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BML323: Designing, Developing and Delivering Training Materials

Dr Andy Clegg

BML323: Designing, Developing and Delivering Training Materials

Dr Andy Clegg

Learning Outcomes   Develop a cri,cal awareness of the nature, role and importance of

training and educa,on within the context of the tourism and event industries, and the wider service sector environment   Cri,cally evaluate the complete training cycle from the analysis of

training needs through to the implementa,on and evalua,on of training   Design, organise and deliver effec,ve training strategies and materials

that take account of learning processes, learner and trainer styles, evalua,on and assessment tools, and appropriate suppor,ng technology and resources   Demonstrate effec,ve communica,on, interpersonal and presenta,on

skills needed to organise and lead training and interpreta,on programmes confidently

Module Content   Week 1: Introduc)on   Week 2: Training Needs Analysis   Week 3: Training Design and Delivery #1   Week 4: Training Design and Delivery #2   Week 5: Reading Week   Week 6: Workshop 1: Training Sessions   Week 7: Monitoring and Evalua)ng Training   Week 8: Training and Technology Enhanced Learning   Week 9: Workshop 2: Using Technology   Week 10: Workshop 3: Training and Play   Week 11: Workshop 4: Using the Outdoors – fieldtrip to Seeley Copse   Week 12: Training Event Prepara)on/Tutorial

Assessment   Assessment #1   Delivery of a school

training event focusing on a specific aspect of events, tourism or business (70%)

Assessment #2   Peer assessment (30%)

BML323: Designing, Developing and Delivering Training Materials

IntroducFon to Training:

Form, FuncFon and OrganisaFonal Context

Dr Andy Clegg

Learning Outcomes   Define and ar,culate the role, form and

func,on of training within an organisa,onal and wider business context   Iden,ty the key elements that underpin

the effec,ve design and delivery of effec,ve training programmes

The Context for Training •  Ac?vity 1: •  What is training?

What is Training? Training DeďŹ ni?on Noun:

the ac)on of teaching a person or animal a par)cular skill or type of behaviour


instruc,on, teaching, coaching, tui,on, tutoring, tutelage, schooling, educa,on, pedagogy, priming, prepara,on, grounding, guidance, indoctrina,on, lessons

"he got training in word-processing techniques�

Training Roles Philosophical



[Source: Simmonds, 2003]


Facilitator at organisaFonal level

Facilitator at personal and team level

Stabiliser of chaos

Internal advisor

Direct trainer

Creator of innovaFve culture

Change agent

Internal advisor – personal development

Leader/ supporter of vision/ champion

Manager of expectaFons


Supporter of life-long learning

OrganisaFonal ‘confidante’

Manager of learning

Training Roles TradiFonal Training

Learning OrganisaFon

[Source: Simmonds, 2003]

Teaching content

Learning processes





‘Belong’ to training department

‘Belongs’ to each person



Training specialist

Learning consultants

The Context for Training •  Ac?vity 2: •  What is the business case for training? •  How is training influenced by the organisa,onal / business context? •  How is training influenced by internal and external factors? •  How does training link to HRD / educa,on / life-long learning?

The Business Case for Training CompeFFve advantage

Develop organisaFonal capabiliFes

Gain a bigger market share ProďŹ table growth

Improve service delivery

Extend the suite of products

Reduce operaFng costs

Re-engineer processes

Enhance informaFon technology processes

Increase the quality of products and service delivery

Benchmark for best pracFce to streamline processes

On-Fme delivery

Powerful branding and idenFty

Sound customer relaFonships

Customer support before, during and a^er service delivery

Increase customer connecFvity

First to the market with new products or services

InnovaFon by targeFng new markets

Developing new processes

Convenience for the customer by being easily accessible

LegislaFon compliance

The Business Case for Training (Source: Opperman, C., 2015)

Improve Performance

Upgrade Skills

Business RaFonale

Skills match Accountability & Social Responsibility

Long-term Sustainability LegislaFve Compliance PotenFal for promoFon Develop Human Capital

The Business Case for Training (Source: Opperman, C., 2015)

Improve Performance

Upgrade Skills

Business RaFonale

Skills match Accountability & Social Responsibility LegislaFve Compliance

Leadership Skills

Develop Human Capital

Leadership Skills Align departmental needs to strategic objecFves

PotenFal for promoFon

Catalyst for Change

OrganisaFonal Growth

Strategic RaFonale

Long-term Sustainability

Learning Climate

Achieve CompeFFve Advantage

The Business Case for Training

The Business Case for Training

“Sustainable learning is integral to organisa,onal survival. A compe,,ve advantage is not only deďŹ ned by new products; the role of strategy is to iden,fy the talent that needs to be developed to ensure the organisa,on can achieve and sustain a compe,,ve advantage to retain a prominent posi,on in the marketplace. Strategic learning will assist the organisa,on to have a knowledgeable and skilled workforce to maintain this compe,,ve advantage and develop its talent’ (Source: Opperman, C., 2015)

EffecFve Training •  Ac?vity 3: •  What are the key elements of training design and delivery do we need to cover on the module?

The Training Cycle Assess and analyse training needs

EvaluaFng the eecFveness of training


Plan and organise around speciďŹ c learning and training objecFves

Designing and delivering it

OrganisaFonal Context

(Source: Opperman, C., 2015)

Training Challenges Key Challenges   Finding a way of facilita,ng change in adults, whose pa[erns of

behaving and ways of viewing are already established   To mo,vate learners to learn to someone else’s agenda; to encourage

experimenta,on, explora,on and development in a learning context that o^en smacks more of control than libera,on   To demonstrate that the learning in relevant, important and valuable

to individuals who are already skilled and experienced   To bring about long-las,ng change in behaviour by means of finite

interven,on; to ensure that change con,nues outside the learning organisa,on [Source: Hardingham, 2003]

Learning Outcomes By the end of this session, you should be able to:   Define and ar,culate the role, form and func,on of training

within an organisa,onal and wider business context   Iden,ty the key elements that underpin the effec,ve design

and delivery of effec,ve training programmes   Star,ng thinking about your own training event

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