BML224 Assessment 2014

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Assessment Guidance for Research Briefing and SPSS Practical

SEMAL Dr Andrew Clegg Dr Dawn Robins

Data Analysis for Research

BML224: Data Analysis for Research

Data Analysis for Research

Data Analysis for Research


Working in small groups (maximum 4 students), you are asked to design and execute a short questionnaire survey and present a research briefing as part of a quantitative methods research conference that will take place in December. This will consist of a short press briefing (approx. 6 minutes per group) and a supporting poster presentation/press pack that outlines the key results from the survey.

The Survey

You will be expected to develop a suitable research topic and design an online questionnaire. You are free to decide on your own topic, but your choice of topic should be referenced against the academic literature or equivalent. For example, if you were investigating attitudes to the Olympic Games, I would expect to see some reference to existing literature on this topic, and how this has guided/influenced your own research objectives and subsequent methodology. The design of the questionnaire is critical and should include a range of questions that generate opportunities to demonstrate progression from basic to advanced statistical techniques. The link between questions, types of data and approaches to analysis will be covered in detail during the course of the module. The questionnaire should be designed and then delivered on-line using Bristol online surveys (BOS). Each group will be given a BOS account, and guidance on the use of BOS will again be given during the module. You are expected to get a minimum of 50 responses. Your results should be analysed using SPSS and presented accordingly, following the guidelines covered in the module.

Research Briefing

Your group will be expected to present a short 6-minute research briefing that should aim to provide an executive summary of your research, making brief reference to existing research or secondary data that informed your research aims, and the key elements of the methodology you applied. The main focus of your briefing should be to tell a clear and articulate story about your results. You will not have time to cover everything, and you should aim to highlight the main results – additional information can be included on your poster. We expect to see a detailed analysis of your results, in the first instance focusing on the descriptive statistics such as frequency counts, contingency tables,

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Data Analysis for Research

averages, and the inclusion of correctly formatted Excel charts. Advanced analysis, for example using crosstabulations, which may seek to establish relationships between different variables, and subsequently apply statistical testing, should also be evident. Again all these concepts and approaches will be discussed in detail during the course of the module. The research briefing can be delivered as a PowerPoint presentation or Prezi. Please note that all presentations will be videoed. Examples of last year’s presentation can be viewed via Moodle.

Research Poster

In addition to the research briefing, you are also required to produce a research poster. Again this should seek to provide a clear overview of your research and expand on the key themes covered in your research briefing. If it helps think of the research briefing as an executive summary of your poster display. The poster should be approximately 110cm (width) by 100cm (height) in size. As with the presentation, the poster should make reference to a literature review and existing research or secondary data that informed your research aims, and the key elements of the methodology you applied. Some critique of your chosen methodology should also be included. The main focus of your poster should be to highlight your results and tell a clear and articulate story. The overall structure of your results here is critical and there needs to be demonstrable progression and logic to the order of your analysis – from basic to advanced statistical analysis. Again we expect to see the correct application of techniques in terms of analysis and presentation. In terms of analysis, we also expect to see you investigating relationships between different variables, and to go as far as including appropriate statistical tests to demonstrate the significance of any relationships you think exist in the data. Again all this will be covered in the module, and the overall content is structured in a way that it will guide you through the assessment process. It is therefore very important that you engage with the module and the resources provided, and work proactively towards the successful completion of this assessment. As always I will expect to see a high standard of presentation. As part of the briefing you should also submit two hard copies of your presentation, and a final copy of your questionnaire. Please ensure all student numbers are clearly marked on submitted documentation.

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Data Analysis for Research

Assessment Criteria

The assessment criteria for research briefing and poster are: •

Evidence of clear research aims and objectives linking to applied quantitative methodologies

Clear and logical structure of analysis demonstrating progression from basic to advanced statistical techniques

Clear extrapolation of answers and analysis based on the use of the appropriate statistical techniques and the interpretation/application of SPSS output

Ability to convey relevant results accurately and succinctly using appropriate formats and conventions

Standard of presentation of all included elements (e.g. PowerPoint/Prezi/ poster)


To complete this assessment successfully, you are expected to work together collegiality, using the timetabled group meeting slot effectively throughout the course of the semester. You are asked to adhere to the following guidelines to ensure that each member of the group contributes fully to the group, and that individual contributions to the assessment are recorded. Guidelines: •

Each group should appoint a project manager.

Each group meeting should be formally minuted, with attendance clearly noted.

Action points for individual group members should be made at each meeting, and then subsequently monitored and updated.

Action plans should be submitted electronically to the module tutor after each meeting.

Anybody not contributing fully to the assessment process will be asked to attend a meeting with the module tutor to explain their lack of engagement. If a student demonstrates a persistent lack of engagement, then an individual mark may be awarded that is more representative of the individual contribution to the group effort.

The satisfactory completion of group meetings and the recording of action points is a required part of the assessment process and I ask that you take this task seriously and complete in a conscientious and appropriate manner, as it is designed to ensure effective groupworking, which is in your own interests.

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SPPS Practical

In addition to the research project you will also be asked to complete a 70-minute SPSS practical exam, to demonstrate your understanding of the key themes, concepts and techniques covered during the module. As part of the practical, you will be provided with an SPSS data file which you will be asked to analyse, through the completion of a workbook. While the assessment equivalency is 70 minutes, given the practical nature of the paper you will have 90 minutes to complete the overall exam. The first five minutes must be spent carefully reading the paper.

Assessment Criteria

The assessment criteria for the exam are: •

Demonstration of underlying statistical theory in relation to the use of descriptive and advanced statistical techniques.


Extrapolation of answers and analysis based on the use of the appropriate statistical techniques and the interpretation of PASW Statistics output.

Support and Guidance

The very structure of the module is intended to provide clear guidance for the assessment, and each week we will cover a different theme and relate it back to the assessment. The self-directed tasks during the module are also designed to give you the confidence and competencies to effectively analyse your own dataset.

If however, you feel that you need additional support then please do not hesitate to contact Dawn or I for assistance. We are happy to meet the individual groups, or run additional surgery sessions if there is demand. Above all it is important that you engage with us. Historically, those students that engage with the module do very well. Those students that do not ask for assistance, inevitably fail. We appreciate that some of you may find this assessment difficult and stressful so please ask for help!! All our contact details are available via the Moodle homepage.

Examples of research posters, presentations and exam papers will be made available via Moodle. You are strongly advised to make effective use of these resources.

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Data Analysis for Research


Assessment Work Schedule To help ensure that you complete the assessment properly here is a rough timeframe that you might find useful to follow. STEP 1: GROUP FORMATION AND COMPANY NAME COMPLETION: Week 2

Final groups should be determined and each group should decide on a company name. This information must be submitted in Week 2.


Groups must investigate a suitable research topic. As will be discussed during the module, any topic must be supported by reference to the academic literature, and link to existing research. This background research should be the primary task of the group in the opening weeks of the semester.


After Week 5 (Research Design and Data Collection 3) you should have acquired a competent understanding of basic data types and approaches to analysis which will allow you to finalise the design of your questionnaire, and intended plans for analysis. I would suggest that your questionnaire needs to be launched no later than Friday 11th October to provide sufficient time to get enough responses.



I would suggest that your survey is closed and you start your analysis no later than Friday 8th November. This gives you approximately four weeks to analysis the data and prepare your poster.

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Data Analysis for Research STEP 5: SUBMIT POSTER TO THE PRINTSHOP FOR PRINTING COMPLETION: At the latest 1pm Thursday 5th December

Please note that reprographics will need at least 48 hours notice to print your poster. Given the volume of posters that will need to be printed you will need to submit your poster to reprographics by 1pm on Thursday 5th December to ensure that they are available for collection in time for assessment. Reprographics will not be able to guarantee posters submitted after 1pm on Thursday 5th December will be available for collection.


All assessments must be submitted by this point, and as such no group will gain a time advantage by presenting later in the week. Failure to submit by deadline will result in work being deemed a non-submission and you will be excluded from submitting your work during the research conference. THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS! If you are experiencing problems with your assessment then you must report them to Dr Andy Clegg immediately - who will be acting as the principal contact point for assessment enquiries during the course of the semester.

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Undergraduate Assessment Criteria Class Marks/Overall Quality


Argument (Reasoning)


Structure and Presentation


Non-submission of work

Fail 1-9% Minimal quality

Contains little of relevance to the objectives of the assessment task. Fails to answer and address the set topic

No practical, academic or intellectual application.

Based on little or no evidence. Lacks academic and intellectual integrity and quality. Use of non-academic sources limits intellectual understanding.

Presentation is inappropriate, unclear and inaccessible. Work is not coherent or succinct. Serious errors of vocabulary, syntax, spelling and punctuation obscure the overall meaning. No logical development or organisation of the materials with few links between statements and sections. References are absent, incorrect or inaccurate.

Fail 10-19% Very poor quality

Contains limited relevance to the objectives of the assessment task. May address the topic but not the assignment brief. May be scanty and brief.

Work is descriptive and anecdotal. Minimal or no argument. May be entirely reliant on the work of others, with no practical and /or academic application to demonstrate understanding of the material.

Irrelevant or minimal use of recommended sources, resulting in a lack of understanding and inadequate supporting evidence. Non-academic sources that lack intellectual integrity are relied upon.

Presentation is inappropriate, unclear and inaccessible. Points are not made coherently or succinctly. Compound errors of vocabulary, syntax, spelling and punctuation seriously detract from the overall meaning. Materials lack logical development. Relationship between statements and sections are hard to recognise. References may be absent or incorrect.

Fail 20-34% Poor quality

Inconsistency of relevance to the objectives of the assessment task. Addresses topic but not always the assignment brief. May be significantly short of required length/ time.

Descriptive or anecdotal work with scanty or no argument. Reliant on the work of others and does not use this to develop own arguments. No critical discussion or theoretical engagement. Little practical and intellectual application.

Minimal and inadequate knowledge of relevant and recommended sources. Their use as supporting evidence may be inaccurate, inappropriate or negligible. Reliance on dated, unreliable or nonacademic sources.

Poor visual and written presentation. The style may be inappropriate, unclear and inaccessible. Points may not be made coherently or succinctly. Errors of vocabulary, syntax,spelling and punctuation may seriously detract from the overall meaning. The materials may lack logical development and organisation. Relationship between statements and sections may be difficult to recognise. References may be absent, inaccurate or incorrect.

Fail/PP 35-29% Weak quality

May be some deviation from objectives of the assessment task. May not consistently address set question or assignment brief. May be short of required length/time.

Descriptive or anecdotal with little or no critical discussion and theoretical engagement. Unconvincing or minimal line of argument. Mostly reliant on the work of others, displaying little understanding or ability to apply the material.

Very limited range, use and application of relevant and recommended sources. Demonstrates lack of real understanding. Too much reliance may be placed on dated, unreliable or non-academic sources.

Weak presentation. Some aspects of the style may be inappropriate, unclear and inaccessible. Some points will not be made coherently or succinctly. Errors of vocabulary, syntax, spelling and punctuation may seriously detract from the overall meaning. The materials may lack logical development and organisation. The relationship between some statements and sections may be difficult to recognise. Limited use of references and some may be inaccurate.

3rd 40-49% Acceptable quality

Satisfactorily addresses most objectives of the assessment task Completed to acceptable tolerance, limits of time/length.

Work is descriptive with minimal critical discussion and limited theoretical engagement. Too much reliance on the work of others rather than developing own understanding and application of the material

Limited range of relevant and recommended sources are used, but with some inadequacies in their use and employment as supporting evidence. There may be some reliance on dated or unreliable sources.

Acceptable presentation. Some aspects of the style may be unclear. Points may not be made coherently or succinctly. Some errors of vocabulary, syntax, spelling and punctuation but these are not serious distractions from the overall meaning. Some lack of logical development and organisation of the materials. The relationship between some statements and sections may be hard to follow. Work is referenced accurately with some errors.

2(ii) 50-59% Sound quality, competent with some limitation

Competently addresses objectives of the assessment task, but may contain minor errors or omissions at the lower end, where treatment of issues may be superficial. Completed to required time length etc

Some limited critical discussion, but argument is unconvincing, particularly at the lower end where the work is more descriptive. More reliance on work of others rather than developing own arguments. Limited theoretical and conceptual analysis.

Range of relevant and recommended sources are used, but this may be in an unimaginative or literal manner, particularly at the lower end of the range. Limited use of sources beyond the standard recommended materials.

Generally sound presentation. Style is largely clear and accessible. There may be minor errors of vocabulary, syntax, spelling and punctuation but these should not detract from the overall meaning. There may be inconsistencies in the organisation and development of materials. The relationship between some statements and sections may not be easy to follow. Some points may not be made coherently or succinctly. Work is referenced accurately with few errors.

2(i) 60-69% High quality, skilled work

Clearly addresses the objectives of the assessment task, especially those elements requiring critical analysis. At the higher end the work will not contain errors or omissions.

Generally clear line of critical and evaluative argument, with ability to develop own ideas from the work of others. Ability to engage in theoretical and conceptual analysis.

Good range of relevant and recommended sources used in an imaginative and largely consistent way as supportingevidence. Use of some sources beyond recommended texts including more complex materials.

Good visual and written presentation. Clear and accessible style. Generally good standards of vocabulary, syntax, spelling and punctuation. Logical organisation and development of materials. Coherent. Relationship between statements and sections are easy to follow. Referencing is accurate and appropriate.

1st 70-79% Outstanding quality

Authoritatively addresses the objectives of the assessment task, especially those components requiring critical analysis, synthesis and evaluation.

A clear and consistent line of critical and evaluative argument, displaying the ability to develop oneâ€&#x;s own insightful ideas from the work of others. Excellent engagement in theoretical and conceptual analysis.

Wide range of relevant and recommended sources used in an insightful and consistent way as supporting evidence. Some in depth use of sources beyond recommended texts, to demonstrate independent research.

Excellent visual and written presentation. Very clear and accessible style. Good standards of vocabulary, syntax, spelling and punctuation. Logical and fluent organisation and development of materials. Coherent and succinct. Relationship between statements and sections are very clear. Referencing is accurate, appropriate and extensive.

1st 80-89% Outstanding quality

Innovatively addresses objectives of the assessment task, especially those components requiring sophistication of critical analysis, synthesis and evaluation.

A clear and consistent line of highly critical and evaluative argument, displaying the ability to develop oneâ€&#x;s innovative ideas from the work of others. Creative flair in theoretical and conceptual analysis.

Wide range of recommended and relevant sources used in an innovative and consistent way to support arguments. In depth use of sources beyond recommended texts, demonstrates creative flair in independent research.

Outstanding visual and written presentation. Sophisticated yet clear and accessible style. Very good standards of vocabulary, syntax, spelling and punctuation. Possibly Possibly innovative yet logical and fluent organisation and development of materials. Articulate, coherent and succinct. Relationships between statements and sections are clear and precise. Referencing is accurate and, appropriate.

1st 90-100% Exceptional or distinguised quality

Professionally addresses the objectives of the assessment task, especially those components requiring originality of critical analysis, synthesis and evaluation.

Consistent line of profound critical and evaluative argument, displaying the ability to develop original ideas from an innovative synthesis of the work of others. Creative flair in advanced theoretical and conceptual analysis.

Wide range of relevant and recommended sources used in a profound and consistent way as supporting evidence. Use of cutting-edge sources beyond the recommended texts, including in-depth use of complex material demonstrating advanced independent research.

Distinguished visual and written presentation. Highly sophisticated yet clear and accessible style. Extremely good standards of vocabulary, syntax, spelling and punctuation. Innovative yet logical and fluent organisation and development of materials. Highly articulate, coherent and succinct. Relationships between statement and sections are precisely made with great clarity. Referencing is accurate and appropriate. innovative yet logical and fluent organisation and development of materials. Articulate, coherent and succinct. Relationships between statements and sections are clear and precise. Referencing is accurate and, appropriate.

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