93 minute read
from Cayman Resident 2023
by Acorn Media
Discover ways to get involved in the community, including information on social clubs, service clubs, counselling and support groups and voluntary and religious organisations.

Photos courtesy of Big Brothers Big Sisters Cayman & Carlos Lee
Clubs & Organisations - Social Clubs
444 444 - Service Clubs 446 - Counselling & Support Services 447 - Voluntary Organisations 449
Religious Services 453
Though life in the Cayman Islands is simple and laid-back, it is also packed with the amenities you need to enjoy your leisure time. Every year, we see more and more additions to our active social community. This chapter lists the variety of service and social clubs available on-Island, as well as the voluntary organisations that could always use an extra hand. While our community is small, there is a wide range of nationalities, and you will always find a place and a group where you feel comfortable, welcome, and at ease.
Social Clubs
Art Nest Creative Studio Elizabethan Square, 80 Shedden Road, George Town Email: events@artnestcayman.com www.artnestcayman.com Art Nest is a community studio that aims to stimulate creativity in Cayman by offering various art education classes, art supplies and a paint-your-own-pottery studio. It also hosts a variety of creative private events, including birthday parties, bridal showers and team building/ corporate events, along with afterschool programmes for kids. Camps are held during all major school breaks and art commission services are also available. Creatives and people of all ages and skill levels are welcome.
Astronomical Society (CIAS) Contact: Tiyen Miller (President) Email: cayman.astronomy@yahoo.com www.cias.space CIAS hosts free star-gazing events once a month at various sites around Cayman as part of its goal to promote astronomy to the public. The CIAS frequently posts updates about the skies over Cayman on the group's Facebook page, @caymanastronomy.
Better Read than Dead Contact: Philip and Emé Paschalides Email: paschal@candw.ky A friendly group of theatre lovers who read plays at each other’s homes over wine and dinner and occasionally stage public readings.
Cayman Islands Bridge Club Email: caymanbridgeclub@gmail.com www.bridgewebs.com/caymanislands Beginner and intermediate classes available. Visitors are always welcome, and the club is happy to assist in finding partners if needed. Check out its website for information about duplicate bridge sessions and social games.
Cayman Connection Email: hello@caymanconnection.org www.caymanconnection.org An organisation that supports and connects Caymanians and those affiliated with the Cayman Islands who are working, studying or living overseas. Cayman Connection is a notfor-profit that offers several virtual support calls, social clubs, networking opportunities, events with special guest speakers and advice and guidance about living overseas.
Bookends Book Club Tel: (345) 927 2359 The Bookends Book Club meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 6.30pm at Next Chapter in Camana Bay.
Cayman Cryptocurrency www.meetup.com/George-Town-OpenSource-Meetup They discuss investing, all things Bitcoin-related and focus on teaching people about the latest blockchain and crypto technology.
Cayman Creative Gardening Club Cayman Plant Community An opportunity for gardeners to come together and exchange tips and ideas about their passion. The club hosts buy-and-sell events as well as flower shows and garden tutorials. Join the Facebook group to get up-to-date information on the club and the activities offered.
Cayman Drama Society (CDS) Prospect Playhouse, Shamrock Rd, Red Bay Email: training@cds.ky www.cds.ky A vibrant community filled with enthusiastic members. The CDS is committed to offering quality live productions to help educate, enrich and entertain while fostering creative expression. CDS hosts an average of four to six productions every year and has a 130-seat theatre, the Prospect Playhouse. CDS is always looking for keen thespians, directors, producers, stage managers, lighting and sound technicians, backstage crew, front-of-house teams and new friends. New members of all ages are always welcome. Regular classes, workshops and summer camps are also offered. Cayman Islands Model Flying Association Contact: Andre Archer Tel: (345) 916 3838 www.facebook.com/andymac345 A club dedicated to promoting the flying and operation of model plane aviation in Cayman. The association welcomes members of all skill levels, ages and interests, from fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters to electric-powered and internal combustion models.
Cayman National Choir Executive and Musical Director: Sue Horrocks Email: caymanchoirandorchestra@gmail.com www.caymanchoirandorchestra.com The Cayman National Choir has been entertaining the Cayman Islands for more than 40 years. No auditions are required. All you need to join is commitment, enthusiasm and a willingness to be challenged. The choir meets every Monday at 7.30pm at Bay Harbour Centre, West Bay Road.
Cayman National Cultural Foundation (CNCF) 17 Harquail Drive, F.J. Harquail Cultural Centre Tel: (345) 949 5477 www.artscayman.org CNCF’s mission is to stimulate, facilitate and preserve the cultural and artistic expression of Caymanian performing, visual and literary arts. The Foundation’s programming covers all artistic disciplines, including theatre, dance, music, visual, literary and traditional arts. Popular events and offerings include the annual Rundown comedy revue, Cayfest and the International Storytelling Festival of the Cayman Islands, Gimistory. The CNCF also offers multiple workshops designed to develop the talents of artists and preserve Caymanian arts and activities for children and teenagers. Head to its website for more information.
Cayman National Orchestra Email: caymanchoirandorchestra@gmail.com www.facebook.com/caymannationalorch The Cayman National Orchestra has a wide musical repertoire and consists of more than 30 musicians. The orchestra meets every Wednesday at Bay Harbour Centre, West Bay Road, from 7.30pm-9pm. Visit their Facebook page to find vacancies for your instrument. Cayman Islands Seafarers’ Association 11 Victory Avenue, Prospect Tel: (345) 947 7378 Email: seafarers@candw.ky www.caymanseafarers.ky Monthly general meetings are held every third week on Tuesdays at 7.30pm, with social events quarterly at 7pm. The aim is to keep Cayman’s seafaring heritage alive and provide tributes to older seamen.
Chess Club Email: hello@caymanchessclub.com www.caymanchessclub.com www.facebook.com/caymanchessclub Meets every Saturday 11am-12pm at the George Town Library and every Tuesday 5pm-8pm at the West Indies Wine Company in Camana Bay. All levels are welcome, including beginners who will be taught the basics.
Code Cayman Email: info@codecayman.com A non-profit organisation dedicated to supporting and encouraging an active technology community and empowering those passionate about technology to become leaders in the digital economy. Various programmes are held throughout the year.
Eloquent Speakers Toastmasters Club Email: eloquentspeakers5002049@gmail.com www.eloquentspeakers.toastmastersclubs.org They meet every second and fourth Tuesday of the month from 6.30pm-7.45pm at Savannah United Church Board Room, 17 Astral Way.
Girl Power Ltd. Email: girlpowercayman@gmail.com A registered non-profit organisation dedicated to mentoring, inspiring, nurturing and empowering young women (aged 13-25) with lifelong skills and values to succeed in today’s competitive society. Training includes health and wellness, interview skills, public speaking, female empowerment and more.
Guardians Alive Tel: (345) 325 6658 Email: guardiansalive1@gmail.com www.guardiansalive345.com
The Guardians are a group of seasoned athletes who unite and use their years of experience to help empower and train others. These include various fitness levels and ages with runs, walks and low/non-impact water wellness. After the race, participants are encouraged to partake in a free, hot (non-meat, fresh local egg) omelette breakfast cooked by pro chefs from across the Island. Go at your own pace for your run/walk/ water sub-event. Have fun, enjoy the food and make some friends with the Guardians!
The Garden Club of Grand Cayman Tel: (345) 916 1683 www.caymangardenclub.com Meets on the first Thursday of the month from September to June. Monthly meetings consist of a short business meeting with programmes on gardening-related topics and tours of local gardens and farms. Become a member for CI$25 a year.
International Ladies Club (ILC) Email: ilcgrandcayman@gmail.com www.internationalladiesclubcayman.ky The International Ladies Club is open to women of 18 years and older of any nationality. The purpose is to provide an opportunity for socialising. The club hosts a variety of activities throughout the year.
International Wine & Food Society Contact: Shelley White Email: events@iwfs.ky Wine-themed functions are held approximately once every six weeks, except during the summer. New members are sponsored by existing members. Tech Talks Email: innovate@caymanenterprisecity.com www.digitalcayman.com This live series of technology-focused discussions aim to foster a vibrant digital ecosystem in the Cayman Islands. “Tech Talks” by Cayman Tech City, in partnership with Digital Cayman, take place online and in person every month. Be in the know by joining Digital Cayman.
Visual Arts Society of Grand Cayman (VAS) Watler House Studio, Pedro St. James Email: info@visualartcayman.com www.visualartcayman.com www.facebook.com/visualartcayman The Visual Arts Society (VAS) has been a non-profit organisation for over 35 years and is registered as an NPO. The society has a membership programme and offers benefits to members with discounts on art supplies, workshops and classes, plus art vendor opportunities, exhibiting, teaching, volunteering and those who choose to support the arts. They also offer annual workshops. VAS artists are located at various markets and events around the Island.
Service Clubs
100 Men Who Give a Damn! Email: info@100men.ky www.100men.ky A group of 100+ men each give CI$100 directly to one of three charities four times a year. Each quarter, members attend a one-hour meeting where three charities present their causes. Members vote to determine which charity will receive the total CI$10,000+.
100 Women Who Care www.100women.ky Join the women who make a difference in the Cayman community. 100 Women Who Care hosts events four times a year. For your CI$100 donation at each event, they offer a fun and relaxed networking hour with the chance to win prizes. All donations are combined and awarded to the winning charity voted for by you on the night. For more details, please visit their website or their Facebook page: @100womenwhocarecaymanislands.
Cayman Islands Orchid Society Email: orchidsociety.cayman@gmail.com A non-profit organisation committed to the conservation, protection, growth, rescue and care of Cayman’s native orchids. Meetings are held monthly and are announced on the group's Facebook page, @caymanislandsorchidsociety.
Scotiabank Pioneer Toastmasters Club Email: francoise.minzett@scotiawealth.com Meets every other Wednesday at 12.30pm, 2nd Floor, 18 Forum Lane, Camana Bay. Business & Professional Women’s (BPW) Club of Grand Cayman www.facebook.com/bpwgrandcayman www.bpw-international.org Email: info@bpwgcm.org An influential network of business and professional women from 96 countries with consultative status at the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and participatory status with the Council of Europe. The root of BPW’s advocacy is embedded in its work with the United Nations. BPW lobbied for the formation of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) and has supported many women’s issues. Visit their Facebook page for meeting times and locations. They run regular social events, fundraisers and community events.
IWIRC Aim Higher Mentoring Tel: (345) 949 8444 or (345) 749 4013 Email: pamella.mitchell@kobrekim.ky or tammy.fu@ky.ey.com IWIRC Aim Higher is an exciting mentoring programme with the aim of providing support to 15-16-year-old students at John Gray High School. The programme runs from October to May each year. During term time, mentors meet with the students one lunchtime per week to help them set and achieve their goals. The programme coordinators are always on the lookout for new mentors and offer a training course to teach volunteers how to use study skills, knowledge and active listening techniques to support the students. Volunteers must complete the Darkness to Light Child Protection training course and provide a police clearance certificate.
Kiwanis Club of Grand Cayman Email: info@kiwanis.ky www.kiwanis.ky The club actively promotes the wellbeing of children in the community. Kiwanis club sponsors and aids five key clubs in local high schools and a Circle K group at UCCI. Over the years, the club has played an active part in helping with school luncheons at eight Government primary schools and, this past year, at some of the high school divisions. Its popular festive annual family fun day, ‘Santa
Landing’, takes place in December, and it's one of Cayman’s youth's favourite events. The club also runs a mobile reading programme. Annual fundraisers include KiwaniBike, Breakfast for Dinner and various other events. For information on club meetings and projects, visit their website or contact President Jessica Kozaily at (345) 916 6404.
Lions Club of Grand Cayman President: Lion Michael Havlin Tel: (345) 938 8545 Email: presidentlcgc@gmail.com www.facebook.com/LionsClubGrandCayman www.lionsclubgcm.ky Meetings take place on the first and third Thursday of each month at 7.30pm and are held at the Lions Community Centre. Projects include sight preservation, PACCE (Prostate and Colon Cancer Event), The Delano Hislop Memorial Run/Walk, Spelling Bee, Community Food Pantry and more.
Lions Club of Tropical Gardens President: Phillip Laing Tel: (345) 936 1739 Email: presidentlctg@gmail.com www.lionscluboftropicalgardens.com Meetings take place on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6.30pm and are held at Mike Simmons Den (across from Mango Tree). During the Breast Cancer Awareness month of October, the club provides mammogram vouchers in addition to educational programmes to increase awareness.
Optimist Club Tel: (345) 928 8098 Email: optimistcayman@yahoo.com www.optimistcayman.com The Optimist Club aims to improve opportunities for children in Cayman. In 2021-2022, its main focus was mentorship, and it facilitated projects with The Frances Bodden Children's Home and The Boyz2Men group at John Gray High School. These included park beautifications, mathematics tutoring sessions, its 'Adopt a Plant' initiative and sailing lessons. The club meets at the Constitution Hall (previously named the Town Hall) at 6pm on the first and third Tuesdays of every month. You can learn Plastic Free Cayman www.plasticfreecayman.com An organisation that arranges regular clean-ups in the hopes of reducing plastic pollution. The organisation focuses on educating and making the public aware of the harmful effects that plastic pollution has on Cayman and the world. Join the fight against plastic pollution by taking its 345 Pledge and help work towards a Plastic Free Cayman. For more information about upcoming clean-ups, head to its Instagram page: @plastic_free_cayman.
Rotaract Blue Email: rotaractblue@gmail.com www.rotaractblue.org Rotaract Blue is a non-profit organisation that caters to young adults between the ages of 18 and 30. Rotaract Blue’s bi-weekly online meetings are held at 6pm on Wednesdays.
Rotary Club of Grand Cayman www.rotary.ky The club supports local and international community projects in the spirit of ‘Service above Self’. The group meets every Thursday at 12.30pm at various locations, including Grand Old House and the Westin hotel. Meeting locations are subject to change, so visit the website beforehand.
Rotary Club of Cayman Brac Meets the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 7pm at The Cayman Brac Beach Resort conference room, West End.
Rotary Club of Central Cayman Islands (Rotary Central) www.rotarycentral.ky President: Mrs Jennifer Leach-Tippetts The club meets at Guy Harvey's Boathouse Grill, South Church Street on Tuesdays at 7.30pm.
Rotary Sunrise www.rotarysunrise.ky Email: rcgcsunrise@gmail.com Facebook: @RotarySunriseKY Instagram: @RotarySunriseCayman Counselling & Support Services
Al-Anon Tel: (345) 928 8843 Email: caymanalanon@gmail.com www.caymanalanon.com A support group that provides strength, understanding and hope for friends and families affected by someone’s problem drinking. Meetings are confidential, and each member’s personal anonymity is protected. At present, meetings are held on Zoom on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8pm. Reach out by email for links.
Alcoholics Anonymous Tel: (345) 926 9044 Email: caymanaa@yahoo.com www.caymanaa.org Meetings are held at least once a day. Check the website for times and locations.
Alex Panton Foundation (APF) Email: info@alexpantonfoundation.ky www.alexpantonfoundation.ky www.facebook.com/AlexPantonFoundation The APF is a not-for-profit organisation that aims to improve the mental health of children and adolescents in the Cayman Islands through advocacy, awareness and support, with a particular focus on anxiety and depression. Throughout the year, it hosts various support groups, educational and community programmes, an annual youth mental health symposium, and provides financial aid for persons aged 30 years and younger to receive mental treatment and services.
Alzheimer’s & Dementia Association of the Cayman Islands (ADACI) Tel: (345) 936 1655 or (345) 924 4170 Email: info@adacayman.com The ADACI creates awareness for all forms of dementia with a focus on Alzheimer’s. It sources and facilitates training for medical professionals and first responders, counsels people with Alzheimer’s and educates caregivers and family members about the stages of Alzheimer’s and how to provide care. It also provides one-off financial assistance to patients.
Bethesda Counselling Centre 68 Mary Street, George Town Tel: (345) 946 6575 Email: bethesda@candw.ky www.bethesdacounselling.ky Telemental health therapy, face-to-face individual and group counselling/therapy, and online counselling offered for all issue types.
Cayman Heart Fund (CHF) Tel: (345) 916 6324 Email: info@caymanheartfund.com www.caymanheartfund.ky Cayman Heart Fund is a non-profit dedicated to improving cardiovascular health for all in the Cayman Islands. This includes educating the public on heart disease and stroke prevention, encouraging fitness and good nutrition, delivering programs that lower obesity rates, and influencing policy and investments to support healthy lifestyles. It supports access to high-quality cardiovascular care through various programmes and initiatives like CPR training, funding lifesaving medical equipment, including automated external defibrillators (AEDs), and financially assisting those in need of lifesaving treatment. It offers free wellness screenings to the public regardless of their status or insurance coverage, including tests for blood pressure, height, weight, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, cholesterol and glucose.
Cayman Hope Foundation Operations Manager: Brent Hydes Tel: (345) 928 9099 www.caymanhopefoundation.carrd.co The non-profit, non-governmental, nondenominational Hope for Today Foundation is a coalition of volunteers dedicated to helping and supporting recovering drug addicts and alcoholics through the transition from prison or treatment to community life. If you need its help, or you would like to become involved, please make contact.

Cayman Islands Crisis Centre (CICC) Tel: (345) 949 0366 24-hour Crisis Line: (345) 943 2422 Toll free: 1 (800) 534 2422


Kids Helpline: (345) 649 5437 Email: info@cicc.ky or www.cicc.ky A charitable organisation focused on combatting domestic and sexual abuse through education and assistance to all victims of abuse. All services are confidential and include temporary shelter, a 24-hour toll-free crisis line, a teen and young adults' afterschool programme for at-risk youth aged 14-21 (TAYA Lounge), a walk-in centre for all victims of domestic violence, a free kids helpline for children and young adults up to age 21 and ongoing support and services for the Cayman Islands community.
Cayman LGBTQ Foundation Tel: (345) 526 1001 www.clgbtqf.com The LGBTQ Foundation work toward creating and maintaining a safe, inclusive, and equitable culture for the LGBTQ+ community of the Cayman Islands. The Foundation is committed to building a safe and culturally sensitive environment between our three islands.
Children and Youth Programme (CAYP) Tel: (345) 949 0366 ext.6 Email: info@cicc.ky CAYP offers intervention and prevention services for children who accompany their mothers to the safe shelter as a result of domestic abuse or sexual assault, and increases public education on the effects of domestic violence on children.
Colours Caribbean Tel: (345) 324 3779 Email: hello@colourscaribbean.org Colours Caribbean is a registered nonprofit organisation locally operated in the Cayman Islands that aims to cultivate a bold and visible community for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual (LGBTQIA+) people of the Caribbean and Latin America by building a network of regional businesses and public venues free of discrimination and harassment towards anyone based on their gender identity or sexual orientation. Colours Caribbean advocates for LGBTQIA+ rights as human rights and promotes the inclusion and equality of LGBTQIA+ persons. Members of the Colours Collective
meet regularly to organise events and discuss plans to promote visibility, provide education and encourage dialogue surrounding local LGBTQIA+ issues.
The Department of Counselling Services 87 Mary Street, West Apollo House, GT Tel: (345) 949 8789 Email: counselling.services@gov.ky Provides quality, evidence-based programmes to help empower individuals and families.
Estella’s Place Tel: (345) 949 0366 ext.1 Email: info@cicc.ky A walk-in centre is available by appointment to survivors (women, men and children) of domestic violence. Services include supportive listening, risk assessment, safety planning, parenting education, advocacy and referrals.
Homeschooling Support Group This group gives homeschooled families the opportunity to network with other families, ask questions and exchange ideas. Find them on Facebook: @Cayman Homeschoolers. Note: The department of education wants to remind everyone that families must be registered to homeschool their children in the Cayman Islands. See our Education chapter for more information on homeschooling.
Inclusion Cayman 81 Godfrey Nixon Way, Corporate Plaza, Units 6-8 Tel: (345) 623 2957 Email: info@inclusioncayman.ky www.inclusioncayman.ky A non-profit organisation supporting individuals with disabilities in their vision of accessing inclusive lives. It works with families, schools, employers, recreation/leisure providers and others to ensure all community members can meaningfully access, participate and belong in the Cayman Islands. Facebook: InclusionCayman, Instagram: @inclusioncayman.
Kids Helpline Tel: (345) 649 5437 or Email: info@cicc.ky A free helpline service for children and young adults up to the age of 18. Available Monday to Friday 10am-6pm. Light After Loss Tel: (345) 936 1103 Email: hello@lightafterloss.org www.lightafterloss.org It aims to support the mental wellness of mothers after the loss of a baby through miscarriage, stillbirth or early infant death. Through its unique approach, the group cultivates communities of healing connection. It provides financial resources to help ensure that every mother receives the physical and emotional care needed after the loss of a baby.
MS Foundation of the Cayman Islands Alexander Place, Dorcy Drive, GT Tel: (345) 323 0656 www.facebook.com/msfcayman Email: info@msfcayman.com This is a non-profit organisation for multiple sclerosis patients in Grand Cayman. Created to spread awareness of the disease but also to provide emotional and financial support to MS patients and their families. Both volunteers and donations are greatly appreciated.
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) Tel: (345) 929 6262 Narcotics Anonymous aims to provide an environment in which addicts can help one another to stop using drugs and find a new way to live.
The New Self Help Foundation CEO: James Ramoon Tel: (345) 927 4777 or (345) 927 7273 Email: tnshcommunityfoundation@candw.ky Created to inspire young people to take responsibility for their future by implementing high-impact programmes which emphasise strong social, cultural, and educational values. The group aims to promote positive selfesteem, foster economic development, and positively transform the lives of children, their families, and their communities.
The Sickle Cell Support Group Tel: (345) 244 2630 Email: joy.merren@hsa.ky The group meets in the Cayman Islands Hospital women's health waiting room to discuss various aspects of this disease. Teens and Young Adults Lounge (TAYA) Tel: (345) 949 0366 ext.6 or Email: taya@cicc.ky The TAYA Lounge is a safe space for at-risk teens and young adults between the ages of 14 and 21. The TAYA Lounge’s mission is to empower at-risk youth from underprivileged backgrounds through providing basic needs, guidance and opportunities so they can transition successfully into productive adulthood and tap into their growth potential. TAYA’s approach engages youth within their community, schools, organisations, peer groups and families in a manner that is productive and constructive.
Sports Clubs See the Sports & Fitness and Activities for Kids & Teens chapters for more information.
Voluntary Organisations
Cayman’s ARK - Acts of Random Kindness Email: taranielsen@arkcayman.com www.arkcayman.com Tel: (345) 323 0719 Cayman’s ARK is a registered non-profit, grassroots charitable foundation founded in 2006. ARK’s aim is to improve the standard of living for disadvantaged families in Cayman. Programmes include CASA, which renovates homes in deplorable condition, Feed Cayman, which provides families with food at home and school, Re-Connect, which keeps families connected to power, water and temporary housing and MER (Mentor Educate Reinforce), an intensive academic remediation tutoring programme, focused on empowering students with learning difficulties from underprivileged homes. The Crisis Initiative provides immediate relief for uninsured families in a crisis due to a life-threatening or medical emergency or unexpected disaster.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Cayman Islands Tel: (345) 325 9661 Email: info@bbbs.ky www.bbbs.ky Big Brother Big Sisters of the Cayman Islands (BBBS Cayman) is part of an international youth mentoring programme which serves boys and girls aged six to 14. Each child, known as a 'little', is matched with an adult mentor

known as a 'big brother' or a 'big sister' who is at least 18 years old. The little and their big meet regularly, with professional support provided by BBBS Cayman staff. Bigs act as friends and role models for their littles, helping them achieve their greatest potential. BBBS Cayman always welcomes new bigs and littles.
Breast Cancer Foundation Unit 19 Grand Harbour, Shamrock Road, GT Tel: (345) 923 1135 or (345) 936 1135 or (345) 938 1135 Email: info@bcfcayman.com www.breastcancerfoundation.ky Created to support breast cancer patients and their families, the organisation provides help for those suffering both emotionally and/or financially. It offers an awareness programme aiming to save lives through early detection by teaching you how to be proactive about your health and a wellness initiative programme that aims to help such patients get through treatments with advice and support. Volunteers help with fundraising, caregiving, Caring for Life Foundation Tel: (345) 925 9240 www.caringforlifecayman.com The mission of the Caring for Life Foundation is to continually build better healthcare for all residents of the Cayman Islands by raising funds to help healthcare providers purchase needed medical and diagnostic equipment, provide medical training, support research and development and assist with facility expansion. The Foundation also strives to continually attract and retain quality physicians, technicians and healthcare professionals to build better healthcare for all in Cayman.
Cayman AIDS Foundation Tel: (345) 946 3029 Email: info@caf.ky or www.caf.ky The Cayman AIDS Foundation is a communitybased organisation that provides education on the danger of, helps prevent the spread of, and gives support and guidance to all people affected by HIV & AIDS and STIs.
CARE - Cayman Animal Rescue Enthusiasts Tel: (345) 938 CARE (2273) Email: info@caymancare.ky www.caymancare.ky CARE is a charitable company that promotes spaying and neutering as a humane solution to the overpopulation problem that currently exists in the community. Volunteers are always needed to assist with door-to-door campaigning, clinic transportation, fundraising and community dog washes. Donations are welcome.
Children enrolled with BBBS are
less likely to skip school
B8 Trafalgar Place
West Bay Road Grand Cayman
1 345 325 9661
info@bbbs.ky www.bbbs.ky Cayman Islands Cancer Society (CICS) 114 Maple Road (near Cayman Islands Hospital) Tel: (345) 949 7618 Email: info@cics.ky or www.cics.ky The Cayman Islands Cancer Society helps cancer patients in a variety of ways, including counselling, peer support, greeting cards designed by children, art therapy, hospital equipment and financial support for those who qualify. Contact them via email to become a volunteer and support them yearround. CICS relies on the time and skills of volunteers to help improve the lives of their clients and support cancer prevention efforts. Office hours are Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm and Friday 9am-12pm.
CI Crisis Centre Volunteer Programme Tel: (345) 949 0366 ext.3 Email: volunteer@cicc.ky Volunteers provide support for many of the programmes and services offered by the Cayman Islands Crisis Centre, like with the emergency shelter and TAYA programme, as well as support for fundraising, running errands and helping at the warehouse.
Cayman Islands Humane Society 153 North Sound Road, George Town Tel: (345) 949 1461 Email: info@caymanislandshumanesociety.com www.caymanislandshumanesociety.com Volunteers are always needed to work in four areas: the bookstore, thrift shop, animal shelter and fundraising. The Cayman Islands Humane Society also operates an excellent secondhand book store, the Book Loft and thrift shop, Claws-It. Donations are always needed.
Cayman Islands Mangrove Rangers Tel: (345) 926 8621 Email: info@mangroverangers.ky www.mangroverangers.ky The Mangrove Rangers are an organisation that focuses on the protection of Cayman's mangrove forests. They work in partnership with the Department of Environment to collect data on the human impact on these natural areas and strive to educate and empower the community to understand the true value of these incredible ecosystems. Donations are welcome.
Cayman Islands Red Cross (CIRC) 34 Huldah Ave, Opposite the Cricket Pitch, GT Tel: (345) 949 6785 Email: director@redcross.org.ky www.redcross.org.ky The four main programmes of the Cayman Islands Red Cross are: disaster management, First Aid and aquatics, child protection and sexual education. They also have a thrift shop (See the
Shopping Chapter for more information). The CIRC works directly to empower communities through the training of community emergency response teams. The headquarters location also serves as a hurricane shelter and is usually the first to open when there is a threat to Grand Cayman.
Central Caribbean Marine Institute (CCMI) North Coast Road, Little Cayman Tel: (345) 948 1094 Email: info@reefresearch.org www.reefresearch.org The Central Caribbean Marine Institute was founded in 1998 to protect the future of coral reefs through research, conservation and education. CCMI researchers have provided 20 years of baseline data on both coral reefs and fish, published over 100 scientific papers and supported 18 MS and PhD researchers to become leaders in their fields. To date, they have planted 45sq metres of coral out to the wild and offered 1,500+ local scholarships to Cayman's youth.
Extended After School Programme (EASP) Grand Cayman Tel: (345) 922 2432 Cayman Brac Tel: (345) 922 2449 Email: easp@ymcacayman.ky www.ymcacayman.ky/easp The Extended Afterschool Programme is conducted by the YMCA of the Cayman Islands. The programme takes place at government schools from 3pm-6pm daily during the academic year. Its mission is to help people reach their God-given potential by putting Christian principles into practice. Students take part in a variety of character-building activities like sports, homework, arts and crafts and digital media.
Feed Our Future Tel: (345) 916 0923 Email: info@feedourfuturecayman.org www.feedourfuturecayman.org Feed Our Future supports children and families in need through access to nutritionallybalanced school meals or supplemental food. The primary goal is to help nourish at-risk school-age children so they can lead healthy and productive lives. Jasmine Palliative & Hospice Care 31 Jasmine Blossom Way, West Bay Road Tel: (345) 945 7447 Email: info@jasmine.ky www.jasmine.ky Jasmine Palliative & Hospice Care provides free, dignified medical and emotional care to anyone in the Cayman Islands with a lifelimiting or end-of-life illness. Its team of healthcare professionals specialise in treating pain and managing symptoms. Jasmine liaises with the patient’s own doctor to enhance quality of life for the patient and their loved ones. It also offers a range of supportive services from art therapy, therapeutic massage and a lunch club to counselling and bereavement support. Jasmine costs more than CI$2,000 per day to operate and is 90% funded by fundraising events and donations.

Jubilate Cayman Islands Baptist Church 163 Pedro Castle Road, Savannah Email: info@jubilate.ky Tel: (345) 526 8484 Jubilate is a social outreach afterschool programme with an emphasis on music, specifically, building an orchestra. Its vision is to make a positive social and spiritual change in the lives of children by inspiring them to become good citizens through disciplines learned at Jubilate. Volunteers are needed to help the Jubi Juniors with homework, reading, grammar and arithmetic. No music ability necessary! If you are interested in volunteering with Jubilate, please make contact for more information on how to get involved. In the interests of child safeguarding, all necessary LifeLine Tel: (345) 547 8070 Email: info@lifeline.ky www.lifeline.ky LifeLine is a non-profit organisation focused primarily on creating and maintaining a national automated external defibrillator or AED database. This, with the Government's support, will help 911 operators identify the closest AED in the case of a cardiac emergency and also automatically contact first responders linked to a particular AED.
Literacy is For Everyone (LIFE) Tel: (345) 328 3120 Email: volunteer@life.org.ky www.life.org.ky Registered non-profit, Literacy Is For Everyone (LIFE) is dedicated to raising literacy levels in Cayman and ensuring access to quality education for all. It is the largest donor of books to the public school system, with over 50,000 books donated and counting. LIFE offers a range of literacy intervention programmes in all government schools, like its signature paired reading programme matching volunteers with struggling readers and educational family engagement workshops. Its new early childhood programme, Thrive By Five, promotes the development of foundational literacy skills. To help support LIFE you can donate new or gently used children’s books by emailing: books@life.org.ky, or you can become a LIFE volunteer by emailing: volunteer@life.org.ky.
Literacy is empowerment!
Machine Learning Robotics by TechCayman Grand Pavilion, 802 West Bay Road Tel: (345) 326 0148 Email: machinelearning@techcayman.com The Machine Learning Robotics programme strives to expose youths aged 11+ to rudimentary mechanical engineering and programming fundamentals. It aspires to make these concepts both fun and accessible, potentially inspiring our young creators to continue onwards to further explore these fields to which they may have previously had limited exposure. During its free monthly weekend camps, each mentor is paired with two learners to build and program robots to autonomously navigate increasingly complex puzzles. Mentors welcome, no experience necessary! See Machine Learning Robotics on Instagram.
Meals on Wheels (MOW) Tel: (345) 769 1974 or (345) 546 8886 Email: info@mealsonwheels.ky www.mealsonwheels.ky www.pledgeasenior.com Meals on Wheels (MOW) provides daily hot, nutritious meals & hearty soups to seniors, homebound and disabled persons throughout Grand Cayman. Meals are provided free of cost to the clients and delivered to their homes 52 weeks per year. This service supplies them with the assistance needed to retain their independence in their own homes for as long as possible. Meals are prepared in four community kitchens and delivered to over 300 persons each day in all five districts.
NCVO Children's Services Tel: (345) 949 2124 Email: ncvo@ncvo.org.ky (donations, volunteer, fundraisers, events & programmes) www.ncvo.org.ky www.facebook.com/NCVOCaymanIslands NCVO Children's Services is a registered nonprofit organisation dedicated to the care, education and wellbeing of children and families in need of support. The NCVO runs several children’s programmes across the Island, including Miss Nadine's Preschool, Jack and Jill Nursery and the Nadine Andreas Residential Foster Home. The NCVO also runs a thrift store located on Anthony Drive (GT), which accepts donations of clothing, household items, children’s items and furniture.
National Gallery of the Cayman Islands (NGCI) Esterley Tibbetts Highway, near Camana Bay Tel: (345) 945 8111 Email: info@nationalgallery.org.ky www.nationalgallery.org.ky The NGCI hosts a variety of exhibitions annually featuring local and international artists’ work, as well as numerous community exhibitions. The main facility is a 9,000sq ft space with three exhibition galleries, plus an art library, lecture theatre, walking labyrinth, sculpture gardens, cafe and gift shop. The Gallery also houses a permanent art collection which traces the Island’s art history through the work of over 100 artists. The NGCI runs a series of outreach programmes, children and adult classes and special events for members and fundraising projects. Volunteers and members are welcome.
National Trust of the Cayman Islands 558A South Church Street (Dart Family Park) Tel: (345) 749 1121 Email: membership@nationaltrust.org.ky www.nationaltrust.org.ky The National Trust owns and protects more than 3,000 acres of nature reserves, as well as owning, leasing or managing various historic properties. They offer monthly activities that teach a great deal about the Cayman Islands.
One Dog at a Time (ODAAT) Email: info@ODAAT.ky www.odaat.ky ODAAT is a charity that was created to rescue and rehouse dogs and puppies. They raise funds for dogs they pull from the pound, where they are likely to be euthanised, provide the required treatments and house and feed them. ODAAT aim to find permanent homes for dogs and, when necessary, pay for them to be flown to rescue partners in Miami, Tampa and Toronto. They welcome volunteers, donations and sponsorship for individual dogs. Email: pinkladiescayman@gmail.com The PLVC has been supporting the youth and elderly for over 40 years. It is a service organisation whose members volunteer in various roles within the community. Their craft group meets on Tuesday mornings at the South Sound Dart Park. Their major fundraising event, the Christmas Bazaar, traditionally opens the holiday season and features a delicious tea, market stalls, crafts, plant sales, entertainment and children’s activities. Funds raised by the PLVC benefit community projects. There are many ways to be involved with the PLVC.
Prospect Red Bay Community Group Email: PRBC345@gmail.com www.facebook.com/PRBC345 This registered NPO is focused on bettering the community. It meets on the first Monday of the month at 7pm in Seafarer’s Hall on Victory Avenue, Prospect. All residents of Prospect and Red Bay are welcome to attend. There is always a lively discussion on what is happening in the community regarding policing, garbage collection, litter and landscaping etc. They have a very active WhatsApp group which you can ask to join. They also hold many neighbourhood events, including an annual Christmas Party that draws over 400 neighbours.
Volunteering to Support Prison Rehabilitation Tel: (345) 640 3000 Volunteers assist in the provision of prisonbased programmes and support the prisoners’ integration back into society.
YMCA of the Cayman Islands Tel: (345) 926 9622 www.ymcacayman.ky The YMCA is a charitable, cause-driven, nonprofit organisation that aims to help people reach their God-given potential by putting Christian principles into practice in ways that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all. With a focus on character development and value building, the YMCA is developing the potential of youth across the Cayman Islands through day camps, afterschool activities, sports leagues, and teen leadership programmes.
The Cayman Islands is a multicultural country with almost every denomination and faith-based community represented. The following are just some of the services held weekly:
Anglican Church
St. Alban’s Church of England 461 Shedden Road, George Town Tel: (345) 949 2757 www.churchofenglandcayman.org Rector: Bishop BJ Lawrence Sunday Services: Matins/morning prayer 9.30am. All services are taken from the Church of England’s Book of Common Prayer (1662).
Anglican (Episcopal)
St. George’s Anglican Church 64 Courts Road, George Town Tel: (345) 949 5583 Email: stgeorgecaymanislands@gmail.com www.facebook.com/stgeorgescayman Sunday Eucharist 7am and 9am, Sunday school 9am and Wednesday Eucharist 10am. Call for details on other services.

Assemblies of God
First Assembly of God 195 Old Crewe Road, George Town Tel: (345) 945 2182 Email: fagod@candw.ky www.firstassembly.ky
West Bay Assembly of God 100 Finch Drive (off Birch Tree Hill Rd), West Bay Tel: (345) 916 3748 www.facebook.com/WBAssemblyofGodGC Sunday Services 10.30am and 7.30pm.

Cayman International Assembly Meeting place: Camana Bay Cinema Tel: (345) 916 2957 The Cayman International Assembly offers a casual and contemporary style of worship with a Sunday service at 10am.
Baptist Churches
Cayman Islands Baptist Church 163 Pedro Castle Road, Savannah Tel: (345) 946 2422 Email: office@cibaptist.ky www.cibaptist.ky www.facebook.com/cibaptist Sunday worship services 9am and 11am (including children’s programmes for birth - year 6). Life groups meet weekly at various times and locations. Contact the church office to find one in your area. Wednesday Bible Study: 7pm (available via Zoom). Friday night programme for youth (middle schoolhigh school) 7pm-9pm. Iglesia Bautista Islas Caiman 6pm (Domingo), Estudio Biblico 6pm (Jueves).

First Baptist Church of Grand Cayman 920 Crewe Road (opposite the Lions Community Centre) Pastoral Staff: Pastors Steve Brady, Dave Jorge, Kyle McLean and Stephen Ryan Tel: (345) 949 0692 Email: fbc@fbc.org.ky or www.fbc.org.ky www.facebook.com/fbccayman First Baptist Church is a diverse, multicultural congregation that offers a welcoming atmosphere with over 350 members and 30 nationalities. The church meets on Sundays at 10.30am every week. Throughout the year, their weekly programmes change but often include Sunday school for all ages at 9.15am, Spanish worship service on the third Sunday of each month at 6.30pm and every Friday night, the kids choir and Ignite youth group meet at 6.30pm and 7pm, respectively. Visit the church website or Facebook page for more information. First Baptist Church is a gathering of Christians united in Jesus Christ, who gave Himself on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins and rose again, triumphing over death itself. Our aim is to know Him better and serve Him well in all our ways, loving God and helping people, motivated by the grace of Jesus Christ and empowered by His Spirit. People from over thirty nations regularly worship with us and you are warmly invited to join us.

We meet on: Sunday:
9:15 amSunday School (All ages) 10:30 amWorship Gathering
Third Sunday of every month:
Spanish Worship Service (Sanctuary) 6:30 pm
Catholic Churches
St. Ignatius Catholic Church 597 Walkers Road, George Town Tel: (345) 949 6797 Email: ignatius@candw.ky www.ignatius.ky Weekday Masses Monday-Friday 7am, Friday 6pm and public holidays 8.30am. Weekend Masses Saturday 6pm and Sunday 8am, 11.30 and 6pm, Sunday school 10.15am, Confessions Saturday 5pm-5.45pm, prayer meeting Wednesdays 12pm. Eucharistic adoration 6am-9pm daily in the Divine Mercy Adoration Chapel.
Kids Choir Ages 6-12 (Gym) 6:30 pm Ignite Youth Group Ages 13-17 (Music Suite) 7:00 pm
Spanish Bible Study (Lounge) 6:30 pm
Find out more about our church at our website www.fbc.org.ky. Give us a call at 345.949.0692 or email: fbc@fbc.org.ky. We’re located at 920 Crewe Road, across from the Lion’s Center. P.O.Box 10175, Grand Cayman KY1-1002.
Come join us as we worship the Lord Jesus!
Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church Reverend Blackman Road, West Bay Tel: (345) 949 6797 Sunday Mass 9.45am. Tel: (345) 949 1121 Sunday services 10.30am and 6pm. Mid-week service Wednesday 7pm and a youth meeting Friday at 7.30pm.
Stella Maris Catholic Church Alta Vista Drive, Cayman Brac Tel: (345) 925 6215 or (345) 948 0551 Sunday Mass 6pm.
Jewish Services
Chabad Cayman Jewish Community Centre 7 Mile Shops, 215B West Bay Road Tel: (345) 516 4474 Email: info@jewishcayman.com or rabbi@jewishcayman.com www.chabadcaymanislands.com Provides a wide variety of Jewish educational, religious and social services, including youth education, adult education, synagogue services, Shabbat and holiday celebrations and Jewish life cycle events.
Temple Beth Shalom, Cayman Brac Tel: (345) 948 0518 or (345) 325 3474 Email: seadreamsvilla@gmail.com Friday evening Shabbat services. Call for more information about services and events.
Latter-day Saints Church
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Intersection of Shamrock Road & Selkirk Drive, Red Bay, Grand Cayman Tel: (345) 517 1400 Church office: (345) 925 2541 Email: roderickdelacruz10@gmail.com www.churchofjesuschrist.org Services Sundays 10am
Safe Harbour Lutheran Church 205 Andrew Drive, Snug Harbour Tel: (345) 926 5491 or (345) 949 1835 Email: office@safeharbourlc.com www.safeharbourlc.com Sunday service at 10am. Check the website for location details.
Methodist Moravian
Covenant Moravia Church 6 Devon Road, off Marina Drive, Prospect Tel: (345) 947 7935 Sunday services 11am, Sunday school: 10am.
Muslim Services
Islamic Society Cayman Islands Unit C3, Cayman Business Park, GT Tel: (345) 329 2079 Email: isci@candw.ky www.isci.org.ky The Muslim community of Cayman is very diverse, offering a place of worship for Caymanians and expats from all over the globe. The Mosque is open to all Muslims and nonMuslims and offers weekly Islamic schooling for kids and adults. Prayers are held five times daily.
Agape Family Worship Centre 50 Fairbanks Road, George Town Tel: (345) 949 2539 Email: agape@candw.ky www.agapecayman.ky Sunday services 10am, Sunday school 11am, Wednesday service 7.30pm, Saturday morning prayer meeting 7am and Friday youth group (G4C) 7.30pm.
Church of God Chapel Frank Sound 1275 Frank Sound Road, North Side Tel: (345) 938 7963 Email: franksoundcog@gmail.com www.franksoundcog.org Sunday service 10.30am. Various services for children aged three to 13 run at the same time. Wednesday night prayer and Bible study 7.30pm. Youth group Friday 7.30pm.
Church of God Chapel George Town 22 Academy Way, George Town Tel: (345) 949 9393 Email: cogcgt@candw.ky www.churchofgodchapel-gt.org All ages Sunday school 9.30am. Sunday Sunrise Community Church Tel: (345) 926 7473 Email: paola@sunrise.ky www.sunrise.ky Sunday services 10am at the Harquail Theatre, with the opportunity to socialise afterwards with complimentary pastries and coffee. Nursery care, children’s Sunday school and weekly youth group meetings are available. They also hold a monthly women’s gathering called Flourish (September-June) and regular men's social and sporting events.
All Nations United Pentecostal Church Tel: (345) 949 9533 Email: upc@candw.ky www.allnationscayman.org Wednesday fasting 11am, Thursday Bible study 7.30pm, Sunday school 9am, Sunday divine worship 11am and evangelistic service 7.30pm.
Presbyterian & Congregational
Elmslie Memorial United Church 108A Seafarer's Way, George Town Tel: (345) 949 7923 Email: elmslieunitedchurch@gmail.com www.elmslieunitedchurch.ky Sunday service: 10.30am.
William Pouchie Memorial United Church 815 North Side Road, North Side Tel: (345) 938 2239 Email: wpmucns@gmail.com Sunday service 9am.
Seventh-Day Adventist
Cayman Islands Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists Tel: (345) 640 2647 or (345) 949 2647 www.caymanadventist.org Saturday Sabbath school service 9.15am, divine service 11am, Bible class 4pm, Adventist youth programme 5pm (may vary), Sunday evening service 7.30pm and Wednesday evening service 7.30pm. Churches are located across Grand Cayman, Cayman Brac and Little Cayman.

Sports & Fitness
Details of the extensive number of sporting activities available on-Island, including basketball, dance, golf, tennis, football and swimming, as well as gyms, sports competitions and more.
Sports Activities - Basketball - Boot Camps - Bowling & Boxing - Cricket, Crossfit & Cycling - Darts & Dance 456 456 456 456 456 457

The opportunities to get involved in sporting activities have grown significantly over the years in the Cayman Islands. Since the first competitive sporting event took place in 1935, the Olympic Committee was formed, sports tourism was introduced, and Caymanian athletes have represented the Islands in several different international sporting competitions. Today, there is a diverse range of sports offerings and associations on-Island.
Both locally and on the world stage, 2022 was another exciting year for the Cayman Islands sporting community. Cayman received four podium placements during the inaugural Caribbean Games in Guadeloupe, those participating in CARIFTA brought home 65 medals, and 21 athletes represented Cayman in the Commonwealth Games. The Island cheered on British swimmer Oly Rush as he completed a gruelling 37-hour swim around Grand Cayman to raise awareness about plastic pollution. Aaron Jarvis also made history, becoming the first person from the Cayman Islands to compete in a major golf championship. He attended the Masters Tournament and the Open Championship at just 19 years old. On the pitch, Total Soccer Cayman competed at the 2022 Rood-Wit International U10 Tournament in the Netherlands, placing eighth out of 24 teams. Cayman sports staples like the Flowers Sea Swim (SEE AD PAGE 462) also went ahead, attracting international talent like Ryan Lochte and many of Cayman’s former Olympians.
Whether you are a hardcore athlete or would just like to be part of a team, sporting opportunities and competitions take place all - Football/Soccer - Golf - Gyms & Fitness - Hockey - Horseback Riding - Hunting & Martial Arts - Netball
457 457 457 458 459 459 459 - Personal Fitness Trainers 460 - Pickleball 460 - Pilates/Barre 460 - Pole Fitness 460 - Rock Climbing & Rappelling 460 - Rugby 460 - Running 460 - Shooting 461 - Softball 461 - Spinning 461 - Squash 461 - Swimming 462 - Tennis & Table Tennis 462 - Triathlons 463 - Ultimate Frisbee 463 - Volleyball & Beach Volleyball 463 - Yoga/Wellness & Stretch Classes 463
year round in Cayman. Keep an eye on the Events Calendar on www.explorecayman. com or download the What’s On Cayman app for more details about the Island’s sporting events.
Athletics Cayman Athletics is the governing body for athletics in the Cayman Islands, and they promote, develop and encourage participation in athletics at all levels throughout the Island, regardless of age, gender or race. Training sessions are held every afternoon at the Truman Bodden Sports Complex (TBSC). For more information, email: gensec@athletics.org. ky. The 345 Athletics Club meet at the TBSC every Tuesday and Thursday at 4.30pm for track and road middle distance running. They take children from age eight up to adults, and all abilities are welcome. They are always looking for more runners and field event athletes to join the programme. They also meet at 6am on Sunday mornings at the South Sound Squash Club for a long run (10k loop). To join the club, call Laura Larner, Tel: (345) 925 2865 or email: lauraclarner@gmail.com. You can also join Speed Athletics, which meets at the TBSC every Monday-Thursday at 4pm. Call Coach Porter, Tel: (345) 525 2793 or email: speedathleticstrackclub@ gmail.com.
The Cayman Islands Basketball Association programme participates in international competitions and currently has four leagues: U12, U14, U16 and U19, along with senior leagues separated by gender. They also host a basketball academy on Saturday mornings during school terms for three age groups: seven to nine years, 10-12 years and 13-16 years. Finally, they offer an afterschool programme at the King’s Sports Centre on Thursdays and Fridays from 3.30pm-5.30pm. For more information, contact Coach Voot O’Garoo, Tel: (345) 916 5083, email: info@caymanbasketball. com or visit www.caymanbasketball.com.
King’s Sports Centre also has two indoor basketball courts that can be rented for practice. Tel: (345) 946 5464 for details.
Boot Camps
Body Shapers Fitness Studio runs boot camps, small group training programmes and nutritional coaching and provides motivational tools. For more details, Tel: (345) 325 8696 or email: bodyshaperscayman@gmail.com. Camana Bay Boot Camp is free and offers a highintensity workout. They meet at 6pm every Tuesday at the corner of the Cayman International School (CIS), close to the gymnasium and indoor basketball court. Tel: (345) 927 1377 or email: jacogsmit@ gmail.com for more information.
King Pin Bowling at the King’s Sports Centre on Crewe Road has a four-lane bowling alley, a waiting lounge and a bar. It’s an ideal venue for parties or corporate events as it comfortably accommodates up to 24 bowlers with four lanes (six people per lane). Booking in advance is recommended. For more information, Tel: (345) 946 2695 or email: kingpinbowling@candw.ky.
Boxing For casual boxing, visit the D. Dalmain Ebanks boxing gym at the Truman Bodden
Sports Complex. The Cayman Islands Boxing Association offers recreational and amateur boxing, callisthenics, circuit training and general strength and conditioning programmes. On weekdays, classes are scheduled at 6am, 12pm and 5.30pm and on Saturdays at 8am. If you’d like to try kickboxing, they also recently added classes on Mondays and Wednesdays at 7.30pm and Saturdays at 11am. Email: info@cibaky. com or visit www.cibaky.com. Cayman Fight Factory offers training in boxing and other combat sports with personalised programmes and group classes available. Email: coach@caymanfightfactory.net or Tel: (345) 922 0538. The Academy in Cannon Place offers adult boxing classes and one-to-one training. Tel: (345) 323 9778 or email: info@theacademy.ky for more information. Try FNSports for fitness classes that incorporate kickboxing and boxfit techniques. Tel: (345) 929 4555 or email: fnsportsclub@gmail.com for more information.
Camana Bay Sports Complex The Camana Bay Sports Complex facilities include: tennis, basketball and pickleball courts, a FIFA two-star rated football pitch and an eight-lane 25m swimming pool. Took book any of the sports facilities, email: cbsc@camanabay.com or Tel: (345) 640 2878.
Cricket Cayman Cricket offers coaching sessions on Saturdays and afterschool sessions as required. For more information, email: info@caymancricket.ky or secretary@ caymancricket.ky.
CrossFit CrossFit is not just a lifestyle; it’s a community. Their unique coaching approach strives to help people achieve their fitness goals throughout every stage of life. Three gyms that offer CrossFit are CrossFit Cayman (Tel: (345) 929 8450), 7
Mile Strength & Fitness (Tel: (345) 925 1456) and World Gym (Tel: (345) 949 5132).
Cycling Cayman’s flat topography and warm climate make it a perfect place for recreational and competitive cycling. Cayman Cycling is a registered non-profit organisation and the governing body for cycling in the Cayman Islands. They organise and support local recreational cycling, racing and charity events. Additionally, they champion athletes representing the country at international games and racing events at the Caribbean, Pan American, World Championship and Olympic levels. Closer to home, the Cayman Islands has a vibrant and diverse cycling community, and for those looking to join in with the local cycling scene, there are group rides and cycling tours for every
level. For more information on Cayman Cycling, visit www.caymancycling.ky, email: info@caymancycling.ky or connect with them across all social platforms (@caymancycling). For routes and information on local group rides, visit their Strava page at www.strava.com/clubs/ caymancycling.
The Cayman Islands Darts Association (CIDA) holds an annual league where teams compete at various venues like All Stars Sports Bar & Grill (previously Attic) and Fidel Murphy’s. They also hold monthly tournaments and select national players to compete at the Caribbean Darts Championships every other year. Ask them about their new corporate league for businesses to enjoy a fun staff night out. Email: caymandartsassociation@gmail.com for more information.
Centre Pointe Home of the Performing Arts offers classes in all dance genres for both children and adults. Their studio is at 107-109 Alissta Towers, North Sound Road. Tel: (345) 926 5889 or (345) 926 9603, email: centrepointedance@gmail. com or visit www.centrepointedancestudio. com. Located in Galleria Plaza,
Quinntessential Movement offers pole and aerial fitness, chair dance, Ballet Beats and stretch and dance fitness classes. Wedding dances, private or small group sessions and bachelorette parties are also available. Tel: (345) 745 8973 or email: info@qmovement.dance. Grand Old House offers free salsa lessons on Tuesday nights
at 9.30pm. Bailamos Dance Studio in the Barnett Building on 24 Huldah Avenue offers a range of dance classes for all ages. Tel: (345) 917 7832. Try bachata and salsa classes at Fuego Latin Dance at 10C Huldah Avenue. Tel: (345) 939 1010. Spark! School of Performing Arts offers private instruction and group classes to children of all ages in disciplines like dance, drama and music. Register at www.sparkcayman.com or Tel: (345) 929 2190 for more information.
The Cayman Islands Fencing Federation (CIFF) was founded in 2019 and is a registered nonprofit organisation. It is also the national governing body for the sport of fencing in the Cayman Islands and a member of the Cayman Islands Olympic Committee. The CIFF offers fencing lessons for children and adults ages eight and up in all three fencing disciplines (foil, epee and sabre) after school, in the evenings during the week and during the day on Saturdays. The CIFF also holds local competitions among fencers and offers special events and fencing demonstrations. Email: info@ fencing.ky for more information.
The Cayman Islands Flag Football Association (CIFFA) hosts various leagues of competition throughout the year, including an adult co-ed league, along with men’s and women’s summer leagues. They also have a youth league open to kids aged seven to 19. Email: ciffa345@gmail.com for more information, or follow them on Instagram and Facebook for game schedules and updates. The
Cayman Islands Football Association (CIFA) men’s and women’s premier leagues run from September to June, with games on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights at local stadiums. Teams are welcoming to all new players. For further information, Tel: (345) 749 5775 or email: secretariat@cifa.ky. The
Cayman Islands Gaelic Football Club (CIGFC) is one of the most popular clubs on the Island. The sport is easily learned, with the club running introductory training sessions for new players. The club welcomes players of all skill levels. There are six women’s and eight men’s teams. Games are played at the Camana Bay Sports Complex, and the season runs from January to June. Email: info@caymangaelic.com for more
information. The Cayman Islands Sunday Football League comprises eight football teams who play each other three times for a total of 21 league games throughout the season, which kicks off on the first Sunday in October each year. The football teams also compete in a knock-out competition, the Cayman Physiotherapy Cup, with the final being played in mid-May. Teams are always on the lookout for new players but be mindful that there is a transfer deadline of January the 31st each year. For more details on how to get involved, visit their website at www.cisfl.leaguerepublic.com/ index.html, their Facebook page or contact them by email: cisfl@hotmail.com.
The Cayman Islands Golf Association is a great resource for learning more about golfing in the Cayman Islands. Visit www.ciga.ky for information on upcoming tournaments, golf developments and member benefits, or email: secretary@ciga.ky for other ways to get involved. The North Sound Golf Club is Grand Cayman’s only 18-hole Championship golf course. The par-71, 6,605-yard course has a rating of 73.1 and a slope of 139. The club is open to the public with daily, twilight and resident rates. You can take advantage of their full-service driving range, have a lesson with a PGA professional or just relax at the open-air bar. Tel: (345) 947 4653 or visit www.northsoundclub.com for more
information. The Ritz-Carlton Golf Club is set amid Grand Cayman’s lush scenery and was designed by Greg Norman. It features a nine-hole golf course designed to make its 470-yard-hole play feel like 600 yards winding through the saltwater canals of the North Sound. Named the World’s Best 9-Hole Golf Course by the World Golf Awards, the course is open to all golfers, and several membership options are available. For more information, Tel: (345) 815 6500. You can also practise your swing indoors at Cayman Golf Lab, which features two large golf simulators and a 400sq ft putting green, making it Grand Cayman’s largest indoor golf facility. They also offer lessons for adults and children. Tel: (345) 546 6786 or visit www.caymangolflab.com for more information or to book a session.
Gyms & Fitness All gyms on-Island provide the usual weight training areas and fitness machines,
along with certified instructors and a variety of fitness classes. Cayman’s first outdoor callisthenics park opened in 2022, providing access to free workout equipment 24/7. Located at Seven Mile Public Beach, it’s open to all fitness levels.
Anytime Fitness 82 Market Street, Camana Bay Tel: (345) 946 4748
AgileFit Fitness Facility 125 Barcadere Warehouse Park, George Town www.agilefit.ky
Balance Cayman Caribbean Plaza, West Bay Road, SMB Tel: (345) 326 8111
Body Shapers Fitness Studio Cayman Business Park, Unit C5 Tel: (345) 325 8696
CrossFit Gyms Refer to the CrossFit section in this chapter. ENERGY Essential Fitness 171 Elgin Avenue, Cricket Square, George Town Tel: (345) 946 6006

Evolution Fitness Cayman Unit B9, 115B Printer Way, George Town Tel: (345) 938 3348
Fitness Connection A family fitness and aquatic facility that offers numerous adult fitness classes every month, including aerobics and aquatic boot camp, Pilates fusion, yoga, Tabata circuit training and speciality boot camps, as well as personalised training sessions. They are located at Glen Eden Road, South Sound. For more information, Tel: (345) 949 8485, email: fitness@fitness.ky or visit www.fitness.ky.
F45 Studio The Strand, West Bay Road Tel: (345) 925 1733 Runs a 45-minute circuit-based strength and cardio classes.
FNSports 68 Mary Street, George Town Tel: (345) 929 4555
Lagree 7 Mile Shops, West Bay Road Tel: (345) 927 3832
Life Extension Sports & Fitness Park Place, West Bay Road Tel: (345) 949 3753 www.lifeextensioncayman.com
The Pilates Studio The Pilates Studio is a boutique fitness studio in Governor’s Square. Services include group Pilates mat work, reformer/tower/chair and stretch and teen classes, as well as private or partner Pilates and fitness training, TPI golf conditioning, pre and post-natal and HIIT Pilates classes. Email: info@pilates.ky or visit www. pilates.ky. Road, the gym offers a wide variety of weights, cardio and strength-training equipment, plus a variety of group fitness classes, including high altitude power, body sculpt and toning, legs, butt and thighs, reggae aerobics, mixed aerobics and freestyle Muay Thai boxing. The full annual schedule is posted on their website. They also offer one-on-one training with their internationally qualified personal trainers. Open Monday-Thursday 5am-10pm, Friday 5am-9pm, Saturday and Sunday 8am-5pm and public holidays 8am-4pm. Email: kings@ candw.ky, Tel: (345) 946 5464 or visit www. kingssportscentre.com. SEE AD THIS PAGE
Revolutions Indoor Cycling Barnett Building, 24 Huldah Avenue, GT Tel: (345) 516 2453
RYDE Cayman The Crescent, Camana Bay Tel: (345) 746 7933 www.rydecayman.com
School of Fitness 115 Printer Way, George Town Tel: (345) 916 0171 www.schooloffitnesscayman.com
T-Fit Personal Training Studio 5 West Bay Road Tel: (345) 923 1556 trinaggillis@gmail.com
Pro Fitness Countryside Shopping Village, Savannah Tel: (345) 947 5464
World Gym Fitness Centre Behind Queens Court, Snooze Lane, SMB Tel: (345) 949 5132
Hockey - Field
The Cayman Field Hockey Club meets for weekly mixed games, 6pm-7pm Mondays, at the T.E. McField Annex field and for occasional games at the Camana Bay sports complex. Everyone is welcome regardless of age, gender or ability. Bring a white shirt and a coloured shirt, along with your stick, protective equipment and something to
drink. Spare sticks are usually available. The cost is CI$6 per game, and your first game is free. Contact Charles Jackson, Tel: (345) 925 0042 or email: cnjackson@outlook. com. You can also email Simon Barwick at simon@bbandp.com. Find further information about Cayman’s field hockey community at www.caymanhockey.com.
Hockey - Roller & Ball Kings Sports Centre offers several hockey leagues and programmes. The men’s roller hockey league plays on Tuesday nights. The men’s ball hockey league plays on Thursday nights, with drop-in on Sundays. For more information, Tel: (345) 946 5464 or email: kings@candw.ky.
Horseback Riding Spirit of the West (Tel: (345) 916 6488) and Coral Stone Stables (Tel: (345) 916 4799) offer organised private and group horseback beach rides along Barkers Beach. Resident rates are available. The
Equestrian Center Riding School & Boarding Stables (Tel: (345) 516 1751 or (345) 526 1010) offer English riding lessons for beginners to advanced (ages five and up) with FEI-qualified instructors, training dressage, show jumping and vaulting. They also offer boarding and livery with tailored feeding and training schedules for your horse. Contact them over email at equestriancentercayman@gmail.com. Cowboy Town Stables (Tel: (345) 916 8571) offer general horsemanship and riding, along with therapeutic horsemanship and adaptive riding programmes for adults and children. Cayman Riding School offer show jumping, dressage, vaulting and crosscountry lessons for adults and children. Their Tiny Trotter programme offers lessons to children from four years old. They have full boarding facilities, BHS and FEI qualified instructors and are affiliated with The British Pony Club. Saturday morning pony rides and the children’s farm are also available for private functions and birthday parties. Tel: (345) 926 7669 or email: caymanridingschool@gmail.com. Hunting Marine life in Cayman is heavily protected, and there are strict rules in place on protected species and hunting seasons. For more information on hunting marine life, see our Boating chapter. Some species of wildlife and endangered plants are protected under the National Conservation Act (2013). Visit www.doe.ky for a full list.
Martial Arts There are a variety of martial arts schools
on the Island. Purple Dragon School of Martial Arts, on the 2nd floor of the Reliable Industries Building, 313 Compass Drive, runs adult classes in Don Jitsu Ryu, fitness kickboxing and Strike self-defence classes. Each programme allows one free trial class. Office number: (345) 946 1241 and Dojo cell: (345) 916 1416. The Academy, located in Cannon Place, offers adult classes in Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai, boxing, Krav Maga and MMA. Tel: (345) 323 9778 or email: info@ theacademy.ky for more information. For lessons in Taekwondo, go to the Cayman
Islands Taekwondo Academy (Tel: (345) 325 51220 or (345) 328 5006) in Crown Square, Eastern Avenue. They provide classes for adults and children. CASK Karate & Tai Chi at Kings Sports Centre on Crewe Road offers Wado Karate classes and a Tai Chi programme. For more information, Tel: (345) 925 3367 or visit www.caskcayman. com. Cayman Fight Factory at 27 Industrial Way offers a wide variety of mixed martial arts and fitness classes, including boxing and kickboxing. Your first class is free. Tel: (345) 922 0538 for more information.
The Cayman Islands Netball Association (CINA) holds matches on Thursdays and Saturdays at the Truman Bodden Sports Complex. Leagues include Senior Women’s League, Fast Five Co-ed League, Goodwill League and the Mixed League. New players over 16 are always welcome to join any of the established clubs or make up their own squad. They also have an U16s academy on Mondays after school and the ‘Turtle Netters’ league for children ages five to ten

who play on Saturday mornings. Email: caymannetball@yahoo.com or visit www. caymannetball.com.
Personal Fitness Trainers There are a few options if you would like a more tailored fitness session in your location of choice. Some also offer nutrition and lifestyle coaching. Laura Ribbins and her team of highly-qualified and experienced trainers at Fitness Connection specialise in rehab, sports conditioning, weight loss, lifestyle coaching and more. For more information, Tel: (345) 949 8485, email: fitness@fitness.ky or visit www.fitness.
ky. (SEE AD PAGE 459) Alicia Proud-Rabess is a remote trainer and lifestyle coach. She trains clients in fitness and plant-based nutrition. She also specialises in swimming, from the basics to open water. Tel: (345) 326 8552 or visit www.aliciaproud.com. The Pilates Studio in Governors Square offers private and partner fitness Pilates, group Pilates and fitness classes, therapeutic exercise and post rehab with Pilates and HIIT Pilates classes. Email: info@pilates.ky or visit www.pilates.ky. King’s Sports Centre offers one-on-one training with internationally qualified personal trainers. Tel: (345) 946 5464 or email: kings@candw.ky.
Pickleball If you are looking for an active social activity, try out pickleball, one of Cayman’s fastest-growing sports. This energising game is the perfect family-friendly activity, combining ping-pong, badminton and tennis. Try a game at The Courts Tennis
Centre at the Ritz-Carlton, Grand Cayman. For more information, Tel: (345) 323 0049 or email: grandcaymantennis@ritzcarlton. com. You can also book courts at The Grand Caymanian Resort (Tel: (345) 949 3100),
the Camana Bay Sports Complex (Tel: (345) 640 2878) and the Cayman Islands Tennis Club (www.tennis.ky). A new facility by Cayman Sports is also being built near the airport and will feature 12 shaded, floodlit pickleball courts, a restaurant and bar, a children’s playground and a garden area.
Pilates/Barre The Pilates Studio is a spacious and fullyequipped inclusive studio housing Balanced Body equipment. It offers a variety of group mat work and equipment-based Pilates classes, like reformer, tower and chair classes at affordable and competitive prices. Other classes include private and partner training, golf conditioning, therapeutic exercise, pre and post-natal, Pilates Barre and Pilates HIIT classes. Email: info@ pilates.ky or visit www.pilates.ky. Janelle Henry and Courtnee Springfield are CPAM-registered physiotherapist/clinical Pilates instructors at Cayman Physiotherapy (SEE AD PAGE 344) and teach private and group classes. They also offer pre-natal and postnatal Pilates classes. Tel: (345) 949 8828 or email: courtnee@caymanphysio.com or janelle@caymanphysio.com. ENERGY Essential Fitness is a fully-equipped Pilates studio. Tel: (345) 946 6006 for more information. Sue Merren also offers private Pilates, strength training and nutrition

Keep up with everything going on in Cayman Islands Rugby by checking us out online!
Find us on Facebook! Pole Fitness
Quinntessential Movement offers pole and aerial fitness, chair dance, Ballet Beats, stretch and dance fitness classes. Wedding dances, private or small group sessions and bachelorette parties are also available. Located in Galleria Plaza. Tel: (345) 745 8973 or email: info@qmovement.dance.
Rock Climbing & Rappelling Challenge yourself on the King’s Sports Centre indoor and outdoor rock-climbing wall suitable for both kids and adults. Bungee jumping is also available. To book, Tel: (345) 946 5464. (SEE AD PAGE 458) Rock Iguana Ltd. in Cayman Brac caters to all skill levels, from beginner to advanced climbers. No experience is required. Join one of their half-day tours with rock climbing and rappelling, or take a day trip from Grand Cayman for an ‘Epic Full Day Adventure Tour’, one of their most popular options, which includes rappelling, hiking, caving and rock climbing. Tel: (345) 936 2722, email: info@climb.ky or visit www.climb. ky for details.
The Cayman Islands Rugby Football Union has its own pitch and clubhouse on South Sound Road. There are leagues for veterans, men, women and junior rugby players. Most games are played on the weekends between September and June. Men’s and women’s training sessions are held twice a week, with a full-time coach available to coordinate and coach players and teams. Tradeview Markets Corporate Mixed Touch Rugby League is held from June-September. For information, call Caroline Deegan, Tel: (345) 525 6743, email: caroline.deegan@caymanrugby.com or visit www.caymanrugby.com.
The event consists of a full marathon, half marathon, four-person relay and kids’ fun run. It is extremely popular with both local and visiting runners alike. It’s also a Boston Marathon Qualifier. For more information on how to register, email: info@ caymanislandsmarathon.com or visit www. caymanislandsmarathon.com. (SEE AD THIS PAGE) If you want to join a running club,
the Hash House Harriers meet on Monday evenings at 6pm at changing locations. For schedules and information, visit www. caymanhash.com. The Wednesday Night Running Club meets outside World Gym at 6pm every week. For more information, email: run@wnrc.ky.
Sailing Refer to the Boating chapter.
The Cayman Islands Sport Shooting Association (CISSA), located near Owen Roberts International Airport, offers skeet, trap, pistol and rifle sport shooting. Preparations are currently underway to develop a new facility in East End, which, when completed, will be able to host international events. All members undergo safety training and are taught correct firearms handling procedures. Visit www.cissa.ky for more information.
Softball Adult co-ed softball leagues play at the Dart Field of Dreams on the corner of Fairbanks Road and Aspiration Drive. The season typically runs from September to December, with teams playing one game per week for a 12-week season, plus playoffs. Leagues are organised and managed by the YMCA and are available to everyone from beginners through to experienced players. To join, or to add an entire team, call the Cayman Islands Little League, Tel: (345) 916 5643, email: info@littleleague.ky or visit www. littleleague.ky.
Special Needs Sports Training for adults and children eight years and older who are intellectually disabled. They offer training in athletics, powerlifting, golf, basketball, bocce, football, swimming and stand-up paddle boarding. Tel: (345) 946 7624 or visit www.facebook.com/ specialolympicscaymanislands.
Spinning RYDE Cayman is located on the Crescent in Camana Bay. This boutique indoor cycling studio offers a full calendar of classes seven days a week, starting at 6am and ending at 6.45pm most days. Create an account, buy a package and book a bike online at www.rydecayman.com. Spinning classes are held at Revolutions, located in the Barnett Building on Huldah Avenue (next to the Red Cross). They offer early morning and evening classes Monday-Saturday. They also offer spin bike rental with delivery and pickup along with online classes that are recorded in their studio. Tel: (345) 516 2453 or visit www.revolutionscayman. com to view their online classes. World Gym (Tel: (345) 949 5132) also offers hour-long spinning classes. Anytime Fitness at Camana Bay offers rhythm ride classes every day of the week. Visit www.anytimecayman.com for more information. One of Cayman’s newest spin studios is Vital Cayman Spinbar & Yogaden in Grand Harbour. Along with spinning, this fitness studio offers yoga, HIIT/stretch and hybrid sessions. Purchase a combo package and take advantage of all their classes. For more information on their services, Tel: (345) 333 4825, visit www.vitalcayman.ky or follow them on Instagram at @vitalcayman.
The South Sound Squash Club is a member-run facility that features six squash courts and a gym, with coaches who can help fine-tune your game. They offer lessons for adults and children, beginner and intermediate programmes and an afterschool junior programme. Members also have access to the online booking system to book their courts 24/7. Tel: (345) 526 5052, email: info@squash.ky or visit www.squash.

Sunday 3rd December 2023 5:00am

Full & Half Marathon 4-Person Relay Kids Fun Run

at King’s Sports Centre. Open MondayThursday 5am-10pm, Friday 5am-9pm, Saturdays and Sundays 8am-5pm. For more information, Tel: (345) 946 5464 or email: kings@candw.ky. (SEE AD PAGE 458) The
Cayman Islands National Squash Association promotes the game at junior, national and international levels for players of all ages. Visit www.cinsa.ky.
Swimming If you enjoy recreational swimming, the waters off Seven Mile Beach are your best bet, but there are also pools at almost all condominium complexes, as well as the Lions Aquatic Centre (Tel: (345) 949 8105)
and the Camana Bay Aquatic Centre (Tel: (345) 640 2878). Call to check availability and pricing and to make bookings. One of Cayman’s biggest sporting events is the
annual Flowers One Mile Sea Swim. (SEE AD
THIS PAGE) Known as one of the world’s richest and safest swims, over 500 swimmers compete to win thousands in cash and random prizes! The Flowers Sea Swim offers flawless course conditions along Cayman’s beautiful Seven Mile Beach. All registration proceeds are donated to a chosen local charity. The 2023 Flowers Sea Swim will be held on the 17th of June. Visit www. flowersseaswim.com for more information. Located in South Sound, Fitness Connection (Tel: (345) 949 8485) offers swimming lessons for all ages and abilities. They are an SAI (Starfish Aquatics Institute) training centre, specialising in training triathletes, as well as non-swimmers. Their water fitness classes are great for a total body workout, utilising a combination of exercises and training methods perfect for pre-natal and post-natal exercise. For more information, email: fitness@fitness.ky or visit www.
fitness.ky. (SEE AD PAGE 459) Sky Blue Aquatics offers private, semi-private and small group swimming lessons for adults. Lessons can be held in your hotel, condo and private pool, the Lions Aquatic Centre, or even in the sea. Their lessons are available for beginners, but also to those looking to improve their technique or prepare for an event. Tel: (345) 916 0054 or email: info@ skyblueaquatics.com for more information.
June 17th, 2023 SEVEN MILE BEACH

The Camana Bay Aquatic Club (CBAC) runs an adult ‘masters’ swim training group with a focus on improving technique and increasing aerobic conditioning and overall strength in the water. The sessions take place four times a week at the Camana Bay Sports Complex. For pricing, schedules and more information, email: info@cbac.ky or visit www.cbac.ky. Thrive Fit offers yoga, swimming, and fitness classes Island-wide with private, small group and corporate sessions. For those interested, First Aid/ CPR/AED and lifeguard certifications are also available. Tel: (345) 938 1113, email: info@thrivefitcayman.com or visit www.thrivefitcayman.com for more
information. Cayman Islands Aquatic Sports Association (CIASA) is a not-for-profit association dedicated to the promotion and development of aquatic sports in the Cayman Islands. This includes learning to swim in the pool and open water, artistic swimming, water polo, aqua-aerobics and masters swimming. Membership with CIASA also links you to an active aquatic community. For more information, email: ciasaboard@gmail.com or visit www.ciasa. ky for a calendar of events and a list of registered clubs and swim schools.
Table Tennis Association Available for both youth and adults of all
skill sets, the Cayman Islands Table Tennis Association offers training, competition and recreational table tennis. They meet at the CIFEC hall three times a week. Call Donovan Nelson, Tel: (345) 917 5904 for more information.
The Cayman Islands Tennis Club (CITC) is located off Anne Bonny Crescent in South Sound. The club offers private and semi-private lessons, group lessons, cardio sessions, ball machine rentals and more. CITC has five professional coaches and nine hard floodlit courts. They also offer open tournaments and host several social
events each year. Tel: (345) 949 9464 or email: tennis@tennis.ky. You can also visit www.tennis.ky or their Instagram page @caymanislandstennisclub for more
information. Cayman Tennis Academy offers tennis and pickleball lessons and courts. They have their own courts located at 1960 West Bay Road (near Cemetery Beach) but also employ a mobile service, so they can also send a coach to your private courts if more convenient. They cater to players of every skill set and will schedule class times to suit you. Group, private and cardio lessons are offered for adults and children, beginners and seasoned players. Tel: (345) 547 6257 or email: contact@caymantennisacademy. com for more information. You can also check out their Facebook and Instagram pages for regular updates on classes and
availability. The Courts Tennis Center at The Ritz-Carlton Grand Cayman is a premier tennis facility with professional coaches featuring three red clay courts, two hard courts and two pickleball courts. Pro instructors offer private instruction and clinics in addition to the popular cardio tennis fitness programme, which operates on a drop-in basis. Seasonal corporate tennis leagues, bubbles doubles and kids camps are also offered throughout the year. For more information and reservations, please call The Ritz-Carlton, Tel: (345) 323 0049 or email: grandcaymantennis@ritzcarlton. com. Mica Koll with Cayman Performance Tennis teaches private and group tennis lessons for players of all ages. Tel: (345) 927 8690 or email: micabeach@gmail.com for more information.
Triathlons If you find the challenge of an individual swim, cycle or run is not enough, you can always try your hand at a duathlon
or triathlon. The Cayman Islands Triathlon Association (CITA) organises well-attended events throughout the year and hosts free practice sessions. CITA offers duathlons and triathlons of various distances, as well as the ‘Try-This-Tri’ for kids and the ‘Stroke and Stride’ series every May. The Mercuryman Triathlon is held annually and offers a half iron distance, international distance and aquabike option. Email: info@triathlon. ky or visit www.triathlon.ky or www. mercurymantri.com for more information.
Ultimate Frisbee
Cayman Islands Ultimate play pickup games at the Annex Sports field in George Town. Visit their Facebook group (Cayman Islands Ultimate) for more information and updated game schedules.
Volleyball & Beach Volleyball
The Cayman Islands Volleyball Federation (CIVF) has made significant strides in promoting volleyball in Grand Cayman. CIVF has hosted the annual NORCECA Beach Volleyball Circuit on Seven Mile Beach for the past ten years, which welcomes over 30 teams from North America, Central America and the Caribbean. The youth development programmes include school leagues, summer camps and clinics with local and international instructors. Plans are underway for a national youth programme, which will see teams compete regionally and internationally in both beach and indoor circuits. For more information on current programmes, email: assistant@ civf.ky, visit www.civf.ky or check out their social media pages on Facebook
and Instagram. Heatwave Volleyball Club is an amateur sports team that hosts beach volleyball tournaments and regular open games for all abilities and experience levels. Email: heatwavevolleyballclub@gmail.com for more information.
Yoga, Wellness & Stretch Classes There is a very active yoga community in Grand Cayman with several yoga centres across the Island. Deepen your being and
yoga practice at One Heart Yoga & Apothecary (Tel: (345) 938 9642) which offers yoga, sound healing and meditation classes for all abilities in its studio at 7 Mile Shops, West Bay Road. Its apothecary offers a variety of plant medicines, natural skincare and spiritual ritual props and guidance. For more information or to view the class schedule, visit www.oneheartcayman.
oneheartcayman. VITAL Cayman Spinbar & Yogaden in Grand Harbour house a spinbar and yogaden for yogis to come together and enjoy group fitness sessions. The studio also offers hybrid packages so that members can take advantage of both spin and yoga classes. Tel: (345) 333 4825 or visit www. vitalcayman.ky for more information. Find the latest updates on its Instagram page at @ vitalcayman. Body Works in Queen’s Court Plaza on West Bay Road offer traditional hatha yoga and meditation and mindfulness classes for all levels of students. Tel: (345) 945 6485 or visit www.bodyworkscayman. com for the class schedule. Flow Therapeutic Movement has a studio off Crewe Road. It provides a unique exercise system based on Yamuna body rolling, MELT Method, aerial yoga, energy work and massage therapy. Corporate and healing retreats are also offered upon request. Tel: (345) 916 6061 or email: info@flow.ky for more information. Located in The Marquee Plaza, Bliss Living and Yoga offers a wide range of classes every day, including beach-front sessions and paddle board yoga. They also have a large retail store offering athletic wear and accessories from Lululemon Athletica. Visit www.blissyogacayman.com for more information on class descriptions and schedules. Saucha offers wellness retreats, including their popular Little Cayman retreat, which is held every January over the public holiday long weekend. Email: hello@sauchaconsciousfood.com or visit www.sauchaconsciousfood.com for the latest updates on their events. Thrive Fit offers yoga, swimming and fitness classes Island-wide with private, small group and corporate sessions. First Aid/CPR/AED and Lifeguard certifications are also available for those interested. Tel: (345) 938 1113, email: info@thrivefitcayman.com or visit www. thrivefitcayman.com for more information. Rock Iguana Ltd. (Tel: (345) 936 2722) offers yoga, meditation and mandala painting classes at Yogi Wall in Cayman Brac – a peaceful outdoor studio surrounded by nature. Both group and private classes are available.
Cayman is one of the top dive destinations in the world. This chapter provides you with information on dive and snorkel sites, local dive operators, responsible diving practices and more.

Wreck Diving - Balboa - Cali - Carrie Lee - Doc Polson - Keith Tibbetts, Cayman Brac - Oro Verde 465 465 465 465 465 465 465

Photos courtesy of Cathy Church
- The USS Kittiwake 466
Snorkelling Sites Diving Areas Dive 365 Lionfish Coral Nurseries Respecting the Reef No Diving Overlay Zones 465 466 466 466 466 467 467
Learning to Dive
467 - Adult Open Water Courses 467 - Dive Courses for Kids & Teens 467 - Certified Divers 468 - Dive Trips 468
Advanced Diving - Advanced Diving Courses - Technical Diving
Free Diving 468 468 468
Local Dive Operators 469 - Underwater Photography Lessons 469
The Cayman Islands are world-renowned for their incredible underwater scenery, particularly the beautiful coral reefs and array of colourful fish. Located in the western Caribbean, just 480 miles south of Miami, Cayman is perfect for scuba diving and snorkelling, boasting some of the Caribbean’s best excursions. With virtually no currents and outstanding underwater visibility, Cayman has amazing wall dives, coral reefs and wrecks for you to explore and discover. If you are ‘dive-curious’, there are a wealth of things to do in, under, or on the water at every skill level. A variety of dive operators can teach you how to dive, improve your skills and have an amazing underwater experience. With water temperatures ranging from 26-28°C (78-82°F) all year round, it is always a good time to get in the water and discover the stunning scenery beneath the surface.
The Cayman Islands continues to receive global recognition. In the 2022 Scuba Diving Magazine Readers Choice Awards, Cayman appeared at number one for wreck diving and wall diving and in the top five for best overall for scuba diving, macro life, shore diving, beginner diving, advanced diving, photography, health of marine environment and cave, cavern and grotto diving in the Caribbean and Atlantic zone. Some of Cayman's dive operators and resorts also received awards for a variety of accomplishments in the lists of the best scuba diving operators and scuba diving resorts in the world.
Cayman is hyperaware of the importance of coral reefs to our three
Islands, our waters, the marine ecosystem and the diving industry. To protect and replenish Cayman's fish population, the Department of Environment (DoE) has expanded Cayman's marine parks to cover 48% of Cayman's waters. The Central Caribbean Marine Institute's (CCMI) 2022 reef health surveys indicated an increase in fish density, biomass and species richness in Little Cayman. However, although coral cover remains relatively high, there has been a decrease in coral recruitment and a reduction in coral size. According to a United Nations report, marine heatwaves are expected to become more common as the planet warms. This could be devastating to Cayman’s coral reefs and lead to coral bleaching, loss of marine life and loss of ‘reef services’ such as flood protection.
Although many efforts have been put in place to safeguard the coral reefs, sea grasses and mangroves in the Cayman Islands, other factors have contributed to their destruction. Sadly, many dive sites in Grand Cayman have been affected by the spread of the deadly Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease (SCTLD). Researchers from the US Geological Survey have found evidence that SCTLD is caused by a breakdown in the symbiotic relationship between corals and Zooxanthellae algae. This discovery is a big step towards finding future treatments for this disease. Given the rapid spread of SCTLD in the Cayman Islands, the DoE wants to remind the public to disinfect all snorkel and dive gear before and after each shore dive and boat trip by soaking them in disinfectant solution (with 1% bleach) for 10 minutes.
On a more positive note, the 2022 PADI Women's Dive Day invited divers to take part in an underwater scavenger hunt while not only celebrating women in diving but also raising money and awareness for breast cancer. The event raised over CI$11,000 and attracted more than 120 participants locally as well as support and donations from the dive community overseas. The PADI Women’s Dive Day occurs annually on the third Saturday of July and raises money for the Breast Cancer Foundation.
In addition, Cayman is still promoting its lionfish culling programme by encouraging divers and dive operators to safely remove as many lionfish from Cayman waters as possible. Activists are also pushing for a single-use plastic ban to reduce the plastics in the ocean.
WRECK DIVING Wreck diving is very popular as it provides a dramatic diving experience. There are several spectacular wrecks situated around the Cayman Islands and, as more marine life inhabits these sites, the more the dive experience improves. The dive sites below should be at the top of any diver’s list.
Balboa Situated among small surrounding reefs, the wreckage of this 375ft freighter is home to a large variety of fish and coral. It lies approximately 150ft off the west coast of the Island at a depth of 25ft-40ft. You can explore the ship’s stern section and swim over the three-bladed propellers. The wreck is a popular night dive and is situated around the cruise ship docking area, therefore, it is not accessible when cruise ships are in port and it is recommended you use a dive company or boat. Note: You need permission from the harbour master to dive the Balboa.
Cali Less than 150ft offshore from George Town and 15-20ft deep, the wreck of the Cali is an easily accessible and enjoyable dive for beginners and snorkellers. The 220ft steel schooner, which rests in pieces on the sea floor, is only a one-minute swim from the shore.
Carrie Lee For those who are Trimix certified, the Carrie Lee is recommended as a more challenging and technical dive. The 185ft freighter is completely intact and rests at a depth of 180ft-260ft off the south west coast. The wreck is teeming with marine life and provides a great diving experience. However, divers should be aware of the strong currents that surround this wreck and monitor their air. Though the 100ft cable layer sank back in 1982, it is still 80% intact and is populated with beautiful and diverse marine life, making it one of the most popular dive sites in Cayman. It is recommended to use a boat to get to the site, as there is some boating traffic around the area.
Keith Tibbetts, Cayman Brac This 330ft Russian Brigadier Type II Frigate was sunk in 1996 and is home to thousands of fish, turtles and grunts. Lying about 600ft off shore and 56ft underwater, it is the only Russian warship in the Western Hemisphere available for scuba diving. In 2004, a storm broke the ship in two and its bow now sits at a 45-degree angle. Although the amidships has become a debris field, it is still a popular dive site. The drop off to the wall is only 100ft away from the wreck and extends down thousands of feet - giving divers the option of exploring the wall as well.
Oro Verde This 131ft steel cargo vessel is popular among wreck divers. It can be found 40ft-50ft below the surface and approximately 150ft off Seven Mile Beach, so it is not suitable for a
Snorkelling Sites
George Town Conveniently located, here you will find a mass of coral heads, caves and abundant fish life.
North Sound Here you will find the world famous Sandbar and Stingray City, where you can feed and interact with stingrays in only 3ft of water. The Coral Gardens are nearby, where you will find corals and fish. Both sites are only accessible by boat.
Seven Mile Beach The main snorkelling area here can be found at the north end of Seven Mile Beach at Cemetery Reef, which is about 300ft offshore, but often in less than 10ft of water.
West Bay Down the road from the Cayman Turtle Centre is Lighthouse Point and Cobalt Coast Dive Resort, which are great sites to find elusive sea turtles.
shore dive. The amount of marine life available for viewing is spectacular considering how shallow the wreck is. Unfortunately, the ship has collapsed somewhat due to the elements, but the animals that make it their home are the centrepiece of this wreck. Such as, the massive jewfish that has come to be known as George, the moray eel named Kermit, and Puff the barracuda.
The USS Kittiwake In October 2017, this 251ft, 2,200 tonne, decommissioned military ship was toppled on its side by the winds of Hurricane Nate. The hull of the ex-USS Kittiwake is perfectly intact, but its port rail is now burrowed in the sand instead of standing upright. While
Diving Areas
East End Dramatic coral and wall diving. Reef sharks, nurse sharks and even hammerheads can occasionally be seen.
George Town Coral, caves and tunnels at Eden Rock and a mermaid at Sunset House, just south of George Town. Look out for the tarpon!
North Wall Most dive sites on ‘The Wall’ are only accessible by boat. See incredible coral wall formations, sheer walls and occasionally eagle rays, nurse sharks, moray eels and all sorts of other underwater wonders. Inside the reef is the world famous Stingray City, where you can interact with stingrays in 12ft of water.
West Bay Great shore dives from Cracked Conch, Lighthouse Point and Cobalt Coast. You can access ‘The Wall’ via boat trips or underwater scooters, or the mini wall from the shore. The wreck of the Kittiwake is found on the northern end of the West side.
Seven Mile Beach Walls and shallow dives of 35ft-60ft, all accessible by boat.
Sister Islands Fabulous unspoiled diving for all levels of ability, from shallow reefs and deep walls to the Keith Tibbetts Wreck. divers and tourism officials were anxious that this world-renowned dive site seemed ruined, there was a silver-lining. For many experienced Kittiwake divers, it was like a new dive site altogether! For the less experienced divers, it might be a little more daunting due to the lack of light coming through, but the darkened areas have attracted new breeds of sea life to the site.
The ship rests in 64ft of water off the northern end of Seven Mile Beach and is a great dive site. Join a guided tour and keep an open mind. The Kittiwake is situated in a marine park which is protected under Cayman Law and this means that nothing can be touched or removed. Wearing gloves and fishing at this site (other than lionfish culling) is prohibited.
There is an entry fee to snorkel or dive the site and all vessels, commercial or private, are required to be licensed through the Cayman Islands Tourism Association (CITA). If you would like to dive or snorkel the Kittiwake, you must go with a licenced operator. Contact CITA (Tel: (345) 949 8522) for a list of licenced operators to plan your trip. A fee of CI$8 per day to dive and CI$4 per day to snorkel will need to be paid to the boat operator. You can also get an annual pass for CI$25 or a lifetime pass for CI$200. Due to boat and jet ski traffic, it is not advisable to swim to the Kittiwake from the shore.
Dive 365 Dive 365 is an exciting programme that has developed over 360+ separate dive sites around the Cayman Islands, giving divers a unique dive site for every day of the year and more! As well as enabling divers to explore the magnificent underwater world, the programme also allows sites to be rested. The diversity of sites offers dive options for all skill levels. Divers can explore over 230 dive sites in Grand Cayman (not including the yacht moorings) and roughly 134 in the Sister Islands (including the Cayman Brac yacht mooring).
For more information call CITA on (345) 949 8522. Additionally, www. idivecayman.com provides HD footage and diver reviews of each site in Grand Cayman, making it a helpful resource when deciding on a particular site. Lionfish Native to the Indo-Pacific region, it’s believed that an aquarium owner released only eight captive lionfish off the coast of Florida in 1985. While lionfish are strikingly beautiful creatures with their distinctive stripes and spines, they are also an eco-disaster to the Caribbean and its dive industry. They are voracious predators that devour small and juvenile fish and crustaceans in large quantities, as well as competing with native species for space and more food. This, coupled with the fact that they can reach reproductive maturity at less than one year old, and lay 30,000 eggs every four days, makes them a major problem for Cayman waters. Since they are not native to Caribbean waters, they have no known predators, which means their population continues to multiply.
The Cayman community is doing its bit by culling the lionfish to combat their growing population and save the dive industry. However, be aware that lionfish are extremely venomous. Do not attempt to catch one without proper Department of Environment (DoE) training and a licence. Divers, snorkellers, and fishermen can obtain licences from the DoE to remove lionfish from the sea. The DoE and a few dive operators (Ambassador Divers, Divetech, Red Sail Sports and Ocean Frontiers) run a licensing course that is open to everyone. For more information, call the DoE on (345) 949 8469, email: doe@gov.ky or visit www.doe.ky/marine/ lionfish-invasive.
Lionfish are delicious and completely safe to eat. As a white fish, they are mild and flaky when cooked. If you don’t want to catch them yourself, they appear on the menu at Eagle Ray's Bar & Grill in East End and other restaurants across the Island. This is one reef fish we can eat with a clean conscience!
Coral Nurseries Normally, all coral in Cayman is completely protected and should never be touched. However, in 2016, four dive operators in Grand Cayman (Cayman Eco Divers,
Divetech, Ocean Frontiers and Sunset House), plus the Brac SCUBA Shack and CCMI on Little Cayman, obtained permits from the Department of Environment and have been growing staghorn coral in small nurseries. This work has led to clippings from these nursery corals being planted back out on the reef. Over time they have grown and begun to reproduce more coral. This has also been dependant on the health conditions of Cayman’s reefs. However, this labour intensive programme is only effective for a few types of coral. The best thing we can all do for Cayman’s reefs is not to hurt them in the first place. When boating, do not anchor in coral; when diving or snorkelling, be careful never to touch the reef and when fishing, obey the Marine Park rules, since a healthy fish population is important for a healthy coral reef. Perhaps the biggest threats to coral reefs are overfishing, pollution and climate change, therefore efforts to become sustainable are also significant. Anything that individuals or businesses can do to reduce their environmental impact will help Cayman’s coral reefs along with the rest of the planet.
Respecting the Reef As the Islands’ greatest natural resource, home to nearly all our gorgeous fish, and our protection in the case of any natural disaster, it is essential that coral reefs are preserved and treated with respect. Divers can responsibly explore the spectacular reefs by following these small steps:
Never touch the coral Whether intentionally or by mistake, touching the coral can cause permanent damage. Never take pieces of coral as souvenirs. Keep control over your buoyancy so you don’t accidentally touch the reef. Remain aware of your fins and other diving equipment – make sure nothing is hanging loose which could brush against the reef.
Use reef-friendly sunscreens Recent studies suggest that most contemporary sunscreens, particularly spray sunscreen, contain the damaging chemicals (oxybenzone and octinoxate) which are toxic to coral and even in tiny doses can stunt coral growth, cause coral bleaching and affect marine creatures like shrimp and clams. Instead, use rash guards and reef-friendly sunscreen, which contains only mineral UV-blocking ingredients such as titanium dioxide and oxide, when you are in the water. Reeffriendly sunscreens can be purchased from Foster’s, Kirk Market and Le Visage.
No Diving Overlay Zones Currently, there are seven no diving overlay zones in Grand Cayman and one on each Sister Island that restricts SCUBA diving without permission. Visit www.doe.ky/ marine/marine-parks for details.
Learning to dive is an essential activity for many new arrivals to Cayman. Popular training agencies for diver education and certification are PADI, NAUI, SDI, TDI, IANTD and SSI, offered by a variety of dive operators in Cayman.
Prior to committing to a full certification programme, many people try a Discover Scuba Course and Dive first (formally known as a Resort Course). This ‘minicourse’ consists of a short theory session where you’ll learn the simple dos and don’ts of diving, get an introduction to the equipment and learn some very basic skills. You will first start in a swimming pool or shallow and confined open water to become acclimatised to being underwater before finally taking a shallow ocean dive with your instructor. This programme normally takes three to four hours and is a great way to see if diving is for you.
While the Discover Scuba Dive is a fantastic introduction, it does have its limitations. You are limited to a shallow depth (40ft max) and you can only dive with the dive instructor, the shop you completed the course with or another dive centre referred by the instructor. If you want to go further, the next step is the Open Water Certification course. Adult Open Water Courses The open water courses are often completed in as little as three days and provides the licence you need to dive. Many people choose the e-learning route which allows you to do the class work at home and then the remainder of the course only takes two days. This option gets you in the ocean quicker and out of the classroom on your days off. Completion of this training is the minimum qualification required to rent equipment, go on excursions and basically get you in and out of the water safely. Many dive operators on the Island offer flexible learning options designed to suit your schedule.
Dive Courses for Kids & Teens The open water course is also offered to those aged 10 and up, and children under 15 are able to become certified as Junior Open Water Divers. Options also exist for you to be taught at home in your own pool.
For little ones, there are lots of educational and fun scuba/snorkel activities available. Programmes include SASY (from age five), Rangers or Seals (from age eight), Junior Open Water Diver (from age ten) and of course, guided diving excursions to the shallow reefs, Stingray City and the Kittiwake. Programmes range from pool sessions to ocean adventures, with kids learning about marine life, fish identification, coral reefs, underwater photography or even cruising on an underwater scooter. The following companies offer dive programmes for children ages five and up: Divetech, Eden
Rock Diving Center, Seahorse Diving School and Wall to Wall Diving.
Divetech offers a beta tested PADI Junior Divemaster Programme for ages 15-17. This course involves portions of full divemaster training, with some modifications for younger divers, and gives them the opportunity to undertake work experience, gain exposure to the industry and gain practical experience and knowledge. Credit from this programme can be applied towards the full divemaster credentials for up to 36 months after
completing the course. Candidates for this course must have an advanced Open Water and Rescue Diver certification, completed first aid/CPR training within the past 24 months and a minimum of 20 logged dives.
Certified Divers Shore diving is a very popular weekend
pursuit. Don Fosters, Divetech, Eden Rock Diving Center and Sunset House are some of the oldest dive resorts on the Island and all boast great shore diving.
As a certified diver you can also go on boat excursions. For many, the main reason to dive in Cayman is to explore the beautiful walls and drop-offs. You will soon have your own favourite sites and your conversations will turn to North West Point, Tarpon Alley, Great House Wall, Orange Canyon and coral covered passages, where you’ll see eagle rays, horseeyed jacks, sharks and hawksbill turtles.
Dive Trips Before long, you will be taking two-tank (two dive locations) trips to explore the renowned beauty of the West Wall, which runs parallel to Seven Mile Beach, the breath-taking North Wall, and East End, where the scenery is some of the most dramatic. Generally, dive boats will leave early and get you home for lunch, however there are afternoon trips as well. The first dive is usually one of the wall dives. Experienced divers will have the opportunity to explore with a guide or their dive buddy. The best thing about guided dives is that the instructors know where they are going and will show you the best a particular site has to offer, as well as the critters. After a short surface interval, you will be on a second dive on one of Cayman’s shallow reefs or wrecks. By exploring the nooks and crannies, you see a host of amazing creatures including lobsters, eels, soft coral, sea anemones and more. In shallower waters, the colours will amaze you and are more vibrant due to the increased level of light.
Sunset House, with its sunken mermaid sculpture, provides great shore diving and boat dives, as does Divetech. Divetech’s mini-wall is a must see, as is the sunken 13ft sculpture of Guardian of the Reef which is half warrior and half seahorse. Also visit Ocean Frontiers in East End to experience dramatic wall dives and caverns. Finally, Eden Rock Diving Center offers easy access to Eden Rock and Devil’s Grotto. Once you have caught the dive bug, head over to the Sister Islands for a few days of diving some of Cayman’s pristine dive sites – just a 30 minute flight away. You will not be disappointed with Bloody Bay Wall in Little Cayman, with its beautiful drop-offs, corals and marine life. Finally, Cayman Brac is famous for the Wreck of MV Captain Keith Tibbetts, an interesting and very popular dive site.
ADVANCED DIVING Advanced Diving Courses After completing your open water certification, you may want to complete further courses to build on your experience. The Advanced course introduces you to deep diving, navigation diving, plus three other specialty dives in areas that interest you. The very little classroom study required for the course can also be done online, with the remainder of the course completed in the water.
Various other advanced courses include underwater photography/videography, search and recovery, stingray interaction, reef awareness, wreck diving, scooters, buoyancy, technical applications and the popular Enriched Air (Nitrox) course.
Technical Diving Technical dives are conducted beyond the 130ft depth limit for recreational diving, they require a decompression stop and occur beyond the light zone or in an overhead environment. This type of advanced, extended-range diving requires a commitment to safe, responsible, selfdisciplined diving.
If you are truly adventurous, you can learn to use Rebreathers (devices originally designed by the military that emit no bubbles or noise), mixed gases or certain techniques for extended-range diving. Rebreather diving (Closed Circuit Rebreathers/CCR) allows you to massively extend your dive time. You could spend three hours at 100ft and, as there are no bubbles, you’ll get up closer to the marine life. Nitrox, Advanced Nitrox, Normoxic Trimix, Trimix and Advanced Trimix courses enable divers to safely explore greater depths. This allows divers to dive to the same depths as normal scuba divers, but for a longer bottom time. It also provides an extra margin of safety as it reduces the amount of nitrogen being absorbed by your body.
A Nitrox course usually costs CI$150 and one-tank of Nitrox will only cost about CI$10 more than a regular tank of air. If you like diving within 100ft-150ft, Advanced Nitrox enables you to stay safely at these depths for about 45 minutes instead of the usual 10-20 minutes.
Normoxic/Non-Hypoxic Training takes divers to the 200ft range, reducing oxygen content to about 18% and adding helium to buffer the effects of narcosis. For those wishing to go deeper (330ft+), Divetech can support rebreather diving with tanks and gasses.
You may even wish to turn your passion for diving into a career by becoming a Divemaster. Divemaster training develops your skills to a professional level. You’ll work alongside full-time instructors, and you get paid too!
FREE DIVING Free diving is a form of underwater diving that relies on a diver’s breath instead of breathing apparatus. Being without equipment allows you to interact with marine life while strengthening your lungs and toning your muscles.
Currently, free diving courses are only offered at Ambassador Divers (Tel: (345) 916 1064). Ambassador Divers offers a PFI 20m/66ft class. Both courses include basic classroom lessons, followed by shallow water/pool skills and then open water free diving.
For those wanting to pursue free
diving more seriously, there is the AIDA Free Diver (two days), AIDA Advanced Free Diver (two days), Free Diving certifications.
Level One teaches you the proper knowledge to participate in free diving depths of 60ft, as well as develop the skills necessary to train your body to be more efficient with breath-holding, respiration and muscle flexibility.
Level Two will teach you the skills to participate in free diving to depths of 98ft. It will also teach you dynamic free diving to 180ft and a static breath-hold for two and a half minutes.

Ambassador Divers Tel: (345) 916 1064 www.ambassadordivers.com A small dive operator, with a PADI five star IDC rating. They will introduce you to their favourite sites including wrecks, reefs and spectacular wall dives. They’ll also visit dive sites suitable for families and new divers, as well as more thrilling sites for the experienced diver.
Cayman Diving 65 North Church St, George Town Tel: (345) 916 8487 PADI courses, two-tank diving and snorkelling.
Deep Blue Divers 30 Seafarers Way, George Town Tel: (345) 916 1293 Email: info@deepbluediverscayman.com
Divetech Lighthouse Point, West Bay Tel: (345) 925 1252 www.divetech.com Offers PADI courses, Discover Scuba Diving, two-tank boat trips, shore diving, night diving and trips to the USS Kittiwake.
Eden Rock Diving Center 124 South Church Street, George Town Tel: (345) 949 7243 Email: edenrock@candw.ky Eden Rock offers fantastic shore diving and snorkelling just a short swim from the shore. Explore a maze of caves and tunnels just a few feet below the surface. Equipment rental/sales and instruction available.
Ocean Frontiers Ltd. 344 Austin Conolly Drive, East End Tel: (345) 640 7500 www.oceanfrontiers.com A PADI five star dive centre offering all levels of courses from try-dives to instructor. Their East End two-tank, Wall and Reef boat dives as well as their signature dive trips, UV glow night dives, three-tank safari and Kittiwake Wreck dive are extremely popular. They have a great on-site restaurant and hotel. They also offer a five-day Summer Marine Camp. The camp is suitable for snorkellers and scuba divers, and participants are geared into two age groups, ages 8-11 and ages 12 years and over. This programme is designed and ran by a qualified marine biologist, and supervised by experienced dive masters who are trained and certified in CPR/First Aid and Rescue. Participants must be able to swim, be comfortable in the ocean, and have their own dive mask and snorkel. All other equipment will be provided.
Sunset Divers at Sunset House Hotel 390 South Church Street, South Sound Tel: (345) 946 6789 Email: reservations@sunsethouse.com Offers discounted resident courses, equipment rental, shore and boat diving.

Seahorse Diving School Tel: (345) 328 2778 Teaches various diving courses for children and teenagers.
Tortuga Divers 2289 Queen's Highway, East End Tel: (345) 947 2097 Offers daily two-tank wall dives, afternoon shallow dives, and weekly night dives.
Wall to Wall Diving Tel: (345) 916 6408 Offers PADI courses and dive trips on their two large, custom–built 36ft and 32ft boats. They take a maximum of eight divers per boat. Underwater Photography Lessons Given the incredible beauty of Cayman’s underwater world, many find themselves wanting to capture it in photographs. The Island offers an opportunity to learn all types of underwater photography, videography and digital image and video editing. Private and semi-private classes are available. Serious dive-certified photographers also have the option of completing their PADI Digital Photography and PADI Videography certifications.
Cathy Church’s Underwater Photo Centre Sunset House, South Church Street Tel: (345) 949 7415 or www.cathychurch.com Cathy Church’s offers individual or small group underwater photography lessons for all levels and cameras. You can choose to learn with either Cathy or a staff member, the date and time, the duration and whether you want to include a dive from shore. They also offer a free mini-lesson with underwater camera rental and a set-up lesson with purchase. SEE AD THIS PAGE,
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