University of Chichester Learning and Teaching Conference 11th June 2013
Enhancing and Embedding Employability and Enterprise Preparing Graduates for the 21st Century
Call for paper and session proposals
Key Note Speaker David Bagley
Head of Employability and Enterprise University of Central Lancashire
Learning and Teaching Conference 2013 Call for Session Proposals
Submission Information
If you would like to make a presentation at the event please send a session proposal (up to 200 words) including:
‘The economic, political and environmental pressures upon Higher Education Institutions have placed the issue of graduate employability centre stage...yet the key challenge to those working in this area remains: how can we best integrate and balance different ways of teaching and learning that promote both effective learning and employability for students? (HEA*, 2012). Set against this renewed focus on employability, the focus of this one-day swap-shop is to highlight best practice in the enhancement and embedding of employability and enterprise within indicative areas such as learning and teaching, course and module design, problem-based learning, education for sustainable development, work placement, workbased learning, employer engagement, research and consultancy, and assessment. The aim is to showcase a range of practical examples and individual sessions will be limited to a maximum of 15 minutes.
- Title - Names and affiliations of authors (with contact email addresses) - Session outline - contributors are asked to clearly indicate what elements of their current practice they will be ‘swapping’ Session proposals are invited from colleagues within the following subject areas: Business and Management, Tourism, Sport, Geography, Adventure Education, Physical Education, Theology, Music, English, Media Studies, History, Maths, Performing Arts, Dance, Fine Art, Social Work, Psychology, Childhood Studies, and Teacher Education. Session proposals should be submitted, via email, for review to Dr Andrew Clegg (, Principal Lecturer for Learning and Teaching, at the University of Chichester and titled ‘Session Proposal’ to arrive no later than Friday 12th April 2013.
Key Note Speaker
David Bagley University of Northumbria Head of Employability and Enterprise
Booking Information To book a place at the conference please complete your registration online at:
Additional information can be found at [*PEGG, A, WALDOCK, J., HENDY-ISAAC, S. AND LAWTON, R. (2012), Pedagogy for Employability, HEA, York]
Enhancing and Embedding Employability & Enterprise
The conference is free to University of Chichester staff. A charge of £25 is payable for external delegates, unless they presenting a conference paper, in which case the conference fee is waived. The deadline for bookings is Friday 17th May 2013.