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Assessment Guidance for Leader Expression of Interest Application and Podcast 2013-2014

SEMAL Dr Andrew Clegg

Rural Tourism

BML313: Rural Tourism

Rural Tourism Assessment Component 1: Expression of Interest Presentation to Leader Project Selection Panel Expression of Interest As part of this assessment you will be required to assume the role of a rural enterprise or rural-based organisation, and make an expression of interest presentation to the Three Harbours and Coastal Plan Leader Group for monies to support the development of a new rural tourism enterprise. As part of the expression of interest process, you will have to formulate an innovative proposal, that demonstrates how the new enterprise will benefit the local economy, using the objectives of the Leader Programme as a reference point. The expression of interest should also be based on a provisional business plan/ concept, demonstrating how the enterprise will take advantage of the local rural environment, and clearly articulate its intended market. Students will present their expressions of interest to representatives from the Three Harbours and Coastal Plan project selection panel, and subsequently defend their business concept in a Q&A session. Your expression of interest and initial business concept must be based on either of the two scenarios provided below: Scenario 1: You are the owner of a 1,200 acre dairy farm in Chichester Harbour, with a working herd of approximately 400 cattle. Given the increasing financial pressures in the farming sector, you have decided to diversify into an alternative farm enterprise - which will run alongside the existing farm operations, and take advantage of existing farm assets, including a favourable location, and numerous outbuildings that would be suitable for conversion - depending on achieving the required planning permission. While not a full requirement of the business concept, you also have the required funds to support diverification activity and intend to use this as the basis of a grant application to the Leader Programme. The Task: Your task is to identify a potential business activity that the farm could develop, for example food processing or self-catering accommodation, and develop a suitable business plan/concept to provide the basis of your expression of interest to Leader.

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Rural Tourism Scenario 2: Working with different organisations on the Manhood Peninsula, VisitChichester has secured approximately ÂŁ15,000 to develop a Peninsula Tourism Project (PTP) on the Manhood Peninsula, and intends to use this initial funding as the basis of a grant application to the Leader programme. Using the Manhood Peninsula Destination Management Plan as a reference point the aim of the PTP is to add value to the visitor experience on the Manhood Peninsula, and maximise opportunities for rural tourism through appropriate product development and marketing, with a particular focus on nature-based tourism. The Task: Your task is to draw up outline plan/concept for the Peninsula Tourism Project, identifying potential areas of development and marketing activity, based on the identification and critical assessment of the principal nature-based and heritage tourism resources in and around the Manhood Peninsula. Your application should consider practical and innovative opportunities presented by the local landscape to enhance the overall visitor experience and to ‘add value’ to the existing tourism resource (e.g. Geocaching). The Expression of Interest Process: When preparing your expression of interest, you should first read through the Leader Project guidelines (available via Moodle), to make sure your intended project aligns itself to the objectives of the Leader Programme. The Structure of the Presentation: Your expression of interest must make reference to the following application requirements: 1. Name of the project 2. Describe the project - what do you plan to do? Who is your intended market? 3. What is the likely timescale of the project? 4. How does the project fit with your existing business or capitalise on the local area? 5. Summarise why the project is needed. How will it benefit your business or the local area, what would happen if the project did not go ahead, what would happen if you did not receive grant aid? 6. Describe how this project will deliver wider benefits to other businesses or communities in your area. You might consider p. 3

Rural Tourism them under the headings of Economic, Social and Environmental. 7. Your concept must contribute towards at least 1 of the 4 priority themes identified in the Three Harbours and Coastal Plain Local Development Strategy (LDS). Please briefly describe which of these themes your project fits and how. Further information and a copy of the LDS is available on our website www.westsussex. 8. Will your project compete with other similar enterprises in a 10 mile radius, and if so what do you estimate will be the impact of your project on these other businesses? This must be addressed realistically because if it is identified that this has not been adequately addressed the application will be rejected (applicable to business applicants only). 9. If this project involves collaboration please explain the nature of the collaboration and indicate your intended collaborators. You must also indicate the type of businesses operated by the collaborators. 10. What risks have you identified that might affect the success of the project and how will you mitigate against them? Students should make an individual contribution of approximately 10 minutes (40% equivalent). The subsequent defence of the expression of interest and your responses to Q&As from the panel will also be included in the assessment grade, and is reflected in the respective assessment weighting. Assessment Criteria: •

Ability to work to guidelines and instructions outlined in the grant/ funding application

Structure and delivery of the presentation in relation to grant/ funding application

Depth and knowledge of the supporting evidence to support and justify grant/funding application

Ability to convey information accurately and succinctly

The use and quality of visual aids

Support and Assistance I will meet groups throughout the semester to discuss their applications, and there will also be a briefing meeting from the Leader co-ordinators at West Sussex County Council who will advise on what they look for in a good application.

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Rural Tourism Assessment Component 2: Podcast Podcast You have been commissioned by DEFRA to produce a short series of podcasts that demonstrate best practice in terms of sustainable rural tourism development. Podcasts should highlight specific examples of rural tourism (e.g. food tourism/farm diversification/walking/cycling/ market towns/managing protected landscapes etc), making reference to live case studies from the rural tourism economy. Your Task: DEFRA would like to produce a series of individual podcasts focusing on the following areas: 1. Best Practice - Farm Diversification and Accommodation 2. Best Practice - Farm Diversification - Food 3. Best Practice - Managing Tourism in Protected Landscapes 4. Best Practice - Rural Tourism Businesses 5. Best Practice - Developing Tourism in Market Towns Each podcast should: •

Provide an introduction to the topic and a level of external contextualisation, for examples factors influencing development current pressures etc


Make reference to and showcase examples of best practice - at this point the podcast should include live video footage of the case study or case studies in question, including interviews with key figures responsible

Production and Assistance As part of the module you will be given full support in the use of video equipment and guidance on video production. There is no fixed format for the overall podcast and you are asked to be creative and innovative in terms of your overall presentation. The podcast must not simply be a PowerPoint movie, and I expect to see live video footage that can be intersected with PowerPoint elements. You may also wish to have a presenter introducing the Podcast (think Countryfile). I do expect you to get out and about collecting examples, and this can come from the local area or further afield depending on the focus of your podcast. I can make recommendations and provide suitable contacts.

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Rural Tourism I would like you to work in groups of two and you should aim to produce a podcast of between 10-14 minutes (60% equivalency) in length. The podcasts should be submitted by 1pm on Friday 13th December and I will also arrange a group session where each podcast will be premiered. Note: This is a new form of assessment and I will endeavour to provide as much assistance as I can. I would also like to think it is a bit innovative and that you will enjoy putting it together. Assessment Criteria •

Ability to work to production and content/investigative guidelines outlined in a consultancy brief

Evidence of appropriate case studies and reference to the academic literature to support the consultancy brief

Clear, logical and progressive structure

Clarity of commentary in terms conciseness, coherence and criticality

Quality of editorial content and overall design elements

Key dates for your diary: 

The grant funding application presentations will take place on Monday 16th December. Exact details will be published nearer the time. A copy of your PowerPoint and any supporting notes should also be submitted in hard copy and electronically. Please ensure that student numbers are clearly marked on all submitted documentation.

The podcast should be submitted by 1pm on Friday 13th


In the event that you fail this module, the reassessment will consist of a 3,500 word research essay. The assessment criteria for research essay are: 

Ability to carry out a subsequent investigation, using available sources and relevant approaches

Ability to produce a high quality report which is well structured, exhibits cogent and critical arguments, conforms to a high standard of literary (and numeracy if relevant), and displays good referencing skills

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