2018 Acres U.S.A. Eco-Ag Conference & Trade Show Brochure

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Register by Sept. 30 and receive early-registration savings plus a $20 coupon to use at the conference bookstore!

Explore Modern Eco-Agriculture

Join the most authentic and impactful agriculture conference in the world, and take practical, profitable and ecological growing techniques back to your farm. • • •

Advanced Learning Workshops Eco-Ag Teaching Sessions Consultant Halls

• • •

Eco-Products Trade Show Films & Book Signings Mixers & Networking

December 4-7

Louisville, Kentucky Louisville Marriot Downtown Eco-Ag University Dec. 4-5 Eco-Ag Conference & Trade Show Dec. 5-7 For more information visit: acresusa.com/events


Dec 4-7

L o u i s v i ll e , Kentucky

What 2018 Will Bring Eco-Agriculture is finally being recognized around the world for one simple reason: it works. Scientists are now proving what we’ve known all along: toxic, chemical inputs only stimulate growth in the short term. Conversely, ecological farmers continuously build up soil life and health, and can see yields and diversity increase beyond conventional agriculture. From India to Africa to the Americas, a sweeping movement is building a large network of sustainable agriculture communities.

In 2018, we promise:

• A premier group of internationally renowned speakers and agricultural experts, available to you; • Quality small-group time with leading consultants and farmers to get your questions answered; • An introduction to innovative products and tools to make your growing operation more productive; and • An engaged group of more than 1,000 eco-farmers and stakeholders who share in the excitement and inspiration.

Join us for all this and more!

See Page 23 to register.

Thank you to our Sponsors

2 // Acres U.S.A. 2018 Eco-Ag Conference & Trade Show

How Our Conference Works Our conference has two parts: An all-day advanced learning seminars at Eco-Ag U on Dec. 4-5 give in-depth looks at specific farming tactics. Our conference & trade show on Dec. 5-7 provides shorter sessions, mixers, panels and access to our amazing trade show. For a full agenda, visit www.acresua.com/events/agenda


Conference at-a-glance

Eco-Ag U:

Tuesday, Wednesday, Dec. 4-5 These all-day, in-depth workshops provide unique opportunities for advanced learning on a variety of topics. Choose one or two days. (See pages 6-11)

Tuesday Dec. 4 Eco-Ag U Check-In: 7 a.m.

s Wo rkshop

Conference Sessions: Wednesday-Friday, Dec. 5-7

Consultants and practitioners from around the globe provide you with tested, proven methods for healthy growing and living. (See pages 14-15)

Eco-Products Trade Show: Thursday-Friday, Dec. 5-7

Learn about the latest innovations and connect with eco-farming businesses in one dynamic setting. (See pages 16)

Consultant Halls:

Eco-Ag U Workshops: 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Eco-Ag U Mixer: 5:15 p.m.-7 p.m.

Wednesday Dec. 5 Eco-Ag U Check-In: 7 a.m. Eco-Ag U Workshops: 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Conference Registration Opens: 11 a.m. Sessions/Classes: 1 p.m.-4:30 p.m. Opening Reception on Trade Show Floor: 5 p.m.-6:30 p.m. Keynote Speaker: 7:30 p.m.


Thursday-Friday, Dec. 6-7

Speak directly to the experts in small-group environments and have your most pressing questions answered. (See pages 18)

Round Table Discussions:

dec. 6

Conference Registration Opens: 7 a.m. Sessions/Classes: 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Consultants Halls & Round Table Discussions: 10 a.m.-3 p.m.

Thursday-Friday, Dec. 6-7

Trade Show: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Create a dialog with fellow attendees around a shared interest in critically relevant topics to sustainable agriculture. (See pages 18)

Films & Book Signings: Throughout day

Film Screenings:

Friday Dec. 7

Thursday-Friday, Dec. 6-7

Take a break and enjoy a movie...on eco-farming. We’ll screen some of the latest movies in the sustainable farming sector. (See pages 18)

Book Signings & Bookstore:

Keynote Speaker: 7:30 p.m.

Conference Registration Opens: 7 a.m. Sessions/Classes: 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Consultants Halls & Round Table Discussions: 10 a.m.-3 p.m.

Wednesday-Friday, Dec. 5-7

Trade Show: 8 a.m.-3 p.m.

Don’t miss your chance to stock up on the more than 100 titles published by Acres U.S.A.

Keynote Speaker: 6 p.m.

Films & Book Signings: Throughout Day

To register call 1-800-355-5313 or visit www.acresusa.com/events \\ 3


Expert consultants, researchers and farmers will gather to create a knowledge bank like no other.

You won’t want to miss this year’s incredible lineup of speakers!


Photo by Lynn Karlin

Eliot Coleman Farmer, Four Season Farm, Author

Wednesday, December 5

Joel Salatin

Daniela Ibarra-Howell

Farmer, Polyface Farm, Author

Co-Founder/CEO Savory Institute

Thursday, December 6

Friday, December 7

Other SPeakers Include:

Nick Barnard

Edwin Blosser

Gabe Brown

Mike Callicrate

Co-Founder Rude Health, Author

Founder, Midwest Bio-Systems


Farmer-Rancher, Entrepreneur, Advocate

Nicole DelCogliano

Vail Dixon

Paul Dorrance

Program Coordinator, Organic Growers School, Farmer

Farmer, Mentor

Pasture-Based Rancher

Reginaldo HaslettMarroquin Agricultural Systems Designer, Consultant

Learn all about these speakers with full biographies and their latest books at www.acresusa.com/events. 4 // Acres U.S.A. 2018 Eco-Ag Conference & Trade Show

Registration (see page 23 for complete details) Eco-Ag U: Register early before workshops sell out! Acres U.S.A. Conference & Trade Show: Register now to save (prices go up on site)

Julia Hofmeister

Dr. Don Huber

John Kempf

Dan Kittredge

Director Member Relations, Mercaris

Researcher, Author

Consultant, Farmer

Founder & Executive Director Bionutrient Food Association

Matthew D. Kleinhenz, PhD

Hugh Lovel

Pamela Marrone

Charles Massy

Farmer, Teacher

CEO/Founder Marrone Bio Innovations

Researcher, Author

Judith McGeary

Jeff Moyer

Fred Provenza

Glen Rabenberg

Farmer, Attorney, Activist

Executive Director, Rodale Institute

Professor Emeritus, Author

Founder, Soil Works LLC

Brendon Rockey

Mark Shepard

Steve Tucker

Wayne Wengerd

Farmer, Rockey Farms

Farmer, Author, Consultant


Founder & Advisor, Green Field Farms

Professor, Extension Specialist

Other speakers at this year’s event include: Dr. Nasha Winters

Gary Zimmer

Leilani Zimmer Durand

Physician, Author

Farmer, Consultant, Author

Researcher, Author, Trainer

Aaron Weaver and Raymond Yoder, Jr.

To register call 1-800-355-5313 or visit www.acresusa.com/events \\ 5

s Wo rkshop

Eco-Ag U at a Glance

Our Eco-Ag U workshops require pre-registration for good reason. We pick some of the finest speakers and educators in the world, and offer our attendees a chance to learn from them in small classroom environments. If you are just getting started, or a veteran farmer looking for new ideas, selecting Eco-Ag U workshops will get you the fundamentals to take home with you. But make sure you sign up soon to get the class you want!

New this year: Earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs) when you attend an EcoAg U workshop! See credit opportunities in workshop descriptions.

Eco-Ag U Advanced Learning Workshops Tuesday, Dec. 4

Nutrient-Dense Food Farming Glen Rabenberg Jump-Starting Your Farm’s Humus Engine Edwin Blosser Mineral Nutrition & Plant Disease Dr. Don Huber

Two-day workshop Tuesday, Dec. 4 and Wednesday, Dec. 5

Wednesday, Dec. 5

Foundational Principles of Ecological Agriculture Mark Shepard Large-Scale Farming For Soil Health: No-Till, Cover Cropping and the Soil Eco-System Steve Tucker Defending Against Disease: Healthy Soil, Microbiome Diversity and Your Food Dr. Nasha Winters

The Principles and Science of Developing Regenerative Agriculture Ecosystems John Kempf Find detailed Eco-Ag University workshop descriptions on page 7.

Eco-Ag U. REgistration:

Eco-Ag University workshops on Dec. 4-5 require pre-registration. Choose your registration ticket and sign up early before they sell out!

Eco-Ag U 2-Day & Conference Registration Pass: $575 Attend Tuesday and Wednesday’s Eco-Ag U workshops, plus the conference and trade show on Wednesday night and all day Thursday and Friday. Pre-registration required.

Eco-Ag U 1-Day & Conference Registration Pass: $450 Attend one day of advanced learning workshops, plus the conference & trade show. Pre-registration required.

Register by calling 1-800-355-5313, or by visiting www.acresusa.com/events. 6 // Acres U.S.A. 2018 Eco-Ag Conference & Trade Show

Eco-Ag U Workshops

s Wo rkshop

When you sign up for a two-day Eco-Ag U pass, you can choose one workshop to attend on Tuesday, AND another all-day workshop on Wednesday. Or choose our two-day workshop with John Kempf. That’s 16 hours of learning for a very low price. Our one-day Eco-Ag U pass allows you to attend one all-day workshop Tuesday OR Wednesday.

Tuesday, December 4, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.: Nutrient-Dense Food Farming Presented by Glen Rabenberg

Drawing on his years of experience in animal science and agronomy, Glen Rabenberg will discuss how balanced nutrition in the soil can be echoed in nutrient density of a crop and the balanced nutrition and health in animals and humans. The soil is a living organism, and its health can be tested in the same way we test human health. Glen will focus on the chemistry, biology, and physics, and how they work together to produce nutrient-dense food. The presenter is uniquely qualified to share cuttingedge, practical advice for farmers drawing from his experience as a farmer and consultant utilizing ecofarming technologies based on soil chemistry, soil energy, soil life, and subtle earth energies.

Total CEU credits: 8

Soil & Water Management CEUs: 3 Crop Management CEUs: 3 Sustainability CEUs: 2

Jump-Starting Your Farm’s Humus Engine Presented by Edwin Blosser

This workshop will look at humus as the engine of growth on a profitable eco-farm. Topics addressed will include: • The role of humus in your soil; • Creating humus in your soil; • Utilization of humus both in specialty crops, such as vegetables, and broad-acre crops, such as corn and soybeans; • How humus can help reduce your water needs; and • How humus can help you dramatically cut your fertilizer costs and increase your income. Edwin Blosser is a longtime instructor in the art of crafting and utilizing high-quality humus in production-scale agriculture. He teaches how to produce ultimate-quality, high-humus compost, which is capable of imparting needed nutrition, energy and life to soils and crops.

About the Instructor:

Glen Rabenberg is the founder and owner of Soil Works LLC. Born and raised in Bancroft, South Dakota, he was awarded a Bachelor of Science in Animal Science, General Agriculture and Agriculture Economics from South Dakota State University in 1985. Through his experience he began to notice trends in the animal science industry. He saw that many of the diseases he was employed to treat were the result of nutritional deficiencies from poor grains and forage that the animals were consuming. Rather than conforming to the traditional methods of soil science, Glen brings his knowledge of animal science and applies it to the soil. He believes that the soil is a living organism and that the health of the soil should be checked in the same manner that humans and animals are checked. He still maintains his third-generation farm in Bancroft, South Dakota, and travels the world solving the world’s soil problems with a little bit of simplicity.

Total CEU credits: 8

Nutrient Management CEUs: 3 Soil & Water Management CEUs: 2 Crop Management CEUs: 2 Sustainability CEUs: 1

About the Instructor:

Edwin Blosser founded Midwest Bio-Systems (MBS) in 1993 after having graduated from an intensive 7-year experiential training series, during which he had to prove he mastered the application of the training in renewable farming systems. He assists growers all over the world with their ever-increasing challenges to produce profitable crops while improving soils. MBS also manufactures specialized compost equipment for large-scale production of humus compost, the backbone of many sustainable agricultural fertility programs. Edwin’s goal is to teach how to enhance the farming viability. He also assists producing Humus Compost and provides the tools that ensure grower success. MBS’s goal is to provide growers with the knowledge of how to balance their soils with the least amount of cost and a greater predictability of end results.

To register call 1-800-355-5313 or visit www.acresusa.com/events \\ 7

s Wo rkshop

Eco-Ag U Workshops

Tuesday, December 4, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.: Mineral Nutrition & Plant Disease Presented by Dr. Don Huber

Nutrients are the components of plant tissues as well as the regulators of the physiological processes that plants are grown to perform in providing the renewable food, feed, fiber and energy that society runs on. Thus, nutrition influences all of the interacting components of plant, pathogen and environment that determine the productivity and health of crops. As part of the “environment,” nutrients influence plant, pathogen, and microbial growth to remain an important factor in disease control. The interaction of nutrition in these components is dynamic, and all essential nutrients are reported to influence the incidence or severity of some diseases. Plant diseases are a major limitation to improved production efficiency and crop quality as they reduce nutrient availability, uptake, distribution, or utilization by the plant. Disease symptoms frequently reflect the altered nutritional status of the plant and it is frequently difficult to clearly distinguish between the biotic and abiotic factors involved. Through an understanding of the disease interactions with specific nutrients, the effects on the plant, pathogen, and environment can be effectively modified to improve disease control, enhance production efficiency, and increase crop quality. Take advantage of this rare opportunity to spend a day learning from this legendary researcher/professor. He will discuss six principles to controlling disease through crop nutrition, specifically nutrient/micronutrient interactions: • • • • •

Plant efficiency; Nutrient availability; Plant sufficiency levels; Application method & timing; Nutrient sources & associated elements; and • Integration with other management practices.

This all-day session will deliver a greater understanding of the roles of macro- and micronutrients and the biochemical pathways influenced.

Total CEU credits: 8

Nutrient Management CEUs: 3 Integrated Pest Management CEUs: 2 Crop Management CEUs: 2 Sustainability CEUs: 1

About the Instructor:

Dr. Don M. Huber, Professor Emeritus, Purdue University, has researched the epidemiology and control of soilborne plant pathogens with emphasis on microbial ecology, cultural and biological controls, nutrient-disease interactions, pesticide-disease interactions, physiology of host-parasite relationships; impact of GMOs and pesticides on soil, crop, animal and human health; and techniques for rapid microbial identification for 55 years. He is author or co-author of over 300 journal articles, Experiment Station Bulletins, book chapters and review articles; three books, and 84 special invited publications as well as an active scientific reviewer; speaker; consultant to academia, industry, and government; and international research cooperator.

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8 // Acres U.S.A. 2018 Eco-Ag Conference & Trade Show

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Eco-Ag U Workshops

s Wo rkshop

Wednesday, December 5, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.: Foundational Principles of Ecological Agriculture Presented by Mark Shepard

Today’s misconceptions about sustainable farm practices are perpetuated by a lack of knowledge of the foundational principles of soil and ecological agriculture. In this workshop, permaculture and ecological farmer Mark Shepard will provide this essential knowledge base, addressing how soil is created and fertility maintained in nature and on the farm, natural succession, natural plant community types, environmental disturbance, population dynamics of pests and diseases, genetic selection and much more. Most significantly, this will all be presented from the farmer’s perspective and focus on how to manage farms and ranches to more closely mimic stable and healthy natural ecosystems. The presenter was raised by early students of eco-farming and is that rare individual carrying decades of experience with all forms of its practice from biodynamics to composting to soil fertility balancing to permaculture… While known for his own style of permaculture-based perennial agriculture, Mark consults widely on farms of all types growing a variety of crops and raising a variety of livestock.

Large-Scale Farming For Soil Health: No-Till, Cover Cropping and the Soil Ecosystem Presented by Steve Tucker

Steve Tucker farms 4,000 acres in southwest Nebraska, applying regenerative agriculture principles for soil health, including no-till, cover crops and mob grazing. This workshop will walk farmers of all scales through the strategies that can improve soil health, demonstrate the steps to integrate these practices into an operation, and will include first-hand experience about the challenges and potential solutions one may face. Join Steve as he shows how changing current production paradigms can reduce tillage, promote soil heath, increase farm efficiency and so much more. Key points will include: • The five principles of soil health; • Using cover cropping, particularly in a low water environment; • No- or low-till production strategies; and • Capitalizing on multiple streams of farm income.

Total CEU credits: 8

Nutrient Management CEUs: 1 Crop Management CEUs: 1 Sustainability CEUs: 6

About the Instructor:

Mark Shepard is a Wisconsin-based permaculture designer, agroforester and ecological farming consultant. He and his family have transformed a typical 140-acre, row-crop dairy farm into a permaculture-based perennialagricultural ecosystem using oak savannah, successional brushland and Eastern woodlands as ecological models. In all, they have planted 100,000 trees on this property. The result is one of the first and finest farm-scale models of permaculture in the United States. New Forest Farm features chestnut, hazelnut and fruit trees, a variety of other fruits and vegetables, chickens, ducks, pigs and other animals. He is the author of Restoration Agriculture and the subject of the video Restoration Agriculture in Practice. He is currently working on a new book.

Total CEU credits: 8

Nutrient Management CEUs: 1.5 Soil & Water Management CEUs: 1.5 Crop Management CEUs: 2 Sustainability CEUs: 3

About the Instructor:

Steve Tucker is a dryland, no-till farmer in Venango, Nebraska. He spent his childhood summers working on his grandfather’s farm, a strictly wheat and summer fallow operation. Upon returning from college, Steve integrated ecofallow corn, began to add proso millet and no-till into the operation and eventually added more crops to diversify the rotation. The transition of the farm away from conventional methods of tillage to a complete no-till system was not easy. Adding new technology, after 70 years with the same methods, came with a steep learning curve but it didn’t take long to see that no-till farming practices were going to help increase efficiency, soil quality, reduce erosion and increase the bottom line.

To register call 1-800-355-5313 or visit www.acresusa.com/events \\ 9

s Wo rkshop

Eco-Ag U Workshops

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Wednesday, December 5, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.: Defending Against Disease: Healthy Soil, Microbiome Diversity and Your Food Presented by Dr. Nasha Winters

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Total CEU credits: 7

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Professional Development CEUs: 7

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About the Instructor:

Dr. Nasha Winters, ND, FABNO, L.Ac, Dipl.OM is the visionary and CEO as well as bestselling author, lecturer, and the primary consultant of Optimal TerrainTM. Informed by more than 25 years of experience in the healthcare industry and a thought leader in personalized precision medicine, Dr. Nasha works to educate clients, doctors and researchers world wide on how to apply integrative oncology philosophically and therapeutically. Passionate about nourishing, quality food and its implications in healing or poisoning the body while targeting many of the processes that drive cancer and chronic illness, Dr. Nasha Winters, along with her coauthor Jess Higgins Kelley, MNT authored the book, The Metabolic Approach to Cancer as it serves as the foundation in which Optimal Terrain approaches each and every client.

Eco-Ag U Workshops

s Wo rkshop

Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 4-5, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. The Principles and Science of Developing Regenerative Agriculture Ecosystems Presented by John Kempf

Essentially all soil and plant ecosystems are substantially degraded, to a point where we don’t immediately recognize how severely they are malfunctioning. It is common for most crops to produce only 15-25% of the yield they are genetically capable of and it is common for many plants to photosynthesize at only 15-25% of their capacity in a 24-hour photo-period. In this workshop, John will describe the principles and the science of regenerative farming ecosystems that harness much more of the energy coming into the system, and produce olympic athlete level performance. In order to develop regenerative agriculture eco-systems in which soil health is quickly regenerated, crop yields and quality constantly improve, pest pressure becomes less of a challenge, and crops are much more resilient to climate extremes, we simply need to implement what is already known. With these farming strategies we can increase soil and crop performance by several levels of magnitude and reduce the need for external inputs. In this discussion attendees will learn: • The science of soil-plant synergy; • How to manage specific aspects of plant development and yield components. How to increase fruit or seed size, or how to increase the number of seed or fruit; • How plants get energy from sources other than photosynthesis; • How to prioritize cultural management practices and product applications to produce the greatest ecosystem response;

• How to develop disease suppressive soil by managing crop and cover crop rotations; • How to monitor a crops nutritional integrity through the growing season; and • Why insects and diseases are attracted to crops with specific nutritional profiles, and how to prevent them. This is not an entry-level workshop. Attendees should possess a foundational understanding of managing soil fertility and crop health. In this course, John will be describing how to achieve a much higher plateau of soil and plant performance. This workshop will provide an explanation of the science needed to grow 500-bushel corn, and 20-60% yield increases of many fruit and vegetable crops.

Total CEU credits: 12 (6 each day)

Nutrient Management CEUs: 2/day Soil & Water Management CEUs: 2/day Integrated Pest Management CEUs: 1/day Crop Management CEUs: /day Sustainability CEUs: 0/day

About the Instructor:

John Kempf is a leading crop health consultant and designer of innovative soil and plant management systems. John is the Founder of Advancing Eco Agriculture, a leading crop nutrition consulting company, and a managing partner at Zeno Capital Partners — a investment fund working in the areas of agriculture, food production, medicine and clean energy. John Kempf grew up on a fruit and vegetable farm in northeastern Ohio and experienced first-hand the challenges faced by crop producers everywhere. Learning from many leaders in the field of crop consulting and plant health, Kempf began building a comprehensive systems-based approach to plant nutrition, solidly based on the sciences of plant physiology, mineral nutrition, and soil microbiology. Today, Kempf is an internationally-recognized teacher on the topic of biological agriculture and plant immunity. John is a member of the Amish community and lives in Middlefield, Ohio.

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To register call 1-800-355-5313 or visit www.acresusa.com/events \\ 11

The Keynote Speakers On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, we invite all attendees to hear our passionate and inspiring keynote speakers.

Eliot Coleman

50 Years of the Organic Adventure: Promise and Reality Wednesday, Dec. 5, 7:30 p.m.

Eliot Coleman is the author of The New Organic Grower, Four Season Harvest, and The Winter Harvest Handbook. He has written extensively on the subject of organic agriculture since 1975, including chapters in scientific books. Eliot has more than 50 years’ experience in all aspects of organic farming, including field vegetables, greenhouse vegetables, rotational grazing of cattle and sheep, and range poultry. He has conducted study tours of organic farms, market gardens, orchards and vineyards in Europe and has successfully combined European ideas with his own to develop and popularize a complete system of tools and equipment for organic vegetable growers. He shares that expertise through his lectures and writings, and has served as a tool consultant to a number of companies. He presently consults and designs tools for Johnny’s Selected Seeds. With Barbara, he was the host of the TV series, Gardening Naturally, on The Learning Channel. He and Barbara presently operate a commercial year-round market garden, in addition to horticultural research projects at Four Season Farm in Harborside, Maine.

Joel Salatin

Can We Feed the World? Thursday, Dec. 6, 7:30 p.m.

Joel Salatin calls himself a Christian libertarian environmentalist capitalist lunatic farmer. With a room full of debate trophies from high school and college days, 12 published books, and a thriving multi-generational family farm, he draws on a lifetime of food, farming and fantasy to entertain and inspire audiences around the world. He’s as comfortable moving cows in a pasture as addressing CEOs in a Wall Street business conference. His wide-ranging topics include nitty-gritty how to’s, regenerative farming as well as cultural philosophy like orthodoxy vs. heresy. A wordsmith and master communicator, he moves audiences from laughs one minute to tears the next, from frustration to hopefulness. Often receiving standing ovations, he prefers the word performance rather than presentation to describe his lectures. He passionately defends small farms, local food systems, and the right to opt out of the conventional food paradigm. Four generations of his family currently live and work on the farm.

Daniela Ibarra-Howell

Rebuilding and Nurturing True Wealth Friday, Dec. 7, 6 p.m.

A native Argentinean, born and raised in Buenos Aires, Daniela is an agronomist by profession and holds a MS in Natural Resource Management and Economics. With over 25 years of international experience in ranching, Holistic Management, and collaborative ecosystem restoration programs, Daniela co-founded with Allan Savory and other colleagues the Savory Institute in 2009, and became its CEO in 2011. Since then, she has led the design and implementation of a revolutionary entrepreneurial, self-sustaining global impact strategy for large-scale restoration of grasslands through Holistic Management to tackle global food, water and climate change issues. Before her involvement with the Savory Institute, Daniela co-founded Del Cerro LLC, a land management, education, and consulting firm and served as its Director for 17 years. During that time she co-managed the family’s 9,000-acre ranch in western Colorado, increasing its productivity by 300%. In the off-season she and her husband led educational ranch tours around the world. An advocate of entrepreneurial approaches to tackle global problems, she is a co-founder and member of Holistic Holdings International Inc. and Grasslands LLC.

12 // Acres U.S.A. 2018 Eco-Ag Conference & Trade Show

“Ultimately, the only wealth that can sustain any community, “Ultimately, the only wealth that can sustain any co economy, or nation, is derived from the photosynthetic process economy, or nation, is derived from the photosynthet green plants growing on regenerating soil.” ALLAN SAVORY

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December 4 -7 Louisville, Kentucky

Conference Sessions at a Glance Conference attendees can attend a variety of classes starting on Wednesday and ending on Friday. Here’s the list:

Wednesday, Dec. 5 1:00-2:00 p.m.

Soil Testing & Mineral Balancing for Nutrient-Dense Crops Steve Diver Grazing Strategies Paul Dorrance

2:30-4:30 p.m.

(2-hour workshops) Poultry-Centered Regenerative Agriculture Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin Principles of Bionutrient-Rich Foods Dan Kittredge The Truth About GMOs Dr. Don Huber

5:00-6:30 p.m.

Opening Reception on the Eco-Ag Trade Show floor

7:30 p.m.

Evening Keynote: 50 Years of the Organic Adventure: Promise and Reality Eliot Coleman, Farmer and Author, Four Season Farm

Thursday, Dec. 6 9-10 a.m.

So You Want to Grow Organic AND Be No-Till? Vail Dixon Using Multi-Species Synergies To Your Advantage Paul Dorrance Circadian Rhythm Biology: How Our Internal Environment Takes Cue From the External Environment Dr. Nasha Winters 14 // Acres U.S.A. 2018 Eco-Ag Conference & Trade Show

9-11:30 a.m. (workshop)

What Sustainable-Organic Vegetable Growers Should Know about Grafting Matthew D. Kleinhenz, PhD

10:30-11:30 a.m.

Minerals for Soil Health Gary Zimmer Building a Healthy, Humane, and Fair Food System Mike Callicrate Defining Food Quality: The Case for Nutrient Density Dan Kittredge

1-2 p.m.

Organic Vegetable Production Raymond Yoder Jr. and Aaron Weaver Scaling Up Regenerative Poultry Systems Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin Cultural and Nutritional Management Priorities John Kempf

2:30-3:30 p.m.

Building Humus-Rich Soil with Compost Edwin Blosser Decoding the Connections Between Soil and Animal Nutrition Glen Rabenberg Love Your Biomes Nick Barnard Regenerative Organic Certification Jeff Moyer

4:30-5:30 p.m.

Building Your Soil’s Microbial Community to Improve Nutrient Uptake Leilani Zimmer Durand

December 4 -7 Louisville, Kentucky

Conference Sessions at a Glance The SOIL-ution to Weedy Pastures Vail Dixon Regenerative Agriculture Podcast LIVE John Kemp & Special Guest

Farm Policy and What It Means for Sustainable Agriculture Judith McGeary

7:30 p.m.

Bio-Based Solutions for Pest Control Pamela Marrone Subtle Energies in Agriculture: State of the Arts Hugh Lovel Biotic Farming Fundamentals: Comprehending the Carbon Cycle to Support a Healthy Farm System Brendon Rockey Who’s Going to Help Me? Joel Salatin

Evening Keynote: Can We Feed the World? Joel Salatin, Farmer and Author, Polyface Farms

Friday, Dec. 7 9-10 a.m.

Featured Panel: Perspectives on Soil Health & Regenerative Agriculture

3-4 p.m.

4:15-5:15 p.m.

**Sponsored by Chelsea Green Publishing**

Gabe Brown, Charles Massy, and Fred Provenza

11 A.M.-12 P.m.

Soil Strategies for Weed Reduction Vail Dixon Biodynamic Agriculture: A Legacy of Quantum Physics and Advanced Humus Farming Steve Diver Holistic Goal-Setting for Farmers Nicole Delcogliano Market Outlook for Organic & NonGMO: How You Can Navigate the Road Ahead Julia Hofmeister

Microbe-Containing Bio-Stimulants Matthew D. Kleinhenz, PhD Biotic Farming Applications at Scale Brendon Rockey Case Study: Thriving in a Cooperative System Wayne Wengerd

6:00 p.m.

Closing Keynote: Rebuilding and Nurturing True Wealth Daniela Ibarra-Howell, CEO and Co-Founder, Savory Institute

1-2 p.m.

Farm & Ranch Water Management: Keyline, Contours and Swales, Oh My! Mark Shepard Subtle Energies in Agriculture: Foundational Thinking Hugh Lovel Cover Cropping at Scale Steve Tucker


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To register call 1-800-355-5313 or visit www.acresusa.com/events \\ 15

December 4 -7


Louisville, Kentucky

Perhaps the most valuable time at the Acres U.S.A. Conference & Trade Show occurs when growers meet suppliers at the trade show. This year meet diverse innovators with no shortage of strategies to share. A T Ferrell Clipper Seed Cleaners Advanced Biological Concepts Advancing Eco Agriculture Agri-Dynamics AgriEnergy Resources Agro Research International All Star Trading Azomite Mineral Products, Inc. Banner Greenhouses Bay Shore Sales BCS America LLC Blue River Organic Seed Bluestem Farm Supply LLC Brandt Callicrate Banders Chelsea Green Cisco Seeds Creative Ag/Pacific Grow Crop Services Int’l Dramm Corporation Ecocert Ecological Laboratories Inc Eden Solutions (Eden Blue Gold) Environotics Unlimited Essentially Hemp Everbest Organics, Inc. Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance (FARFA) Farm Power Implements FarmMatch Feed Earth Now, LLC Fertilgold Forest Agriculture Enterprises, LLC Full Circle Mushroom Compost LLC Garden Marker Naturals Great Harvest Organics Great Western Sales/Organic Gem Greater Earth Organics Green Field Farms Co-op Growing Forward LLC Herbruck’s Poultry Ranch/Great Lakes Organic Feed Mill High Mowing Organic Seeds Humic Products Trade Association International Ag Labs JH Biotech, Inc. Josephine Porter Institute for Applied Biodynamics

Lancaster Agriculture Products Local Food Safety Collaborative Logan Labs LLC Mid-South Welding and Fabrication Midwest Bio-Systems Midwest Laboratories Midwestern BioAg Nature Safe Fertilizers Naturopathic Institute of Therapies & Education Neptune’s Harvest North American Kelp Nuest Inc. Nuvia Technologies, Inc. OCIA International Inc. Ohio Earth Food OMRI Organic AG Products Perma-Guard, Inc. Ring Organic Rodale Institute Savory Institute SeaAgri Soil Technologies Corp. Soil Works LLC South Poll Grass Cattle Association Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SSARE) SQM SunOpta Tainio Biologicals, Inc. Terra Char/MCB, Inc. Terramera The Andersons The Fertrell Company Thorvin, Inc. Thousand Hills Lifetime Grazed Grass Farmer Supply Tilmor TNT Farming Solutions TPS Lab True Organic Products USDA/RMA Verde AgriTech World Tree Young Living

16 // Acres U.S.A. 2018 Eco-Ag Conference & Trade Show


Welcome Kick-off Reception on the Trade Show Floor at 5:00 p.m.


8 a.m.-5 p.m.


8 a.m.-3 p.m. Thank you to our Welcome Reception Sponsors!

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram! #acresconf18


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Consultant Halls, Round Table Discussions & Films Consultants Halls

In between sessions, join your instructor for a small-group Q&A hour on the topic at hand. This is your chance to get expert insight on the questions facing your operation. These sessions will run throughout the day on Thursday and Friday.

Round Table Discussions

We’ll have opportunities for you to engage with your fellow attendees in a small group setting with facilitated discussions on a variety of topics important to the eco-farming community. These sessions will run throughout the day on Thursday and Friday.

Film screenings

Need inspiration in other forms? Take a break from the lectures and workshops and enjoy a screening of a new award-winning documentary. We’ll have several movies screenings at this year’s event you won’t want to miss! These films are not only informative but transformative–transporting you to farms across the country and bringing you to a deeper understanding of the issues facing ecological agriculture.

Farmers for America Who Will Feed Us? We face a unique moment in America’s agriculture. The average age of the U.S. farmer is 60 years old. Half of our farmland is going to change hands in the next 12 years. 20% of our food is imported. It’s a time of upheaval, risk and extraordinary opportunity. To continue to feed ourselves in the years ahead, we need a new generation of young people to step forward. This is the story of young people who are stepping up. farmersforamericafilm.com

The Story of…Meat, Dairy, Wool, Leather Four short films Currently, there is rampant exploitation of our land, animals, and people taking place on a global scale. The true cost of fast-food and fastfashion are expended in unseen externalities to our local communities and our environment. The Savory Institute has released four documentary episodes centered around meat, dairy, wool and leather to help draw attention to the incredibly powerful results that a global network of agricultural producers practicing Holistic Management brings to the table for a worldwide paradigm shift. These stories, captured in collaboration with bold food and fashion brands, are examples of success and the desired enduring change that is igniting a consumer revolution.

18 // Acres U.S.A. 2018 Eco-Ag Conference & Trade Show

To register call 1-800-355-5313 or visit www.acresusa.com/events \\ 19

Study Before You Go Here are just some of the books by authors who will be speaking this year. You can order online at www.acresusa.com/store, or by calling 1-800-355-5313 (U.S. and Canada), or (970) 3924464. There is a money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with any purchase. Use promo code STUDY18 to receive the discount.

20% off savings The Biological Farmer GARY F. ZIMMER & LEILANI ZIMMER DURAND Completely revised, rewritten and greatly updated — now over 500 pages! Biological farming was around long before researchers and entrepreneurs began their search for the best “biologicals.” The biological farming system developed decades ago by Gary Zimmer doesn’t manipulate soil life or sell it; it instead creates the conditions where soil life flourishes. His system feeds soil microbes, balances soil minerals, promotes tillage with a purpose, and relies on both cover crops and diverse rotations. #6438 • Softcover • 536 pages • $30.00

Restoration Agriculture MARK SHEPARD Around the globe most people get their calories from “annual” agriculture — plants that grow fast for one season, produce lots of seeds, then die. Every single human society that has relied on annual crops for staple foods has collapsed. Restoration Agriculture explains how we can have all of the benefits of natural, perennial ecosystems and create agricultural systems that imitate nature in form and function while still providing for our food, building, fuel and many other needs — in your own backyard, farm or ranch. #7170 • Softcover • 344 pages • $30.00

The Metabolic Approach to Cancer DR. NASHA WINTERS & JESS HIGGINS KELLEY The Metabolic Approach to Cancer is the first book to offer a comprehensive, nutrition-focused protocol to managing cancer. Naturopathic, integrative oncologist and cancer survivor Dr. Nasha Winters and nutrition therapist Jess Higgins Kelley identify the ten key elements of a person’s terrain — including the microbiome, the immune system, and blood sugar balance — as they relate to the cancer process, and they prescribe a heavily researched, tested, and nontoxic metabolic therapeutic approach that encompasses the ketogenic diet, fasting, specific phytonutrients, herbal treatments, and more. #7444 • Hardcover • 400 pages • $29.95

In the Shadow of Green Man REGINALDO HASLETT-MARROQUIN WITH PER ANDREASSEN Join the wonderfully colorful and poetic Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin, or Regi, as he weaves together stories from his upbringing in revolutiontorn Guatemala, the vision of a regenerative form of farming which uplifts people, and the wandering fable of the Green Man. The result is an immensely readable, enjoyable journey that informs as it entertains and enlightens. #7437 • Softcover • 208 pages • $20.00

You Can Farm JOEL SALATIN Joel Salatin of wisely and honestly shares the qualities necessary to embark on a farming career with plenty of inspiration. For farm entrepreneurs, the opportunities for a farm family business have never been greater. You Can Farm is a practical roadmap to encourage and guide the farmer in each of us. #6336 • Softcover • 480 pages • $30.00

Organic No-Till Farming JEFF MOYER Organic No-Till Farming offers a map to an organic farming system that limits tillage, reduces labor and improves soil structure. Based on the latest research by pioneering agriculturists, this book offers new technologies and tools based on sound biological principles, making it possible to reduce and even eliminate tillage. Field-tested over many seasons, these methods make cover crops into a source of fertility as well as a tool for weed management. #7069 • Softcover • 204 pages • $28.00

A Biodynamic Farm HUGH LOVEL The inventory of knowledge that is generally warehoused under the classification of biodynamic is rich and timeless, and yet very few farmers have even a nodding acquaintance with the subject. This book performs a rescue operation. A practical, howto guide to making all of the biodynamic preparations, this book will provide what you need to put these proven techniques to work in your fields. Perhaps the best of the many biodynamic titles currently available. #4168 • Softcover • 215 pages • $20.00

20 // Acres U.S.A. 2018 Eco-Ag Conference & Trade Show

Add Acres U.S.A. Magazine to Your Farm Acres U.S.A. is North America’s premier publishing house and event company focused on organic, sustainable farming. Subscribers receive articles in every issue that cover a broad range of articles that matter to you. We invite you to start subscribing today, and learn about the following topics: • Build healthy soils with the right nutrients;

• Treat livestock problems naturally;

• Grow nutrient-dense foods;

• Turn farming dreams into reality;

• Keep your livestock healthy and happy;

• Boost your farm’s bottom line;

• Control weeds and insects without exposing yourself to toxic chemicals;

• Develop successful marketing plans;

• Expand your CSA;

• Connect with buyers and sellers of organic goods;

• Raise poultry with homegrown grain;

• Help save the soil for future generations;

• Shift your farm toward sustainability;

• And more!

Subscribe to Acres U.S.A., The Voice of Eco-Agriculture for just $29.

1-Year Subscription For just $29.





The Voice of Eco-Agriculture

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The Voice of Eco-Agriculture




April 2018

The Voice of Eco-Agricul ture

Agriculture The Voice of Eco-



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W RVIEING LTH INTE FORAG L HEA FOR WILD FRUIT • HOME ANIMAL WELFARE CERTI ZING FOR SOI ON MADE DOG FOOD PLANT BREEDING FICATIONS • SPENT GRAIN GHUM MOLASSES • GRA MCKENNA July 2018 MARYN DAIRY • PERSONAL D S AS FEED REAL-WORL INTER ICS May 2018 VIEW: MAKING SOR STATE OF ORGANIC ANTI E BIOT SUSTAINABL REAL-WORLD August 2018 E ORGANIC & SUSTAINABL DAVID TRYON ON SOIL, Black Gold June 2018 JOHNS POUL AL C. STRI FARMING & ORGANIC INDU & ORLD RLD Truffle Farming in Califo L-W L-WO REA REA FARMING CARBON AND COMPOSTIN ABLE ABLE rnia SUSTAIN C SUSTAIN G ANI ANIC & ORG G & ORG G s FARMIN FARMIN Grain to rs Chee eries Green Under Get the Facts: y forsBrew Glass Growing Barle Large-Scale Greenhouse Fracking & Farmland Growing The Voice lture of Eco-Agriculture The Voice of Eco-Agricul Eco-Agricu tock Guardians griculture The Voice of ture Alternative Lives The Voice of Eco-A Adaptive Multispecies ns ectio Grazing Making Conn Bees & Dicamba Agriculture PRODUCING NUTRITIOU Aonment d Envir ry 2018 S MEATS ControlleJanua ction April 2018 A Sele se FOR THE GROWING MARK Tips for Greenhou


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Focus: Permaculture

Joel Salatin Shares Tips to Build Team a Successful Farm Carbo

n Farming Benefits


Get Your Goat(s) 4 Lesser-Known Breed s www.acresusa.com $5.99 DISPLAY UNTIL MAY 25

Top 10 Reasons to Raise Pastured Livest ock



Getting Back to the Land


Dairy Delights Ayrshires on Grass

RVIEW: CSA-ish: Find INTE Your Niche S DIANA RODGER RITION ON REAL NUT DIY Chicken Tracto r Plans Control tle Bee Japanese ntial New Profit Pote Agritourism with June 2018 A


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Find Your Voice: Online Marketing Less

Value-Added Organics


Fat of the Land Render Pastured 6 Pork 25274 92998 Lard 7 August 2018 A

To register call 1-800-355-5313 or visit www.acresusa.com/events \\ 21

travel & lodging information Louisville, Kentucky

Traveling By Air: The Louisville International Airport (SDF) is served by many major airlines, making travel convenient from anywhere in the world. The airport is just 8 miles from the Louisville Marriott Downtown. The Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport (CVG) is 96 miles from Louisville and would be the next closest option. The Indianapolis International Airport is 115 miles away.

Taxi Service: One-way fare between the Louisville airport and the Marriott is estimated at $18. Limousines and other transportation are available for higher costs.

Pre-register & Save! Pre-register for $215 ($240 at the door) Register by September 30 and receive a $20 coupon to use at the conference bookstore! A $215 conference registration fee covers attendance to all lectures, consultants’ hall, round table discussions, trade show & film screenings. It does not include access to the Eco-Ag U. (See page 6 for more information on Eco-Ag U. Advanced Learning).

Bus: The Transit Authority of River City (TARC) runs buses around the region. Fares start at $2.50. The Greyhound Bus Terminal is at 720 W. Muhammad Ali Blvd., Louisville, KY 40203.

Driving: No shuttle service is available from the aiport. From Louisville International: Take 264 east one mile to I-65 North. Travel about 6 miles to Brook Street exit. Turn left onto Jefferson. The hotel entrance is immediately to the left on Jefferson Street.

Parking: Acres USA has negotiated a reduced parking rate ($14/day) at the

Organic Food Options: A number of healthy food and organic restaurants are within walking distance of the hotel. Ask your concierge at the hotel, or find an Acres U.S.A. employee, and ask for recommendations.

conference venue–Louisville Marriot Downtown.

Hotel Information

Reserve online at www.acresusacom/events/ and click on “Lodging”, or call 1-502-627-5045

Book early before rooms sell out!

Concerning ancillary events The Acres U.S.A. conference is not a public function. Any event or activity that is scheduled by anyone other than the Acres U.S.A. organization to be held in the conference facility during or immediately before or after the conference must be approved by Acres U.S.A. INCLUSIVITY

The Acres U.S.A. 2018 Eco-Ag Conference & Trade Show is being held at the Louisville Marriott Downtown in downtown Louisville, Kentucky. Be sure to mention the Acres U.S.A. group rate and reserve by Nov. 15 to receive the $129/night rate. Visit the hotel’s website for detailed information, at www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/sdflm-louisville-marriott-downtown/. Reservations at the conference hotel, the Louisville Marriott Downtown, include free wi-fi in your room, reduced parking rates ($14/day) and a great location near restaurants and shopping in downtown Louisville. Standard and King rates are $129/night when you register through Acres U.S.A.

Book your room today

Louisville Marriott Downtown 280 West Jefferson Louisville, KY 40202 Phone: 502-627-5045 | fax 502-627-5044 Reservations may also be made by calling 1-800-266-9432 and refer to the Acres U.S.A. group. Reserve by November 16 to receive this special rate. If you have difficulty booking your lodging, or if you need additional assistance, please call the Acres U.S.A. office at: 1-800-355-5313 (Toll free U.S. & Canada) Phone: 970-392-4464 22 // Acres U.S.A. 2018 Eco-Ag Conference & Trade Show

Acres U.S.A. actively promotes and recognizes principles of fairness, equity, and social justice in relation to, and across, intersections of race, age, color, disability, faith, religion, ancestry, national origin, citizenship, sex, sexual orientation, social class, economic class, ethnicity, gender identity, gender expression, and all other identities represented among our diverse community. By appreciating the importance of inclusion, we acknowledge that the collective and individual talents, skills, and perspectives of our employees, customers and contributors are building a culture of belonging, collaborative practice, innovation, and mutual respect.

CONFERENCE CANCELLATIONS: Eco-Ag University (Eco-Ag U. 2-Day and Eco-Ag U. 1-Day passes) cancellations received through Wednesday, November 1, 2018, are entitled to an 80% credit. General Conference cancellations received through Tuesday, November 21, 2018, are entitled to an 80% credit. Last-minute General conference cancellations/no shows can receive a 50% credit if requested by December 31, 2018. No credit is given for late Eco-Ag U. 2-Day and Eco-Ag U. 1-Day cancellations and no-shows after November 1, 2018. Your registration can be transferred to someone else’s name if you cannot attend; please contact our office. Sorry, no refunds.

conference Pre-Registration ECO-AG University + CONFERENCE

2-DAY ECO-AG U and CONFERENCE PASS $575 $ Includes two days of Eco-Ag U. advanced learning and access to the rest of the Acres U.S.A. 2018 Eco-Ag Conference & Trade Show. Pre-registration required.

Choose one Tuesday session and one Wednesday session, or choose 2-day workshop

1-DAY ECO-AG U and CONFERENCE PASS $450 $ Includes one day of Eco-Ag U. advanced learning and access to the rest of the Acres U.S.A. 2018 Eco-Ag Conference & Trade Show. Pre-registration required.

Choose one session, either Tuesday or Wednesday:



Nutrient-Dense Food Farming

Foundational Principles of Ecological Agriculture

Presented by Glen Rabenberg

Presented by Mark Shepard

Jump-Starting Your Farm’s Humus Engine

Large-Scale Farming For Soil Health: No-Till, Cover Cropping and the Soil Eco-System

Presented by Edwin Blosser

Mineral Nutrition & Plant Disease

Presented by Steve Tucker

Presented by Dr. Don Huber

Defending Against Disease: Healthy Soil, Microbiome Diversity and Your Food

2-Day Seminar Tuesday & Wednesday The Principles and Science of Developing Regenerative Agriculture Ecosystems

Presented by Dr. Nasha Winters

Presented by John Kempf

Conference $215 ($240 at the door) $ Register Includes access to conference & trade show.


by Sept. 30 & Conference Student Pass $125 $ receive a $20 coupon to Thursday, Single-Day $125 $ Order toll-free: Order Order toll-free: toll-free: 1-800-355-5313 1-800-355-5313 1-800-355-5313 Order toll-free: E-mail:E-mail: 1-800-355-5313 E-mail: orders@acresusa.com orders@acresusa.com orders@acresusa.com E-mail: orders@acresusa.com spend at the Phone:Phone: Phone: (512) 892-4400 (512) (512) 892-4400 892-4400Phone: (512) Mail to: Mail Mail Acres to: to: Acres U.S.A., Acres U.S.A., U.S.A., P.O. Box P.O. Mail P.O. 91299, Box to: BoxAcres 91299, 91299, U.S.A., P.O. Box 91299, Friday, Single-Day $125 $ 892-4400 conference 24-hour24-hour 24-hour fax: (512) fax: fax:892-4448 (512) (512) 892-4448 892-4448 24-hour fax: (512)Austin, 892-4448 Austin, Austin, Texas Texas 78709-1299 Texas 78709-1299 78709-1299 U.S.A. Austin, U.S.A. U.S.A. Texas 78709-1299 U.S bookstore!

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Trampoline DIY Farm Struct ures for Less

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August 2018 A

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the Land

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12 issues — $29

New Profit Potential with Agritourism

Japanese Beetle Control



August 2018



Numbers Strength inAfter the Harvest Gleaningons Co-Op Considerati the Field


The Voice of Eco-A griculture


Augus FO LL t 201 O8W ISSYO UE UR


July 2018






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