CHLOROPHYLL METER MODEL NO. - ACM-SPAD-0090 502 plus The Chlorophyll Meter instantly measures chlorophyll content or “greenness” of your plants to reduce the risk of yield-limiting deficiencies or costly over fertilizing. The Chlorophyll Meter quantifies subtle changes or trends in plant health long before they’re visible to the human eye. Non-invasive measurement; simply clamp the meter
over leafy tissue, and receive an indexed chlorophyll content reading (0-99.9) in less than 2 seconds. Assess nitrogen needs by comparing in-field ACM-SPAD-0090 readings to university guidelines or to adequately fertilized reference strips. Research shows a strong correlation between ACM-SPAD-0090 measurements and leaf N content.
NEW FEATURES IN THE PLANT CHLOROPHYLL METERS INCLUDE Trend graphing stores and displays up to 30 measurements
WATERPROOF DESIGN The chlorophyll meter can be purchased with or without a built-in data logger. The data logging version (Item 2900PDL) allows you to compile readings for statistical analysis. Includes an RS-232 port for communicating with a PC* and/or portable GPS receiver**.
Use geo-referenced data to correlate N measurements to yield maps or download the data into mapping software. This robust field-data collection device has a capacity of 1,488 measurements when coupled with a GPS receiver or 4,096 measurements when used without GPS. Requires software running on Windows 98 or higher. GPS/DGPS cable required for geo-referenced operation.
OPERATING PRINCIPLE Our chlorophyll meters measures the leaf in two wavelength range of light transmission factor to determine the relative amount of leaf chlorophyll present, that is, selective absorption in the chlorophyll-specific wavelengths of light two wavelength regions, according to the amount of light transmission leaves to calculate the measure value.
FEATURES 타 Compact and lightweight for portability. 타 Quick, easy measurement. Measurements are taken by simply
inserting a leaf and closing the measuring head. It. 타 Water-resistant.
Ÿ Low power consumption. Ÿ Small measuring area. Ÿ High accuracy allows close examination of growing conditions. Ÿ Data memory. Ÿ Reading checker
USAGE Our plant chlorophyll meter can instantly measure the relative content of chlorophyll of plants, or ”green leve” the chlorophyll content of plant leaves indicates the plant's own conditions, the leaves of plants are growing well will contain more chlorophyll, chlorophyll content and leaf nitrogen in There is a close relationship between content and therefore measured values of chlorophyll, it also shows the true plant nitro-demand, through this instrument it is easy to calibrate the dose of fertilizer to improve nitrogen utilization and protection of the environment (prevention of excessive nitrogen fertilizer causing water pollution)
Fast measurement time LCD direct display of chlorophyll values Compact portable instrument can carry into the field measuring
Survey Sample
A variety of plant leaves
Measurement Area
Two-wavelength optical density difference method
Silicon semiconductor photodiode
LCD, 4 decimal places, tendency chart
Minimum measurement interval
2 seconds
-9.9 to 199.9 SPAD units
± 1.0 ACM-SPAD-0090 (room temperature, ACM-SPAD-0090 values ranged from 0-50)
Repeatability Within ± 0.3 ACM-SPAD-0090 units (ACM-SPAD-0090 value between 0-50) Reproducibility Within ± 0.5 ACM-SPAD-0090 units (ACM-SPAD-0090 value between 0-50) Operating Temperature 050 ℃ Storage Temperature -20 ~ ~55 ℃ Memory capacity and the key features
30 data, automatically calculates and displays the average Power Switch: ON for the opening, OFF is off; AVG (average) bond: Calculate the average of the data in memory; DEL (clear all data) key: Clear all the data in memory devices; DISP (display) button: Displays the data memory storage devices; MEAS (measurement) button: Press MEAS key to be measured.
Power 2 AA batteries (1.5V) Battery Life Each group of two cells can be maintained more than 20,000 times operation Dimensions (L × W × H) 164*78*49cm Weight 225g
An ISO 9001 : 2208 | ISO 14001 : 2008 | ISO 13485 WHO: GMP Products | GLP Compliant Products
www.acmasindia.com | www.cleanroom-equipments.com | www.measuring-meters.com
TECHNOCRACY PVT. LTD. SALES OFFICE (INDIA) Office no. 506 & 507, 5th Floor, Plot no.- C-9, Pearls Best Height-II, Netaji Subhash Place, Pitam Pura, Delhi- 110034 Land Line No.: +91 - 11- 47619688, Fax: +91-11-47619788 E-mail.: info@acmasindia.com
SALES OFFICE (HONG KONG) Unit D 28 11/F Wing Tat Comm,Bidg 97, Bonham Strand East, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong (PRC) Tel.: 0086-13929598046 0086- 18922303099 E-mail.: hk@acmasindia.com
SHOWROOM J-284 Sector 1 Bawana Industrial Estate, Bawana, Delhi, INDIA-110039 Tel.: 0091-0-9312219738 (M) +91- 9717741167 E-mail.: info@acmasindia.com
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