanced independent research.

Wide range of recommended and relevant sources used in an innovative and consistent way to support arguments. In depth use of sources beyond recommended texts, demonstrates creative flair in independent research.

Wide range of relevant and recommended sources used in an insightful and consistent way as supporting evidence. Some in depth use of sources beyond recommended texts, to demonstrate independent research.

Good range of relevant and recommended sources used in an imaginative and largely consistent way as supportingevidence. Use of some sources beyond recommended texts including more complex materials.

Range of relevant and recommended sources are used, but this may be in an unimaginative or literal manner, particularly at the lower end of the range. Limited use of sources beyond the standard recommended materials.

Limited range of relevant and recommended sources are used, but with some inadequacies in their use and employment as supporting evidence. There may be some reliance on dated or unreliable sources.

Very limited range, use and application of relevant and recommended sources. Demonstrates lack of real understanding. Too much reliance may be placed on dated, unreliable or non-academic sources.

Minimal and inadequate knowledge of relevant and recommended sources. Their use as supporting evidence may be inaccurate, inappropriate or negligible. Reliance on dated, unreliable or nonacademic sources.

Irrelevant or minimal use of recommended sources, resulting in a lack of understanding and inadequate supporting evidence. Non-academic sources that lack intellectual integrity are relied upon.

Based on little or no evidence. Lacks academic and intellectual integrity and quality. Use of non-academic sources limits intellectual understanding.


Distinguished visual and written presentation. Highly sophisticated yet clear and accessible style. Extremely good standards of vocabulary, syntax, spelling and punctuation. Innovative yet logical and fluent organisation and development of materials. Highly articulate, coherent and succinct. Relationships between statement and sections are precisely made with great clarity. Referencing is accurate and appropriate. innovative yet logical and fluent organisation and development of materials. Articulate, coherent and succinct. Relationships between statements and sections are clear and precise. Referencing is accurate and, appropriate.

Outstanding visual and written presentation. Sophisticated yet clear and accessible style. Very good standards of vocabulary, syntax, spelling and punctuation. Possibly Possibly innovative yet logical and fluent organisation and development of materials. Articulate, coherent and succinct. Relationships between statements and sections are clear and precise. Referencing is accurate and, appropriate.

Excellent visual and written presentation. Very clear and accessible style. Good standards of vocabulary, syntax, spelling and punctuation. Logical and fluent organisation and development of materials. Coherent and succinct. Relationship between statements and sections are very clear. Referencing is accurate, appropriate and extensive.

Good visual and written presentation. Clear and accessible style. Generally good standards of vocabulary, syntax, spelling and punctuation. Logical organisation and development of materials. Coherent. Relationship between statements and sections are easy to follow. Referencing is accurate and appropriate.

Generally sound presentation. Style is largely clear and accessible. There may be minor errors of vocabulary, syntax, spelling and punctuation but these should not detract from the overall meaning. There may be inconsistencies in the organisation and development of materials. The relationship between some statements and sections may not be easy to follow. Some points may not be made coherently or succinctly. Work is referenced accurately with few errors.

Acceptable presentation. Some aspects of the style may be unclear. Points may not be made coherently or succinctly. Some errors of vocabulary, syntax, spelling and punctuation but these are not serious distractions from the overall meaning. Some lack of logical development and organisation of the materials. The relationship between some statements and sections may be hard to follow. Work is referenced accurately with some errors.

Weak presentation. Some aspects of the style may be inappropriate, unclear and inaccessible. Some points will not be made coherently or succinctly. Errors of vocabulary, syntax, spelling and punctuation may seriously detract from the overall meaning. The materials may lack logical development and organisation. The relationship between some statements and sections may be difficult to recognise. Limited use of references and some may be inaccurate.

Poor visual and written presentation. The style may be inappropriate, unclear and inaccessible. Points may not be made coherently or succinctly. Errors of vocabulary, syntax,spelling and punctuation may seriously detract from the overall meaning. The materials may lack logical development and organisation. Relationship between statements and sections may be difficult to recognise. References may be absent, inaccurate or incorrect.

Presentation is inappropriate, unclear and inaccessible. Points are not made coherently or succinctly. Compound errors of vocabulary, syntax, spelling and punctuation seriously detract from the overall meaning. Materials lack logical development. Relationship between statements and sections are hard to recognise. References may be absent or incorrect.

Presentation is inappropriate, unclear and inaccessible. Work is not coherent or succinct. Serious errors of vocabulary, syntax, spelling and punctuation obscure the overall meaning. No logical development or organisation of the materials with few links between statements and sections. References are absent, incorrect or inaccurate.

Structure and Presentation

The Contemporary Tourism and Event Environment

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The Contemporary Tourism and Event Environment


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The Contemporary Tourism and Event Environment


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BML109 Business School Dr Andrew Clegg Email:

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