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BML109: Introduc1on to the Contemporary Tourism and Event Environment

Tourism Markets in the UK: Domes1c and Inbound Tourism

BML109: Learning Outcomes By the end of the session, you should be able to:   Identify a range of tourism markets   Explore and critique the structure and changes within the

domestic and inbound UK tourism markets using available Visit Britain / Visit England statistics and research   Identify the factors influencing the changes in the tourism

markets and consider the implications and responses of the tourism industry

Understanding Demand Activity 1: •  Identify specific markets within the tourism and event sector

Types of Tourism Indicative Markets   Holidays

Culture and religion


Social and spiritual

Business tourism

Special interest tourism

Health and fitness

Scenic tourism

Sport/activity tourism   Education

Understanding Markets Domestic Tourism


Holidays - Long Stay

Int. Markets

Holidays - Short Stay

Business & Events

Day Visits





Youth and Study

Specific Sector Research

Specific sector research: accommodation, activities, coast and countryside, culture, heritage, attractions, football and sport, shopping, transport


Tourism Markets Activity 2: •  Working in small groups and using information available from Visit England, produce a short PowerPoint that provides an overview of key trends within key tourism markets. Specifically: •  •  •  •  •

Domestic Tourism Domestic Day Visits International Tourism – the European Market International Tourism – the Asian Market International Tourism – the American

Tourism Markets Activity 2: •  Time to report back….

Summary By the end of the session, you should be able to:   Identify a range of tourism markets   Explore and critique the structure and changes within the

domestic and inbound UK tourism markets using available Visit Britain / Visit England statistics and research   Identify the factors influencing the changes in the tourism

markets and consider the implications and responses of the tourism industry

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