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Total Praise is a subsidiary of ACMP. The main goal of TPGM is to win souls for the kingdom of God. Our next and second reason for forming this publication is to help the many rtist(we spell artist....Rtist) with a magazine that will give them a more professional look so that the public will loose the concept and opinion that we are a second seeded child. The Independent Rtist are many with many different sounds spreading God's word to a dying world through the Ministry of Music. If the message comes by the way of Rock, Rhythm, R&B, Jazz,etc It does not matter just as long as it's coming from our hearts for the love of God. This is our ministry to the world from the pages of Total Praise....We are not praising anyone in this publication, we are giving TOTAL PRAISE to GOD for giving us the ability to do all that we do. (selah)