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BML207: Purple Goldfish and the Art of Service Experience

Module Handbook 2017

University of Chichester Business School Dr Andrew Clegg

Purple Goldfish and the Art of Service Experience

Purple Goldfish and the Art of Service Experience


Within increasingly competitive tourism and business environments, experience and service have become core elements of strategy, as businesses seek to improve the quality and competitiveness of products, services, and experiences they offer. Businesses have placed greater emphasis on service differentiation, the so called ‘Purple Goldfish’, where increasing emphasis is placed on meeting the needs of an increasingly quality conscious consumer market by adding value in service and experience. The aim of this module is to introduce students to the principles and practices related to the development and management of customer service strategies from which they can creatively deliver high quality customer experiences.

Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and Understanding: On successful completion of this module students will be able to: •

Distinguish between the ways in which customer service, quality and experience have been defined and conceptualised

Debate the factors influencing the emergence of experience and quality as management tools

Practically apply the tools and techniques that can be used to critically assess customer service and to facilitate service enhancement

Apply the key stages in developing a customer service strategy to support the customer experience for a specific business environment


Communicate effectively in written and verbal form

Display appropriate IT skills

Good customer service skills are an essential employability skill for anybody wanting to work in the service sector. The aim of this module is to provide you with an opportunity to not only develop an understanding of the core principles of service excellence but also to apply them to a given business environment. The Welcome Management certification is an valuable addition to your CV, and will provide an interesting talking point at a job interview.


Purple Goldfish and the Art of Service Experience

Module Content

19/1/16: Week 1:

Introduction: Service, Experience and Excellence

26/1/15: Week 2:

Strategies for Service Excellence [1]


Week 3:

Strategies for Service Excellence [2]


Week 4:

Tools & Techniques for Service Excellence 1

16/2/16: Week 5:

Reading Week

23/2/16: Week 6:

Fieldtrip: London (TBC)

2/3/16: Week 7:

Tools & Techniques for Service Excellence 2 Customer Service Workshops


Week 8:

Measuring and Monitoring Service 1

16/3/16: Week 9:

Measuring and Monitoring Service 2

23/3/16: Week 10: Managing Staff for Service Excellence 30/3/16: Week 11: Managing Online Service Excellence 20/4/16: Week 12: Tender meeting with developer The specific learning outcomes for each session are provided on a weekly basis, and can be accessed and downloaded via the BML207 Moodle homepage. A weekly lecture programme will introduce the key themes of the module during which particular emphasis will be placed on student-directed activities and in-class discussion. For example, students will have the opportunity to gain ‘hands-on’ experience with the different tools and techniques that can be used to improve service quality. Sessions focusing on quality circles, benchmarking, cause and effect diagrams (fish-bone diagrams) and flow charts will be inherently student-led. The discussion generated in these sessions will help students plan their fieldwork report/exercise, which will involve applying one of the tools or techniques identified to a specific tourism business. Precise timings for any trips will be provided during the module. Students will also be asked to make a contribution to fieldwork activity, and these monies should be promptly paid to the Business School admin office. The module is timetabled for 9am to 12pm on Thursdays. However, can I please ask that you keep your diaries clear to 3pm on Thursday afternoons as I am planning a number of guest lectures and fieldtrips that will run beyond the timetabled slot. Specific details will be provided at the start of the module.


Purple Goldfish and the Art of Service Experience

Module Topics

Topic 1:

Service, Experience and Excellence The aim of this introductory topic is to get you to consider what are the key indicators for service quality, and the principal elements of service excellence. You will be introduced to the concept of ‘Purple Goldfish’, the importance of experience within the service sector and key factors influencing service quality as a key management and strategic tool, which is increasingly linked to business competitiveness and the attainment of competitive advantage. Learning Outcomes: • • • • •

To define experience and service excellence To discuss the relationship between quality and the nature/ character of the service sector To discuss the factors influencing the emergence of quality and experience as a management tool To introduce the notion of the ‘experience economy’ and ‘experience realms’ To identify the key elements of service excellence and experience

Topic 2:

Developing Strategies for Excellence The aim of this topic is to encourage you to think about developing effective customer service strategies that underpin excellence. Consideration is given to the nature of strategy itself, and then the core components and processes involved in developing customer service strategies. Central to this will be consideration to the Service Excellence Model. Learning Outcomes: • • • • •


Develop and sustain a reputation for service excellence by creating a customer service strategy Recognise the value and significance of customer service strategies Understand the key stages instrumental when developing a customer service strategy Understand the key external influences, including the main opportunities and threats, for your business Assess the internal strengths and weaknesses of your business

Purple Goldfish and the Art of Service Experience Topic 3:

Tools and Techniques for Service Excellence The aim of this topic is to consider the underpinning tools and techniques that a business can adopt to support and enhance service excellence. Consideration is given to the role of systems, and the importance of quality assurance. There is also a distinct handson element to this topic, and through a series of practical exercises you will be introduced to a variety of tools, such as value chain analysis, that you can use to enhance service quality. As part of this session, you will also be asked prepare and deliver a short training game that focuses on one aspect of customer service. Learning Outcomes: • • • • •

To use appropriate techniques to track and plan for service excellence/service enhancement Evaluate the importance of systems in delivering service excellence To define and implement strategies to deliver service excellence/ service enhancement To apply the Service Excellence Toolkit to a specific business scenario To design a short exercise/activity for service enhancement

Topic 4:

Measuring and Monitoring Customer Service Measuring and monitoring customer service is essential for any business. The aim of this topic is to examine the various methodologies that can be developed to monitor and evaluate service quality. Reference is made to established frameworks for measuring service quality such as Servqual, while through practical exercises attention is also given to service gap analysis, and calculating a satisfaction index score. By this point, you will be expected to have completed your quality audit, and you will be able to draw on your results and gap analysis, in readiness for the submission of your report. Learning Outcomes: • • •

To examine and critique respective quantitative and qualitative methodologies for monitoring and evaluating service quality To examine the basic approaches to service gap analysis and demonstrate how to calculate a satisfaction index score Discuss and analyse the basic components of the Servqual model


Purple Goldfish and the Art of Service Experience Topic 5:

Managing Staff for Service Excellence No matter how good your product is, high quality customer service is completely dependent on having well-trained, motivated and customerfocused staff. The aim of this topic is to therefore consider the role and importance of staff in delivering service excellence. By making reference to industry best practice, consideration will be given to key areas such as recruitment, staff engagement, retention, and reward and recognition. Learning Outcomes: • • • •

To evaluate the role and importance of staff in delivering service excellence To identify inherent problems in customer-staff relations as a context for managing service excellence To look at how recruitment and retention, and staff training are essential to service excellence To explore through specific case studies practical approaches to managing staff and training

Topic 6:

Managing Online Customer Service Online Christmas sales of over £5bn highlights the importance of online shopping and e-commerce to businesses. The aim of this topic to consider how customers are interacting with businesses within this virtual space, and to identify and evaluate the core elements of online customer service, with reference to analysis tools such as WebQual. Learning Outcomes: •

• •


To consider the changing character of the Internet environment, and how customers are now interacting with this virtual space and implications for customer service To identify the relative advantages and disadvantages of online service and evaluate the implications for customer service To evaluate the key elements of online customer service, making reference to WebQual as an analysis tool

Purple Goldfish and the Art of Service Experience

Module Resources

In addition to journals and textbooks available in the libraries, additional module resources are available online via the BML207 Moodle homepage. Reading lists, online publications, weblinks and statistics are

For the latest information on developments within the attractions sector visit Attractions Management

available at and additional resources are also

problems please do not hesitate to ask the library staff for assistance or

available online via Business Source Complete. You will be introduced to the resources available to you during the programme. If you run into you could ask the Business Subject Librarian, Steve Bowman, for help. A number of relevant text to get you started include: BELL, C. ZENUKE, R. AND ZIELINSKI, D. (2007) Managing Knock Your Socks Off Service, ACACOM, New York. DRUMMOND, S. AND YEOMAN, I. (2001) Quality Issues in Heritage Visitor Attractions, Butterworth Heinemann, London. FORNELL, C. (2009) The Satisfied Customer, Blackwell, London. FRANCIS, N. (2010) Tourist Customer Service Satisfaction – An Encounter Approach, Routledge, London. FYALL, A. (2008) Managing Visitor Attractions, Butterworth Heinemann, London. GOODMAN, A. (2009) Strategic Customer Service, ACACOM, New York. HARRIS, E.K. (2010) Customer service: A Practical Approach, Prentice Hall, London. KANDAMPULLY, J., MOK, C. AND SPARKS, B. (2001) Service Quality Management in Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, Haworth Clinical Practice, London. MOTWANI, G. AND SOWER, E. (2006) Benchmarking in Services, Emerald Group Publishing, London. PHELPS, S. (2012) What’s Your Purple Goldfish? How to Win Customers and Influence Word of Mouth, 9-Inch Marketing, United States. RYAN, C. (2002) The Tourist Experience, Second Edition, Continuum, New York. TISCH, J. AND WEBER, K. (2009) Chocolates on the Pillow Aren’t Enough – Reinventing the Customer Experience, Wiley, Chichester.

Self-Directed Activities

As part of the 150 hours for each module, you will also be asked to complete short tasks that will form part of the next lecture session. While not assessed, these tasks are intended to support your own learning, and to explore specific issues covered during the module. Specific tasks will be allocated on a weekly basis. It is essential that these tasks are completed, as they designed to encourage you to start reading and exploring the resources that you have to hand.


Purple Goldfish and the Art of Service Experience


The assessment for this module will consist of a fieldwork report, utilising tools or techniques discussed during the module (2,450 words

equivalent per person; 70%) and a team Experience and Service

Strategy Pitch (approx. 5-7 minutes per student; 30%) based around a synoptic exercise relating to aspects of customer service and customer service strategies.

Assessment #1

Assessment #1: The Fieldwork Report As part of your fieldwork report you will assume the role of an ‘experience assessor’, and develop your own experience auditing tool/survey to provide a critical evaluation of the quality of the visitor experience for a specific tourist attraction of your own choosing. To aid you in this task you will be given access to a full suite of VAQAS resources to help you develop a suitable quality audit. Within this auditing process you will also have the opportunity to utilise the tools and techniques covered in the module. Guidelines on how to develop your audit and present your findings will be intensively covered during the course of the module.

Read and take note of this section!!

Report Structure In terms of the overall format and layout of the report, emphasis must be placed on providing a clear and logical structure. I will expect to see the following elements provided in the report. (i) Introduction Your report should start by providing a clear overview/audit of the attraction you have chosen, and the nature of the product/experience that is being provided. Give consideration to the different elements of the visitor experience, related areas such as pricing, awards, accolades, and who the main market of the attraction is. You can include any materials that may help you convey the nature of the experience on offer - this could include for example photographs and visitor information, such as site maps. You may also be able to find information on current approaches to customer service - for example do they have a current customer service strategy. This is something you might be able to enquire about during or after your visit. Some reference to the operational profile of the attraction (for example visitor numbers) could also be included, and I also expect to see reference to the key pressures influencing the management of the visitor experience for the wider attractions sector you have chosen. This is an important inclusion as it provides the context for your subsequent analysis of the visitor experience.


Purple Goldfish and the Art of Service Experience You will need to demonstrate engagement with the literature and industry resources to do this to the required standard. Think carefully about how this information is presented in order to establish a suitable context. This initial discussion could also make reference to existing customer feedback that you could access via looking at visitor comments on TripAdvisor. Including one or two comments is not sufficient, and I would expect to see analysis of a number of comments with key themes identified and presented accordingly, for example using a word cloud. The understanding of the attraction demonstrated in the introduction, and the key factors influencing the quality of the visitor experience provide the basis on which to discuss areas of enhancement or best practice in your later discussion. Some reference to the rationale for the choice of attraction should also be included. (ii) Clear Presentation of Auditing Results and Discussion I expect to see the results of your auditing process clearly displayed and analysed in your discussion. You should complete the auditing process thoroughly, and use these results to provide the basis of your discussion. An effort should be made to include service gap analysis for the service elements you assess (you will have covered gap analysis in the session on measuring and monitoring customer service). You must then also provide a commentary for each section highlighting what the results are showing. While this is an applied piece of work, I will expect to see some reference back to the academic literature in order to place your observations in context. Also at this point make sure you include any photos that support any aspect of your discussion. Also include make use of any additional tools, techniques and concepts covered on the module. For example when looking at the attraction website you could also score against the webqual template discussed during the module.


Purple Goldfish and the Art of Service Experience (iii) Conclusions: Best Practice and Recommendations for Excellence

The final part of your report should conclude by identifying a series of recommendations for enhancement and identifying areas of best practice. At this point I would expect to see wider recognition of best practice across the attractions sector, and you making reference to best practice from other attractions. You must ultimately provide a critical commentary on the overall quality of the visitor experience and highlight areas of best practice (if applicable). The final part of your report must outline a series of recommendations for service improvement as the basis of a new customer service strategy for the attraction that you have chosen. Failure to include the final recommendations section will result in a penalty mark of 10% being applied to your report.

Please give consideration to the following: •

The overall format and layout of the report with a clear emphasis on providing a clear and logical structure. Your report should start by providing a detailed overview of the attraction you have chosen, and the nature of the product/experience that is provided.

The results of your fieldwork and auditing will form the basis of the report and, accordingly, your results must be effectively presented using appropriate formats - for example Excel charts, tables and photos. Be creative in terms of how you present your results. You must integrate the results of your fieldwork into your discussion they must not simply be included as standalone elements.

Your analysis should also draw on the available literature to provide some level of contextualisation for your own results. A review of the literature will also provide you with ideas on how to present your results. You must ultimately provide a critical commentary on the overall quality of the visitor experience and highlight areas of best practice (if applicable).

Remember not to write in the first person. The report should be objective and written in the third person.

Subheadings are allowed and are recommended to help structure your report accordingly. Ensure that the subheadings are numbered accordingly and consistently throughout. A contents page should be included at the start.


Purple Goldfish and the Art of Service Experience •

I do expect to see quite a visual and innovative report structure - this is necessary to help articulate the nature of the visitor experience the attraction offers. Look at each section and consider carefully what information can be included. For example when looking at the attraction’s website I would expect to see a screenshot included in your discussion.

All photos and any illustrations should be clearly labelled and referenced in the text. If you use an image make reference to it do not put it in as simple window-dressing. Photos, graphs and illustrations should be not text-wrapped.

I do expect to see a level of referencing to the academic text, particularly when discussing your observations and making reference to best practice and areas for enhancement from across the attractions sector. Evidence of benchmarking of good practice from comparable attractions should be included.

Please ensure that your student number(s) are clearly included on the front page of your report.

In terms of the overall style of presentation I will leave that to you. However there is an opportunity here to present the information in a slightly different manner. You are encouraged to look beyond a standard black and white document, and even think about changing the page orientation. Be creative but make sure you present the information in a structured and accessible way. Quite simply make sure the information is self-explanatory and suitably informed by your own investigation, background reading, and reference to sector best practice.

The specific assessment criteria for the fieldwork report are: •

Clear and logical structure making reference to the key auditing sections and thematics outlined in the assessment brief

Appropriate use and application of tools and techniques used to measure and improve service quality

Ability to convey results of fieldwork accurately and succinctly using appropriate formats

Evidence of engagement with the academic literature and use of accurate referencing conventions

The auditing process can be completed in pairs but you should

aim to produce an individual report. The presentation component will be peer assessed at the end of the module.


Purple Goldfish and the Art of Service Experience The report must be submitted to the admin office 1pm on Wednesday 3rd May. An electronic copy must also be submitted online via Turnitin by 1pm.

Assessment #2

Assessment #2: Experience and Service Strategy Pitch The team presentation will be based around a synoptic exercise involving the development of an action plan relating to the implementation of a customer service strategy for a new visitor attraction in Bognor Regis. Groups will be restricted to a maximum of 4 people. Context As part of regeneration proposals in Bognor Regis a large commercial space has been identified for development on the Alexandra Theatre site. As part of this process you have been asked by developers to create a new attraction concept for the site, and provide an experience and service excellence strategy.

Within your tender you are asked

to focus on four key areas that will be central to enhancing business competitiveness and ensuring the overall quality of the visitor experience. Tender Element 1: The Experience You must outline the overall attraction concept that you would develop on the site. Any proposal must be based on an understanding of the attractions sector, and an awareness of the potential audience. Development suggestions must draw on best practice from across the attractions/service sector. Tender Element 2: Strategy and Management The developers expect to see clear reference to core elements of an experience and service excellence strategy to support and enhance customer service and the overall visitor experience. Tender Element 3: Staffing and Recruitment Developers want to see how you would facilitate the involvement and empowerment of staff in the delivery of service excellence and visitor experience. Indicative areas for consideration include: staff motivation, levels of staff retention and communication between management and staff, induction and training. Tender Element 4 : Monitoring and Evaluation Developers also want to see how you would develop effective methods of monitoring and evaluating the quality of the visitor experience.


Purple Goldfish and the Art of Service Experience Presentation Delivery The presentation must provide a coherent and structured vision of your development proposal, and must refer to the four key areas outlined above. A number of consultancy companies have been asked to tender for this work, and the developers will select the proposal based on the extent to which they meet the following assessment criteria: (i) Structure, content and succinctness of the pitch Ensure there is a logical progression in terms of the overall structure of your presentation and a clear linkage between the different sections. Make sure you follow the tender guidelines clearly, and make reference to the different sections for consideration clearly. Developers will expect to see clear aims at the start, and a clear focus on your concept. (ii) Appropriate application and relevance of customer service and experience management principles in relation to the assessment brief

Your recommendations must be based on a clear understanding of the customer service principles (covered during the module). Think about the underpinning approach to service experience and excellence that will underpin your concept. I would expect to see the service excellence model woven creatively into your presentation. (iii) Evidence of best practice case studies (accurate referencing to the academic literature using appropriate conventions)

The developers are expecting to see reference to industry best practice and so this should be evidenced throughout. I will expect to see evidence of background reading, but included to reflect the nature of your audience and the purpose of the pitch. (iv) The use and quality of visual aids to support the pitch A high quality presentation is essential which above all is delivered as a tender pitch - you need to demonstrate that you have understood your audience and delivered what the developers have asked for. A high quality and professional presentation will be required. Given the length of the presentation the use of Prezzi is not allowed.

This is a professional presentation and all consultancy groups are asked to prepare their presentations to the highest standard. The groups are asked to dress professionally for their final presentations. Please note the final presentations will be filmed for dissemination and analysis by the staff team.


Purple Goldfish and the Art of Service Experience The provisional dates for the presentations are Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th May. Resubmission In the unlikely event that you fail this module, the resit will consist of an extended research report (3,500 word). If you have any problems regarding your work you should talk to your module tutor. Details relating to mitigation can be found in the student handbook which can be accessed via the BML207 Moodle homepage.

Staff Support

I can be found on the top of floor of the Dome (Room 2.14) on the Bognor Regis campus. If you have any problems please do not hesitate to come and see me. While I am usually around, consultancy work does take me off campus from time to time. Therefore while you are welcome to pop in informally, please email me to make an appointment ( 01243 812017) to guarantee that I am in to see you. You are also strongly advised to check your emails regularly regarding module updates and also the BML207 homepage.


At the end of the module, you will have the opportunity to complete a module evaluation form to comment on the overall structure, content and quality of the programme. If you have any immediate concerns about the quality of the module then please do not hesitate to come and talk to me directly or talk to your student representative. The module evaluation form will be available online via the BML207 Moodle homepage. A copy of last year’s module evaluation and the module tutor’s response is available online.

Code of Conduct

The University’s Commitment Charter (Section C) sets out the codes of behaviour that staff and students can expect from one another. Every member of the University community is expected to uphold the Charter commitments and to help to maintain a respectful and constructive learning environment for themselves and for others. In contact (class) time, and outside of it, the University expects you to show consideration towards other students and the staff of the University. In lectures, seminars and workshops it is your responsibility to avoid behaviour which distracts the learning process for yourself and others. Behaviours which may seem insignificant to you, such as whispering to friends, or texting during a seminar, are almost always noticed! They can have an accumulative, negative impact on the group and the tutor. Such behaviours signal lack of respect for others - even if this was not your intention.


Purple Goldfish and the Art of Service Experience To help illustrate these points, here are some behaviours that students and tutors have found distracting: •

Talking or whispering in lectures, outside times set aside for group discussion

Talking amongst each other when a guest speaker has been invited in to the session

Talking or whispering while other students are making points

Interrupting other students or the tutor while they are talking

Habitually arriving late or leaving early (without forewarning the tutor)

Sending and receiving texts

Mobile phones ringing (mobile phones should be turned off at the start of the session)

Using MP3 players or equivalent

Playing electronic games

Surfing the net in class

Students whose behaviour disrupts a class persistently may be asked to leave the session. However we are sure that as adult learners you’ll use common sense and be willing to help create the best possible learning environment for everyone.


Students are reminded that attendance at all modules is compulsory. If you miss a session, for what ever reason, you should complete and submit a student absence form to the Business School admin office. This should be completed as soon as possible from the date of absence. You are reminded that persistent absence can potentially result in your de-registration from the module. The full University regulations regarding attendance can be found in your student handbook and can also be accessed via the BML207 Moodle homepage. You are also asked to arrive punctually for your lectures.




Non-submission of work

Contains little of relevance to the objectives of the assessment task. Fails to answer and address the set topic

Contains limited relevance to the objectives of the assessment task. May address the topic but not the assignment brief. May be scanty and brief.

Inconsistency of relevance to the objectives of the assessment task. Addresses topic but not always the assignment brief. May be significantly short of required length/ time.

May be some deviation from objectives of the assessment task. May not consistently address set question or assignment brief. May be short of required length/time.

Satisfactorily addresses most objectives of the assessment task Completed to acceptable tolerance, limits of time/length.

Competently addresses objectives of the assessment task, but may contain minor errors or omissions at the lower end, where treatment of issues may be superficial. Completed to required time length etc

Clearly addresses the objectives of the assessment task, especially those elements requiring critical analysis. At the higher end the work will not contain errors or omissions.

Authoritatively addresses the objectives of the assessment task, especially those components requiring critical analysis, synthesis and evaluation.

Innovatively addresses objectives of the assessment task, especially those components requiring sophistication of critical analysis, synthesis and evaluation.

Professionally addresses the objectives of the assessment task, especially those components requiring originality of critical analysis, synthesis and evaluation.

Class Marks/Overall Quality


Fail 1-9% Minimal quality

Fail 10-19% Very poor quality

Fail 20-34% Poor quality

Fail/PP 35-29% Weak quality

3rd 40-49% Acceptable quality

2(ii) 50-59% Sound quality, competent with some limitation

2(i) 60-69% High quality, skilled work

1st 70-79% Outstanding quality

1st 80-89% Outstanding quality

1st 90-100% Exceptional or distinguised quality

Undergraduate Assessment Criteria

Consistent line of profound critical and evaluative argument, displaying the ability to develop original ideas from an innovative synthesis of the work of others. Creative flair in advanced theoretical and conceptual analysis.

A clear and consistent line of highly critical and evaluative argument, displaying the ability to develop oneâ€&#x;s innovative ideas from the work of others. Creative flair in theoretical and conceptual analysis.

A clear and consistent line of critical and evaluative argument, displaying the ability to develop oneâ€&#x;s own insightful ideas from the work of others. Excellent engagement in theoretical and conceptual analysis.

Generally clear line of critical and evaluative argument, with ability to develop own ideas from the work of others. Ability to engage in theoretical and conceptual analysis.

Some limited critical discussion, but argument is unconvincing, particularly at the lower end where the work is more descriptive. More reliance on work of others rather than developing own arguments. Limited theoretical and conceptual analysis.

Work is descriptive with minimal critical discussion and limited theoretical engagement. Too much reliance on the work of others rather than developing own understanding and application of the material

Descriptive or anecdotal with little or no critical discussion and theoretical engagement. Unconvincing or minimal line of argument. Mostly reliant on the work of others, displaying little understanding or ability to apply the material.

Descriptive or anecdotal work with scanty or no argument. Reliant on the work of others and does not use this to develop own arguments. No critical discussion or theoretical engagement. Little practical and intellectual application.

Work is descriptive and anecdotal. Minimal or no argument. May be entirely reliant on the work of others, with no practical and /or academic application to demonstrate understanding of the material.

No practical, academic or intellectual application.

Argument (Reasoning)

Wide range of relevant and recommended sources used in a profound and consistent way as supporting evidence. Use of cutting-edge sources beyond the recommended texts, including in-depth use of complex material demonstrating advanced independent research.

Wide range of recommended and relevant sources used in an innovative and consistent way to support arguments. In depth use of sources beyond recommended texts, demonstrates creative flair in independent research.

Wide range of relevant and recommended sources used in an insightful and consistent way as supporting evidence. Some in depth use of sources beyond recommended texts, to demonstrate independent research.

Good range of relevant and recommended sources used in an imaginative and largely consistent way as supportingevidence. Use of some sources beyond recommended texts including more complex materials.

Range of relevant and recommended sources are used, but this may be in an unimaginative or literal manner, particularly at the lower end of the range. Limited use of sources beyond the standard recommended materials.

Limited range of relevant and recommended sources are used, but with some inadequacies in their use and employment as supporting evidence. There may be some reliance on dated or unreliable sources.

Very limited range, use and application of relevant and recommended sources. Demonstrates lack of real understanding. Too much reliance may be placed on dated, unreliable or non-academic sources.

Minimal and inadequate knowledge of relevant and recommended sources. Their use as supporting evidence may be inaccurate, inappropriate or negligible. Reliance on dated, unreliable or nonacademic sources.

Irrelevant or minimal use of recommended sources, resulting in a lack of understanding and inadequate supporting evidence. Non-academic sources that lack intellectual integrity are relied upon.

Based on little or no evidence. Lacks academic and intellectual integrity and quality. Use of non-academic sources limits intellectual understanding.


Distinguished visual and written presentation. Highly sophisticated yet clear and accessible style. Extremely good standards of vocabulary, syntax, spelling and punctuation. Innovative yet logical and fluent organisation and development of materials. Highly articulate, coherent and succinct. Relationships between statement and sections are precisely made with great clarity. Referencing is accurate and appropriate. innovative yet logical and fluent organisation and development of materials. Articulate, coherent and succinct. Relationships between statements and sections are clear and precise. Referencing is accurate and, appropriate.

Outstanding visual and written presentation. Sophisticated yet clear and accessible style. Very good standards of vocabulary, syntax, spelling and punctuation. Possibly Possibly innovative yet logical and fluent organisation and development of materials. Articulate, coherent and succinct. Relationships between statements and sections are clear and precise. Referencing is accurate and, appropriate.

Excellent visual and written presentation. Very clear and accessible style. Good standards of vocabulary, syntax, spelling and punctuation. Logical and fluent organisation and development of materials. Coherent and succinct. Relationship between statements and sections are very clear. Referencing is accurate, appropriate and extensive.

Good visual and written presentation. Clear and accessible style. Generally good standards of vocabulary, syntax, spelling and punctuation. Logical organisation and development of materials. Coherent. Relationship between statements and sections are easy to follow. Referencing is accurate and appropriate.

Generally sound presentation. Style is largely clear and accessible. There may be minor errors of vocabulary, syntax, spelling and punctuation but these should not detract from the overall meaning. There may be inconsistencies in the organisation and development of materials. The relationship between some statements and sections may not be easy to follow. Some points may not be made coherently or succinctly. Work is referenced accurately with few errors.

Acceptable presentation. Some aspects of the style may be unclear. Points may not be made coherently or succinctly. Some errors of vocabulary, syntax, spelling and punctuation but these are not serious distractions from the overall meaning. Some lack of logical development and organisation of the materials. The relationship between some statements and sections may be hard to follow. Work is referenced accurately with some errors.

Weak presentation. Some aspects of the style may be inappropriate, unclear and inaccessible. Some points will not be made coherently or succinctly. Errors of vocabulary, syntax, spelling and punctuation may seriously detract from the overall meaning. The materials may lack logical development and organisation. The relationship between some statements and sections may be difficult to recognise. Limited use of references and some may be inaccurate.

Poor visual and written presentation. The style may be inappropriate, unclear and inaccessible. Points may not be made coherently or succinctly. Errors of vocabulary, syntax,spelling and punctuation may seriously detract from the overall meaning. The materials may lack logical development and organisation. Relationship between statements and sections may be difficult to recognise. References may be absent, inaccurate or incorrect.

Presentation is inappropriate, unclear and inaccessible. Points are not made coherently or succinctly. Compound errors of vocabulary, syntax, spelling and punctuation seriously detract from the overall meaning. Materials lack logical development. Relationship between statements and sections are hard to recognise. References may be absent or incorrect.

Presentation is inappropriate, unclear and inaccessible. Work is not coherent or succinct. Serious errors of vocabulary, syntax, spelling and punctuation obscure the overall meaning. No logical development or organisation of the materials with few links between statements and sections. References are absent, incorrect or inaccurate.

Structure and Presentation

Purple Goldfish and the Art of Service Experience

Purple Goldfish and the Art of Service Experience

Purple Goldfish


Purple Goldfish and the Art of Service Experience



Purple Goldfish and the Art of Service Experience



Purple Goldfish and the Art of Service Experience

The Service Excellence Model

Deliver the Promise

Go the Extra Mile

Service Excellence

Resolve Problems Well

Provide the Personal Touch


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