APPLE ACIDITY METER MODEL NO. - ACM-GMK-855 The microprocessor based apple acidity meter measures the Acidity (Sourness) of Apple to decide the appropriate harvest time. Weiber manufactures and supplies best Apple sourness meter at lowest cost. Apple Acidity Meter is modernized microprocessor formed Apple Acidity or sourness meter. This is really scold scale to discern a right collects time. This modernized microprocessor formed Apple Acidity or apple sourness scale additionally helps a user to discern a scold cost of a collect with apply oneself to a marketplace by analyzing a sourness of a fruit. This equipment additionally have a far reaching focus in investigate as well as growth laboratories as well as food estimate industry.
FEATURES A singular printer trickery supposing in a apparatus creates it preferred for blurb as well as industrial focus where a support is required. The acidity of the apple is
Ÿ Analytical bench top acidity meter Ÿ Microprocessor Based Ÿ Automatic Temperature Compensation
largely due to malic acid. The Weiber’s apple acidity Ÿ Platinum gilded electrode used
meter accurately and efficiently measures the sourness (acidity) of apple to decide the appropriate
Ÿ High Accuracy
harvest time and to keep density to suit an end-user’s
Ÿ Self-Diagnostic with Message Codes Display
taste. This meter has a built in automatic temperature
Ÿ Low Battery Indicator
compensation function and it measures the sourness
Ÿ 'CE' mark obtained
of the apple by using electrical conductivity method.
An ISO 9001 : 2208 | ISO 14001 : 2008 | ISO 13485 WHO: GMP Products | GLP Compliant Products
www.acmasindia.com | www.cleanroom-equipments.com | www.measuring-meters.com
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