ION SPECIFIC METERS These meters are incorporated with advanced SMT technology and are provided with excellent stability and repeatability. These devices generally have a large LCD display, automatic heat compensation and are self diagnostic with message code display. The temperature range is from 0 째C to 50째C with sensitivity of + 0.50o C and is specifically used for sampling the measurement of calcium iodine concentration in the water. Ion specific meter are used to measures the potential of a specific ion in solution. This potential is measured against a stable reference electrode of constant potential. The potential difference between the two electrodes will depend upon the activity of the specific ion in solution. This activity is related to the concentration of that specific ion. These solutions are then measured with the pH/mV meter. The equipments are designed in two models including Analytical Series MP Based Ion Meters, Economical Ion Specific Meters. Weiber manufactures an extensive range of ion specific meters with advanced technology and high quality raw materials including Fluoride Ion Concentration Meter, Calcium Ion Concentration Meter, Economical Sodium Ion Concentration Meter, Table Top Silica Concentration Meterand several other equipments. Weiber supplies their products all across the world within limited delivery period at the most economical rates. Each meter reads this change in color with a silicon photocell and shows the value of the parameter on the large LCD with lab grade accuracy from the powerful microprocessor. These meters will solve the problem of measuring water parameters in an easy, inexpensive and accurate way. Weiber designed equipments are NABL, NSF and ISO certified with CE marks. Our equipments are made according to the international scientific equipments guidelines.
Analytical Series MP Based Ion Meters
These equipments are used for reliable determinations of calcium, copper, iron, phosphate and fluoride ions. Moreover they have microprocessor based controllers with advance SMT technology.
Economical Ion Specific Meters
These equipments have high accuracy and reliability and are best for general analysis application. Moreover they are provided with advanced embedded MCU technology, LED display and two point calibrations.
An ISO 9001 : 2208 | ISO 14001 : 2008 | ISO 13485 WHO: GMP Products | GLP Compliant Products
www.acmasindia.com | www.cleanroom-equipments.com | www.measuring-meters.com
TECHNOCRACY PVT. LTD. SALES OFFICE (INDIA) Office no. 506 & 507, 5th Floor, Plot no.- C-9, Pearls Best Height-II, Netaji Subhash Place, Pitam Pura, Delhi- 110034 Land Line No.: +91 - 11- 47619688, Fax: +91-11-47619788 E-mail.: info@acmasindia.com
SALES OFFICE (HONG KONG) Unit D 28 11/F Wing Tat Comm,Bidg 97, Bonham Strand East, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong (PRC) Tel.: 0086-13929598046 0086- 18922303099 E-mail.: hk@acmasindia.com
SHOWROOM J-284 Sector 1 Bawana Industrial Estate, Bawana, Delhi, INDIA-110039 Tel.: 0091-0-9312219738 (M) +91- 9717741167 E-mail.: info@acmasindia.com
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