E learning 2017

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Designing and Delivering E-Learning [Technology Enhanced Learning]

Dr Andy Clegg

Learning Outcomes §  To define e-learning and iden.fy the advantage it

affords approaches to learning

§  To cri.cally evaluate the opportuni.es and

challenges when designing and delivering e-learning

§  To cri.cally reflect on the ways in which e-learning

can enhance pedagogy

§  To iden.fy and evaluate a range of indica.ve tools

that can be used to support e-learning

§  To design an e-learning ac.vity

Defining E-Learning‌

Defining E-Learning Ac9vity 1: •  What is e-learning? •  What are the advantages afforded by elearning

Defining E-Learning

‘e-learning exploits interac.ve technologies and communica.on systems to improve the learning experience. It has the poten.al to transform the way we teach and learn across the board. It can raise standards, and widen par.cipa.on in lifelong learning. It cannot replace teachers and lecturers, but alongside exis.ng methods it can enhance the quality and reach of their teaching’ [Towards a Unified e-Learning Strategy, DfES 2003]

Defining E-Learning

‘e-learning is fundamentally about learning and not about technology. Strategic development of e-learning should be based on the needs and demands of learners and the quality of their educa.onal experience’ [Joint SFEFC/SHEFC e-Learning Group: Final Report 2003]

Defining E-Learning

‘e-learning is fundamentally about learning and not about technology. Strategic development of e-learning should be based on the needs and demands of learners and the quality of their educa.onal experience’ [Joint SFEFC/SHEFC e-Learning Group: Final Report 2003]

Defining E-Learning

‘e-learning can cover a spectrum of ac.vi.es from suppor.ng learning, to blended learning (the combina.on of tradi.onal and e-learning prac.ces), to learning that is delivered en.rely online. Whatever the technology, however, learning is the vital element. e-Learning is no longer simply associated with distance or remote learning, but forms part of a conscious choice of the best and most appropriate ways of promo.ng eec.ve learning’ [JISC, 2004]

Defining E-Learning

‘e-learning can cover a spectrum of ac.vi.es from suppor.ng learning, to blended learning (the combina.on of tradi.onal and e-learning prac.ces), to learning that is delivered en.rely online. Whatever the technology, however, learning is the vital element. e-Learning is no longer simply associated with distance or remote learning, but forms part of a conscious choice of the best and most appropriate ways of promo.ng eec.ve learning’ [JISC, 2004]

Defining E-Learning

‘e-learning can cover a spectrum of ac.vi.es from suppor.ng learning, to blended learning (the combina.on of tradi.onal and e-learning prac.ces), to learning that is delivered en.rely online. Whatever the technology, Is the use of technology however, learning is the vital element. e-Learning is no fit for purpose? longer simply associated with distance or remote learning, but forms part of a conscious choice of the best and most appropriate ways of promo.ng effec.ve learning.’ [JISC, 2004]

Benefits of E-Learning Key areas:   Connec9vity – access to informa.on   Flexibility – learning can take place any .me, any place   Interac9vity – e-learning and provide the basis for greater

levels of engagement   Collabora9on – use of discussion tools can support

collabora.ve learning beyond the classroom   Extended Opportuni9es – e-content can reinforce and

extend classroom-based learning   Mo9va9on – mul.media resources can make learning fun

Benefits of E-Learning Key areas:   Monitoring and evalua9on – systems can track progression

and aLainment and provide feedback   Cost effec9ve – more effec.ve use of resources   Speed – e-learning allows for students to progress at a speed

appropriate for them and to review materials   Immediacy – resources can be updated quickly and in real-


Approaches to E-Learning‌

Defining of E-Learning Ac9vity 2: •  What are the key considera.ons when designing and implemen.ng e-learning? •  Think about the following: •  Need / Pedagogy / Resources / Crea?on / Evalua?on

Approaches to E-Learning Need





Learning objecOves

Hardware/ soYware


Student management

Assessment criteria




Support/ staffing

FormaOve assessment

EvaluaOon Feedback: staff/students/ delegates

Shared learning

Knowledge acquisiOon

Student profile

[eLan – eLearning Advisors Network, University of Bristol, 2011]

Approaches to E-Learning

Engage learners in the learning process

Encourage independent learning skills

Develop learners’ skills and knowledge

MoOvate further learning

Approaches to E-Learning

Engage learners in the learning process

Develop learners’ skills and knowledge

Encourage independent learning skills

Resources Support Mode

MoOvate further learning


E-Learning and Flexible Learning

E-Learning and Flexible Learning

E-Learning Modalities

[Naidu, 2006]

Individualised self-paced elearning online

Individualised self-paced elearning oine

Group-based elearning synchronously

Group-based elearning asynchronously

Defining E-Learning Ac9vity 3: •  How does e-learning enhance my prac.ce?

Enhancing Practice Build and test theories Solve problems Share and discuss Apply concepts and skills Visual and present concepts Assessment and for learning

E-Learning – Understanding Practice

E-Learning – Understanding Practice

E-Learning – Understanding Practice

E-Learning – Learning Activities

E-Learning – Learning Activities

E-Learning – Learning Activities

Tools for E-Learning…

Tools for E-Learning

Tools for E-Learning

Tools for E-Learning

Tools for E-Learning

Tools for E-Learning

Tools for E-Learning

Tools for E-Learning

Tools for E-Learning

Tools for E-Learning

Tools for E-Learning

Tools for E-Learning

Tools for E-Learning

Tools for E-Learning

Planning an activity‌

Tools for E-Learning Ac9vity 4: •  Plan your own e-learning ac.vity

Summary By the end of this session, you should be able to: §  Define e-learning and discuss the advantage it affords

approaches to learning

§  Cri.cally evaluate the opportuni.es and challenges

when developing and embedding e-learning

§  Cri.cally reflect on the ways in which e-learning can

enhance pedagogy

§  Iden.fy and evaluate a range of indica.ve tools that can

be used to support e-learning

§  Design an e-learning ac.vity

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