The Tomahawk Times

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Santaluces High School

Don’t Mess Up Like I Did One Senior’s academic advice for Freshmen. By Tyler Shimkoski

Senior stress. When I was a Freshman, I viewed the Seniors as top of the high school food chain. I was a little pig, and they were the big bad wolves. Now that I am a Senior, I see how stressful it is, and I envy the Freshmen. I’m not saying that Freshmen don’t have stress, but Senior stress is on a whole other level. When Santaluces teachers tried to explain how high school worked Freshman year, some of us caught on, while others brushed it off to deal with when report cards came around. It’s important as a Freshman to understand what credits are needed for graduation, and also what credits are important for the college they’re planning on applying to. I wish that I would of thought that way when I was a Freshman. For a Senior, there is no messing around. If Seniors fail a class, like Economics or English, it can cause them to not be able to walk at graduation and spend a whole summer re-taking the class when they were supposed to be enjoying their first high schoolfree summer. I failed Algebra II Junior year and now I’m re-taking it as a Senior. I am also taking two classes on E2020 and just finished the second semester of American History on FLVS. All the classes I have to re-take are graduation requirements, and the deadline to finish them is coming up. That is just one of the many stressful situations being a Senior entails. Sophomore and Junior year are the meat and cheese of high school; it’s what builds a student’s GPA. Taken seriously, those two years can be the difference in college acceptance and scholarship opportunities. For students who haven’t already applied to college, the deadline is coming up. This means SAT and ACT scores and community service hours must be up to par. Getting 20 community service hours may seem unattainable, but the goal is easily attainable in one year, let alone four. I wish I would have joined more clubs as a Freshman, because they can really help a student struggling with community service. Although four years may seem like a long time, for me and other Seniors I know, time flies fast. Senioritis has taken the minds of many Seniors already, while others cannot seem to find the time to enjoy Senior year due to all the stress. If Senior stress is taking this much of a toll on me, I just hope I can survive the stress of being a College Freshman.

6880 Lawrence Road Lantana, Florida 33462

Edition II, Vol. V

Budget Cuts Lead to Less Security Students skipping class find places to hide across campus.

By Briana Goldson

Some hide out in the bathroom of the 4000 building, standing around for 45 minutes, pretending to wash their hands whenever someone comes in. Others wander over to the park across Chief Way, hanging out at the baseball fields. Still others simply walk home, stopping by 7-11 for a cherry Slurpee and a candy bar. Those are the stories of serial skippers across Santaluces’ campus. Because of budget cuts this year, supervision on campus has been cut back by four people, leaving only one or two security personnel patrolling about 30 acres. Wrestling coach, Coach Franco, is the man who is responsible for covering the whole school. “It’s a little stressful walking around all day, but it’s not a big issue,” he said. “I know most of the kids from sports and I start to learn faces.” Franco usually supervises the 8000/9000 building and marks his territory at the intersection of the main hall. Just because he is stationed in the most populated building of the school doesn’t mean he isn’t on call for problem areas such as the courtyard and the 3000 and 4000 buildings.

Graphic Design by Allison Ferreira

Although there is a police officer on campus, Franco is the one faculty member who administration calls on the walkie when teachers press that white button to have students removed or when fights break out.

The Secret Life of Candy Sellers

Mr. Krupa believes that the administration has a “good handle” on the situation because now APs are taking care of tardy passes. “We’re out as much as we can, it’s just a matter of catching them,” said Krupa.

Students say they know classmates who skip class and seem to have mixed emotions on the topic of feeling safe in school. “I’m fine with only one security guy,” said Senior, Michael Renzetti. Senior, Daynet Escobar believes that because only Franco is covering supervision, the halls are occupied with many students and many of those don’t have passes. “There’s definitely more skipping and people not getting caught because they know there’s only one guy[supervising],” said Escobar. Although assistant principals, especially Mrs. Mawali, patrol the halls regularly, on a recent Wednesday after first lunch, a trio of students were exiting the 8000 building and walked past two unsuspecting administrators. The students were able to escape school grounds with no penalty and Coach Franco was not in the area. “I just don’t think they [the APs] really care because they can’t catch us all,” said an anonymous source escaping near the student parking lot. More and more students feel it is okay to wander around the halls and ditch class, by hiding in all the Story continued on Page 2

Freshman Need Virtual School Class to Graduate

By Rimsha Rashid

As whispers slowly fill the classroom and money begins to silently creep around, the sound of candy wrappers awakens every student’s and mouth starts to salivate. Most teachers turn the other cheek. However some are guilty of joining in this secret world of rule-breaking. According to the School District of Palm Beach County, anything sold on campus must be approved by Mrs. Orloff, Mr. Krupa and book-keeping. Whoever sells products without approval will earn 10 days of suspension. Although this is the district rule, many students and teachers do not follow it. Approved candy, donuts and other goodies are also being sold around the campus through school fundraisers, but the rest of it is sold for personal gain. But what’s the big deal, it is only candy right? “I think it isn’t really a big deal to sell candy,” said Shannon Maufre, Sophomore. Everyone knows the rules and consequences, but that does not stop the teachers or students from breaking the rules.

“The students and staff should not be selling at all. But for the clubs, I don’t really mind it. You guys are high school students and are old enough to make your own decisions,” said Mrs. Orloff, the principal. “Students will get what they want and if they want candy, then they will get it from here or across the street to 7 Eleven.” Although students are selling candy, teachers selling candy is just “unacceptable because it puts pressure on the kids” said Mrs. Orloff. While a few teachers disrupt classroom time to sell candy to help raise money for a child to go to Washington DC, others are just selling it right in front of their room in between class change. Along with Shannon, most students surveyed do not mind candy being sold mostly because “it’s easy access”. Sometimes satisfying that sweet tooth before a test or fulfilling your appetite with a chocolate bar or two is all you need Story continued on Page 2

By Kayelee Shimkoski

Every year, the graduation requirements change for each incoming freshman class. The class of 2015 was informed of a new graduation requirement at Freshman orientation. Freshman are now required to take one class on Florida Virtual School. If this requirement is not met by the students senior year, they will be unable to graduate. This requirement was made by the school district to cut overflowing class sizes. With more students taking virtual school classes, there are more space in the class room. This requirement might help the school district keep the class limit of 25 students per course. Some freshman have already chosen the courses they plan to take on Florida Virtual School. The most popular choices being physical education and foreign language. “I’m taking personal fitness be-

cause I don’t think gym is an important class to clog my schedule with,” said Freshman Sydney Toolis. Physical education is a graduation requirement and every student has to take at least one semester of personal fitness and another semester of a physical education class. Two foreign language classes are also required to graduate and are important classes to take for college. “The only time I’ve ever suggested for a student to take a foreign language class online is if they’ve previously taken the course, and failed,” said Spanish teacher, Mrs. Johnson. One Freshman, Jashia Cooper, has already finished five virtual classes. He started taking them in middle school, and finished three high school classes this past summer. “No, I’m not taking any more,” said Cooper. “It’s a long process to finish a class.”

By Lucrezia Gaion

Every year, Homecoming Week culminates with the Homecoming Dance. This year, the gym was decorated following the theme “Chiefs on Deck”. The Student Government Asociation class worked for weeks to provide the decorations for the gym, including a giant paper cruise ship, a volcano, a

lighthouse and deck railing. Mrs. DeMarzo, the SGA class teacher, had high expectations. “We tried to involve as many school departments as we could, so the budget could have been relatively limited, but of course we had to buy all the painting supplies.” Photo students took pictures and the Culinary Academy catered the

event. For the music, those who went to Prom 2011 won’t be surprised to hear the name of the DJ: DJ Lagado played music last year. One of the main attractions was the food: meatballs and potatoes, shrimp and crab wraps, cookies, and chocolate fondue. “The food was great, it’s just how I expected it,”

said junior, Layne Reyka. With its palm trees at the dance floor corners, the spotlights, and the colorful long and short dresses, this year’s Homecoming Dance was appreciated. “This year’s dance is fun, it’s really nice,” said Steven Castro, Junior. Chiefs knew that the dance floor was full of dancers and the music

played until the very last second. “The DJ was great, the decorations are beautiful and I loved having so much fun!” said Homecoming Queen Brianica McLaurin. Homecoming King Jarred Moore also praised the dance. “I had fun and I loved the food,” he said. “I knew that it would be a good night.”

Graphic Design by Allison Ferreira Story continued from Page 1

30 Acres + 1 Security Officer = Students Skipping nooks and crannies provided by the school’s indoor architecture. Students, such as Junior Tara Grossman, feel that the friendship between the students and administrators complicates the discipline being served throughout the campus. “Students believe there is a companionship between some administrator and some of the students so they feel more comfortable with the idea of cutting class,” said Grossman.

Photo by Melissa Tyson Students wander the halls during class time. While some have passes, others do not. One security officer patrols the entire campus.

Chiefs Help Others for the Holidays Santaluces students and faculty give generously to those in need. By Tyler Shimkoski

Every year, do this so they Santaluces can take a look Chiefs ring in at what’s gothe holiday ing on in the season with a world and try giving heart to help resolve as they give problems. back to the Even clubs at community Santaluces are with projects getting into such Toys for the holiday Tots and The spirit and givAngel Project. ing back. FFLSeniors in CA and FFEA Economics are involved and American with the Angel government Project. The classes actuAngel Project ally have to is an organizahelp out with tion that works these projects with elemenfor a grade. Photo by Briana Goldson tary schools to Mrs. SandFCCLA and FFEA are just two of the clubs helping the needy this holiday season. help students ers’ economic who are in classes are inneed. Santaluces has signed up volved with Toys For Tots, which In Mr. Yohe’s classes the students is a foundation sponsored by are participating in The Angel Proj- to sponsor 30 students this year. “The great thing about this projthe Marines and donates toys ect, Toys for Tots, Kibblez of Love, ect,” said Mrs. Kouf, early childto underprivileged families. and Unforgotten Soldiers. These “We’ve always done a Senior are all organizations that help hood teacher and sponsor of project,” said Sanders, “No oth- families in need for the holidays. FFEA and FFCLA “is that 100% of er club was doing Toys for Tots. The Kibblez of Love organization the money goes to the children.” Students are also happy In economics we’re learning helps families who can’t afford to to contribute to the needy. about poverty and unemploy- feed their pets.The Unforgotten “It makes me feel great,” said ment and this is a good choice if Solider organization helps miliSenior Tiffany Rodriguez who is someone is going into that type tary personnel who have suffered of career. They are also practic- emotional and physical trauma. a member of FFEA. “You know ing citizenship and steeping up.” Mr. Yohe is having his students you’re helping kids in need.”

Story continued from Page 1

Candy Sellers Say They Provide the Snacks Students Want to get a little energy for the day. “I get so stressed out before a test that I start to get hungry, so I love having candy sellers around just because my nerves get calm and I actually do good on the test,” said a student who did not want to provide a name because she often buys from unapproved sources. Those who sell the candy say they do it because it is so difficut for teens to find a job in this economy. One candy seller said he made as much as $1,000 in one school year because students can’t get the candy they want from the campus vending machines.

Photo by Kayelee Shimkoski

Tomahawk Times Staff Editor-In-Chief: Rose Derose Web Editor: Rimsha Rashid News Editor: Briana Goldson Photo Editor: Allison Ferreira Graphics Editor: Melissa Tyson Staff Writers Charlise Baptiste Fatou Bobb Alexandra Carley Lickna Edmond Melissa Esteril Dena Fleuridor Navael Fontus Lucrezia Gaion Ged Guillaume Shannon Lechon Eric McArthur Brianica McLaurin Megan McQuaid Timothy Monecla David Perez Rachael Robinson Jordan Santa Rosa Erika Scotti Kayelee Shimkoski Tyler Shimkoski Rayven Wright Adviser: Mrs. Clifton

Ladies First Promotes Independence and Confidence

National Art Honor Society Creates Mural for the Little Chiefs

One of the most popular clubs in school has hit its membership limit.

By Rachael Robinson

“The best way to learn to be a lady is to see how other ladies do it.” A quote by actress Mae West that seems to sum up the new club here at Santaluces, Ladies First. This club has, by far, the most members on campus and the best attendance record. It’s also sponsored by one of the most popular teachers on campus, Ms.Palmer. The official members list has more than 50 members who can only miss about three meetings. Not to mention unofficial members are welcome to pop up for any meeting. Impressive, considering this club has just started around two months ago. The Ladies have been on the move since October, throwing two socials and searching for outside sponsorship. It’s a sisterhood that many girls don’t get to have somewhere else and it seems to only be growing larger. “Ladies First is not only teaching us to be ladies but it also is about community involvement. For example, we assisted SGA in the thanksgiving can drive and we are currently working on volunteer opportunities to help the members of the club get their required hours to graduate,” said Junior Sh’Nelle Stewart. The success of Ladies First can only be judged by time but what started this idea? “After careful observation of the entire student body, especially the young ladies of SHS, I realized there was a great need for them to receive instruction not just on an academic level but also the requirements of social and professional etiquette,” said sponsor Ms. Palmer. The purpose of Ladies First is to create strong, independent,

At both the ice cream social and the pizza social in the cafeteria, the members of Ladies First invited the school to join them for great food, music and dancing. The pizza social celebrated the first home game of the Varsity boys basketball season.

Photo by Andrea Ramos By Shannon Lechon

Photos by Rachael Robinson

and productive members of Santaluces High and the world. Not only teaching the members about guys but getting them to learn how to love themselves before looking elsewhere. “I’m learning that there are times when you’re stuck in a situation where you’re going to have to figure out problems by yourself. Basically to be more independent and to be careful with ‘people’ a.k.a guys,” said Senior Stacy Boisrond Although this club isn’t about degrading guys it’s more a way

to say that women don’t have to depend on them for everything. “This club is a women’s leadership organization dedicated to improving the self esteem of the ladies of SHS because as it is said a civilized structure often rests on the shoulders of men and on the hearts of strong women,” said Palmer If you’re interested in learning more, meetings are held every Tuesday and Thursday in Ms. Palmer’s room 8106. Although the member limit has been reached,girls are still welcome to come and become “Lady” certified.

For the past couple of years, outside the Early Childhood classrooms by the children’s playground, an unfinished mural is painted on the expanse of the back wall. By the end of the school year, Art teacher Ms. Ardner is hoping to finish sketching and painting it and finally have it done. The mural is a painting of a grassy forest with animals painted by the National Art Honor Society. To the far left of the mural is “Chief City”, another NAHS mural. “It’s been fun,” Ms. Ardner said. “It’s also a good way for my Honor Society students to learn how to paint over different textures. We all just have a lot of fun together.” The inspiration for the childhood mural came from Ms. Kouf, the early childhood development teacher. “It really helps to correspond with the kids,” she said. “And it helps to liven up the playground.” Jorge Aguilar, a Junior and NAHS president, has been working on the mural since last year, and he’s looking forward to seeing the mural completed. He’s been sketching the outline of the images that the NAHS artists will paint in. Aguilar believes that NAHS members will only need to visit the mural a few more times before it’s

completed. Even though he looks forward to the mural’s completion, if the mural is not finished by the end of this year he will continue to work on it his Senior year. He said that nature is the main inspiration for drawing the outdoors on the mural, and he finds the whole experience enjoyable. “I like drawing things that the kids will like,” Aguilar said with a smile. “I want to draw and make something that the kids will look at and wish that they could live in a world like that.” One of Aguilar’s friends, Amanda Nelson, a Senior, is one of the chief painters and sketchers for the mural. She also has been working on the childhood mural since last year. Nelson, aside from being one of the main muralists on the Early Childhood, is also working on the Fine Arts mural, which is on the other side of the Early Childhood development mural. Nelson has painted and sketched, but she has mostly worked on the sky, lots of animals, and the trees. Nelson is inspired by the early childhood development teachers, like Ms. Ardner. “It’s been a lot of fun, and it’s really exciting,” Nelson said. “I like knowing that my work will be up there forever.”

Avoiding Crosswalks Could Cost You No accidents yet, but officials fear students may be hurt.

By David Perez

The same thing happens every day, before and after school. When the bell rings at 2:44, students race to get off campus, crossing Hypoluxo Road at any place they can. “I don’t want to wait 10 minutes for a slurpee, would you? I wouldn’t,” said Junior, Daniel Lopez, “After a long day in school my brain is fried and drained of energy, so what’s the best thing to cure it?, a gigantic slurpee, and I can’t wait 20 minutes waiting for the the crosswalk to change when I can jaywalk and go back and forth in five minutes.” Many students find it easy and think that it’s just a waste of time going back and forth through a crosswalk when the destination is right in front of them. “I jaywalk to Dom & Louie’s Pizza every day right after school but when I’m crossing I’m always careful and cautious about it,” said Sophomore, Marian Catrillo. ”If you are responsible enough to cross the street on your own then I think you

should be allowed to do so because it’s just a big waste of time.” But, imagine the pain that the mother of four year old A.J. Nelson felt when he was struck and killed by a van while crossing a four-lane highway. His family was crossing the highway to get to their home a few feet away from them when A.J. was separated from his mom and his sister before being hit by a van resulting in his death. As more and more officials became concerned with this accident, jaywalking laws started being enforced all over the country. Here at Santaluces, Vice Principal Mr. Krupa has been concerned with Jaywalkers getting hurt while crossing Hypoluxo to get to the 7-11. Mr. Krupa announced on the morning and afternoon announcements that police officers would begin enforcing jaywalking laws and catch students crossing Hypoluxo. Each student will be fined $64.50

for jaywalking, said Mr. Krupa. Although officers, according to Mr. Kupa, don’t want to issue tickets, it’s to ensure that kids don’t get hurt and it’s for their own good. When people jaywalk, they aren’t aware of the damage that they can cause. They are putting students, their families, and other peoples lives in danger, said on-campus officer Furtado. “As a cop, if I see a kid jaywalking, I would go over and give them a warning and talk to them about the risks that they are taking because I’ve seen kids get hit by cars before,” said officer Furtado. Concerned students say it might be inconvenient, but agree that jaywalking could end with a student being seriously hurt. “You should be crossing at the crosswalk instead of jaywalking,” said Junior Brandon Olmstead. “It’s your own fault if you get hit.” Officer Furtado said that Boynton Beach officers are stopping jaywalkers on a regular basis.

The speed limit on Hypoluxo Road is 45 mph.

Photo by Melissa Tyson

Chief Wrestlers Endure Grueling Practices and Matches Considered one of the most difficult sports to master, Wrestling gets little respect. By Lickna Edmond

Grunting, body slams, headlocks, and much more for hours in a cramped room. Then it’s out into the hallway for 40 laps, give or take, on a good day. Practice is no joke. Coach Agresti and Coach Franco often yell, “If you need to throw up, don’t waste my time, just leave, and come right back to practice.” The team members have to push themselves as far as they can go; they have to know their limit and sacrifice their own time to better themselves. The wrestling team meets right after school from 3 to 5:30 every day. Johnny Fiorentino, senior, and captain of the wrestling team has been a wrestler all four years of high school. He admits that it’s challenging to juggle all his responsibilities. To Fiorentino, wrestling has become a lifestyle. He has torn his inner costal muscle in his abdomen, has a cauliflower ear, where the cartilage deforms and hardens in that shape, and he has tendentious in his hips. “Sometimes it hurts to walk but I would rather miss school than miss practice,” said Fiorentino. “We go ten times harder than any sport so all practices are a must.” Fiorentino is also known as “The walking wound” on the team. Wrestling is said to be the martial arts of high school, yet it is barely

Johnny Fiorentino

“Sometimes it hurts to walk but I would rather miss school than miss practice.” Johnny Fiorentino. Chief wrestlers practice five days a week.

recognized. For tournament days, team members must wake up at five in the morning on a Saturday. If they gained even half of a pound they run to burn it off. Wrestlers have to “make weight.” There are 14 different weight groups that a player can be classified under. Each individual is placed in a group based on his body structure. “I have gone over three days without food so I don’t gain weight,” said Fiorentino. “I know if I don’t make weight the team is forced to forfeit points. It’s a lose-lose situation, a loss in points and I lose a match.”

Photos by Lickna Edmond

Even with wrestling always on his mind, Fiorentino still finds time to get his school work done and have a job. Last quarter he earned a 3.0 and he works six days a week at the local Mexican restaurant Rosalita’s. “School, work, and wrestling are all tied to each other. I have to get good grades so I can keep wrestling. I have to work so I can make money to pay for my wrestling necessities,” said Fiorentino. “And I wrestle to make myself happy.” Fiorentino’s teammates acknowledge his leadership and dedication. “He’s one of the best on the

Sophomore Radi Sauro Takes to the Course and Shoots a Hole in One

team,” said Junior Kyle Stewart. “He is a great captain because he is a good motivator. He leads us in stretches and doesn’t hesitate to show us how to fix our mistakes. Even with his injury, he shows up to every practice, and practice is rigorous! We lose 3-4 pounds every practice.” There has been a higher turnout for the students trying out for the wrestling team this year, said Coach Agresti. More and more people ignore the injuries and take on the challenge. “I get hurt everyday in practice, but I plan to stay on the

wrestling team all four years of high school,” said Sophomore Jephter Auguste. “Wrestling is not like basketball, I have to depend on myself because the matches are one on one.” Students who do not know any better label wrestling as a “gay sport”. Wrestlers such as Johnny, on the other hand, see those comments as an excuse to hide behind. He concludes that such students are not mature enough, or even brave enough, to handle the sport.

Soccer Season Off to a Shaky Start

By Tim Monecla

Photo Courtesy of Ms. Lucia

Many people try their whole llives to hit a hole in one, Sophomore, Radi Sauro did it while she was in high school. Sauro is an accomplished golfer who plays for Santaluces High School and maintains straight A’s. She has received plenty of accolades and seems to have a bright future ahead of her. “Radi is a very dedicated athlete, she attends class through Florida Virtual School so she can practice hours at a time,” said Sauro’s coach Ms.Lucia who’s been coaching her for two years. Sauro has been awarded player of the year in 2007 and 2008 and won point player of the year in 2008. She also has academic awards, winning first place in the Writing Competition of SECME and won second place in the National Geography Bee in 2008. “Radi has already been on several college tours and was very impressed with Duke University,” said Coach Lucia. “However she has plenty of time to decide where she will be playing in college.” Sauro is performing at an extremely high level at a young age and seems to be motivated to do well in this sport. “It’s her dedication to the sport. You can see the drive in her eyes and the way she holds herself on the course, one day we will be watching her play on the LPGA tour,” said Coach Lucia.

Photo by Allison Ferreira The Chiefs Boys Varsity Soccer lost to Park Vista. By Ged Guillaume

The Santaluces boys varsity soccer team is off to a shaky start with three wins, six losses, and a tie record as of December 8th. Team captain Anthony Villanueva, a Senior who plays forward and middle field, said he is confident that the team will improve. “We’re good, especially with fundamentals,” said Villanueva. “But we need better communication on the field.” Before the Chiefs took on the Boynton Beach Tigers, Villanueva was confident they would win, but a very close game ended with a 2 to 3 Chief loss. Villanueva said miscommunications between players caused missed assignments and led to the loss. Still, the players are optimistic about the team. “We’ve won one out of the three district games so far. But we don’t stress the games during the regu-

lar season as much as we do in districts,” said Villanueva. “During the regular season we take notes and watch film to better ourselves. It’s really just a time to review.’’ The girls varsity team also has not had a successful year. Although the girls have defeated Boynton Beach twice this season, the team has struggled to win both at home and away. There is no official team captain. Instead, the players rotate who is in charge on the field. Defensive player and Tomahawk Times staff writer Charlise Baptiste, a Junior, said the team needs more discipline. “So far we have a great team connection,” said Baptiste. “But it’s not showing on the field. Mid-fielder Tiffany Vaz, a Senior, said she likes her teammates. “I like soccer,” said Vaz. “We may not have the best record, but we’re a good working team.”

Girls Varsity Basketball Team a Close Unit for Years

By Melissa Esteril

Basketball season at Santaluces is jumping off. The girls team has started the season off very well with victories in Tip Off classic, season games against John I, Atlantic, Lake Worth, Boynton and Jupiter High school. These ladies have been playing together since middle school, practicing about four times a week or whenever they don’t have practice. They also play about 18-25 games a year. Last year they had a very successful season. This year they hope to grow and learn from their mistakes. “This year our goal is to win

Miriam Pierre - Forward

Districts,” said Team Captain Miriam Pierre. “or even further.” The starters, all seniors, include: Tykyera Dexter, Essence Williams, Dominique Winbush, Miriam Pierre, and Leanna Rathell. Since their days at Tradewinds middle school Dexter, Winbush, Pierre, and Rathell have been playing together. Winbush however hasn’t played with the girls since starting high school and this will be her first year joining her old teammates on the court. Coach Leonard is excited about her presence, saying it will add to the team strength in rebounding.

Dominique Winbush- Center

Willams joined the ladies “clique” last year and has been welcomed as if she’s been with them for years. “Its an honor to be with these girls,” said Williams. “We all bonded. We hang out outside of school so I already feel like part of their family.” Williams has a quickness which adds speed to the team, and that speed will allow the team to get back on offense at a faster pace. Coach Leonard and the girls have high hopes for this year. “I hope the girls can stay focused,” said Coach Leonard “And being the best they can be whether in a game or at practice.”

Clairwin Dameus - Point Guard

Girls Head Coach Leonard

Tykyera Dexter- Shooter

Girls Varsity Schedule 2012 Jan 9 v. Forest Hill Jan. 12 @ Palm Beach Lakes Jan. 14 v. Park Vista Jan. 18 @ Village Academy Jan. 19 v. Coral Springs Jan. 23 v. Boynton Beach Jan. 26 v. Glades Central Jan. 27 @ Olympic Heights

Essence Williams- Shooter

Perrin Carriere - Point Guard

Photos by Allison Ferreira

Peter Strzelecki Shooting Guard

Boys Head Coach Dixon The boys varsity basketball team is led by its three seniors, Mario Fleurima, Jarred Moore and Jess Ewald. The team was off to a strong start with an opening home game win against John I Leonard. A heart-breaking loss to Park Vista at the buzzer was a big wake-up call to the team.

Mario Fleurima - Small Forward

By Melissa Esteril

The boys Varsity basketball season kicked off with expected wins early on. They’ve had victories against Lake worth, Village Academy, Boynton Beach and John I Leonard. However their luck didn’t last long. They suffered a three point loss to Park Vista right at the buzzer. “The loss shows we have a lot of maturing to do,” said Junior Mardochee Philemon. “We can’t go in underestimating the opposing team.” This loss showed Senior Jess Ewald a few things as well. “We’re ready mentally,” he said. “We were too cocky after

our win from John I Leonard.” It took a loss for the team to realize that they need to mature but they aren’t letting that hold them back. “My goal is to establish a good foundation for underclass men,” said Ewald. “And go to states.” For Coach Dixon, the Park Vista loss was good for the team. “It woke them up,” said Coach Dixon. “Now they’re trying to get more focus during practice because that’s where it all starts.” The Chiefs will get a chance for redemption against Park Vista in January and another dozen games to finish the regular season.

Jarred Moore - Power Forward

Jess Ewald - Center

It’s Your Choice, Choose Wisely By Erika Scotti

Choosing the right university or college is an extremely stressful task that almost everyone goes through at the end of high school. There are so many facts that you can’t overlook, and whether you are a freshman or senior, it’s always the right time to map out your future. Before choosing a university or college, determine what you would like to study and major in. Career assessment tests on the web can help you with this, as well as college major quizzes, such as Many students, however, go to college undecided, and that’s fine, but having an idea of the career you would like to pursue can help in finding the college that best suits you. Make a list of facts that have to be taken into account when choosing your college. Do you want to live at home, live on

campus, or go far away? Do you want a public or private university? What about tuition fees and scholarships? Rule out any colleges that don’t fit your criteria. You want your college years to be the best possible, and you shouldn’t settle for something you aren’t completely sure of. With your list of criteria ready, go on the web during your free time and start searching for colleges that you would be interested in. Go to college fairs, where you can meet representatives from different colleges that might appeal to you. Talk to guidance counselors and family members who can give you some suggestions of what you might like. After having both your lists ready, collect information about each school you have in mind. Visit the college’s websites and look at photos of the

Join the Club

campus. Even better, try to visit the colleges that most appeal to you on your list. All of this will help reduce the number of colleges on your list to a manageable number. Finally, apply to all schools that made the cut. Check and double check for application criteria and deadlines. You should always have two “safety” schools, where you are a shoo-in for admission. Also, apply to one or two dream schools, where you might have a small chance of getting admitted. Sometimes, you’ll be surprised. After applying to at least those four schools, apply to at least two schools where you can expect to be accepted, and will be happy there. The one piece of advice that all experts agree on is planning ahead and not waiting until the middle of your senior year to start thinking about these issues.

By Rachael Robinson

Michael Jordan, one of the most famous basketball players of our time, didn’t make his high school basketball team. But he put effort in and tried. He worked and worked until he was good enough. Good enough to become role models for children and an idols for adults. Ben Affleck, a screen writer/ actor dropped out of the University of Vermont after a semester. But his failure was

his success. He realized from his studies that he wanted to pursue an acting career. Tom Cruise, the famous actor, suffered from dyslexia and despite his learning disability he appeared in many plays in high school and competed in many sports. Something that all these people have in common is that in school, even through disappointment, being involved in clubs or sports gave them an insight into their careers.

Marlena Kenol, a Sophomore, has goals of being in a Sorority in college like her mother. She is currently involved in The ladies of Nu Gamma which is her second time being involved in a step team. She knows it’s a lot of work and practice but knows it will pay off in the long run. “I do it because I want to be a Delta. So I basically do it as an opportunity for college,” said Kenol.

Kenol isn’t the only one looking for opportunities for college. Sophomore Bradley Brown has recently been going to ASPIRA club meetings, which provide college information in a fun environment. Junior Basilyne Fleurinord is involved in her third year of chorus and loves it. “The experience is exhilarating and getting congratulated is really good.” said Basilyne. “There are so many good people. We’re like a family.”

The True Requirements for College By Allie Carley

Every year the requirements are becoming more challenging for ambitious upper class men. At the University of Central Florida, the number of applicants who are admitted is 46% unlike University of Florida which is 43%. If students want to be one of the students entering into a four-year university, they better start getting their act together very soon. Many colleges are looking for students who go over the limit of taking the classes that are required. The average amount of credits an average high school student receives is 24. This includes four credits in English, four credits in math, three credits in science. Instead, many colleges want to see more credits in a certain area. For instance, taking four or five science classes is more beneficial for universities instead of three. Try taking Advanced Placement classes, Dual Enrollment, or honors classes because this gives students a higher chance

to get admitted to a university. It is also free so many students take the opportunity to take these classes. “I like AP classes because it prepares you for college life, and it is a different experience than regular and honor classes,” said Junior Michael Zulauf. Doing more volunteer work throughout the community can also help students get admitted to an university. Colleges do not just look at classes and grades in junior year but senior year also. “I do take AP classes because it’s good to challenge myself,” said Senior Christina Li. “Especially my last year as a student.” When it comes to applying for colleges, many universities look at challenging schedules. For instance, if one applicant has straight As and is taking standardized courses and another one has As and Bs and taking rigorous courses, the college would most likely admit the student with the rigorous courses.

It is important, especially for Freshmen and Sophomores to start taking more advanced courses. Although taking rigorous courses is important, grades are also important. Students need to make sure that they keep track of their classwork and tests to receive the appropriate grade they deserve. “If you want to exceed the requirement, students should take a third foreign language, fourth science, and math for every year in high school,” said guidance counselor Mrs. DeCabia. “Always strive to honor classes and take AP and Dual Enrollment also. Instead of 24 hours of community service, try to get 100. Be aware on how you put yourself out there. Try to get involved in clubs and extra curricular activities. National Honor Society and other national societies that will fit your major in college are the best clubs to join. Finally, try to join clubs and groups that will benefit the school.”

It’s a Bright Future By Tyler Shimkoski

The first semester of the school year is coming to an end, and for the seniors, this means a semester of college and scholarship applications is about to begin. Students who plan on going to a college, university, or vocational school in Florida can apply for the Bright Futures Scholarship to help pay for college, if they meet all the requirements. There are three levels of scholarships a student can earn: Bright Futures Florida Academic Scholars (FAS), Florida Medallion Scholars (FMS), and Florida Gold Seal Vocational Scholars (FSV). The applicant may only receive funding for only one reward. Students applying for Florida Bright Futures must apply after December 1st and prior to high school graduation. This means that if those applying don’t meet the re-

quirements, they have until graduation to meet them. If the applicant does not submit an ‘error free’ Initial Student Florida Financial Aid Application (FFAA), they will not be able to receive any scholarship money. For the FAS scholarship, students must have a 3.5 weighted GPA. According to, students must have 16 credits in the following courses: four English credits, four mathematics (Algebra 1 level and above), three natural science, three social science, and two foreign language (sequential, in the same language). Also, students “may use up to two additional credits from courses in the academic areas listed above and/or AP, IB, or AICE fine arts courses to raise the GPA,” according the website’s list of requirements.

Students must have up to 100 community service hours to qualify. It’s very important to make sure that students have their community service hours in before they apply. Test scores are also a necessity to qualify, and test score requirements are increasing for graduates in the future. The requirements for the FMS scholarship are basically the same requirements as the FMS requirements, but the student needs a 3.0 GPA and only 75 community service hours. The test scores for the FMS differ from the FAS. The 16 credits for someone applying for the FAS is the same. The student may use 2 other credits to raise their GPA. The FSV has different requirements than the other two scholarships. The 16 required credits are a little different: four English cred-

its, four math credits, three natural science credits, three social studies (U.S. History, World History, U.S. Government, and Economics) credits, one fine arts or identified practical art; or .5 credits in each, and 1 credit in physical education. The applicant must complete 30 hours of community service hours. Specific SAT, ACT, or CPT scores are required to receive this award. Students who are planning on applying for any of these scholarships have to apply online at The FFAA that is required to receive any of the scholarship money may also be filled out on the website. The requirements change after each graduating year. Each graduating year’s requirements can be found online as well.

Graphic Design by Melissa Tyson

The Dynamic Duo: Kemar and Oliver Always Impress By Navael Fontus

Oliver Stewart Photos by Allison Ferreira

Kemar Minott Kemar and Oliver perform at the Winter Sports Pep Rally

Lamar Jackson - Freshman

By Jordan Santa Rosa

You’ve probably seen him around school, but if you haven’t then you’ve probably saw him on the field playing varsity quarterback. It’s not easy being a Freshman, but imagine being a Freshman and the new Quarterback for the varsity football team? Aspiring football start Lamar Jackson had the opportunity to play as our quarter back this year. “It feels really good to be on the team,” he said. “Freshmen really don’t have this opportunity at all really.” Jackson first started playing football when his cousin wanted to play one day. Since then Jackson has been playing for the last seven years prior to attending Santaluces. He enjoys playing basketball and training in his spare time, so that maybe one day he’ll be as good as his favorite NFL player Michael Vick. “My mom motivates me the most,” he said. “She’s a strong single parent.”

Andrea Jara - Freshman

By David Perez

Freshman Andrea Jara seems like a normal kid blending into the crowd, but she stands out as an outstanding part of the marching band. The band practices from 5 pm right after school and end at 9 pm. The most spectacular thing about her is that she accomplishes all of her work and comes to school ready to learn day after day. “I’ve known her since 5th grade,” said Cara Sampson, a Freshman, and a fellow marching Chief. ”She’s always been funny, quirky, and fun to be around.” As an incoming Freshman, her goal was to enter the marching band and show off her Clarinetplaying skills. She plans on becoming either a photographer, or a music educator when she grows up. Her college plans include going to UM or Lynn University and majoring in photography. “I see myself as a happy, ex-

citing, and fun to hang out with type of girl,” said Java. She feels proud of being in the school marching band and making the cut in her Freshmen year. “Making the marching band was hard, so my advice for next year’s Freshmen is to work hard, practice every day, never give up, and give it all you got.””

Jasmina Lahens Sophomore

By Dena Fleuridor

Dancer, model, track-star, football player, fashionista, and girlfriend are all categories that Sophomore Jasmina Lahens fits into. “I like that she can multi-task, and she’s very outgoing and clever”, said Mrs. Schroader, her English teacher. “She’s a very deep person, and she’s fearless when she’s talking in front of the class.” Dancing at both Sean’s Dancing Factory, and Dance Universal, she describes Sean’s as “like her family.” She loves dancing of all kinds, although Hip-Hop and Urban dance are her favorites. In terms of music, her favorites vary, but she enjoys listening to Hip-Hop and R&B the most. Her favorite artists include: Drake, J. Cole, Wale, and Kanye West. She loves hanging out with friends and going shopping, especially with Sophomore Tayla Allen. “We’ve been friends for 4 years (since 7th grade) I love her,” said Allen. “I love her weirdness, and that she’s so funny and laid-back.” Her interests vary from dancing to her love of Math and Fashion. She enjoys dressing up and expressing herself through fashion, and everyone is aware of it. Her unique style is, as she describes it, a combination of Vintage and Retro, she calls it “Viretro”.

Sergio De La Espirella Sophomore

By Erika Scotti

Being the teacher’s son can be tough, but being the new kid in school can be even worse. Sergio De La Espriella, currently a sophomore and music teacher Mr.

When you think of breakdancing dancing at Santaluces High School, two names come up automatically, Kemar Minott and Oliver Stewart. You’ve seen them at pep- rallies, talent shows and almost all events that involve dancing. Minott and Stewart have even been in state competitions that showcase their talent. Even though dancing is one of their main talents, dancing just scratches the surface of what Minott and Stewart are involved in. Besides being great dancers, the dynamic duo also have their own hobbies. “I draw, write poetry, rap, and

play basketball,” Stewart said. Minott also draws, writes poetry, and is always putting work in at the gym. But the two best friends both agree, dancing is their number one priority. The pair were always good friends, and when they found out that dancing was something they had in common, they became great friends. Minott and Stewart have been dancing together for four years. “We started together in the 8th grade,” said Minot. “And we’ve been [dancing] together ever since.” Their dancing has even been recognized statewide.

“We’ve been in competitions in Daytona and Orlando.” Stewart said. “We performed in a dancing competition called Fine Arts and this year we came in 3rd place.” As for how far the two want to take their dancing, both agree that it’s something they would consider doing when out of high school. Even though Minott and Stewart do not know where they want to go for college, both know they want to go up north (but stay in Florida) in a four-year university. “Even though its just a hobby for us,” said Minott, “if the opportunity comes, I’ll take it.”

Rivera’s stepson, transferred from Archbishop McCarthy in Broward to carry out the rest of his high school years here at Santaluces. “It’s kind of cool, being the teacher’s son,” said De La Espriella. “People know who I am, but people, especially teachers, have high expectations because I’m Mr. Rivera’s son.” Sergio’s old school, Archbishop McCarthy, is a private Catholic school, so there is an abundance of differences between this school and his old one. “We had a strict uniform, and boys had to keep their hair a certain length which was a big thing for me,” he said. “Santaluces is also much bigger, and has a lot more students.” De La Espriella is taking one of the music academy’s courses, Electronic Music, and is also involved in Reflections, the school’s top choir. However, his main interest is in musical theater. He is involved in the community theater near his house, and at Santaluces. He hopes to one day go to University of Michigan, or FSU, and either double major in musical theater and film acting or major in sports management with a double minor in history and musical theater.

Troy Stark - Junior

the bullet had been inches closer to his head, it could have been fatal. “I was really angry when it happened,” he said. “I don’t go to the Indian Pines park anymore because of the bad memories.” Since the incident, he has been quite popular around school. “People would just come up and touch my scar and hug me and stuff.” Popularity seems to be something that Louis has become accustomed to. “Yeah, I mean, I know a lot of people and I’m just good with them.” Louis’ brother, Ralph Louis, was a former Santaluces student who graduated in the class of 2010 and was also popular around campus. Louis’ brother helped him to gain popularity. “He introduced me to a bunch of the juniors and seniors,” said Louis. “He brought me up to a certain level with everyone. We share many things in common like our sarcastic nature. But by this point, I’m cooler than him when he was a senior in high school.”

Derricka Williamson Junior

By Lickna Edmond

Of the student population here at Santaluces high school, a majority of the junior class either knows or has heard of Derricka Williamson. She is involved in all there is to offer. Derricka is part of the AVID club, NHS, Ladies First, and Links crew. Williamson also plays basketball, football, and track. Derricka has been going since freshman year. She says the faculty and staff at Santaluces provide all the encouragement she needs. “In the future I plan to become a pediatrician or a physical therapist for young atheletes,” said Williamson. “Santaluces whole sports division has given me the will to do well in sports.” Outside of school, Williamson works at Panera Bread. Most people also don’t know that she enjoys singing, writing poems and listening to music. And, she plays drums, bass guitar and piano. A weird fact about Williamson: she’s really afraid of feet, but can’t explain why. “They really scare me,” she said.

By Rimsha Rashid

Troy Stark, a baseball playing surfer who sings and strums his guitar, has a bright future ahead of him. As a Junior, Stark is constantly under stress but that doesn’t stop him from enjoying his high school career. Aside from playing the guitar, he plays the piano, trumpet and bass. He is in the music academy and loves his Sound Engineering II and Electronic Music II classes. “The academy I am in appealed to me immediately when I learned they had a studio on campus,” he said. “I always wanted to learn how to use studio equipment so I could one day create my own home studio.” Mr. Rivera, Stark’s academy music instructor is fond of Stark. “I truly think that I am lucky to have a student like him,” said Mr. Rivera. “He is a bright student, responsible, talented musician and an asset to the program.” Along with his academy classes, Stark has taken five AP classes and is currently taking AP Language and AP U.S. History. His favorite AP class is Music Theory because he is able to listen to his own work and it had a creative atmosphere. Although he is interested in music, his future includes majoring in Pre-Med. As for college, he is planning on applying to University of Miami, Columbia University, FAU and University of Florida.

Rod Louis - Senior

By Ged Guillaume

When most people hear the name Rod Louis they think of that funny senior who’s always cracking jokes. Another thing that comes to mind when they hear his name is Bullethead, and not the character from the old Steve Harvey show. During the spring of 2010, there was a shoot out in Indian Pines park between local thugs. Rod, an innocent bystander, was caught in the crossfire. Luckily, he was only grazed on the side of the head. If

Mayumi Combs - Senior

By Shannon Lechon

Mayumi Combs has known what path she wanted to take in life since middle school. Her friend persuaded her to audition for a part in one of the school’s productions, and it intrigued her. Her love for drama had only begun as a hobby for her, something to do in her spare time. But after performing in a production called Pippin, her interest was peaked. It soon became her favorite activity, along with singing. She wants to go to the Art Institute or FAU. She’s also been nominated for the Pathfinder scholarship for drama, which can give her money for college. “I’m really edgy about it; there’s a lot of rough competition,” said Combs. “But I’m really excited to be competing.” In her spare time she likes to sing and practice her acting skills, but she also is fond of swimming. Combs is interested in all parts of the arts program, and if she wasn’t able to do drama, she’d go into the arts and drawing programs, or even dabble in the graphic design classes. Still, Combs says that no matter how much she likes the other aspects of her life, her home will always be the stage.

SGA Hosts Annual Snowball

Brewing Business Skills

SGA Celebrates the Holiday with Speical Needs Students By Lickna Edmond

The tables in the gym were filled with brownies, cookies, water, lemonade, and more than 50 boxes of pizza. Accompanied by the most energetic Student Government members and dedicated school staff, the Snowball party rockers danced the afternoon away. This year’s Snowball is the 4th annual dance. It is sponsored by Mrs. Demarzo, head of SGA, and it offers ESE students not just from Santaluces but from around the county, a special event just for them. The students enjoyed taking pictures with Santa Claus and his favorite elf among the festivities. Guidance counselor Mr. Smith’s voice was behind this year’s Santa. “I’ve never been Santa before,” said Mr. Smith. “It was really fun to make other people happy.” Santaluces is known all around Palm Beach County for this event. Teachers and faculty from various schools such as Park Vista, John I. Leonard, Boynton Beach, and Wellington dressed to impress for the occasion. The gym was decorated with a christmas tree, snow flakes, presents, wreaths and much more to emphasize the holiday theme. Every year Mrs. Demarzo sends out an email to the ESE department of the schools attending. At this event, schools are no

Photos by Lickna Edmond Special needs students from around the county enjoy the annual Snowball Dance in the gym. The dance is sponsored by Santaluces SGA.

longer rivals, students mingle, dance and have fun with other special needs students. Each school selects a king and queen, some holding elections, and they are crowned at the dance. As students stood on their toes for a better look, the kings and queens were announced. After the Snowball dance was over, as everyone was cleaning up, SGA members chatted about the event. “Oh my goodness, they were so

cute,” said Sophomore Caitlin Colligan. “Next year I want to do this again because I had a great time and it was a wonderful experience.” The Snowball dance went well according to Mrs. Demarzo. “It’s the most rewarding thing we do all year,” she said. “I would love to take all of my SGA members but I can only choose so many. The ones I did choose had fun, but also worked hard to make all the kids dance.”

By Briana Goldson

Wake up and smell the coffee! cess with it and made it their own. The hustle and bustle starts in “Two of us stay outside of the the 1000 building with the calling classroom and one person runs out of coffee orders. The Chief the coffee and we wait till they Coffee Club must prepare it all get back,” said Senior, Yareliz with only one coffee machine. Cruz, member of the ESE class, The organized chaos is respon- describing the strategy used to sible for providdeliver coffee quickly ing teachers to teachers and staff. with their cof“We deliver during fee orders. Mrs. third hour everyMotter, teacher day day except on to the ESE stuLTMs,” said Motter. dents, began The teachthis project with ers who are memher class of ten bers of the Coffee students. In efclub receive half forts to fund off on the coffee the off campus they order everywork program day and sometimes that teaches even receive speESE students cial gifts and treats how to use pubwith their purchase. lic transportaMrs. Orloff is an tion, Mrs. Motenthusiastic memPhoto by Rose Derose ber of the club. ter and her ESE class decided Matt Judson enjoys his coffee order. “I think it’s great! to begin sellIt gives kids the ing coffee to faculty on campus. chance to learn business skills and “We wanted to service the relate to adults,” said Mrs. Orloff. campus in some way along Early Childhood teacher, Mrs. with servicing the off cam- Kouf also believes the ESE stupus program,” said Motter. dents learn valuable business It costs $1 a day for teach- skills when selling the coffee. She ers who are not members is a member of the club and likes of the club and 50 cents per the various treats the club offers. day for teachers who are. She supports the learning experiSo far, all of the profits have ence it offers to the ESE students. gone back into the project to “One day they gave me a piece purchase supplies such as cof- of chocolate with my coffee but fee, cups and napkins. Their they put it underneath the cofcurrent goal: buying a second fee, so it melted, but it still tasted coffee pot for better business. good,” said Kouf, “That’s an experiThey got the idea from other ence that the kids will learn from.” high schools that have had suc-

Old School Meets New School

Fiesty but Fair, Ms. Ewing

By Fatou Bobb

Influenced by the movie “To Sir, With Love”, a 1967 British drama film that deals with social and racial issues in an inner city school, Ms. Ewing decided to pursue her teaching career and has been teaching here at Santaluces for 28 years. Her love of math and

helping students in high school had a big role too. During her time here, Ms. Ewing has noticed a few changes. The biggest overall is the amount of teaching time lost to testing. Still, Ms. Ewing has formed special memories with her students and co-workers. One of her favorite was in 2003 when she was teaching Calculus trying to explain something called saddle point. She attempted to draw a horse on the board. One of her students gave her a stuffed horse and told her to never attempt to draw a horse ever again.

The same year the horse, whose name is Henry was kidnapped. It was returned at the end of the year, but it has become a traditional game to kidnap Henry, the horse. He has been to prom, Washington DC, and last year he traveled to Europe. Before coming to Santaluces, Ms. Ewing attended Palm Beach Junior College, now known as Palm Beach State College, then moved on to graduate from Florida Atlantic University. She has 19 year old twin daughters.

“Oh My God,” Mr. Peccia is Close to Retirement By Rose Derose

The countdown begins. History teacher Mr. Peccia is on his way to retirement, as the class of 2013 receives their diplomas, he’ll be hitting the road. Peccia has been teaching here at Santaluces since 1982, two years after the school opened. He has taught many different social studies courses such as American Government, World History, Economics, plus Physical education. Peccia taught a copious amount of subjects at various schools before Santaluces and has been teaching for more

than 40 years. But teaching was not his first career of choice. “I wanted to go to law school,” said Peccia. “I planned to work as a teacher to pay for law school.” He wanted to pursue law school and become a lawyer, but he couldn’t escape the family tradition of being a teacher. Even his children are in the education field. His son, Joey Peccia, was a Principal at Manatee Elementary and his daughter Torrey is a Bowling Green Elementary Reading Coach. Both Joey and Torrey graduated from Santaluces

High which was one of his most memorable moments of teaching here, he said. Peccia has also been part of extracurricular activities in his teaching career. He a was an athletic director, head coach of the wrestling, basketball, and football teams. One of his most memorable moments of coaching was winning the championship in football with “Teaching is rewarding and the students help keep me young,” said Peccia. “At least in my mind.”

English teachers Mr. Witt and Ms. Sampson left middle schools for Santaluces

By Brianica McLaurin

Known for riding his cool motor cycle to school everyday, new English teacher Mr. Witt is teaching 10th grade English and Reading. He came to Santaluces right after the first pep rally. He taught 6th grade last year at Lake Worth Middle School. “When I called for an interview here,I asked many of my teaching friends what they thought about Santaluces High School. Each response was overwhelmingly positive, so I knew that if I was offered the job, I would certainly take it.” Although he graduated from the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee with an English degree, he actually wanted to be a doctor. “I decided to do what I was good at,” said Mr. Witt. “I had two F’s in medicine.” Mr. Witt is known for riding his blue Honda motorcycle. “I bought it because commuting to the Boca and Daive campuses of Florida Atlantic University last year and this past summer,” he said. “It’s faster, quicker, and much more fuel efficient. I bought it for all those reasons, but also because I like motorbikes. I think they’re cool. I do drive my old jeep whenever it’s raining or I need to carry a lot to or from school.”.

By Navael Fontus

One of the many new faces at Santaluces this year is Ms. Sampson. She graduated from the University at Albany - Suny, has been teaching for five years. She taught English and Reading at Tradewinds Middle School for four years before deciding she was ready to teach high school. “I’ve wanted to work for Mrs. Orloff since she was the principal at Tradewinds,” said Ms. Sampson. “I also heard very good things about this place.” Ms. Sampson is optimistic that she will have a great year getting to know her students and learning the Chief way. During her down time, Ms. Sampson likes to take care of her children and tend to her four dogs. Ms. Sampson’s son is a student here at Santaluces. “My son is part of the Chiefs marching band, so I help out a lot with their events and activities,” said Ms. Sampson. Besides taking care of her children and dogs, the five-year english teacher loves to, of course, read. Ms. Sampson is dedicated to and loves what she does. “If I could have any other job it would definitely still be a teacher,” she said. “I just love what I do”

The Hunger Games: May the Odds be Ever in Your Favor

The International best-seller is now a movie and assigned reading at Santaluces. By Eric McArthur

Imagine yourself and 23 other teenagers forced into an arena and told you were to fight to the death. You are uncertain of everything. Your competition, the arena and the dangers you’ll face when you get there, it’s all unclear. And to top it off: All of America has to watch it on live TV. The bloodshed will be immense. Still the worst part is, there’s nothing you can do about it. These are the Hunger Games. This international best seller has captivated both teens and adults and will be released as a movie in March. Written by Suzanne Collins,The Hunger Games takes place in an unidentified future time period after the destruction of North America, in a nation known as Panem. Panem consists of a wealthy Capitol and 12 surrounding, poorer districts. District 12, is where the book begins. As punishment for a previous rebellion against the Capitol takes one boy and one girl between the ages of 12 and 18 from each district at random and forces them to participate in the Hunger Games, a televised event in which the participants, or “tributes,” must fight to the death in a dangerous, outdoor arena, controlled by the Capitol, until only one remains. The story follows fatherless 16-year-old Katniss Everdeen, a girl from District 12, who volunteers for the 74th Games in place of her younger sister, Primrose. Also participating from District 12

is Peeta Mellark, a boy whom Kat- es like Harry Potter, Twilight, and niss knows from school. They are Transformers coming to an end, the main characters of the book. a hole is being left in the movie The book has received wide criti- world. Some critics are saying the cal acclaim with some referring Hunger Games will fill the gap. to it as “addicting”. Well known With a budget of $100 million, authors such as Stephen King The Hunger Games looks poised and Stephenie Meyers “It keeps you on the edge to be box (author of the Twilight office block of your seat,” said Saga) have b u s t e r. Talented Sophomore Carlos actors and Rivera. actresses such as Jennifer Lawrence (Winter Bones, X-Men: First Class) Josh Hutcherson (The Kids Are Alright, Journey To the Center of the Earth), and Liam Hemsworth (The Last Song, Expendables 2) are all set to star as the leads. Here at Santaluces, the Chiefs in the Trailblazer English class were assigned the book to read. Freshmen were seen all around campus with their noses in this saga. They’ve also inspired other students to read the books as well. “I wish I had read it in English praised class because I would have been the book call able to talk about it in class and an-ing it “exciting, poi- alyze it with a teacher,” said Sophgnant, thoughtful, and omore Carlos Rivera. “It keeps breathtaking by turns”. you on the edge of your seat.” The series has also done very Trailblazer English teachwell commercially with 29 million er Ms. Hollinshead said she copies in print as of January 2011. chose the book for her class Hollywood has taken notice of the because she loved the strong popularity of the books and a live female character of Katniss. action film is in the works.When “I wanted to remind my stuthe movie trailer was released in dents that reading can be fun November, fans flocked to the In- and adventerous,” said Ms. Holternet to catch a glimpse of how linshead. “The students loved well the movie captures the book. this book and most went on Now, with huge movie franchis- to read the rest of the series.”

Holiday Movie Previews

By Rayven Wright

The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of The Unicorn Director Steven Spielberg adapts Hergé’s classic comic books into this big-screen, animated adventure. The movie is shot in the Tintin is a young reporter in search of the secret behind the model ship, Unicorn, which he purchases at an outdoor market. Suspicious characters try to buy the model from Tintin, but he refuses. Tintin is kidnapped and put into the custody of the drunk, Captain Haddock. Tintin knows the ship, Unicorn, contains the key to finding a hidden treasure; he, Captain Haddock, and Tintin’s faithful dog, Snowy, join together in this glorious adventure with battling villains, treasure hunts, and the secret of the Unicorn.

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (2011) Based on the late Stieg Larsson’s book trilogy, The Girl with the

Dragon Tattoo is an epic tale of mystery and murder. This movie is a remake of the original Swedish version. Mikael Blomkvist,played by James Bond’s Daniel Craig, is a journalist with a tarnished career. He teams up with Lisbeth Salander, a computer hacker, to investigate the disappearance of Harriet Vanger, a woman who vanished 40 years ago. Although Mikael and Lisbeth dig deep to find the truth, Harriet’s family will do anything to keep their family history a secret - even if it means burying Mikael and Lisbeth alive.

We Bought a Zoo We Bought a Zoo is a touching family drama that its creators say will surely touch your heart and make you smile. Matt Damon plays a recently widowed father of two. In an attempt to start over and tighten the bonds between his family, the widower purchases a zoo. The staff of the zoo help not only to repair the establishment and return it to its

former majesty, but to bring the his family closer together. The trailer for this movie offers the possibility of something great, but it could end up a sappy mess.

Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol Ethan Hunt is back again in the fourth installment of the actionpacked Mission Impossible series. The movie trailer offers a glimpse of the action as Tom Cruise slides down the side of a glass building in one scene then driving and crashing sports cars through city streets. Mission: ImpossibleGhost Protocol is directed by Brad Bird, the director of movies such as The Incredibles and Ratatouille, It’s his first live-action film. The IMF, or Impossible Missions Force, has been shut down after being accused of involvement in a terrorist plot. Now, Hunt and his four-man team must go uncover to find the truth and lift the charges against the IMF.

Twilight’s breaking Dawn part 1 never as good as the books By Lucrezia Gaion

Turkey, stuffing, pumpkin pie and Breaking Dawn. This seemed to be the perfect mix for the Thanksgiving Break. The first part of the final chapter of the Twilight Saga has begun. The movie was released in theaters on November 18, 2011, and it earned $62.3 million during Thanksgiving weekend alone, according to “I read the books and I really want to see the movie. It’s getting better!” said junior, Vanessa Mazzocchi. After watching the movie, some some people believe that “it goes with the book”. But, I personally don’t think that the movie followed the book very well. The first part of the movie can be summarized with two words: sickening romance. The first ten minutes are about how bad Bella feels about marrying one of the hottest guys, and then for almost an hour and a half the new movie director, Bill Condon, decided to show how much Bella and Edward “love on each other”. I have to say that Part 1 disappointed me. Kristen Stewart has worn the same expression for three movies and a half, without changing a minute. However, it’s also true that I’ve been surprised by the second part of the movie: when Bella found out

that she was pregnant, I started to be more interested in it. I have to say that the make-up was pretty amazing and I liked how they showed the connection that was made between Rosalie and Bella. Taylor Lautner has played the character of werewolf Jacob Black in a way that it seemed he managed to inhabit the character better than either Bella or Edward. I appreciated the imprinting scene, which was actually the same in the book. If I were Stephenie Meyer I would be disappointed knowing that my Jake is not the “Alpha Wolf” in the movie. As for Edward, Bella’s vampire boyfriend-turned husband, Robert Pattison has even less expression than he has in any of the other movies. The only exception was during the second part of the movie when he realized the impact his attitude was having on his baby. According to Rotten Tomatoes, the movie recieved only 27% positive reviews from crtics, even worse than New Moon, which earned 28%. Now, there’s nothing left to do but wait for the second part of the movie, which will be released in theaters on November 26, 2012. I am really impatient to watch it, and see if finally, at least the last movie will fulfill my expectations as much as the books did.

How to Survive High School By Navael Fontus

10.) Join a sports team. You’ll have fun competing and making new friends with your teammates. Whether it’s football, basketball, soccer, swimming, or even tennis, being on a sports team will build you up physically and mentally. 9.) Join a club. Santaluces has more than 20 clubs. From Yoga to National Honor Society, you can always find a club that best suits you and your abilities. Clubs are not only fun, but they looks great on a college application. A majority of clubs help you receive community hours . The best part about joining a club at school is that you don’t have to be 18 to get in. 8.) Get Community Service Hours. Giving back to the community is an essential part of high-school. Our district requires that each student earn at least 20 hours of community service in order to graduate. You can do anything from a beach clean up to helping out at a retirement home. Whatever it is, make sure it’s something you’ll enjoy and have fun doing. 7.) Maintain your GPA. You would NEVER want to be that student who doesn’t walk across the stage so keep a close watch on your GPA. Your GPA has to be a 2.0 or higher in order for you to graduate. Always strive to aim higher than a 2.0 because most universities look for a GPA higher than 3.0.

6.) Take SAT/ ACT. Taking the SAT and ACT is no walk in the park, but there are many benefits that come out of taking these tests. The ACT and SAT let you know where you stand academically and prepare you for college. When your scores are higher it’s easier to get into a college or University. 5.) Decide on your college. Knowing where you want to go for college early helps you to know what’s needed for that particular college. Whether it’s a four-year university or community college, know where you want to go after high school. The most important thing to do is speak to your guidance counselor as much as possible. 4.) Go to Homecoming. Think of it as the level before prom. Even though it’s not as lavish, Homecoming is something every student should attend before graduation. 3.) Go to Grad Bash. Imagine, 24 hours of fun with your senior class. No parents and no curfew. This is Grad Bash. 2.) Attend Prom. Whether you’ve watched a movie or read about it in a book, prom is known of internationally. It is only one night but the memories made will last a lifetime. 1.) Have fun! You don’t want every day of your four years in high school to be a drag. Meet new people, join new clubs. Whatever it is, make it fun and memorable.

Should I Choose the Military Over College? By Melissa Esteril

I was in the fourth grade when my brother Anderson announced that he would be joining the US Navy; as a ten year old I had no idea what he was getting himself into. I remember vividly my mother’s tears streaming down her face as she watched her first born get ready to be shipped to boot camp in Great Lakes, Chicago. As years passed, my brother was stationed in Norfolk, Virginia. He was never in the front line or danger or anything from my perspective, just a regular working man doing what it takes to pay his bills. The first time we went to visit him as a family I was 14 years old and he was getting ready to go out to sea for six months. Once again I watched my mother cry helplessly at the simple thought of her eldest son living on a boat for six months. He came back unharmed and tears of joy streamed down her face quietly as she thanked God for bringing her son back. My mother hates the fact that Anderson chose to go the military and his constant renewal of his contract is also an annoyance to her. But when it comes to my other brother Malherbe however she feels different. It’s

Facing the Future:

How many of us are ready to grow up?

Photo by Lickna Edmond Junior Melissa Esteril will decide next year whether to join the military. Grahpic by Kayelee Shimkoski

as if she’d prefer him to be in the military in order to receive some well needed discipline. And then there’s me. Seventeen years old and the youngest at that. I now find myself pondering whether or not to take the route to college or take a deep breath and head to the air force. A tough decision that I and many other high school classmates face as the clock winds down and graduation quickly approaches. Choosing to go to the military is a decision that not only affects the person enlisting but his/her family as well. The burden of knowing

Anti - Adele

that the reason your family cries is because they miss you isn’t an easy one to deal with; but is the fear of disappointing others a reason to pass up the great opportunities you’ll get in the military? Being a Junior and maintaining a 3.5 GPA with the motivation to succeed in every aspect of life, I now have a decision to make. I feel as though I’m trapped, not knowing whether to go forth to a university after graduation or get in shape and head to boot camp. If I take the route to the Air Force I’d still have the opportunity to go to college but I’d also get

the to chance to visit the world. If I go to a university I’d deal with the financial struggles; growing up in a lower middle class family money for college isn’t something that will come my way easily. I know I can survive and do well in a college atmosphere, but the sea of debt I’ll be swimming in isn’t something I’d like to jump into. A year and some change; that’s all the time I have to make my decision. One that I won’t be able to just take back. One that I have to consider others and not just myself. In the end, however, it’s my life and I will do what I want.

Give Me a Break

Do teachers give too much work over vacation?

Breakup songs don’t appeal to everyone. By Jordan Santa Rosa

The British aren’t just com- of respect Adele has with only ing anymore. They’re here. a few albums under her belt. Even some of the most famous British native Adele caught us by surprise when her song rock bands such as Van Halen, “Rolling in the Deep” rose to Kiss, and even the Ramones have #1 shortly after it was released in never had a #1 hit in America, November 2010. Since then, it’s according to Billboard magazine. Adele however managed to everywhere: on TV shows such as Glee, blaring out of every car nab two #1 billboard titles. I radio around and playing on iP- cannot express my utter disgust that we focus more ods belonging to on an artist’s both teenagers stage presence and their parents. and the overly Personally, I advertised hype. am not one of What ever hapthose fans. Her pened to the artistic songs consist of value of an artist, the cliché subthe tortured and ject of being dark persona of done wrong the deepest thinkby a man, and ers of our times? blah blah blah. Take Kurt Cobain Many women for example. I apthink she has an preciate everything amazing voice he has done; writand believe ing songs about life. they can conAdele’s #1 Hits: Yes, Cobain’s song nect to the lyrChasing Pavements “Smells Like Teen ics in her songs. I however Rolling in the Deep Spirit” is the song everyone probably don’t really see Someone Like You knows, but even what the hype that song is better is all about. than Adele’s reI find it nauseating to hear the repetitive lyrics petitive “Rolling in the Deep”. The blasting through every depart- title doesn’t even make sense ment store and radio in town. or relate to the song in any way. Nirvana’s song “All It really disappoints me to see is about people idolizing and glorifying Apologies” Cobain’s despression and the artisits such as Adele and other like her. In my opinion, they troubles in his life. You can feel don’t make ‘em like they used to. the sincerity and the genuine I prefer rock and artists pain in his voice. Meanwhile, such as the Rolling Stones, Adele can only think about how Led Zepplin and Joan Jett. bad her life is because a guy But they don’t get the kind broke her heart.....puh lease.

By Dena Fleuridor

Imagine: The last day of school before winter break has finally came rolling around and you can already smell the wrapping paper and red-green sprinkled snicker doodles. Your only aspirations for this Christmas are to sit back and enjoy the warmth of the fireplace against the chilly December air outside... and then start reading a 300-page novel and answering 60 questions along with a six-page overview of the book. As irritating as it might seem, some teachers view it acceptable, and often encourage more work over winter break. “I believe homework should be given, but to an extent,” said AP World History teacher Mr. Jayne, “It should be enough to keep them on track, so we can pick up where we left off once we come from break.” The most common thought going through a high school student’s head when homework is assigned over break is “whats the point of taking a break if there is still homework to do?”. In the eyes of many teachers, it’s the only way to keep students, especially high school students, on track. “It just doesn’t seem reasonable to me, we go on break to get

Photo by Lickna Edmond

away from work,” said Sophomore Mohamed Auguste, “I’d rather be actually enjoying my free time.” From the perspective of a student, work over winter break seems like busy work, or just discipline, it doesn’t help the student learn. Most teenagers view it as teacher’s way of taking away their freedom. They don’t seem to understand the importance of it. “Its okay if its only like a Math packet covering the stuff we’ve been learning about, to keep your mind refreshed,” said Sophomore Sara Saba, “But reading a book and answering questions is just redundant.” Even during all other breaks from school, including spring and Thanksgiving break, the responsibility of homework over break gets heavier, and is weighted especially for AP and honors students. For many, if not all, AP courses, a project/assignment is required to be completed over break, and it’s never as simple as reading a book, or answering questions. “The thing is, most kids, even AP students, don’t want work over the break, they don’t do it until the last minute because they’re busy actually enjoying their vacation,” said Yenny Osorio, a Sophomore.

By Timothy Monecla

Imagine facing the world on your own with no guidance and millions of questions going through your head. Am I ready for this? Am I ready to take care of myself and walk my own path? It’s time to leave home, grow up and do things for yourself. So what’s the problem with growing up and becoming an adult? Many teens are afraid of growing up because now they are forced to face the real world. They are no longer living in an environment where they feel protected and at ease. Now they’re thrown into reality and are seeing first-hand what being an adult is like. Paying bills, finding work, living on their own, and making it in life without their loved ones’ assistance. Teens are going to learn that not everything comes easy in life and hard work is a necessity to make it in this world. “I don’t have fears,” said Senior Trey Rawls. “I believe I’m ready for the real world, I was raised correctly.” The only thing is that most teens do not feel this way and they feel unprepared. The fears could be endless: “lack of money, a crappy job, and not being in college, which equals no life,” said, Senior Caitlin Summer. Adversities such as these could just kill young adults’ confidence in dealing with the real world. Also, if they see their older counterparts struggling to adapt to the expectations and demands of growing up, then teens could feel that they are nowhere near ready to take the world head on. Many teens have never needed a job, never had bills to pay, and had basically everything they needed handed to them. Once all of these things pile up, their brain are going be rattled. I honestly feel that growing up can be pretty scary if you don’t feel prepared for reality. I can’t expect to have things handed to me and not work for it. That’s not how life works, I know that I have to become independent and get through life on my own and I can’t just pass my problems along. I have to handle them myself. No longer can I go to my family and expect them to help me deal with my problems like most teens do. When you grow up, everything you do falls on your shoulders and you just have to man up and face them head on.


By Rose Derose

It all started at the age of six when Senior, William Helena started drawing. His interest in drawing grew as he read comic books such as Captain Underpants and watched cartoon shows such as Dragon Ball Z. He was also inspired by his father, who was an artist. “I always looked up to him and wanted to draw just like him,” said Helena. “One day, I asked him to draw Poke-

mon for me and he did it perfectly.” In the beginning of his Senior year Helena decided to take up photography. He took AP Drawing his Junior year with Mrs. Ardner and got interested in taking pictures after seeing his classmates’ artwork. He thought everybody’s art work was really “cool” and that inspired him to take the class. Helena has now become a double threat, an artist and a photographer. Even though Helena has been an artist for roughly eleven years, he wants to pursue film at Florida State University. After Mr. Badome, Visual Technology teacher, exposed him to hands-on film making, he became a big fan and wants to make it his career. He chose to go to FSU because they have a film program which is linked to Digital Domain. His goal is to become a visual effects artist. “I’ve always liked movies,” said Helena. “I love fantasy and action and those are the kinds of movies I want to make.”

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These works represent a few of Helena’s favorite photos. The pine cone is an example of a close-up shot and the rusted chain is an example of texture. Helena completed the digital self portrait in Mr. Badome’s visual technology 3 class.


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