GgRrAaDdUuAaTtIi覺OoNn RrEeQqUuIi覺RrEeMmEeNnTtSs & GgRrAaDdEe FfOoRrGgIi覺VvEeNnEeSsSs
CcOoHhOoRrTtSs Into 9th 2011-2012 - CURRENT 9th graders Into 9th 2010-2011 - CURRENT 10th graders Into 9th 2009-2010 - CURRENT 11th graders Into 9th 2008-2009 - CURRENT 12th graders Into 9th 2007-2008 - CURRENT 5th year seniors
GgRrAaDdEe CcLlAaSsSsIi覺FfIi覺CcAaTtIi覺OoNn Grade
Number of Credits
Minimum of 5 credits
Minimum of 11 credits or FCAT Reading Pass
Minimum of 17 credits
If you HQWHUHG JUDGH LQ« Grade Point Average (GPA) Community Service 24 Credits of Required Courses Language Arts Mathematics1
Science Social Studies
2007-2008, 2008-2009, 2009-2010 2010-2011 (Current 10th Graders) (Current Seniors and Juniors)
2011-2012 (Current 9th Graders)
20 hours
20 hours
20 hours 1 class must be taken online
English I, II, III, and IV 4 credits (must include Algebra I) 3 credits (physical science, biology, science elective)
English I, II, III, and IV 4 credits (must include Algebra I and Geometry)
English I, II, III, and IV 4 credits (must include Algebra I and Geometry)
3 credits (physical science, biology, science elective)
3 credits (physical science, biology, science elective)
3 credits (US history, world history, 3 credits (US history, world history, 3 credits (US history, world history, ½ economics, ½ US government) ½ economics, ½ US government) ½ economics, ½ US government)
Fine Art
1 credit in fine or performing art
1 credit in fine or performing art
1 credit in fine or performing art
Physical Education
1 credit (½ PE and ½ personal fitness or 1 credit of HOPE)
1 credit (½ PE and ½ personal fitness or 1 credit of HOPE)
1 credit (½ PE and ½ personal fitness or 1 credit of HOPE)
8 credits
8 credits
8 credits
Grade 10 FCAT Reading: Grade10 FCAT Math: or ACT/SAT concordant score4
Grade 10 FCAT 2.0 Reading:
Grade 10 FCAT 2.0 Reading: Algebra I EOC:
SsTtAaTtEe EeXxIiıTt AaSsSsEeSsSsMmEeNnTtSs 2009 Cohort 2010 Cohort 2011 Cohort 2012 Cohort 2013 Cohort 12th Graders 11th Graders 10th Graders 9th Graders 8th Graders FCAT Reading FCAT 2.0 Reading FCAT 2.0 Reading FCAT 2.0 Reading FCAT 2.0 Reading 1926 (Scale Score 1926 (Scale Score Achievement Achievement Achievement 300 or higher) 300 or higher) Level 3 or higher Level 3 or higher Level 3 or higher FCAT Mathematics FCAT Mathematics 1889 (Scale Score 1889 (Scale Score 300 or higher) of 300 or higher)
Algebra I EOC Level 3 or higher
Algebra I EOC Level 3 or higher
Biology EOC Level 3 or higher Geometry EOC Level 3 or higher
CcOoNnCcOoRrDdAaNnCcEe SsCcOoRrEeSs VvSs. CcOoLlLlEeGgEe RrEeAaDdYy (WwFfTt GgRrAaDd CcOoDdEe) Reading
SAT 420 ACT 18
VS. Math
SAT 340 ACT 15
GgRrAaDdEe FfOoRrGgIi覺VvEeNnEeSsSs SsTtUuDdEeNnTt PpRrOoGgRrEeSsSsIi覺OoNn PpLlAaNn Page H/64 in Student Progression Plan Students may repeat a course taken in grades 9-12 for forgiveness if a grade of F or D is earned in a course. High school courses taken in middle school may be forgiven if a grade of C, D or F is earned subsequently.
A course is forgiven only if a student receives a grade of C or higher on a subsequent attempt.
GgRrAaDdEe FfOoRrGgIi覺VvEeNnEeSsSs SsTtUuDdEeNnTt PpRrOoGgRrEeSsSsIi覺OoNn PpLlAaNn A required course may be forgiven by the same or a comparable course taken subsequently. A lower level of the same course is considered comparable because the benchmarks and/or course objectives are similar. A non-specific course requirement may be forgiven by another course within the same subject area. For example, physics may be forgiven by ecology.
GgRrAaDdEe FfOoRrGgIi覺VvEeNnEeSsSs SsTtUuDdEeNnTt PpRrOoGgRrEeSsSsIi覺OoNn PpLlAaNn Students earning a grade of D on the repeat effort earn credit for that course; however, the initial failing grade is not forgiven. Students may again choose to repeat the same course, and upon earning a grade of C or higher, all earlier grades will be forgiven. In all cases where courses are forgiven under the provisions above, the initial F or D grade(s) will remain as part of the academic history. Students should be advised that many universities calculate GPAs based on all courses attempted.