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Innovation and Entrepreneurship Teaching Excellence Awards 2015 An Anthology of Case Histories Edited by Dan Remenyi

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Teaching Excellence Awards 2015: An An‐ thology of Case Histories Copyright © 2015 The authors First published September 2015 All rights reserved. Except for the quotation of short passages for the pur‐ poses of critical review, no part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing in any medium by elec‐ tronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication) without the written permission of the copyright holder except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988, or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copy‐ right Licensing Agency Ltd, Saffron House, 6‐10 Kirby Street, London EC1N 8TS. Applications for the copyright holder’s written permission to reproduce any part of this publication should be addressed to the publishers. Disclaimer: While every effort has been made by the editor, authors and the publishers to ensure that all the material in this book is accurate and correct at the time of going to press, any error made by readers as a result of any of the material, formulae or other information in this book is the sole respon‐ sibility of the reader. Readers should be aware that the URLs quoted in the book may change or be damaged by malware between the time of publish‐ ing and accessing by readers. Note to readers: Some papers have been written by authors who use the American form of spelling and some use the British. These two different approaches have been left unchanged. ISBN: 978‐1‐910810‐53‐8 Printed by Lightning Source POD Published by: Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, Reading, RG4 9SJ, United Kingdom, info@academic‐ Available from www.academic‐

Contents Acknowledgements ...................................................................................... iii Preface ...........................................................................................................v A Multidisciplinary Approach to Innovation Mersha Aftab, Nick Spencer, Mark Bailey, Phil Sams, Chris Jeffs, Neil Smith, Brenda Stalker, Northumbria University, United Kingdom .............. 1 The “Start‐o‐mat” Dirk Brunnberg , Carl von Ossietzky and Alexander Nicolai, Endowed Chair of Entrepreneurship, University of Oldenburg, Germany ................................................................................ 15 Modularized Innovation and Entrepreneurship education: A case history from the University Twente Rainer Harms, University Twente / NIKOS, The Netherlands ................... 25 Turning Technology into Business: Using University Patents in Entrepreneurship Education Dap Hartmann, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands ............ 35 Shake Away Weekend: Training to Behave in a More Creative Way Asun Ibáñe,z Deusto Business School – University of Deusto, Spain ........ 45 Team Tech‐Entrepreneur: Cross‐Disciplinary Education for High Growth Tech‐Startups Carol Jarvis, Jill Burnett, University of the West of England, United Kingdom.................................................................................................... 59 Technology entrepreneurship has passed the first round of judging Rita Juceviciene1, Agne Kazakeviciute2 and Monika Petraite3 1,3 Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas, Lithuania 2 Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico ................................... 71 Enterprise Simulation & Experiential Learning (ESEL): Case study from Middlesex University Christopher J Moon, Middlesex University, London. ................................. 83 i

FACE – Future Authentic Creative Entrepreneurs 10 day summer school on entrepreneurship, personal leadership and creativity Sabine Mueller, Burgundy School of Business ‐ ESC Dijon, France.......... 103 Case history: Alice Lab experimentation Noreen O’Shea and Caroline Verzat, Novancia Business School, Paris, France ........................................................................................... 119 Creating Innovative Youth in Macedonia Radmil Polenakovikj, National Centre for Development of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Learning; and Business Start‐up Centre, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Republic of Macedonia ........................................................................... 133 Use of Design Thinking: A step towards fostering creativity and innovation in a teaching environment Sojendra Pradhan, University of Technology Sydney, Australia ............. 149 X‐Factor in Entrepreneurship Firuz Zare, Lead Engineer, R&D centre, Danfoss Drives, Denmark ......... 163


Acknowledgements We would like to thank the judges, who initially read the abstracts of the case histories submitted to the competition and discussed these to select those to be submitted as full case histories. They subsequently evaluated the entries and made further selections to produce the finalists who are represented in this book. Dr Brendan Galbraith, University of Ulster, UK Brendan is an innovation academic in the Department of Management and Leadership at the University of Ulster. Brendan is a member of the European Net‐ work of Living Labs, Business and Management Re‐ search Institute, and Connected Health Ulster. Bren‐ dan has led EC and national innovation and research projects that are valued at more than £4 million and has published his re‐ search in Technovation, R&D Management, International Journal of Opera‐ tions and Production Management and Technology Analysis and Strategic Management. His research interests are technology transfer, innovation intermediaries and social innovation. Chris Norman, Touch‐and‐Grow SAS and BMO Af‐ rica, France Chris has 30 years of experience in Management Consulting and Risk Assessment for multinational corporations. Previously responsible for IT and Sup‐ ply Chain Consulting and IT Auditing at Deloitte France, he now provides consulting services for businesses wishing to optimise their operations in Africa. His expertise includes IT strategy, IT and ERP enabled process trans‐ formation, Supply Chain Management, ERP & IT implementations, Risk Management, Application Security and post merger integration. Chris was born in Uganda and grew up in Africa, but has spent the last twenty years in France.


Bill Cinnamond, Director ‐ BDO Consulting, Johan‐ nesburg, South Africa Bill has over 20 years audit experience in the review of computer systems as well as control environment reviews. As well as being responsible for the man‐ agement IT audit of Investec Bank, Telkom, the South African Post Office, Clover SA, Standard Bank and Daimler Chrysler, Bill has also performed a due diligence for the London office on a major coal mine and a large SOX 404 assurance for an international logistics firm in Ger‐ many. Bill was a director at Ernst & Young for 9 years and prior to this, he was a senior manager in the IT Audit division of KPMG. Dr Paul Griffiths, Chile Paul is a researcher and practitioner in the strategy, technology, knowledge and intellectual capital (IC) spaces. As a practitioner he helps organisations do their strategic planning, manage information and set up knowledge communities. On the research side, he is interested in the pre‐history of IC and how its de‐ velopment connects to the mind. Paul holds a Master’s degree in engineer‐ ing from Sheffield University; he has been a Humphrey Fellow (Fulbright Commission) at the University of Minnesota; and holds a doctorate in business administration from Brunel University. He is a prolific writer in professional and academic publications and a renowned speaker at con‐ ferences and seminars. Dr Alex Kakouris, University of Athens, Greece Alex is a part time lecturer in entrepreneurship and innovation at the University of Athens. He holds a Ph.D. in Physics and a M.Sc. in Adult Education. He has been involved in entrepreneurship research since 2006, involved mainly with educational issues. His special interest concerns the fostering of entrepre‐ neurship and innovation to science graduates and support of youth entre‐ preneurship through counselling. He also specialises in nascent entrepre‐ neurship and virtual business planning.


Preface It is well established that Innovation and Entrepreneurship are vital aspects of a thriving economy and economists and even business people have em‐ phasised these issues at least since the time of Joseph Schumpeter’s work. However in recent years it has become increasingly apparent that Innova‐ tion and Entrepreneurship is just as important in other aspects of society including government, health, social welfare and education to mention only four areas. Encouraging the personal characteristics and promoting the skills required for Innovation and Entrepreneurship has always been a challenge. Topics in this field are difficult to research and to teach. And it was for this reason that Academic Conferences and Publishing International decided to create the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Teaching Excellence Awards which runs alongside the European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneur‐ ship. The awards are based on case histories which describe examples of how this topic is being taught or how learning environments have been created to promote the skills and characteristics required. A panel of experts was established and a call for case histories was an‐ nounced. The competition was open to anyone writing about teaching in‐ novation and entrepreneurship in the university environment, in business or industry, government departments or schools etc. The call for histories was announced in 2014 and 70 individuals sent in ab‐ stracts describing on an outline basis what was achieved. There were 40 interesting examples described in these abstracts and each of which were invited to forward a completed case history. The panel of experts then chose 13 case history finalists who were invited to present their work at the 10th annual European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the University of Genoa in Italy in September 2015. As can be seen from the Contents page the topics presented range widely as was expected when working with a subject like Innovation and Entre‐ v

preneurship. It may also be observed that the entrants come from many different parts of the world. The competition required the 3 best to be chosen and it is clear that the judges will have a challenging task to select the winners. Dr Dan Remenyi Editor September 2015


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