ACPHS 2012 President's Report

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president’s report



Gil Chorbajian


Janet Sanders Bob Schalit

photographers Scott Barrow Donald W. Elliott Michael Worthington



President’s Ledger What makes an organization stand apart from its peers and rise to a position of prominence? It’s a question I think about quite a bit as president of the College. Through the years, I’ve come to realize that while the quality of “products and services” play a role in making an organization successful, these things are not enough on their own. The foundation of any great organization is great individuals—people who dedicate themselves to creating an environment that seeks out and rewards excellence. So for this issue of the President’s Report, we have turned the spotlight on a group of faculty, staff, and students of the College who reflect this ideal. As you read these stories, you will not only learn what these individuals do, but you will gain some insight into who they are, and how they reached this point in their lives. The difficult part of putting together such a publication is that there are many exceptional individuals who merit a presence on these pages. After much discussion, we eventually narrowed it down to ten people who we believe represent much of what makes this College a great place to work and receive an education. People like John Denio. John has been a fixture at ACPHS since 1976, longer than any current employee. He has distinguished himself at nearly every level of the institution—as a faculty member, associate dean, dean, and now provost. Regardless of the role, John has always approached his work with the same philosophy—“How can I help make this College a better place?” One person who is helping make the College a better place is Meenakshi Malik. In just three years since joining ACPHS, she has quickly distinguished herself as a strong advocate for student research (and an accomplished researcher in her own right, having just secured her second NIH grant). Walk into her lab, and you will see students learning, engaged, and eager to be part of the next scientific discovery. You don’t have to sell Joe Gottwald on the benefits to be gained from research. This exceptional student was one of the participants in last year’s Summer Research Award program. That might not be surprising except for the fact that he also volunteers at the Albany Rescue Mission, plays on the soccer team, and is a peer tutor. These are just a few examples of the people and personalities who make this College the institution that it is. As you read the magazine, you will also be introduced to a third generation legacy student, an alumnus who joined the faculty and launched a residency program, our Director of Global Initiatives, a member of the first graduating class in Vermont, an up-and-coming faculty researcher, and the College’s newly appointed Dean of Graduate Studies. We’ll also recognize an employee who recently retired after working at ACPHS for nearly 40 years. It is, by any measure, a diverse and accomplished group of individuals. And when combined with their peers, the result is an exceptional institution—one that I have been proud to be associated with for the past 15 years.

James J. Gozzo, Ph.D. President, Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

Looking Forward, Giving Back John Denio, M.S., M.B.A., Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs


t should be no surprise that Provost John Denio is

Student and Academic Affairs in 2002, Associate Dean for

quite proficient in math. After all, his parents were

Students in 2006, Dean of Students in 2011, and now serves

experts in multiplying—and being fruitful. So suc-

as Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs.

cessful, in fact, that John has a jaw-dropping nine sisters and eight brothers.

Born fifth in a family of 18 children in Troy, John

reminisces, “It was chaos all the time but a lot of fun and

Beyond his many responsibilities as Provost, John still teaches the elective courses Principles of Management and Organizational Management Theory in the AME discipline (Administration, Management and Economics).

obviously we never wanted for playmates. We shared bed-

As his roles have changed, so has the College changed,

rooms and bathrooms and cooked meals in large pots that

but John maintains the school’s essence is still very much in

you could leave on the stove and stir all the time.”

tact. “One of the nice things about us is that we’ve main-

John credits his dad Dominic as a major influence in

tained a closeness even though we’ve grown our enrollment

helping shape his life. “I look back on things now and

threefold. It’s challenging for students to go through our cur-

think how my father was a teacher, a county legislator,

riculum, so there needs to be a strong support network, and I

and was involved in athletics. Like him, I’ve worked in

believe our family atmosphere still provides that for them.”

education my whole life, was on a village board, and have coached teams.”

John has given much of his life to the College over the past four decades, but he also believes the College has

After graduating from Union College in 1976 with a

given much to him. “I’ve been very lucky to be part of this

bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering and a minor in Eco-

institution for as long as I have, so I am happy to give back,

nomics, John was hired by ACPHS for the part-time posi-

and there are plenty of opportunities to do that.”

tion of head basketball coach. With the recent retirement of Jackie Harris (see page 20), John is now the longest serving faculty or staff member at the College. After his first year as coach, Dean Walter Singer offered

He actively participates in campus events and programs such as Relay for Life and Habitat for Humanity, in addition to fundraisers like the one that provides scholarship assistance for the families of former ACPHS professor

him a full-time teaching position. “With my degree in

Mario Zeolla and his classmate and close friend Noah

Civil Engineering and ACPHS being primarily a pharmacy

Sorensen, who died tragically in a 2007 car accident.

school at the time, I couldn’t imagine what I could teach.

John has also been a longtime advisor to the College’s

But because I had a solid background in math from my

chapter of Phi Lambda Sigma (PLS), the pharmacy student

engineering studies, I ended up teaching two semesters in

leadership society. In fact, from 2006 to 2008, he served as

calculus as well as economics,” John says.

national president of Phi Lambda Sigma, and in 2013 was

During the ensuing years, John began taking on more faculty and administrative responsibilities, though he

honored as the national PLS Advisor of the Year. Unlike his own parents, John and his wife Margaret

continued coaching basketball for another 13 seasons, even

have a more modestly sized family. John’s son David grad-

adding soccer coach to his resume. He somehow found

uated from ACPHS with his Doctor of Pharmacy degree

time in between to earn his Master’s in Health Systems

in 2010 and is now finishing his second residency in Salt

Management from Union Graduate College and his MBA

Lake City before heading to Alaska. Their daughter Diana

from Russell Sage College.

is studying to become a physician assistant, undoubtedly

He would eventually be appointed Associate Dean of


influenced by Margaret, also a PA.

“ I’ve been very lucky to be part of this institution for as long as I have.”

Taking an Organic Approach Martha Hass, Ph.D., Dean, School of Graduate Studies/Associate Professor of Chemistry


ho says there’s nothing new

ing, gain confidence, and master new material. My favorite

under the sun?

thing about teaching is to have a student who’s struggled

Certainly not Martha Hass, Associate Professor of Chemistry and Dean of the School of

all semester and ends up coming through in the end.” As the newly appointed Dean of the School of Graduate Studies, Dr. Hass oversees five programs: Clinical Labo-

Graduate Studies. She’s currently working on a three-year

ratory Sciences, Cytotechnology and Molecular Cytology,

research grant funded by the National Institutes of Health

Health Outcomes Research, Molecular Biosciences, and

to develop topical formulations to prevent problems

Pharmaceutical Sciences. She’s responsible for a wide

caused by sun exposure such as burning, wrinkling, and

range of activities including coordinating and revising

skin cancers.

curricula, managing students and thesis committees,

Unlike sunblocks, which stop UV rays from penetrat-

integrating graduate programs with the registrar’s office,

ing the skin, Dr. Hass’ compounds aim to repair oxidative

monitoring students’ academic progress, and streamlining

damage in cells. “Essentially, it’s two independent antiox-

the delivery of course offerings.

idants—vitamin E and lipoic acid—working synergistically

“We’re also laying the groundwork for a Ph.D. program,

to create a co-drug. This ‘whole’ is much greater and more

which will probably be launched first in pharmaceutical

effective than the sum of its parts.

sciences. We’re working towards starting the program in

“My colleague [and former ACPHS faculty member] Dr.

two years. The Ph.D. program will have a big impact on the

Luciana Lopes and I have already synthesized 10 of these

College. We’ll be able to enhance the productivity of our

compounds, six of which successfully penetrate skin. Our

research activity, improve our intellectual environment,

goal is to generate enough experimental evidence to show

increase our exposure to the outside world, and positively

this will be commercially viable. If we’re successful, it will

affect our other programs.”

be a non-prescription supplement to traditional sunscreen creams and lotions,” she says. It’s quite a different future from the one Dr. Hass envi-

During her time at the College, Dr. Hass has seen the school grow dramatically. “When I started here, there wasn’t a big emphasis on research, but Ken Miller, our

sioned for herself attending a Catholic girls’ school in Pea-

president at the time, understood that to be a place of

body, Massachusetts, where she excelled at basketball and

academic excellence, our faculty needed to be involved in

starred as Maria in The Sound of Music. After conducting a

research. Ken planted the seed, and Jim Gozzo brought

reality check of her height—a rather diminutive 5’ 2’’—plus

it to life by expanding our campus, investing heavily in

her vocal abilities and prospects in the performing arts,

research, and spearheading our Vermont campus and

she decided that pursuing chemistry was probably a better

distance learning.

formula for success. Dr. Hass earned her bachelor’s in chemistry from the

“I think this institution has incredible potential, and I’ve always felt if I wanted to pursue something, there’s

University of Vermont and her Ph.D. from RPI. After

always been the opportunity to do that. There’s just a

working at the GE R&D Center in Niskayuna, she joined

tremendous opportunity to make a difference in a smaller

the faculty at ACPHS in 1990. Soon thereafter, she started

school like this.”

teaching organic chemistry, and has continued in that capacity for the last 22 years. “Organic is definitely a hard and challenging course,

Surprisingly, although she is a scientist and her husband David is an engineer, their three sons are pursuing very different career paths. Their eldest is a musician and

and people tend to perceive me as being pretty demand-

lawyer, the middle son is headed down to Nashville to

ing,” says Dr. Hass. “That’s certainly true, but I also convey

pursue a career in audio production, and their youngest is

to my students that they have the capabilities to keep go-

studying film at NYU.


“ There’s a tremendous opportunity to make a difference in a smaller school like this.”

“ I looked at that brand new building. I saw the lake right behind me. And I decided right away that this is where I would go to school.�

His Patients Are Rewarded Hitesh Patel, Pharm. D., Class of 2013/ACPHS Vermont Campus


n May 19, 2013, Hitesh Patel became

“My interview was in the wintertime. They told me

part of ACPHS history. He was one of

right away that I had been accepted. I looked at the brand

74 students to earn a Pharm.D. in the

new building. I saw the lake right behind me. And I decid-

first graduating class of the ACPHS

ed right away that this is where I would go to school.”

campus in Colchester, Vermont. The

Three weeks before school started, Hitesh was in an

campus, which opened in 2009, is the only pharmacy pro-

automobile accident. He suffered a lumbar fracture and

gram in the state.

his left leg was paralyzed. “The doctor said that starting

This pioneering class set a high standard for those who

college should not be a priority. That my priority should

follow, not only with their academic achievement, but in

be learning to walk again. But I decided that I would start

their close-knit relationships and mutually supportive ap-

on time, no matter what.” Hitesh arrived on his first day

proach to learning. Hitesh, a native of India who moved to

of class in a body cast. “Everyone was so nice. There was

the United States in 2000, exemplifies that spirit. Known

always someone to carry my books and laptop,” he says. “I

to his classmates as “the second professor,” he generously

will always remember that.” (He has since fully recovered

gave of his time and knowledge to help his fellow students

from his injuries.)

with their studies. “I started out just helping a few students and then I

Hitesh, who lives in Princeton, New Jersey, with his parents and his wife, Unixa, plans to own a pharmacy

applied for a position as a peer tutor,” he said. “Two days

someday. He believes that lower volume, independent

later, I was holding a review session for the class, and it

pharmacies are well equipped to provide patients with

continued from there.”

individualized attention and help answer questions about

When asked if he was ever concerned about helping students who could compete with him for jobs, he says,

their health. “My interest is taking care of patients,” he says. Hitesh won a $1,500 scholarship from The Indepen-

“Not at all. We are all together as a family. We are all

dent Pharmacy Cooperative last year, based on his essay

Pharm.D.s, and we will all get jobs. If I can help my class-

about the role of independent pharmacies in the communi-

mates become better pharmacists, I am glad to do it. I’m

ty. And he is already working at an independent pharmacy

sure they would do the same.”

in Plainfield, NJ. “Our patient service has helped make our

Things weren’t always easy for Hitesh, who struggled with his English and lack of self-confidence in his early years in the U.S. He earned a degree in Chemistry from

pharmacy stand out from the others. That is something I am proud of.” Hitesh attributes much of his success and newfound

Rutgers University, but did not enjoy the lab work. A

confidence to his experience at ACPHS-Vermont. “When

part-time job in a pharmacy set him on his career path. He

I arrived, my self-esteem was low, but this experience

applied to 13 colleges to study pharmacy, and ACPHS-Ver-

changed my personality,” he says. “Now my focus is on

mont was the first to accept him.

helping people.”


A World of Possibilities Jessica DiLorenzo, Director, Global Initiatives


essica DiLorenzo’s office on the ACPHS campus is

studying plants in the Amazon. Pharm.D. candidates can

less than 30 miles from the Clifton Park neighbor-

gain clinical and research experience with rotations in

hood where she grew up. But the path that brought

Switzerland, China, and Japan. Others have opted to take

her here covered thousands of miles—through

classes and obtain transfer credits from the University

Washington, DC, South Korea, and Southeast Asia.

of Belgrano in Argentina, an APCHS affiliate. And this

The perspective she gained on that journey turned

out to be the ideal preparation for her position as

Director of the College’s recently created Office of Global Initiatives. Following her graduation from high school, Jessica headed to George Washington University in Washington,

summer, Jessica accompanied a group of students on a volunteer, not-for-credit, medical mission to Ghana, where they provided health care services to local villagers. Additional study abroad opportunities for ACPHS students exist in Belize, Brazil, Dominica, Germany, Guatemala, Italy, Kenya, Peru, and more.

DC, where she earned a degree in International Business.

Of course, you don’t have to travel the world to gain a

Realizing that she was more interested in foreign cultures

global perspective. The Office of Global Initiatives has also

than in business, she abandoned plans for law school and

helped facilitate a wide range of multi-cultural experiences

set out to find a way to travel and live abroad.

on campus that include samba lessons and Brazilian des-

A Google search led her to opportunities in South

serts; Fair Trade Craft Fairs featuring hand-made gifts from

Korea, and she eventually secured a two-year position

developing countries; concerts by a Ghanaian drummer and

teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) in Ulsan,

Indian classical musicians; and an African film series.

the country’s industrial capital. “To be thrown into a situation where you don’t know

More than ten percent of ACPHS students are from outside the United States, and reaching out to this pop-

anyone and don’t speak the language was a tremendous

ulation is also a priority for Jessica. “Because I’ve had

challenge, but an invigorating one,” Jessica says. She rap-

the experience of going abroad with no support, I know

idly adjusted, mastering enough conversational Korean to

how important this is,” she says. Events for international

navigate daily life.

students include orientation meetings, field trips to see the

Jessica learned about the Global Initiatives position at

world beyond the campus, and a popular ESL class, piloted

ACPHS during a brief visit home. In true global fashion,

last year, which teaches how to speak English with an

she interviewed via Skype from South Korea and landed

American accent.

the job. She subsequently completed her teaching contract

Some wonder if all this really matters. How do students

and returned to the Capital District to begin her new

benefit from learning about other cultures? “On a practical

career, but not before carving out some time for a once-in-

level, it impresses potential employers,” said Jessica. “But

a-lifetime backpacking trip through Southeast Asia.

what’s most important is how it changes your perspective.

Today, Jessica helps ACPHS students pursue global experiences like the ones that changed her life. ACPHS students are now able to earn academic credits learning about the customs and cultures of Senegal or


It makes you much more empathetic, which is important when you work in a country as culturally diverse as the U.S. I don’t think it’s possible to go abroad and experience another culture and come back the same person.”

“ I don’t think it’s possible to go abroad and come back the same person.”

“ Research can be incredibly exciting because you have the potential to create knowledge for the first time in the world.�

“Micro” Manager Meenakshi Malik, D.V.M., Ph.D., Director of B.S. Program in Microbiology/Assistant Professor


tudents in the new bachelor’s program in

This past July she received a three-year, $465,000

Microbiology at ACPHS will not only study

research grant from the National Institutes of Health to

microscopic living organisms such as bacteria,

further explore how Francisella represses the body’s innate

fungi, and viruses, but they will also learn to

immune response in the first 72 hours following infection.

exercise critical thinking, patience, and per-

If this process can be better understood, the ability to de-

severance. Those qualities are valuable for any health care practitioner, but according to Meenakshi Malik, director of the new program, they are essential for researchers. “It’s all about persistence. A lot of what we do in the laboratory is bound to fail,” she says, “so part of the process

velop a preventive vaccine will be greatly enhanced. Dr. Malik describes the College’s new B.S. program in Microbiology as “one of the few in New York State specializing in medical microbiology. “Other institutions offer a B.S. with a concentration in

is learning to deal with that. But research can also be in-

general microbiology, but as a health care college, we are

credibly exciting, because you have the potential to create

specifically focused on the study of human pathogens.”

knowledge for the first time in the world.” Dr. Malik—the daughter of a noted microbiologist in

The Biomedical Microbiology track focuses on how infectious diseases occur. This research-intensive track

her native India—discovered her passion for pathogens

prepares students for advanced study in Microbiology,

while studying to become a veterinarian. Switching her

Immunology, or professional medicine. “Because we are a

focus from clinical practice to research, she earned a Ph.D.

small school, we can place students in research labs right

in Immunology from the Indian Veterinary Research Insti-

from the beginning, giving them a competitive advantage

tute. Her Ph.D. topic was Salmonella, a pathogen common

over students from large universities,” said Dr. Malik.

to both animals and humans. During post-doctoral studies at the Institute for Animal

The Public Health/Infectious Disease track is designed for students interested in tracking the incidence

Health in the U.K., she continued to work towards finding

and prevalence of infectious diseases, preparing them

an effective vaccine against Salmonella. Along with her hus-

for positions in state or federal government regulatory

band and fellow microbiologist, Shekhar Bakshi, who is cur-


rently a professor at New York Medical College in Valhalla,

The Industrial/Pharmaceutical Microbiology track

New York, the couple moved to Albany in 2003 to become

emphasizes the prevention, investigation, and control of

Post-doctoral fellows at Albany Medical College (AMC).

microbial contamination. Students in this track will be

In the aftermath of 9/11, AMC was awarded an $8.3 million grant for biodefense research. The grant afforded an opportunity for Dr. Malik to work on a Category A

well prepared for quality control positions with private biotechnology or pharmaceutical companies. Food safety issues, environmental concerns, increasing

biothreat agent, Francisella tularensis. She explains, “the

antibiotic resistance, and the emergence of new diseases

pathogen being studied had many of the same characteris-

are all expected to increase demand for microbiologists in

tics as Salmonella, just with a different focus.”

the years ahead. Armed with their education from ACPHS

In 2010, Dr. Malik joined the faculty of ACPHS, where

and the support of engaging, knowledgeable professors

she established her own research laboratory, though the

like Dr. Malik, the graduates of the ACPHS Microbiology

focus of her work continues to be on the various aspects of

program will be well positioned to seize these opportuni-

the Francisella bacteria.

ties and, more importantly, help address these problems.


“ I really like the school’s size and that you can talk to the faculty here.”

Not Your Ordinary Joe Joe Gottwald, Class of 2016


is nickname and Twitter handle are “4.0

Lodise to study the treatment of community acquired bac-

Joe.” That’s because Joe Gottwald leads

terial pneumonia patients. The objective was to establish

his class in academic excellence.

proper guidelines for community acquired pneumonia care

Growing up in the small town of Millerton, Pennsylvania, Joe had a grand-

in order to develop more effective treatments for patients. This fall he plans to volunteer at an Albany rescue mis-

mother who made sure he finished his studies before going

sion clinic. “There are a lot of people who struggle to pay

out to play. “She gave me a mental mindset with a different

for health care, and helping them will be pretty reward-

set of priorities from other kids.”

ing,” he says.

In high school, where he was valedictorian, his gifts

Lest anyone think dynamo Joe’s all work and no play,

extended into sports as well. He played basketball, was

they should know that he is a member of the ACPHS men’s

varsity baseball captain, and during his senior season was

soccer team and also loves playing club sports like basket-

the only batter to hit a home run over the center field wall,

ball, ultimate Frisbee, and flag football. And he points out

425 feet from home plate.

that he’s far from perfect. “In high school I got sent to the

During his senior year of high school, ACPHS offered

principal’s office for changing into my baseball uniform in

Joe the President’s Endowment for Excellence schol-

the parking lot. The next day I was trying to get to school

arship, and he fondly remembers playing at the annual

early to apologize to my teacher for that and another

President’s Cup golf tournament which raises money to

teacher caught me speeding.”

fund the scholarship. Joe’s passion for the sciences was ignited in a tenth

Back in middle school, Joe tipped the scales at 230 pounds, but now is a svelte 175. “Losing all that weight

grade chemistry class, followed by a chemistry class at a

helped shift me toward health care. I also converted to

local college while he was still in high school. “My teacher

vegan last summer, partly because my mom was trying to

encouraged me to look into pharmacy as a possible profes-

quit soda and I thought if she could do that, I could stop

sion because I was fascinated with the chemical reactions

eating meat. There’s a Chinese study that shows huge dif-

of compounds in the human body.”

ferences in heart disease and cancer between people who

He chose ACPHS because “I really like the school’s size and that you can talk to the faculty here. It felt like a

eat meat and those who don’t.” As he looks to his future, Joe is leaving his options

comfortable environment where you could learn and not

open. He may work as a pharmacist, but he is also thinking

be stressed all the time.”

of attending medical school. Lately, he’s also become

Some people use their intelligence to hinder others. Not

interested in neurology and plans to work in a facility for

Joe. Instead, he tutors numerous students in undergraduate

people with developmental disabilities to see how those

science courses as well as writing. “I try to help them man-

with brain disorders function in a clinical setting.

age their time better in a college setting and encourage them not to memorize answers, but to understand concepts.”

Regardless of the path he chooses, Joe’s goal is simple: to make a difference in peoples’ lives. “Right now I’m fo-

As if he weren’t already busy enough, in 2012 Joe par-

cused on getting good grades, but down the road I want to

ticipated in the College’s Student Summer Research Award

be in a role that prevents people from developing illnesses

program where he worked with Associate Professor Tom

in the first place rather than treating what goes wrong.”


Voyage of Discovery Karen Glass, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Vermont Campus


aren Glass is the first to admit math isn’t

“There’s no single factor, but rather a series of events,

her specialty. “I need a calculator for

which leads to a disease such as AML,” says Dr. Glass. “If

everything,” she says. Fortunately, being

we can better understand the basic mechanisms con-

somewhat arithmetically-challenged

trolling gene expression and how chromosomal translo-

doesn’t equate to a lack of analytical abili-

cations lead to AML, then we will be able to diagnose and

ty or thirst for knowledge. Growing up in Essex Junction, Vermont, Dr. Glass

loved watching Animal Planet and Nova and was fascinat-

treat these patients more effectively. We may also be able to apply this knowledge in the treatment of other cancers and diseases.”

ed with the universe, space, and the natural world. “I have

Through a separate grant from the American Heart

a logical, investigative type of personality and was always

Association, Dr. Glass is also working to gain a better un-

drawn to biology.”

derstanding of how gene expression pathways function in

After earning her Bachelor’s degree in Microbiology

the body and, subsequently, how they can be manipulated.

from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and her

In doing so, Dr. Glass hopes to develop new therapeutic

Ph.D. in Microbiology & Molecular Genetics from the

strategies to help prevent and treat cardiovascular disease.

University of Vermont, she did postdoctoral work at the

“I want to have an impact on human health in both my

University of California in Santa Cruz and at the Universi-

research and teaching,” says Dr. Glass. “The research we’re

ty of Colorado in Denver.

doing is really beneficial to health care because we’re learn-

Dr. Glass joined the faculty at the College’s Vermont

ing more about biology and how our systems work. My

campus in 2010. She teaches courses in both the Pharm.D.

dream is to ultimately produce a therapeutic that will treat

and Master’s programs at ACPHS including, Infectious

leukemia or other types of disease. Even if I don’t create

Disease, Cardiovascular Disease, Principles of Pharma-

the drug, somebody else may be able to use my research to

cology and Medicinal Chemistry, and Macromolecular

develop it in the future, and that idea is very motivating.”

Structure. She is also an Adjunct Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Vermont College of Medicine. In January 2013, Dr. Glass was awarded a three-year

Her favorite part of her job? The variety. “One day I’m in class teaching and the next day I’m in the lab troubleshooting or analyzing data or discovering something new.

research grant totaling $353,400 from the National Insti-

I’m always learning and that’s really stimulating.” She also

tutes of Health that is helping her and fellow researchers

finds mentoring students and training them in the labo-

seek new ways to prevent and treat acute myeloid leuke-

ratory extremely rewarding. “The students here are very

mia (AML).

engaged; they really want to know what pharmaceuticals

In AML patients, cells that would typically develop into

do and how they work.”

white blood cells – vital for the immune system – grow at

When she’s not teaching or researching, Dr. Glass

abnormal rates. This is the result of a mutation known as

enjoys bike riding, skiing, hiking, and hanging out at the

chromosomal translocation, which occurs when a chromo-

beach with her husband Dustin and two-year-old daughter

some breaks and incorrectly re-fuses to another chromo-

Norah. And, ever the explorer, her travels have taken her

some, thereby disrupting normal blood and bone marrow

across the United States as well as Europe, South Korea,

cell development.

and South America.


“My dream is to ultimately produce a therapeutic that will treat leukemia or other types of disease.�

Resident Expert Michael P. Kane, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCPS, BCACP, Professor


rowing up in New York’s Southern Tier,

The Endocrine Group, students also gain experience with

Michael Kane excelled at three things—

a host of other disorders including high blood pressure,

math, science, and baseball. Figuring

high cholesterol, cardiovascular issues, obesity, osteoar-

that the major leagues were a longshot,

thritis, and depression.

he followed the recommendation of his

“People with endocrine disorders tend to present with

11th grade guidance counselor who suggested he consider

an array of signs and symptoms, depending on the under-

a career in pharmacy.

lying disorder,” Dr. Kane says. “When you hear patients

It turned out to be excellent advice for this graduate

describe their symptoms or meet with them in person, you

of the ACPHS Class of 1984. Dr. Kane, who specializes in

never forget it. When you see them again a few weeks later,

endocrinology, with a focus on diabetes and osteoporosis,

after they have initiated therapy, you are able to witness

has taught at the College for 25 years. He also practices

firsthand the effectiveness of that therapy and how it

at The Endocrine Group in Albany, where he works with

helped them feel so much better. It provides an excellent

clinicians and precepts pharmacy students and postgradu-

learning opportunity.”

ate residents. In the classroom, Dr. Kane facilitates two integrated

Pharmacy graduates who have completed year-long residencies with Dr. Kane have embarked upon a wide

problem-solving workshops for Pharm.D. students that are

range of career paths. Some have taken academic positions

designed to develop skills related to critical thinking and

with colleges or universities; several have chosen positions

teamwork – “skills that students will take with them into

in hospitals or other clinically oriented environments; two

their fourth professional year rotations and then out in to

practice in community pharmacies; and one of the earliest

practice,” he notes.

graduates of the residency program now runs a Diabetes

The Endocrine Group includes 11 private practice endocrinologists and 12 nurse practitioners and physician

Center in a Northern New York pharmacy. Recently, Dr. Kane was awarded his 18th research grant

assistants, and treats approximately 1,200 patients a week.

since arriving at The Endocrine Group, a $45,000 grant

Pharmacy students and residents who train with Dr. Kane

from Bristol-Myers Squibb to study the effectiveness of

receive a total immersion experience in clinical practice.

the drug Bydureon (approved January 2012) for treating

“By completing a rotation or a residency at The Endo-

diabetes patients. He foresees opportunities for additional

crine Group, students and residents learn the complexities

investigations as a result of the continuing rise in Type 2

of endocrine management, especially diabetes. They also

diabetes. According to a 2012 study by the U.S. Centers

learn general internal medicine management and gain

for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the incidence

a deeper understanding of the many therapies we have

of Type 2 diabetes in the United States has increased an

available,” he says.

average of 82% from 1995 to 2010.

Dr. Kane’s students are directly involved in helping

“Unfortunately, the need for new diabetes treatments

counsel patients considering various options for the man-

is not going away,” says Dr. Kane. “The 12th class of drug

agement of osteoporosis, diabetes, and other endocrine

for diabetes treatment was just approved this past spring,

and internal medicine disorders. Since Type 2 diabetes

and the research will not be slowing down any time soon.

keeps company with so many other disease states, and

There is still plenty of work to be done.”

because many patients’ primary care providers are at


“ The need for new diabetes treatments is not going away. There is still plenty of work to be done.�

“ I have matured and learned to be independent here.�

All in the Family Carolyn Enos, Class of 2016


hen Carolyn Enos of Clifton Park

“Moving Forward” Capital Campaign, and Virginia also

graduates from ACPHS in 2016,

contributed toward the building of the College’s satellite

she will be carrying on a 50-year-

campus in Colchester, Vermont. Ed has served on the

old family tradition. Carolyn is a

ACPHS Board of Trustees and is a Past President of the

third-generation female to attend

Alumni Association.

ACPHS and the fourth member of her family to do so. Women in the pharmacy profession were few back in

Seeing her mother and grandmother have rewarding careers in pharmacy was an inspiration to Carolyn.

1953, when Carolyn’s grandmother, Virginia Manory Mc-

“Because of the variety of things they did in pharmacy, and

Bride, graduated from ACPHS. She was one of only three

being able to work part-time and raise a family, the lifestyle

women in her graduating class (today, nearly 60% of the

was appealing to me,” she said. “I always thought the work

student body is female).

was interesting and important.”

Following graduation, Virginia worked as a hospital

Though she is proud to carry on her family’s lega-

pharmacist down the road from the College at St. Peter’s

cy, Carolyn said that her decision to study pharmacy at

Hospital. When her husband, Bill McBride, acquired an

ACPHS was entirely her own. “I did look at other schools,

automobile dealership in Plattsburgh, New York, Virginia

and my parents said they would support my decision, no

took a position as a pharmacist at Champlain Valley Phy-

matter where I decided to go. When I announced that I

sicians Hospital in Plattsburgh, where she remained until

was going to ACPHS, they were so excited!”

her retirement in 1990. Virginia’s daughter (and Carolyn’s mother), Maureen

Carolyn enjoys the small classes and the friendly, non-competitive spirit of the campus. “Our attitude is that

McBride Enos, not only earned her pharmacy degree from

we are all in this together,” she said. “The school is chal-

ACPHS—she also met her husband there. Carolyn’s par-

lenging, and it is relatively close to home, which is great. I

ents, Maureen and Edward (Ed) J. Enos, are both members

think I have matured and learned to be independent here,

of the Class of 1984. Maureen’s career has centered on

while developing new friendships.”

community and long-term care pharmacies. The flexibility

A dancer since childhood, Carolyn enjoys spending her

of her chosen profession enabled her to continue working

non-study hours as a member of the Dance Team, which

part-time while Carolyn and her siblings Katherine and

performs at ACPHS basketball games and holds shows on

Joey, were growing up. She is currently a pharmacist at


Rite Aid in Round Lake, New York. Ed worked in community and managed-care pharma-

Carolyn has already worked in community pharmacy for several years as a student and enjoys the interaction

cy before attending Union Graduate College, where he

with patients. She says the fact that her family and others

earned a master’s degree in Health Systems Administra-

have attended ACPHS will add special meaning to her

tion. Today, he is Director of Physician Services at Iroquois

degree from the College.

Healthcare Alliance (IHA), a practice management consulting firm for physicians and hospitals in New York. Long after they earned their degrees, the Mc-

“Some of my parents’ closest friends are ACPHS graduates. My godmother, Gabrielle Mardany, and my brother Joey’s godmother, Mary Jo Aiezza Brown, both graduated

Bride-Enos family has continued to give back to ACPHS.

from ACPHS. “Who knows, maybe one of my kids will

Virginia, Maureen, and Ed have generously supported the

come to ACPHS some day?”


A Fond Farewell Jacqueline (Jackie) Harris, Senior Administrative Assistant, Office of the President


efore her retirement this past June, no

security,” she reminisces fondly.

current faculty or staff member had been at

Jackie also recalls Professors Rinaldo DeNuzzo and

the College longer than Jacqueline (Jackie)

Varant Najarian verbally sparing with each other. How

Harris. A graduate of Albany High School

Chemistry Professor Lawrence McDonald loved to tell

and Albany Business College (now Bryant

jokes. And then there was that little misunderstanding

and Stratton), she worked at the Albany VA Hospital be-

with Dean Singer regarding his travel plans. “I had to make

fore joining ACPHS in 1974.

a plane reservation one day and asked him, ‘Should I make

In 39 years of service to the College, Jackie held a vari-

this one way?’ and he started laughing. I was so embar-

ety of positions – Receptionist for the Business and Alumni

rassed as I meant to say round trip, but he said, ‘I guess

Offices; Secretary to the President and Dean (Walter Sing-

you would want it to be one way, but no, Jackie, make it

er), the Dean of Admissions (H. Russell Denegar), and the

a round trip.’ Everybody in the office laughed and Dean

Dean of Student Affairs (Albert M. White); Assistant to the

Singer would always tease me about that.”

Registrar; and in various capacities within the Department of Admissions, including Assistant to the Director. In her final role, Jackie served as Senior Administrative Assistant in the Office of the President, where she provided professional administrative support to the staff in

Jackie and husband Ray reside in Albany. They have two children, William and Stephanie, one daughter in-law, LaTawana, and three grandchildren: Shy Essence, Maiya, and Nasciah. She enjoys spending time with her family, Bible study,

the presidential suite. Her many duties included greeting

reading (particularly Stephen King novels), sewing, and

visitors, answering phones, financial management, data

crocheting. Jackie was one of the original members of the

entry, assisting with mailroom operations, and overseeing

College’s Quilt Club when that group was formed in the

the office’s work-study students.

early 2000’s. The Club’s first project was a beautiful enor-

Jackie accumulated a rich storehouse of memories along the way and had a front row seat for the College’s remarkable evolution. “When I first came to the College, it was just the one

mous quilt that was raffled off to benefit the Kirkpatrick Scholarship fund. As she looks back, Jackie says one of her favorite things about working at ACPHS was her interactions with

building, the O’Brien Building, which included the library,

the students. “I tried to present a warm and welcoming

gym, auditorium, and cafeteria,” she says. “I remember

atmosphere for them. If they needed someone to talk to,

Ozzie and Margaret Kirkpatrick, the couple who lived in

I made myself available for them. As long as I could make

an apartment on campus for more than 40 years. They had

someone smile, laugh, or just be there to listen, to me that

managed the cafeteria and later were groundskeepers and

was a good day.”


“ As long as I could make someone smile, laugh, or just be there to listen, to me that was a good day.�

Scholarly Activity Report July 1, 2011–December 31, 2012

SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Department of Humanities and Communication Publications Peer Reviewed Articles • Patricia Baia Baia, P. and Strang, A. Blended-Design Elective to Promote Academic Pharmacy as a Profession. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education v76 (2), 2012. • Rose Hitt Clark-Hitt, R., Smith, S.W., and Broderick, J. Help a buddy take a knee: Message factors for persuading soldiers to encourage others to seek help for combat and operational stress reactions. Health Communication 27 (5), 429-438, July 2012. Smith, S., Nazione, S., LaPlante, C., Clark-Hitt, R., Sung, R., and Leichtman, A. Living Kidney Donor Decision Making and Communication. Journal of Health Communication 16 (8), 870-888, November 2011. Smith, S. W., Hitt, R., Nazione, S., LaPlante, C., Park, H. S., Sung, R., and Leichtman, A. A comparison of communication and personal characteristics of living kidney donor volunteers and a gender, age, and ethnically matched quota sample. Clinical Transplantation, August 2012. Smith, S. W., Hitt, R., Nazione, S., Russel, J. and Atkin, C. Using the Heuristic Systematic Model to assess the effects of literacy levels in breast cancer prevention messages. Journal of Health Communication, January 2012. • Paul Denvir Denvir, P. When patients


portray their conduct as normal and healthy: An interactional challenge for thorough substance use history taking. Social Science and Medicine 75, 1650-1659, 2012. • J. Daniel d’Oney d’Oney, J. D. Frontiers and Pharmacists: ‘The History of the American Frontier’ as Taught at Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. The Journal of the West Vol. 49, No. 3: 61-66, Summer 2011. • Kevin Hickey Hickey, K. Masks of Identity: Africans in Diaspora and Contemporary Blackface. New York African Studies Association Newsletter Vol. 63: 3-4, Fall 2012 (print).

Chandrasekara, R., and Mel, S. Economic Growth, Environment, Public Health Connection: An Ecological Economic Case Study of the Impact of the Yali Falls Dam on Cambodia. Linus Publications, Inc., 2011. • Michael Pittman Pittman, M. Classical Spirituality in Contemporary America: The Confluence and Contribution of G.I. Gurdjieff and Sufism. Continuum Publishing, London, 2012. • Elisabeth Vines Vines, E.L., Illustrator: Café Capriccio: A Chef’s Table (Jim Rua, author) Troy Book Makers, 2012. Book chapters

Hickey, K. Hellenism and the Postcolonial Imagination: Yeats, Cavafy, Walcott. Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies 14.3: 477-479, September 2012 (print). • Michael Pittman Pittman, M. Majid Majidi and Baran: Iranian Cinematic Poetics and the Spiritual Poverty of Rumi. Journal of Religion and Film Vol. 15, No. 2, October 2011. • Laura Rogers Rogers, L. Keyword: Prison. Community Literacy Journal 6.2: 135-142, 2012. Rogers, L. The Secret Souls of Criminals: A Different Prison Teaching Story. Open Words: Access and English Studies 5.2 60-78, 2011.

• Rose Hitt Ellis, J. B. and Clark-Hitt, R. “Strategies for using theory and research to increase student use of communication center services” in Communication Centers and Oral Communication Programs in Higher Education, (E.L. Yook and W. Atkins-Sayre, eds.) Lexington Publishers, New York, NY, February 2012. • J. Daniel d’Oney d’Oney, J. D. “Louisiana” in Native America: A State by State History, Greenwood Press, Santa Barbara, CA, V.I., 63-68, 2012. d’Oney, J. D. “Arkansas” in Native America: A State by State History, Greenwood Press, Santa Barbrara, CA, V. I., 441-465, 2012.

Books • Kenneth Blume Blume, K. Historical Dictionary of the U.S. Maritime Industry. Scarecrow Press, 2012. • Ray Chandrasekara Polimeni, J. M.,

• Michael Pittman Pittman, M. “G.I. Gurdjieff: Cosmopolitanism in the Late 19th/Early 20th Century Caucasus” in Creoles, Diasporas, Cosmopolitanisms, (David Gallagher, ed.) Academica Press, Palo Alto, CA, 2012.

Pittman, M. “Problematizing East-West Essentialisms: Discourse, Authorhood, and Identity Crisis in Orhan Pamuk’s Beyaz Kale (The White Castle)” in Global Perspectives on Orhan Pamuk’s Literature: Existentialism and Politics, (Mehnaz Mona-Afridi and David Buyze, eds.) PalgraveMacmillan Press, New York, NY, 2012. Review articles • Kenneth Blume Blume, K. USS Monitor: A Historic Ship Completes Its Final Voyage. By John D. Broadwater, Naval Historical Foundation Book Reviews, September 13, 2012. Blume, K. Steamboats on the Hudson River. By William H. Ewen, Jr., Powerships, Fall 2011. • Margaret Lasch Carroll Carroll, M. The Church and Its Spire: John McGahern and the Catholic Question, by Eamon Maher. Irish Literary Supplement 32, No. 1, 26, Fall 2012. Carroll, M. John McGahern and the Art of Memory by Dermot McCarthy. Irish Literary Supplement 31, No. 1, 13, Fall 2011. • Laura Rogers Rogers, L. Review of Lessons from the Inside: Rethinking Pedagogical Concepts through the Lens of the Prison Writing Classroom. 2012 Conference on College Composition and Communication’s Review Kairos On-Line Journal 17.2, 2012. Rogers, L. Review of Education Behind Bars. 2011 Conference on College Composition and Communication’s Review Kairos On-Line Journal 16.1, 2011. Rogers, L. Review of Inside Out: Literacy, Education and the Making of Teachers.

school of arts and sciences

2011 Conference on Coll-ege Composition and Communication’s Review Kairos On-Line Journal 16.1, 2011.

Conference presentations Poster Presentations and Exhibitions • Patricia Baia Baia, P. and Strang, A. Promoting Pedagogy and Technology Through a SoTL Collaborative Group. Pencils & Pixels: Professional Organization and Development (POD) in Higher Education Conference, Seattle, WA, July 14-18, 2012. Baia, P. Professional Development Motives: Engaging Faculty to Learn. Higher Education Pedagogy Conference, Virginia Tech. Blacksburg, VA, February 8-10, 2012. • Rose Hitt Hitt, R., Gidley, R., Smith, S., Park, H.S., Walther, J., Liang, J., Hsieh, G., Tislerics, J., and Havermahl, T. Traditional vs. Social Networking Routes for Organ Donation Registrations in Two Competition-based Campaigns. Kentucky Conference on Health Communication, Lexington, KY, April 20, 2012. • Elisabeth Vines Vines, E.L. Drawings and Paintings by Lisa Vines: One Person Show, Southeast Gallery of the Bethlehem Public Library, Delmar, NY, February 2012. Vines, E.L. Two oil paintings accepted into the Arkell Museum’s Juried Exhibit, Arkell Museum, Canajoharie, NY, December 2012-February 2013. Vines, E.L. Sink Rescue: Oil Painting Exhibited, Albany Center Gallery’s Annual Members’ Show, December 2012- January 2013. Podium Presentations • Patricia Baia Strang, A. and Baia, P. H.E.L.P (Helping Educators Learn Pedagogy): A Faculty Development Program to Improve Teaching. AACP Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, July 14-18, 2012.

Baia, P. Professional Development Motives: Engaging Faculty to Learn. Higher Education Pedagogy Conference. ACPHS 2nd Annual Research Forum, Albany, NY, January 21, 2012. • Margaret Lasch Carroll Carroll, M. The Editorials of Martin H. Glynn: the Irish Questions, 1912-1924. The American Conference for Irish Studies National Conference, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, March 14-18, 2012. • Rose Hitt Clark-Hitt, R. and Broderick, J. Help a buddy take a knee: Persuasive messages for military service members to encourage others to seek mental health help. Top Student Paper Award for the Applied Communication Division, The Annual Meeting of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA, November 19, 2011. Smith, S.W., Clark-Hitt, R., Nazione, S., Russel, J. and Atkin, C. Using the Heuristic Systematic Model to assess the effects of literacy levels in breast cancer prevention messages. The Annual Meeting of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA, November 17, 2011. Park, H.S., Walther, J.B., Smith, S., Liang, Y., Clark-Hitt, R., and Hsieh, G. An Effort to Increase Support for Organ Donor Registration Through Social Identification and Intergroup Competition. The Annual Meeting of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA, November 20, 2011. Miller, V., Clark-Hitt, R., and Mahler, K. Role negotiation: A communicative framework. The Annual Meeting of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA, November 18, 2011. • Paul Denvir Denvir, P. Deference v. assertiveness: A dialectic tension in pharmacists’ interprofessional interactions with physicians. 62nd Annual Meeting of the International

Communication Association, Phoenix, AZ, May 24-28, 2012. Denvir, P. Doing “interprofessionality” during pharmacist-patient interactions: A resource for demonstrating the value of pharmacy in clinical care settings. 98th Annual Meeting of the National Communication Association, Orlando, FL, November 15-18, 2012. • J. Daniel d’Oney d’Oney, J.D. A Comparison of the New Orleans Pharmacy Museum and the Albany College of Pharmacy Museum. The Public History of Science and Technology, sponsored by the Public History Program at the University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina, September 11-14, 2011. • Kevin Hickey Hickey, K. (Re)Picturing African Oil: Romuald Hazoumé, George Osodi, Barthélémy Toguo. 38th Annual African Literature Association (ALA) Conference on Human Rights, Literature, and the Visual Arts in Africa and the Diaspora, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, April 13, 2012. Hickey, K. Masks of Identity: Africans in Diaspora and Contemporary Blackface. 37th Annual New York African Studies Association (NYASA) Conference on Africans in the Americas and African Americans in Africa: The Shifting Boundaries of Citizenship in the 21st Century, Penn State University, University Park, PA, February 25, 2012. • Michael Pittman Pittman, M. The Claymont Society for Continuous Education: A Way Station in the Transmission of Sufism to the United States in the Late 20th Century. American Academy of Religion Conference, Eastern International Region, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, May 4-5, 2012. • Laura Rogers Rogers, L. A New Ethic of Care for the Post-9/11 Writing Center: Re-Imagining the Medical Model. Northeast Writing Centers

Association Conference, St. John’s University, Queens, NY, April 13-15, 2012. Rogers, L. History, Context and Connections of Prison Teaching: Looking Backward, Looking Forward. Conf-erence on College Composition and Communication, St. Louis, MI, March 20-23, 2012. Rogers, L. Prison Writing: Research Issues and Challenges. Workshop Presenter and Co-Chair. Workshop: Opening Prison Gates: Creating, Sustaining, Researching and Extending Literacy Programs Behind Bars. Conference on College Composition and Communication, St. Louis, MI, March 20-23, 2012.

Department of Basic and Social Sciences PUBLICATIONS PEER REVIEWED ARTICLES • Sean Ali Kim, D.-H., Ali, S.A., Cafaro, C., and Mancini, S. Information Geometric Modeling of Scattering Induced Quantum Entanglement. Physics Letters A 375, 2868-2873, 2011. Ali, S.A., Kim, D.-H., Cafaro, C., and Mancini, S. An Information Geometric Analysis of Entangled Continuous Variable Quantum Systems. Journal of Physics A: Conference Series 306, 012063, 2011. Kim, D.-H., Ali, S.A., Cafaro, C., and Mancini, S. Information geometry of quantum entangled Gaussian wavepackets. Physica A 391, 45174556, 2012. Kim, D.-H., Ali, S.A., Cafaro, C., and Mancini, S. Complexity characterization in a probabilistic approach to dynamical systems through information geometry and inductive inference. Physica Scripta 85, 025009, 2012. • Charles Bergeron Zaretzki, J., Rydberg, P., Bergeron, C., Bennett, K., Olsen, L., and Breneman, C. RS-Predictor Models

Bold names within citations indicate ACPHS faculty collaborators.



Augmented with SMARTCyp Reactivities: Robust Metabolic Regioselectivity Predictions for Nine CYP Isozymes. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 52(6), 1637-1659, 2012. Zaretzki, J., Bergeron, C., Huang, T., Rydberg, P., Swamidass, J., and Breneman, C. RS-WebPredictor: a server for predicting CYP-mediated sites of metabolism on drug-like molecules. Bioinformatics 29(4), 497-498, 2012. • Martha Hass Cichewicz, A., Pacleb, C., Connors, A., Hass, M.A., and Lopes, L.B. Cutaneous colocalization of α-tocopherol and lipoic acid using microemulsions: influence of composition and charge. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology DOI: 10.1111/ jphp.12045. Yao, X., Dai, Y., Johnson, A., Feleder, C., and Hass, M.A. Determination of Prostaglandin Profiles in LPS-Challenged Guinea Pig Spleen. Biomedical Chromatography DOI: 10.1002/bmc.2789, September 2012. Pepe, D., Phelps, J., Lewis, K., DuJack, J., Scarlett, K., Jahan, S., Bonnier, E., MilicPasetto, T., Hass, M.A., and Lopes, L.B. Decylglucosidebased microemulsions for cutaneous localization of lycopene and ascorbic acid. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 434 420428, 2012. • Susan Ludeman Amoyaw, P.N.A., Springer, J.B., Gamcsik, M.P., Mutesi, R.L., D’Alessandro, M.A., Dempsey, C.R., and Ludeman, S.M. Synthesis of 13C-Labelled Derivatives of Cysteine for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies of Drug Uptake and Conversion to Glutathione in Rat Brain. Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals 54, 607-612, 2011. • Meenakshi Malik Atianand, M.K., Duffy, E.B., Shah, A., Kar, S., Harton, J.A.*, and Malik, M.* Francisella tularensis reveals a disparity between human and mouse


NLRP3 inflammasome activation. Journal of Biological Chemistry 286 (45): 39033-42, 2011. (*Co-senior authors) Mahawar, M., Atianand, M.K., Dotson, R.J., Mora, V., Rabadi, S.M., Metzger, D.W., Huntley, J.F., Harton, J.A., Bakshi, C.S.*, and Malik, M.* Identification of a novel Francisella tularensis factor required for intramacrophage survival and subversion of innate immune response. Journal of Biological Chemistry 287(30): 25216-29, 2012. (*Co-senior authors) • Wendy Parker Wilmoth, J.M., London, A.S., and Parker, W.M. Sex Differences in the Relationship between Military Service Status and Functional Limitations and Disabilities. Population Research and Policy Review 30: 333-354, 2011. Usdansky, M.L. and Parker, W.M. How Money Matters: College, Motherhood, Earnings, and Wives’ Housework. Journal of Family Issues 32 (11): 1449-1473, 2011. • Michael Racz Hannan, E.L., Racz, M., and Walford, G. Out-of-Hospital deaths within 30 days following hospitalization where percutaneous coronary intervention was performed. The American Journal of Cardiology 109:4752, 2012. Haley, V.B., Van Antwerpen, C., Tsivitis, M., Doughty, D., Gase, K.A., Hazamy, P., Tserenpuntsag, B., Racz, M., Yucel, M.R., McNutt, L.-A., and Stricof, R.L. Risk factors for coronary artery bypass graft chest surgical site infections in New York State, 2008. American Journal of Infection Control 40:22-28, 2012. • Eric Yager Freeman, M.L., Burkum, C.E., Yager, E.J., Woodland, D.L., and Blackman, M.A. De novo Infection of B cells During Murine Gammaherpesvirus 68 Latency. Journal of Virology 85(20), 10920-10925. 2011. Freeman, M.L., Burkum, C.E., Lanzer, K.G., Jensen, M.K.,

Ahmed, M., Yager, E.J., Flaño, E., Winslow, G.M., Woodland, D.L., and Blackman, M.A. Cutting Edge: Activation of Virus-specific CD4 T Cells Throughout α-herpesvirus Latency. Journal of Immunology 187(12), 61806184, 2011. Fuller, D.H., Rajakumar, P., Che, J.W., Narendran, A., Nyaundi, J., Michael, H., Yager, E.J., Stagnar, C., Wahlberg, B., Taber, R., Haynes, J.R., Cook, F.C, Ertl, P., Tite, J., Amedee, A.M., and MurpheyCorb, M. Therapeutic DNA Vaccine Induces Broad T Cell Responses in the Gut and Sustained Protection from Viral Rebound and AIDS in SIV-Infected Rhesus Macaques. PLoS One 7(3), e33715, 2012. Mathew, A., Lindsley, T.A., Sheridan, A., Bhoiwala, D.L., Hushmendy, S.F., Yager, E.J., Ruggiero, E.A., and Crawford, D.R. Degraded mitochondrial DNA is a newly identified subtype of the damage associated molecular pattern (DAMP) family and possible trigger of neurodegeneration. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 30(3):617-27, 2012. Book Chapters • Sean Ali Cafaro, C. and Ali, S. A. “The Relevance of Atmospheric Newtonian Noise Generated by Acoustic and Turbulent Phenomena in Laser-Interferometric Gravitational Wave Detectors” in Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Hauppauge, NY, ISBN 978-161470-373-0. • Wendy Parker Harrington Meyer, M. and Parker, W.M. “The Changing Worlds of Family and Work” in Handbook of Sociology of Aging, (Richard Settersten and Jacqueline Angel, eds.) Springer Publications, New York, New York, Part 5, 263277, 2011. Harrington Meyer, M. and Parker, W.M. “Gender, Aging and Social Policy” in Handbook of Aging and the Social Sciences, 7th Edition, (Robert H. Binstock and Linda K. George, eds.) Academic Press, Elsevier, Burlington, MA and San Diego, CA, 2011.

• Eric Yager Yager, E.J., Stagnar, C., Gopalakrishnan, R., Fuller, J.T., and Fuller, D.H. “Optimizing particle-mediated epidermal delivery of an influenza DNA vaccine in ferrets” in Methods in Molecular Biology: Vol. 940, (S. Sudowe & A.B. ReskeKunz, eds.) Humana Press doi: 10.1007/978-1-62703-110-3_19, 223-237, Totowa, NJ (dated 2013; e-Book version available 2011).

Conference Presentations Abstracts • Susan Ludeman Ludeman, S.M., D’Alessandro, M.A., Huang, R.S., Spasojevic, I., and Dolan, M.E. The use of deuterium isotope effects to shift the partitioning of cyclophosphamide and ifosfamide among competing, P450-dependent, oxidative pathways. Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research 53, #4766, 1156, 2012. Presentations and Exhibitions • Sean Ali Ali, S. A., Cafaro, C., Giffin, A., Lupo, C., and Mancini, S. On a Differential Geometric Viewpoint of Jaynes’ MaxEnt Method and its Quantum Extension. 31st Int. MaxEnt Conference Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering, Waterloo, Canada, July 10-15, 2011. Giffin, A., Ali, S.A., and Cafaro, C. Local Softening of Chaotic Statistical Models with Quantum Considerations. 32nd Int. MaxEnt Conference Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering, Garching bei München, Germany, July 15-20, 2012. • Martha Hass Hass, M.A. and Hammad, A. Natural antioxidants act synergistically to inhibit lipid peroxidation. 242nd American Chemical Society Meeting (Division of Medicinal Chemistry), Denver, CO, August 28– September 1, 2011.

school of arts and sciences

Hass, M.A. and Hammad, A. Synthesis and antioxidant activity of carbonate co-drugs. 242nd American Chemical Society Meeting (Division of Medicinal Chemistry), Denver, CO, August 28-September 1, 2011. Pacleb, C., Cichewicz, A., Hass, M.A., and Lopes, L.B. Cationic microemulsions for cutaneous localization of α-tocopherol and lipoic acid. Northeast Regional Discussion Group (NERDG), American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, Rocky Hill, CT, April 20, 2012. • Arcadius Krivoshein Bentum, S., Torres, J. A., Krivoshein, A.V. Resolution and physicochemical properties of enantiomers of antiepileptic drugs containing an α-substituted amide group. American Chemical Society Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting, Denver, CO, October 17-20, 2012. • Susan Ludeman Hanna, M., Amoyaw, P.N.A., Dempsey, C.R., and Ludeman, S.M. Synthesis of Deuterium Labeled Isophosphoramide Mustard for NMR Studies of Isotope Effects on DNA-Alkylation Kinetics. American Association for Pharmaceutical Sciences– Northeast Regional Discussion Group (AAPSNERDG) Summer Conference, Boston, MA, September 2, 2011. D’Alessandro, M.A., Huang, R. S., Dolan, M.E., Spasojevic, I., and Ludeman, S.M. The Effect of Deuterium Labeling on the Oxidative Metabolism and Subsequent Alkylation Kinetics of Cyclophosphamideα,α,α’,α,’-d4 and Ifosfamide-α,α,α’,α’-d4. American Association for Pharmaceutical Sciences– Northeast Regional Discussion Group (AAPSNERDG) Summer Conference, Boston, MA, September 2, 2011. Dempsey, C.R., D’Alessandro, M.A., Gamcsik, M.P., and Ludeman, S.M. Synthesis of 13C-Labelled Cysteine Derivative Prodrug for Magnetic Resonance

Imaging Studies of Drug Uptake and Conversion to Glutathione in Rat Brain. American Association for Pharmaceutical Sciences– Northeast Regional Discussion Group (AAPSNERDG) Summer Conference, Boston, MA, September 2, 2011. Crook, A., Hussain, A., and Ludeman, S.M. Synthesis of 13C-OTZ, a 13C-Cysteine Prodrug for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies of Drug Uptake and Conversion to Glutathione in Rat Brain. Eastern New York American Chemical Society Undergraduate Research Symposium, Siena College, Loudonville, NY, April 25, 2012. McIntosh, J., Cavin, T., Shahani, M., and Ludeman, S.M. Synthesis of N-Acetyl3-13C-Cysteine, a 13C-Cysteine Prodrug for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies of Drug Uptake and Conversion to Glutathione in Rat Brain. Eastern New York American Chemical Society Undergraduate Research Symposium, Siena College, Loudonville, NY, April 25, 2012. • Meenakshi Malik Malik, M., Schiewe-Dotson, R., Mora, V., Atianand, M. K., Harton, J. A., and Bakshi, C.S. Understanding the role of FTT0831c encoded protein of F. tularensis in modulation of macrophage function. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Immunologists, Boston, MA, May 4-8, 2012. Bakshi, C.S., Mahawar, M., Metzger, D.W., and Malik, M. Identification of live attenuated vaccine candidates for tularemia prophylaxis. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Immunologists, Boston, MA, May 4-8, 2012. Westcott, E.L., Rajendran, M., Bradley, S.R., Bakshi, C.S., and Malik, M. Role of Francisella tularensis Antioxidants in Modulation of Inflammasome Mediated Responses. 112th General Meeting of American Society for Microbiology, San Francisco, CA, June 16-19, 2012.

Rabadi, S., Rajendran, M., Westcott, E.L., SchieweDotson, R., Malik, M., and Bakshi, C.S. Bacterial Antioxidant defenses modulate macrophage function by suppression of MAPK signaling and proinflammatory cytokines. 112th General Meeting of American Society for Microbiology, San Francisco, CA, June 16-19, 2012. Ma, Z., Bakshi, C.S., and Malik, M. Resistance to Francisella tularensis to oxidants: Beyond the realm of antioxidant enzymes. 7th International Conference on Tularemia, Breckenridge, CO, September 17-20, 2012. Rabadi, S., Westcott, E.L., Rajendran, M., SchieweDotson, R., Malik, M., and Bakshi, C.S. Francisella tularensis antioxidant defenses modulate macrophage function by suppression of MAPK signaling and proinflammatory cytokines. 7th International Conference on Tularemia, Breckenridge, CO, September 17-20, 2012. Singh, A., Rahman, T., Malik, M., Hickey, A.J., Leifer, C.A., Hazlett, K.R.O., and Sellati, T.J. Compromised structural integrity explains differences in in vitro versus in vivo host cell inflammatory responses to Francisella tularensis LVS and SchuS4. 7th International Conference on Tularemia, Breckenridge, CO, September 17-20, 2012. Singh, A., Periasamy, S., Sahay, B., Rahman, T., Malik, M., Bakshi, C.S., Ault, J.J., Manella, C.A., and Sellati, T.J. Type A and B strains of Francisella tularensis trigger Bax-dependent mitochondrial apoptosis and programmed necrosis that drives hypercytokinemia. 7th International Conference on Tularemia, Breckenridge, CO, September 17-20, 2012. Schiewe-Dotson, R., Mora, V., Rabadi, S., Malik, M., and Bakshi, C.S. Identification of a novel Francisella tularensis factor required for intramacrophage survival and subversion of innate immune response. 7th International Conference on Tularemia,

Breckenridge, CO, September 17-20, 2012. Singh, A., Periasamy, S.K., Rahman, T., Sahay, B., Musteata, F.M., Malik, M., Bakshi, C.S., Ault, J.G., Mannella, C.A., and Sellati, T.J. Francisella tularensis triggers lipoxin A4-induced necrosis and Bax-dependent mitochondrial apoptosis/ secondary necrosis eliciting a TH1-oriented cytokine “storm.” The 15th Annual Upstate New York Immunology Conference, Sagamore, NY, October 21-24, 2012. • Wendy Parker Parker, W.M. Trajectories of Children’s Health: Asthma, Inequalities and the Impact of Parental Resources. 2011 APHA Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, October 30-November 2, 2011. • Eric Yager Spallone, A., Rodriguez, P., Mahatme ,S., Testo, N., Yager, E.J., and Duus, K. Mechanisms underlying CIITA-mediate enhancement of HIV infection. Medical Student Investigation Day, Albany Medical College, Albany, NY, September 25, 2012. Podium Presentations • Charles Bergeron Bergeron, C., Morkowchuk, L., Clarke, D. Strengthening data analysis knowledge and skills through practice. Joint Mathematical Meetings: MAA Session on Innovative Ideas for Courses in the First Two Years, San Diego, CA, January 9-12, 2013. • Susan Ludeman D’Alessandro, M.A., Huang, R.S., Dolan, M.E., Spasojevic, I., and Ludeman, S.M. The Effect of Deuterium Labeling on the Oxidative Metabolism and Subsequent Alkylation Kinetics of Cyclophosphamideα,α,α’,α,’-d4 and Ifosfamideα,α,α’,α’-d4. Upstate New York Pharmacology Society (a chapter of the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET), Inaugural Annual Meeting, Buffalo, NY, May 14, 2012.

Bold names within citations indicate ACPHS faculty collaborators.



• Meenakshi Malik Mahawar, M., Atianand M.K., Harton J. A., Malik M. and Bakshi, C.S. Francisella tularensis encoded factor FTT0831c dictates subversion of pro-inflammatory cytokines by interfering with NF-κB signaling. 111th General Meeting of American Society for Microbiology, New Orleans, LA, May 21-24, 2011. Bakshi, C.S. and Malik, M. Antioxidant-dependent subversion of innate immune function by Francisella tularensis. 15th International Congress of Mucosal Immunology, Paris, France, July 5-9, 2011. Singh, A., Periasamy, S., Rahman, T., Patsey, R., Malik, M., Bakshi, C.S., Hickey, A.J., Ault, J.J., Manella, C.A., Leifer, C.A., Hazlett, K.R.O., and Sellati, T.J. Respiratory tularemia: Reconsidering what the host recognizes and responds to and when. 7th International Conference on Tularemia, Breckenridge, CO, September 17-20, 2012. • Wendy Parker Parker, W.M. Paradoxes to Offer: The Women’s Health Movement as a Feminist Project. Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting– Mini Conference on Reproduction, New York, NY, February 2012. Parker, W.M. and Smith, R.A. Peer and Academic Social Networks Influence on Health. 2012 Add Health Users Conference, Bethesda, MD, July 27, 2012.

• Michael Racz Racz, M.J. Predictive inference for identifying outliers in health care providers. Joint Statistical Meetings, Miami, FL, August 5, 2011.

Publications Peer Reviewed articles

Racz, M.J. and Sedransk, J. Predictive inference for identifying outliers in health care providers. 9th International Conference on Health Policy Statistics, Cleveland, OH, October 7, 2011. Racz, M.J. Inference for identifying outlying health care providers. Joint Statistical Meetings, San Diego, CA, July 29, 2012.

Grants • Charles Bergeron PROJECT: Reduced-Order Constrained Optimization for Rapid IMRT and VMAT Treatment Planning; SPONSOR: NIH Research Sub-award from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; TOTAL GRANT: $44,872.74; PERIOD: 2012-2014 • Martha Hass CO-INVESTIGATOR: Lopes, L.; PROJECT: Codrugs of Lipoic Acid/and Tocopherol/ Tocopheramine for Use as Photoprotective Agents in the Skin; SPONSOR: NIHNIAMS (R15, 1R15AR06000801A1); TOTAL GRANT: $453,899; PERIOD: 2011-2014 • Meenakshi Malik PROJECT: Synergistic extraand intracellular recognition of Francisella tularensis; SPONSOR: NIAID/NIH (1R21AI075250-01A2); TOTAL GRANT: $431,750; PERIOD: 2008-2012

Smith, R.A. and Parker, W.M. Relationships between High School Peer Networks and Type of Postsecondary Institution Enrollment. 2012 Add Health Users Conference, Bethesda, MD, July 26, 2012.

PROJECT: Modulation of macrophage function by Francisella tularensis SPONSOR: NIAID/NIH Sub-award from New York Medical College (1R56AI090072-01), Bakshi, C.S. (PI); TOTAL GRANT: $20,000; PERIOD: 2010-2012

Smith, R.A. and Parker, W.M. Relationships between High School Peer Networks and Type of Postsecondary Institution Enrollment. Faculty Workshop, Baruch College, New York, NY, October 10, 2012.

PROJECT: 2012 Undergraduate Faculty Travel Grant to attend the 99th AAI Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, May 4-8, 2012; SPONSOR: American Association of Immunologists; TOTAL GRANT: $2,250; PERIOD: n/a


Department of Health Sciences

• Indra Balachandran Balachandran, I. and Friedlander, M. Cytology Workforce Study: A Report of Current Practices and Trends in New York State. American Journal of Clinical Pathology 136: 108-11, 2011. • Kenneth Ihenetu French, F., Gorgi, A., Ihenetu, K., Weeks, M., Lynch K., and Wu, A.H.B. Vitamin D Status of County Hospital Patients Assessed by Diasorin Liason 25-hydroxyvitamin D. Clinica Chimica Acta 412: 258- 262, 2011. Mason, D. and Ihenetu, K. Biochemical Manifestation of HIV Lipodystrophy Syndrome. International Journal of MCH and AIDS 1:83-93, 2012. Rosano, T.G., Wood, M., Swift, T.A, and Ihenetu, K. Drug Screening in Medical Examiner Casework by High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (UPLCMSE/TOF). Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 2013 Special Edition. • Binshan Shi Shi, B., Weiser, B., Styer, L., Kemal, K., Brunner, C., Anastos, K., and Burger, H. A novel denaturing heteroduplex tracking assay for genotypic prediction of HIV-1 tropism. Journal of Virological Methods 185: 108-117, 2012.

Conference presentations Abstracts • Kenneth Ihenetu Pappas, B., Garcia, K., Waldbeser, L., and Ihenetu, K. Investigations into the Mode of Action of LowDose Methotrexate in the Treatment of Inflammatory Diseases. Texas Academy of Science, 2011. Poster Presentation and Exhibitions • Indra Balachandran Eilers, S., LaPolice, P.,

Kapur, U., Spiczka, A.W., Balachandran, I. et al. Thyroid FNA Cytology: Performance Data of Neoplastic and Malignant Cases as Identified from the ASCP Nongyn Assessment Program. 59th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Society of Cytopathology, Baltimore, MD, November 4-8, 2011. Podium Presentations • Indra Balachandran Eilers, S., LaPolice, P., Kapur, U., Shah, A., Balachandran, I. et al. Problematic Cases in Pulmonary Pathology. ASCP Annual Meeting/WASPaLM XXVI World Congress, Las Vegas, NV, October 20, 2011. Balachandran, I. The Current and Future State of Cytology: A Needs Assessment Study. Upper NY Society of Cytology Spring Meeting, Albany, NY, March 31, 2012. • Kenneth Ihenetu Ihenetu, K. Current Controversies in the Laboratory Diagnosis of Alcohol Poisoning. AACC Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA, July 27, 2011.

Grants • markus stein PROJECT: Par1-substrates responsible for CagAmediated pathogenesis of Helicobacterpylori SPONSOR: NIH Sub-award from Albert Einstein College of Medicine at Yeshiva University (RO11R01CA160790-01A1), Muesch, A. (PI); TOTAL GRANT: $413,160; PERIOD: 2012-2016

SCHOOL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES Department of Pharmacy Practice Publications Peer-reviewed articles • Magdalene Assimon Assimon MM, Salenger PV, El-Fawal HA, Mason DL. Nutritional Vitamin D Supplementation in

School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Haemodialysis: A Potential Vascular Benefit? Nephrology (Carlton) 2012 Mar;17(3):237-42. • George Bailie Bailie GR. Comparison of Rates of Adverse Events Associated with Intravenous Iron Products in the United States. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 2012, 69, 310-320. Bailie GR, Horl W, Verhoef J-J. Differences in Spontaneously Reported Hypersensitivity and Serious Adverse Events for Intravenous Iron Preparations: Comparison of Europe and North America. Arzneimittelforschung/Drug Research 2011;61:267-75. Bailie GR, Verhoef JJ. Differences in the Reporting Rates of Serious Allergic Adverse Events from Intravenous Iron by Country and Population. Clinical Advances in Hematology and Oncology, 2012, 10, 101-108. • Jacquelyn Canning Canning JE, Burton S, Hall B. Lithium and ValproateInduced Tremors. The Mental Health Clinician (MHC). 2012 Jan. Vol 1, Iss 7. • Katherine Cabral Cabral KP, Ansell JA. Oral Direct Factor Xa Inhibitors for Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation. Nature Reviews Cardiology 2012 9:385-391. Runyan CL, Cabral KP, Riker RR, et al. Correlation of Bivalirudin Dose with Creatinine Clearance During Treatment of HeparinInduced Thrombocytopenia. Pharmacotherapy 2011; 31(9):850-856. • Katie Cardone Cardone KE, Grabe DW, Kulawy RW, Daoui R, Roglieri J, Meola S, Drusano GL, Lodise TP. Ertapenem Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics during Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 2011 Nov 14. PubMed PMID: 22083473. Cardone KE, Manley HJ, Grabe DW, Meola S, Hoy CD, Bailie GR. Quantifying Home Medication Regimen

Changes and Quality of Life in Patients Receiving Nocturnal Home Hemodialysis. Hemodialysis International 2011;15:234-42. • Jennifer Cerulli Miller S, Patel N, Vadala T, Abrons JP, Cerulli J. Defining the Pharmacists Role in the Pandemic Outbreak of Novel H1N1 Influenza. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association 2012 52(6):763-7. doi: 10.1331/JAPhA.2012.11003. • Robert DiCenzo Morris ME, Morse BL, Baciewicz GJ, Tessena MM, Acquisto NM, Hutchinson DJ and DiCenzo R. Monocarboxylate Transporter Inhibition with Osmotic Diuresis Increases γ-Hydroxybutyrate Renal Elimination in Humans: A Proof-of-Concept Study. Journal of Clinical Toxicology 2011; 1(2): 1:104. • Clayton English Marino J, English C, Caballero J, Harrington C. The role of paliperidone extendedrelease for the treatment of bipolar disorder. Journal of Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 2012;8:181-9. Harrington CA, English C. Adverse drug events related to ziprasidone: a metaanalysis of randomized, placebo-controlled trials. Pharmacotherapy 2011;31(9):840-849. English C, Rey JA, Schlesselman LS. Prevalence of hazardous alcohol use among pharmacy students at nine U.S. schools of pharmacy. Pharmacy Practice 2011 Jul-Sept;9(3):162-168. Schlesselman LS, Nobre C, English CD. Alcohol attitudes and behaviors among faculty at U.S. schools and colleges of pharmacy. Pharmacy Practice (online) 2011 OctDec;9(4):236-241. • Jessica Farrell Shapiro, L, Farrell, JF, Borhani-Haghighi, A. Tocilizumab treatment of neuro-Behcet’s, the first Report [letter]. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 2011; doi:10.1016/j. clineuro.2011.10.024. • Gina Garrison

Garrison GD. Commentary: Varenicline for 4 weeks prior to target quit date reduces prequit date smoking and increases 12-week abstinence. Evid Based Med 2012;17:3 96-97 Published Online First: 7 December 2011 doi:10.1136/ ebmed.2011.100147. • Darren Grabe Matzke GR, Aronoff GR, Atkinson Jr. AJ, Bennett WM, Decker BS, Eckardt KU, Golper T, Grabe DW, Kasiske B, Keller F, Kielstein JT, Mehta R, Mueller BA, Pasko DA, Schaefer F, Sica DA, Inker LA, Umans JG and Murray P. Drug dosing consideration in patients with acute and chronic kidney disease—a clinical update from Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO). Kidney International September 14, 2011; doi:10.1038/ki.2011.322. • Michael Kane Micale SJ, Kane MP, Busch RS. Spontaneous resolution of primary hyperparathyroidism in parathyroid adenoma. Case Reports in Endocrinology 2012;doi:10.1155/2012/793753. Traina AN, Kane MP, Bakst G, Busch RS, Abelseth JM, Hamilton RA. Efficacy of teriparatide in patients with resolved secondary hyperparathyroidism due to vitamin D deficiency. Endocrine Practice 2011;17;4:568-73. Traina AN, Kane MP, Bakst G, Abelseth JM, Busch RS. A Pharmacist-run Reclast Clinic. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy 2011;68:1399-403. • Tom Lodise Butterfield JM, Mueller BA, Patel N, Cardone KE, Grabe DW, Salama NN, Lodise TP. Daptomycin pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in a pooled sample of patients receiving thrice-weekly hemodialysis. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Dec 3, 2012 [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 23208714. van Hal SJ, Paterson DL, Lodise TP. Vancomycininduced nephrotoxicity in troughs of “15-20” mg/L era: a systematic review and

meta-analysis. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Nov 19, 2012 [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 23165462. Drusano GL, Lodise TP. Saving Lives with Optimal Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. Clinical Infectious Diseases, Oct 16, 2012 [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 23074312. Lodise TP, Low DE. Ceftaroline fosamil in the treatment of communityacquired bacterial pneumonia and acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections. Drugs, Jul 2012 30;72(11):1473-93. doi: 10.2165/11635660000000000-00000. Review. PubMed PMID: 22779432. Felton TW, Hope WW, Lomaestro BM, Butterfield JM, Kwa AL, Drusano GL, Lodise TP. Population pharmacokinetics of extended-infusion piperacillin-tazobactam in hospitalized patients with nosocomial infections. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2012 Aug;56(8):4087-94. doi: 10.1128/AAC.00521-12. Epub 2012 May 14. PubMed PMID: 22585219; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3421565. Stevens V, Lodise TP, Tsuji B, Stringham M, Butterfield J, Dodds Ashley E, Brown K, Forrest A, Brown J. The utility of acute physiology and chronic health evaluation II scores for prediction of mortality among intensive care unit (ICU) and non-ICU patients with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology 2012 Jun;33(6):558-64. doi: 10.1086/665731. Epub2012 Apr 13. PubMed PMID: 22561710. Lodise TP, Butterfield JM, Hegde SS, Samara E, Barriere SL. Telavancin pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in patients with complicated skin and skin structure infections and various degrees of renal function. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2012 Apr;56(4):2062-6. doi: 10.1128/ AAC.00383-11. Epub 2012 Jan

Bold names within citations indicate ACPHS faculty collaborators.



17. PubMed PMID: 22252799; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3318336. van Hal SJ, Lodise TP, Paterson DL. The clinical significance of vancomycin minimum inhibitory concentration in Staphylococcus aureus infections: asystematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2012 Mar;54(6):755-71. Epub 2012 Feb 2. PubMed PMID: 22302374. Patel N, VanDeWall H, Tristani L, Rivera A, Woo B, Dihmess A, Li HK, Smith R, Lodise TP. A comparative evaluation of adverse platelet outcomes among Veterans’ Affairs patients receiving linezolid or vancomycin. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2012 Mar;67(3):727-35. Epub 2011 Dec 15. PubMed PMID: 22174041. Butterfield JM, Lawrence KR, Reisman A, Huang DB, Thompson CA, Lodise TP. Comparison of serotonin toxicity with concomitant use of either linezolid or comparators and serotonergic agents: an analysis of Phase III and IV randomized clinical trial data. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2012 Feb;67(2):494-502. Epub 2011 Dec 2. PubMed PMID: 22139199. Cardone KE, Grabe DW, Kulawy RW, Daoui R, Roglieri J, Meola S, Drusano GL, Lodise TP. Ertapenem pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics during continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2012 Feb;56(2):725-30. Epub 2011 Nov 14. PubMed PMID: 22083473; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3264279. Kees MG, Lodise TP, Drusano GL. Determination of meropenem penetration into the lung from Sparse data. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2011 Dec;55(12):5959-61. PubMed PMID: 22081725; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3232754. Nicasio AM, Bulitta JB, Lodise TP, D’Hondt RE,


Kulawy R, Louie A, Drusano GL. Evaluation of oncedaily vancomycin against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a hollow-fiber infection model. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2012 Feb;56(2):682-6. Epub 2011 Nov 14. PubMed PMID: 22083484; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3264248. Butterfield JM, Tsuji BT, Brown J, Ashley ED, Hardy D, Brown K, Forrest A, Lodise TP. Predictors of agr dysfunction in methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates among patients with MRSA bloodstream infections. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2011 Dec;55(12):5433-7. Epub 2011 Sep 19. 672PubMed PMID: 21930887; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3232784. Pai MP, Lodise TP Jr. Oseltamivir and oseltamivir carboxylate pharmacokinetics in obese adults: dose modification for weight is not necessary. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2011 Dec;55(12):5640-5. Epub 2011 Sep 19. PubMed PMID: 21930881; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3232799. Butterfield JM, Patel N, Pai MP, Rosano TG, Drusano GL, Lodise TP. Refining vancomycin protein binding estimates: identification of clinical factors that influence protein binding. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2011 Sep;55(9):4277-82. Epub 2011 Jun 13. PubMed PMID: 21670191; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3165330. Lodise TP, Drusano GL, Butterfield JM, Scoville J, Gotfried M, Rodvold KA. Penetration of vancomycin into epithelial lining fluid in healthy volunteers. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2011 Dec;55(12):5507-11. Epub 2011 Sep 12. PubMed PMID: 21911567; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3232765. Drusano GL, Lodise TP, Melnick D, Liu W, Oliver A, Mena A, VanScoy B, Louie A. Meropenem penetration

into epithelial lining fluid in mice and humans and delineation of exposure targets. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2011 Jul;55(7):3406-12. Epub 2011 May 16. PubMed PMID: 21576431; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3122433. • Margaret Malone Malone M, Alger Mayer SA, Polimeni JM. Health related quality of life after gastric bypass surgery. Applied Research in Quality of Life, September 16, 2011; doi:10.1007/s11482-011-9157-3. Malone M, Alger-Mayer S, Lindstrom J. Use of Orlistat 60mg in the management of preoperative weight loss before bariatric surgery. Annals of Pharmacotherapy 2012; 46:779-84.DOI 10.1345/ aph.1Q556. Malone M, Alger-Mayer S, Lindstrom J, Bailie GR. Management of iron deficiency and anemia after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery: an observational study. Surgery for Obesity and Related Disorders (SOARD) 2013. DoI10.1016/j. soard.2013.01.019. • Anthony Nicasio Nicasio AM, Bulitta JB, Lodise TP, D’Hondt RE, Kulawy R, Louie A, Drusano GL. Valuation of OnceDaily Vancomycin against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a Hollow-Fiber Infection Model. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2012 Feb;56(2):682-6. • Amy Barton Pai Pai AB, Patel H, Prokopienko A, Gertzberg N, Alsaffar H, Neumann P, Punjabi A, Johnson A. Lipoteichoic acid from Staphylococcus aureus induces lung endothelial cell barrier dysfunction: role of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. Plos One 2012;7(11) ePub ahead of print. Asif A, Carrillo R, Garisto JD, Monrroy M, Khan RA, Castro H, Merrill D, Ali AS, Pai AB, Waldman J, Salman L. Prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Rhythm Device Removal. Seminars in Dialysis 2012 Jul 11.

Conner TA, McQuade CR, Olp J, Pai AB. Effect of Intravenous Vitamin C on Reactive Oxygen Species Generation, Cytokine Activation and Oxidative Stress in Hemodialysis (HD) Patients Receiving Intravenous Iron Sucrose (IS). Biometals 2012 Jun 17. • Manjunath (Amit) Pai Hamilton R, Thai XC, Ameri D, Pai MP. Oral bioavailability of linezolid before and after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery: is dose modification necessary in obese subjects? Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy ePub 2012 Nov 15. Pai MP, Chen WZ, Garba A, Cui H, Zaffo B, El-Fawal HA, Mousa SA. Effects of obesity and sex on antimicrobial pharmacokinetics and acute kidney injury: validation of a preclinical model. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy ePub 2012 Nov 12. Park EJ, Pai MP, Dong T, Zhang J, Ko CW, Lawrence J, Crentsil V, Zhang L, Xu NN. The influence of body size descriptors on the estimation of kidney function in normal weight, overweight, obese, and morbidly obese adults. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy 2012 Mar;46(3):317-28. Pai MP, Lodise TP. Oseltamivir and oseltamivir carboxylate pharmacokinetics in obese adults: dose modification for weight is not necessary. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2011 Dec;55(12):5640-5. Butterfield JM, Patel N, Pai MP, Rosano TG, Drusano GL, Lodise TP. Refining vancomycin protein binding estimates: identification of clinical factors that influence protein binding. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2011 Sep;55(9):4277-82. Pai MP, Nafziger AN, Bertino JS Jr. Simplified estimation of aminoglycoside pharmacokinetics in underweight and obese adult patients. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2011 Sep;55(9):4006-11.

School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

• Nimish Patel Patel N, VanDeWall H, Tristani L, Rivera A, Woo B, Dihmess A, Li HK, Smith R, Lodise TP. A comparative evaluation of adverse platelet outcomes among Veterans’ Affairs patients receiving linezolid or vancomycin. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2012 Mar;67(3):727-35. Epub 2011 Dec 15. • Joanna Schwartz Schwartz J, Charpentier M. Update on FDA approval status of Bevacizumab (Avastin) for breast cancer. The Oncology Pharmacist Vol 10(1): October 2011. Schwartz, J. Dexamethasone premedication for prophylaxis of taxane toxicities: Can the doses be reduced when paclitaxel or docetaxel are given weekly? Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice 1078155211409473, first published on August 1, 2011 as doi:10.1177/1078155211409473. Schwartz JR. Bevacizumab for breast cancer: the end of the line. The Oncology Pharmacist Feb. 2012. Schwartz J, Schwartz R, Kraft S. Guidelines update for Health Systems Pharmacists on Chemotherapy Induced Nausea and Vomiting Guidelines. Value Based Cancer Care Vol 3(2), Suppl 1, March 2012. Schwartz JR, Bottiglieri S. Cabazitaxel: A Novel Agent for Prostate Cancer. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine May 9, 2012. Schwartz JR. Dexamethasone premedications for weekly taxanes. Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice June 2012, 18: 250-6. • Aimee Strang Baia P, Strang AF. An Elective Course to Promote Academic Pharmacy as a Career. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2012, 76(2): article 30. Books • Manjunath (Amit) Pai Piscitelli S, Rodvold KA, Pai MP, eds. Drug Interactions

in Infectious Diseases, Third Edition. Editors: Springer, New York, NY. 2011 [Translated into Chinese December 2012]. • John Polimeni Polimeni, JM. Spatial Simulation Modeling: Projecting Residential Development in the Hudson River Valley of New York State, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012. Book Chapters • Jeffrey Brewer Brewer JM, Denvir, P. “Balancing Competing Patient Care Philosophies during Ambulatory Care APPEs” in Nourishing the Soul of Pharmacy: Stories of Reflection, (TD Zlatic & WA Zellmer, eds.) ACCP Publications, 2011. Brewer JM, Riddle S. “Meeting the need: Developing a clinical services proposal” in Building a successful ambulatory patient care practice: A complete guide for pharmacists, (Kliethermes MA, Brown T, eds.) American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, 2011, Chapter 2. • Michael Brodeur Brodeur MR. “Geriatric Urological Disorders” in Koda-Kimble & Young’s Applied Therapeutics: The Clinical Use of Drugs. 10th ed., (Alledrege BK, Corelli RL, Ernst ME, Guglielmo BJ, eds.) Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2012:2395-2416. • Katie Cardone Cardone KE. “End-Stage Kidney Disease (Ch. 55)” in Pharmacotherapy Casebook: A PatientFocused Approach,8th ed., (Schwinghammer TL and Koehler JM, eds.) New York: McGraw-Hill 2011. • Ronald J. DeBellis Lin S, Foster KJ, DeBellis RJ, Smith BS. “Drug dosing in renal failure: a pharmacokinetic approach to the critically ill patient” in Irwin and Rippe’s Intensive Care Medicine 7th edition, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2012.

• Robert DiCenzo DiCenzo R. “Biostatistics and Clinical Trial Design and Interpretation” in Pharmacothearpy Review Program for Advanced Clinical Pharmacy Practice, Lenexa, KS: American College of Clinical pharmacy, 2011:25-40. • Michael Kane Traina AN, Kane MP. “Hyperthyroidism: Graves’ Disease” in Pharmacotherapy Principles and Practice Study Guide, 3rd Edition: A Case Based Care Plan Approach, (Katz M, Matthias KR, Chisholm-Burns MA) McGraw Hill: New York, NY, 2012. Kane MP. “Diabetes Mellitus” in ACCP Updates in Therapeutics: Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course, 2012 ed., (Bainbridge JL, Barbour SY, Coyle EA, et al.) Lenexa, KS. American College of Clinical Pharmacy, 2012:1-135-1-168. Kane MP. “Other Endocrine Disorders” in ACCP Updates in Therapeutics: Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course, 2012 ed., (Bainbridge JL, Barbour SY, Coyle EA, et al.) Lenexa, KS. American College of Clinical Pharmacy, 2012:1-169–1-216. • Nicole Lodise Lodise NM. “Vaginal and Vulvovaginal Disorders” in Handbook of Nonprescription Drugs: An Interactive Approach to Self-Care, 17th edition, (Krinsky DL, Berardi RR, Ferreri SP, Hume AL, Newton GD, Rollins CJ, Tietze KJ, eds.) Washington, DC, American Pharmacists Association, 2012. • Lee Anna Obos Obos LA, Reed M. “Pharmaceutical Calculations” in Pharmacy Practice for Technicians, 5th Edition, Thomson-Delmar Learning, 2012. • Manjunath (Amit) Pai Butterfield J, Lodise TP, Pai MP. “Application of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic principles for informed dose selection” in Therapeutic Drug Monitoring: Newer Drugs

and Biomarkers, 1st Edition, (Dasgupta A, Ed.) Waltham, MA, Elsevier 2012. Pai MP. “Macrolides, Azalides and Ketolides” in Drug Interactions in Infectious Diseases, 3rd Edition, (Piscitelli S, Rodvold KA, Pai MP, eds.) New York, NY, Springer 2011. Crawford T, Pai MP, Rodvold KA. Infective endocarditis (Case) in Pharmacotherapy Casebook 8th Edition, (Schwinghammer TL, Ed.) Chicago, McGraw-Hill 2011. Review articles • Sal Bottiglieri Schwarz J, Bottiglieri S. Cabazitaxel in Metastatic Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine April 2012. • Amy Barton Pai Pai AB, Garba AO. Ferumoxytol: a silver lining in the treatment of anemia of chronic kidney disease: or another dark cloud? Journal of Blood Medicine 2012;3:77-85. • Manjunath (Amit) Pai Pai MP. Drug dosing based on weight and body surface area: mathematical assumptions and limitations in obese adults. Pharmacotherapy 2012 Sep;32(9):856-68. Pai MP, Nafziger AN, Bertino JS Jr. The not so “ideal” body weight-based dosing of Integrilin in obesity. American Heart Journal 2012 Apr;163(4):e23. Pai MP. Comment on: Acute renal insufficiency during telavancin therapy in clinical practice. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2012 May;67(5):1300-1. Book Reviews • Robert DiCenzo DiCenzo R, Sowinski KM. “Biostatistics: a Refresher” in Updates in Therapeutics 2012: The Pharmacotherapy Preparatory Review and Recertification Course, 2012 ed. (Dugan J, El-Ibirary S, Foote EF, et al.) Lenexa, KS: American College of Clinical Pharmacy, 2012: 123-142.

Bold names within citations indicate ACPHS faculty collaborators.



• Tanya Vadala Vadala T. Chapter: “Superficial Fungal Infections” in Pharmacotherapy Principles and Practice Textbook (3rd edition), Section Editor, Joseph T. DiPiro.

Conference presentations Poster Presentation and Exhibitions • Magdalene Assimon Assimon MM, Mason DL. Evaluation of the relationship between vitamin D analogs and FGF23: is there a difference between agents? American Society of Nephrology Renal Week 2011, Philadelphia, PA, November 2011. Abstract # SA-PO2287. Assimon MM, Salenger PV, Meola S, Mason DL. Daily home hemodialysis versus conventional in-center hemodialysis: evaluation of biomarkers of vascular calcification and management of mineral and bone disorder. American College of Clinical Pharmacy Annual Meeting 2011, Pittsburgh, PA, October 2011. Abstract # 378. • Sal Bottiglieri Bottiglieri S. A Spectrum of Care in Metastatic Breast Cancer. 48th National Kappa Epsilon Convention, ACPE accredited continuing education for pharmacists, Phoenix, AZ, July 2011. • Jeffrey Brewer Brewer JM. “The Physician Office Vignette” in Building Ambulatory Pharmacy Services, Part 1: Caring for Patients Today. ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 6, 2011. ACPE# 204-000-11-278-L04P. Sachdev G, Kliethermes MA, Armor B, Stump AL, Brewer JM. Building Ambulatory Pharmacy Services, Part 1: Caring for Patients Today. Workshop and Panel Discussion. ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 6, 2011. Brewer JM. Building Ambulatory Pharmacy Services, Part 2: Positioning Your Practice for the Future. Program Chair, Learning Community 3.0 contact


hours, application based. ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 6, 2011. Activity #204-000-11-279-L04P. Leal S, Masilamani S, Smith M, Brown TR, Brewer JM. Building Ambulatory Pharmacy Services, Part 2: Positioning Your Practice for the Future. Workshop and Panel Discussion. ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 6, 2011. Bertosik J, Hopsicker J, Triller D, Chillingworth K, O’Neil J, Brewer JM. AMCP-ACPHS Managed Care Pharmacy Career Panel. Brief career path discussion and open forum on the future of pharmacy. 30 ACPHS students, ACPHS, SC201, Albany, NY, December 1, 2011. Riddle S, Brewer JM. Ambulatory Pharmacy Services: Strategies for Developing a Service Proposal. National Webinar. ASHP Section Advisory Group on Clinical Business Development, September 27, 2011. • Laurie Briceland Briceland LL, Dukes L. Scholarship in Experiential Education: Stories from the Trenches. 2011 AACP Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, July 11, 2011. • Michael Brodeur Brodeur MR. Polypharmacy Case Studies: Geriatric Teaching Day. Albany Medical College, Albany, NY, December 2011. Brodeur MR. Management of Constipation in Older Adults. Annual Pharmacy Practice Institute, Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, March 16, 2012. Brodeur MR. Medications for Overactive Bladder. Office of Postgraduate Education, Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, September 2012. Brodeur MR, Levy SM, Vance J. Plenary Session: Collaborative Senior Care Roundtable. ASCP Annual Meeting & Exhibition, National Harbor, Maryland, November 8, 2012.

Brodeur MR. Medications for Overactive Bladder. Office of Postgraduate Education, Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, September 2012. • Katherine Cabral Cabral KP, Fraser GL, Duprey J, Gibbons B, Hayes T, Florman JE, Seder DB. Prothrombin Complex Concentrates to Reverse Warfarin-induced Coagulopathy in Patients with Intracranial Bleeding. 2011 Neurocritical Care Society Meeting, Montreal, Canada, September 2011. Duprey J, Palminteri J, Dziodzio J, Rughani A, Florman J, Cabral K, Seder D. Improved Survival in Warfarin-associated Intracerebral Hemorrhage after Implementation of a PCC-based Warfarin Reversal Protocol and Educational Intervention. Critical Care Medicine 2011 39(12):143 (Abstract #518). Presented at SCCM 41st Critical Care Congress, Houston, TX, February 2012. Cabral KP, Fraser GL, Duprey J, Gibbons B, Hayes T, Florman JE, Seder DB. Prothrombin Complex Concentrates to Reverse Warfarin-induced Coagulopathy in Patients with Intracranial Bleeding. Neurocritical Care Society Meeting, Montreal, Canada, September 2011. • Jacquelyn Canning Gionet D, Canning JE. Evaluation of Efficacy of Atypical Antipsychotic Metabolic Monitoring at the Stratton Veterans Affairs Medical Center. 47th ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting and Exhibition, Las Vegas, NV, December 2012. Mehvar M, Faulkner J, Hall W, Ta M, Canning JE. Metabolic Monitoring of Patients Treated with Olanzapine: A Retrospective Case Review of the Implementation of a Metabolic Monitoring Clinical Reminder. 15th Annual Meeting of the College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists, Tampa, FL, May 2012. • Katie Cardone Cardone KE, Phillips AL, Daoui R, Hoy CD, Meola SA, Bailie GR. Methods

Quantifying Variations in Serum Phosphorus Concentrations in Hemodialysis (HD) Patients. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2011;22. American Society of Nephrology Kidney Week, Philadelphia, PA, November 2011. Poster #FR-PO1215. Cardone KE, Fox B, Meola SA, Hoy CD, Pai AB. Effects of the ESRD Medicare Bundling Rule on Anemia Management in Private Dialysis Units. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2011;22. American Society of Nephrology Kidney Week, Philadelphia, PA, November 2011. Poster #FR-PO1581. Cho SM, Cardone KE, Nolin T, Mason D, Grabe DW. Evaluation of an In Vitro, Closed Loop Hemodialysis System to Determine Drug Clearance. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 5, 2011. Poster# 1-200. Patel H, Kubotera N, Prokopienko A, Cardone KE, Pai AB. Usage of Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents Pre and Post Bundle. American Society of Healthsystems Pharmacists Midear Clinical Meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 7, 2011. Butterfield JM, Patel N, Mueller BA, Grabe D, Cardone K, Lodise TP. Daptomycin (D) Pharmacokinetics (PK) and Pharmacodynamics (PD) in a Pooled Sample of Hemodialysis (HD) Patients (Pts). 52nd Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC), San Francisco, CA, September 10, 2012. Poster presentation. Butterfield JM, Mueller B, Grabe D, Patel N, Cardone K, Salama N, Lodise TP. Pharmacokinetics (PK) of Daptomycin (D) in a Pooled Sample of Hemodialysis (HD) Patients (Pts). Infectious Disease Society of America 2012 ID Week, San Diego, CA, October 20, 2012. Poster presentation (Abstract #34223).

School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

• Brian Cowles Cowles B. Child & Adolescent Developmental Disorders and Medication Therapy. The Rehabilitation Research and Training Institute, Schenectady, NY, March 15, 2012. • Ronald J. DeBellis Bainbridge J, DeBellis RJ, Dunn JD, Whipple Guthrie E, Mattei M, Miravalle A, Rich SJ, Ryan M. Actionable Insights to the Evolving Management of MS: Important Considerations in Improving Outcomes. Webinar presented by the University of Tennessee College of Pharmacy through a grant from Teva Pharmaceuticals. Trayah MC, Zarbock SD, DeBellis RJ. Speed Date Your Pharmacist. Professional Roundtable Event– Introduction to Pharmacy Careers. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy 2012, American Society of Health System Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, December 2012. • Robert DiCenzo Morse BL, DiCenzo R, Baciewicz GJ, Tessena MM, Acquisto NM, Hutchinson DJ, Morris ME. Monocarboxylate Transporter Inhibition with L-lactate Increases the Renal Clearance of gammaHydroxybutyrate in Humans. American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, October 2011. Abstract. DiCenzo R. Pharmacotherapy Review Program for Advanced Clinical Pharmacy Practice: Biostatistics and Clinical Trial Design and Interpretation. Sponsored by the American College of Clinical Pharmacy, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, March 26-28, 2012. DiCenzo R. Pharmacy Practice Scientific Conference 2012: Clinical Trials in Pharmacy Practice. Sponsored by the Ministry of Health Malaysia and the Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, March 25, 2012. Plenary Session. Jimenez S, Veneron J, AbuBaker A, DiCenzo R, DelMonte K. Utilization of IPPE III

Student Interventions by Medical Teams at a Long Term Care Facility. 112th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, San Antonio, Texas, July 9-13, 2011. Abstract 39. Dobson E, Luque A, Aslam F, DiCenzo R. Comparing raltegravir genital tract distribution in HIV-infected men and women. 52nd ICAAC, San Francisco, CA, September 9-12, 2012. Abstract A-1252. R. DiCenzo, RJ DeBellis. Two Pharmacy Practice Departments in Separate States, One Strategic Plan. 113th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Kissimmee, Florida, July 14-18, 2012. • Jessica Farrell Shapiro L, Toledo A, Farrell J. Effective Treatment of Degos Disease with Trepostinil: Early Experience. 2nd Systemic Sclerosis World Congress, Madrid, Spain, February 2-4, 2012. PS104. • Gina Garrison Garrison GD, Lubowski TJ, Polimeni, JM. Ambulatory Care APPE Student Assessment of Patient Medication Adherence, Hypertension Knowledge and Blood Pressure Control. 113th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Kissimmee, Florida. July 14-18, 2012. Abstract in American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2012; 76(5): 42. Presenter. • Michael Kane Micale SJ, Kane MP, Busch RA, Hamilton RA. Effects of Denosumab on BMD in Primary Hyperparathyroid Patients Not Receiving Surgery. Poster presentation, 2012 ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, December 5, 2012. Heh AM, Kane MP, Hamilton RA, Busch RS, Bakst G, Abelseth JM,Belletti DA. Mono and Dual ReninAngiotensin-AldosteroneSystem Inhibition Strategies in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Safety and Efficacy Experiences of an

Endocrinology Practice. Poster presented at the Society of General Internal Medicine 36th Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, May 10, 2012.

the New Joint Commission Measures”), New York State Cessation Center Collaborative Webinar, Albany, NY, October 2011.

Kane MP. ACCP 2012 Updates In Therapeutics: The Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Preparatory Review Course; Diabetes Mellitus chapter. Presented the Diabetes chapter of the Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Preparatory Review Course which is offered in preparation of the pharmacy Specialty Cert-ification Examination for Board Certification in Ambulatory Care, Reno, NV, April 27, 2012.

• Tom Lodise Lodise TP, Patel N, Rivera A, Tristani L, Vandewall H, Smith R, McNutt LA. A Comparative Evaluation of Serotonin Toxicity among Veterans’ Affairs Patients Receiving Linezolid and Vancomycin. Platform Presentation at IDWeek: A Joint Meeting of IDSA, SHEA, HIVMA, and PIDS, San Diego, CA, October 17-20, 2012. Abstract # 1318. Presenter: Lodise.

Kane MP. ACCP 2012 Updates In Therapeutics: The Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Preparatory Review Course; Other Endocrine Disorders chapter. Presented the Other Endocrine Disorders chapter of the Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Preparatory Review Course which is offered in preparation of the pharmacy Specialty Certification Examination for Board Certification in Ambulatory Care, Reno, NV, April 27, 2012. Kane MP. Diabetes Management in the Elderly; Part of the Annual Pharmacy Practice Institute. Albany, NY, March 16, 2012. Kane MP. Diabetes Update. Presented at the APhA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 11, 2012. Kane MP. Senior Perspectives: Diabetes Care for Older Adults. Presented at the PharmEd Continuing Education Program, Albany, NY, September 15, 2011. • Teresa Kane Kane TH, Boyd, JK, and Strang, AF. Aligning Curricular Skills Development with IPPE Activities. 113th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Kissimmee, Florida, July 14-18, 2012. • Nicole Lodise Lodise NM. Pharmacotherapy for Tobacco Addiction. Provider and Counselor Education Program (Presentation within program on “Bedside Counseling for Tobacco Users: Implementing

Lodise TP, De Anda C, Fang E. A Comparative Evaluation of Adverse Platelet Outcomes among Patients with Acute Bacterial Skin and Skin Structure Infections Receiving Tedizolid Phosphate and Linezolid. Poster Presentation at IDWeek: A Joint Meeting of IDSA, SHEA, HIVMA, and PIDS. San Diego, CA, October 17-20, 2012. Abstract # 789. Presenter: Lodise. Butterfield JM, Mueller BA, Grabe D, Patel N, Cardone K, Salama NN, Lodise TP. Pharmacokinetics of daptomycin in a pooled sample of hemodialysis patients. Poster Presentation at IDWeek: A Joint Meeting of IDSA, SHEA, HIVMA, and PIDS. San Diego, CA, October 17-20, 2012. Abstract # 1631. Presenter: Butterfield. Butterfield JM, Lodise TP, Beegle S, Rosen J, Farkas J, Pai MP. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of extended-infusion piperacillin-tazobactam in adult patients with cystic fibrosis. Poster Presentation at IDWeek: A Joint Meeting of IDSA, SHEA, HIVMA, and PIDS. San Diego, CA, October 17-20, 2012. Abstract # 1628. Presenter: Butterfield. Butterfield JM, Lodise TP, Pai MP, Rosen J, Farkas J, Beegle S. Pharmacodynamic profile of once daily administration of tobramycin in adult patients with cystic fibrosis- acute pulmonary exacerbation. Poster Presentation at IDWeek: A Joint Meeting of IDSA, SHEA, HIVMA, and PIDS. San Diego, CA, October

Bold names within citations indicate ACPHS faculty collaborators.



17-20, 2012. Abstract # 1629. Presenter: Butterfield. Butterfield JM, Patel N, Mueller BA, Grabe D, Cardone KE, Salama NN, Lodise TP. Daptomycin pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in a pooled sample of hemodialysis patients. Poster Presentation at 52nd Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC), San Francisco, CA, September 9-12, 2012. Abstract # A-606. Presenter: Butterfield. Casapao AM, Leonard SN, Davis SL, Lodise TP, Patel N, Goff DA, LaPlante KL, Potoski BA, Rybak MJ. Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Heterogeneous VancomycinIntermediate Staphylococcus aureus. Platform Presentation at 52nd Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC), San Francisco, CA, September 9-12, 2012. Abstract # K-1123. Presenter: Casapao. Bhalodi AA, Keel RA, Quintiliani R, Lodise TP, Nicolau DP, Kuti JL. Comparative Pharmacokinetics of Doripenem in Infected Patients Treated In- and Outside the Intensive Care Unit. Poster Presentation at 52nd Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC), San Francisco, CA, September 9-12, 2012. Abstract # A-020. Presenter: Bhalodi Lockwood A, Rahbar A, Abraham P, Patka J, Curzio K, Rabinovich M, Chester K, Huang V, Williams B, Chaar M, Morse B, Salomone J, Butterfield J, Lodise T. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic evaluation of doripenem in critically ill trauma patients with sepsis. Poster Presentation at 32nd Annual Meeting of the Surgical Infection Society, Dallas, TX, April 18-21, 2012. Abstract # 1288781. Mullins CD, Bikov K, Onukwugha E, Myers DE, Eisenberg D, Lodise T. Rehospitalization and Costs among Patients Treated with Linezolid versus Vancomycin


Following Hospitalization for Pneumonia in the Real-World Setting. Poster Presentation at 17th Annual International Meeting of International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR), Washington, DC, June 2-6, 2012. Presenter: Mullins. Abstract # PIN56. Huang XY, Lodise T, Friedland D, Beresford EJ. The Economic Impact of Adding Ceftaroline Fosamil to Hospital Formulary for Acute Bacterial Skin and Skin Structure Infections. Poster Presentation at 17th Annual International Meeting of ISPOR, Washington, DC, June 2-6, 2012. Abstract # PIN10. Presenter: Huang. Huang XY, Lodise T, Friedland D, Beresford EJ. The Economic Impact of Adding Ceftaroline Fosamil to Hospital Formulary for Community Acquired Bacterial Pneumonia: A Hospital Budget Impact Analysis in the United States. Poster Presentation at 17th Annual International Meeting of ISPOR, Washington, DC, June 2-6, 2012. Abstract # PIN8. Presenter: Huang. Mullins CD, Yang HK, Onukwugha E, Eisenberg D, Myers DE, Huang D, Lodise TP. Re-hospitalization and Direct Medical Costs Among Patients Treated with Linezolid (LZD) versus Vancomycin (VAN) Following Hospitalization for Complicated Skin and Skin Structure Infections (cSSSI). Poster Presentation at 49th Annual IDSA Meeting, Boston, MA, October 20-23, 2011. Abstract # 686. Presenter: Mullins. Puzniak LA, Capitano B, Biswas P, Huang DB, Lodise TP. The Impact of Clinical Conditions and Infection Type on the Association between Treatment and Clinical Success for Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Complicated Skin and Skin Structure Infections (cSSSI). Poster Presentation at 51st Annual ICAAC Meeting, Chicago, IL, September 17-19, 2011. Abstract # K-877. Presenter: Puzniak.

Keel RA, Lodise TP, Quintiliani R, Nicolau DP, Kuti JL. Population Pharmacokinetics (PopPK) of Doripenem (DOR) by Traditional or Prolonged Infusions (PI) in Patients with Serious Infections. Poster Presentation at 51st Annual ICAAC Meeting, Chicago, IL, Sept 17-19, 2011. Abstract # A2-566. Presenter: Keel. Lodise TP, El Sohl AA, Biswas P, Huang DB. Outcomes by Renal Function Among Patients Treated with Linezolid (LZD) Versus Vancomycin (VAN) for Nosocomial Pneumonia (NP) Caused by MRSA. Poster Presentation at 51st Annual ICAAC Meeting, Chicago, IL, Sept 17-19, 2011. Abstract # K-214. Presenter: Lodise. Nicasio AM, Bulitta JB, Lodise TP, D’hont RE, Kulawy R, Louie A, Drusano GL. Evaluation of Once-Daily (OD) Vancomycin (V) Against MethicillinResistant Staphylococcus aureus a Hollow Fiber Infection Model. Poster Presentation at 51st Annual ICAAC Meeting, Chicago, IL, Sept 17-19, 2011. Abstract # A2009. Presenter: Nicasio. Stevens V, Lodise TP, Tsuji BT, Hardy D, Dodds-Ashley E, Brown K, Forrest A, Brown JE. APACHE II Scores for Confounder Control and Prediction of Mortality among ICU and Non-ICU Patients withStaphylococcus aureus Bacteremia. Poster Presentation at 51st Annual ICAAC Meeting, Chicago, IL, Sept 17-19, 2011. Abstract #K883. Presenter: Stevens. • Margaret Malone Malone M. Management of nutritional deficiencies after bariatric surgery. National ASPEN teleseminar, August 2011. Malone M, Alger-Mayer, S, Lindstrom, J. Efficacy of Orlistat 60mg (Alli) for recommended weight loss before bariatric surgery. Obesity 2011–the 29th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Obesity Society, Orlando, FL, October 3, 2011. Abstract 613-P. Malone M, Polimeni JM, Alger-Mayer, S. Health related quality of life up to four years after gastric bypass surgery.

Obesity 2011–the 29th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Obesity Society, Orlando, FL, October 3, 2011. Abstract 642-P. Malone M, Gallati, Ci, Lindstrom, J. Impact of changes in duration of therapy with Ursodiol after gastric bypass surgery. ACCP Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, October 17, 2011. Abstract 12. Malone M. Medication considerations before and after bariatric surgery. 2nd Annual Ward Dunnican Memorial 2011 Conference on Bariatrics and Nutrition, Albany, NY, September 16, 2011. Malone M. Bariatric Surgery: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Optimize Patient Outcomes. National ASPEN teleseminar (broadcast nationally to 200+ sites electronically), August 17, 2011. Malone M. Challenges in Healthcare Utilization in the Obese Population. ACCP Annual meeting, Pharmaceutical Industry and Endocrine and Metabolism PRN focus session, Pittsburgh, PA, October 2011. Malone M. Medication considerations after bariatric surgery with a focus on psychiatric drug therapy. Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Albany, NY, March 2012. Malone M. Medication considerations before and after bariatric surgery. 3rd Annual Ward Dunnican Memorial 2012 Conference on Bariatrics and Nutrition. Saratoga Springs, NY. • Anthony Nicasio Bulik CC, Nicasio AM. Time-kill studies of varying combinations of colistin, doripenem, and rifampin against both colistinresistant and susceptible KPC-producing Klebsiella Pneumoniae (A2-1174). 51st Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC), Chicago, IL, September 2011. Nicasio AM, Bulitta JB, Lodise TP, D’Hondt RE, Kulawy R, Louie A, and

School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Drusano GL. Evaluation of once-daily vancomycin against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a hollow fiber infection model. 51st Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC), Chicago, IL, September 2011. • Amy Barton Pai Patel HV, Prokopienko AJ, Gertzberg N, Neumann P, Johnson A, Pai AB. Differential Effect of IV Iron Compounds on Intracellular Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Generation in Aortic Coronary Endothelial Cells. American College of Clinical Pharmacy Annual Meeting (Best Student Paper Finalist), Pittsburgh, PA, October 17, 2011. Pai AB. Safety Considerations for IV Iron Products: Tips for Current Practice. American Society of Health-systems Pharmacists Mid Year Clinical Meeting and Exhibition, New Orleans, LA, December 6, 2011. • Manjunath (Amit) Pai Pai MP. A Preclinical Model to Test the Influence of Sex and Obesity on Pharmacokinetics and Acute Kidney Injury. American College of Clinical Pharmacology Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. September 2012. • Nimish Patel Patel N, Bruni E, Tizzano V, Mason D, Miller C. Association between Vitamin D and viral load (HIVRNA) among HIV-infected patients. Poster Presentation at the 22nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, London, England, April 2012. Presenter: Patel (Abstract #P-2125). Patel N, Veve M, Tizzano V, Sheth N, Miller C. Quantifying the incidence and magnitude of liver injury among HIV-infected patients receiving raltegravircontaining antiretroviral therapy. Poster Presentation at the 22nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, London, England, April 2012. Presenter: Patel (Abstract #P-2133). Patel N, Veve M, Miller C. Prevalence of QTc

prolongation among HIV-infected patients: a clinical prediction tool to determine high-risk patients. Published Abstract at the 22nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, London, England, April 2012. Presenter: Patel (Abstract #R-2734). Patel N, Tizzano V, Bruni E, Veve M, Miller C. Quantifying the incidence and severity of acute renal failure among HIV-infected adults receiving tenofovirbased antiretroviral therapy. Published Abstract at the 22nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, London, England, April 2012. Presenter: Patel (Abstract #R-2735). • Sarah Scarpace Leonard J, Miller S, Scarpace SL. Assessing community pharmacists’ knowledge and perceived barriers to counseling on oral chemotherapy agents and related supportive care medications. Presented at the American Pharmacists’ Association (APhA) annual meeting, March 10-11, 2012, New Orleans, LA [Repeated at the Hematology/ Oncology Pharmacy Association annual meeting, Trainee Poster session, March 21-24, 2012, Orlando, FL]. Scarpace SL, Kelman G, Dacher J, Tenebaum E, Pratt D, White B. Integrating Independent Institutions: Results of a Course to Meet IPEC Competencies in Values/Ethics and Roles/ Responsibilities. Presented at the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) annual meeting, July 15-16, 2012. Scarpace SL, Brodeur M, Cardone K, Garrison G, DiCenzo R, Mojica C, Zheng H. Inroads into IPE: Progress at ACPHS. Presented at the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) annual meeting, school poster session, July 14, 2012. Scarpace SL. Colon Cancer. 1-hour ACPEaccredited CE program plus home study materials and exam developed and presented to pharmacists

as part of the New York State Council of Healthsystems Pharmacy (NYSCHP) Oncology Pharmacy Certificate Program, Manhattan, NY, November 5, 2011. Scarpace SL. Monoclonal Antibodies and Targeted Therapies. 1-hour ACPEaccredited CE program plus home study materials and exam developed and presented to pharmacists as part of the New York State Council of Healthsystems Pharmacy (NYSCHP) Oncology Pharmacy Certificate Program, Manhattan, NY, November 4, 2011. Scarpace SL. Oral Cancer Therapies: Considerations for Practice. 1-hour ACPEaccredited CE program presented to pharmacists, nurses, and pharmacy technicians for the Northeast Hematology/Oncology Pharmacy Society (NEHOPS) Annual Meeting, Waltham, MA, October 14, 2011. Scarpace SL. Prevention and Management of Extravasation. 30-minute ACPE-accredited CE program presented to pharmacists, nurses, and pharmacy technicians for the Northeast Hematology/Oncology Pharmacy Society (NEHOPS) Annual Meeting, Waltham, MA, October 14, 2011. Leonard J, Miller S, Scarpace SL. Assessing community pharmacists’ knowledge and perceived barriers to counseling on oral chemotherapy agents and related supportive care medications. Presented at the American Pharmacists’ Association (APhA) annual meeting, March 10-11, 2012, New Orleans, LA [Repeated at the Hematology/ Oncology Pharmacy Association annual meeting, Trainee Poster session, March 21-24,2012, Orlando, FL]. Scarpace SL, Kelman G, Dacher J, Tenebaum E, Pratt D, White B. Integrating Independent Institutions: Results of a Course to Meet IPEC Competencies in Values/Ethics and Roles/ Responsibilities. Presented at the American Association

of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) annual meeting, July 15-16, 2012. • Aimee Strang Strang AF. Cultural Competence. Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Preceptor Training and Continuing Education, Albany, New York October, 2011. Strang AF. Portfolio Pitfalls: Pearls about Pedagogy vs. Purpose. The Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL) Southeast US Conference, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, November, 2011. • Sommer Zarbock Trayah MC, Zarbock SD, DeBellis RJ. Speed Date Your Pharmacist. Professional Roundtable Event– Introduction to Pharmacy Careers. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy 2012, American Society of Health System Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, December 2012. Elliot K, Skrzypiec C, Zarbock SD. Pharmacy Students Bring Healthcare to Rural VermontNational Drug Takeback Day. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy 2011. American Society of Health System Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 2011. Podium Presentations • George Bailie Bailie GR. Serious adverse events from intravenous iron products in the United States. ERA/EDTA, 2011, Prague, Czech Republic. # SuO029. Bailie GR. Chronic Kidney Disease-associated anemia: Improving Outcomes in the Hospitalized Patient. 1-hour CE program presented as component of regional programs in Boston, Washington, DC, and San Francisco, 2011. Bailie GR. Navigating the evolving iron deficiency landscape. 1-hour CE program presented as component of regional programs in Philadelphia, 2012.

Bold names within citations indicate ACPHS faculty collaborators.



Bailie GR. Intravenous iron in anemia of CKD. CE program to NJ Pharmacy Association, 2011. Bailie GR. ESAs in anemia of CKD. CE program to NJ Pharmacy Association, 2012. • Michael Biddle Biddle M. Sneezes, Snot, Sniffles: Current OTC Therapies for the Common Cold Cough and cold nonprescription drug therapy. CE program presented at the Respiratory Disease and Pharmacotherapy Symposium sponsored by Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, January 2012. • Sal Bottiglieri Bottiglieri S. The Impact of Biosimilars on Pharmacy Practice. Midyear Clinical Meeting: Ethical Issues in Pharmacy Practice, NYS Council of Health-system Pharmacists, East Elmhurst, NY, September 11, 2012. Bottiglieri S. Late Breakers in Pharmacotherapy II: Oncology. Annual Meeting, ACPE accredited continuing education for pharmacists, American College of Clinical Pharmacy, Hollywood, FL, October 2012. • Katherine Cabral Cabral, KP. The New Antiplatelets & Oral Anticoagulants: What a Pharmacist Needs To Know to Keep Patients Safe. Presented at Current Trends in Anticoagulation Therapy (ACPE accredited CE conference), LIU: Arnold & Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences, New York City, NY, November 2012. Cabral, KP. Translating the New 2012 ACCP AT9 Guideline Changes: Focus on Venous Thromboembolism. Presented at NYS Chapter ACCP Fall Meeting, Albany, NY, October 2012. Cabral, KP. The Next Generation of Oral Anticoagulants: who, what, where, when & why? Presented at Vermont Society Health-Systems Pharmacists Annual ACPE CE meeting, Burlington, VT, May 2012. Cabral, KP. Transforming Good Care into Best


Practices: A focus on venous thromboembolism prophylaxis in the medically ill. Presented as an ASHP continuing education webinar, available 5/2011–5/2013. • Jacquelyn Canning Canning JE. Central Anticholinergic Syndrome: A Clinical Pearl. 15th Annual Meeting of the College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists, Tampa, FL, May 2012. Canning JE. TreatmentResistant Depression: What’s New In Our Toolbox. Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Albany, NY, March 2012. • Katie Cardone Cardone KE. MedicationRelated Problems In Patients On Hemodialysis. American Nephrology Nurses Association Long Island Chapter Meeting, Carle Place, NY, May 2012. Cardone KE. Prescription And OTC Medications: Side Effects, Adverse Drug Reactions And Interactions In Frequently Used Medications. National Kidney Foundation Spring Clinical Meeting, Washington, DC, May 2012. Cardone KE. Delivering Medication Therapy Management Services: The My Medz Experience. New York State American College of Clinical Pharmacy Fall Meeting, Albany, NY, October 8, 2012. • Jennifer Cerulli Cerulli J. Improving Treatment Outcomes in the Management of Asthma (2 hours ACPE # 02800000-12-109-L01). American Health Resources PharmEd, Springfiled, MA, December 12, 2012. Cerulli J. MyMedZ Medication Therapy Management Services (1 hour ACPE #0045-0000-12-028-L04-P). Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Albany NY. June 10, 2012. Cerulli J. Improving Patient Outcomes in the Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary

Disease (1.5 hours, ACPE ). PharmEd American Health Resources, Springfield, MA, December 7, 2011. • Brian Cowles Cowles B. A Primer to Pediatric Pharmacy Practice. NYS Chapter of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy, Albany, NY, October 2012. • Ronald J. DeBellis DeBellis RJ. How many pills do you take? Polypharmacy in the elderly. CE program presented at the Annual Pharmacy Practice Institute, Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, March 16, 2012. • Clayton English English, CD. Transitioning through ADHD: Pharmacotherapeutic Management from Childhood to Adulthood: Differentiating between childhood and adulthood symptoms of ADHD. CE program presented at the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, December 2012. English, CD. Pharmacotherapy of Acute Agitation Focus on management of violent behavior in Psychiatric Settings. CE program presented at Fletcher Allen Health Care Pharmacy Grand Rounds, Burlington, Vermont, November 2012. English, CD. Non-opioid Pharmacologic Options for Chronic Pain. CE program presented at Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Colchester, Vermont, September 2012. English, CD. Pharmacotherapy of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A review of standard & exploratory treatment options. CE program presented at the Vermont-Society of Health Systems Pharmacist Annual CE Program, Colchester, Vermont, April 2012. • Jessica Farrell Farrell JF. Current Medications Prescribed in Scleroderma & Your Relationship with Your Pharmacist. The Scleroderma Foundation, Educational Forum, ACPHS, Albany, NY, September 17, 2011.

Farrell JF. Identifying Critical Factors in Treatment Decisions for the Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Presented at American Health Resources Continuing Education Program, Albany, NY, March 21, 2012. Farrell, JF. Treatment Strategies for Osteoarthritis: Balancing Efficacy and Safety. Presented at the Annual Pharmacy Practice Update at ACPHS, March 16, 2012. Farrell J. Non-Pharmacologic and Pharmacologic Treatment of Depression in Rheumatic Disease. American College of Rheumatology 2012 Annual Scientific Meeting, Washington, DC, November 12, 2012. Farrell J. A How-to Guide: Educating Patients on Injectable Drugs for Rheumatoid Arthritis. Presented to pharmacists, an ACPE-accredited 1-hour CE program at ACPHS, June 10, 2012, Albany, NY. Farrell J. You & Your Pharmacist: A Focus on Gastrointestinal Complications and OTC Products in Scleroderma. Presented at Scleroderma Foundation 2012 National Patient Education Conference, July 29, 2012, Grapevine, TX. • Michael Kane Kane MP. ASHP MCM 2012 Debates in Therapeutics session: Once Daily vs. Once Weekly Vitamin D. The 2012 ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, December 3, 2012. Kane MP. Improving glycemic control for adult patients with Type 2 diabetes: The American Society of Consultant Pharmacists, Annual Meeting, National Harbor, MD, November 8, 2012. Kane MP. Improving glycemic control for adult patients with Type 2 diabetes: The National Community Pharmacists Association’s 114th Annual Convention and Trade Exposition, San Diego, CA, October 14, 2012. Kane MP. The Non-Glycemic Management of Diabetes. Presented at the Experience

School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

& Professional Learning Opportunities Result in Excellence (EXPLORE) Diabetes Conference: Diabetes in the 21st Century: Raising the Bar, Plattsburgh, NY, May 22, 2012. • Nicole Lodise Lodise NM. Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: A Focus on the Pharmacotherapy Options. Provider and Counselor Education Program, New York State Cessation Center, Albany, NY, June 2012. Lodise NM. Overview of Hormonal Contraception. Presented at the New York State Council of HealthSystem Pharmacists Annual Assembly, Saratoga, NY, May 2012. Lodise NM. Tobacco Dependence: Counseling Points for the Busy Clinician. Mohawk Valley Pharmacists Society, Yorkville, NY, August 2011. • Amy Barton Pai Pai AB. Role of Pharmaceutical Care on Drug Use and Hospitalizations in ESRD Patients. American Society of Nephrology, Renal Week, San Diego, CA, November 2, 2012. • Manjunath (Amit) Pai Pai MP. Estimation of Kidney Function and Doing in Obesity. Symposium Application of PK/PD for informed dose selection, 51st Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Chicago, IL, September 2011. Pai, MP. Antimicrobial dosing in obesity: Finding the holy scale. Continuing Education, Midyear Meeting of the American Society of Health System Pharmacists, Las Vegas, NV, December 2012. Pai, MP. Antimicrobial dosing in obesity: Finding the holy scale. Continuing Education, Infectious Diseases Grand Rounds, State University of New York Upstate Medical Center, Syracuse, NY, November 2012. Pai, MP. Estimation of kidney function for drug dosing. Continuing Education, Grand Rounds, St. Peter’s Healthcare, Albany, NY, March 2012.

• Sarah Scarpace Scarpace, SL. Colon Cancer. 1-hour ACPE-accredited CE program plus home study materials and exam developed and presented to pharmacists as part of the New York State Council of Health-systems Pharmacy (NYSCHP) Oncology Pharmacy Certificate Program, Saratoga Springs, NY, May 4, 2012. Tenebaum, E, Scarpace, SL, White, B. Four Independent Institutions and an Interprofessional Course. 20-minute session presented at the American Society of Law, Medicine, and Ethics (ASLME) annual meeting, Tempe, AZ, June 8, 2012. Scarpace, SL. Monoclonal Antibodies and Targeted Therapies. 1-hour ACPEaccredited CE program plus home study materials and exam developed and presented to pharmacists as part of the New York State Council of Healthsystems Pharmacy (NYSCHP) Oncology Pharmacy Certificate Program, Saratoga Springs, NY, May 3, 2012. • Joanna Schwartz Schwartz J. Triple Negative Breast Cancer. HOPA annual meeting (Hematology/ Oncology Pharmacy Association), Orlando Florida, March 23, 2012. Schwartz J. Oral therapies as treatments for breast cancer; adverse effects and adherence. Vermont Cancer Center/University of Vermont Medical School Annual Breast Cancer Symposium, S. Burlington, VT, October 7, 2011. Schwartz J. New Drug Update. ASCO meeting update symposium sponsored by the Vermont Cancer Center, Burlington ,V T, July 2012. Schwartz J. Guideline Update on Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting; CE symposium. ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 6, 2011. Schwartz JR. New Chemotherapy Drug Update. University of Vermont Med-

ical School/Vermont Cancer Center, ASCO symposium, Burlington ,V T, June 2012. Schwartz J, Schwartz R, Kraft S. Update for Health Systems Pharmacists on Chemotherapy Induced Nausea Guidelines. CE program presented at ASHP Annual Midyear Clinical Meeting, December 2011. • Sommer Zarbock Zarbock, SD. New Drug Updates. CE program presented at Vermont Society of Health System Pharmacists (VtSHP) fall CE Meeting, Burlington, VT, November 2012. Zarbock, SD. Million Hearts: As Simple as the ABCS. CE program presented at ACPHS Annual Pharmacy Practice Institute, Colchester, VT, March 2012.

Grants • Robert DiCenzo (with the ACTG A5283 Study Team)

PROJECT: An OpenLabel, Non-Randomized Study of Pharmacokinetic Interactions Between Depo-Medroxyprogesterone Acetate (DMPA) and of the Effects of DMPA on Cellmediated Immunity and Regulation in HIV-Infected Women; SPONSOR: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases; PERIOD: October 2009–Present • Michael Kane PROJECT: WeeklyExenatide Therapy: A Real-World Comparison of Incretin Therapies; COINVESTIGATORS: Micale SJ, Busch RS, Bakst G, Abelseth JM, Hamilton RA; SPONSOR: Amylin Pharmaceuticals; TOTAL GRANT: $44,875; PERIOD: Awarded Sept. 2012 • Tom Lodise PROJECT: Ceftaroline Fosamil Versus Standard of Care for Community-Acquired Bacterial Pneumonia: Clinical Outcomes among Hospitalized Adults at a Single United States Hospital; CO-PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Wayne Triner, D.O.; CO-INVESTIGATORS: Jill Butterfield, Pharm. D., Manjunath (Amit) Pai, Pharm. D.; SPONSOR: Forest

Pharmaceuticals, Inc. TOTAL GRANT (at ACPHS): $137,512; PERIOD: 1/01/12– 12/31/13 PROJECT: Daptomycin Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics in a Pooled Sample of Patients Receiving Thrice-Weekly Hemodialysis CO-INVESTIGATORS: Jill Butterfield, Pharm. D., Bruce Mueller, Pharm. D. SPONSOR: Cubist Pharmaceuticals TOTAL GRANT: $71,627.50 PERIOD: 10/01/11–10/31/12 • Tom Lodise and Leon Cosler PROJECT: Study extension; SPONSOR: Cubist Pharmaceuticals; TOTAL GRANT: $40,000 • Darius Mason PROJECT: Sustainability of serum [25OHD] levels, inflammatory reduction, and endothelial dysfunction after repletion with ergocalciferol in CKD Stage 5D; SPONSOR: Norman S. Coplon Extramural Grant Program; TOTAL GRANT: $150,000; PERIOD: 9/15/2010-9/15/2013 PROJECT: A randomized study on the effects of sevelamer carbonate versus calcium acetate on biomarkers of vascular calcification, inflammation, and endothelial dysfunction in chronic kidney disease stages 3 and 4; COINVESTIGATORS: Pai AB, Assimon M, Bailie GR, Mousa SA, Eisle G.; SPONSOR: Genzyme; TOTAL GRANT: $187,863.05; PERIOD: 10/2010-10/2012 • Anthony Nicasio PROJECT: In vitro activity of ceftaroline or nafcillin alone and in combination with daptomycin against Staphylococcus aureus; CO-INVESTIGATOR: Lodise TP; SPONSOR: Forest Labora-tories; TOTAL GRANT: $98,125; PERIOD: 2/2012-2/2013 • Amy Barton Pai PROJECT: Use of a simple immunoassay to quantitatively assess catheter biofilm to predict systemic inflammatory burden and catheter-related

Bold names within citations indicate ACPHS faculty collaborators.



bloodstream risk; COINVESTIGATORS: Mousa SA, Waldman J, Harford A.; SPONSOR: DCI Paul Teschan Research Fund Award; TOTAL GRANT: $100,000; PERIOD: 12/1/11-11/30/13 • Manjunath (Amit) Pai PROJECT: Pharmacokinetics of tigecycline in morbidly obese subjects; SPONSOR: Pfizer, Inc.; TOTAL GRANT: $198, 491; PERIOD: 11/15/2011–03/31/2013 • Sommer Zarbock PROJECT: Student Society Development Grant; SPONSOR: American Society of Health-System Pharm acists; TOTAL GRANT: $750; PERIOD: July 2011-June 2012

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences-Albany PUBLICATIONS • RICHARD DEARBORN Dearborn Jr RE, Dai Y, Reed B, Karian T, Gray J and Kunes S. Reph, regulator of Eph receptor expression in the Drosophila melanogasteroptic lobe. PLoS ONE 7(5): e37303. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0037303. • HASSAN EL-FAWAL Assimon MM, Salenger PV, El-Fawal HAN, and Mason DL. Nutritional vitamin D supplementation in hemodialysis: a potential vascular benefit? Nephrology 17(1):3-11, 2012. Pai M, Chen W, Garba A, Cui H, Zaffo B, El-Fawal HAN, and Mousa SA. A novel preclinical pharmacokinetic and toxicology model to evaluate antimicrobialinduced acute kidney injury across weight and sex. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 57(2):716-22. • CARLOS FELEDER Yao X, Ji Ai, Y Feng, Yu Bin L, Mei L, Feleder C, and Dai Y. Puerarin exerts and antipyretic effect on LPS-induced fever in rats involving inhibition of pyrogen production from macrophages. Journal


of Ethnopharmacology 7;141(1):322-30. Yao X, Dai Y, Johnson A, Hass MA and Feleder C. Determination of prostaglandin profiles in lipopolysaccharidechallenged guinea pig spleen. Biomedical Chromatography 2013 Mar;27(3):284-91. Yao X, Ding Z, Xia Y, Wei Z, Luo Y, Feleder C and Dai Y. Inhibition of monosodium urate crystalinduced inflammation by scopoletin and underlying mechanisms. International Immunopharmacology 2012 Dec;14(4):454-62. • ARNOLD JOHNSON Yao X, Dai Y, Johnson A, Hass MA and Feleder C. Determination of Prostaglandin Profiles in LPS-Challenged Guinea Pig. Biomedical Chromatography 12 SEP DOI: 10.1002/bmc.2789, 2012. Barton-Pai AB, Patel H, Prokopienko AJ, Alsaffar H, Gertzberg NP, Neumann PH, Punjabi A and Johnson A. Lipoteichoic Acid from Staphylococcus aureus Induces Lung Endothelial Cell Barrier Dysfunction: Role of Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species. PLoS ONE 7(11) :e49209.doi: 10.1371/ journal.pone.0049209. • ROBERT LEVIN (PROFESSOR EMERITUS ) Fitzpatrick, B, Schuler, C, Leggett, RE and Levin, RM. Calcium effects on superoxide dismutase and catalase of the rabbit urinary bladder muscle and mucosa. International Journal of Urology 88: 107-111, 2012. Lin WY, Chang PJ, Lin YP, Wu SB, Chen CS, Levin RM, Wei YH. Increased penile expression of transforming growth factor and elevated systemic oxidative stress in rabbits with chronic partial bladder outlet obstruction. International Journal of Andrology 35: 79-85, 2012. Lin, W-Y, Wu, S-B, Lin, Y-P, Chang, P-J, Levin, RM, and Wei, Y-H. Reversing bladder outlet obstruction attenuates systemic and tissue oxidative stress. BJU International 110:1208-1213, 2012.

Juan YS, Chuang SM, Lee YL, Long CY, Wu TH, Chang WC, Levin RM, Liu KM, Huang CH. Green tea catechins decrease oxidative stress in surgical menopause-induced overactive bladder in a rat model. BJU International 110: E236-E244, 2012. Spettel S, De E, Elias T, Schuler C, Leggett RE, Levin RM. Citrate synthase, sarcoplasmic reticular calcium ATPase, and choline acetyltransferase activities of specific pelvic floor muscles of the rabbit. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry Nov 370: 1-5, 2012. Fitzpatrick, B, Schuler, C, Leggett, RE and Levin, RM. Nitrotyrosine Density of Rabbit Urinary Bladder Muscle and Mucosa Measured via: Western Blotting and 96 Well Plate Analysis. ISRN Urology 2012:618247. • LUCIANA LOPES Hosmer JM, Steiner AA and Lopes LB. Lamellar liquid crystalline phases for cutaneous delivery of paclitaxel: impact of the monoglyceride. Pharmaceutical Research DOI 10.1007/s11095-012-0908-0. Pepe D, Phelps J, Lewis K, Dujack J, Scarlett K, Jahan S, Bonnier E, MilicPasetto T, Hass MA and Lopes LB. Decylglucosidebased microemulsions for cutaneous localization of lycopene and ascorbic acid. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 434(1-2):420-8. Pepe D, McCall M, Zheng H and Lopes LB. Selection of Microemulsions for Incorporation of a Protein Transduction Domain for Cutaneous Delivery. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. • MARCEL MUSTEATA Musteata FM. Extraction and microextraction in bioanalysis. Bioanalysis 4(19), 2321-2323. • LAUREN PURINGTON Anand JP, Purington LC, Pogozheva ID, Traynor JR and Mosberg HI. Modulation of Opioid Receptor Ligand Affinity and Efficacy Using Active and Inactive State Receptor Models. Chemical

Biology & Drug Design 80:763-770. Moynihan HA, Derrick I, Broadbear JH, Greedy BM, Aceto MD, Harris LS, Purington LC, Thomas MP, Woods JH, Traynor JR, Husbands SM and Lewis JW. Fumaroylamino-4,5epoxymorphinans and related opioids with irreversible μ opioid receptor antagonist effects. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 55(22):9868-9874. • ALEXANDRE STEINER Hosmer JM, Steiner AA and Lopes LB. Lamellar liquid crystalline phases for cutaneous delivery of paclitaxel: impact of the monoglyceride. Pharmaceutical Research DOI 10.1007/s11095-012-0908-0. Liu E, Lewis K, Al-Saffar H, Krall CM, Singh A, Kulchitsky VA, Corrigan JJ, Simons CT, Petersen SR, Musteata FM, Bakshi CS, Romanovsky AA, Sellati TJ and Steiner AA. Naturally occurring hypothermia is more advantageous than fever in severe forms of lipopolysaccharide- and E. coli-induced systemic inflammation. American Journal of Physiology 302: R1372–R1383, 2012. • HAIAN ZHENG Pepe D, McCall M, Zheng H and Lopes LB. Selection of Microemulsions for Incorporation of a Protein Transduction Domain for Cutaneous Delivery. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Book Chapters • GAIL GOODMAN SNITKOFF Goodman-Snitkoff. Biological Testing. Chapter 31. 22st Edition of Remington’s Pharmaceutical Sciences; A.R. Gennaro, Chairman Editorial Board; Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA, 2012.


School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

immune system in health and disease: implications in psychiatric disorders. University of Mar del Plata Seminar Series, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 20, 2012. • MARCEL MUSTEATA Fudin H, Doleski C, Pitcher A and Musteata FM. In vivo measurement of alkaloid content in Brugmansia arborea. 47th ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting and Exhibition, Las Vegas, NY, December 2–6, 2012. • HAIAN ZHENG Zheng H. Regulations, Ethics, Economics and SciencesThe Foundations of Regulatory Science. SuZhou Industrial Park, Suzhou, China, July 9, 2012. ABSTRACTS • ARNOLD JOHNSON Mohn, M., J. James, H. Phan, V. Russo, N. Gertzberg, P. Neumann, W.R. Millington, A. Johnson, C. Feleder. Central cannabinoid 1 receptors control lung inflammation during endotoxic shock. Upstate New York Pharmacology Society 2012, Buffalo, NY, May 14, 2012 (Dr. A. Johnson and Dr. C. Feleder share the senior authorship). Alsaffar H., P. Neumann, A. Barton-Pai, and A. Johnson. Lipoteichoic acid (LTA) induces reactive nitrogen species in lung endothelium. Upstate New York Pharmacology Society 2012, Buffalo, NY, May 14, 2012. • LUCIANA LOPES Pepe D and Lopes LB. Improving cutaneous delivery of paclitaxel: effect of protein transduction domain, composition and structure of microemulsions. Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release Society, Quebec City, Canada, July 15-18, 2012. Linley SE, Peterson J, Mastropolo R, Lawrence J, Lopes LB, Lotz J and Ledet E. The Effects of Nimodipine and Nicotine on Diffusion into the Intervertebral Disc In-Vivo. Annual Meeting of the North America Spine Society, Dallas, TX, October 24-27, 2012.

• GAIL GOODMAN SNITKOFF Zheng H, Sussman R, Smith R, Leveille F, Watson R and Snitkoff GG. PharmaDA$HTM: An Interactive Game of Drug Development and Approval Process for IPS Workshop. AACP Annual Meeting, Kissimmee, FL, July 14-18, 2012. • HAIAN ZHENG Zheng H, Sussman R, Smith R, Leveille F, Watson R and Snitkoff GG. PharmaDA$HTM: An Interactive Game of Drug Development and Approval Process for IPS Workshop. AACP Annual Meeting; Kissimmee, FL; July 14-18, 2012.

GRANTS • ARNOLD JOHNSON PROJECT: A mechanism for suppression of TNF induced endothelial dysfunction SPONSOR: National Institutes of Health— NHLBI (RO1 HL-59901) AWARD: $1,400,000 PERIOD: 2010 –2013

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences–Vermont Publications Peer Reviewed Articles • Stefan Balaz Natesan S., Wang T., Lukacova V., Bartus V., Khandelwal A., and Balaz S. Rigorous treatment of multispecies multimode ligand-receptor interactions in 3D-QSAR: CoMFA analysis of thyroxine analogs binding to transthyretin. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 2011, 51, 1132-1150. Tandlich, R.; Vrana, B.; Payne, S.; Dercova, K.; and Balaz, S. Biodegradation mechanism of biphenyl by a strain of Pseudomonas stutzeri. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 2011, 46, 337-344. Tandlich, R. and Balaz, S. Biphenyl sorption to different soil clay minerals. African Journal of Agricultural Research 2011, 6, 2321-2328.

Balaz S. Does trans-bilayer diffusion play a role in membrane transport of drugs? Drug Discovery Today 2012, 17, 1079-1087. Tandlich R, Martiskova M, Dercova K, and Balaz S. Characterisation of the chlorobenzoate hydrophobicity using the 1-octanol/ water partitioning system. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2012 22, 22-29 Natesan S, Subramaniam R, Bergeron C, and Balaz S. Binding affinity prediction for ligands and receptors forming tautomers and ionization species: Inhibition of mitogen-activated protein kinase-activated protein kinase MAPK-activated protein kinase 2. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2012, 55, 2035–2047. Natesan S, Wang T, Lukacova V, Bartus V, Khandelwal A, Subramaniam R, and Balaz S. Cellular quantitative structure-activity relationship (cell-QSAR): Conceptual dissection of receptor binding and intracellular disposition in filaricidal activities of Selwood antimycins. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2012, 55, 3699-3712. • Tamer Fandy Fandy TE. The sequential combination paradigm in epigenetic therapy. Journal of Pharmacogenomics & Pharmacoproteomics 2012 3: e124doi:10.4172/21530645.10 00e124. • Karen Glass Yuan CC, Matthews AG, Jin Y, Chen CF, Chapman BA, Ohsumi TK, Glass KC, Kutateladze TG, Borowsky ML, Struhl K, and Oettinger MA. Histone H3R2 symmetric dimethylation and histone H3K4 trimethylation are tightly correlated in eukaryotic genomes. Cell Reports 2012 Feb 23;1(2):83-90. Avvakumov N, Lalonde ME, Saksouk N, Paquet E, Glass KC, Landry AJ, Doyon Y, Cayrou C, Robitaille GA, Richard DE, Yang XJ, Kutateladze TG and Côté J. Conserved Molecular Interactions within the HBO1 Acetyltransferase Complexes Regulate Cell Proliferation.

Molecular and Cellular Biology Feb;32(3):689-703. • Senthil Natesan Natesan, S, Subramaniam, R, Bergeron, C, and Balaz, S. Binding affinity prediction for ligands and receptors forming tautomers and ionization species: Inhibition of mitogen-activated protein kinase-activated protein kinase 2 (MK2) inhibitors. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2012, 55 (5), 2035–2047. Natesan S, Wang T, Khandelwal A, Lukacova V, Bartus V, Subramaniam R, and Balaz S. Cell-QSAR: Conceptual dissection of receptor binding and intracellular disposition in antifilarial activities of Selwood antimycins. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2012, 55(8), 3699-3712. Chalova V, Hernandez OH, Muthaiyan A, Sirsat SA, Natesan S, Sanz ML, Moreno FJ, O’Bryan CA, Crandall PG, and Ricke SC. Growth and transcriptional response of Salmonella Typhimurium LT2 to glucose-lysine-based Maillard reaction products generated under low water activity conditions. Food Research International 2012, 45, 1044-1053. Muthaiyan A, Martin E, Natesan S, Crandall PG, and Ricke SC. Antimicrobial Effect and Mode of Action of Terpeneless Cold Pressed Valencia Orange Essen-tial Oil on Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Journal of Applied Microbiology 2012, 112,1020-1033.

Conference Presentations Abstracts, Presentations and Exhibitions • Stefan Balaz Balaz S, Natesan S. Cell-QSAR 242nd ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Denver, CO, August 28-September 1, 2011. Bergeron C, Natesan S, Moore G, and Balaz S. Fast Nonconvex Solver for Multispecies Multi-mode Binding Models in Drug Design. INFORMS Northeastern Conference, Amherst, Massachusetts, May 7, 2011.

Bold names within citations indicate ACPHS faculty collaborators.



Natesan S and Balaz S. Exploring structurebased affinity prediction methods for drugs binding to human serum albumin. 243rd ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, CA, March 25-29, 2012. Balaz S. Binding affinity prediction for drugs and receptors forming multiple species by ionization and tautomerism. StructureBased Drug Design, Boston, MA, June 6-8, 2012. • Tamer Fandy Fandy TE. The hypomethylating activity of curcumin in normal and cancer cells. AAPS PharmSci.2012;14(S2), Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) October 2012. Abstract T3086. Fandy TE. Mechanisms of reactive oxygen species induction by decitabine in leukemia cells. AAPS PharmSci.2011;13(S2). Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) October 2011. Abstract T2047. • Karen Glass Glass KC, Saksouk N, Peña PV, Hung T, Ullah M, Yang XJ, Côté J, Gozani O, and Kutateladze TG. Structural Insights into the Role of PHD Fingers in the MOZ/ MORF and HBO1 HATs. Poster presented by Karen Glass, Vermont Cancer Center, Clinical & Translational Research Symposium on DNA Repair and Cancer, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, November 11, 2011. Neuhardt E, Wu R, Shi X, and Glass KC. The Role of PHD Domain in UHRF1 and Potential for Targeted Cancer Therapies. Poster presented by Elizabeth Neuhardt, Vermont Cancer Center, Clinical & Translational Research Symposium on DNA Repair and Cancer, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, November 11, 2011.


Glass KC, Saksouk N, Peña PV, Hung T, Ullah M, Yang XJ, Côté J, Gozani O, and Kutateladze TG. Structural Insights into the Role of PHD Fingers in the MOZ/ MORF and HBO1 HATs. Poster Presented by Karen Glass, American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology annual meeting, San Diego, CA, April 21-25, 2012 [Poster award winner]. Glass KC, Saksouk N, Peña PV, Hung T, Ullah M, Yang XJ, Côté J, Gozani O, and Kutateladze TG. Structural Insights into the Role of PHD Fingers in the MOZ/ MORF and HBO1 HATs. Poster Presented by Karen Glass, 2nd Epigenetics in Drug Discovery Conference, Boston, MA, May 30-31, 2012. Lubula YM, Poplowski A, Carlson S, Hu K, Lee W, Peng D, Shi X, Westler M, and Glass KC. Molecular Basis of Histone Acetyllysine Recognition by the BRPF1 Bromodomain. Poster presented by Y. Mulu Lubula, Vermont Cancer Center, Clinical & Translational Research Symposium on Exercise, Nutrition & Cancer, Uni-versity of Vermont, Burlington, VT, November 16, 2012. Carlson S, Poplowski A, Neuhardt E, Shi X, and Glass KC. Recognition of Acetylated Histones by the BAZ2a Bro-modomain. Poster presented by Samuel Carlson, Vermont Cancer Center, Clinical & Translational Research Symposium on Exercise, Nutrition & Cancer, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, November 16, 2012. • Senthil Natesan Natesan S. and Balaz S. Exploring structure-based affinity prediction methods for drugs binding to human serum albumin. 243rd ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 25-29, 2012, COMP-367. Balaz S. and Natesan S. CellQSAR, 242nd ACS National Meeting, Denver, CO, August 28, 2011, COMP-171. Bergeron C, Natesan S, Moore G, and Balaz S. Fast

Nonconvex Solver for Multispecies Multi-mode Binding Models in Drug Design. INFORMS Northeastern Conference, Amherst, Massachusetts, May 7, 2011. Podium Presentations • Karen Glass Glass, KC. Chromatin Reader Domains in Epigenetic Signaling and Disease. Department of Chemistry, SUNY Plattsburgh, Plattsburgh, NY, April 10, 2012. • Dorothy Pumo Pumo, DE. Getting to the Heart of the Matter: A Case Study on Cardiovascular Physiology. Using Case Studies to teach in the Sciences Workshop, National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science, University of Buffalo, May 13-18, 2012.

Grants • Stefan Balaz PROJECT: Conceptual Prediction of Drug Bioactivities in Cell-Based Assays: cell-QSAR; SPONSOR: NIH NIGMS, R01- GM080508; TOTAL GRANT: $1,347,500; PERIOD: 09/2009–08/2014 • Karen Glass PROJECT: Genome-wide Targets of the MOZ HAT in Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells; SPONSOR: VCC/ LCCRO Massive Parallel Sequencing (MPS) Pilot Project Award; TOTAL GRANT: $15,000; PERIOD: 01/2012–12/2012 PROJECT: The Role of BRPF1 PHD fingers in Chromatin Remodeling and Disease; SPONSOR: American Heart Association (10BGIA3420014); TOTAL GRANT: $132,000; PERIOD: 7/2010-6/2012 • Stefan Balaz and Senthil Natesan PROJECT: Structure-based affinity prediction methods for small molecules binding to albumin; SPONSOR: National Science Foundation (Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment); TOTAL GRANT: 240,000 computing hours; PERIOD: June 2012June 2013

Pharmaceutical Research Institute Publications • Shaker A. Mousa Aljada, A., and Mousa, S.A. (2012) Metformin and neoplasia: implications and indications. Pharmacology & Therapeutics 133, 108-115. Aman, W., Mousa, S., Shiha, G., and Mousa, S.A. (2012) Current status and future directions in the management of chronic hepatitis C, Virology Journal 9, 57. Ardawi, M.S., Rouzi, A.A., AlSibiani, S.A., Al-Senani, N.S., Qari, M.H., and Mousa, S.A. (2012) High serum sclerostin predicts the occurrence of osteoporotic fractures in postmenopausal women: the Center of Excellence for Osteoporosis Research Study. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 27, 2592-2602. Beidoe, G., and Mousa, S.A. (2012) Current primary openangle glaucoma treatments and future directions. Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology 6, 1699-1707. Block, R.C., Dier, U., Calderonartero, P., Shearer, G.C., Kakinami, L., Larson, M.K., Harris, W.S., Georas, S., and Mousa, S.A. (2012) The Effects of EPA+DHA and Aspirin on Inflammatory Cytokines and Angiogenesis Factors. World Journal of Cardiovascular Diseases 2, 14-19. Block, R.C., Kakinami, L., Jonovich, M., Antonetti, I., Lawrence, P., Meednu, N., CalderonArtero, P., Mousa, S.A., Brenna, J.T., and Georas, S. (2012) The combination of EPA+DHA and low-dose aspirin ingestion reduces platelet function acutely whereas each alone may not in healthy humans. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids 87, 143-151. Bridoux, A., Mousa, S.A., and Samama, M.M. (2012) Pro- and anti-angiogenic agents. Journal des Maladies Vasculaires 37, 132-139. Calderon Artero, P., Champagne, C., Garigen, S., Mousa, S., and Block, R.

Pharmaceutical Research Institute

(2012) Fish oil metabolites: translating promising findings from bench to bedside to reduce cardiovascular disease. Journal of Glycomics & Lipidomics 2(1). Farge-Bancel, D., Debourdeau, P., Beckers, M., Baglin, C., Bauersachs, R., Brenner, B., Brilhante, D., Falanga, A., Gerotziafas, G., Kakkar, A.K., Khorana, A.A., Lecumberri, R., Mandala, M., Marty, M., Monreal, M., Mousa, S., Nissim, H., Noble, S., Pabinger, I., Prins, M., Qari, M., Streiff, M., Bounameaux, H., Buller, H. R., and Methodologic, I.W.G.I. (2012) Guidelines for antithrombotics in cancer patients. Thrombosis Research 129, S194-S194.

molecular-weight heparin fractions: structure-function relationship. Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/ Hemostasis 19, 48-54. Mousa, S.A., Yalcin, M., Bharali, D.J., Meng, R., Tang, H.Y., Lin, H.Y., Davis, F.B., and Davis, P.J. (2012) Tetraiodothyroacetic acid and its nanoformulation inhibit thyroid hormone stimulation of non-small cell lung cancer cells in vitro and its growth in xenografts. Lung Cancer 76, 39-45. Pabani, S., and Mousa, S.A. (2012) Current and future treatment of pulmonary hypertension, Drugs Today (Barc) 48, 133-147.

Jayaraman, M.S., Bharali, D.J., Sudha, T., and Mousa, S.A. (2012) Nano chitosan peptide as a potential therapeutic carrier for retinal delivery to treat age-related macular degeneration. Molecular Vision 18, 2300-2308.

Qari, M.H., Dier, U., and Mousa, S.A. (2012) Biomarkers of inflammation, growth factor, and coagulation activation in patients with sickle cell disease. Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/ Hemostasis 18, 195-200.

Lanza, D., Ma, J., Guest, I., Uk-Lim, C., Glinskii, A., Glinsky, G., Bharali, D., Mousa, S., and Sell, S. (2012) A pre-clinical breast cancer stem cell model based on MMTV-PyMT Mice for testing nanoparticle directed therapy. Tumor Biology 33, 62-62.

Rogers, N.J., and Mousa, S.A. (2012) The shortcomings of clinical trials assessing the efficacy of probiotics in irritable bowel syndrome. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 18, 112-119.

Lin, H.Y., Tang, H.Y., Davis, F.B., Mousa, S.A., Incerpi, S., Luidens, M.K., Meng, R., and Davis, P.J. (2012) Nongenomic regulation by thyroid hormone of plasma membrane ion and small molecule pumps. Discovery Medicine 14, 199-206. Miao, J., Zhang, F., Takieddin, M., Mousa, S., and Linhardt, R.J. (2012) Adsorption of doxorubicin on poly(methyl methacrylate)-chitosanheparin-coated activated carbon beads. Langmuir 28, 4396-4403. Mousa, S.A. (2012) The future of anticoagulant therapy. Cardiovascular Therapeutics 30, 255-256. Mousa, S.A. (ePub in 2012) Comparative pharmacodynamic assessment of the antiangiogenesis activity of heparin and low-

Safer, A.M., Afzal, M., Nomani, A., Sosamma, O., and Mousa, S.A. (2012) Curative propensity of green tea extract towards hepatic fibrosis induced by CCl(4): A histopathological study. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 3, 781-786. Stanekzai, J., Isenovic, E.R., and Mousa, S.A. (2012) Treatment options for diabetes: potential role of stem cells. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 98, 361-368. Sudha, T., Phillips, P., Kanaan, C., Linhardt, R.J., Borsig, L., and Mousa, S.A. (2012) Inhibitory effect of non-anticoagulant heparin (S-NACH) on pancreatic cancer cell adhesion and metastasis in human umbilical cord vessel segment and in mouse model. Clinical & Experimental Metastasis 29, 431-439.

Swanson, D., Block, R., and Mousa, S.A. (2012) Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA: health benefits throughout life. Advances in Nutrition 3, 1-7. Yang, C.W., and Mousa, S.A. (2012) The effect of red yeast rice (Monascus purpureus) in dyslipidemia and other disorders. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 20, 466-474. Alhaidar, A., Abdel Gader, A.G., and Mousa, S.A. (2011) The antiplatelet activity of camel urine. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 17, 803-808 Golub, N., Geba, D., Mousa, S.A., Williams, G., and Block, R.C. (2011) Greasing the wheels of managing overweight and obesity with omega-3 fatty acids. Medical Hypotheses 77, 1114-1120. Haidara, M., Mikhailidis, D.P., Yassin, H.Z., Dobutovic, B., Smiljanic, K.T., Soskic, S., Mousa, S.A., Rizzo, M., and Isenovic, E.R. (2011) Evaluation of the possible contribution of antioxidants administration in metabolic syndrome. Current Pharmaceutical Design 17, 3699-3712. Lin, H.Y., Davis, F.B., Luidens, M.K., Mousa, S.A., Cao, J.H., Zhou, M., and Davis, P.J. (2011) Molecular basis for certain neuroprotective effects of thyroid hormone. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience 4, 29. Meng, R., Tang, H.Y., Westfall, J., London, D., Cao, J.H., Mousa, S.A., Luidens, M., Hercbergs, A., Davis, F.B., Davis, P.J., and Lin, H.Y. (2011) Crosstalk between integrin alphavbeta3 and estrogen receptor-alpha is involved in thyroid hormoneinduced proliferation in human lung carcinoma cells. PLoS One 6, e27547. Ramli, J., CalderonArtero, P., Block, R.C., and Mousa, S.A. (2011) Novel therapeutic targets for preserving a healthy endothelium: strategies for reducing the risk of vascular and cardiovascular disease. Cardiology Journal 18, 352-363.

Xu, Y., Masuko, S., Takieddin, M., Xu, H., Liu, R., Jing, J., Mousa, S.A., Linhardt, R.J., and Liu, J. (2011) Chemoenzymatic synthesis of homogeneous ultralow molecular weight heparins. Science 334, 498-501.

Grants • Shaker A. Mousa CO-INVESTIGATORS: Mogridge J, Kane MP; PROJECT: Development and testing of polyvalent anthrax toxin inhibitors (2U01A1056546-06); SPONSOR: National Institutes of Health; AWARD: $1,370,503; PERIOD: 8/01/09– 7/31/13 CO-INVESTIGATORS: Linhardt R, Liu J; PROJECT: R01: Development of bioengineered Heparin from a non-animal Source (1RO1HL096972-01); SPONSOR: National Institutes of Health; AWARD: $654,500; PERIOD: 8/01/09 –07/01/14 CO-INVESTIGATOR: Mukhtar H; PROJECT: Sustained release oral nano formulated green tea for prostate cancer prevention; SPONSOR: National Institutes of Health (DOD sub-award from University of Wisconsin) (W81X WH-10-1-0245) - 04/15/2010 –04/14/2013 ; AWARD: $49,597.37; PERIOD: 4/15/2012–4/14/2013 CO-INVESTIGATOR: Elshourbagy N; PROJECT: SBIR Phase II: Structure Based Search for Novel Antihypercholestrolemic Agent; SPONSOR: National Institutes of Health (subaward, Shifa Biomedical) (2R44HL092712-02); AWARD: $ 845,611; PERIOD: 04/01/10– 6/30/13 CO-INVESTIGATOR: Ragab El-Rashidy; PROJECT: Analysis of Iron Sucrose Nanoparticles; SPONSOR: GENIX THERAPEUTICS LLC; AWARD: $19,900; PERIOD: 11/29/12–07/31/2013 CENTER OF EXCELLENCE IN TRANSLATION RESEARCH (CETR); SPONSOR: KING SAUD UNIVERSITY; AWARD: $140,000; PERIOD: 04/01/2012–06/30/2014

Bold names within citations indicate ACPHS faculty collaborators.


Financial Report July 1, 2011–June 30, 2012

Balance Sheet


ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Investments Other assets Accounts receivable-Students Receivables-Government entities Pledges receivable Student loan receivable Other receivables Agency funds Deposits with Bond Trustees Property, plant & equipment-Net

• • • • • • • • • • •


LIABILITIES Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Deferred income and deposits U.S. government grants refundable Bonds payable Expected post retirement benefit obligation Other liabilities Deposits held in custody for others

• • • • • • •



NET ASSETS Unrestricted net assets Temporarily restricted assets Permanently restricted assets

• • •

$23,524,643 $22,528,275 $2,087,240 $650,432 $560,557 $1,634,204 $2,236,360 $512,930 $290,196 $1,155,041 $55,310,497 $110,490,375

$1,439,994 $9,553,209 $2,236,208 $27,421,541 $1,616,157 $1,028,855 $290,196 $43,586,160

$57,769,470 $1,653,021 $7,481,724





Statement of Activities


REVENUES Student tuition and fees Auxiliary enterprises Government contracts and grants Gifts and pledges Investment income Other sources Postgraduate education

• • • • • • •



EXPENSES Instruction/Student services Physical plant General administration Research Institutional advancement Student financial aid Postgraduate education

• • • • • • •



78.82% 9.31% 5.01% 3.04% 1.56% 1.88% 0.39% 100.00%

42.61% 27.19% 18.01% 7.18% 2.68% 1.61% 0.72% 100.00%

Board of Trustees OFFICERS Herbert G. Chorbajian, chairman Bridget-ann Hart ’80, vice chair Christopher Mitiguy, treasurer Kandyce J. Daley ’74, secretary TERM TRUSTEES Stephen C. Ainlay Matthew Bette Raymond Bleser ’81 Walter S. Borisenok Richard H. Daffner ’63 J. Gordon Dailey ’57 Francis J. DiLascia ’54 Geno J. Germano, Jr. ’83 Rocco F. Giruzzi, Jr. ’58 Hugh A. Johnson Jeanette S. Lamb ’57 Joseph M. Lapetina Marion T. Morton ’84 Lee S. Shapiro Scott M. Terrillion ’85 TRUSTEE EMERITUS Kenneth M. Nirenberg

Cabinet Members

James J. Gozzo, Ph. D., president John Denio, M.S., M.B.A., provost Vicki DiLorenzo, vice president of institutional advancement Angela Dominelli, Ph. D., associate vice president for institutional effectiveness and dean Tiffany Gutierrez, vice president of enrollment management Gerald Katzman, general counsel Packy McGraw, associate vice president for administrative operations Shaker Mousa, Ph. D., vice provost for research and chairman of pharmaceutical research institute Michael Sass, special assistant to the president and interim vp of student affairs/dean of students Pamela Smith, chief technology officer Michele Vien, vice president of finance and cfo

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