SWACUHO News Southwest Association of College & University Housing Officers
SWACUHO Newsletter: Pre-Conference 2015
From the President As we are preparing for the annual conference here in Norman, I have had the opportunity to think about this last year and the things we have accomplished as an association. The one thought I keep returning to is what we do for all of you and the change and updates we make are not a sprint but a marathon! And this certainly resonates with me as a runner. I know as I work towards that goal- and I only do half marathons (13.1 miles)- it sometimes seems like a slow process to build up that stamina to run and walk a little on race day. We have worked on a lot of things to improve resources and ask ourselves as a board what is it we are to the membership and what is it we do well and what do we need to improve. As we sort those things out, we will be engaging you all in that conversation, but I don’t want anyone to wait to share your perspective and suggestions to anyone on the executive board. We are a changing profession and we as an association need to support and engage in providing resources and avenues for that change.
In This Issue
continued on page 2
From the President................................................................................................................................... 1 See You In Norman!.................................................................................................................................. 3 New Oklahoma State Director.................................................................................................................. 4 SWACUHO Showcase............................................................................................................................. 5 SWACUHO Mid-Levels............................................................................................................................ 6 Scholarship Opportunities........................................................................................................................ 7 Welcome & Farewell................................................................................................................................. 9 Kevin Carroll- Author/Speaker/Katalyst................................................................................................. 10 Calling All Candidates and Employers!.................................................................................................. 12 Swacuho Diversity & Social Justice Community Service Project.......................................................... 13 Candidate For President-Elect............................................................................................................... 14 SWACUHO Candidate For Secretary..................................................................................................... 16 SWACUHO Candidate For Secretary..................................................................................................... 17 Exhibits and Display Committee............................................................................................................ 18
SWACUHO News | Pre-Conference 2015
cont. from page 1 I also want to take the time to thank our current executive board and committee chairs for the work they have provided our volunteer organization. We are incredibly fortunate to have volunteers and institutions that support the volunteer work so that we can accomplish our business. The 2014-2015 Executive Board: Kenny Mauk, President-Elect, University of Houston–kmauk@central.uh.edu Joellen Tipton, Past President, Sam Houston State University–joellen@shsu.edu Curtis Odle, Treasurer, Baylor University–curtis_odle@baylor.edu Tanya Massey, Secretary, Oklahoma State University–Tanya.Massey@okstate.edu Rikki Turner, Technology Coordinator, University of Arkansas-Little Rock–rdturner@ualr.edu Whitney Paschall, Newsletter Editor, Texas Tech University–whitney.paschall@ttu.edu Beth Eppinger, Arkansas State Director, University of Arkansas- Ft. Smith– Beth.Eppinger@uafs.edu Chad Martin, Oklahoma State Director, Southwest Oklahoma State University– chad.martin@swosu.edu Maggie Guzman, Texas State Director, Texas A&M University– maggie_guzman@housing.tamu.edu Dan Mizer, Historian, Texas A&M University–dan@housing.tamu.edu The 2014-2015 Committee Chairs: Pam Ketner, Host Chair, University of Oklahoma Gwen Young, Program Chair, Texas A&M University – Commerce Megan Witherspoon, Exhibits & Displays, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville Amanda Knutson, Placement, Texas Tech University Michael Woods, Time & Place, CORT Gennie Lynn, Professional Development, Texas A&M University John Wright, Recognition & Awards, Arkansas State University Eugene Frier, Research, Assessment and Information, University of North Texas Adonis Thompson, Diversity & Social Justice, Arkansas State University Katy Pelton, Mid-Level Liaison, Sam Houston State University Matt Grief, Chief Housing Officer Liaison, University of Texas, Dallas Thank you for your time, energy and the support that you have provided our association. I appreciate all of you!
Diane Brittingham 2014-15 SWACUHO Executive Board
SWACUHO President
Southwest Association of College & University Housing Officers
See You In Norman! Greetings from your Arkansas State Director! The spring semester is always a busy one with preparations for the next academic year already starting. I encourage you to attend our annual conference during this busy semester so you have the opportunity to be reenergized through amazing interest sessions, a thought-provoking keynote speaker, and networking with colleagues. In just a few short weeks, the SWACUHO membership will be welcomed to Norman, OK, for our annual conference! If you have not already registered and want to attend, please register by going to the SWACUHO website. Even if you plan to not attend, please send this information to others so they may attend. The conference site boasts free hot breakfast, free WiFi, and free parking! Also, the host delegation has worked hard to keep the registration fee under $200 yet offer you many great experiences throughout the conference. I hope to see all Arkansas attendees at our state caucus meeting at the annual conference. This is my last year as your state director, and it has been an honor to serve you! Our next state director is full of ideas, so be on the lookout for updates coming your way from someone at ASU! In order for them to send you updates, PLEASE sign-up for the Arkansas state listserv (one of our communication goals
achieved!) by clicking on 'Get Connected' at the top of the SWACHO website, and then selecting 'State Listservs' from the dropdown menu. One of the great things about SWACUHO is the opportunity to get involved. The leadership opportunities are endless. Even though I’m transitioning out of my role as state director, my involvement in committees will continue. I hope to see some of you at the committee meetings! I want to specifically encourage the Arkansas membership to consider joining a committee. From the Conference Program committee to the Professional Development committee, there is a place for you to serve! SWACUHO Showcase on Tuesday afternoon at the annual conference is the best way to join a committee. If you joined a committee last year, touch base with your committee chair. Their contact information may be found on the SWACUHO website. Have a great spring semester!
Beth Eppinger Director of Housing and Residential Life University of Arkansas – Fort Smith
SWACUHO News | Pre-Conference 2015
New Oklahoma State Director Hello fellow Oklahomans! I have recently assumed the vacant Oklahoma State Directors position for SWACUHO. One of the largest tasks associated with the position is the yearly membership drive. To those of you who have already renewed your institution’s membership with SWACUHO, or are in the process of doing so, thank you. If you have not renewed yet, please do so quickly so as to not miss any of the great benefits available only through a SWACUHO membership. I am also working to recruit new members to our organization and would appreciate your help in this effort. If you know a housing professional at an Oklahoma college or university that is not currently a member, please contact that individual and share the numerous advantages of SWACUHO. Once your institution has renewed its membership, make sure to check out the new SWACUHO website and update your profile with departmental information and contacts;
subscribe to the listservs that are of interest; and connect with others around the region and community. The 2015 SWACUHO Annual Conference is March 1-3, and is being hosted in Norman, Oklahoma. This is great news for our local institutions that may be strapped on travel funds. It doesn’t get any closer and more central to all of Oklahoma. I expect our state’s delegation to show in full force and REPRESENT! Registration will be available soon, so watch the website for information. I look forward to representing the members of Oklahoma on the SWACUHO Executive Board and throughout the year. If I can be of any help with information, membership, or anything else, please feel free to contact me at chad.martin@swosu.edu.
Chad Martin
Director of Residence Life and Housing Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Southwest Association of College & University Housing Officers
A program’s worth of information in one place Concise, clear, and visually captivating As simple or as elaborate as you desire A poster board to a tri-fold “science fair” display About any topic from staff development/training, technology, current issues, facilities/operations to administrative issues. The possibilities are unlimited!!
A sample of promotional items you are using on your campus THE SWACUHO SHOWCASE is:
An opportunity for you to share what is happening on your campus
Staffed by the program committee members On Tuesday afternoon in the foyer area. (At this time you will be able to answer questions about your display, if you choose.) THE SWACUHO SHOWCASE will have:
Posters/displays from schools all over the region Sample staff shirts (t-shirts, polo’s, etc.) from other universities
Sample promotional items from many different departments
SWACUHO News | Pre-Conference 2015
To those who ARE presenting a PROGRAM A poster/display is:
A great way to share your information to those who are unable to attend your session To those who ARE NOT presenting a PROGRAM A poster/display is:
An opportunity to share your good ideas A great way to be a part of the 2015 conference program Are YOU interested in participating? Contact Gwen Young: Gwen.Young@tamuc.edu. We are looking forward to showcasing the amazing things SWACUHO is doing!
SWACUHO Mid-Levels Greetings SWACUHO Mid-Levels: I am super excited to see everyone in Norman. Let’s all hope the weather calls for some sunshine and warmer temperatures. Below are a few announcements for our Mid-Level members. I hope to see each of you in March. 2015 SWACUHO Mid-Level Breakfast As you complete your SWACUHO registrations, please make sure you register for the Mid-Level breakfast. We had 37 attendees during the 2014 conference. We hope to surpass that number. Help us reach that goal! It’s Bacon! & Great Conversation We are asking for table topics to discuss during midlevel breakfast. If you have a specific topic you would like to discuss with other mid-levels, please submit your idea to katypelton@shsu.edu. One selected topic will be posted at each table. Attendees sitting at each table will be able to engage in a great conversation centered on the specific topic. The first five people to email katypelton@shsu.edu with a topic and the pass phrase “It’s Bacon!” will receive a prize. All ideas will need to be submitted by February 20, 2015.
Mid-Level Lunch during Annual Conference Look for a signup sheet at conference check-in. MidLevels will have the opportunity to lunch together on Tuesday, March 3rd. 2015 Mid-Level Workshop We are planning a Mid-Level workshop for June 11 & 12, 2015. The University of Texas – Dallas has graciously agreed to host our SWACUHO Mid-Level delegation. We will have more information at the MidLevel breakfast. Be The Network I would like to encourage all of our Mid-Level staff to take the time to help new professionals network during the annual conference. I am challenging all Mid-Level staff to introduce at least one new professional or new SWACUHO member to one of your Mid-Level colleagues. If there are other opportunities that you would like to see, please contact Katy Pelton at katypelton@shsu. edu or 936-294-3155. We look forward to seeing you in Norman.
Katy Pelton
Assistant Director Academic Initiatives Department of Residence Life Sam Houston State University
Southwest Association of College & University Housing Officers
Scholarship Opportunities Greetings, SWACUHO! I hope your spring semester is running smoothly. I just wanted to give you some information about a few scholarship opportunities within our association. Information regarding these were also sent out on the CHO listserv in mid-January. James C. Grimm National Housing Training Institute Scholarship The James C. Grimm National Housing Training Institute (NHTI) provides a thorough professional development experience for professionals with three to five years of full-time experience looking to further their careers in housing. It will be held in Athens, Georgia, June 9-13, 2015. Participants meet and interact with other colleagues, establish mentor relationships with experts in the field, develop professional development plans, and gain skills and competencies needed to meet the current and future demands of the profession. More information can be found here: http://www.acuho-i.org/events/nhti/participants SWACUHO awards a total of $1500.00 for this scholarship to NHTI. If there is more than one person selected to attend from our region, the award is split between the number of attendees. Bob Cooke Scholarship This $500 scholarship is awarded to one mid-level SWACUHO member who has never previously attended the annual ACUHO-I conference. The scholarship must be used for registration and travel purposes. The nominating criteria are as follows: The nomination form is on the next page and is due to the Past President, Joellen Tipton, by February 20, 2015. The selected recipient will be announced at the SWACUHO Conference in March.
SWACUHO News | Pre-Conference 2015
Southern Placement Exchange SWACUHO will award $50 each for the first 20 registrants from SWACUHO. More information about this placement exchange that will be held in Memphis, TN February 19-21, 2015, can be found here: http://southernplacement.org/ STARS College Scholarship STARS College is a three-day experience for undergraduate students interested in learning about the student affairs and campus housing professions. STARS College offers large group presentations, interactive activities, role play situations, selfevaluation, and small mentoring groups to educate participants about what a career in campus housing offers. STARS College 2015 will be held at Rollins College in beautiful Winter Park in Orlando, Florida from June 25-28, 2015. Applications are now available and due on March 20, 2015. Applications and more information can be found at: http://www.acuho-i.org/events/stars/participants. SWACUHO has $1000 available to divide between all SWACUHO member recipients, up to $500 if only one is selected from our region.
Bob Cooke Scholarship Application In 1995, ACUHO-I established an endowed scholarship in the memory of Dr. Robert P. Cooke, who served as the Associate Vice-president for Student Affairs and the Director of Housing at the University of Texas in Austin. Bob Cooke believed in Residence life/Housing professionals who possessed strong management skills. He valued Professionals with strong follow-through skills and the ability to implement their ideas. Therefore, the ideal recipient of this award would be a mid-level manager with 3+ years of experience who reflects these traits. This scholarship will fund up to $500 of travel expenses for one member of SWACUHO to attend the annual ACUHO-I Conference and Exposition (ACE). The recipient of the scholarship should be a first-time attendee to ACE. Funds will be issued via check directly to the attendee at the conference. Applicants should complete the information below and submit this application, along with a letter of application and a letter of endorsement from the Chief Housing Officer to the address at the bottom of this application no later than February 20, 2015. Name:______________________________
Current Position:_______________________________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________________ Phone:______________________________
Years of experience in Residential Life/Housing:_____________________ Years of experience in current position:____________________________ Have you ever attended SWACUHO:______________________________ Have you ever attended ACUHO-I annual conference:________________ Along with this application, please submit the following: 1. A letter of application which expresses your desire to attend ACE and how you expect to benefit from attending the conference. The letter should reflect your commitment to the Residence Life/Housing profession and your desire to serve the students. Additionally, the letter should discuss examples of ideas that you have initiated and seen through to completion, and how they have benefited your institutions. 2. A letter of endorsement from the CHO at your institution. The letter should address the applicant’s commitment to Residence/Housing, management skills, initiative and follow-through. Examples of programs or ideas this individual has contributed to the institution/department should also be mentioned. Send Submission to:
Application Deadline: February 20, 2015
Joellen Tipton SWACUHO Past President joellen@shsu.edu
Award Notification: At SWACUHO Conference
Southwest Association of College & University Housing Officers
Welcome & Farewell Sam Houston State University would like to welcome their newest Residence Hall Director, Haley Burrow. She comes to SHSU from Southern Arkansas by way of Arizona State. Haley attended Southern Arkansas University where she obtained her bachelor’s degree in General Studies and a master’s degree in Education focusing on Student Affairs and College Counseling. While at Southern Arkansas Haley worked for J Courson. She is passionate about people and student engagement. Her primary focus is inclusivity in the residence halls and helping students find ways to get involved on their campus and in their communities. Her current responsibilities
at SHSU are assisting the students and supervising staff in Estill Residence Hall, advising the Frank Cloud chapter of NRHH, and assisting with summer camps and conferences. SHSU wishes the best to Ja’Nelle Rivers, Residence Hall Director. Ja’Nelle will be leaving SHSU to pursue an opportunity as the Coordinator for New Student Orientation at Lone Star College – University Park. Ja’Nelle has been a valuable member of our team for the past two academic years. We wish her the best in her new ventures.
Katy Pelton
Assistant Director Academic Initiatives Department of Residence Life Sam Houston State University
SWACUHO News | Pre-Conference 2015
Kevin Carroll- Author/Speaker/Katalyst Kevin Carroll is the founder of Kevin Carroll Katalyst/ LLC and the author of three highly successful books, Rules of the Red Rubber Ball, What's Your Red Rubber Ball?! and The Red Rubber Ball at Work, published by ESPN, Disney Press and McGraw-Hill. As an author, speaker and agent for social change (a.k.a. the Katalyst), it is Carroll's "job" to inspire businesses, organizations and individuals—from CEOs and employees of Fortune 500 companies to schoolchildren—to embrace their spirit of play and creativity to maximize their human potential and sustain more meaningful business and personal growth.
was directed to create a position at the company that would add value to the overall mission of the brand. Carroll accepted the challenge and stayed for seven years as "Katalyst" (the 'K' is for Kevin)—a creative change agent. At Nike he was instrumental in helping the company develop a deeper understanding of athletic product performance, team dynamics and interpersonal communication. Carroll left Nike in 2004 to create his own company, Kevin Carroll Katalyst/ LLC, committed to elevating the power of sport and play around the world.
With his consulting endeavors, Kevin has helped turn creative ideas into reality for organizations such as the National Hockey League, ESPN, Nike, Starbucks (his words appeared on 17 million Grande cups), The National Basketball Association, Walt Disney Company, Mattel, Hasbro, Procter & Gamble, Discovery Channel, Capital One and many others. Raised by his grandparents in Philadelphia, Carroll spent endless hours at the neighborhood playground where he found his calling: a red rubber ball. His subsequent pursuit of play and his "red rubber ball" took him overseas with the Air Force, where he served as a language interpreter and translator, gaining fluency in Croatian, Czech, Serbian and German. After serving in the Air Force for ten years and earning his college degree, Carroll became an athletic trainer at the high school and collegiate levels in Philadelphia. His expertise in sport performance recognized by the 76ers organization led to his job as the head athletic trainer for the Philadelphia 76ers in 1995. While at the 76ers, Nike tapped Carroll to bring his unique experiences to the sneaker giant in 1997. Although no job "officially" existed at the time, Carroll
Southwest Association of College & University Housing Officers
Carroll has dedicated his life to advancing sports and play as a vehicle for social change and success. He partners with non-governmental organizations and businesses around the world that share his vision and goals. He was honored to address the United Nations as part of the UN Year of Sports for Development and Peace in 2005. He has been an advisor for Beyond Sport, a global gathering of social innovation leaders and sports organizations, from 2009-2013 (Archbishop Desmond Tutu is the Patron of Beyond Sport). In 2013, Kevin was named by SUCCESS magazine as one of 19 “SEERS – changing the world!”
SWACUHO News | Pre-Conference 2015
Carroll holds a MS in Health Education from St. Joseph's University, a BA in Speech Communication with a minor in Physical Education from Angelo State University and an Associates Degree in Interpreting and Translating from the Community College of the Air Force. Kevin is a frequent visiting lecturer at schools, colleges and universities across the United States and internationally. Please visit www.kevincarrollkatalyst.com to learn more about Kevin Carroll.
Calling All Candidates and Employers! Calling all Candidates and Employers! Do not miss out on the opportunity at SWACUHO with Placement Services to connect with potential Employers and Candidates! This is a free opportunity for all attendees at the conference. Placement Services offers the opportunity for Candidates and Employers to get their names out in the region and assists both with the chance for interviews to be conducted in a smaller setting than some placements. At the conference there will be a room designated for Placement Services where there is a communication center for Employers and Candidates to set up and schedule interviews during the conference. Along with the communication center, there are binders that schools can post their job postings in and candidates can have their resumes on display.
Consider sending some of your recruitment team to SWACUHO to interview candidates before OPE and TPE. Employers, if you do not want to interview anyone at the conference you can post your job descriptions for positions you are recruiting for and gather resumes from potential candidates. If you are a candidate this year, bring along some extra resumes. The Placement Services can display your resume and you can start communicating with employers before OPE or TPE. Throughout the conference we will have members of the committee assisting with answering questions about interview processes and providing tips. For more information about Placement Services at SWACUHO contact Amanda Knutson at swacuhoplacement@gmail.com We hope to see many Candidates and Employers in Norman, Oklahoma!
The Placement Services Committee
Southwest Association of College & University Housing Officers
DSJ Committee Community Service Project Your chance to show that SWACUHO cares Donate business attire to help jumpstart someone’s path to success
Suits, slacks, skirts, shirts, dresses. We’re doing fine at 49!!!
Business Attire Clothing Drive
Many of us in SWACUHO have started our careers and are lucky enough to do what we love. Now is the time for us to help others who are less fortunate get on the path to their dreams. At this year’s annual conference, we ask that you donate business attire to help others as they enter the workforce.
SWACUHO News | Pre-Conference 2015
DIVERSITY & SOCIAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE dsjchair@gmail.com March 1, 2015 to March 3, 2015
Candidate For President-Elect Name: Tanya Arflin Massey School: Oklahoma State University Position: Assistant Director, Programs and Development Department of Housing and Residential Life Education: Clemson University, M.Ed. Guidance and Counseling Services Student Affairs Administration.........................................................................................May 2002 Clemson University, B.S. Horticulture Turfgrass Management..........................................................................................December 1999 Professional Experience: Assistant Director, Programs and Development Department of Housing and Residential Life…...........................................February 2012-Present Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma HRL Human Resources and Administrative Officer Department of Housing and Residential Life.......................................March 2008-February 2012 Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma Residence Area Coordinator Department of Housing and Residential Life........................................January 2006–March 2008 Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma Residence Life Coordinator, Haymaker Hall Housing and Dining Services....................................................................July 2002–January 2006 Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas SWACUHO Experience: SWACUHO Executive Board Secretary......................................................February 2011-Present SWACUHO Annual Conference Host Co-Chair........................................................February 2011 SWACUHO RA Conference Advisor, Host Committee..............................................October 2010 SWACUHO Time and Place Chair....................................................February 2007-February 2011 SWACUHO Annual Conference Host Committee....................................................February 2007
Southwest Association of College & University Housing Officers
cont. from page 14
The challenges SWACUHO faces in the coming years: I think there are two areas that impact everyone who works in Housing within our region, regardless of what their current position is. The largest issue we as a profession face is the ongoing changes of government policy and how they affect our day to day operations and procedures. From ACA to VEVRAA, Title IX, VAWA and comfort animals; federal guidelines and policies have changed the way we do business. Regardless of your role in Housing, all of these affect the way you proceed with hiring, training, reporting and working on a daily basis. The other challenge SWACHO faces is to continue our Strategic Planning as an organization. We have had initial talks over the last two years and were able to develop several focus areas as an organization to help us get to the next step in planning. Initiatives to respond to these challenges: Government regulations are not going to go away, and in many cases, they shouldn’t, but with limited budget, increases in policies and changes to staff expectations, we as a profession need to become proficient and capable of handling this increased load. While at the SWACUHO CHO meetings this fall, I realized there is a wealth of knowledge out there among us, but we often lack ways to share it. As an organization, I would like to facilitate communication to help connect us to other regions and to ACUHO-I to provide ongoing opportunities and research on how other schools across the country are handling issues as they arise. Through promotion of the website functions and connections to the ACUHO-I Librarians and Policy Experts, I think we can enhance our knowledge base for our departments, as well as providing our campuses with comparable resources. The continued development of a SWACUHO Strategic Plan is not solely owned by the Exec Board. Over the next two – four years we will have to continue this work. We need to focus on all levels of our membership, our exhibitors and our fellow regions to determine how we best fit together and where we need to go in moving forward.
SWACUHO News | Pre-Conference 2015
SWACUHO Candidate For Secretary Name: Beth Eppinger School: University of Arkansas Fort Smith Position: Director of Housing and Residential Life Education: Master of Business Administration Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, MO Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies; Minor in Business Management University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN Professional Experience: Director of Housing and Residential Life University of Arkansas – Fort Smith, Fort Smith, AR.........................................June 2011–Present Resident Director University of Arkansas – Fort Smith, Fort Smith, AR............................September 2009–May 2011 Residential Counselor (Full-time) Missouri Academy of Science, Mathematics, and Computing (MASMC) Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, MO...................................August 2004–May 2009 SWACUHO Experience: Executive Committee Member: Arkansas State Director..............................October 2012–Present Time & Place Committee Member...................................................................Spring 2014–Present 2013 Annual Conference Co-Chair, planner and co-host Program Committee Member........................................................................Spring 2010–Fall 2012 Why are you interested in serving as secretary for the association? Upon moving to the region, my goal was to become involved in a professional organization. I found my place in SWACUHO, and I am very thankful for this organization! I want to be able to continue to give back in a meaningful way, which can be achieved through continuing serving on the executive board. I am highly organized and detail oriented which would serve me well in the secretary capacity. I am fully on board with the work the current e-board is accomplishing, and I’ll be able to provide continued context and input to the decisions being made. My laptop is ready to go for minute taking, and my enthusiasm for SWACUHO is bigger than ever! Thank you for this opportunity!
Southwest Association of College & University Housing Officers
SWACUHO Candidate For Secretary Name: Ele Luna School: Southern Methodist University Position: Assistant Director of Residential Life for Training and Recruitment Education: B.A. in Psychology and Math Sewanee: The University of the South, 2004 M.Ed. in Student Personnel in Higher Education University of Florida, 2006 Professional Experience: Assistant Director of Residential Life at Southern Methodist University....................2013–Present Residence Life Conduct Coordinator at Southern Methodist University........................2010-2013 Hall Director at Texas Christian University......................................................................2006-2010 SWACUHO Experience: Exhibits and Displays Committee...................................................................................2014-2015 SWACUHO Mid-Level Manager’s Drive-in Conference Attendee............................................2013 Newsletter Committee Member.......................................................................................2012-2014 Program Committee Chair...............................................................................................2010-2012 Conference Presenter.................................................................................2008-2010, 2012-2014: Annual Conference Host Committee – Frisco, TX...................................................................2008 Program Committee Member..........................................................................................2007-2012 SWACUHO Annual Conference Attendee.......................................................................2007-2015 Member of SWACUHO...............................................................................................2007-Present New Professional Institute Attendee.........................................................................................2006 Why are you interested in serving as secretary for the association? Serving SWACUHO has been a fantastic journey for me. There’s something about being in a smaller region that makes networking so effortless and the opportunities for involvement abound. That’s what I love about SWACUHO. It’s a welcoming environment for a new professional wanting to get involved right away. My many involvements in SWACUHO have offered so many opportunities. I’ve been able to sharpen my leadership and project management skills through my committee chairship, but more importantly SWACUHO has given me lasting friendships and some amazing mentors in the region. I welcome any opportunity to further serve SWACUHO for I know the value a SWACUHO membership can bring to any professional. However, I am particularly interested in the secretary position. I feel my natural aptitudes are a strong fit for this positon. Organization, minute-taking, and anything administrative are the things of my dreams! I thoroughly enjoy such tasks, and you might even consider them my favorite hobby. Moreover, the chance to serve on the executive committee would provide invaluable professional development. I look forward to many years of continued service to SWACUHO.
SWACUHO News | Pre-Conference 2015
Exhibits and Display Committee As SWACUHO 2015 approaches, the Exhibits and Display Committee has been hard at work gathering registrations from exhibitors. The exhibit area is the place for delegates to learn about the products and services offered in our industry as well as an opportunity to learn about new products and services. Be sure to come to the E&D area to meet and interact with our exhibitors and for chances to win great prizes in our two drawings at 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.! And follow us on Twitter for updates from the Exhibit Hall! @SWACUHO_ED
Thanks to the 2015 SWACUHO Sponsors All Boxed Up Apartment Furnishings Company Barnes Gromatzky Kosarek Architects Foliot Furniture KSQ Architects Southwest Contract Tandus/Centiva Flooring Treanor Architects Uloft University Laundry Exhibitors registered to attend: Adirondack Solutions All Boxed Up Apartment Furnishings Company ASI Campus Laundry Solutions AVTEQ, Inc. Barnes Gromatsky Kosarek Architects Blockhouse Furniture Caldwell and Gregory Campus Televideo College Products Collegiate Concepts, Inc Corsicana Bedding Dorm In A Box Ecologic Furniture eRezLife Software
Foliot Furniture Hitouch Services Integra Seating Integrity Furniture KeyTrak KeyWarden KLN Manufacturing KSQ Architects KWK Architects Leeder Furniture Mackey Mitchell Architects Maxient LLC Off Cmapus Partners On Campus Marketing OrgSync Philo Randall Scott Architects, Inc.
Room Pact RT London SALTO Sauder Education Savoy Contract Furniture SCM Architects Skyfactor (formerly EBI MapWorks) Southwest Contract Stantec (formerly SHW Group) Starrez SWAK University Services Tandus-Centiva Flooring The Brill Company Treanor Architects, P.A. Uloft University Laundry Uniweb, Inc.
Southwest Association of College & University Housing Officers
SWACUHO News | Pre-Conference 2015