1 minute read

Wave 1

SNA introduces a framework to test theories about structures of social relationships, using sociograms as their graphic representation. People or social units are represented by points (nodes) and the relationship among pairs or people are represented by lines (ties) (Wasserman and Faust, 1994, p. 12). In this study, the nodes correspond either to the skateparks or the skaters, whereas the ties are the connections among them. SNA helped to create the networks of interaction among skateparks (one-mode networks), as well as their mutual relationship (two-mode network).

The measurement of these relationships was done through the degree of nodes which quantify the activity of the actor; this is the basis for identifying the most influential node (Wasserman and Faust, 1994, p.100). Tie strength is defined by the linear combination of mutuality (Granovetter, 1983). In the case of space syntax theory, the degree can be translated to connectivity, which measures the number of spaces immediately connecting a space of origin (Hillier and Hanson, 1984), whereas tie strength helps to measure the area network density (Han, n.d.).


After processing the information gathered in the four initial seeds, a two-mode network scheme was created using Gephi, an open source software (Bastian et al., n.d.). Four more locations were selected from the nominated skateparks, according to higher degree values.

Wave 1

Mile End, Clapham Common, Bay Sixty 6 and Crystal Palace were the skateparks visited during this phase. Ten users in each location were selected to do the survey.


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