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BML111: Tourism, Events & Des6na6ons: Impacts & Sustainability

The Economic Impacts of Tourism & Events

Aims §  To consider the economic characteris/cs of the tourism

and event product / industry

§  To highlight the factors influencing the intensity of

economic impacts

§  To iden/fy the economic benefits and costs of tourism and


§  To consider the economic impact of tourism and events in

a range of des/na/on environments

Andy’s Great Big Economics of Tourism and Events Quiz

Round 1: The Characteris?cs of the Tourism and Events Sector

Characteris6cs Q1: Which of the following are characteris?cs of the tourism and events sector? A.  It’s a vegetable B.  It’s like a jigsaw C.  It’s vola5le D.  It’s elas5c E.  It leaks F.  It’s good at mul5plica5on

Characteris6cs Q1: Which of the following are characteris?cs of the tourism and events sector? A.  It’s a vegetable B.  It’s like a jigsaw C.  It’s vola6le D.  It’s elas6c E.  It leaks F.  It’s good at mul6plica6on

The Economic Characteris6cs of Tourism and Events Key considera6ons: §  The product is perishable §  A highly fragmented sector/product, linking and affec5ng other

sectors of the economy therefore making the full measurement of economic impacts a complex ac5vity

§  Pearce [1989]:

‘the objec/ve and detailed evalua/on of the economic impact of tourism can be a long and complicated task’

Understanding the Economic Characteris6cs of Tourism Key considera6ons: §  Tourism is a highly unstable export, suscep5ble to

unpredictable external forces

§  Tourism and events are highly elas5c with respect to income

and price

§  The cyclical paNern of demand for tourist goods and services

has significant implica5ons for employment and investment

§  Low levels of customer loyalty in rela5on to des5na5ons,

products, and events oQen linked to complex tourist mo5va5ons

Understanding the Economic Characteris6cs of Tourism The Leaky Bucket Syndrome: ‘There are two ways to maintain and increase the level in a leaky bucket. One way is to increase the flow. But is it the right way? Surely a more logical way is to mend the bucket and staunch some of the leaks. Staunching the leaks (in the UK context) means addi/onal support for domes/c tourism in England’ [Middleton, 2003]

Nega6ve Economic Impacts: §  Leakage of Income §  Interest on foreign capital §  ‘Debt’ §  Money taken by tour operators and airlines §  Consump5on of imported goods §  Tourists oQen ‘confined’ to resort with liNle interac5on

with the local economy

§  Damage to other Economic Sectors §  Lure people and resources away from other sectors of the

wide economy

Enhancing Economic Impacts: Mul6plier Effects §  Tourist spending is re-­‐circulated in the local economy

and is therefore worth more to the area than its face value

§  £200 spent on a couple on a short-­‐break in a hotel

could be worth £200*1.4 (the hotel mul5plier effect for that area) = £280

§  The actual value of the mul5plier will vary from region

to region and different sectors of the leisure and tourism industry

§  A mul5plier for a guest house is greater than a large

hotel which is part of a na5onal chain

Enhancing Economic Impacts: The Mul6plier Effect

Nega6ve Economic Impacts: §  ‘Opportunity Cost’ §  What else could resources be used for?

§  ‘Displacement Effect’ §  Tourism replaces one form of expenditure and economic


§  Infla6on §  Infla5on effects on local economies rela5ng to land,

property and goods e.g. North Wales/Cornwall / France -­‐ villages have become popular for the purchase of second homes

Round 2: Tourism, Events and the Economy

Economic Impacts -­‐ GDP Q2: What is GDP?

Enter your response

Economic Impacts -­‐ GDP Q3: According to the WTTC, what is the global value of tourism’s direct industry contribu?on to GDP? A.  $1,555bn B.  $1,890bn C.  $2,008bn D.  $2,225bn

Economic Impacts -­‐ GDP Q3: According to the WTTC, what is the global value of tourism’s direct industry contribu?on to GDP?









Economic Impacts: Gross Domes6c Product (GDP) Factors Influencing Tourism’s Contribu6on to GDP: Bull (1991): §  The stock of resources -­‐ natural resources, built facili/es,

human and financial resources

§  The state of technical knowledge -­‐ economic returns from

tourism are highest in those countries with high levels of technical exper/se

§  Social and poli6cal stability -­‐ factors influencing the des/na/on

environment, visitor numbers and hence receipts from tourism

Economic Impacts: Gross Domes6c Product Factors Influencing Tourism’s Contribu6on to GDP: Bull (1991): §  A]tudes and habits -­‐ views of the host community and the

individual tourists’ propensity to travel

§  Investment -­‐ government and commercial investment in capital

projects, promo/on, training and business support

Economic Impacts Q4: According to es?mates what is the predicted increase in total UK GDP between 2005 and 2016 as a result of the Olympics? A.  £1.9bn B.  £2.5bn C.  £3.1bn D.  £3.4bn

Economic Impacts Q4: According to es?mates what is the predicted increase in total UK GDP between 2005 and 2016 as a result of the Olympics?









Economic Impacts Q5: According to Visit Britain sta?s?cs what is the current value of tourism to the English economy? A.  £94.1bn B.  £95.8bn C.  £96.7bn D.  £97.2bn

Economic Impacts Q5: According to Visit Britain sta?s?cs what is the current value of tourism to the English economy?









Economic Impacts Q6: How much is the heritage tourism sector worth to the UK economy? A.  £9.8bn B.  £11.2bn C.  £12.4bn D.  £13.5bn

Economic Impacts Q6: How much is the heritage tourism sector worth to the UK economy?









Economic Impacts Q7: In which country does tourism account for 67% of total economy GDP? A.  Romania B.  Brunei C.  Maldives D.  Vietnam

Economic Impacts Q7: In which country does tourism account for 67% of total economy GDP? A.  Romania B.  Brunei C.  Maldives D.  Vietnam

Economic Impacts Q8: In which country does tourism account for approximately 6% of total employment? A.  Romania B.  Brunei C.  Maldives D.  Vietnam

Economic Impacts Q8: In which country does tourism account for approximately 6% of total employment? A.  Romania B.  Brunei C.  Maldives D.  Vietnam

Economic Impacts Q9: Do visitors to the UK represent an import or export for the Balance of Payments? A.  Import B.  Export

Economic Impacts Q9: Do visitors to the UK represent an import or export for the Balance of Payments? A.  Import B.  Export

Economic Impacts: Balance of Payments (BofP) Balance of Payments §  The ouhlow of Bri5sh money spent abroad = IMPORTS §  The inflow of foreign holiday-­‐makers money spent in the UK =


§  The value of receipts minus the total payments represents a

country’s balance of payments on the tourism account

Economic Impacts Q10: Does the UK currently have a deficit or surplus on the current account for tourism? A.  Surplus B.  Deficit

Economic Impacts Q10: Does the UK currently have a deficit or surplus on the current account for tourism? A.  Surplus B.  Deficit

Economic Impacts: Balance of Payments (BofP) United Kingdom Travel Account 1976-2000 30000 25000 Earnings from Outbound Tourism (£m.)(Debit Import)

20000 15000

Earnings from Inbound Tourism (£m.)(Credit Export)



Balance 5000

-10000 -15000





























Economic Impacts Exchange Rates Values – Sterling v US Dollar Shopping Trip to New York (£1,500)

8th Nov 2007

1st April 2009

29th Jan 2010

30th Jan 2011

26th Jan 2012

2nd Feb 2013

2nd Feb 2014

2nd Feb 2015

27th Jan 2016

(£1 = $2.10)

(£1 = $1.36)

(£1 = $1.61)

(£1 = $1.59)

(£1 = $1.57)

(£1 = $1.57)

(£1 = $1.64)

(£1 = $1.51)

(£1 = $1.42)










Shopping Trip to London ($1,500) 8th Nov 2007

1st April 2009

29th Jan 2010

30th Jan 2011

26th Jan 2012

2nd Feb 2013

2nd Feb 2014

2nd Feb 2015

27th Jan 2016

($1 = £0.47)

($1 = £0.73)

($1 = £0.62)

($1 = £0.62)

($1 = £0.64)

($1 = £0.64)

($1 = £0.60)

($1 = £0.66)

($1 = £0.702)










Tourism and the Balance of Payments The Leaky Bucket Syndrome: ‘There are two ways to maintain and increase the level in a leaky bucket. One way is to increase the flow. But is it the right way? Surely a more logical way is to mend the bucket and staunch some of the leaks. Staunching the leaks (in the UK context) means addi/onal support for domes/c tourism in England’ [Middleton, 2003]

Tourism and the Balance of Payments Key Facts: §

B of P deficit fluctuated around £2 to £4bn in the early 1990s but had risen to £15bn in 2001


2002 revealed the worst overall B of P (goods and services) since records began over 300 years ago


Need to recognise the value of domes5c tourism which outweighs inbound tourism by a factor of 10:1

Round 3: Visitor Expenditure

Economic Impacts Q11: According to Visit Britain sta?s?cs, 30 million inbound visits generates what level of spend? A.  £11.7bn B.  £12.5bn C.  £14.6bn D.  £16.5bn

Economic Impacts Q11: According to Visit Britain sta?s?cs, 30 million inbound visits generates what level of spend?









Economic Impacts Q12: How much does the domes?c tourism market spend on overnight trips? A.  £19.2bn B.  £21.2bn C.  £22bn D.  £23.1bn

Economic Impacts Q12: How much does the domes?c tourism market spend on overnight trips?









Economic Impacts Q13: What percentage of England’s Domes?c Overnight Holiday Trips are spent in the South East? A.  11% B.  14 C.  18% D.  21%

Economic Impacts Q13: What percentage of England’s Domes?c Overnight Holiday Trips are spent in the South East?









Economic Impacts Q14: What percentage of England’s Domes?c Overnight Holiday Trips are spent in the South West? A.  19% B.  22% C.  25% D.  27%

Economic Impacts Q14: What percentage of England’s Domes?c Overnight Holiday Trips are spent in the South West?









Economic Impacts Q15: How many people visit the Arun District each year? A.  2.8m B.  3.2m C.  3.7m D.  4.1m

Economic Impacts Q15: How many people visit the Arun District each year?









Economic Impacts Q16: What is the value of total visitor spending in the Arun District? A.  £187m B.  £193m C.  £196m D.  £199m

Economic Impacts Q16: What is the value of total visitor spending in the Arun District?









Economic Impacts Q17: According to figures from SQW Consul?ng (2009), what was the total direct spending generated by visitors to the Glastonbury Fes?val? A.  £39m B.  £42m C.  £48m D.  £52m

Economic Impacts Q17: According to figures from SQW Consul?ng (2009), what was the total direct spending generated by visitors to the Glastonbury Fes?val?









Economic Impacts Q18: What the total visitor expenditure at the Sundance Interna?onal Film Fes?val in 2013?

A.  $45.7m B.  $52.1m C.  $56.7m D.  $61m

Economic Impacts Q18: What the total visitor expenditure at the Sundance Interna?onal Film Fes?val in 2013?

A.  $45.7m B.  $52.1m C.  $56.7m D.  $61m

Economic Impacts Q19: According to es?mates, what was the total visitor expenditure derived from the Royal Wedding? A.  £107m B.  £110m C.  £112m D.  £115m

Economic Impacts Q19: According to es?mates, what was the total visitor expenditure derived from the Royal Wedding?









Economic Impacts Q20: According to es?mates what level of visitor spending is generated by the London marathon? A.  £27.9m B.  £30.2m C.  £31.7m D.  £32.8m

Economic Impacts Q20: According to es?mates what level of visitor spending is generated by the London marathon?









Economic Impacts Q21: How much does Las Vegas earn from gambling revenue each year? A.  $2.1bn B.  $3.5bn C.  $6.1bn D.  $8.2bn

Economic Impacts Q21: How much does Las Vegas earn from gambling revenue each year? A.  $2.1bn B.  $3.5bn C.  $6.1bn D.  $8.2bn

Economic Impacts Q22: How many people a_ended the 2012 Goodwood Revival mee?ng? A.  134,562 B.  145,398 C.  148,192 D.  152,232

Economic Impacts Q22: How many people a_ended the 2012 Goodwood Revival mee?ng? A.  134,562 B.  145,398 C.  148,192 D.  152,232

Economic Impacts Q23: How much did the 2012 Goodwood Revival inject into the local economy? A.  £7.5mn B.  £9.2mn C.  £10.9mn D.  £12mn

Economic Impacts Q23: How much did the 2012 Goodwood Revival inject into the local economy? A.  £7.5mn B.  £9.2mn C.  £10.9mn D.  £12mn

Economic Impacts Q24: How many person nights did the 2012 Goodwood Revival generate? A.  64,500 B.  75,000 C.  95,000 D.  101,000

Economic Impacts Q24: How many person nights did the 2012 Goodwood Revival generate? A.  64,500 B.  75,000 C.  95,000 D.  101,000

Round 4: Economic Impacts -­‐ Employment

Economic Impacts Q25: According to the WTTC, how many people does the tourism industry employ globally? A.  196,500,000 B.  238,277,000 C.  275,450,000 D.  300,600,000

Economic Impacts Q25: According to the WTTC, how many people does the tourism industry employ globally?









Economic Impacts Q26: According to the WTTC, what percentage of the global workforce is employed in tourism? A.  6.8% B.  7.5% C.  8.4% D.  9.2%

Economic Impacts Q26: According to the WTTC, what percentage of the global workforce is employed in tourism?









Economic Impacts Q27: According to es?mates, how many FTE jobs in Edinburgh are supported by the Edinburgh Fes?vals? A.  4,200 B.  4,500 C.  4,890 D.  5,242

Economic Impacts Q27: According to es?mates, how many FTE jobs in Edinburgh are supported by the Edinburgh Fes?vals?









Economic Impacts Q28: According to Visit Britain sta?s?cs, how many people work in the tourism industry in the UK? A.  0.9m B.  1.4m C.  1.9m D.  2.6m

Economic Impacts Q28: According to Visit Britain sta?s?cs, how many people work in the tourism industry in the UK?









Economic Impacts Q29: How much is tourism worth per Arun resident?

A.  £166 B.  £122 C.  £129 D.  £135

Economic Impacts Q29: How much is tourism worth per Arun resident?









Economic Impacts: Employment Types of Tourism Employment: §

Direct -­‐ jobs created as a result of visitor expenditure and directly suppor5ng tourism ac5vity


Indirect -­‐ jobs created within the tourism supply sector but not as a direct result of tourism ac5vity


Induced -­‐ jobs created as a result of tourism expenditure as local residents spend money earned from tourism


Construc6on employment -­‐ jobs generated in the construc5on of tourist facili5es and infrastructure

Economic Impacts: Employment Employment – Key Ques6ons: §

How many people are employed as a result of the tourism industry?


What type of job opportuni5es and job mobility exist in the tourism industry


What skills do people require and what returns and benefits can be expected from their employment


What is the geographical and temporal dimension of this employment?

[Source: Wall and Mathieson, 2006, p. 127]

Economic Impacts: Employment Employment – Key Ques6ons: §

What level of capital investment is required to create this employment and maintain ongoing training of human capital?


What is the overall economic contribu5on to na5onal, regional, and local economies of this employment?


What are the renumera5on levels of tourism occupa5ons compared to other sectors?


What are the paNerns of occupa5onal diversity in rela5on to standards of service requirements, size of the tourist enterprise, loca5on, type of client, and seasonality?

[Source: Wall and Mathieson, 2006, p. 127]

Economic Impacts: Employment Key Issues: §  Employment is seasonal §  Limited career poten5al §  Unsocial hours §  Poor working condi5ons §  The local popula5on is oQen too small to fill the vacancies §  In many areas there are insufficient workers with specific

technical or managerial skills

Economic Impacts: Employment Key Issues: §  Outsiders are aNracted in by high wages and the

opportunity to live and work in pleasant or exo5c surroundings

§  Immigrant workers get much of the ini5al employment


Round 5: Economic Impacts – Economic Development and Regenera?on

Economic Impacts Q30: What percentage of F1 races were held in Europe in 1988?

A.  20% B.  35% C.  45% D.  62%

Economic Impacts Q30: What percentage of F1 races were held in Europe in 1988?

A.  20% B.  35% C.  45% D.  62%

Economic Impacts Q31: What percentage of F1 races were held in Europe in 2013?

A.  22% B.  28% C.  37% D.  45%

Economic Impacts Q31: What percentage of F1 races were held in Europe in 2013?

A.  22% B.  28% C.  37% D.  45%

Economic Impacts Q32: According to es?mates, how much money was spent in a 60 mile radius of Silverstone as a result of the 2008 Bri?sh Grand Prix? A.  £47mn B.  £51mn C.  £55mn D.  £61mn

Economic Impacts Q32: According to es?mates, how much money was spent in a 60 mile radius of Silverstone as a result of the 2008 Bri?sh Grand Prix?









Formula 1: Value and Impact

Impacts of F1: Economic Returns: §  F1 events generate an average return of 553 per cent §  Japanese Grand Prix – government investment of $4m;

$70m local economic impact gives an es5mated 1,750 % return

§  Monaco – state funding of $3m – genera5ng $120m

spending in the country

§  Nurburgring-­‐ a return of 167% (rural sewng diminishes

its economic impact)

Impacts of F1: Economic Returns: §  Canadian Grand Prix (2004) – during the week of the

race: §

Spending at tourist aNrac5ons and exhibits grew 261% compared with the previous week


Transport receipts increased 24%


Spending rose 20% in sports shops, 12% in department stores and 8% in restaurants

Economic Impacts Q33: Between 2004-­‐2007, what was the total economic injec?on Valencia derived from hos?ng the America’s Cup? A.  2,478m Euros B.  2,578m Euros C.  2,768m Euros D.  2,995m Euros

Economic Impacts Q33: Between 2004-­‐2007, what was the total economic injec?on Valencia derived from hos?ng the America’s Cup?


2,478m Euros


2,568m Euros


2,768m Euros


2,995m Euros

Economic Impacts Q34: What is the collec?ve value of Games-­‐related contracts won by more than 1,500 UK companies? A.  £2.4bn B.  £4.2bn C.  £5.0bn D.  £6.5bn

Economic Impacts Q34: What is the collec?ve value of Games-­‐related contracts won by more than 1,500 UK companies?









Economic Impacts Q35: Between 2005 and 2017 what is the es?mated spend on Games-­‐related construc?on? A.  £4.2bn B.  £5.0bn C.  £9.4bn D.  £11.9bn

Economic Impacts Q35: Between 2005 and 2017 what is the es?mated spend on Games-­‐related construc?on? A.  £4.2bn B.  £5.0bn C.  £9.4bn D.  £11.9bn

Round 6: Tourism and Events – Economic Legacies

Economic Impacts Q36: Between 2005 and 2017 what is the es?mated spend on Games-­‐related construc?on? A.  £4.2bn B.  £5.0bn C.  £9.4bn D.  £11.9bn

Economic Impacts Q36: Between 2005 and 2017 what is the es?mated spend on Games-­‐related construc?on? A.  £4.2bn B.  £5.0bn C.  £9.4bn D.  £11.9bn

Economic Impacts Q37: Between 2005 and 2017 what is the es?mated increase in visitor numbers? A.  £10.8m B.  £11.5m C.  £12.3m D.  £12.9m

Economic Impacts Q37: Between 2005 and 2017 what is the es?mated increase in visitor numbers? A.  £10.8m B.  £11.5m C.  £12.3m D.  £12.9m

Economic Impacts Q38: Which is the odd one out?





Economic Impacts Q38: Which is the odd one out?

Economic Impacts Q39: Where is this?

Economic Impacts Q39: Where is this?

Posi6ve Economic Impacts: Economic Regenera6on and Development §

Investment in infrastructure/regenera5on


Marke5ng and ‘image-­‐making’

Economic Impacts: Economic Regenera6on and Development

Economic Impacts: Legacy What is legacy?

Economic Impacts: Legacy What is legacy?

Economic Impacts: Legacy What is legacy? §

A review of the research literature reveals a notable degree of ‘hesitancy’ over a precise defini5on of legacy

Economic Impacts: Legacy What is legacy? §

Cashman (2005): The use of the word legacy is elusive, problema5c and even dangerous for a number of reasons: ‘When the term is used by organising commiWees, it is assumed to be en/rely posi/ve, there being no such thing as nega/ve legacy when used in this context. Secondly, it is usually believed that legacy benefits flow to a community at the end of the Games as a maWer of course’

Economic Impacts: Legacy Preuss (2007) ‘Hard’ and ‘Sop’ Event Structures

‘SoQ’ Structures

‘Hard’ Structures

• Knowledge (e.g. organisa5onal, security, technological • Networks (e.g. poli5cal, sports When ‘event federa5ons, security) structures’ change • Cultural goods (e.g. cultural iden5ty, cultural ideas, common memory) the supply-­‐side

characteris/cs of a des/na/on, any subsequent ac/vity based on or resul/ng • Primary Structure (e.g. sport infrastructure, from these ac/vi/es training sites) is the event legacy • Secondary infrastructure (e.g. village for athletes, technical officials and media) • Ter5ary structure (e.g. security, power plants, telecommunica5on networks, cultural aNrac5ons)

Nega6ve Economic Impacts: §  ‘Net Legacy Benefit’ §  Redistribu6ons -­‐ the alterna5ve investment (opportunity

costs) would have created alterna5ve legacies

§  If an event pulls in an extra 10% of visitors, but average

visitor growth preceding the event has been 7% then the legacy is only an increase of 3%

§  Crowding-­‐out -­‐ benefits that cannot be ac5vated due to

limited capaci5es have to be deducted from the event legacy; e.g. event related visitors crowding out ordinary visitors

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this session you should be able to: §  Iden/fy the economic characteris/cs of the tourism and

event product / industry

§  Discuss the factors influencing the intensity of economic


§  Iden/fy the economic benefits and costs of tourism and


§  Discuss and evaluate the economic impact of tourism and

events in a range of des/na/on environments

Andy’s Great Economics of Tourism and Events Quiz

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