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Discovering The Mature Lifestyle

Don’t let hearing loss inhibit your travels Column inside

Travel & Adventure December Issue

December 14, 2017

Lions, the Great Wall, snorkeling the Galapagos are trip highlights By SUE WEBBER Contributing Writer

Growing up in South Dakota, Anne Darna y r emembers her family’s annual trip to Minnea polis. They also went to the Black Hills f or a w eek once e very y ear, she said. Her goal growing up “was to get to Minnea polis so I could get a good job and be successful,” Darnay said. She got a master’ s degr ee in ma th a t South Dak ota State. “I arri ved in Minneapolis a t the a ge of 28, got a job, and took off,” Darnay said. “I lo ved the human contact.” Fast f orward to w hen she was 45. “I v entured out a little bit and started taking cruises,” she said. “I w ent to Ital y b y m yself f or tw o weeks. I had opportunities to go with friends to Spain and Bavaria.” Her real adventures began when she w as 53, Darna y said. “I sold m y house and all m y furnitur e, and I quit my job,” she said. “I bought a 34-f oot motor home and went cr oss-country f or 18 months b y m yself. It w as a remarkable journey.” She dr ove to Florida in the RV in January, and spent much of her time ther e. Then she tr aveled to the Carolinas and e ventually spent two months a t Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California, on a w ork/study pr ogram. The Esalen Institute

is a non-profit retreat center and intentional comm unity which focuses on humanistic alternative education. Then the Minnetonka r es-

before r etiring, though she now spends thr ee months a year doing tax es for H & R Block. At age 56, Darnay remarried.

my trips.” Prior to r etiring, Darna y had been senior vice pr esident a t Health P artners and Blue Cr oss Blue Shield, she said. “It w as e xtremely

ABOVE: Anne Darnay is pictured in a classroom at a school she visited that is supported by Grand Circle Foundation, the tour company she travels with. The tour guide’s name was Goodluck.

ABOVE: Darnay dressed as a Massai woman, carrying a load on her head.

stressful,” she said. “I decided to quit and explore life when I was 53.” She had r ead an article pointing out tha t people Ann Darnay and tend to look to the future for her son, Ryan Tiel, happiness. “That started me visited the Great Wall of China. thinking,” she said. Then she visited a psy chic who told her tha t her life ident returned to Minnesota “I spend all the money would change dramatically. for tw o w eeks in the sumI earn a t H & R Block on That night, Darna y mer. my travels,” Darnay said. “I watched a TV pr ogram feaShe w orked another y ear never ha ve an y guilt a bout turing Suz e Or man, the na-

tionally known financial advisor, who said 58 is young in a person’s career. “The ne xt morning I decided, ‘This is it. I’m selling my house and mo ving on, ” Darnay said. “I wasn’t living my life.” As a traveler, she said, “It’s been an interesting time to go through, being around other people w ho didn ’t kno w or care who I w as. I found that I didn ’t need all those tr appings to ha ve friends . It’ s been an opportunity to li ve in the moment.” Since then, she has had “wild e xperiences,” such as having a lion right above her in a tree, and other lions hiding behind her truck in the shade. This year, at the age of 68, she just r eturned from thr ee weeks with a tour gr oup in Tanzania and Zanzibar. Darnay has w orked with two tr avel a gencies: Ov erseas Ad venture T ravel and Gate 1 T ravel, and has been on planned tours with 16-20 other people. She and her second husband, J on Basta ble, ha ve been to South Africa and Zimbabwe. She has tr aveled alone to Morocco. “My personal preference is being introduced to the local culture,” Darnay said. “With tour gr oups y ou meet the local people , ask questions and taste the foods. It’s most rewarding. I lik e learning about people in other countries. Their li ves ar e so v ery different from ours.” The trips she lik ed the most were to Ecuador, Peru, Morocco, Tanzania and the Galapagos Islands , Darna y said.


Travel & Adventure December Issue

Discovering The Mature Lifestyle December 14, 2017

Hearing loss shouldn’t keep seniors from traveling The Hearing Loss Association of America r eports tha t tw o-thirds of Americans over 70 suf fer with some f orm of hear ing deficit. That’s most of us. Hearing loss is no w the thir d most common health issue in the country. Unfortunately, seniors and others af fected think their tr avelling da ys ar e over because of their disability. But they’re wrong. The truth is tha t the

Guest column

... by Bob Ramsey be-be ages 50, 50 60, 60 70, 70and and yond are often prime time for tr aveling. After all, this is the phase of life where many people finally have the time , flexibility and resources to travel and the e xperience to

know w here they w ould like to go . Think “Bucket List.� L i ke w i s e, today is the best time e ver for tr avelers with hearing pr oblems. Accommodations to make tr aveling easier f or those with hearing loss are commonplace, thanks to the Americans Disability Act. Adjusting to meet

the tr avel needs of those who don ’t hear w ell isn ’t just a nice thing to do anymore; it’s the law. And great pr ogress has been made in a short time. For example, a growing number of pub lic spaces and places , including air terminals, taxi ca bs and theaters are now equipped with hearing loops . This technology deli vers customized sound directly to individual assisted hear ing de vices and allo ws

hearing aid users to pick up sound fr om a distant source such as a sta ge or movie screen. More importantly than better accommoda tions, however, is the fact tha t seniors suf fering fr om hearing loss may need the benefits of tr avel mor e than anyone. Hearing loss is a silent af fliction that can r ob people of their ability to w ork, socializ e, enjoy perf ormances, par ticipate in community ac-

tivities and sta y connected with famil y, friends and the w orld a t lar ge. Ultimately, it can lead to separ ation, loneliness , isolation and depression. That’s w here tr avel comes in. T ravel is empowering and liber ating. It connects people. Travel entertains, instructs , informs and inspires people


‘Wild’ experiences keep up traveler’s stamina DARNAY - FROM PREVIOUS PAGE She visits her tw o sons in Los Angeles. She and one of her sons spent 11 days in China. She and her husband ha ve taken some local trips this y ear, and have visited Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Tetons. “Last y ear, I w ent on a steamboat on the Columbia Ri ver,� Darnay said. “I try to come up with interesting adventures.� Darnay already has plans f or a

river cruise with tw o friends ne xt year tha t will include Mosco w and St. P etersburg. “I’m r eally looking at Egypt, too ,� she said. “I have to always have something planned. I lik e the e xcitement. I try to ha ve one or tw o major learning e xperiences each y ear. I find that I lik e nature more than old buildings and churches.� Though her tr avels ha ve not been ph ysically str enuous, Dar nay said they do r equire gr eat stamina. “In Africa, w e w ere up

at 5:30 a.m., out by 6:30 a.m. and didn’t get back until 6:30 or 7 p .m. each day,� she said. “In China, we were out in extreme heat 12 or 13 hours a day.� Highlights of her tr avels ha ve included seeing lions , the Gr eat Wall in China, Machu Picchu in the Andes Mountains in P eru, and snor keling in the Gala pagos Islands. Part of her plan is to tak e trips while she still can, Darna y said. “I push m yself, because I don ’t

know when I’ll have to stop.� Now, w hen she isn ’t tr aveling, Darnay spends time with friends , enjoys water aerobics, volunteers at her chur ch, and spends a lot of time talking with or visiting her sons. She used to mak e je welry and no w has started b uilding miniature houses to scale, she said. “The main thing is ph ysical health,� Darna y said. “Tha t so defines your life.�


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Hearing loss shouldn’t keep seniors from traveling of all a ges. T raveling is the perfect w ay to b urst out of isolation. That’s why many audiologists ad vise their clients to tak e ad vantage of toda y’s exciting and limitless tr avel opportunities. It’s easier than most people with hearing problems think. Both hearing specialists and tr avel ad visors agree tha t the f ollowing tips can mak e tr avel ad ventures even mor e tr ouble-free and more fun f or those with hear ing loss:

• Be sur e all assisted hear ing devices are in top working condition. • P ack e xtra ba tteries and chargers. • T ry to use air ter minals equipped with hearing loop technology. • Select sea ts in the least noisy section of the aircraft. • Ask sea t-mates to r epeat pilot and flight a ttendant announcements. • R eserve hotel r ooms with non-auditory alar m systems

(e.g. flashing lights) • Ship lugga ge dir ectly to your hotel ahead of time to avoid carousel confusion. • Get as m uch trip inf ormation (e .g. ca b r ates, tr ansit schedules , ad dresses and phone numbers) as possible in advance. • Review restaurant websites in ad vance to check f or hear ing-friendly dÊcor (e .g. noise absorbent ma terials, booths or seating backed by walls, not windows).


• Ne ver hesita te to ask f or help. Good Samaritans are everywhere. Travel trul y is a window to the w orld that should be open to everyone — including those with hearing loss . “Ha ve hearing aid, will tr avelâ€? might w ell be the modern mantra for anyone with hear ing pr oblems. R ead m y lips: Don’t let hearing loss k eep you fr om tr aveling. Bon voyage!

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