BML224: Data Analysis for Research
BML224: Data Analysis for Research
Dataset Guide 2
Introduction The following guide provides information relating to a series of variables in a file called EXAMFILE2010. This file relates to the results of a survey of 600 retail businesses in Hampshire and West Sussex, regarding their attitudes to e-‐commerce, marketing and sustainable business management. The survey also looked at the characteristics of businesses and the motivations influencing business strategy. An initial analysis of the results suggest that businesses in the West Sussex are more pro-‐active in terms of developing e-‐commerce, and that the size of business, business motivations, previous occupations, and perceived value of e-‐commerce are all important factors influencing business strategy. Businesses have also noticed the impact of recession, however there is a clear difference in terms of how businesses have adapted to recession. Please read through this guide carefully and familiarise yourself with the different variables. This dataset will be used as the basis of in-‐class activities using SPSS. The Assessment file can be downloaded from the BML224 homepage on Moodle.
Assessment Guide -‐ 1