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Managing Customer Service

Topic 3: Tools and Techniques for Service Improvement


Customer Service Aims •  To use appropriate techniques to track and plan for service excellence/service enhancement •  Evaluate the importance of systems in delivering service excellence •  To define and implement strategies to deliver service excellence/service enhancement •  To apply the Service Excellence Toolkit to a specific business scenario •  To design a short exercise/ac>vity for service enhancement

Systems Ac:vity 1: Quality Frameworks and Systems To do: •  What are the basic elements of quality frameworks? •  What is a system? •  What are systems for?

Developing Effective Systems Quality Frameworks: Talking to the Customer Se>ng Standards

Consumer and research; product and service development Quality planning – aligning to customer expecta.ons Procedures

Re-organisa.on/enhancement of process to achieve required standards

Provision of Expected Product/Service

Quality of resources – human and material

Monitoring and Evalua.on

Quality improvement and enhancement

Systems DeďŹ ning Systems



Transforma.on Process



Products Services

[Tesonse, D. (2010), Principles of Management for the Hospitality Industry, BuRerworth Heinemann, London, p. 69]

Systems DeďŹ ning Systems

Inputs Resources

Transforma.on Process



Products Services

Organisa>on (Internal Environment) (External Environment) [Tesonse, D. (2010), Principles of Management for the Hospitality Industry, BuRerworth Heinemann, London, p. 69]

Systems Systems

[Oakland J.S. (1994), Total Quality Management, BuRerworth Heinemann, London]

Quality Assurance Quality Assurance •  ‘all those planned and systema>c ac>ons necessary to provide confidence that a product or service will sa>sfy given requirements for quality’ (ISO,2012) •  ‘quality assurance is not about being the best there is, nor is it a guarantee that superla>ve standards will be met...quality assurance is based on defining the service which is to be provided, and at what price, which meets the customers’ requirements, and then seQng up then seQng up a system to ensure that they are met consistently’ (Hardcastle, 1994)

Quality Assurance Quality Assurance •  ‘all those planned and systema>c ac>ons necessary to provide confidence that a product or service will sa>sfy given requirements for quality’ (ISO,2012)

In prac.ce: •  ‘quality assurance is not about being the best there is, nor is •  Plan in detail how to get everything right first >me, it a guarantee that superla>ve standards will be and every >me met...quality assurance is based on defining the service which is to be provided, and at what price, which meets the •  Ensure that, if things do go wrong, a procedure is in customers’ requirements, and then seQng up then seQng place to make sure that the same mistake never up a system to ensure that they are met happens twice consistently’ (Hardcastle, 1994)

Quality Assurance Elements of Quality Assurance Service SpeciďŹ ca>ons and Standards Control and Monitoring

Systems and Procedures



Systems Systems Underpin Quality Assurance

ISO 9001- Quality Management

ISO 9001- Quality Management

Quality Management Principles: Principle 1: Customer focus Principle 2: Leadership Principle 3: Involvement of People Principle 4: Process Approach Principle 5: System Approach to Management Principle 6: Con.nual Improvement Principle 7: Factual Approach to Decision-Making Principal 8: Mutually BeneďŹ cial Supplier Rela.onships

TQM Total Quality Management •  Oakland (1989): •  ‘an approach to improving the effec>veness and flexibility of businesses as a whole. It is essen>ally a way of organising and involving the whole organisa>on; every department, every ac>vity, every single person at every level’ •  ‘fitness of purpose’ •  ‘mee>ng the requirements’ •  ‘customer focus’ [Oakland J.S. (1994), Total Quality Management, BuRerworth Heinemann, London]

Tools and Techniques

Tools to Support Service Improvement


Tools and Techniques

Tools and Techniques Ac:vity 2: Sandles To do: •  Watch the video and then aXempt to iden>fy the factors influencing the overall level of service quality •  Analyse the quality of customer service using a cause and effect/fishbone diagram. Can you also iden>fy areas in which the systems suppor>ng service excellence are failing? How is this reflected by the people on holiday in the resort? What comments are made that gives the impression that management-related systems are in place that lack a clear focus on the customer?

Tools and Techniques Ac:vity 3: Sandles To do: •  You have been asked to tender for the role of quality consultants by Sandles to improve the overall quality of the visitor experience at the Sandles resort. You need to mechanisms for improving the overall level of service quality. You need to iden>fy how you are going to implement your enhancement strategy •  As part of the process you need to give aXen>on to key areas of product development, management, and staff, and links these to the key elements of the service excellence model

Tools and Techniques

Tools and Techniques

Service Excellence Track service excellence in your objec.ves

Tools and Techniques Value Chain Analysis

Value Chain for a Scheduled Airline: Quality The Customer Experience






Tools and Techniques Value Chain Analysis

Tools and Techniques Value Chain Analysis

[Chase, H.C. (1986) cited in WiR, S. (1989), Tourism and Management Handbook, Pren.ce Hall, London, p. 263]

Tools and Techniques Value Chain Analysis

Tools and Techniques The Student Journey Model

Tools and Techniques The Visitor Journey Model

Tools and Techniques Ac:vity 4: Value Chain for the University To do: •  Complete a value chain or student journey model analysis for the student experience at the University of Chichester •  For each element try and iden>fy posi>ve and nega>ve elements

Tools and Techniques

Tools: The Service Excellence Toolkit


The Service Excellence Toolkit

The Service Excellence Toolkit

The Service Excellence Toolkit

•  Ac:vity 5: Monitoring Service Excellence –  Watch the video case study and then use the service excellence toolkit as a mechanism to aXempt to iden>fy areas of strength/weakness in the business case study provided

Developing Effective Systems Systems Development Lifecycle: Planning

Why build this system?


Who, what, where and when for this system?

Design Implementa.on

How will this system work?

Delivery and support of completed system

[Dennis, A. et al (2006), Systems Analysis and Design, Third Edi.on, Wiley, Chichester, p. 6]

Developing Effective Systems Effec:ve Systems: •  Keep systems simple •  Use systems to support people – staff and customers •  Training, manage and supervise staff to support system implementa>on and management •  Design systems to be customer-focused, not management focused •  Use technology to help make systems friendlier to people •  Don’t lose the personal touch by making systems to remote

Developing Effective Systems Effec:ve Systems: •  Involve your team and talk to your customers •  Maintain an overview and assess how a change in one part of the system will affect other parts

Learning Outcomes By the end of this session, you should be able to: •  Evaluate the importance of systems in delivering service excellence •  To use appropriate techniques to track and plan for system breakdown and service recovery •  To define and implement strategies to deliver service excellence •  Apply the Service Excellence Toolkit as a method of achieving service enhancement •  Design a short exercise/ac>vity for service enhancement

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