Wellbeing Times April 2011

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A monthly newsletter from the Luncheon Club & Positive Living Centre.

APRIL 2011

How time flies! Its 12 months since we combined the PLC newsletter and the Luncheon Club calendar into one publication – The Wellbeing Times. I hope you are enjoying reading about the goings on at these two services, whether you read on-line or in print. Results of the 2010 Client Satisfaction Survey are due to be released very soon. I hope to be able to share more detailed information with you next month. Our thanks to each of you who took some time to complete the survey and let us know your thoughts on how we’re doing and where we can improve. During April we’ll be holding many conversations with you to discuss the planned moved to 414 Elizabeth Street. This is an exciting time for all, and we feel sure that you will benefit from the improved facilities and services on offer there. Please keep an eye out for the dates on which we’ll be holding information sessions. With winter around the corner, it might be a good idea to think about taking some Vitamin C to keep colds and coughs at bay. ACON’s Vitamin Service offers incredibly good value-for-money deals on a range of vitamins, so be sure to check out what’s on offer. Till next month, take good care of each other, and I hope the Easter bunny is good to you. Andrew Buchanan Manager, Positive Services and HIV Health Promotion


Info Sessions. Information sessions will take place in April. See the events calendar for details. Farewell Toshi! Toshi has moved on to study and work in massage. We thank Toshi and wish him all the best for his future. News online. Did you know you can read the Wellbeing Times on-line. Just go to http://www.acon.org.au/hiv/plc/newsletter


Breakfast at the PLC. Every Tuesday morning, from 10am to 12pm. Friday Lunch. Each Friday the PLC puts on a three course meal for its members. Luncheon Club Meals . The Luncheon Club, each Monday and Wednesday from 10am until 3pm, is open to all people with HIV and their carers.

Therapies Update Extra hour of Fiona. Fiona has been generous to extend her hours at the Centre. Fiona is now available from 1pm to 4pm for remedial massage. Reiki Alert. We have had expressions of interest from Reiki practioners wanting to volunteer their time and expertise. If you are interested in Reiki therapy please contact Sharny on 9699 8756. Remedial Massage now on Thursdays. See the PLC calendar for more information. Kane changes times. Kane’s appointments have been moved to Thursdays from 10am to 3pm.


2pm – 4pm Monday 4th April with the Albion St Dietician. Cooking Class 11am Monday 18 April – Dental Health Workshop. Louisa Lunn, Health Education Officer at the O’Brien Centre will be presenting workshops on Oral Hygiene . Participants will receive a goodie bag to take away.

Positive Living Centre: (02) 9699 8756 or email: plc@acon.org.au • Luncheon Club: 9318 1197


College Street Elizabeth Street

Liverpool Street

Oxfo rd

Stree t

Goulburn Street

PLC AND LUNCHEON CLUB MOVE TO 414 ELIZABETH STREET INFORMATION SESSIONS FOR YOU With the impending move of Positive Services and Health Eddy Ave Promotion from its Bourke Street, Surry Hills and Kellick Street, Waterloo locations to ACON’s exciting new premises at 414 Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills, volunteers and clients of CENTRAL its services are invited to information sessions to take place STATION at the following dates and times:

Foveaux Street

Wednesday 6 April 2001 at the LC at 11.30am

PLC Clients

Friday 8 April 2011 at the PLC at 1.45pm

Come along to the client sessions to see an electronic presentation on the proposed services and plans for our new premises. This is also a great opportunity for you to get the answers to any questions you might have about the move. We look forward to seeing you there.

To Oxford St/Taylor Square

Devonshire St

to Central Mort St



Bourke St

Crown St

703 Bourke St

Ridge St Cleveland St to Moore Park

Surry Hills

Devonshire Street Bourke Street

Luncheon Club Clients

Crown Street

Tuesday 5 April 2011 at the PLC at 12 noon

Elizabeth Street

PLC Volunteers

Chalmers Street

Luncheon Club Volunteers Wednesday 30 March 2011 at 2pm (Completed)

Cleveland Street

Opening hours at the Positive Living Centre Monday Closed for drop in. Appointments only Tuesday 10.00 am to 4.00 p.m. (drop In) Wednesday 10.00 am to 4.00 p.m. (drop In) Thursday 10.00 am to 4.00 p.m. (drop In) Friday 10.00 am to 4.00 p.m. (drop In) Please Note: We are also open during the evenings on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday for therapy appointments and evening courses. If you have a therapy booking after 4.00pm, please ring the front doorbell, and a staff member will let you in. To confirm a therapy booking or if you want more information please telephone: 02 9699 8756 or e- mail: plc@acon.org.au

Positive Living Centre: (02) 9699 8756 or email: plc@acon.org.au • Luncheon Club: 9318 1197


In reach services

Breakfast at the PLC

ACON Housing

Every Tuesday morning, from 10am to 12pm, a late breakfast/brunch is served in the dining room at the PLC. You’ll find a delicious buffet of hot and cold selections to choose from, all healthy and nutritious.

An ACON Housing Officer, is available every Friday at the PLC from 12pm-2.30pm to answer your questions and assist with housing issues. If you would like to talk to Raymond please see the receptionist to put your name on the list. This is a drop-in service and is run on a first come first served basis. Alternatively if you would like to make an appointment to see an ACON Housing representative, please call 9206 2093.

Regular items include smoothies, fresh fruit salad and yoghurt, fruit juices, cereals, tea and toast. Each week there are some specials on the menu too . . . like frittata, or pancakes, or toasties.

Friday Lunch Each Friday the PLC puts on a three course meal for its members to enjoy. Like brunch on Tuesdays, this is an informal gathering of friends, old and new, who use this as an opportunity to catch up and share a meal. The menu items are healthy choices, prepared by the PLC chef from seasonal produce, and cater for various dietary needs including vegetarian. This is also a good time to learn about new workshops or events that may be of benefit to you. All PLC members are most welcome to come and share a meal and each other’s company

BGF A staff member from the Bobby Goldsmith Foundation is available once a month at the PLC to answer any questions or issues around their service provision. This includes practical support, referrals and also financial counseling and advice. Please ask staff for the date they are here, or alternatively contact BGF at their offices.

HALC The HIV/AIDS Legal Centre (HALC) sends a member of its staff to the PLC every 2nd Tuesday from 10am -12pm to answer your legal questions. This is conducted in a confidential space. Please check the calendar to see which dates they are here. Clients are seen at a first come first served basis so please see reception to place your name on the list.

Vitamin Service Why not call and make an appointment to see our treatments officer to discuss some of our new and discounted products and how this service could possibly benefit you. We would encourage you to call before coming in to buy your vitamins as this service is dependant on sale staff availability.

exploring mindfulness... • Do you experience stress in your life? • Does low mood and anxiety affect your quality of living? • Would you like to learn more about mindfulness and meditation? • Would you like support in developing a stronger meditation practice?

ACON invites you to a safe and confidential eight week group. The group teaches Jon Kabat-Zinn’s Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program. In this group you will learn about your body’s response to stress and how mindfulness practice and meditation can support you in healthier living. This group will run from Tuesday 10 May 2011. It will be facilitated by Curt Mason. This group is open to people who may be living with or affected by HIV, and/or from the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community. Commitment for the duration of the group is essential. Places are limited. Please call Deb or Ann-Maree on 9206 2000 from 5-15 April 2011, between 11am - 1pm. Donations towards this service are accepted.

Positive Living Centre: (02) 9699 8756 or email: plc@acon.org.au • Luncheon Club: 9318 1197


Women and Families Happy April everyone It has been a while since we last engaged with you, however we hope to make some announcements soon that will ensure we get back our programs back on track. Before we do that we need to hear from you as to what you really want us to deliver, when and where, and in what way. This is a truly client centred approach to delivering meaningful health promotion and wellness outcomes for you and your families. Thus a considerable amount of time has gone into developing a comprehensive ‘Needs Analysis/Client Survey’.

Nexus update Nexus will be held on Monday 18th April at 7pm at the PLC.

Planet positive

The survey is now available, and if you have not already received a link to it, please contact me to let me know. There are two ways you can undertake the survey. One is to arrange a one-on-one meeting with either Jodie or Samantha, at a place and time of your choosing. We’ll do our very best to meet your schedule. Alternatively you can access an electronic version of the survey via ‘Survey Monkey’ which is an online survey tool that guides you through the survey to its completion. Once we’ve gathered all the data, we will invite some of you to participate in a ‘client focus group’ to further flesh out the responses received.

Get ready for our next Planet Positive night to be held on Friday 20th May. Planet Positive is a social night for HIV + people, their partners, friends and supporters to catch up in a supportive environment. Come along to Level One at The Midnight Shift with free entry, complimentary drinks and nibbles through the night and enjoy the tunes from DJ Paul Angel.

We look forward to receiving your valuable feedback and maybe grabbing a coffee together to discuss your ideas. If so, we’d love for you to get in touch.


Samantha Fieldes and Jodie Nas Jones Women & Families Affected by HIV Project Officers 02 9699 8756 family@acon.org.au



When: Friday 20th May 6pm - 10pm Where: Level One, The Midnight Shift, 134 Oxford St. More Info: Contact: ACON’s Men’s HIV Health Promotion Team (02) 9699 8756 or Email: hivliving@acon.org.au

We have now commenced intakes for our next Genesis workshop for newly diagnosed gay men to be held 3rd, 4th and 5th June. If you or someone you know who has been recently diagnosed, this workshop could be of great benefit. Genesis is an educational and practical workshop designed to help participants make sense of a range of issues that may be confronting them. Its a opportunity to meet other HIV+ men in a safe and confidential space and share experiences amongst peers.

Positive Living Centre: (02) 9699 8756 or email: plc@acon.org.au • Luncheon Club: 9318 1197

Recently diagnosed HIV positive? GENESIS may help you

GROUP FEEDBACK Below is an email sent to ACON’s CEO from one of the March Genesis participants: “Hi, Just a quick email to you in regards to the Genesis workshop I attended over the weekend. Can I say that I now can not concentrate on my job this morning and have done no work, my mind has been filled with some very useful information on how to manage my HIV and I have spent the morning evaluating my options, making appointments to see my doctor regarding starting treatment and booking some leave. Until I attended the workshop I was very angry and wanted to ignore my HIV, the workshop really opened my eyes and mind to a whole new take on this “condition’’ and I’m so bloody eager to reach out to all the great options I learnt on the weekend. Next time you meet with the ACON Board or organizers can you pass on my thanks to the team at the PLC – Steve and Steve plus the help of volunteer facilitators, David, Adrian and (I forgot his name) and the wonderful support, care and advice I received. Your job must be very rewarding as you work with a great bunch of caring people. Many thanks....” For more information contact: ACON’s HIV Men’s Health Promotion Team (02) 9699 8756 (ask for Steve) or email: hivliving@acon.org.au

Healthy life plus update We are well and truly underway with the program and into the second week of Healthy Life Plus. This 3 month program is designed to educate, encourage and empower its participants to make effective and sustainable healthy life choices. The team are focused on Goal Setting , sorting out their short term, medium and long term projects for their targets toward healthy decision making. We are also learning from the Albion Street Clinic nutritionists and dieticians the best ways of sorting out the food we eat. Identifying the variety of good healthy foods available, how to categorise them, the best way to serve them and their effects on our body and immune system. It has been great to see previous HL+ participants return to tell their stories and experiences of how this program has helped them achieve their fitness goals and empower the Autumn members. We will keep you informed on the progress of the team as they buddy up and tackle the gym and working with a personal trainer for the first time. Plus staying motivated while the Easter Bunny tempts us all.

Positive Living Centre: (02) 9699 8756 or email: plc@acon.org.au • Luncheon Club: 9318 1197


Free Eats During the Easter Break Breakfast The Station – cnr Erskine and Clarence Sts [nr Wynyard], ph 9299 2252 7.30-9.00am Mon-Fri, Coffee and toast, FREE. 21 years + Mathew Talbot - 22 Talbot Pl, Woolloomooloo, ph 9357 1533 7.25 – 7.55am, Mon – Sun, Hot Breakfast, FREE. 25 years + Wayside Chapel, 29 Hughes St, Potts Point, ph 9358 6577, 8-9am, Sat & Sun Cereal/toast, low cost. Coffee shop open (am – 9pm daily, meals $2 and up St Michaels, 196 Albion St, Surry Hills, ph 9698 4226, 8-8.45am Sun. FREE Hope Street, Tom Uren Pl, Woolloomooloo, ph 9358 2388 Sun 9am-10am, sandwiches/coffee, FREE. Emergency food parcels. Womens nd Girls Emergency Centre, 177 Albion Street, Surry Hills. Ph 9360 5388, 9.30am - 10.30am. Mon-Fri except Wednesday Lou’s Place, 182 Victoria Street, Kings Cross. Ph 9358 4553. Women Only. 9.30am daily except Thursday Lunch St Clanices – 28 Roslyn St, Elizabeth Bay, ph 9358 5229, 11am – 1pm, Mon – Fri: Sandwiches, Sat – Sun ; Hot Lunch. FREE The Station – cnr Erskine and Clarence Sts [nr Wynyard], ph 9299 2252. 12.30pm, Mon – Fri, FREE St James Church – King St, Sydney, ph 9232 3022 2.30pm, Sun, Sou/Sandwiches, FREE Mathew Talbot - 22 Talbot Pl, Woolloomooloo, ph 9357 1533 12.30-1pm, Mon-Sun, Hot meal/sandwiches, FREE Wayside Chapel, 29 Hughes St, Potts Point, ph 9358 6577, Nomad Coffee Shop , 9am-9pm, Mon – Sun, Low Cost meals/snacks. [$2 Hot Meal] Salvation Army Street Level – 339 Crown St, Surry Hills, ph 9380 2882, 12-2pm, Mon-Fri, Hot Meals, $1 [Free if discussed with Welfare first] 6

What is fiber? Benefiber – a cheap and natural source of Inulin Fiber that offers many health benefits Fiber is a naturally occurring and harmless carbohydrate (dietary energy source) that is not digested or absorbed into the body, and is an essential part of a healthy diet. To get enough fiber in your diet you need to include at least five servings of fruit, vegetables, whole grain breads or cereals every day. The majority of Australian adults only eat half their daily requirement of fiber so many people choose to or are recommended to take a fiber supplement to help with a range of health issues, including the treatment and prevention of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and gastrointestinal diseases - including bowel cancer – and many others. Unfortunately most fiber supplements are gritty and unpleasant to eat or drink as they are sourced from psyllium (seed husks). Inulin fiber is different to psyllium fiber in that it is easier to take as it fully dissolves in water, is tasteless, colourless and textureless and has greater range of health benefits – some that are quite surprising. Inulin is a natural form of dietary fiber extracted from the root of the chicory plant during a chemical free process called ‘hot water extraction’. Its flavour ranges from tasteless (in water) to slightly sweet (around 10% sweetness of sugar) when added to tea, coffee and some foods.

Positive Living Centre: (02) 9699 8756 or email: plc@acon.org.au • Luncheon Club: 9318 1197

Inulin can be used to replace sugar, fat, and flour in cooking and contains about one quarter of the energy of sugar and about one ninth of the energy of fat. Inulin has also been shown to have prebiotic and probiotic properties, acting as a ‘food’ for beneficial gut bacteria (particularly bifidobacteria and lactobacillus). Some of the health properties of inulin fiber include: • Helps enhance the absorption of isoflavones (a plant form of oestrogen) found in soy bean products that help alleviate symptoms of period pain, menopause and rejuvenate skin • Assists greatly with weight loss either when taken before meals or added to food • Regulates blood pressure and reduces inflammation associated with HIV related ageing and other HIV related health issues • Strengthens the immune system by supporting optimal bowel function, decreases the risk of bowel cancer • Acts a powerful antioxidant • Lowers total cholesterol in the blood, lowering triglycerides and LDL (harmful cholesterol), while increasing HDL (beneficial cholesterol) • Prevents energy slumps (that occur after eating sugar or fat) by providing a steady supply of blood glucose to the brain and muscles over sustained periods of time – for up to 12 hours • Is suitable for diabetics since it does not require insulin for its digestion, and helps prevent diabetes since inulin does not stimulate the pancreas to produce surges of insulin • Is not broken down in saliva, as is the case with sugar, so does not cause dental plaque or cavities • Is an effective natural and inexpensive appetite suppressant, giving a feeling of ‘fullness’ after ingestion • Balances acidity of the large intestine, thereby destroying ‘bad’ bacteria, including E-coli and salmonella • Produces volatile fatty acids (VFA’s) which the liver converts into blood sugar when needed for energy (any remaining VFA’s are eliminated from the body and not turned into fat) • Is a treatment for lactose intolerance, diarrhoea and constipation

ONE-OFF DISCOUNT OFFER FROM ACON Your ACON Vitamin Service is pleased to offer a one-off discount on Fibersure. Instead of paying over $21.00 in supermarkets or pharmacies you can purchase a large jar of Fibersure for only $18.00. When used as recommended, one large jar should last well over a month. Just 1 heaped teaspoon of Fibersure in water, tea, coffee or juice can add 20% extra fiber to your daily intake. It is important to drink plenty of water when you increase your fiber intake from any source as your digestive system adjusts and eliminates waste products from your body. In just a few days to a week you will notice improvements in energy, digestion and bowel function. In more time, depending on your health goals, you can lose weight, lower blood fats, stabilise blood pressure and generally feel better all round. Why not try some of these or the other delicious and healthy recipes from the Fibersure website at: www.metamucil.com.au/whatsnew_recipe.php Cream of Corn Soup Ingredients: • 1 tbsp margarine or butter • 1 medium onion, finely chopped • 3/4 tsp chilli powder • 1 can (400g) fat-free chicken soup • 1 pack (300g) frozen whole-kernel corn • 1/4 tsp dried thyme • 1-1/3 tbsps Fibresure • 1/8 tsp salt • 1/8 tsp ground black pepper • 1-1/2 cups fat-free (skim) milk • 2 tsp fresh lemon juice • fresh coriander for garnish (optional) Directions: In 2L saucepan, melt margarine over medium heat. Add onion and cook, stirring occasionally, until tender, 5 minutes. Add chilli powder and cook, 30 seconds. Add broth, corn, thyme, Fibresure, salt, and pepper; heat to boiling over high heat. Reduce heat to low and simmer 10 minutes.Spoon one-quarter of mixture into blender; cover, with centre part of cover removed to let steam escape, and pureé until smooth. Pour pureé into bowl. Repeat with rest of mixture. Return soup to saucepan; stir in milk. Heat through over medium heat, stirring often (do not boil, or soup may curdle). Remove saucepan from heat; stir in lemon juice. Garnish with fresh cilantro, if you like. Per serving: About 155 calories (17 percent calories from fat), 9g protein, 20g carbohydrate, 3g total fat (1g saturated), 2mg cholesterol, 515mg sodium, 7g fibre.

• Serves as a preservative when mixed with other foods (such as bread) and has a long shelf life Fibersure Fibersure is a 100% natural vegetable derived inulin fiber supplement considered the best recommendation for people who cannot tolerate or don’t like psyllium based fiber supplements and who need or want to increase their fiber intake. For many people, psyllium based fiber products can cause constipation, irritation of the lining of the gut, symptoms of irritable bowel disease and can worsen the symptoms of some bowel disorders such as Chron’s disease or diverticulitis. Positive Living Centre: (02) 9699 8756 or email: plc@acon.org.au • Luncheon Club: 9318 1197


APRIL 2011 – PLC Calendar Mon




Alan’s Exercise Class 5.30pm -6.30pm







Acupuncture Angie 1.40-3.20pm Remedial Fiona 1pm -4pm Yoga @ ACON 6 -7pm

Acupuncture Angie 1.40-3.20pm Remedial Fiona 1pm -4pm Yoga @ ACON 6 -7pm

PLC Breakfast 10am – 12noon Healthy Life Plus 6.30 – 9pm

Alan’s Exercise Class 5.30pm -6.30pm NEXUS 7 -9pm


13 PLC Breakfast 10am – 12noon HALC 10am – 12noon Healthy Life Plus 6.30 – 9pm

Alan’s Exercise Class 5.30pm -6.30pm


Acupuncture Angie 1.40 -3.20pm Remedial Fiona 1pm -4pm Yoga @ ACON 6 -7pm

PLC Breakfast 10am – 12noon Volunteer Information Session with Ian Walker 12-1pm Healthy Life Plus 6.30 – 9pm





Easter Holiday

Acupuncture Angie 1.40-3.20pm Remedial Fiona 1pm -4pm Yoga @ ACON 6 -7pm

Positive Living Centre: (02) 9699 8756 or email: plc@acon.org.au • Luncheon Club: 9318 1197




Sat/Sun 2/3

ACON Housing 12 noon to 2.30pm PLC LUNCH 12.30 -2pm


8 Bowen Ian 1pm -5pm Remedial Kane 10am – 3pm Lomi Lomi Marc 6pm-7pm


9/10 ACON Housing 12 noon to 2.30pm PLC LUNCH 12.30 -2pm Client Information Session with Ian Walker 1.45pm -2.45pm

15 Bowen Ian 1pm -5pm Remedial Kane 10am – 3pm Lomi Lomi Marc 6pm-7pm


16/17 ACON Housing 12 noon to 2pm PLC LUNCH 12.30 -2pm

22 Bowen Ian 1pm -5pm Remedial Kane 10am – 3pm Lomi Lomi Marc 6pm-7pm



Good Friday

29 Bowen Ian 1pm -5pm Remedial Kane 10am – 3pm Lomi Lomi Marc 6pm-7pm

30 ACON Housing 12 noon to 2.30pm PLC LUNCH 12.30 -2pm

Positive Living Centre: (02) 9699 8756 or email: plc@acon.org.au • Luncheon Club: 9318 1197


The positive living centre THERAPIES REIKI Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive.

Remedial massage is a therapeutic deep tissue massage that can treat specific health issues, musculoskeletal problems and injuries. It provides a wonderful relaxation if you are stressed and soothes sore, tired muscles. Massage therapy is based on three principles. Firstly that the body is affected by its parts, secondly shortened muscle tissues do not work, and thirdly that soft tissues of the body respond to touch.

Life Coaching

Bowen Technique

The aim of life coaching is to help individuals to determine and achieve personal goals. Life coaches use multiple methods that will help you with the process of setting and reaching goals. The treatment usually runs for 10/12 weeks for one hour per week.

Bowen Technique is a gentle form of body work in which very subtle moves performed over the muscles and connective tissue send messages deep into the body, retrieving cellular memory of a preferred, relaxed, balanced way of wellbeing. Bowen can be useful for back pain, nerve pain, headache, digestive and bowel problems, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, knee, ankle, foot problems, sporting and accident injuries, respiratory problems and hay fever or.. just for relaxation!


Vitamin service

Acupuncture literally means ‘needle piercing,” the practice of inserting very fine needles into the skin to stimulate specific anatomic points in the body (called acupoints or acupuncture points) for therapeutic purposes. Along with the usual method of puncturing the skin with the fine needles, the practitioners of acupuncture also use heat, pressure, friction, suction, or impulses of electromagnetic energy to stimulate the points. The acupoints (acupuncture points) are stimulated to balance the movement of energy (qi) in the body to restore health.

The PLC now stocks a great range of multi-vitamins and supplements that can be purchased directly at the PLC. We stock everything from a general multivitamin range to digestive enzymes and food supplement powders. with our new naturopath on board it’s the perfect opportunity to discuss your vitamin needs with a qualified practitioner. We can advise you on what items will target specific symptoms you may be experiencing.

Lomi Lomi Massage

Eden Community Garden

Lomi Lomi means “to massage”, “to knead” or “to weave”. Weaving aloha, weaving light, and weaving spirit, weaving consciousness into the unconscious. The massage practice integrates physical and energetic healing techniques with flowing forearm movements, breath, presence, aloha and sacred space.


Remedial/Swedish Massage

Eden Community Garden is a community garden located behind the Uniting Church in Raglan Street Waterloo. The garden is a place to become refreshed and feel at peace. All are welcome. If you would like to know more about the garden please contact Sharny Chalmers on 9699 8756.

Positive Living Centre: (02) 9699 8756 or email: plc@acon.org.au • Luncheon Club: 9318 1197

The Luncheon Club Regular Programs Condom Packing Group

Clothing Exchange

Shane and David run a table dedicated to making “safe sex packs” that are distributed throughout Sydney. Join the group to help us continue this important work on Mondays and Wednesdays at the Luncheon Club.

Our ever helpful volunteers Efrem and Jeff continue to re-vitalise this service. Efrem and Jeff are keen to get clients the seasonal clothing they need or want. They have also been receiving and organising the donations and there is plenty of new stock to be excited about.

Eden COMMUNITY GARDEN Keith and the wonderful volunteers meet every Thursday morning. Come and make some new friends, learn new gardening skills and hopefully get some sun. Eden Garden is located in the grounds of the Uniting Church, 56A Raglan Street, Waterloo and is just a short walk from the Luncheon Club. Larder @ the Luncheon Club

Opening Times 11.00-12.00 and then 1.30pm-2.30pm Efrem and Jeff will be there to showcase the best that pre-loved can offer. WORKSHOPS

The Larder is a free grocery service for HIV + people who are on Centrelink benefits (proof of status and a pension card are necessary for membership). This service provides grocery items and fresh fruit and vegetables on a fortnightly or monthly basis.

Each month the Luncheon Club offers a number of workshops. Please see the latest issue of the Wellbeing Times for more information.

10am - 3pm Mondays & Wednesdays The Gordon Ibbett Activity Centre 77 Kellick St Waterloo Nearest Bus 343 George Hotel Bus Stop Elizabeth St

Clothing exchange 10am - 3pm Monday and Wednesday

343 Bus to City

Cleveland Street

Lunch HOURS 12.30pm Monday & Wednesday Redfern Street



Phillip Street


Kellick St

eS tre


The Luncheon Club


Food Distribution Network Fresh fruit and veggies every Wednesday: 10am - 12noon larder clients, 12noon all other clients.

Bourke Street (to Oxford St)

Larder Hours 11am - 3pm Mondays 10am - 2pm Wednesdays

Elizabeth Street

77 Kellick Street, Waterloo. For all enquiries please Call / Fax 9318 1197 The Luncheon Club is open to all people with HIV and their carers. We are located in Waterloo and open on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10am until 3pm. A free lunch is served at 12.30pm with a wide and varied nutritionally balanced menu. Incorporated into the Luncheon Club is the Larder, a free grocery service for HIV + people who are on Centrelink benefits (proof of status and a pension card are necessary for membership). This service provides grocery items and fresh fruit and vegetables on a fortnightly or monthly basis. The Luncheon Club also provides free health promotion workshops and referrals to other services.

Clients must be registered Larder clients to access the clothing exchange and are able to take 5 items per month.

McEvoy Street

Positive Living Centre: (02) 9699 8756 or email: plc@acon.org.au • Luncheon Club: 9318 1197


APRIL 2011 – Luncheon Club Calendar 4




Lunch 12.30 Larder 10-2pm Max, BGF 12-2pm Workshop 11am Albion St Dieticians 2pm – 4pm Cooking Class


Lunch 12.30pm Larder 10.00am – 2.00pm David’s Craft Group 10.00am – 12.30pm Client Information Session with Ian Walker 11.30am - 12.30pm Max, BGF 12.00pm – 2.00pm Margaret, Tree of Hope, Client Support 12.00 pm – 2.00pm


Lunch 12.30 Larder 10-2pm Max, BGF 12-2pm


Lunch 12.30 Larder 10-2pm Condom Packing group 10am - 12.30pm Workshop 11am Dental Health Workshop – Louisa Lunn, Health Education Officer at the O’Brien Centre will be presenting workshops on Oral Hygiene.




Eden Garden Working Day 9.30am

Eden Garden Working Day 9.30am

28 Lunch 12.30pm Larder 10.00am – 2.00pm Margaret, Tree of Hope, Client Support 12.00pm – 2.00pm Staff / Volunteer meeting 2.00pm – 3.00pm

30 Lunch 12.30 Larder 10-2pm Condom Packing group 10am - 12.30pm Max, BGF 12-2pm

Eden Garden Behind the Uniting Church at 56 Raglan St Waterloo 9.30am





Lunch 12.30pm Larder 10.00am – 2.00pm David’s Craft Group 10.00am – 12.30pm Margaret, Tree of Hope, Client Support 12.00pm – 2.00pm



Lunch 12.30pm Larder 10.00am – 2.00pm David’s Craft Group 10.00am – 12.30pm Margaret, Tree of Hope, Client Support 12.00pm – 2.00pm Staff / Volunteer meeting 2.00pm – 3.00pm


Lunch 12.30pm Larder 10.00am – 2.00pm Margaret, Tree of Hope, Client Support 12.00pm – 2.00pm Haircuts with Elizabeth 11am

Eden Garden Working Day 9.30am


Eden Garden Working Day 9.30am

Positive Living Centre: (02) 9699 8756 or email: plc@acon.org.au • Luncheon Club: 9318 1197

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