Samidoun: the Iran proxy in Spain

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E U R O P E A N U N I O N :




CONTENTS 1.INTRODUCTION............................................................................3 2.EXECUTIVESUMMARY....................................................................4 3.SAMIDOUN...................................................................................6 3.1.Samidoun Spain.........................................................................10 3.2.GhassanKanafani Brigade..............................................................17 3.3.Incident with the Israeli Ambassador...................................................24 3.4.Samidoun Spain activists and their ties with Palestine terror groups..................25 3.4.1.Lions’ Den.........................................................................25 3.4.2.Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)............................28 3.4.3.Links to Iran.......................................................................30 3.4.4.Other Samidoun Spain activists related to terrorism................................ 3.5.Facebook posts of Samidoun......................................................32


This report on Samidoun presents a summary of its origin as an international network with the goal of defending Palestinian prisoners. Samidoun Spain later emerged as one of the branches of this international network.

After presenting relevant information about Samidoun International and its main leaders, a map is displayed with some of the activists identified in Spain related to terrorist activities or groups.

The focus of the present report is on Samidoun Spain origin, action strategies, members and relationships with other movements linked to the Boycott, Disinvestment and Sanctions (BDS).

A special section is the trip of the so-called Ghassan Kanafani Brigade to Lebanon in July 2021 given its importance in terms of the links established with terrorist leaders of the PFLP and Hezbollah in preparation for the launch of the Samidoun offspring, the so-called Palestine Alternative Route Masar Badil.

Among the many activities carried out by Samidoun Spain, mention is made of a serious incident that occurred at the Complutense University of Madrid in February 2023 due to the presence of the Israeli ambassador.

Many of Samidoun Spain activists are directly related to terrorist groups or to countries that sponsors terrorist groups like Iran. This is exposed in detail in the “Samidoun Spain activists andtheir ties with Palestinian terror groups” section.

Finally, some of the publications on Social Networks that support the armed resistance are shown.


The international network for the defense of Palestinian prisoners Samidoun was created in 2012 by Khaled Barakat, a recognized member of the Palestinian terrorist group Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), and his wife, a Canadian citizen, Charlotte Lynne Kates. This international network grew up rapidly, adding activists in the Middle East, Europe and North America.

Among its main leaders, apart from Khaled Barakat, there are members of the PFLP as the European coordinator, Mohammed Khatib, and the European representative Mustafa Awad. This last one was military trained by Hezbollah. It is supposed that Khaled Barakat, as member of the PFLP in Lebanon, was the link between Awad and Hezbollah. Awad was convicted in Israel in 2018 for terrorist links, money laundering (he transferred money from Syria and Lebanon to the PFLP through Khaled Barakat who was in that moment, living in Europe) and military trainingin surveillance by Hezbollah.

One of the international branches that is acquiring importance is Samidoun Spain. It was founded by Jaldía Abubakra Aueda in 2020. Also, between Samidoun Spain activists and leaders there are individuales with terrorist links. For example, Majed Dibsi Bulbul (European representative of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – PFLP), Liliana Córdova Kackzerginski (interrogated by the Israeli police in 1974 for hosting her boyfriend, Nashi Darwish, in Haifa, wanted for terrorism), Mussa 'ab Bashir (arrested in 2007 in Israel for his relationship with the PFLP and for attempted murder) and Baha Alkhateeb (who participated in the 2014 Gaza operation fighting in the tunnels). The latter two do not appear openly at Samidoun gatherings but are known to have strong ties to the main promoters of this movement.

A special section of this report focusses in the trip of the so-called Ghassan Kanafani Brigade to Lebanon in July 2021 given its importance in terms of the links established with terrorist leaders of the PFLP and Hezbollah in preparation for the launch of the Samidoun offspring, the socalled Palestine Alternative Route Masar Badil.

The Palestinian Alternative Route Masar Badi emerged in Madrid in 2021. This group opposes the Oslo agreements and try to resume the armed struggle by unifying all the Palestinian "resistance" groups, as well as the Palestinians who live in the diaspora to participate in a global intifada. The leaders and activists of Masar Badil are the same as those of Samidoun.

There were massive marches in Madrid where the activists sang songs in Arabic like “That’s how Ghassan [Kanafani] taught us, the target is everywhere!”. Ghassan Kanafani was a relevant member of the PFLP, and the idea that “the target is everywhere” is consonant with the goals of Masar Badil that are extending the resistance in all its forms (including the armed resistance) also in Europe and all around the world.

Other relevant members of Samidoun Spain are Daniel Lobato Bellido (co-founder of Unadikum, coordinator of the international brigades to Palestine and international analyst and correspondent of the Iranian TV network in Spanish, HispanTV), Manuel Pineda Marín (cofounder of Unadikum, brigadist in Gaza in 2014 with terrorist links with leaders of Hamas, and

European parliamentarian of the leftist Spanish party Unidas Podemos). There are also younger activists such as Sami Khalaf Joaniquet, Judit Rodríguez Fernández (who was one of the representatives of Samidoun Spain in the Ghassan Kanafani Brigades to Lebanon in 2021, supporter of the PFLP and of the terrorist group Lion’s Den), Belén Haboob Martos (member or the Preparatory Coommitte of the Masar Badil conference in Madrid), Mai El Baiomy, June Monreal Roberto and Lydia Frances Mower Handlon (supporter of the terrorist group Lion’s Den).

Among the most relevant actions that took place by members of Samidoun Spain was the incident at the Complutense University of Madrid in February 2023, on the occasion of the presence of the Israeli ambassador, which led to clashes with the security team of the Ambassador and the Police. Some of the Samidoun Spain activists that attended the incident were Jaldía Abubakra Aueda, Daniel Lobato Bellido, Judit Rodríguez Fernández and Sami Khalaf Joaniquet, among others.

The conclusion is that Samidoun is part of the Palestinian terrorist group PFLP and have links with other terrorist groups such as Lion’s Denand Hezbollah.

The support that Samidoun Spain, an organization with terrorist links, receive from leftist parties like Izquierda Unida and Podemos are worrisome given the participation of these parties in the current government of Spain.


Samidoun, the Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, founded in 2012, was developed out of the September-October 2011 hunger strike of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails. Since March 2021, is a registered not-for-profit in Canada. Its office address is 2055 Commercial Drive, Suite 395, Vancouver BC V5N 0C7, Canada.

There is not financial information of Samidoun, as is stated in NGO-Monitor report

The Directors registered in Canada in 2021 are:

 Charlotte Lynne Kates

1844 East 1st Avenue, Vancouver BC V5N 1B1

 Thomas Gerhard Hofland

Uilenstede 510-8, Amstelveen 1183DE, Netherlands

 Joe Catron

15334 59th Avenue, Flushing NY 11355-5530, United States

Samidoun, as a global network, is organized in chapters, affiliates, and links around the world, as Samidoun Occupied Palestine, Collectif Palestine Vaincra (France), Samidoun Brasil, Samidoun Iran among others.

Some data obtained about Samidoun is exposed below:


Name SAMIDOUN - نودماص

Palestinian Prisioner Solidarity Network

Start of Activity 2012 in Canada 05/10/2020 in Spain


Web Page



Id 105784277965222 (Samidoun Spain) Id 318760335263991 (Samidoun in arabic) Id 294670507233109 (Samidoun Prisioner Solidarity) (Spanish Twitter)

Twitter (English Twitter) (Arab Twitter) (Spanish Instagram)

Instagram (English Instagram) (Arabic Instagram)


Tik Tok (English Tik Tok)

The official Samidoun’s coordinators are the following:

The following report will focus only on the Samidoun Spain branch.


On 5th of October 2020 Samidoun-Spain was founded by Jaldía Abubakra Aueda, as Charlote Lynne Kates says in the 26:04 minute of the following video:

Samidoun is supposedly dedicated to defending the Palestinian prisoners’ rights, but its leaders belong to the terrorist organization Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). The promoters of Samidoun Spain are well-known activists of Alkarama, Al-Yudur and Unadikum, all of them linked to the extreme left Spanish parties like Izquierda Unida and Podemos:

 Jaldía Abubakra Aueda (co-founder of Samidoun Spain).

 Liliana Córdova Kaczerginski (founder of the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, ex-member of Matzpen party, arrested in 1978 in Haifa for hosting her terrorist boyfriend, Nasuhi S. Darwish).

 Daniel Lobato Bellido (co-founder of Unadikum, and corresponsal of the Iranian TV network HispanTV).

An important internal debate was generated in 2019 in the core of the Boycott National Committee (BNC) between the followers of the explicit support of the armed struggle, and the main leadership of the BNC that don’t want that their public image of "non-violence" can be damaged, with the following threaten of loss of European and International grants.

In Spain, this confrontation divided the BDS movement in two parts: one that follow the “soft” line of the BNC, and other that follow the “hard” line of Samidoun and its recently created international movement Masar Badil, opposed to the Oslo accords and seeking to unify all the resistance forces to create an Intifada all around the world in support of the army struggle of the Palestinianterror groups.

Samidoun Spain seeks a leading role among the members of the Spanish Palestinian community, trying to indoctrinate young people and adolescents to join their ranks, and in open confrontation with the Fatah leadership related to the Palestinian Diplomatic Representation in Spain by considering them "collaborators of the occupying Zionist regime”.

When Samidoun Spain started, the principal goal was propaganda diffusion in Social Networks. But in mid-2021, a change was detected in its strategies:

 Training, indoctrination, and recruitment of younger and younger people with the aim of getting them to join the cause. One of the last activities summoned adolescents in a headquarters of Izquierda Unida in Madrid. This group gave up its premises and the participants were given seminars for 7 hours including a meal. At least twenty students participated in this event.

 After the assassination of a Palestinian dissident against Fatah by members of the security services of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA), Daniel Lobato Bellido public in his social networks posts in which he identifies with images, full name, and place of residence, 46PNA security agents.

Some of the objectives exposed by Daniel Lobato are the following:

Once again, Izquierda Unida gives up its infrastructure to facilitate anti-Semitic indoctrination of students by pro-Palestinian activists. What had not been seen until now is that they target such a young group of fifteen-year-old adolescent students. Since their proposal to encourage Palestinians living in exile to actively participate in the resistance to "overthrow the Zionist regime and its allies in the Palestinian National Authority", the activists who convened this initiative to train future cadres participate in a political movement called Masar Badil (Alternative Palestinian Route), recently established in Spain by the same leaders of Samidoun Spain mentioned before.

Worryingly, this well-known strategy of disseminating hate targets an increasingly younger audience is supported (and perhaps financed) by leftist Spanish political parties like Izquierda Unida and Podemos.

On this occasion, it has gone a step further using a paramilitary target identification strategy whose purpose suggests inciting revenge by eliminating the marked targets. It is worrisome that the practice of this paramilitary strategy could be put into practice in Spain by a member of a Spanishpolitical party such as Izquierda Unida.

On 16th of July 2021, a trip from Jaldía Abubakra Aueda to Athens was detected. Knowing of the existence of a Samidoun representation in Athens, it draws attention, and it is decided to follow up. In the post it is announced that he is traveling “in search of the alternative route Masar Badil”.


Coinciding with Jaldia’s arrival in Athens, Judit Rodríguez Fernández published a post on the same day 16 informing that she is also in Athens. Due to his belonging to Alkarama and


Samidoun Spain, it is suspected that he could participate in an event related to Samidoun Spain andMasar Badil.


On 17th of July 2021, Jaldía Abubakra Aueda publishes a post from Samidoun Spain announcing the arrival in Beirut and the fields of Lebanon of an international delegation of Samidoun

Network cadres. Delegates include activists from France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Spain. The brigade is named the Ghassan Kanafani Brigade, after Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine founder Ghassan Kanafani.


Translation of the text:

July 17 at 12:41AM The first ones are already arriving…

The Samidoun Network for the Defense of Palestinian Prisoners announced that an international delegation of its cadres will soon arrive in Beirut and the Lebanese camps from the European continent. Samidoun's announcement coincided with the 49th anniversary of the assassination of martyred writer Ghassan Kanafani. The delegation includes several network cadres in France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain and others, and will bear the name "Ghassan Muhammad al-Khatib Brigade, coordinator of the Samidoun network in Europe, said: "The mission of the delegation It is mainly political, cultural, and getting to know closely the reality and the struggle of our people in the camps in Lebanon and the history of the Palestinian resistance movement and the Lebanese national movement. We are also interested in redefining the meaning of international solidarity as an integral part of the resistance movement, the right of return, the liberation and return project, and the restoration of the revolutionary

understanding that was founded by the first generation of the revolution, specifically the martyred writer Kanafani.

Since 22nd of July, reports of the trip began to be published on the Samidoun website, confirming that both Jaldía Abubakra Aueda and Judit Rodríguez Fernández are part of the Samidoun Spain delegation in Lebanon.

This trip constitutes an important step in the development of strengthen links with leaders of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and for the organization of new strategies for Samidoun. An outbreak of these strategies is the organization of a global network opposed to the Oslo accords named Alternative Route Masar Badil.

A summary of the trip is shown below.

During this trip, ties with local armed groups are strengthened. What stands out, so far, is the following:

 It is not yet known who finances this project in which more than 10 SAMIDOUN "cadres" participate, mainly European.

 The reason for pixelating the faces of some people suggests that they are individuals seeking anonymity to avoid reprisals.

 To move around Lebanon, special permits are required, especially to go to the southern area, dominated by Hezbollah.

The Masar Badil Alternative Route movement is committed to support the armed struggle andthe global intifada, not only in Palestine but all around the world with the participation of the Palestine community in the diaspora.


On 8th of February 2023, the Israeli Ambassador in Spain was invited to a conference at the Complutense of Madrid University. Knowing this, Samidoun Spain organized a concentration to boycott this event.

They tried to enter to the event, provoking the security personal that protected the event, generating a security risk for the Ambassador, and a violent confrontation that demanded the intervention of the Police and the security members of the ambassador. They also posted videos of this incident in Social Networks accusing the Police and the Israeli security members of violence against them.

Some of the activists that participated in this incident were Jaldía Abubakra, Daniel Lobato, Judit Rodríguez Fernández and Sami Khalaf.

3.4.SamidounSpainactivistsandtheirtieswithPalestineterror groups

Many of the activists of Samidoun Spain has links with Palestinian Terror groups as the Popular Front for the Liberations of Palestine (PFLP) and the recently created group Lion’s Den, Hezbollah and its sponsorship, Iran, among others, as is shown below.

Daniel Lobato, Jaldía Abubakra and Judit Rodríguez Fernández in the incidents


The Lion’s Den group (in Arabic نيرع دوسﻷا , ʿArīn al-ʾUsud) is a new group created in Nablus in 2021, with fighters from different terrorist groups like PFLP, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and from individuals from the Fatah movement who reject de Palestinian Authority strategy. This group is, right now, the only one that bring to action the Masar Badil’s intentions. Masar Badil and Samidoun activists are totally compromised in the diffusion of all Lion’s Den violent activities, converting their fighters into heroes for young Palestinians living abroad to identify themselves with.

Some images of the Lion’s Den Group, flag and symbol are shown below:

Following the Israeli Defense Forces operation in Nablus on February 22nd, 2023, many activists of Samidoun Spain posted the following image in support of the Lion’s Den fighters killed:

The original photo of this post is the following: In this photo, we can see that the supporters of the Lion’s Den terror group are all of them activists of Samidoun Spain and Masar Badil. From left to right, Jackelin Sosa Briceño, Lydia Frances Mower Hanlon, Daniel Lobato Bellido, Judit Rodríguez Fernández, Sami Khalaf Joaniquet and Jaldía Abubakra Aueda.


On respect of the PFLP, the links with Samidoun Spain and Masar Badil activists are direct, not only in terms of their support but also because some of them are directly linked to PFLP assets.

Some examples are shown below:


Some activists of Samidoun Spain have links to the Iranian TV media Hispan TV as is shown below:


There are two activists with a background related toterrorism:


Some relevant posts are shown below:

“The mission of the popular forces, revolutionary intellectuals, and the solidarity movement is to strengthen the Arab and international popular support and solidarity for the resistance, as it is the spearhead in confronting the occupier and a strategic path to achieve the goals of our Palestinian people: return, liberation, and victory,” the Masar continued. “Colonialist and imperialist powers, led by the United States, see the Palestinian and Lebanese resistance as an imminent danger and a constant threat to their project (Israel) in the region.”

“Every resistance operation that takes place inside occupied Palestine ’48, or in Jenin, Nablus, and Jerusalem, every missile, bomb, and bullet in Haifa, Lod, and Hadera, has an echo and impact that are heard directly in New York, Paris, London, Berlin, and in the corridors of power in the White House. This is a message of fire that cannot be ignored and that reveals the failure of the plans to target the Palestinian people and liquidate their cause. It further hammers a new nail in the coffin of the liquidationist “self-rule” project of the so-called “Palestinian Authority.[…]”

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