april 2009 volume 38 number 8
acsaNews publication of the association of collegiate schools of architecture
ACSA Announces 2008-09 Architectural Education Awards Discover the winners on page 6
in this issue: 2
President’s Message
NAAB Board of Directors Elections
Editorial and Opinions
Journal of Architectural Education Call for Submissions
2008-09 ACSA Award Winners
2009 ACSA Development Forum
2008-09 Student Design Competitions
2009 ACSA/NCAA Administrators Conference
2009 ACSA Southwest Fall Conference
98th ACSA Annual Meeting—New Orleans
2008-09 ACSA Faculty Design Winner “Tram Stations” by Martin Despang, University of Nebraska
from the president
Regarding research and wpeer recognition by marleen kay davis
sonally: not finding a job is not a reflection of one’s abilities. With significantly fewer jobs to find, graduating students will be competing with an even larger pool of recently laid-off experienced workers. It will be difficult, and the jobs that do exist may be less-than-ideal. This as a temporary set back, beyond the control of the student.
Pascale Vonier, Editor Editorial Offices 1735 New York Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20006, USA Tel: 202/785 2324; fax: 202/628 0448 Website: www.acsa-arch.org ACSA Board of Directors, 2008–2009 Marleen Kay Davis, FAIA, President Thomas Fisher, Vice President Kim Tanzer, AIA, Past President Mitra Kanaani, AIA, D.Arch, Secretary Graham Livesey, Treasurer Patricia Kucker, East Central Director Brian Kelly, AIA, Northeast Director Andrew D. Chin, Southeast Director Ursula Emery McClure, AIA, LEED AP, Southwest Director Stephen Meder, West Director Keelan Kaiser, AIA, West Central Director George Baird, FRAIC, AIA, Canadian Director Deana Moore, Student Director Michael J. Monti, PhD, Executive Director ACSA Mission Statement To advance architectural education through support of member schools, their faculty, and students. This support involves: • Serving by encouraging dialogue among the diverse areas of discipline; • Facilitating teaching, research, scholarly and creative works, through intra/interdisciplinary activity; • Articulating the critical issues forming the context of architectural education • Fostering public awareness of architectural education and issues of importance This advancement shall be implemented through five primary means: advocacy, annual program activities, liaison with collateral organizations, dissemination of information and response to the needs of member schools in order to enhance the quality of life in a global society. The ACSA News is published monthly during the academic year, September through May. Back issues are available for $9.95 per copy. Current issues are distributed without charge to ACSA members. News items and advertisements should be submitted via fax, email, or mail. The submission deadline is six weeks prior to publication. Submission of images is requested. The fee for classified advertising is $16/line (42-48 characters/line.) Display ads may be purchased; full-page advertisements are available for $1,090 and smaller ads are also available. Please contact ACSA more information. Send inquires and submission via email to: news@acsa-arch.org; by mail to Editor at: ACSA News,1735 New York Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20006; or via fax to 202/628 0448. For membership or publications information call ACSA at: 202/785 2324. ISSN 0149-2446
As a profession, architecture is tied to the economy. The last 15 years have been good to the profession in the United States: firms have expanded, recent graduates feel welcomed into practice with challenging roles, and salaries have risen, as has the perceived value of an architect. Today, we are now in a “great recession.“ Our schools are facing serious budget cuts for next year, while our graduates are facing uncertain career prospects in an unstable economy. This isn’t yet the great depression nor is it as fleeting as the dot com bubble. No one is sure how long or how deep this recession will be: all of this is unpredictable. What do we as architectural educators say to this generation of graduating students? In January, this issue came up at an NCARB Board meeting involving the current Presidents of AIA, AIAS, NAAB, and ACSA. Here at the University of Tennessee, I recently moderated a panel discussion for our own graduating architecture students. From both a national perspective and from working with my own students, I thought I might share some concrete ideas. First, we should emphasize that no one who is unemployed should take this per-
A student question revealed the innate demoralization a student tends to feel, “If I can’t get a job this year, why would anyone want to hire me in 3 years?” I assured the student that employers did not think this way, and that when the economy improves, employers will value our students and what they can offer. Students who cannot find a job should not take this personally and should not permanently leave the profession. The economic problems shall pass, and future opportunities lie ahead. Students should make the best of a short-term economic recession by retaining their long-term commitment to the profession. Secondly, I advised students to “Develop a Plan B.” Rather than being frustrated by the inability to find a job, they can use this interlude in creative ways. Many options exist for a “Plan B”. Most of us in universities expect a dramatic increase in post-professional graduate program applications. However, full-time graduate school is only one of many viable Plan B options. Graduating students are now eligible to take some parts of the NCARB Architect Registration Exam. There is no better time to take the structures components than immediately after graduation, when the recent coursework is the most fresh. In fact, I predict that the number of exam takers will increase significantly, as previously over-worked interns will now have the time to schedule the exams.
new acsa board members
I also encouraged all graduates to enroll with NCARB, whether or not they were employed. This way, they will be part of a national network, receiving up-to-date information. While many architectural firms are not hiring, there may be opportunities in related areas, such as business development, public policy, real estate, construction, or engineering. I ended up starting my career with a structural engineering office. Interestingly, it was a great introduction to the profession since we worked on so many different building types with different firms and different philosophies. Even if students find employment outside of normative architectural firms, they can use their newly found free time to enhance their understanding of the profession and their skills. Community college courses can be small, high-quality ways to build up business knowledge or languages. Expanding software skills, especially in building information modeling, would be a constructive use of time, either in classes or self-guided tutorials. Architecture competitions are a natural outlet for talented graduates to continue to develop intellectually: I reminded students that many of the ACSA Competitions have an “Open” category that can be broadly interpreted for school design work from the last 1-2 years. As funding for built projects becomes suspended, we might see an increase in design competitions for ideas or hypothetical work: such opportunities can be ideal for recent graduates as a way to feel connected with the profession.
Finally, all sorts of volunteer projects and organizations could benefit from our students’ energy and expertise. As an outcome of a research and design project for a school, and because of the slow economy, one of my former students has applied to “Teach for America.” Another student has three buildings that are now under construction in Africa as part of a church mission.
President Daniel S. Friedman University of Washington
This is an idealistic generation: I hope we can capture that idealism in the short term, so that this generation of graduating students will stay committed to making contributions in the long term. If our graduating students need to develop a viable and creative “Plan B”, the same can be said for our schools, which are facing increasingly grim futures in this great recession. This is a deeper challenge, and we will need to preserve design education in the face of significant educational cut-backs. (“Budget correction” was the latest euphemism I heard.) Architects will need to protect core strengths in studio-based learning and design thinking, while imagining creative solutions for providing student opportunities, streamlining curriculum, leveraging expertise, insuring faculty development, outsourcing course components, forming creative partnerships, generating income and cutting costs.
Treasurer Nathaniel Belcher Florida International University
Public Director Judith Welch Wegner University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Southeast Director Phoebe Crisman University of Virginia
West Central Director Gregory Palermo Iowa State University
Canadian Director Michael Jemtrud McGill University
Student Director Brett Roeth AIAS Vice President
As a professional organization, ACSA can help its member schools and faculty by a sharing of ideas and best practices.
All new ACSA board members will officially take office in July 2009.
Seeking LEED accreditation is another way that recent graduates can stay connected to the profession and build up their professional expertise.
ACSANEWS april 2009
acsa elections
ACSANEWS April 2009
editorial and opinion
the context of architecture and acsa mitra kanaani
theless, I was not able to hide the fact that I was psychologically affected by the space, as well as the debates over the possibilities, shortcomings and the outpouring of views related to the current direction of architecture education.
I have been involved with ACSA for over a decade, but it is through my current appointment on the board of directors that I have developed a different perspective on the vital role this organization plays in influencing architectural education in North America and beyond. It is refreshing to see that, through strong leadership and a structured internal management, ACSA has now more than ever assumed greater stature, dignity, and credibility. For the past six months I have had the privilege of serving on our ACSA Board of Directors. As someone who is particularly concerned about the larger purpose, as well as challenges of architectural education, this is an invaluable opportunity to make contributions while gaining personal enrichment.
Subsequent to last November’s Administrators Conference in Savannah, ACSA held its board meetings. The two and a half days were filled with discussions and debates, each of them critically relevant to the status of architectural education and to the priorities of the profession. Spending long hours in the hotel’s Harbor View room, overlooking the Savannah harbor, my colleagues and I shared ideas, aspirations, satisfactions, and frustrations. Occasionally, I found myself chasing my wandering mind due to the spatial effects of the meeting room’s transparent enclosure and the spectacular panoramic view of the blurred Savannah horizon. The experience offered insight into what we teach to our students about processing visual sensations into perception of the world around us. It also reminded me of Peter Eisenman remarks on spatial influence: “Architecture can provide affect—a form of articulation that appeals to both the somatic and the articulate: to the body, the mind, and the eye at the same time. This is something that other media do not do.”1 None-
A review of the current status of ACSA compared to a decade ago reveals a high level of effectiveness and instrumentality in developing stronger ties of fellowship and solidarity amongst the member schools. Obviously, unity of thought is unfulfilled if it is not translated into unity of action. Acting in unison does not mean that we all should do the same thing. On the contrary, when an organization devises a plan of unified action, it is the most opportune time for the diverse talents of every member to be used and implemented to the fullest. The power of collective thoughts, decisions and actions and their effect on the future of our member schools should not be underestimated. As we proceed toward our centennial celebration, we will honor and cherish this spirit and celebrate and enhance our diversity, as it is a natural part of the humanity. The role and mission of ACSA in architectural education, and its relationship with member schools once again reminds me of Eisenman and the way he compares “design” and “architecture.” In his article, “Zones of Undecidability: Destabilizing Tropes,” he quotes architect Harry Cobb: “There is a difference between design and architecture. Design is about giving satisfaction, and architecture is about subversion.” Eisenman goes on to say, ”however, the difference between satisfaction and subversion may
not be as great as it initially seems, for subversion is also a form of satisfaction.”2 In my mind, there is a degree of similarity between this analogy and the relationship of ACSA with its member schools, which in this case the individual schools are design, and ACSA is architecture. According to Eisenman, in the context of architecture, the possibility of subversion of our preconceived ideas with respect to the reality of time and place is an anticipated factor, and the idea of subversion in a political sense is an inherent part of its context. However, in the context of architectural education there are various possibilities that seem to be repressed by the existing climate and the unique conditions of the individual institutions. Accordingly, the position of ACSA is not and should not always be about giving immediate satisfaction, and in many cases is about subversion for gaining future satisfaction. With respect to one of the current matters of architectural education, any requirement for resolving the unmet issue of internship, and schools’ collaboration with the profession in preparing more competent and skilled graduates might be considered subversion by certain institutions; however in the long run it will be a cause for satisfaction to both the institutions and the profession. Certain architectural institutions in the US and other parts of the world, by implementing various methodologies have successfully arrived at meaningful collaborations. There are various models around the globe to study and learn from. The world’s social context is evolving at a very fast pace and along with that the profession of architecture. Architects and architecture educators play a major role in the process of this evolution and the future of architecture. The impact of our decisions and actions might be felt and seen in our own lifetime. Throughout the years, ACSA has developed and maintained a broad mission in supporting its member schools. Member schools should not underestimate the vital role of the ACSA in sup-
Emerging Asia: Visions, Tensions and Transformations
ACSANEWS april 2009
journal of architectural education
journal of architectural education call for submissions
ACSA has also begun addressing the following mission in selected areas: • Articulating the critical issues forming the context of architecture education, by surfacing critical issues such as: Diversity, Environmental degradation, women in academia, and their subtle and somehow undetectable discriminatory status in some of the male dominated faculty environments. However, ACSA still has major steps to take toward fostering public awareness of architectural education and its own mission. Many local AIA chapters are still unaware of ACSA’s existence. ACSA’s Centennial celebration is an opportunity to elevate public awareness about architecture education, its values and contributions to the society, as well as the role and mission of ACSA. As societies are increasingly being pressured to shift their norms toward more collaborative social processes, the paradigm of architecture profession is inevitably finding itself facing the same challenges. Architecture education is consequently not exempt from these pressures. However, the bright aspect of this circumstance is the opportunity that is provided to clarify, more than ever, the benefits of architecture to the public. Let’s not underestimate this opportunity.
Blurred Zones: Investigations of the Interstitial: Eisenman Architects 1988-1998, Monacelli; illustrated edition edition (June 2, 2003), 6 2 Ibid, 286
Theme Editors: Marco Cenzatti, Harvard University (cenzatti@gsd.harvard.edu) Lisa Findley,California College of the Arts (handmark@mindspring.com) Abidin Kusno, University of British Columbia (akusno@interchange.ubc.ca)
The recent outpouring of various and extraordinary design practices in Asia has driven home the point that the architecture of Asia today is inconceivable without an account of its historical and theoretical positions. The recent spectacular performances of architecture for the Summer Olympic Games in Beijing 2008 represent just one among several attempts of countries in Asia to register their presence on the world stage today. As architecture increasingly lays claim on Asia’s imagination and creativity, it has also played an indispensible role in defining the Asian experiences and discourses of modernity, nationalism and globalization. These undertakings, however also raise critical concerns about the actual and potential impacts of architecture and urban design on social, political and environmental change. The goal of this special issue is to explore theories, histories, pedagogies and practices that have emerged from the rapidly changing realities of architectural representation in Asia today. Thematically, the special issue has its trio focus: 1. Exploring the production, reception and strategies of architecture and urban design as they are crystallized in the particular context of rapid and traumatic urbanization. 2. Examine the role of transnational design ideologies and practices which involved Western collaborators (architects and architectural schools and professional associations) in the production and representation of architecture in Asia. 3. Examining architecture as the material site for the formation of political identities and public memories within the historical context of Asian situation. This issue invites both rich empirical materials and new theoretical frameworks to gain a critical understanding of the design methods, the transnational institutional frameworks and socio-cultural and historical conditions in which architecture in Asia is produced, received and perceived.How have the designed environments (as the sites of Asian modernity, of political ideas and practices, of the exchanges of neoliberal capital and desire), given shape to national, transnational and regional identity formations? How have they addressed issues of urbanization and the displacement of the rural? How have they contributed to the formation of professional identities and new political subjectivities; the invention of neo-tradition and heritage, and the establishment of the disciplinary state? What roles are played by discourses of architecture and national branding in the region, and what is new and different about them in Asia? What theoretical, cultural or political shift does this imply? Lastly, what do the current waves of “Asian architecture” mean for people and various social groups in the region today? At the center of this thematic issue lies the need to expand the theoretical and historical contexts of architecture to study critically the new knowledge and perceptions of Asia. The editors invite text-based (Scholarship of Design) and Design-based (Design as Scholarship) for inquiries into the rapidly changing realities (and thus our understandings) of Asia today. We particularly encourage submission dealing with the region of Southeast Asia.
All submissions must be received Monday, August 17, 2009, 5pm US Eastern Time Zone. Premiated design and text-based submissions will be published in Volume 63, Number 2, in the March 2010 issue of the JAE. Please consult the JAE website for submission guidelines and other useful information at (www.jaeonline.org) or visit (faculty.arch.utah.edu/jae).
porting their institutional goals and objectives. In recent years, ACSA has been making strides on two of its Mission Statement: • Encouraging dialogue among the diverse areas of discipline, • Facilitating teaching, research, and scholarly and creative work through interdisciplinary activities. Thus, assisting the enrichment of architecture education in our society.
ACSANEWS April 2009
Association of Collegiate Schools
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
University of Oregon
ACSA/AIA Topaz Medallion
ACSA Distinguished Professor Awards
Adèle Naudé Santos, FAIA
Howard Davis
Rafael Longoria
University of Houston
Judith Sheine
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
ACSA Faculty Design Awards
ACSA Collaborative Practice Awards
Kiel Moe, Northeastern University Project: TUBEHOUSE
Grace E. La & James Dallman, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee/La Dallman Architects Project: Ravine House - Wisconsin USA
Ted Shelton, University of Tennessee
Laura Garofalo & David Hill, University at Buffalo &
Peter Schneider, Michael Hughes, Willem Van Vliet, & Bruce Wrightsman, University of Colorado
North Carolina State University Project: Threading Water
Martin Despang, University of Nebraska Project: Tram Stations
Inge Roecker, University of British Columbia Project: Lu’s Social Enterprise Pharmacy and Heath Center Project: SEED: Designing for Tennessee’s State Parks
Project: Design Outreach: The Trailer Wrap Project
Craig L. Wilkins, University of Michigan Project: Studio: Detroit HS
2009-2010 ACSA Awards Program Call for Nominations & Submissions New Online submissions
ACSA Creative Achievement Awards
Ryan E. Smith
University of Utah
Robert Miller
Clemson Architecture Center in Charelston
Mitchell Squire
ACSA/AIA Housing Design Education Awards
ACSANEWS april 2009
of Architecture Award Recipients
Tricia Stuth
University of Tennessee
Stephen Luoni, Aaron Gabriel, Katie Breshears, & Cade Jacobs
University of Arkansas, Community Design Center
Iowa State University
University of Kentucky
Phoebe Crisman, University of Virginia
Karen Lewis
Journal of Architectural Education Best Articles JAE Best Design as Scholarship Article
Thomas J. Morton
“Working on the Elizabeth River”
Stephen J. Phillips
Kiel Moe, Northeastern University
Arizona State University California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
JAE Best Scholarship of Design Article
“Extraordinary Performances at the Salk Insitute for Biological Studies”
Each year the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture honors architectural educators for exemplary work in areas such as building design, community collaborations, scholarship, and service. The award-winning professors inspire and challenge students, contribute to the profession’s knowledge base, and extend their work beyond the borders of academia into practice and the public sector. New online submissions will begin in Summer 2009. Please visit the ACSA website for more information. www.acsa-arch.org/awards
ACSA/AIAS New Faculty Teaching Awards
ACSANEWS April 2009
student design competitions
thinking for a sustainable world
international student design competition
This fourth annual Concrete Thinking For A Sustainable World competition offers two separate entry categories, each without site restrictions, for maximum flexibility. Category I TransiT Hub Design an environmentally responsible Public Transportation Center focusing on architectural innovations to preserve tomorrow’s resources. Category II building ElEmEnT Design a single element of a building that provides a sustainable solution to real-world environmental challenges.
Show your solutions on up to two 20” x 30” digital submission boards and a design essay uploaded through the ACSA website in Portable Document Format (PDF) or Image (JPEG) Files - www.acsa-arch.org/competitions.
Winning students, their faculty sponsors, and schools will receive prizes totaling nearly $50,000.
Call for Entries
registration begins registration deadline submission deadline results
dec 05 2008 Feb 09 2009 Jun 03 2009 Jun 2009
learn more
Program updates, including information on jury members, as they are confirmed, may be found on the ACSA website at www.acsa-arch.org/competitions.
Sponsored by the Portland Cement Association (PCA) & the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA) and administered by Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA).
For complete information go to www.acsa-arch.org/competitions.
Re-thinking Kahn’s Salk Institute, 2008-09 International Student Design Competition
Preservation as Provocation
INTRODUCTION Jonas Salk commissioned the renowned Philadelphia architect Louis I Kahn to design his new Institute for Biological Studies in 1959. Together they collaborated and designed a facility uniquely suited to scientific research. This competition invites architecture students to imagine the next chapter in the life of one of America’s architectural treasures, which was designated a Historic Landmark in 1991. This challenge asks designers how the preservation of these extraordinary buildings can provoke a profound rethinking of our current conventions about composition, construction, and building performance. The aim is to envision a new type of facility that would be unimaginable without the existing structures.
ACSANEWS april 2009
student design competitions
THE CHALLENGE The Salk Institute has been a highly successful research facility, but the changing landscape of science requires an evolution of the campus; along with respect of the architectural and historic integrity of the site. According to the Salk Institute’s Master Plan, “Our successful recruitment efforts are dependent on having state-of-the-art research facilities and equipment, as well as ancillary support systems that allows our scientists to focus on their work.” Embrace the design scheme and intent of the original master plan. SCHEDULE
December 05, 2008
Registration Begins, online
February 09, 2009 June 17, 2009 June 2009 Summer 2009
Registrations Deadline Submission Deadline Prize winners chosen by the design jury Competition Summary Publication
(registration is free)
Winning students and their faculty sponsors will receive cash prizes totaling $10,000. The design jury will meet in June 2009 to select winning projects and honorable mentions. Winners and their faculty sponsors will be notified of the competition results directly. A list of winning projects will be posted on the ACSA web site at www.acsa arch.org/competitions.
Download the competition program booklet at www.acsa-arch.org/competitions.
Program updates, including information on jury members as they are confirmed, can be found on the ACSA web site at www.acsa arch.org/competitions.s.
ACSANEWS April 2009
student design competitions
2008-2009 acsa/aisc
Life Cycle of a School STEEL design student competition
INTRODUCTION The Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) is pleased to announce the ninth annual steel design student competition for the 2008-2009 academic year. Administered by ACSA and sponsored by American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), the program is intended to challenge students, working individually or in teams, to explore a variety of design issues related to the use of steel in design and construction. THE CHALLENGE The ACSA/AISC 2008-2009 Steel Design Student Competition will offer architecture students the opportunity to compete in two separate categories: Category I – LIFE CYCLE OF A SCHOOL will challenge architecture students to design a school for the 21st century that critically examines life cycle and proposes an innovative solution in steel. The problem of urban growth and decay is larger than an individual building. Therefore, architects should consider a total life cycle assessment approach to designing buildings so that they may be adaptable, flexible, and accommodate change. This project will allow students to explore many varied functional and aesthetic uses for steel as a building material. Steel is an ideal material for schools because it offers a high strength to weight ratio and can be designed systematically as a kit of parts, or prefabricated, to allow for quicker construction times and less labor, thus reducing the cost of construction. Schools constructed in steel are more flexible and adaptable to allow for diversity of uses over the life of the facility. Category II – OPEN with limited restrictions. This open submission design option will permit the greatest amount of flexibility. SCHEDULE December 5, 2008 February 9, 2009 May 6, 2009 May 2009 Summer 2009
Registration Opens online (registration is free) Registration Deadline Submission Deadline Prize winners chosen by the design jury Competition Summary Publication
Awards Winning students and their faculty sponsors will receive cash prizes totaling $14,000. The design jury will meet in May 2009 to select winning projects and honorable mentions. Winners and their faculty sponsors will be notified of the competition results directly. A list of winning projects will be posted on the ACSA web site at acsa-arch.org and the AISC web site at aisc.org. SPONSOR American Insitute of Steel Construction (AISC), headquartered in Chicago, is a non-profit technical institute and trade association established in 1921 to serve the structural steel design community and construction industry in the United States. AISC’s mission is to make structural steel the material of choice by being the leader in structural-steel-related technical and marketbuilding activities, including: specification and code development, research, education, technical assistance, quality certification, standardization, and market development. AISC has a long tradition of more than 80 years of service to the steel construction industry providing timely and reliable information.
For complete information go to www.acsa-arch.org/competitions.
ACSANEWS april 2009
student design competitions
How can we plan, design, and construct the world between our buildings INTRODUCTION The 2008-2009 GREEN COMMUNITY Competition is oriented to challenge students to rethink their communities. From major cities to college campuses, designers, planners, policy makers, and citizens are rethinking their own towns and cities’ relationship to the environment, from where the energy originates, to where the waste ends up. The GREEN COMMUNITY Competition will expand on themes from the National Building Museum’s sustainable exhibits Green Community (2008-2009), Big and Green (2003), and The Green House (2006–2007). The GREEN COMMUNITY Competition will focus entirely on the issues of sustainable development—how can individuals plan, design, and construct the world between the buildings. The GREEN COMMUNITY Competition will encourage students to consider environmental sustainability dependant upon collective, community-scale efforts. The competition will also examine ways of reducing the impact of our built environments on the Earth. The competition will explore sustainable planning strategies such as brownfield/grayfield redevelopment, transit-oriented communities, natural resource management, and land conservation. THE CHALLENGE The GREEN COMMUNITY Competition offers students the opportunity to think critically about their communities, looking ahead to a sustainable future. Locate a site in your local community or region, identify the barriers and strengths to living sustainably, and develop a proposal to create a flourishing and sustainable community using the tools of the environmental design disciplines: architecture, landscape architecture, and urban planning. December 5, 2008 Registration opens online (registration is free) February 9, 2009 Registration Deadline May 20, 2009 Submission Deadline June 2009 Prize winners chosen by the design jury Summer 2009 Competition Summary Publication Awards Winning students, their faculty sponsors, and schools will receive cash prizes totaling $7,000. The design jury will meet June 2009 to select winning projects and honorable mentions. Winners and their faculty sponsors will be notified of the competition results directly. A list of winning projects will be posted on the ACSA website (www.acsa-arch.org/ competitions). Competition finalists will present their concepts at the National Building Museum with travel costs covered by the competition sponsors. Prize winning submissions will be exhibited at the National Building Museum, highlighted in Architectural Record, displayed at the 2010 ACSA Annual Meeting and at the 2010 AIA National Convention, and will be published in the competition summary publication.
COMPETITION ORGANIZERS The Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) is a nonprofit organization founded in 1912 to enhance the quality of architectural education. ACSA is committed to the principles of universal and sustainable design. The National Building Museum is America’s leading cultural institution dedicated to exploring and celebrating architecture, design, engineering, construction, and planning. Essential to the profession for more than 110 years, Architectural Record provides a compelling editorial mix of design ideas and trends, building science, business and professional strategies, exploration of key issues, news products and computer-aided practice.
For complete information go to www.acsa-arch.org/competitions.
COMPETITION SPONSORS Since 1857, the American Institute of Architects (AIA) has represented the professional interests of America’s architects. As AIA members, over 74,000 licensed architects, emerging professionals, and allied partners express their commitment to excellence in design and livability in our nation’s buildings and communities. Ehrenkrantz Eckstut & Kuhn Architects (EE&K Architects) is an internationally-renowned firm that has distinguished itself by creating great places. McGraw-Hill Construction connects people, projects and products across the design and construction industry. From project and product information to industry news, trends and forecasts, we provide industry players the tools and resources that help them save time, money, and energy.
ACSANEWS April 2009 12
2009 Architecture Schools Advancement/Development Forum 2009 Development Directors Forum April 29, 2009 | AIA National Convention | San Fransisco, California | Moscone Center Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture | American Institute of Architects 2009 Architecture Schools Advancement/Development Forum This forum will feature panel discussions and roundtables on issues facing university development officers. Objective of the Forum is to examine core fund-raising strategies; exchange ideas of best practices; evaluate particular challenges of architecture programs; and to develop new approaches to fundraising and development opportunities. The Forum will be a wonderful opportunity to network with your peers. Bring questions and ideas to share with your development colleagues.
The Forum will take place durring the American Institute of Architects (AIA) 2009 National Convention held in San Fransisco, CA. It will be held on Wednesday, April 29, 2009 from 8:30 am - 5:00 pm. Registration for the Forum will include the all the days activities, breakfast, lunch, and reception.
Dates AIA National Convention Development Directors Forum
April 30 - May 2, 2009 Wednesday, April 29, 2009 8:30am - 5:00pm
Registration for the 2009 Development Directors Forum will open February 3, 2009
ACSANEWS april 2009
November 4-7, 2009 St. Louis, Missouri 13
2009 ACSA/NCAA Administrators Conference
ART+ARCHITECTURE Establishing new directions for creative leadership, education and practice The first joint conference for the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) and the National Council of Art Administrators (NCAA)
Co-chairs hotel
Washington University in St. Louis
Peter MacKeith + Carmon Colangelo Chase park Plaza Hotel 212 N. kingshighway Blvd. St. Louis, Missouri 63108 Rate $165
The first joint Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture and National Council of Art Administrators (ACSA/NCAA) administrators’ conference, Economies: Art + Architecture, is being planned for expansive and inclusive interpretation – promoting rich dialogue between both groups of leaders about current issues in the fields of art, architecture, and design education. This timely theme will serve as a catalyst in the discussion of broad areas such as efficiency, ecology, sustainability, technology, entrepeneurship, ethics, public art, urbanism, the new economy, and the market. acsaNATIONAL
Host School
Host School: Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts Washington University in St. Louis
ACSANEWS April 2009 14
2009 ACSA Southwest Fall Conference Chang[e]ing Identities; Design, Culture + Technology October 15-17, 2009 | Albuquerque, New Mexico | Host School: University of New Mexico & University of Texas Arlington Co-chairs: Tim Castillo, Phillip Gallegos, Kristina H. Yu, University of New Mexico | Brad Bell, Wanda Dye, Kathryn Holliday, University of Texas at Arlington
Conference Theme Understanding the value of “place” and cultural specificity bring a unique design, technical, and economic responses that challenges traditional canons of practice and pedagogy.
Within the context of practice and pedagogy of design, the conference title Shifting Design Identity will seek to address international and regional southwest responses to key questions:
The contemporary world is undergoing a major shift in cultural process, global culture is a ubiquitous condition that is a product of media and emerging networks defined by new technologies. As designers we are asked to respond and shape the future utilizing new tools to create designs that will respond to fluid transformation of built environment.
• Design Identity: Design roles are in a tumultuous world of collaboration, competition, and collegiality with many disciplines. A principal question to explore is the definition of “design” and “role” where professions have lost much of their force for change to global pressures in the Southwest. • Economic: The global economy is shifting its priorities to address depleting resources and environmental conditions. Designers today are faced with emerging challenges to develop new models for practice and pedagogy that address the needs of our global environment. • Cultural: The Southwest, in particular, and the North American-Latin-Indigenous community, in general, characterize a region of parallel worldviews, cultures, history, contemporary agendas, and contradictions. Can the inconstancy of land, cultural territories, and technologies form meaningful relationships thru design? • Technologies: Given that design is not stable by nature, cans the range of realities: virtual to the real, and the tools that help create it, reconcile shifting sense of space and place?
As we begin to understand the future of design as a convergence of disciplines, culture and technology, a new paradigm for creating space can emerge. As schools of design begin to recalibrate, the profession continues to explore the interdisciplinary collaboration as a means of execution. Shifting design identity intends to explore this new paradigm influenced by culture, context, sustainability and technology while exploring these transformations occurring in pedagogy and practice in the global environment.
Schedule Thursday October 15, 2009 Keynote Speaker: UNM Sponsored Opening Reception Friday, October 16, 2009 Culture and Inhabiting the Everyday Landscape 8:30 – 10:00 Session 1: Kristina Yu, UNM 10:30 – 12:00 Session 2: Wanda Dye, UTA Lunch Emerging Technologies 1:30 – 3:00 Session 3: Tim Castillo, UNM 3:30 – 5:00 Session 4: Bradley Bell, UTA Keynote Speaker: UTA Sponsored Saturday, October 17, 2009 Community Engagement 8:30- 10:00 Session 5: Kathryn Holliday, UTA 10:30- 12:00 Session 6: Phillip Gallegos, UNM Lunch Afternoon Tours: Los Alamos & Acoma
Call for Abstract Papers/Abstract Projects Culture and Inhabiting the Everyday Landscape Our daily experiences – working, shopping, driving, living in our homes -- are made up of encounters with ubiquitous, non-specific design. “One size fits all” structures and spaces are the status quo in our progressively complex, globalized world. We find ourselves drawn into an unavoidable relationship with the built environment. Paul Groth writes: “Landscape denotes the interaction of people and place, a social group and its spaces, particularly to the space the group belongs and from which its members derive some part of their identity and meaning.” (p.1, Understanding Ordinary Landscapes) The identities of inhabitants are impacted by these spaces and slowly, everyday activities in everyday landscapes can accumulate gradually into cultural space.
Emerging Technologies The evolution and application of digital technology has reconfigured the design profession. As new technologies continue to emerge, integration and exploration have redefined the way think about the architectural design process. Designers are now presented with a broad spectrum of cross-disciplinary opportunities to enhance and expand current design methodologies. As these new innovative strategies continue to emerge, avenues for social and cultural application are providing a dynamic new direction for how we practice and teach design.
Community Engagement Architecture in the modern era is engaged in critical thinking about complex societal systems. A tremendous pressure for change challenges historical myths about the design professions. From the utopianism of the modernist movement to the hands-on engagement of the deign-build ethos, architects have developed multiple strategies for creating an architecture that serves a broad sense of external community. Architecture and design education has come under increasing pressure to consider multiple layers of disciplines, technologies, and cultural systems across regions, countries and peoples.
Submission Deadlines Abstracts Due: May, 4, 2009 | Accepted/Decline Response: June 1, 2009 Final Papers Due: September 15, 2009
ACSANEWS april 2009 15
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ACSANEWS April 2009
9 8 th aCSA Annual Meeting
For Papers
Submissions Due: September 30, 2009 The following call for submissions is the result of the first stage of a two-stage, refereed process. Full topic descriptions are available at:
New Orleans | March 4-7, 2010 16
Bridging the Gap Between Qualities and Quantities in Design Practice
Host School Tulane University
Franca Trubiano, Georgia Institute of Technology
Bruce Goodwin, Tulane University Judith Kinnard, Tulane University
What is the role of the building in architectural discourse today? As schools engage in cross-disciplinary dialogues that are essential to the expanded field of architectural practice, does the art and craft of building design remain central to our curricula? Sophisticated technologies now allow us to preview the appearance and predict the performance of proposed buildings. Our traditional conception of design is challenged as decision-making can be automated and building parts can be cut, routed or printed to exact tolerances. Yet the ecological, economic and cultural contingencies that surround each project are increasingly complex. Recent events have exposed the fragility of buildings as objects in the face of natural and man-made forces and the critical role of infrastructure has been made increasingly apparent.
The 2010 ACSA Annual Meeting will engage multiple themes associated with the changing art of building both as artifact and as process in architecture and related disciplines. The theme encourages debate on how we might balance traditional definitions of aesthetics, urbanism, preservation and construction with innovative practices that shatter the boundaries of architectural thinking. These debates will be informed by the city of New Orleans. More than 3 years after Hurricane Katrina the process and results of the re-building efforts at work in this most vibrant and unique of American cities will be an important point of reference and topic for discussion.
Despite conditions of need and crisis, many false and unproductive characterizations continue to shape the teaching of design in schools of architecture. Most evident is the divide that separates qualitative and quantitative descriptions, and measurements of space and matter. This session encourages the presentation and discussion of architectural projects, student or otherwise, theoretical or built, conceived and executed using analytical processes predicated on the evaluation of specified data-scapes. The adoption of verifiable processes, whether in service to structural design, environmental sustainability, energy measurements or systems management, can contribute to the definition of a building’s performance and as such begin to bridge the present divide. Papers are sought which make evident the use of analytical processes in the reconceptualization of architectural design.
Constructs and Concepts: Building in the Design Studio
Scott Murray, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
In recent decades, architectural practice has traditionally been marked by a pervasive and perhaps necessary, though one might say unnatural, separation of the process of design from the act of building. This divergence is codified in the terminology of practice: the transition from the design development phase to construction documents technically marks a clean break at the end of a project’s design and the beginning of its construction. The rise of construction management, as a profession outside of architecture, has further entrenched the architect’s disassociation with building. These distinctions are perhaps just as evident in architecture schools, where design studios do not typically address the issues and challenges arising from construction, ideas more often tackled in technology courses which may or may not be related to studio work. This session invites papers and projects that explore diverse strategies for integrating the physical act of making into a broader definition of design.
Alexandder Ortenberg and Axel Schmitzberger, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
The term “detail” itself has undergone many changes in meaning and identity and is in need of special attention. Architecture schools do not teach how to develop building details—even though the majority of offices will charge entry level employees with precisely this type of architectural production. We seem to agree that once young architects have acquired problem solving skills they will be able to master the specifics of detail on their own. This question, however, has not been adequately discussed as a theoretical subject. The proposed session attempts to reinvigorate the discourse of the detail as part of architectural education, as a practical issue and as an ethical and philosophical quest.
Disaster as Design Moment in New Orleans and Beyond Jacob A. Wagner, University of Missouri-Kansas City
This session seeks papers that address the concept of a “design moment” in the wake of disasters, including Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. The idea of a “design moment” suggests an uncommon opportunity to create significant interventions in the basic urban form of a particular city. In contrast to the incremental growth of a city, design moments are characterized by dramatic alterations of urban form in a short period of time that may accelerate existing trends or radically transform building practice. Design moments provide a critical juncture in the life of a particular city that reveal both continuity and conflict with the urban past. Beyond the impacts to the physical city, a design moment can alter the social structure, act as a catalyst for new approaches to design education, or foster new schools of thought that influence the design professions for several decades.
Energy and Environmental Simulation in the Design Studio
Ute Poerschke, Lisa D. Iulo, and Loukas N. Kalisperis, Pennsylvania State University
The most important decisions related to energy are made in the early design stage, for example the building’s siting and orientation, its main materiality and construction. Since this stage is rarely accompanied by consultants for reasons of cost and time, architects increasingly perform energy and environmental simulation in order to receive alternative input for the idea generation process. The session seeks papers that discuss the role of energy and environmental simulation in the architecture and urban design curricula. The main intent of this session is to collect, exchange, and compare teaching experiences of implementing energy and environmental simulation in architectural undergraduate and graduate courses in order to further enhance integrated strategies and inspire curriculum refinements.
Flood Architecture
Eduard Epp, University of Manitoba
Flood Architecture addresses cultural settlement ideals and practices in geographic regions temporally affected by extreme hydrological/climatic cycles, primarily in river basins. It is constituted and determined by geophysical, technological, and socio-cultural systems working inter-dependently in time, space, and formal constitution. Flood Architecture recognizes and addresses the [potential] leadership role of the design disciplines [architects, industrial designers, landscape architects, urban designers] as ‘agents of positive change’ together with other allied disciplines including politicians, civic administrators, engineers, community activists, and so on. The opportunity arises for leading academics, practitioners and students to address Flood Architecture in relation to these sub-themes through both poetic and purposeful design proposals and works and to provide evidence through a very significant academic setting.
Authors may submit only one paper per session topic. The same paper may not be submitted to multiple topics. An author can present no more than two papers at the Annual Meeting as primary author or co-author. All authors submitting papers must be faculty, or staff at ACSA member schools, faculty or staff at ACSA affiliate schools or become supporting ACSA members at the time of paper submission.
Papers submissions (1) must report on recently completed work, (2) cannot have been previously published or presented in public except to a regional audience, and (3) must be written in English. Submissions should be no longer than 4,000 words, excluding the abstract and endnotes.
S u bm i s s i on P r o c e s s Flow and Contemporary Architecture Practice Nana Last, Rice University
One of the prevailing constructs of contemporary architecture practice is that of flow. Appearing in and around various discussions from smooth space, to systems theory, material logics, emergence and temporality, the construct of flow is nearly as ubiquitous as it is broad. This makes the intersections between flow and architecture at once obvious and ill-defined, potentially potent and transformative yet too frequently associated solely with specific types of formal manipulations. The construct of flow, however, is positioned to serve as more than a design tool for architecture: it is situated in a position to open up issues of deep concern to architecture’s own definition, functioning and practical limits. This panel seeks papers that examine models, constructs and phenomena of flow in modern and contemporary architecture, landscape and urban practices. Papers on all aspects of this topic that examine how flow contributes to or reimagines the discipline and practice of architecture.
Honorable Mention: Losing to the Competition Michael A. McClure, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
This session aims to interrogate the value of competition entries that did not make the cut, and the role of competitions in design practice and education. Specific ‘losing’ entries are important examples of the working practices of particular emerging and established designers. The schemes of academic design competitions that did not win or place nonetheless hold great value for the students, the school, and the larger academy.The session welcomes debate regarding their role within larger contexts; social, practical, historical, pedagogical; it welcomes pedagogical approaches, historical and contemporary practices, multi-disciplinary comparisons that engage competitions as an active agent in the work
The deadline for submitting a paper to a session for the Annual Meeting is September 30, 2009. Authors will submit papers through the ACSA online interface. When submitting your paper, you will be guided with the Web interface, through the following steps. 1. Log in with your ACSA username and password. 2. Enter the title of your paper. 3. Select the Session Topic for your submission. 4. Add additional authors for your paper, if any. 5. Upload your paper in MS Word or RTF format. Format the paper according to these guidelines. * Omit all author names from the paper and any other identifying information to maintain an anonymous review process. * Do not include an abstract in the file. * Use endnotes or a reference list in the paper. Footnotes should NOT be included. * No more than five images may be used in the paper. Images (low resolution) and captions should be embedded in the paper. 7. Click Submit to finalize your submission. Note: Your paper is not submitted unless you click the Submit button and receive an automatic email confirmation.
Detail Question(ed)
All papers will undergo a blind peer review process. Session Topic Chairs will take into consideration each paper’s relevance to the topic and the evaluation furnished by three peer reviewers.
ACSANEWS april 2009
S u bm i s s i on R e q u i r e m e n t s
ACSANEWS April 2009 18
For Papers
Integrating Sustainability Into Architectural Education: Are We There Yet?
Making Sense of the Architectural Production of ‘Others’
John B. Hertz, University of Texas at San Antonio
Sabir Khan, Georgia Tech
Sustainability is now a key issue in the ethical and technical concerns of practicing professionals. This session will measure the progress of the integration of these same concerns into the broader architectural curriculum. This session will ask participants to take part in a discussion about the pedagogical changes that are integrating sustainability into the broader curriculum, including technical areas as well as studio, history/theory, and others. While case studies are important as a snapshot of where we are, papers should also reflect on how individual course experiences relate holistically to other academic offerings and to the curriculum as a whole. It is also open to more encompassing viewpoints regarding the greening of architectural education, including the role of external forces, such as accreditation criteria or calls by the AIA for greater responsibility in the preparation of future professionals.
For a number of well-intentioned, if under-reflected, reasons - globalization of practice, cross-cultural awareness, NAAB criteria, curricular breadth - there is general agreement that courses on the architecture of people, periods, and places outside the Greco-Roman diffusion stream ought to be included in the curricula of US architecture schools. This session proposes to give these courses - and the theoretical and pedagogical questions that their presence in architectural curricula raises - the comprehensive appraisal they rarely get. This session invites papers that unpack courses on architectural production in the ‘non-West’ in order to engage and map underlying epistemological and methodological questions. The larger goal of this session is to sponsor a clear-headed conversation about the relationship of such courses to architectural curricula and to architectural practice today.
John Enright, University of Southern California
Material Making: The Process of Precedent
Re-Generating Form: New and Old Methods of Conceiving, Finding, Generating, Composing, and Iterating Forms in Architecture
Intersecting Infrastructures: Public Works and the Public Realm Katherine W. Rinne, California College of the Arts
Infrastructure is the foundation of every community and it is the quality and extent of that infrastructure that determines in large part the economic and social health of towns and cities. Clean water, good schools, affordable housing, and reliable public transportation are all essential components of city building and for the creation of a stimulating and open public realm. This session will focus on architectural, landscape, and urban research, practice, and teaching that promotes deeper understandings of the connections between the construction of civic infrastructures and the construction of a public realm in cities and towns, and the creation of social equity. Papers that address how infrastructures can be used as generator of design thinking (rather than as afterthoughts left to engineers) are especially welcome as are those that address the rebuilding and restoration of existing or failed infrastructures as opportunities to create a more just environment.
Is Architecture Critical?
Marc J. Neveu, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Within the context of natural, designed, economic, environmental, and other disasters, the justification of architecture has been understandably put into question. What guides the making of architecture? Is it an immediate response to a crisis; the desire for long-term social well-being; the effect of building on natural resources; or is it simply an economic opportunity? What role does theory, if any, still play? This session asks the question: Can architecture still be critical? This session seeks papers that argue for, or against, demonstrate, reveal, or castigate architecture as a critical project. Papers may relate to projects that are historical, contemporary, future oriented, academic or professional.
Gail Peter Borden, University of Southern California
Making is a fundamental process of architecture. Material is essential to the activity of design as well as the resultant of the process. The role of making and the dialogue of a design with material is the focus of this session. The session will illuminate the potential of new materials, provide a re-interpretation of common “everyday” materials, and embrace the process of making as a generative mechanism of form. Papers should look at the particular the role of materials in architecture and their influence on precedents [both contemporary and historical] of design process, fabrication methodology, construction procedures and legibility and influence on built work. As in any case study method, papers should look for the deeper didactic lessons of the precedent. The lessons may be practical and technical in nature, or may address qualitative and aesthetic realms. Papers for this session should be founded in materials with the desire to identify lessons from their innate qualities and the process of their use through design precedents.
Public-Interest Architecture Elizabeth Martin, Southern Polytechnic State University
Architects and all design professionals are undergoing a major transformation that is both proactive (searching for roles with greater relevance) and reactive (responsing to the humanitarian and environmental crisis facing the world). The collaborative projects or research studies explored in this session takes the point-of-view that an architecture of public-interest might emerge in partnership with practice, ie, public health, environmental advocacy groups, or design/build clients. This session will demonstrate the modest, yet we believe productive ways to prepare architecture students to serve as stewards for our communities.
Re-Building Mobility: Mobile Architecture and the Effects on Design, Culture, Society and the Environment This topic addresses mobility and prefabrication in architecture and seeks proposals that examine new models and research that further the discussion of how mobility and prefabrication are affecting design and education. It has been fifty years since a group of Airstreams caravaned through Africa. Since that time, the notion of mobility in architecture has had a rich history, from Fuller’s early work involving mobility and pre-fabrication to today’s preoccupation with digital technologies. The recent Hurricane Katrina disaster produced the “FEMA trailer,” as provisional housing that remained for months as urban reminders of the tragedy. This topic asks for contributions that address the breadth of mobility and prefabrication in architecture from high-end prefab techniques and strategies, to possibilities involving efficient alternatives for disaster relief, to new paradigms in design technology and education.
William T Willoughby, Louisiana Tech University
As we rebuild architecture today, each era of designers must generate forms that best reflect their times’ available technology. Today, generative scripting for 3-D modeling application and tools allow designers to parametrically adjust, transform dynamically, and evolve forms that improve performance based on environmental or programmatic demands. The transparency of tracing paper allowed past generations of designers to overlay, deliberate over change, and explore subtle iterations of design. Computational equivalents now allow architects to explore, analyze, and generate variations in building form dynamically. In an attempt to critically assess new and old methods of form finding and responses to building performance issues, this session seeks current scholarship on form generation as well as historical examples of iterative design methods.
Shrinking Cities Syndrome: Agendas for ReBuilding Andreas Luescher, Bowling Green State University Sujata Shetty, University of Toledo
Cites all over the world are facing the prospect of declining populations, collectively becoming part of a global shrinking city phenomenon. While much of the discussion of shrinking cities has focused on Europe, the challenge is acute in the U.S., where, following suburbanization, many cities now present a classic ‘doughnut’ form – a sparse core surrounded by rings of smaller cities. Cities in the U.S. industrial mid-west are facing the additional consequences of the decline of the manufacturing industry and the housing foreclosure crisis. The session takes advantage of the conference themes to reflect on the challenge of preserving and reusing urban fabric with architectural and cultural interest within shrinking cities.
Marc J. Neveu and Don Choi, California Polytechnic State University
Almost every school of architecture offers a suite of courses in architectural history and theory. But what purposes do these classes serve? After all, the National Architectural Accreditation Board (NAAB) requires not that such history courses be taught but simply that students learn about Western, non-Western, and national/regional traditions. At a time when architectural technology, pedagogical approaches, and historical methodology are changing rapidly, how might history and theory coursework be reconceived? This session aims to examine strategies by which architectural history and theory courses can address contemporary developments in architectural history, practice and pedagogy. This session invites papers that question the content, role, and goals of courses in architectural history and theory.
Teaching Architecture - Perfecting Pedagogy Robert J. Dermody, Roger Williams University
Every day, professors of architecture strive to teach, inspire and engage their students in various subjects from history and studio, to technology and theory. They explain, share, convey, and impart knowledge using a wide variety of formats and methods. They do this as both accrediting bodies and the profession require increased knowledge and skills from graduates of architecture programs. This session seeks papers that share best practices of teaching all courses in architecture degree programs in today’s more technically demanding environment. As schools attempt to satisfy increasing NAAB requirements, and accommodate students’ desire for more technology teaching methods must evolve. Presentations in this session will offer an opportunity for faculty members of all levels to engage in a dialogue about the craft of teaching architecture. Royal Sonesta 300 Bourbon St New Orleans, LA 70130 (800) 766-3782 www.sonesta.com
The Common Benefit Of Common Good Design-Build Anselmo G. Canfora, University of Virginia
In more recent times, architecture schools across the US have contributed substantially to humanitarian efforts to mend or improve the built environment for populations in dire need. Building on the activism and the hands-on teaching of the late Samuel Mockbee, many design-build programs have focused a lot of energy, effort, and resources on helping residents of underserved communities regain a sense of dignity by helping design and build housing, schools, and community facilities. A number of notable organizations like Architects Without Frontiers, Architecture for Humanity, Design Corps, and Habit for Humanity have formed collaborative partnerships with schools of architecture on the frontline of this massive and complex effort to assist those in need. This session seeks papers and presentations examining design-build programs and projects that effectively integrate humanitarian directives and comprehensive pedagogical frameworks. While raising the level of understanding, consciousness and ethics of the architectural academic community.
Open Session
ACSA encourages submissions that do not fit into one of the above topics.
Accepted authors will be required to complete a copyright transfer form and agree to present the paper at the Annual Meeting before it is published in the proceedings. Each session will have a moderator, normally the topic chair. Session moderators will notify authors in advance of session guidelines as well as the general expectations for the session. Moderators reserve the right to withhold a paper from the program if the author has refused to comply with those guidelines. Failure to comply with the conference deadlines or with a moderator’s request for materials in advance may result in an author being dropped from the program, even though his or her name may appear in the program book.
In the event of insufficient participation regarding a particular session topic, the conference co-chairs reserve the right to revise the conference schedule accordingly. Session topics must receive a minimum of 6 reviewable submissions in order for the session to continue in the review process. If a session receives fewer than 6 submissions, the session will be canceled, the papers referred to the Open Session topic and grouped with other open papers on similar subjects for standard review. Chairs of canceled sessions will be invited to chair an Open Session and continue overseeing the peer review process and make decisions on papers. Accepted papers will be published in a digital proceddings avialable for free download from the ACSA website and a printed version on the proceeddings will be availbale for purchse after the meeting. Authors whose papers have been accepted for presentation and publication in the proceedings are required to register for the Annual Meeting.
T i m e l i n e April—Call for Papers announced July 15—Paper submission site opens September 30—Paper submission deadline October—Accept/reject notifications sent to authors with reviewer comments. Accepted authors revise/pprepare papers for publication November 20—Final revised papers and copyright forms due December 16—Paper presenter registration deadline Contact Mary Lou Baily, ACSA Conferences Manager, with questions about paper submissions (mlbaily@ acsa-arch.org, 202.785.2324 x2)
Surveying Architectural History and Theory
All submissions will be reviewed carefully by at least three reviewers. Official acceptance is made by the session topic chairs. Selection is based on innovation, clarity, contribution to the discipline of architecture, and relevance to the session topic. All authors will be notified of the status of their paper and will receive comments from their reviewers.
ACSANEWS april 2009
Pa p e r P r e s e n tat i on
ACSANEWS April 2009
regional news
Northeast Drexel University
Julia Halevy
photographer: Janet Oberto
Boston Architectural College The Boston Architectural College is pleased to announce the appointment of President Ted Landsmark to two design foundations: The Board of Trustees of the ASID Foundation (an affiliate of the American Society of Interior Designers) and to the Board of Regents of the American Architectural Foundation (an affiliate of the American Institute of Architects). Landsmark states, “Diverse design fields are changing rapidly. I am very excited about contributing to these foundations’ efforts to support innovative design education, collaborative research, and public service.” Following a rigorous and comprehensive national search, President Theodore C. Landsmark is pleased to announce the appointment of Julia Halevy as Provost of the Boston Architectural College.
Julia Halevy was Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Social Sciences at Lesley University between 2004 and 2009, after serving Antioch University at its graduate campus in Keene, New Hampshire for twenty-one years. Dr. Landsmark states, “Julia brings extensive experience as a professional schools educator, collaborative planner and higher education manager. She is an educator whose passion and skill shaping graduate and online professional education will be invaluable as the BAC continues to lead the transformation of practice based design education.” Julia will begin work on March 1, 2009.
In the fall of 2008, Dr. Ulrike Altenmüller joined the Department of Architecture & Interiors at Drexel University as Assistant Professor and Associate Program Director of the Architecture Program. She earned both her professional degree and doctorate from the School of Architecture at the Bauhaus-Universität in Weimar, Germany, and her dissertation was on innovative architectural design in Finland’s elementary and secondary schools. She has published frequently, worked at architectural design firms in Germany, NYC and Washington, and has taught at the Bauhaus in Weimar, and for the Washington-Alexandria Architecture Center affiliated with Virginia Tech. She is a registered architect in Germany, and has most recently worked as an Associate at RTKL Inc. in Washington, D.C., where she was the project architect for the first green 40-story high-rise to be built in Miami. Lauren Karwoski Magee joined the Department of Architecture & Interiors in 2007 as Director of the Architecture Program’s Instruction in Representation. She teaches digital and traditional drawing courses and design studios. Before joining the faculty at Drexel, Lauren was an Instructor at Illinois Institute of Technology in the 5-year Bachelor of Architecture program, and developed courses in woodworking, welding, furniture design and architectural acoustics at Southern California Institute of Architecture. She worked in architecture firms in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and Philadelphia prior to starting her own firm, The Drafted Line, specializing in architecture, graphic design and custom furniture design and construction. Lauren received her Bachelor of Science in Architecture from the University of Virginia and her Master of Architecture from Southern California Institute of Architecture. Northeastern University The School of Architecture is working on significant funded research into the public design approvals process. George Thrush, along with NU research associate Jie-Eun Hwang, is working
on a new tool called the Urban Gauge < http:// www.northeastern.edu/urbangauge/> , which can help cities and towns to reconcile the often difficult choices between local neighborhood concerns, state or regional concerns, and the financial viability of a given privately financed large-scale development project. 2008-09 saw the Rome Program grow to about 40 students per semester, studying in the heart of Rome under the direction of Northeastern lecturer Scott Schlimgen. The School is working on identifying a permanent space on the banks of the Tiber River across from the city center for the fall of 2009. Kiel Moe published his first book, Integrated Design in Contemporary Architecture with Princeton Architectural Press in 2008, and is working on his next, Thermally Active Surfaces. Lawrence published the 10th issue of Praxis, “Urban Matters.” Several other faculty members have books in progress, including Lucy Maulsby, Mardges Bacon, Elizabeth Cromley, George Thrush, Roy Kozlvsky, and Amanda Lawrence. The School was ranked 12th in the United States in faculty research in 2007, and is working hard to rise further. Pennsylvania State University Associate Professors of Architecture Robert Holland and Ute Poerschke along with Associate Professor of Architectural Engineering John Messner, and Associate Professor of Architecture and Landscape Architecture Madis Pihlak, are offering a prototype interdisciplinary Building Information Modeling Studio during Spring Semester 2009. This studio explores collaborative design for an elementary school using Building Information Modeling techniques. Eighteen students form three teams of six students (one each from architecture, landscape architecture and the four architectural engineering options – construction management, structural engineering, mechanical systems engineering and lighting design / electrical engineering). This course offering is funded by the Raymond
The Penn State Stuckeman School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture Professor Emeritus Dan Jones’ firm was awarded the development of construction drawings for Cameron Park in Sunbury, Pennsylvania. The project was awarded from an RFP based on the conceptual design study generated in Assistant Professor Caru Bowns’ Spring Semester 2008 community design studio. This successful collaboration between the class and the community translated into consensus that resulted in successful conceptual design process and savings for the community. Penn State’s Fall 2009 Fourth-year urban design studio, lead by Associate Professor of Architecture and Landscape Architecture Madis Pihlak and Assistant Professor of Architecture Lisa Iulo will conduct an international virtual urban design studio with the School of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Urban Design, University of Adelaide, Australia dealing with the Toronto Waterfront. The site will be redeveloped as a low ecological footprint urban community for the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), one of the fifth fastest growing areas in North America. Penn State students will work along side with Australian students for a week on the site and over a six-week period with Internet video conferencing technology. This studio builds upon a long-standing relationship that Associate Professor Pihlak has developed in the City of Toronto. Syracuse University Assistant Professor Jean-François Bédard delivered a lecture at the College Art Association 97th Annual Meeting in Los Angeles on February 27, 2009. His talk, entitled “Oppenord in Italy,” focused on the ambiguous reaction of the French to the Italian Baroque, as made evident by works of French architect Gilles-Marie Oppenord (1672-1742). Professor Bruce Coleman recently submitted an entry to the Woburn Public Library Expansion
Ideas Competition. The Woburn Massachusetts Library was designed by H. H. Richardson in 1880 and is one of his finest buildings. The competition sought ideas for an addition that would double the size of the library. Students Michael Nartey and Elizabeth Newcomb assisted. Professor Randall Korman, currently on leave from Syracuse, has been awarded the Batza Professorship in Art and Art History at Colgate University for the Spring 2009 semester. University at Buffalo Maqsood Ahmed was the winner of the Industrial Fabrics Association International 2008 International Achievement Awards and received an Outstanding Achievement for his Toronto Pearson International Airport, Covered Walkway entry. There were professionals from 16 countries that entered 408 projects in 28 categories. Introversions¸ a project by Professor Shadi Nazarian, a researcher in the Situated Technologies Graduate Research Group, opened in the Lightwell Gallery at the Center for the Arts. A sculptural installation that intersects art, architecture and emergent technology, Introversions creates an interactive spatial, tactile and ocular experience for viewers. The audience is lured toward a bright EL-light framed by an object hovering above the ground. The view of the lure is denied when the viewer gets too close, encouraging the viewer to become aware of the cognitive processes we undergo as we navigate through the environments in which we live. According to Timothy Murray, “Introversions delights its viewers not merely as an architectural object to be passively seen and desired from afar, but as an artistic event that actively elicits ocular surprise while soliciting interactive experience from within.” James Lowder, the 2008-09 McHale Fellow at UB’s School of Architecture and Planning, is a graduate of Princeton University. James has worked in practice with Daniel Libeskind, Eisenman Architects, Reiser + Umemoto and Coop Himmelblau. He has been succesful in a number of significant design proposals for
projects in Europe and in Asia and has also taught both in North America and Australia. Michael Kubo will be the 2008-09 Banham Fellow at UB’s School of Architecture and Planning. A graduate of Harvard’s Graduate School of Design, Michael has worked with the Office of Metropolitan Architecture/AMO in Rotterdam, taught at the GSD and Pratt Institute in New York, and has been actively involved with a wide range of architectural publications. The founder and editorial director of Actar Publishers Inc. in New York, he has authored and edited numerous books including The Function of Ornament with Farshid Moussavi. He also curated and designed the exhibition, “Learning from Cities,” which was shown at the 10th Annual International Architecture Biennale in Venice.
Wentworth Institute of Technology Associate Professor Carol Burns, FAIA, joined the faculty in spring 2009. She received March and BA degrees from Yale University. Burns has taught at schools in including Yale, Harvard, MIT, and the University of Virginia. Her research and teaching have focused on buildings and the spaces between them, including American housing as well as campus design and student housing. Her most recent book, Site Matters, released by Routledge in 2005, reconsiders the meaning of site from a wide range of disciplinary perspectives. Burns is a principal of Boston-based Taylor & Burns Architects, which concentrates on design for institutions and community, with a specialty in design of assembly spaces. She has engaged for years in fulltime practice, and her firm was recognized for design in 2008 with Honor Awards from the Boston Society of Architects and from AIA New England for the new Bennington College Student Center and also with a BSA Honor Award for Design Excellence for the Recital Hall at Salem State College. She chairs the Boston Public Art Commission, is a member of the board of the Rappaport (NORTHEAST continued on page 22)
A. Bowers Program for Excellence in Design and Construction of the Built Environment which is an endowment established at Penn State to promote interdisciplinary study and research.
ACSANEWS April 2009
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Aerial view of northern end of the proposed Shanghai Bund. courtesy kmdg
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Institute at the Kennedy School of Government, and serves on the Design Review Board for Ohio State University. In 2004 Burns helped found the BSA Research Awards program which, together with the new AIA awards programs initiated since then, has granted more than $800,000 in funding for research. Associate Professors Robert Cowherd and Manuel Delgado organized the international symposium ³Designing For Life: Medellín | Caracas” bringing the leaders most responsible for the remarkable transformation of those two Latin American cities. On September 22, panelists Alejandro Echeverri and Jorge Perez Jaramillo of Medellin; María Isabel Peña and Oscar Tenreiro of Caracas; and Carlos Brillembourg of New York discussed the transformative role design can play when married to progressive public policy and visionary leadership. The highlight of the event was an inspired keynote address by Dr. Sergio Fajardo Valderrama, former Mayor of Medellín and Colombian presidential candidate. During the month of September, Wentworth Architecture Department also hosted three exhibitions: “Caracas Cenital | Aerial Caracas”, “Transforming Medellín: 10 Projects,” and “ Bitácora: Braided Histories” with sponsorship from Econoinvest and Caracas Foundation for Urban Culture. For those of us preparing the next generation of leaders to overcome the challenges of an
increasingly urban world, this event presented the opportunity to engage in a rich exchange of ideas with the leaders most responsible for the remarkable successes of Medellin and Caracas. This historic exchange brought together students, academics, industry professionals, and government officials to develop our capacity as a society to envision and implement changes that improve the quality of life for our citizens. Professor Delgado organized the third consecutive joint design studio between Wentworth Architecture Department and the Universidad Central de Venezuela. This program has been sponsored by Wentworth Architecture Department and the office of Community and Learning Partnerships. In previous years, students from both universities have worked closely with organizations from Roslindale and East Boston in developing urban design guidelines to help the communities in their respective master planning processes. Last summer, Prof. Delgado, Prof. María Peña and Prof. Rafael Urbina, with a group of 12 students from the UCV’s School of Architecture and Urbanism, began the preliminary research and urban design proposals for Lower Roxbury. In the spring semester, Wentworth Architecture, 4th.-Year Housing/Community Design Studio, with the technical support of the Boston Redevelopment Authority, will continued the plan, developing urban design guidelines and mixed-use projects for the vacant lots in the crossing of Washington Street and Melnea Cass Boulevard, adjacent to Dudley Square.
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WEst California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo Associate Professor Robert Arens, Assistant Professor Mark Cabrinha, Assistant Professor Tom di Santo, Associate Professor Jim Doerfler, Assistant Professor Doug Jackson, and Assistant Professor Marc Neveu, will be presenting papers at the 97th ACSA Annual Meeting in Portland, OR, March 26-27, 2009.
Professor Thomas Fowler and Lecturer Barry Williams were awarded a National AIA Education Honor Award for their collaborative work in integrating Arch 352 Design Studio & Arch 307 Environmental Controls Systems Activity Courses for over a four year period. Award will be presented at the ACSA Annual Meeting, and their winning presentations boards will be displayed at the AIA National Convention in San Francisco, April 30-May 2, 2009.
MSU architecture students Michael Spencer and Chris Sjoberg constructed a stone arch as part of a research assignment in primitive structures for Adjunct Professor Jack Smith’s architectural history sequence
Montana State University
Associate Professor Sandy Stannard will be chairing the How Long Can You Tread Water? session at the ACSA Annual Meeting.
Montana State University School of Architecture is offering a summer 2009 study abroad opportunity to faculty, practitioners and students in Zawiya Ahansal, a remote region of Morocco’s Central High Atlas Mountains. The project consists of the hands on renovation of a 300 year old igherm (granary) into a regional library and community center. The region’s mountain culture offers a unique immersion into the history, architecture, landscape and native society. Participants will spend 3 to 6 weeks in May and June living and working side by side with locals on project documentation, programming, and stabilization of the structure. The multi year project is being supported by The Igherm Restoration and Library Project - a U.S. based nonprofit organization. In addition to the renovation work this unique study abroad program will immerse the participants into the village, the culture and a subsistence way of life that is unparalleled. For more information on the program, contact Bill Rea at brea@montana.edu.
Lecturer Keith Wiley will be presenting a paper at the 25th National Conference on the Beginning Design Student at the College of Art and Design, LSU, in Baton Rouge, LA, March 12-14, 2009.
Associate Professor Maire O’Neill had two sets of composite drawings accepted for the Design Communication Association (DCA) Juried Drawing Exhibition. The measured field drawings are
Lecturer Ralph Roesling’s office Roesling Nakamura Terada Architects received two AIA awards from the Ventura County Chapter for a new branch library and the reconstruction of the Development Services Center building both in the City of Oxnard The jury awarded the top Honor Award to the Development Services Center project for the understated architectural expression of the new expansions and fro the overall innovative sustainability solutions.
part of an extended research project recording and analyzing the historic rural building stock of the region surrounding Bozeman, Montana. The project has served as a teaching/learning tool engaging both graduate and undergraduate students in the process of field work and documentation. The exhibit will be featured at the March 2009 DCA Conference at Southern Polytechnic University, Marietta, Georgia. Assistant Professor Zuzanna Karczewska’s research concerned with “Sketch and Analytical Drawing in the Design Process of the Chapel at Ronchamp” will be presented and published at the LeCorbusier Symposium at the Southern Polytechnic in Atlanta. The Kohala Center, located in Waimea on the island of Hawaii, invited six graduate students and Professor John C. Brittingham back to the island to present the outcome of the fall semester studio titled Sustaining Kukai’au Ranch: reading and rendering the ethic of the landscape. The project presented the opportunity to develop a culturally, and environmentally, specific sustainable planning and design project for the Kukai‘au Ranch - a 10,000 acre ranch located on the Hamakua Coast of Hawai‘i Island. The proposal (WEST continued on page 24)
Assistant Professor Tom di Santo received a grant from the Wisconsin Preservation Trust and Reinhart Boerner Van Dueren to execute a three day workshop and lecture on designbuild fabrication, the design-build process and installation work in the public realm, as part of the Urban Edge Studio at the School of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
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serves as a counterpoint to current widespread tourism and development strategies in the Hawaiian Islands. The strategy is particularly poignant when thinking of the area’s geographical isolation and its almost complete dependence on importing energy, manufactured goods and food. An understanding of the ancient Hawaiian concept of the ahupua’a underscores the project and seeks to recover in a contemporary form the cultural and land-use practices of this once selfsustaining community. The Kukai’au ahuppua’a inspires others to reconsider how they manage the land and its resources. The proposal is characterized by an integrated, sustainable and diversified approach. It included a business analysis of ranching, agriculture, reforestation, natural energy resources (rain, wind, water, and sun), conservation easements, a non-profit institute for research, education and outreach, historic preservation, Hawaiian homelands agriculture and housing, and more. The proposal is currently under review for implementation. University of Arizona
The University of Arizona School of Architecture has been ranked 12th by Design Intelligence in its 10th annual ranking of Bachelor of Architecture programs. Design Intelligence determines the rankings based upon input from practitioners, deans and chairs, campus environment and student evaluations and accreditation standings. Professor Nader Chalfoun, Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Design and Energy Conservation, received two major grants from the National Park Service to conduct energy assessments of the Petrified National Forest National Park in Northern Arizona. The first project is to engage his “House Energy Doctor” graduate program to conduct on-site state-of-the-art “Energy Audits” for the whole park, emphasizing a global approach to achieve sustainability through energy conservation and promoting the use of natural energy sources. The study will continue with the development of a comprehensive Energy Plan that will be implemented in a multi-year project to drastically reduce energy consumption in the Park and to develop sustainable energy strategies compatible with the overall vision of the park. These sustainability measures will be targeted towards
achieving a LEED certification for some one of the buildings on the park campus. A documentation of the findings and results from the project will be compiled in education materials for publication and distribution to visitors and Park staff and Directors. Dr. Chalfoun is collaborating on the project with Janice Cervelli, Professor of Landscape Architecture and Dean of the College, and Professor Brooks Jeffery. A project of the college’s Drachman Institute, Drachman Design-Build Coalition, Inc., School of Architecture, and the City of Tucson Community Services Department, received a first-place award in the National Urban Policy Initiatives Competition (NUPIC). The award, in the category of “affordable and sustainable housing”, includes a $20,000 prize. The team proposed to research sustainability lessons from an innovative, high-end market-rate housing development project at the edge of the City of Tucson (known as the Community of Civano) earlier planned to demonstrate cutting-edge energyand water-conservation design and to apply those sustainable design lessons to center-city, affordable housing development. Research on energy- and water-conservation strategies led to guidelines informing the design of four and construction of two Project Model homes to exemplify such conservation strategies for affordable housing development. This work will be followed by the post-construction monitoring of energy- and water-use in order to reevaluate the guidelines and ultimately disseminate the guidelines and model plan documents to non-profit developers and builders of affordable housing in Southwest Arizona. The Project Model homes were constructed with the efforts of the School of Architecture students for design-build studio coursework credit. The project is revealing both for the potential implications of substantial resource conservation and increased affordability through operational long-term cost-savings. The project has also revealed the necessity for advocating the conservation technologies into policy on at multiple levels. The results of this work will be proposed for incorporation into the State of Arizona Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program Qualified Allocation Plan as incentives for energy conservation measures in affordable housing development statewide. The team has been
asked to present at the National Urban Policy Initiative Conference on September 19th at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts. Senior Lecturer John Messina recently saw his book, Álamos, Sonora: Architecture and Urbanism in the Dry Tropics, published by the University of Arizona Press. The book is a history and interpretive description of an intact Spanish colonial-era town within a day’s drive from the U.S. – Mexico border. Messina examines the early town planning, the vernacular construction technology, as well as issues of preservation and restoration. Concurrently, the lessons of Álamos are posited as an adaptable model for compact urban development in the arid American Southwest. Associate Professor John Folan is continuing visiting appointment in the T. David Fitzgibbon Endowed Chair at Carnegie Mellon. University of Colorado Joe Colistra, Senior Instructor of Architecture, has been selected as AIA Colorado 2008 Young Architect of the Year. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Marc Schiler and Karen Kensek were joined by three Master of Building Science recent graduate students (Laura Haymond, Shraddha Marathe, and Eve Lin) at the SBSE (Society of Building Science Educators) Annual Retreat at the end of July in New Forest, England, in a show of USC strength and excellence in the field of performative architecture. Karen Kensek coordinated the 2008 BIM Conference: BIM BOP: The Second Annual Symposium on Building Information Modeling and Sustainable Design (July 10 and 11th). There were over 200 attendees, including over a dozen speakers. The USC School of Architecture was awarded the second ever Autodesk Revit Building Information Modeling (BIM) Experience Award given to a university. Karen Kensek spearheaded this effort. Mark Bittoni was commissioned to design the new Bread of Life Christian Church in Taipei, Taiwan. The church will seat 6,000 people and when finished will be the largest church/performance space in Taiwan. The entire project will be approx. 30,000 square meters.
The USC School of Architecture has introduced an entirely transformed Master of Landscape Architecture program including both postprofessional and first-professional degrees, a Graduate Certificate in Landscape Architecture Studies, and a dual degree MLA/MLP program with the School of Policy, Planning and Development. The program has received LAAB candidacy status towards accreditation. Robert S. Harris, FAIA, DP-ACSA, continues as Director for 2008-09. A search has been initiated for a new director to be appointed fall 2009. Information about this leadership position can be found at “http://arch.usc.edu”. Gail Peter Borden received two grants for his research project: “Material Precedent: The Typology of Modern Tectonics” from the USC Arts and Humanities Initiative and the USC Undergradute Research Program. His work was included in the new book The Things They’ve Done by William Cannady and his Enclosure House will soon launch on the new Hometta website [a digital site offering modern affordable home plans]. He will also co-host the Fall ACSA conference Material Matters at USC in October.” he has additionally be commissioned by the USC School of Architecture to design the DATASHOP facility for digital teaching, output and fabrication. Also have a project featured in the new book Expanding Architecture: Design as Activism by Metropolis Books with an expected release in mid October and edited by Bryan Bell. Gail Peter Borden received the prestigious Borchard Fellowship which will provide him with the Chateau de Bretesch and $30,000 to study the material implications of Ledoux and the tectonic implications of architecture parlant.
Ed Woll with his office (Tomko Woll Group Architects Inc) is about to begin construction of “Young Burlington Apartments” -- a new 21-unit apartment building on Burlington Street targeted for emancipated youth. The office is about to complete construction for the Headquarters Offices and Teaching Clinic for Planned Parenthood Los Angeles (adaptive reuse of an industrial building near USC.) Both of these projects combine architectural and societal intentions and it’s very gratifying to be in a position to deal with that combination. Both projects were undertaken in collaboration with Ena Dubnoff Architects and the Planned Parenthood project has an additional collaborator: Fernando Vazquez Studio.
as a board member of the Utah Chapter of the APA and has been elected a director of the Utah AIA Chapter. Professor Peter Goss, who has taught at the University of Utah since 1970 will be retiring at the conclusion of spring semester.
Prof. Diane Ghirardo’s new book Dopo il Sogno. Architettura e città nell’America di oggi, has just been published in Italian by Umberto Allemandi.
Assistant Professor Mimi Locher is currently writing a book about elements of traditional Japanese architecture, which will be published in 2009 by Tuttle Publishing Company. Professor Julio Bermudez is editing a special edition of the Journal of Architectural Education, will present a paper at the Ecole Nationale Supériure d’Architecture de Grenoble in France, has a forthcoming publication in Faith & Form Magazine, and will be guest lecturing at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada.
Prof. Goetz Schierle’s new book Structure and Design is now available in hard-cover. Denise Zacky-Popoch, Principal; and Lauren Matchison, Designer; of dmz_architecture have recently completed the design and documents for an artist studio addition to a single family residence in Los Angeles County. The thrust of the project focused on resolving the interaction and juxtaposition of the existing Tudor-style residence with the linear geometry of the proposed artist studio. Construction is expected to begin January 2009. University of Utah Dean Brenda Case Scheer has been named to the Executive Committee of the Board of Envision Utah. She recently completed service
Professor Tony Serrato-Combe recently chaired a session at the European Asssociation of Computer Aided Design international meeting in Antwerp Belgium, and presented two papers: “Architectural Toolkits” was co-authored with Professor Joerg Rugemer, while the other, “Sadness, Anger, Fear, Despair, Emotion,” dealt with conveying emotion in digital architectural design presentations.
ACSANEWS April 2009
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Associate Professor Bob Young’s essay Stewardship of the Built Environment: The Emerging Synergies from Sustainability and Historic Preservation was included in the book Writing Urbanism: A Design Reader. The Association for Preservation Technology released its new book Preservation Technology Primer for which Bob was the preservation theory section editor. Bob has also been invited to be a speaker at the Center for Historic Conservation’s 10th Annual Symposium that will be held in February at Texas A&M.
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Building on an animation studio run in collaboration with HOK of St. Louis, Associate Professor Joe Stagg is coordinating a spring semester animation studio that will forego the
traditional sit-down jury and will engage in the virtual jury with collaboration facilitated through a special interactive studio homepage. Outside professionals, professors, and others will be invited to visit the home page and give direct critiques to student projects. Called the virtual
critique, the aim is to improve the quality of the critique and feedback to each student, while eliminating the drawbacks of the sit-down jury. Prof. Stagg’s studio will focus on architectural animation, fast becoming the main tool in the SOUTHWEST continued on page 26)
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professional office and in many schools of architecture for both design and presentation. When done correctly, the animation of a design project far outperforms static drawings, renderings, and models in helping both the client and the architect experience the design. The fastest growing use of architectural animation is virtual programming, a process whereby goals and design theories are built into programmatic models and then immediately tested through animation. Once tested, a full model and animation can be built to experience, explain, and support these goals and theories. These projects will then be imported into a BIM program and finalized in great detail. The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Architecture and Urban Planning is pleased to announce the recipient of the 2nd Urban Edge Award, a biannual award recognizing emerging talent who bring fresh, innovative and positive change to the public realm. Those nominated were required to demonstrate a proven, exceptional practice indicating a strong relationship to the urban environment.
The jury reviewed the portfolios, CVs and work statements of several nominees and after deliberation chose Elizabeth Diller of Diller Scofidio + Renfro. The Urban Edge Award, which is sponsored by the Wisconsin Preservation Trust and Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren Attorneys, provides a $25,000 award to the winner, and an additional $25,000 earmarked to bring Ms. Diller to Milwaukee to run an undergraduate studio focusing on temporary installations on post-industrial sites in the city. During the spring 2009, Ms. Diller will make scheduled visits to the University of Milwaukee’s School of Architecture & Urban Planning. The studio output will include temporary constructions on sites across the city and are meant to be a catalyst for new development within the city. Among the cutting edge projects Diller Scofidio + Renfro has worked on are the Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston, MA, the Blur Building, an exposition pavilion for the Swiss Expo, and the High Line, a redevelopment of the abandoned elevated railroad in Manhattan. Assistant Professor Mo Zell, SARUP faculty member and partner in the architecture firm Bauenstudio, will be the UWM faculty leading
the design studio, the results of which will be published later this year. In conjunction with the Urban Edge studio, Professor Zell is hosting 3 installation and design/build workshops with invited guests Lori Brown from Syracuse University, Robert Miller from Clemson University and Tom di Santo from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. This is the second Urban Edge awarded by the School of Architecture and Urban Planning. The first was awarded to D.I.R.T. of Charlottesville, Virginia in 2006 and resulted in the practice undertaking sustainable design work on the Pabst Brewery renovation project. The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee also offers the Marcus Prize, a $100,000 international prize offered to a young architect ‘on a trajectory to greatness….’ The first Marcus Prize was awarded to MVRDV of Rotterdam in 2005. The results of their Milwaukee-based studio were published in Skycar City (Actar Publishing) and exhibited at the 2008 Venice Biennale. In 2007, the Berlin practice of Barkow Leibinger were awarded the second Marcus Prize which resulted in the design and construction by UWM Architecture students of an environmental pavilion in Milwaukee’s Menomonee Valley.
east central
Ball State University In September and October, Associate Professor of Architecture Wes Janz made presentations in the Department of Fine Arts at Central Michigan University and the Departments of Family and Consumer Sciences, Women’s Studies, and Social Work at Ball State University. Selected as one of the five finalists for the inaugural Curry Stone Design Prize, his work (done with local, national, and international collaborators) was featured at the Venice Biennale and he made a presentation at Idea Festival in Louisville, Kentucky. In February, Janz was invited to lecture at Philadelphia University and discussed onesmallproject with graduate students and faculty at Temple University and the University of Kentucky. (onesmallproject is available on-line as integrated web, del.icio.us, wiki, flickr, and blog sites)
Last January the “High Performance School Design Workshop” took place at the Ball State Indianapolis Center, Indianapolis, Indiana, involving professors Bob Koester and Walter Grondzik, and associate professors Andrea Swartz and Pam Harwood. The workshop leaders presented proven methods and strategies for achieving highperformance, resource-efficient sustainable school design. To know more about the event visit http:// cms.bsu.edu/Academics/CenterandInstitutes/IndianapolisCenterProfessionalDevelopment
Principles of Building Commissioning, authored by professor Walter Grondzik, has just been released by John Wiley & Sons. The book outlines and explains the core characteristics of the commissioning process and the documents and procedures associated with a successful commissioning effort.
Faculty and Graduate Assistants from the Lighting Laboratory at the Center for Energy Research/Education/Service (CERES) at Ball State University recently completed Day lighting assessments on two school buildings: Belmont High School and Residence Park PK-8, designed by Levin Porter Associates, Inc of Dayton, OH. These studies evaluated the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) day lighting credit compliance. The designers requested analysis of the instructional spaces of the proposed facilities with regard to their compliance with LEED daylighting criteria under the Indoor Environmental Quality section EQ 8.1 of LEED for Schools (LFS), Version 2007. Both, “Compliance Methodology Option 1: Glazing Factor Method” and “Compliance Methodology Option 2: Simulation”, were used.
Professor David G. Woodcock, FAIA, has assumed the chairmanship of the national AIA Committee on Historic Resources (AIA HRC) for 2009. He has served on the Advisory Group of the Institute’s oldest standing committee for the last four years. The committee’s programs for 2009 include a one-day Workshop on Sustainability and Preservation at the AIA National Convention in San Francisco, a two-day symposium “Capturing the Past for Future Use: Integrating Documentation with Repair, Design and Construction Practice in Historic Building Rehabilitation,” developed in conjunction with the Association for Preservation Technology International conference to be held in Los Angeles in November. The Peterson Prize awards for documenting historic structures will be awarded in Los Angeles, with special funding for winning student and faculty teams to participate in the symposium. The AIA HRC has also collaborated with ACSA for a second design competition focused on a unique historic context. The spring 2009 competition is for an expansion of Louis Kahn’s Salk Institute. (see ACSA Website) A paper by Assistant Professor Susan Rodiek, Ph.D., was selected as the best paper of the year by the Seniors Housing and Care Journal, a peer-reviewed journal published by the National Investment Center for the Seniors Housing and Care Industry (NIC). Titled “A New Tool for Evaluating Senior Living Environments,” the pa-
per describes how research findings can be used to assess residential environments, by analyzing the environmental ‘affordances’ available to residents. The award was accompanied by $5,000 cash, which was donated to the Design for Aging Scholarship Fund at Texas A&M University. Dr. Anat Geva was re-elected for an additional term as the Secretary of the National Council for Preservation Education (NCPE) at their annual meeting held in Tulsa, OK this last October. Dr. Anat Geva, Associate Professor of Architecture at Texas A&M University was elected as Vice Chair of the Construction History Society of America (CHSA) at the inaugural annual meeting of the society held in Atlanta, GA, November 2008. The inaugural volume of Preservation Education & Research, the journal of the National Council for Preservation Education edited by professors Anat Geva and Nancy Volkman is out. The peer review volume includes six articles and three book reviews, which cover a diverse spectrum of topics pertinent to preservation education and research. For subscription and guidelines for submission please visit http://www.ncpe.us Shima B. Mohajeri, Dr. Frances Downing and Dr. Peter Lang authored the paper “Alternate Mode of Spatial Representation: Postmodern West Meets Persianate Visual Culture” accepted for publication by IASTE. This paper presents a comparative analysis among two alternative
domains of Postmodern West and Persian East spatial thinking and visual culture through the study of philosophy and art, in order to provide communicative spatial language among them. Dr. Phillip Tabb, AIA is the master-planner for Serenbe Community near Atlanta. The project recently won the inaugural award for sustainability by the Urban Land Institute.
Associate Professor Kirk Hamilton and co-author David Watkins have published EvidenceBased Design for Multiple Building Types with Wiley & Sons (2009). The book guides the reader through the process of gathering, evaluating, and applying current best evidence from research and practice in several market segments. They offer guidance for practitioners interested in developing firm-based applied research. The authors make the case that practitioners of research informed design may benefit from a competitive advantage. Michael O’Brien joined Texas A&M architecture department as the associate head on August 15. Professor O’Brien is looking forward to working with Dr. Glen Mills to expand the areas of excellence within the department of architecture and across the research centers of the college. He will collaborate with faculty in the College of Architecture on developing a pedagogical foundation for collaborative practices in the design and construction professions.
Call for Memorial Tributes Each year, the ACSA pays tribute to the faculty who have passed away at its Annual Meeting by reading tributes. This year, we would like to collect the tributes in writing, for publication in the ACSA News and for a Memorial location on our website. In addition, we would like to collect tributes for all faculty who have passed away in the last 20 years. This will be an important part of our website, and in many ways, is an important effort in scholarship and the documentation of our discipline. Please send original contributions to obituaries@acsa-arch.org. (Note: submitters of previously published pieces will need to secure permission to include in the newsletter and website from the copyright holder.)
Texas A&M University
ACSANEWS April 2009
ACSANEWS April 2009
ACSA/AIA Development Directors Forum San Francisco, CA
30-May 2 Walter Wagner Forum San Francisco, CA
MAY 6 Submision Deadline AISC Student Competition
20 Submision Deadline GREEN COMMUNITY Competition
JUNE 3 Submision Deadline PCA Student Competition
17 Submision Deadline Preservation Student Competition
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events of note Conferences / Lectures 4/8/09 MAX LEVY, DALLAS ARCHITECT UT Arlington School of Architecture; 4:00 pm, Architecture 204 Map: www.uta.edu/maps/map?id=ARCH 5/27/09 SYMPOSIUM ON CHRISTOPHER ALEXANDER Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA), Kansas City, Missouri, USA This full-day symposium presents on-going research, teaching, and design drawing on Alexander’s work. Participants include: Tom Kubala (Kubala Washatko Architects, Cedarburg, WI); Jesus Lara (Ohio State University, Columbus, OH); Michael Mehaffy (President, Structura Naturalis Inc., Lake Oswego, OR); Kyriakos Pontikis(California State University, Northridge, CA), Jenny Quillien(New Mexico University of Highlands, Santa Fe, NM), Yodan Rofè (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Sde-Boqer Campus, Israel); and Ameilia Rosenberg Weinreb (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Sde-Boqer Campus, Israel). For further information, contact co-organizer David Seamon at triad@ksu.edu or visit: www.edra.org. 5/27/09 DESIGN COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE, 3/25-28/2009 Southern Polytechnic State University is proud to host the 2009 bi-annual Design Communication Association Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. The conference will feature hands-on design workshops by well known educators and practitioners such as Francis D. K. Ching, Michael Doyle, Edward Tim White and Henry Sorenson. In addition to workshops and paper sessions, the conference will feature a juried drawing competition and open presentations. For complete details on how to participate including registration deadlines visit www.designcomm.org. 6/30/09 CALL FOR ABSTRACTS THE BLITZ AND ITS LEGACY University of Westminster, London; September 3-4, 2010. September 2010 marks the seventi-
eth anniversary of the Blitz on London, and the beginning of mass aerial bombardment which devastated many areas of both the capital and other large cities in Britain. The Blitz and its legacy conference aims to be a total history of a total war phenomenon, focusing upon the experience of aerial attack through film, images, written texts and oral testimony. It will also explore the reconstruction of the devastated areas, and aim to provide an historical audit of successes and failures in reconstruction by 1970.For more information regarding submission themes, procedures, and address, please contact either Dr. Mark Clapson at the University of Westminster: m.clapson@westminster.ac.uk or Professor Peter Larkham at Birmingham City University: Peter. Larkham@bcu.ac.uk
Competitions 6/22/09 WATERFRONT CENTER ANNUAL AWARDS The Waterfront Center Annual Awards Program is a juried competition to recognize: top-quality urban waterfront projects; comprehensive waterfront plans; outstanding citizen efforts; and, student waterfront work. Winners receive international recognition through a major media release announcing and describing the selected entries and a special display on our web site featuring each winner including a web link to the winner’s website. Award winners are invited to attend a special awards ceremony, reception and dinner during the Center’s annual conference. http://www.waterfrontcenter.org/ 8/15/09 INDUSTRIAL FABRICS ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL (IFAI) 2010 ARCHITECT STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP This scholarship award provides tuition expenses at an accredited college, university or technical school. To qualify for the Architect Student Scholarship award, applicants must be studying to pursue a career in lightweight fabric structures. Recipients will be announced at the IFAI Expo 2009 in San Diego, CA. For more information on our scholarship programs, please contact the IFF at 651 225 6545 or blhungiville@indfabfnd.com.
request for proposals Deadline: April 20, 2009 The American Institute of Architects has issued a request for proposals for its Practice Academy Initiative. The initiative supports the development of mutually beneficial programs that prepare students for architectural practice and professional advancement through partnerships between the academy and firms. Grants of up to $10,000 are awarded for one-year periods to support new initiatives and/or for special initiatives that are part of an existing program. Since 2006, when the initiative began, three programs have received grants of $10,000 annually—for a total of $30,000 awarded to each program. The Boston Architectural College has used grant funding to develop a Practice Academy project devoted to understanding and teaching current developments in Building Information Modeling (BIM). Iowa State University implemented a program in which practitioners, students, and faculty all contribute to design projects in the local community. The University of Cincinnati offers students a practitioner-led workshop series called “Jump Start.” The common thread running through each program is a desire to assist students as they make the transition from academic institutions to architectural practice. Architecture firms or schools may submit proposals for the Practice Academy Initiative. Programs may begin in Fall 2009 or Spring 2010, with planning undertaken in the preceding semester. Proposals are due April 20, 2009. Information about the Practice Academy initiative, including submission requirements and evaluation criteria, are available as a downloadable .pdf document: http://info.aia.org/SiteObjects/files/RFP_PracticeAcademy_ 2009.pdf. Questions about the program should be directed to Catherine Roussel, Director, Education at the American Institute of Architects, croussel@aia.org.
Sam fox school of design & visual Arts / Skandalaris awards The Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts at Washington University in St. Louis, in partnership with the Skandalaris Center, is pleased to announce the Skandalaris Awards honoring outstanding achievement in design and the visual arts. Three awards will be presented at the first joint conference of the Association of Collegiate School of Architects (ACSA) and National Council of Art Administrators (NCAA), November 4-7, 2009, in St. Louis, Missouri.
Nominations are sought for the following awards: Skandalaris Award for Excellence in Art + Architecture This award will honor an artist, architect or designer whose individual or collaborative works, innovative projects and creative research have inspired new ideas and made a profound and lasting impact on society, culture, or the environment on a local, national or international level. The award of $20,000 will be presented at the conference where the recipient must present their work in the form of a lecture. Selection Committee: A committee comprised of national leaders in the fields of art, design, and architecture will be asked to nominated candidates for this award. Leaders of the Sam Fox School and the St. Louis design community will select the recipient. Skandalaris Awards for Entrepreneurship in Design & Visual Arts (2) For individuals who have demonstrated entrepreneurship in the fields of Art + Design + Architecture on a local, national or international level by promoting or establishing innovative understandings of “economy,” particularly through community-based and/or sustainable practices. Two awards of $20,000 will be awarded. The funds can be used to help support new or ongoing projects and/or creative research that will contribute to the social, cultural and environmental welfare of a community. The award winners will be announced at the first joint conference and will be asked to present their work in the form of a short lecture. Selection Committee: The selection committee will be comprised of national leaders in the fields of art, design and architecture. Nominations: To be considered for the Skandalaris awards, the selection committee must receive a letter of nomination identifying the work and highlighting the accomplishments, research or creative activities of each nominee. This must be accompanied by adequate digital documentation in the form of a CD, DVD or relevant web site links. Nominations are due April 15, 2009. Winners will be announced by August 1, 2009. The Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts and Washington University in St. Louis The Sam Fox School is a unique, interdisciplinary collaboration linking professional studio programs in architecture, art and design education with a university art museum in the context of a leading research university. Skandalaris Center for Entrepreneurial Studies The campus-wide Skandalaris Center for Entrepreneurial Studies serves Washington University and the community through programs that offer students opportunities to learn many facets of entrepreneurship both from academic and experiential perspectives.
ACSANEWS April 2009
ACSANEWS April 2009
Guide to Arch itect ure schools The 8th Edition of
the Guide to Architecture Schools is now available for sale online visit www.acsa-arch.org
@BR@ Fthcd sn @qbghsdbstqd Rbgnnkr 7sg Dchshnm
Guide to Arch architect hitecture schools @rrnbh`shnm ne Bnkkdfh`sd Rbgnnkr ne @qbghsdÊtqd
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ACSA Press is proud to present the 8th edition of the ACSA Guide to Architecture Schools. This book the only complete survey of all accredited professional architecture programs in the United States and Canada. It is an invaluable reference for prospective students, graduate students, educators, administrators, counselors, and practitioners. This newly revised edition contains descriptions of all 133 member schools and over 60 affiliate member schools of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture. Fe atures :
! ! !
Complete and detailed descriptions of all professional graduate and undergraduate architecture programs in the United States and Canada
Descriptions of preprofessional schools, international architecture programs, and 2-year programs
Index of specialized and related degree programs
An overview of the profession of architecture, the education process, and advice on how to select the right school
Student opportunities and resources
Scholarship and financial aid information
$28.95 + S/H
2009 B T E S C o n f e r e nce
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque NM August 6 - 8, 2009 KEYNOTE SPEAKER Rene Davids
UC Berkeley & Davids Killory Architects
PLENARY PANELS â&#x20AC;&#x153;Concept + Constructâ&#x20AC;?
Annette LeCuyer, SUNY Buffalo
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Local Complexities: Integrating Technology and Ecologyâ&#x20AC;?
Jason Oliver Vollen, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 6LJQLÂżFDQW GHYHORSPHQWV LQ PDWHULDO VFLHQFH GHVLJQ DQG manufacture of building components, innovative building V\VWHPV DQG G\QDPLF VWUXFWXUHV UHTXLUH VSHFLÂżF NQRZOHGJH and are driving design practice. At the same time, one of the emerging challenges in architectural education, research and practice is to promote integrative design. Despite this call to action, many architectural programs remain fractured DQG FROODERUDWLYH ZRUN EHWZHHQ WHFKQRORJLVWV WKHRULVWV DQG designers is undervalued and underrepresented. Because of WKLV QHZ PRGHOV IRU WHDFKLQJ UHVHDUFK DQG FUHDWLYH ZRUN are required to intersect these contrasting developments.
Advertising Complete advertising information is in the ACSA News Advertising Rate Card online at www.acsa-arch.org. Also available via fax upon request from the ACSA office by calling Kathryn Swiatek at 202.785.2324 ext. 6. 2007 Advertising Rates: â&#x20AC;˘ Full-page - $1,090 â&#x20AC;˘ Half-page - $660 â&#x20AC;˘ Quarter-page - $440 â&#x20AC;˘ One column - $440 â&#x20AC;˘ Half-column - $280 â&#x20AC;˘ Online listing - additional $50** per month â&#x20AC;˘ Classified format - $16/line (38-45 characters per line)
ACSANEWS April 2009
Assembling Architecture
Contents ACSA publishes, free of charge, brief announcements. ACSA faculty councilors and faculty in general are encouraged to submit announcements. One paragraph announcements (preferably 100 words or less) must be submitted to ACSA. Please send via email and not via fax. Due to space limitations, announcements are normally published on a first-come, first-served basis.
**Please note that advertisers CANNOT list positions exclusively online but MUST also list positions in that monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s corresponding ACSA News. Deadline & Submission Information The deadline for all submissions is the fifteenth of the month, six weeks prior to the month of publication (July 15 for September, August 15 for October, etc.) Electronic submission is to be mailed to: news@acsa-arch.org. The submission of images for consideration is encouraged. Please send as .TIFF or .JPEG files with captions.
Call for images for upcoming acsa news
Conference organizers invite papers, abstract deadline, March 27, 2009. Visit the web site for submission requirements: www.uiweb.uidaho.edu/btes2/ Co-hosted by:
The Building Technology Educatorsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Society (BTES) is an organization of architectural educators, passionate about teaching the technology of building design and construction. The mission of the BTES is to promote and publish the best pedagogic practices that facilitate student learning and enhance the status of our disciplines in the profession at large.
ACSA News needs images for upcoming issues. Images should be black and white, 300 dpi, and in jpeg or tiff format. All images must include a caption and photographer credit.
Please submit your images to: Pascale Vonier at pvonier@acsa-arch.org
School of Architecture & Planning, University of New Mexico College of Art and Architecture, University of Idaho