Ozone Monitor MODEL NO.:ACM-OGM-2622
Ozone is a highly reactive gas composed of 3 oxygen atoms. It is present in atmosphere and it affects the life on earth in many ways. Ozone is formed naturally and it extends from approximately 6 to 30 miles above earth's surface and reduces the amount of Ultra violet radiation that reaches the earth surface. Ozone is the most powerful oxidizer commercially available. It is unstable and readily reacts with other substances and has a half life of 12 hours or less in the atmosphere and degrades simple diatomic oxygen as its decomposition product. Threat is ever increasing on the layer of ozone present in the atmosphere. The various threats posed are pollution emitted from vehicles, factories, the airplanes, and the like. Some other sources releasing harmful emissions are gasoline pumps, chemical plants, oil based paints, consumer products and some trees. Therefore, there has been the need for an equipment to measure the ozone concentrations in the air. This is so significant because the very existence of human life on earth is dependent on the ozone level in the atmosphere of earth.
Weiber's ozone meter is an ideal instrument for scientists and researchers who are involved in research and general field applications. It is useful for measuring the ambient levels of ozone in urban polluted atmospheres and near high voltage power distribution centers. It is vey essential in detecting any ozone leakage from ozone systems. Moreover Weiber's ozone meter pulls an air sample from the atmosphere and transmits it into the equipment with help of an air pump. Then with a mechanism it will separate the ozone from the air sample and its value is calculated.
Ozone Monitor MODEL NO.:ACM-OGM-2622
Product Features Ÿ High performance Ÿ Economical Ÿ Portable Ÿ Simple Operation
Key features of model Ÿ Real time monitoring Ÿ Preset two staged alarm points Ÿ 3 colour LCD display : displays ozone level and temperature measurements Ÿ Provide up to 1x analog outputs and 2xrelay outputs Ÿ RS485 communication Interface
Technical Specifications Ÿ Electrochemical ozone sensor with 0~5ppm (0~5mg/m3),high sensitivity Ÿ Two way alarm Ÿ Buzzer Alarm, Ÿ Coloured Backlight Switch Ÿ Provide up to 0,.¾10V analog output and 2 relay dry contact outputs Ÿ Humidity measurement and display optional Ÿ RS.485 communication interface, 15 KV antistatic protection Ÿ Provide two easy methods for calibration Ÿ Provision to setup alarm points by end users Ÿ Infrared Remote Controller, and Ÿ Software via Rs485
An ISO 9001 : 2208 | ISO 14001 : 2008 | ISO 13485 WHO: GMP Products | GLP Compliant Products
www.acmasindia.com | www.cleanroom-equipments.com | www.measuring-meters.com
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