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The Evolution of Retail Warehousing . ......................... 6 Commentary by Alice Breheny

Tarasy Zamkowe Launched in Lublin ......................... 30 Immofinanz Group has completed another retail project in Poland. The investment amounted to approximately €115 million

About Branding and Naming ............ 8 Commentary by James Turner

Inno Antwerp Meir in its Old Glory ................................ 32 The monumental department store built in 1901 has now been restored by Redevco

Make 2015 Your “Year of Light” ..... 10 Commentary by Thomas Mark To App or Not To App – That Is Not the Question (Anymore) .................. 11 Commentary by Jörg F. Bitzer

And the Winner Is… ........................ 34 Markthal in Rotterdam received the 2015 award for the Best Shopping Center at MIPIM


Do We Need New Retail Real Estate? ..................................... 12 Commentary by Rainer Kundörfer

Projects & Openings............................14 Projects, openings, refurbishments, human resource announcements, and other retail real estate news


ACROSS Mobile ............................... 36 Retrieve information whenever you really need it. An adapted ACROSS web page for all mobile devices, a specially designed ACROSS app, the ACROSS news ticker, ACROSS TV, and numerous extra features are now available to the community of ACROSS readers. All services can be tested free of charge. until the end of June

2 ACROSS 1| 2015

Take a Bite out of the Mobile Shopping Cake ................................ 38 More and more consumers are shopping with smartphones and tablets. Shopping center operators are trying to capitalize on this trend towards mobile commerce in myriad ways

“Operators Need to Position Themselves; They Need to Tell a Story” ..................................... 42 Markus Schwitzke and Richard Wörösch. of the Schwitzke Group set brands and shopping worlds in scene and tell their stories Christmas Decoration: How Centers Become Places of Heightened Emotion ....................... 46 “Never from the catalog, never off the shelf” is First Christmas’s motto Shopping Mall Activation “à la Carte” ...................................... 48 Commentary by Markus Levens Leasing Versus Commercialization: Foes or Allies? ................................. 50 As retail markets develop, the role of commercialization is becoming increasingly important Where Are We Going? Thinking about the Future ........................................ 52 Foodservice Column by Jonathan Doughty

Shopping in KL ................................ 66 Kuala Lumpur, the capital of the former “Asian Tiger” Malaysia, has seen better days from an economic perspective. A little photo tour through the city’s malls

Twenty New Stores in 2015 . .......... 56 The Polish clothing chain “50 Style,” owned by Marketing Investment. Group, is on an expansion drive

Investment News ............................... 58 TH Real Estate has exchanged contracts for the acquisition of the Nova Lund shopping center in Sweden from. Unibail-Rodamco for €176 million “There Are Almost No New Developments Anymore” ......... 62 Josip Kardun, Group CEO of Atrium European Real Estate Limited, tells ACROSS about the Company’s strategy and why institutional investors are no longer willing to wait to see returns

Unprecedented Times from an Investor Appetite Perspective ....... 74 Savills’ “UK Shopping Center and High Street Bulletin, Q4/2014” notes intense activity in the country’s market with increased investor action and demand for the sector Voracious Demand for Germany’s Commercial Real Estate ................. 76 Transaction volumes in the black-red-gold republic rose by a third in the first quarter of 2015 compared to the same quarter last year


How Vasco da Gama Triggered a Disruptive Innovation ..................... 54 Retail Innovation Lab by Stephan Jung


Hungary without Shopping Sundays .......................... 72 Legislation forcing all retail shops to close on Sundays entered into force in Hungary on March 15, 2015; most shops are forced to close on Sundays and at night

Innovative News from New York, New York ........................ 78 A study tour in the city that never. sleeps led to both new and traditional retailers. They are united by the fact that they have never slept through a trend Every Year… ...................................... 79 ... the who’s who, mainly of the. European real estate industry, meets. in Cannes for MIPIM. One of the. trends at this year’s fair was an. increased interest in secondary. cities Emotionalization and Scenarios .................................. 80 More than 250 international . decision-makers in the field of. concept decorations were. enthusiastic about the Premium. Business Program at Christmasworld 2015 7th Magdus Outlet Conference . ..... 82 This industry event takes places on June 11 and 12 in Paris

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The United Nations has designated 2015 as the International Year of Light, a global initiative to raise awareness of the importance of light and light–based technologies. The campaign ( aims to highlight how dependent we are on light for our very existence and human development and to explore how science and lighting technology have combined to create solutions in energy, education, and health.

“In environments such as shopping centers and public spaces, lighting displays with an engaging narrative can touch customers’ emotions and positively influence consumer behavior through the creation of a memorable shopping and social destination.” On a personal level, we can all identify with light as something that affects our well-being. It is well documented that people in Northern Europe, for instance, can be adversely affected by the limited daylight hours in winter. Often their treatment involves light to lift moods and dispel depression. The widespread use of candles in Scandinavia is a practice designed to lift the mood and create a cozy atmosphere in the darkest months of the year. We have also come to recognize light as playing an integral part. in celebrations. From magnificent festive lighting schemes in cities such as Stockholm, traditional German Christmas markets, cultural events like Christmas, Chinese New Year, and Diwali, and simply. illuminations put up at home for family celebrations – effective use of lighting accentuates and creates atmosphere.

4 ACROSS 1| 2015

THOMAS MARK Vice President of MK Illumination

The emotive nature of lighting is what makes it so charming. Light makes us happy. Light makes us feel good about ourselves and. others. Light improves the quality of our lives and our well-being. every day and in every way. By making clever use of the emotive. qualities of lighting, experts in the field of decorative lighting have. extended the capability of displays to become powerful storytelling tools, and a way of creating positive vibes, stimulating moods,. im­proving security, and encouraging customers to spend money. In environments such as shopping centers and public spaces,. lighting displays with an engaging narrative can touch customers’ emotions and positively influence consumer behavior through the. creation of a memorable shopping and social destination. If a center or public space is able to create an emotional experience, visitors will enjoy shopping, increase their dwell time, spend more money, and repeat their visits. As the United Nations’ “Year of Light” gets underway and brings to the public’s attention the importance of lighting, now is a great time to evaluate how your lighting displays can have a positive impact and bring commercial benefits to your business location. Make light work for you. The rewards could be significant. What is your opinion on this topic? Discuss it with us! Send your opinion to!


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Customers are constantly being offered more opportunities and. methods for consumption, both online and offline. Every retailer has to recognize and follow this trend in order to avoid losing out to the. competition. We must find a combination of e-commerce, mobile apps or social media, and traditional retail stores. Today’s end consumers are digitally networked at all times and around 63% of buyers use devices like mobile phones and tablets to learn about products in advance or to buy them online. A strong presence on all channels increases retailers’ sales and awareness of their brands, while also offering the opportunity to understand customers better and align individual advertisements and promotions. Although the latest study by the Austrian Institute for SME Research. reports that online retail in Austria accounts for only a 5% share (excl. gas stations) of total retail sales, the combination with bricks-and-. mortar stores has become indispensable. 37% of all online sales are made in addition to sales in “bricks and mortar” stores. 16% of these. indicated that the product was not available locally.

LIMITED RETAIL SPACE Online stores therefore offer a diverse selection with which physical shops could never compete to that extent due to limited retail space. The flow of information about the desired product is faster and. customers enjoy a higher level of comfort. Stores serve as an addi­tional focal point, build customer relationships, and present products. A popular example is the clothing manufacturer H&M, which has. succeeded in integrating the internet into its retail stores. Customers enjoy flexibility when purchasing or exchanging. They can order their. desired articles online and exchange them without complications in the nearest physical store if they change their minds. They don’t have to trek to the post office.

JÖRG F. BITZER Head of Retail at the Austria real estate service provider EHL

“SOCIAL MIRROR” Today’s customers are spoiled by experience and benefits and. overwhelmed by advertising and offers. How can they make decisions in such an environment and how can retailers stand out from the. competition? Adidas Neo came up with a creative concept called the “Social Mirror.” This mirror photographs new outfits in the store and shares them automatically with the Facebook community, which can then assist in making the purchase decision. International retailers like Ikea, the Swedish furniture manufacturer, and the toy maker Lego have made use of augmented reality apps and. integrated these into their marketing strategies. The augmented reality app allows customers to retrieve more information about a product. and to view a 3D animation of it from all sides via a scan function on the cell phone. Retailers must adapt to developments in customer behavior.. Customers are becoming increasingly mobile and that must also apply to retailers. Consumption takes place independent of space and time. Omni-channeling offers retailers the possibility of developing new and foreign markets and of proving themselves among fierce competition. What is your opinion on this topic? Discuss it with us! Send your opinion to!

1 | 2015 ACROSS 5


The Spanish economy has passed through a difficult period, which has directly affected the real estate market. The recession has now been overcome; GDP increased by 1.3% in 2014. For 2015 and 2016, private consumption and employment levels will, in all probability, continue to rise. Conditions in the Spanish property market have thus significantly improved. As a result, BNP Paribas Real Estate Spain is preparing for the future and continuing its human resource restructuring: Jesus Perez Rodriguez (photo) was appointed as the new CEO in early February and also takes over property management in Spain as General Manager. He reports to Lauric Leclerc, Deputy CEO of BNP Paribas Real Estate, who is responsible for property management and secondary markets. Thierry Bougeard, previously Head of Transaction was also appointed as General Manager of BNP Paribas Real Estate Advisory Spain in early February and will report directly to Jesus Perez Rodriguez. This thus concludes the restructuring of BNP Paribas Real Estate Spain, which began in 2014 with the hiring of 20 new consultants and which led the company to reach a much better result last year than the year before.

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Another major step towards modernizing the City-Passage in Bielefeld is complete. In a public meeting in early February, the City Development Committee decided clearly in favor of the new draft design for the external facades. As part of the new look, the shopping center is also receiving a new name: Loom Bielefeld. Bielefeld’s first sewing machine factory once stood on the site of today’s City-Passage. This was the inspiration for the new name. The majority of participants voted for this name through an online portal. The city and ECE had agreed on a so-called cooperative process for the development of a new façade. A working group with an equal number of representatives from politics, external experts, and ECE representatives developed the design concept. The whole concept is based on Bielefeld’s industrial heritage. In the middle of the 19th century, this city in North Rhine-Westphalia became a significant textile hub thanks to the sewing machine and linen industries. Even today, the image of the city is affected by the linen trade. This is evidenced by, among other things, the local presence of a global textile company, a renowned Textile College, and the popular town festival “Weavers Market.” The shopping gallery was acquired in 2011 by the “ECE European Prime Shopping Center Fund” and has since been under ECE management. The center specialist from Hamburg plans to turn the City-Passage, built in 1977, into a modern and attractive shopping center with about a hundred shops on around 26,000 sq m of retail space. Construction on the €120-million project is set to begin in late summer of this year. The opening is scheduled for spring 2017.

DENMARK TK DEVELOPMENT SELLS “STRÆDET” PROJECT Citycon is continuing to build its platform in Denmark and has signed an agreement with TK Development regarding the forward purchase of the Straedet project in Køge in the greater Copenhagen area. TK Development is developing an urban, groceryanchored, open-air shopping center in the heart of Køge, next to the train station. Citycon will acquire the property at completion based on a fixed 6.25% net initial yield. The purchase price is estimated to be approximately €75 million. The shopping center will have a gross leasable area of approximately 19,000 sq m. Straedet will be anchored by two grocery retailers and a cinema and will in total comprise some 38 retail units, cafés, and restaurants. The open-air mall will complete a defined highstreet loop with pedestrian streets in the center of Køge and will be integrated with the refurbished city hall and other municipal services. Køge forms part of the Copenhagen metropolitan area and is located approximately 30-minutes by car from the Copenhagen Central Business District. The city is also directly connected to downtown Copenhagen by a commuter rail system. Køge has strong demographics with a disposable household income higher than the average for the Copenhagen municipality and the city’s old town and harbor are popular destinations for Danish and foreign tourists. “This new, attractive urban development fits perfectly with our portfolio and philosophy of investing in every-day shopping. The deal structure enables us to source a new, top-quality property with an attractive risk-return relationship. With this transaction, we are continuing to build our platform in Denmark and we also see opportunities in the market going forward. Our focus in Denmark remains on urban, grocery-anchored shopping centers in the greater Copenhagen area,” says Nils Styf, CIO of Citycon. TK Development is expecting to start construction during the first quarter of2015 and the project is scheduled to open in phases, with final completion in the second quarter of2017, at which time Citycon will acquire the property.






H&M GROUP SIGNS THREE OF ITS BRANDS AT MALL OF SCANDINAVIA Unibail-Rodamco announced a major retail leasing deal with the Hennes & Mauritz (H&M) Group to take space for its H&M, COS, and & Other Stories stores at the Mall of Scandinavia, Scandinavia’s largest shopping center development. Opening in autumn 2015, the 100,000-sq-m shopping center is located just seven minutes from downtown Stockholm and will house 250 stores and restaurants. The three Swedish brands will take a total of 5,500 sq m, including an iconic H&M store of over 4,000 sq m over two floors. The store will feature the very latest H&M fashion collections, including successful sports and footwear ranges, H&M Home collection, and H&M Beauty—the brand’s new beauty range. Popular fashion brands COS and & Other Stories will take 589 sq m and 1,049 sq m respectively in the shopping center. This marks a major milestone for COS – it will be its first store to open in a shopping center in Scandinavia. H&M, COS, and & Other Stories will add to the long list of local and international fashion brands already signed to Mall of Scandinavia, such as Pull&Bear, Massimo Dutti, Zara, Zara Home, Superdry, Michael Kors, Hugo Boss, and an Ahléns department store.

1 | 2015 ACROSS 7


ACROSS Retrieve information whenever you really need it. An adapted ACROSS web page for all mobile devices, the ACROSS news ticker, ACROSS TV, and numerous extra features are now available to the community of ACROSS readers. All services can be tested free of charge until the end of June.

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“The faster and more mobile transfer of select knowledge is essential nowadays. Barrier-free communication now constitutes a measurable competitive advantage in international business. We have therefore decided to present ACROSS - The European Retail Real Estate Magazine, even more broadly. Multiple new services related to retail real estate create additional value for our readers. And: From now on, all our services will be fully mobile and accessible,” says ACROSS publisher Reinhard Winiwarter of the cornerstones of the digital relaunch. In short: ACROSS is going mobile. “This digital restructuring is our. response to the desire frequently expressed by our readers to make our magazine available anywhere, anytime. We’re opening additional multimedia information channels,” Winiwarter continues. ACROSS is now available on the new multimedia website www. and via app (available on appstores) for all popular mobile devices.

8 ACROSS 1| 2015

The heart of ACROSS mobile is and will remain our industry magazine, which appears six times per year. In addition to the print edition, ACROSS subscribers receive unrestricted access to the full online version of the magazine. There is also the option of a digital-only subscription at a. reduced price.

MANY NEW SERVICES In addition, ACROSS is strengthening its industry coverage. Industry players will always have access to the most relevant and timely news from the retail real estate business with the new ACROSS news ticker. “We provide our clients with information on main events, deals, and trends from the European shopping center. industry with structured and reader-friendly. updates,” Winiwarter explains.

ACROSS mobile: Access all our content anytime, anywhere.

w ACRatch OSS TV

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The well-known TV journalist Manuel Koch presents ACROSS TV. He reports on international events and encourages top European managers like Thomas Binder, Managing Director at Sonae Sierra (left) to step in front of the camera.

For a more dynamic presentation, viewers can switch to the brand new information channel ACROSS TV. The ACROSS TV team will provide ongoing up-to-date reports on international. industry meetings and provide revealing portraits of the shopping center industry’s leading managers. The program list also includes detailed. interviews, discussions, and a clear overview of the European retail property market.

CANDIDATES FOR TOP JOBS The continuous professionalization of property management requires highly trained specialists. ACROSS brings together the industry, helping companies to find the right people for key positions. In partnership with the British agency Foundation Recruitment, the ACROSS team is establishing a comprehensive human resource platform – by specialists for specialists.

ACROSS MOBILE Top jobs: In partnership with the British agency Foundation Recruitment, the ACROSS team has established a comprehensive human resource platform – by specialists for specialists.

“ACROSS - The European Retail Real Estate Magazine” comes out six times a year and is delivered by post. For a yearly price of €119, subscribers receive all six issues. ACROSS mobile can be tested until the end of June. Thereafter, a one-year subscription fee of €59 will be charged. For the spontaneous, there is also a cost-effective monthly digital subscription to ACROSS for €9. Subscribers to the print edition of ACROSS have unrestricted access to the full online version of the magazine as well – at no additional cost. This will keep the users updated on legal, economic, and political news from the European Economic Area, as well as the latest developments on Europe’s shopping center and retail real estate scene.

1 | 2015 ACROSS 9

Media Owner: ACROSS Medien- und Verlags GmbH

s s! rlandvies! Photo

1010 Vienna, Austria. Ebendorferstraße 3/10 Phone: +43 1 533 32 60-80

om de as.c W on and commentaries from leading experts. hristm irstc w w.f w The magazine isCrea published ting entirely*in. English, with an exclusive circulation of 18,000 copies in 42 European countries, reaching the industry’s decision makers. directly.

20354 Hamburg, Germany. Gorch-Fock-Wall 3. Phone: +49 40 339 62-690

Editor-in-Chief: Heinz ErdmannJust did my Christmas Shopping at Westfield London...

ies! Stud




Assistant Editor-in-Chief: *Return On Marketing Investment Claudia Aigner

Stephan Jung

Art-Director: Klaus Rauch

ACROSS is the leading European retail. real estate magazine. This independent magazine informs about the latest projects and brings relevant news in top-quality to readers in the sector on approx. 100 pages. ACROSS also provides political, economic, and legal information. All this is rounded off by country profiles, company and personal portraits, information on trends in retail. and catering sectors, consumer issues,.

Retrieve information when­ ever you really need it. An adapted ACROSS web page for all mobile devices, a specially designed ACROSS app, the ACROSS news ticker, ACROSS TV, and numerous extra features are now available to the community of ACROSS readers. All services can be tested free of charge until the end of June

A C R O S S 1| 2015

Publisher: Reinhard Winiwarter

1|2015 PP, A-1010 ViennA Vn: 08Z037864M



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FOODSeRViCe COLUMn Three gastronomic trends that are revolutionizin g the industry inVeSTMenT Josip Kardun, CeO of Atrium, about his long-term goals COUnTRY RePORT no more shopping on Sundays in Hungary since mid-March

Advertisements: Reinhard Winiwarter Cover:. Shutterstock, sma, Prospektus Nyomda

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ACROSS Strategic Partners - Our direct line to the industry Many industry players, experts, and leading companies in the retail real estate sector have supported us in word and deed in the preparation of this edition of ACROSS. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our strategic partners, guest authors, and suppliers of ideas, without whom it would be nearly impossible to create this informative magazine and make it so relevant to the industry.

Networking Partners:

Swiss Council of Shopping Centers

European Factory Outlet Centres Observatory

10 ACROSS 1| 2015

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London: BALMAIN ASSET MANAGEMENT 25 Heathmans Road, London SW6 4TJ Phone: +44 (0) 207 471 8700 Email: Warsaw: BALMAIN ASSET MANAGEMENT CEE ul. Sienna 39, 00-121 Warsaw, Poland Phone: +48 (0) 22 206 4050 Email: CBRE GLOBAL INVESTORS Schiphol Boulevard 281, G-tower, 8th floor 1118 BH Schiphol, The Netherlands Phone: +31 20 202 2200 *As of 30 June 2012

CINEPLEXX INTERNATIONAL Mag. Christof Papousek Geschäftsführer|CFO Constantin Film-Holding GmbH Cineplexx Kinobetriebe GmbH Siebensterngasse 37, A-1070 Wien, Austria

COGEST RETAIL SRL via G.B. Pergolesi 20124 Milano, Italy Phone: +39 02 91278 / 02 49585 Fax: +39 02 61290784

COVERPOINT, A JLL COMPANY The Square, 8 Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1FW United Kingdom Phone: +44 18 940 5266 Fax: +44 118 940 5277 Email:

ECE PROJEKTMANAGEMENT G.M.B.H. & CO. KG Heegbarg 30, D-22391 Hamburg, Germany Phone: +49 40 60606 - 0 Fax: +49 40 60606 - 6230 Email: EHI RETAIL INSTITUTE Spichernstr. 55 D-50672 Köln, Germany Phone: +49 221 579 93 -32 Fax: +43 221 579 93 -45

The Balmain Asset Management group is one of Europe’s most experienced specialist shopping center asset managers and co-investors. The principals within Balmain have directly leased, developed, asset managed, and acquired 127 shopping centres globally covering 6.5 million sq m of retail GLA with nearly €18 billion of value. Its principals and senior executive team have 320 combined years’ of property experience. Balmain manages 23 properties in Poland covering more than 1,200 retail leases. Balmain’s Polish shopping centers serve over 42 million customers per annum; greater than the 38 million population of Poland itself. Balmain has leased on excess of 150,000 sq m of space since 2005.

CBRE Global Investors is a global real estate investment management firm with EUR 72 billion in assets under management*. The company sponsors investment programs across the risk/return spectrum for investors worldwide. The CBRE Global Investors EMEA platform, with €28,2 billion of assets under management* is one of the largest and most diversified real estate investment management business. The platform has offices in 15 countries, managing investments in 17 countries across Europe. For more information please visit

Cineplexx Kinobetriebe GmbH was founded in 1993 as a 100% subsidiary of Constantin Film-Holding GmbH which belongs to the Austrian family Langhammer. Cineplexx emerged in the transition phase during the 1990s when tradi­tional cinemas were closed and multiplex cinemas entered the market. Since 2008 the group has bundled its international business activities under Cineplexx International ltd. It runs 35 cinemas with 235 screens in total, across Austria, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro and Northern Italy. Total sales reached 120 Mio. euros in 2011 with about 1.100 employees.

Cogest Retail is a consultancy company specialized in leasing and management of shopping centers, independent retail projects and multi-use complexes. The company has 20 years of experience and a retail portfolio of over 45 projects in Italy under its belt. Cogest assists investors and participates in all of the stages of shopping center development: geomarke­ting, market research, planning phase, concept studies, tenant mix, leasing and public relations. Tower Center Rijeka is currently the only project outside Italy, Cogest Retail aim to significantly expand activities in Croatia and across the South East Europe region. With a team of 150 highly skilled professionals, Congest offers valuable assistance with acqui­ sition, construction, development, commercialization and management of real estate.

Coverpoint, a JLL Company are an International Foodservice Consultancy. Since 1993 we have been creating for our clients, outstanding retail and shopping center food experiences. From fast food and innovative foodcourts to the latest casual dining clusters, we provide developers, landlords, shopping center managers and owners with the best advice on ‘how to do food’. We carry out feasibility studies, market analysis, capacity planning and foodservice spatial design. We bring all these skills together as part of your Team to ensure that your food & beverage experience is perfectly matched to your guest’s needs. We do food! Call us to find out how we can help you.

ECE has been developing, building, leasing out, and managing shopping centers since 1965 and is active in 16 countries. The company is European market leader with 196 managed shopping centers. On an overall sales area of 6.5 million sq m, about 19,500 retail businesses generate 22 billion euros in annual sales. Numerous shopping centers are currently under construction or planned throughout Europe.

EHI is the scientific institute of the German retail industry. The members of EHI include German and international retail companies and their industry associations, manufac­turers of consumer and investment goods and various service providers for retail like real estate developers and shopping-center management firms. We research topics relevant to the future of retailing, organize conferences and working groups, operate our own publishing house (e.g. The EHI Shopping-Center Report), and are partners to Messe Düsseldorf in staging the EuroShop, the world's biggest trade fair of investment goods for retail business.

1| 2015 ACROSS 11

EHL IMMOBILIEN GMBH Prinz-Eugen-Strasse 8-10, A-1040 Vienna, Austria Phone: +43 1 512 76 90 Fax: +43 1 512 76 90 - 890 Email:

FIRST CHRISTMAS BY ROSENAU GMBH Blankeneser Bahnhofstr. 7, D-22587 Hamburg, Germany Phone: +49 (0)40 86 64 875 - 0 Fax: +49 (0)40 86 64 875 - 60 Email:

FOUNDATION RECRUITMENT UK LTD 23 Hanover Square London W1S 1JB, United Kingdom Phone: +44 20 3714 9275 Email:

GERMAN COUNCIL OF SHOPPING CENTERS E. V. Bahnhofstrasse 29 D-71638 Ludwigsburg, Germany Phone: +49 7141 38 80 - 83 Fax: +49 7141 38 80 - 84 Email:

GFK GEOMARKETING GMBH Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 9, Building 6508 D-76646 Bruchsal, Germany Phone: +49 7251 9295 100 Fax: +49 7251 9295 290 Email:

GLOBAL REAL ESTATE INSTITUTE (GRI) 10 Melton Street, London, NW1 2EB, UK Phone: +44 20 7121 5060 Fax: +44 20 7388 8740 Email:

ICSC EUROPE 29 Queen Anne’s Gate, London SW1H 9BU, UK Phone: +44 20 7976 - 3100 Fax: +44 20 7976 - 3101 Email:

12 ACROSS 1| 2015

EHL Real Estate Group is one of the leading real estate service providers in Austria and the market leader in the fields of commercial and residential real estate as well as investment properties. Its business activities range from property marketing, property valuation, asset and portfolio management, center management to market research and investment consultancy.

First Christmas by ROSENAU GmbH one of Europe’s leading suppliers of Christmas decorations. We offer a full service including design, production and installation of top quality modern and traditional d ­ ecorations. Our expertise and products are being implemented across the continent and in the Near East.

Foundation Recruitment is Europe’s leading, professional recruitment expert within the field of international shopping center management. We are the only real estate recruitment busi­ness with a specialist team entirely dedicated to the shopping center sector. Our passion, commitment and cross border reach enables us to offer our global clients unrivalled know­ ledge, understanding and insight. Our extensive network provides us with considerable access to the worlds most talented shopping center professionals. Working across both enclosed and open air assets, our activities sit at the very heart of the modern day, dynamic shopping center arena. Our instructions and areas of professional expertise range across on site mall management, leasing, asset management and development.

The German Council of Shopping Centers, GCSC, represents the interests of over 770 member companies in the shopping center and commercial real estate industry, including operators and developers, trade representatives, service providers, consultants, investors, and other companies.

GfK GeoMarketing is one of Europe’s largest providers of geomarketing services and products. Our business areas include: Consultancy and research expertise, Market data, Digital maps, RegioGraph. GfK GeoMarketing is a subsidiary of GfK, one of the world’s largest and most renowned market research companies. Drawing on this international network of wide-ranging resources and expertise, GfK GeoMarketing promotes business success and “growth from knowledge”.

The GRI is a global club of senior real estate investors, developers and lenders. Its mission is to help its members build personal relationships and work together in creating rewarding opportunities. The GRI runs its activities through a collection of annual meetings focussed on different regions of the world since 1998. If building close relationships with the driving elite of the real estate industry at the most senior levels can be useful, we welcome you to join us.

The International Council of Shopping Centers is the global not-for-profit trade association for the shopping centre industry with over 60,000 members from more than 80 countries worldwide. Our members include Owners / Developers, Retailers, Investors, Architects, Shopping centre managers, Retail consultants and other real estate professionals.

IMMOFINANZ GROUP Wienerbergstraße 11, A-1100 Vienna, Austria Phone: +43 1 88 090 Email:

KLÉPIERRE 21 avenue Kléber, F-75116 Paris, France Phone: + 33 1 40 67 57 40 Fax: + 33 1 40 67 55 62

KUNDÖRFER CONSULTING GMBH Frankenweg 5, A-8051 Thal-Graz, Austria Phone: +43 316 / 581 822 Fax: +43 316 / 570 550 Email:

MAPIC The international market for retail real estate Phone: +33 1 79 71 90 00

MEC METRO-ECE CENTERMANAGEMENT GMBH & CO KG Am Albertussee 1 D-40549 Düsseldorf, Germany Phone: +49 211 30153-0 Fax: +49 211 30153-450 Email:

MESSE FRANKFURT Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1 D-60327 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Phone: +49 69 75 75 - 0 Email:

MFI mfi management für immobilien AG Bamlerstrasse 1, D-45141 Essen, Germany Phone: +49 201 820 810 Fax: +49 201 820 81 11 Email:

The IMMOFINANZ Group is one of the five largest listed property companies in Europe. The company comprises 1,678 standing investments with a carrying amount of approx. EUR 8.5 billion. The core business of IMMOFINANZ covers the acquisition and management of investment properties, the realisation of development projects and the sale of objects in the retail, office, logistics and residential segments. More:

A leading shopping center property company in Europe, Klépierre combines development, rental, property and asset management skills.Its portfolio is valued at 16.2 billion euros on June 30, 2013 and essentially comprises large shopping centers in 13 countries of Continental Europe.Klépierre holds a controlling stake in Steen & Strøm (56.1%), Scandinavia’s number one shopping center owner and manager. The largest shareholders are Simon Property Group (28.9%), world leader in the shopping center industry, and BNP Paribas (21.9%). Klépierre is a French REIT (SIIC) listed on Euronext ParisTM and is included into the SBF 80, EPRA Euro Zone and GPR 250 indexes.

Building upon years of international experience in retail and extensive location expertise for many CEE/SEE countries as well as Austria and Germany, Kundörfer Consulting advises its customers on all retail expansion and retail property questions. Targeting retailers and companies active in the real estate market, Kundörfer Consulting offers both solutions for strategic issues and their implementation.

MAPIC ( is the key meeting point for 2,400 retailers looking for partners, and 2,300 property developers and owners looking for retailers to enhance their sites. MAPIC delivers 3 days of tailored meetings, expert-led conferences and a premium exhibition for industry leaders targeting all types of retail property and brings together 8,400+ participants from 75 countries. The 21st edition will take place at the Palais des Festival of Cannes, France, from 18-20 November 2015.

MEC METRO-ECE Centermanagement GmbH & Co. KG is a joint venture company between the METRO GROUP and ECE. MEC is Germany’s leading center management company and has around €2.8 billion assets under management. It is responsible for the management – including operation, leasing, developing and marketing – of a total of 43 retail parks and hybrid malls in Germany. With approximately 870 tenants and an area of more than 1.3 million sqm, all centers generate a yearly turnover of approximately €2.9 billion. Around 150 employees work for MEC, whose company headquarters are in Düsseldorf.

Messe Frankfurt is one of the world’s leading trade fair organisers. 578,000 square metres of exhibition ground are currently home to ten exhibition halls and two adjacent congress centres. Events “made by Messe Frankfurt” take place at more than 30 locations around the globe and cover the fields of consumer goods & leisure, textiles & textile technologies, technology & production, mobility & infrastructure and entertainment, media & creation.

The mfi management fuer immobilien AG (mfi) was founded in 1987 and is the second largest German shopping centre company. Since 2012, mfi partners with Unibail-Rodamco (Paris), Europe’s largest listed real estate company. With the joint partnership mfi/Unibail-Rodamco pursue a structured growth of their portfolio and aim specifically at expanding their market presence in Germany. With over 500 employees in Germany mfi/Unibail-Rodamco covers the entire value chain from project development, planning and construction services up to long-term facility and asset management as well as portfolio construction. Additional services include refurbishment and project management. The Essen-based company currently operates on 26 shopping centers, with six ofthem in its own portfolio. In addition, mfi/ Unibail-Rodamco has three shopping centerprojects in development, namely in Osnabrueck, Recklinghausen and Moenchengladbach. These owned asset projects focus on creating a unique customer experience and innovative customer service measures. Overall, the mfi AG manages approximately 3,000 retail leases.

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MK ILLUMINATION Trientlgasse 70, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria Phone: +43 512 20 24 30 - 0 Fax: +43 512 20 24 33 Email:


France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain

Calle Francisca Delgado nº 11 5º Planta (Núcleo 2), 28108, Madrid Phone +34 91 490 22 00 Fax +34 91 490 23 01

PAYLIFE BANK GMBH Marxergasse 1B, A-1030 Vienna, Austria Phone +43 1 717 01 - 0 Fax: +43 1 717 01 - 3000

REDEVCO B.V. Wibautstraat 224 1097 DN Amsterdam, The Netherlands Phone: +31 20 599 6262 Fax: +31 20 599 6263 Email: Twitter: @Redevco

REINHARD WINIWARTER WINERY Obere Hauptstrasse 19, A-3552 Stratzing/Krems Business Adress: Rotenturmstrasse 17, A-1010 Vienna, Austria Phone: +43 1 533 32 60 Fax: +43 1 533 32 60 10 Email:

SES SPAR EUROPEAN SHOPPING CENTERS GMBH Söllheimer Strasse 4, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria Phone: +43 662 4471 0 Fax: +43 662 4471 7199 Email:

SMA STANDORT MARKETING AGENTUR GMBH Rotenturmstrasse 17, A-1010 Vienna, Austria Phone: +43 1 533 32 60 - 0 Fax: +43 1 533 32 60 - 10 Email:

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At MK Illumination we aspire to create exceptional conceptual festive lighting for our partners. Our commitment to design, innovation, technical excellence and sustainable solutions coupled with our local knowledge and a global outlook allows us to create tailored, specially handcrafted illumination to suit our client’s exact wishes and thus strengthen their brand and image. In keeping with its philosophy of being a regional company with a global reach, MK Illumination maintains independently run subsidiaries in 28 countries, allowing each business to benefit from local knowledge, customs and networking. The company provides a comprehensive service in three main areas: Retail Real Estate, Leisure and Public Spaces. We have a passion for enlightening your vision! For further information visit us at:

NEINVER is a leading international property company that focuses its business on property development, asset management and fund management. With more than 40 years of ex­ perience, NEINVER has reinforced its position in the European market by managing 15 outlet centres with a total of 311,600 sq m of GLA, under the FACTORY and The Style Outlets brands. NEINVER is now the second-largest operator of outlet centers in Europe (2012 ICSC ranking) and the company has being recognized by main inter­national brands as the second outlet manager to trust in (FOC Performance Report Europe 2013). NEINVER manages the IRUS European Retail Property Fund and nearly 500,000 sq m of retail space, 2,000 shops and 900 of the finest brands in Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Portugal and Poland.

PayLife is the market leader and number one choice for cashless payments in Austria. PayLife is synonymous with convenient, simple and secure card payments as well as customer focus and innovation. Whether credit- and prepaid card, POS Terminal, e-commerce or Quick, the Electronic Purse, PayLife offers individual and comprehensive products to meet all needs. With PayUnity, PayLife is the only provider for e-commerce and POS payments from one source. In 11 countries PayLife offers its customers total solutions for all branches. PayLife. Bringing life to your card.

Redevco is an independent, pan-European real estate investment management company specialised in retail property. The more than 500 assets under management are spread across the strongest retail concentrations in the UK, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland and Austria. At present we offer real estate solutions for more than 1,000 retailers.

We like authentic, pure, and simple things. This awareness flows into all our wines. In a world that is increasingly complex, we stand for an emphasis on fine, regional characteristics, as well as simple and concise product design.Grüner Veltliner is our most important variety and it is our main focus. Zweigelt and Chardonnay round out our portfolio.

SES – No. 1 in Austria and Slovenia – is specialized in developing, constructing and managing first-class retail real estate at an international level. The company provides complete service from development to center management in Central, Southern and Eastern Europe. Shopping malls managed by SES are among the very best the industry has to offer.

We specialize in fulfilling the marketing and communication needs of retail and commercial real estate. Our scope comprises pro­­j­ect development services as well as drafting and implementation of marketing and communi­cations for operational properties. Our goal is to turn retail locations into strong and appealing regional brands.

SONAE SIERRA Lugar do Espido,Via Norte 4471-909 Maia, Portugal Phone: +351 22 948 7522 Email:

TIAA HENDERSON REAL ESTATE 201 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3BN Phone: +44 20 3727 8000 Fax: +44 20 3727 8001 Email: All figures as at 31 September 2014.

TRIGRANIT MANAGEMENT CORPORATION Váci út 3. 1062 Budapest, Hungary Phone: +36 1 374 6516 Fax: +36 1 374 6571 Email:


Europa-Allee 22 D-60327 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Phone: +49 696 062 7181 Fax: +49 69 768 067 9181 Email:

UNION INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE GMBH Valentinskamp 70 / EMPORIO D-20355 Hamburg, Germany Phone: +49 40 34 919-0 Fax: +49 40 34 919-4191 Email:

ZUMTOBEL LICHT GMBH Donau-City-Strasse 1, A-1220 Wien, Austria Phone: +43 1 258 26 01 - 0 Fax: +43 1 258 26 01 - 982 845 Email:

Sonae Sierra is the international shopping centre specialist that is passionate about bringing innovation and excitement to the shopping industry. Our integrated approach to the shopping center business includes the ownership, development and management activities. This strategy allowed us to develop a recognized unique know-how which we use for our shopping centres, as well as third-parties projects and operating shopping centers.

TIAA Henderson Real Estate (TH Real Estate) is an established investment management company with specialisation in real estate equity and debt investing worldwide. As one of the largest real estate managers in the world, It has the scale, capital resources and knowledge to provide creative and effective real estate investment solutions for clients. With a focus on the retail, office, logistics, debt and multi-family housing sectors, Launched in April 2014, the company has a dedicated global presence with offices across Asia and Europe, managing c.€20bn of real estate assets across c.50 funds and mandates. Its alliance with TIAA-CREF in North America increases its global AUM to c.€63bn.

TriGranit Management Corporation (TGM) is a 20 year old real estate consultancy company that is offering a wide scope of services that range from asset management services, retail property management, retail leasing, marketing, commercialisation, commercial property management, facilities management, health leisure & hospitality to detailed financials, adapted to fit the individual needs of our clients. TGM presently operates a network of 8 Central and East European (CEE) offices and in recent months has expanded to its operations to encompass the Romanian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Armenian and Chinese markets, where it spearheads new and exciting ventures in the property sector. TGM operates in 14 different countries globally including the middle-east and China. The blend of a portfolio with almost 1 000 000 sq m of retail property under management and leasing, TGM has instructions on over €3 billion of assets in 29 current retail, office and leisure projects. TGM welcomes over 60 million visitors every year, supporting the success of more than 1,500 international tenants within the leasing portfolio.

ULI – the Urban Land Institute – is a non-profit research and education organisation supported by its members. Founded in Chicago in 1936, the institute now has over 30,000 members in 95 countries worldwide, representing the entire spectrum of land use and real estate development disciplines – private and public. In Europe, we have over 3,000 members supported by a regional office in London and a branch in Frankfurt for the German, Austrian and Suisse market. ULI brings together leaders with a common commitment to improving professional standards, seeking the best use of urban land and following excellent practices. ULI is a think tank, sharing knowledge through discussion forums, research and publications. By building and sustaining a diverse network of local experts, we are able to address the current and future challenges facing Europe’s cities.

Union Investment is a leading international investment company specializing in open-ended real estate funds for private and institutional investors. Union Investment has assets under management of some €23 billion in fourteen real estate funds. Active in the property invest­ment business for 48 years, Union Investment operates today in 23 countries around the world. In addition to office space and business parks, the Hamburg-based company is investing in business hotels, logistics properties and shopping centers. Union Investment entered the retail sector at an early stage, allowing the company to secure a strategic position in this growing area. The result is a high-quality portfolio presently comprising 37 shopping centers in Germany, Austria, Sweden, Belgium, France, Poland, Italy, Spain and Turkey, with a current market value of some €6 billion.

Zumtobel, a company of the Zumtobel Group, is an internationally leading supplier of integral lighting solutions for professional indoor and outdoor building lighting applications. For more than 50 years, Zumtobel has been developing innovative, custom lighting solutions that meet extremely exacting requirements in terms of ergonomics, economic efficiency and environmental compatibility and also deliver aesthetic added value.

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