ACSA News October 2007

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october 2007 volume 37 number 2

acsaNews publication of the association of collegiate schools of architecture

ACSA / Autodesk Integrated Practice Call see page 16 for details

ACSA Partners With HUD Journal on Hurricane Response see page 28 for call for papers

in this issue: 2

President’s Message


NAAB Visiting Team Representative Call ACSA Board of Directors Call


2007 Administrators Conference


College and Career Expo


ACSA 97th Annual Meeting Topics Call


ACSA 96th Annual Meeting


Autodesk Project Call for Studios 2007-08 Student Competitions


2007 ACSA Fall Conferences






2008 Walter Wagner Forum Call for Papers Cover image courtesy of James Washabaugh - Duck Hollow Boathouse- Carnegie Mellon University

president’s message


What is the nature of architectural knowledge? by kim tanzer

to have faith in our assertions that designs will indeed perform as we contend. In fact if we ourselves do not believe our designs are largely based on verifiable knowledge, we can only be operating on faith. And if such projects fail, they lead to a generalized decrease in the value of professional architectural service.

Pascale Vonier, Editor Editorial Offices 1735 New York Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20006, USA Tel: 202/785 2324; fax: 202/628 0448 Website: ACSA Board of Directors, 2007–2008 Kim Tanzer, RA, President Marleen Kay Davis, FAIA, Vice President Theodore C. Landsmark, M.Ev.D., JD, PhD, Past President Carmina Sanchez-del-Valle, D.Arch, RA, Secretary Graham Livesey, Treasurer Patricia Kucker, EC Director Stephen White, AIA, NE Director Kenneth Schwartz, FAIA, SE Director Russell Rudzinski, SW Director Loraine D. Fowlow, W Director Keelan Kaiser, AIA, WC Director George Baird, Canadian Director Tony Vanky, Associate AIA, Student Director Michael J. Monti, PhD, Executive Director ACSA Mission Statement To advance architectural education through support of member schools, their faculty, and students. This support involves: • Serving by encouraging dialogue among the diverse areas of discipline; • Facilitating teaching, research, scholarly and creative works, through intra/interdisciplinary activity; • Articulating the critical issues forming the context of architectural education • Fostering public awareness of architectural education and issues of importance This advancement shall be implemented through five primary means: advocacy, annual program activities, liaison with collateral organizations, dissemination of information and response to the needs of member schools in order to enhance the quality of life in a global society. The ACSA News is published monthly during the academic year, September through May. Back issues are available for $9.95 per copy. Current issues are distributed without charge to ACSA members. News items and advertisements should be submitted via fax, email, or mail. The submission deadline is six weeks prior to publication. Submission of images is requested. The fee for classified advertising is $16/line (42-48 characters/line.) Display ads may be purchased; full-page advertisements are available for $1,090 and smaller ads are also available. Please contact ACSA more information. Send inquires and submission via email to:; by mail to Editor at: ACSA News,1735 New York Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20006; or via fax to 202/628 0048. For membership or publications information call ACSA at: 202/785 2324. ISSN 0149-2446

Over the years, I have had many conversations with university colleagues who teach in the sciences which follow this general outline: I ask about a colleague’s research and he or she begins by saying; “We know [insert a description about agreed upon knowledge within the discipline] and I am looking at [insert a question directed toward a filling a gap in a known field of knowledge or a hypothesized extension or redirection of this agreed upon knowledge].” The frequency of this pattern of conversation has led me to wonder, what do most architects agree that we know? And, what further research needs to be done to fill in, extend, or redirect our collective understanding of architectural knowledge? As I have started asking this question of academic architects, I have come to believe that we apparently do not conceptualize a shared ground of common knowledge, but rather shared, or even conflicting, zones of action. While I love the fluidity of design propositions, our lack of agreed-upon common knowledge concerns me for several reasons. First, if we do not base our designs on a largely shared and verified knowledge base, we find ourselves asking the public

Second, if we do not teach our students the outlines of our knowledge base, one must wonder what we are teaching them beyond design thinking. While architectural educators teach design thinking very well, academics in other fields argue that they do too. (Since we tend not to test assertions we can’t even prove our own point!) Architectural curricula are regarded as among the most demanding in many universities. Is such rigor necessary if a curriculum does not transmit a comprehensive knowledge base through all of its courses? Third, having participated actively in scholarly exchanges for two decades, I regret that persuasively advanced arguments, gathered evidence, or unlocked architectural problems seem not to accumulate as a knowledge base. That is, we do not build adequately on the work of our colleagues. Rather, studies (in written, drawn, or built form) fall by the wayside, as new fascinations emerge. Too often, we find ourselves repeating, not extending, propositions made a generation earlier. For decades the ACSA has offered numerous vehicles for the development of our shared knowledge base, including Fall Conferences, the Annual Conference, and the Journal of Architectural Education. We are aware that these vehicles are sometimes perceived as inflected toward certain types of scholarship, perhaps unintentionally exacerbating the fragmentation of our knowledge base. We are working to address the goal of greater inclusivity and connectivity in several ways.

The ACSA News and ACSA website will now feature calls for papers and conferences in allied organizations (see p. 30). Following the model of the Chronicle of Higher Education, we will publicize such information as an enhanced member service. We recognize that our colleagues often present their work in other venues and belong to a range of learned societies, including the Society of Architectural Historians, the Modern Language Association, the Environmental Design Research Association, and the Society of Building Science Educators, to name a few. We hope the ACSA can help our members find the best fit for their research, whether it is within the ACSA portfolio or not, because we believe our organization should assist in enhancing our knowledge base through every vehicle available. The Journal of Architectural Education will be refocused through the lens of design. Volume 61, Issue 1, in your mailboxes as I write, marks the first issue under the editorship of Professor George Dodds of the University of Tennessee. He has taken up the question of “Architectural Design as Research, Scholarship, and Inquiry” in his first issue, and seeks to explore the topic through a series of essays, opinion pieces, and critiqued design work, along with exhibit and book reviews. He, along with Design Editor Jori Erdman, of Clemson University, and his Editorial Board have chosen to reframe the JAE’s contents through the dual lenses of “Design as Scholarship” and the “Scholarship of Design.” Volume 61-1 offers a rich range of voices addressing the critical relationship between design and research, which is certainly among our discipline’s most vexing questions. As I argued in last month’s column, for academic architecture to play an important role in our fast-paced, increasingly global world, we must enhance our knowledge base—emphasizing its importance to our students and helping faculty members extend and share it. If we expect to be valued globally, as experts and as professionals, and if we hope our students will prosper as we have, we simply must be confident that what we are doing is sound. As always, I welcome your suggestions.

Call for Nominations 2008–2009 board of directors The Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Nominations Committee invites nominations for two national officers positions on the 2008–09 Board of Directors; The offices are president-elect and secretary. The president-elect will serve a three-year term; one year each as vice president/president-elect, president, and past president. The secretary will serve a two-year term. The Nominations Committee is chaired by Ted Landsmark and consists of Loraine Fowlow, Carmina Sanchez, and Sabir Khan.

Nominees must be full-time faculty from an ACSA full-member school in good standing. Nominations should be sent by October 26th, 2007 to: ACSA, Board Nominations 1735 New York Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20006 or e-mail to Eric Ellis at: Submissions should include a CV, a letter of interest from the nominee indicating a willingness to serve, and a candidate statement.

Call for Nominations acsa representative on naab board of directors The 2008–09 NAAB Board will comprise thirteen members: three from ACSA, three from AIA, three from NCARB, two from AIAS, and two public members. With the expiration of Christine Theadoropolous’ term in October 2008, the ACSA Board of Directors is considering candidates for her successor at its meeting this November. The appointment is for a three-year term (Oct. 2008 – Oct. 2011) and calls for a person willing and able to make a commitment to NAAB. The final appointment will be made by the sitting NAAB board itself through selection from a pool of names established by this call for nominations. While previous experience as an ACSA board member or administrator is helpful, it is not essential for nomination. Some experience on NAAB visiting teams should be considered necessary; otherwise the nominee might be unfamiliar with the highly complex series of deliberations involved with this position. Faculty and administrators are asked to nominate faculty from an ACSA member school with any or all of the following qualifications: 1. Tenured faculty status at an ACSA full member school; 2. Significant experience and knowledge of the accreditation process; 3. Significant acquaintance with and knowledge of ACSA, its history, policy programs, and administrative structure; 4. Personal acquaintance with the range of school and program types across North America. 5. Willingness to represent the constituency of ACSA on accreditationrelated issues. 6. Ability to work with the NAAB board and ACSA representatives to build consensus on accreditation related issues. Please submit a concise letter of nomination along with a CV indicating experience under the above headings, and a letter indicating willingness to serve from the nominee by October 26th, 2007, to: ACSA, NAAB Representative 1735 New York Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20006 or e-mail to

All nominations must be received by: Friday, October 26, 2007


The ACSA has initiated poster sessions for the 96th 2008 Annual Meeting. By providing an informal venue for peer reviewed exchange, we hope to generate conversations between scholars across subdisciplines. By aiming the call for proposals at known subsets of our discipline, such as urbanism, materials research, or history/theory, we hope to reinforce each area’s particular methods and findings without diminishing those of others. We hope to help our sub-disciplines’ knowledge coalesce into an inclusive taxonomy. (For those who don’t find their subdisciplines represented, we have included an “open session” as is typically the case with ACSA venues.) Finally, I would like to mention that this concept took shape following a very productive conversation with Professor Donald Kunze of Penn State. He deserves much of the credit, but none of the blame, for this new venue. The Call for Posters can be found at

ACSANEWS october 2007

acsa deadlines


theme + overview Conference Co-Chairs: Thomas Fisher and John Koepke University of Minnesota College of Design Clearly, global climate change has become the most profound challenge facing modern civilization. This year’s ACSA/Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Administrators Conference will provide both inspiration and information on how we, as academic leaders, can help our students, faculty, colleagues, and constituencies embrace more environmentally responsible ways of learning, teaching, operating, and practicing. Just as design provides the bridge between science-based knowledge and its practical application, our programs straddle the worlds of research and practice, and so we, as much as anyone in our institutions, hold the key to helping create a more sustainable future. In North America, construction and building operations release over 700 million metric tons of carbon into the atmosphere each year, and transportation another 500 million. With building and transportation consuming 75% of the energy we use annually, programs in architecture and landscape architecture have an especially important role to play, by: • Educating the next generation of practitioners in how to change the ways we shape, operate, and maintain our physical surroundings, • Providing knowledge about what it means to live within the environmental footprint of the planet and to minimize greenhouse gas emissions, • Helping our regions and institutions transform themselves to reduce energy consumption, conserve water, minimize waste, and cultivate local ecologies.



Please join us at this important event. There is no time to lose and no better time to start this journey than now.


keynote speakers

friday tours

ACSA and cela

Friday Afternoon Tours

For the third year this conference has been jointly sponsored by ACSA and CELA with each organization contributing co-chairs, and each organization’s members contributing their experience and expertise in an open, collegial environment. We value this interdisciplinary parnership and encourage more of these collaborations in the future.

Time has been allotted on Friday afternoon for three concurrent guided tours of Minneapolis’s most significant landmarks and cultural institutions. You will be able to sign up for one of the following:

special session ACSA AND ENHSA Special Preconference Session Joint Meeting of ACSA Administrators and the European Network of Heads of Schools of Architecture. As part of ACSA’s efforts to strengthen international relationships among our members, ACSA members (administrators and faculty alike) are invited to participate in a day-long meeting to discuss issues of mutual concern.

Will Steger Eyewitness to global warming Will Steger is known for his numerous polar expeditions and his efforts to raise international awareness of environmental threats. He led the first confirmed dogsled journey to the North Pole (1986), a 1,600-mile traverse of Greenland in 1988, the first dogsled traverse of Antarctica, and recently returned from a 1,200 mile trip across Baffin Island to document how the Inuit are coping with global warming. Through his expeditions, Steger has been an eyewitness to the gravest environmental threat of out time--global warming. In 2006, Steger formed the Will Steger Foundation, whose first initiative is Global Warming 101, is engaging and empowering individuals and policy-makers to translate their concern

Join us to network and share information about your program. Discussions are sure to continue through the weekend. Visit ACSA’s website in September for a preliminary agenda. ENHSA is doing research on student competiencies that will be replicated in the United States. This and more will be discussed. Find out more about ENHSA and the European Association for Architectural Education at and

keynote sponsors The Urban Land Institute (ULI) provides responsible leadership in the use of land and in the creation of thriving communities worldwide. The Regional Council of Mayors (RCM), supported by ULI Minnesota, provides a non-partisan platform that strategically engages mayors to support a more connected, more sustainable and more competitive region.

J. DRAKE HAMILTON Global Warming Solutions J. Drake Hamilton, Science Policy Director for Fresh Energy, heads the nonprofit’s nation-leading global warming solutions program. A climate scientist by training, Hamilton works to transform our energy systems to 21st century technologies that support the health of our economies, our communities, and our environment while moving us towards energy independence.

Tour 1—Walking Walker Art Center designed by Edward Larrabee Barnes in 1971 and expanded in 2005 by Herzog & de Meuron. Loring Greenway is a redeveloped pedestrian mall that connects downtown to Loring Park and is lined with apartment towers and townhomes. Nicollet Mall is part of the downtown Minneapolis shopping and dining district. Central Public Library designed by Cesar Pelli, along with the Minneapolis architectural firm Architectural Alliance opened to the public in May 2006. The library features a host of energyefficient measures, including a roof garden and substantial daylight. Tour 2—Walking Mississippi Riverfront Development McGuire Park designed by landscape architect, Tom Oslund, Gold Medal Park is a 7.5-acre park along the west bank of the Mississippi River that includes a 32-foot-high viewing mound that provides great views of the River and the surrounding neighborhood. Guthrie Theater designed by Jean Nouvel in 2006 along with the Minneapolis architectural firm Architectural Alliance. Federal Courthouse Plaza designed by Martha Schwartz, features raised elements that serve as security features intended to look like glacial drumlins, a reflection of Minnesota’s natural landscape. Tour 3—Bus Parkway System was developed over 100 years ago and has evolved to include thousands of acres of land and water, 39 miles of walking paths, 38 miles of off-street bicycle and skating paths and approximately 50 miles of parkways. Mississippi River Gorge located in the heart of the Twin Cities, is one of the most significant features of the entire 2,350-mile long Mississippi River. The cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul grew up around this unique area. Minnehaha Park is one of Minneapolis’ oldest and most popular parks. The 193-acre park features a 53-foot waterfall, limestone bluffs and river overlooks. Chain of Lakes both a part of the Grand Rounds and one of Minneapolis’ most highly visited locations is comprised of a 13.3 mile biking/walking/ jogging path that encircles the entire Chain.

sessions Thu nov 1 / Global

fri nov 2 / regional

sat nov 3 / institutional

Sustainability at a global scale Global climate change will have dramatic effects on historic settlements, as well as on new urban developments, coastal areas, and existing landscapes. We will also explore the possibility of a new national academy on environmental design, supporting sustainability research.

Sustainability at a regional scale

Sustainability at an institutional scale

Working with state and local political leaders will be critical in affecting change. We will hear what governments are doing to address climate change, and how administrators are working effectively in their communities. Efforts at energy conservation and habitat preservation will also be described in ways that administrators can apply.

The greening of campuses and colleges has become a major leadership opportunity for schools of architecture and landscape architecture. We will hear what universities are doing around the country and what specific ideas colleges might adapt in their own institutions.

Plenary Session: “Preparing for the Inconvenient Truth” Thomas Fisher, U of Minnesota John Koepke, U of Minnesota

Plenary Session: “Design and Legislation” Jeremy Kalin, Minnesota Representative Representative Jeremy Kalin in the Minnesota House of Representatives was educated as an artist and architect and has led efforts at the state level to institute new legislation related to energy and sustainability. Representative Kalin will talk about a number of initiatives in the state of Minnesota to promote renewable energy production and to encourage public and private construction to meet LEED standards.

Plenary Session: “Presidents’ Climate Commitment” Tony Cortese, Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education Tony Cortese will describe the American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment and talk about what administrators can do to lead this effort.

The Goal of the Conference National Academy for Environmental Design Kim Tanzer, University of Florida, ACSA President Claudia Goetz Phillips, Philadelphia U, CELA First Vice President This focus session will lay out a proposal for a new National Academy of Environmental Design, to coordinate and fund research in the design disciplines, including sustainability. Morning sessions I: Cultural Preservation Marielle Richon, UNESCO World Heritage and Climate Change Ozayr Saloojee, U of Minnesota Cultural Sustainability II: Global Flooding Arthur Chen, U of Minnesota The Situation in Venice Edward Epp, U of Manitoba International Centre for Flood Architecture Afternoon sessions I: Sustainable Housing Harrison Fraker, U of California, Berkeley Sustainable Settlement in China Patrick Condon, U of British Columbia Sustainable Development in Vancouver II: Reclamation Landscapes John Koepke, U of Minnesota Laurentian Vision for the Iron Range Laura Musacchio, U of Minnesota Landscape Reclamation Keynote Lecture

Regional Advocacy Bob Greenstreet, U of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Working in and with City Government Craig Barton, U of Virginia Working In and With Local Communities Morning sessions I: Energy Conservation David Miller, U of Washington AIA Committee on the Environment and Energy Conservation and Design John Carmody, U of Minnesota Center for Sustainable Building Research, Energy Conservation and Policy II: Habitat Preservation Forster Ndubisi, Texas A&M Habitat Fragmentation Sue Galatowich, U of Minnesota Wetland Restoration Accreditation review conference Update NAAB Leadership

First Morning Sessions I: Integrated Practice Urs Gauchat, New Jersey Institute of Technology Integrated Practice and the Profession Renee Cheng and Marc Swackhamer, U of Minnesota; BIM and Biomimicry II: 2030 Challenge Mary Guzowski, U of Minnesota Second Morning Sessions I: Building Our Schools Roger Schluntz, U of New Mexico Marilys Nepomechie, Florida International U Robert Livesey, Ohio State U Tom Fisher, U of Minnesota II: Greening Our Campuses Scott Carlson, Chronicle for Higher Education Green campuses Kyle Brown, California State U at Pomona Center for Regenerative Studies Afternoon Sessions I: Greening Our Curriculum Round-robin discussion of innovations at schools by all in attendance.

Afternoon Tours II: NAAB Team Member Training Closing Session National Academy Accord Kim Tanzer, U of Florida, ACSA President


National Academy for Environmental Design

Kim Tanzer, U. of Florida, ACSA President Claudia Goetz-Phillips, Philadelphia U., CELA First Vice President

Coffee Break

10:30 – 12:00

10:30 – 12:00

Session II Global Flooding

General Session president’s climate commitment Tony Cortese, Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education

7:30 – 4:00

Interdisciplinary Opportunities Session I Integrated Practice

Session II 2030 Challenge

Regional Ecologies

Coffee Break

Session I Energy Conservation

Institutional Opportunities

Session II Habitat Preservation

AIA Luncheon 12:00 – 1:30

ARCC Luncheon 12:00 – 1:30

8:00 – 5:00

Bob Greenstreet, U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Craig Barton, U. of Virginia

Coffee Break

Global Climate Change Session I Cultural Preservation

Regional Advocacy

8:00 – 9:00

Jeremy Kalin, Minnesota Representative

9:00 – 10:30

Thomas Fisher, U. of Minnesota John Koepke, U. of Minnesota

General Session design & legistlation

Registration Open

11:00 – 12:30

General Session Preparing for the Inconvenient Truth

Registration Open

sat nov 3 / institutional

Session I Building our Schools

12:30 – 2:00

7:30 – 4:00

Registration Open

fri nov 2 / regional

8:00 – 10:00

ACSA Administrators and European Network of Heads of Schools of Architecture Meeting

7:30 – 4:00

Registration Open

Thu nov 1 / Global

8:00 – 10:00

7:30 – 4:00

wed oct 31

Session II Greening our Campuses

ACSA Business Luncheon

Pedagogical Opportunities Session II reclamation landscapes

Session I Greening our Curriculum

Update on 2008 accreditation review conference

2:00 – 3:30

Session I Sustainable Housing

Accreditation Update 1:30 – 3:00

1:30 – 3:00

Global Settlement

Session II NAAB Team Member Training

Friday Afternoon Tours Tour 1 Walker Art Center, Loring Greenway, Nicollet Mall, Central Public Library


Sponsored by Urban Land Institute Minnesota

For complete session descriptions, panelists and updated schedule information visit

5:30 – 7:30

Opening Reception

Tour 3 Parkway System, Mississippi River Gorge, Minnehaha Park, Chain of Lakes

National Academy Accord

Kim Tanzer, U. of Florida, ACSA President

4:00 – 5:30

3:00 – 6:30

4:00 – 5:30

Will Steger, Polar Explorer J. Drake Hamilton, Fresh Energy


Tour 2 Mississippi Riverfront Development McGuire Park, Guthrie Theater, Federal Courthouse Plaza, I-35W Bridge Site

Keynote Address

registration form "

administrators 2007

CONTACT INFORMATION (Please print clearly) Full Name

[ ] FAIA [ ] AIA [ ] Assoc AIA [ ] RA [ ] FASLA [ ] ASLA

School / Company Name

Nickname (badge)

Fax form with credit card info to: 202/628 0448


Online at:

Mailing Address






Country Fax

[ ] Your name, company/school, city/state, and email will be listed in the conference materials. Please check this box if you DO NOT wish to have this information listed.




by oct 5, 2007

by Oct 15, 2007

after Oct 15, 2007

Pre-Conference EAAE/ACSA Meeting*








Student Member (WITH VALID ID)








Student Non-Member (WITH VALID ID)




Tour 1




Tour 2




Tour 3




ARCC Lunch (DATE: NOV 1, 2007)

[ ] Free (Limited availibility; first come, first served basis)

AIA Lunch (DATE: NOV 2, 2007)

[ ] Free (Limited availibility; first come, first served basis)

ACSA Business Lunch (DATE: NOV 3, 2007)

[ ] Free (Limited availibility; first come, first served basis)

* Additional registration fee covers breakfast, lunch and evening reception.

PAYMENT METHOD Select one only:

[ ] Check/ Money Order (# _________)

Card #

Graves 601 Hotel 601 1st Ave, North Minneapolis, MN 55403 Tel: 866-523-1100 Rate: Single/Double – US $189

[ ] Mastercard

CCV# (Credit Card Verification)


Hotel Information

Ways to Register Mail this form and payment to: ACSA 2007 Administrators 1735 New York Avenue Washington DC, 20006

[ ] Visa



Graves 601 Hotel is located at the confluence of business, theatre and entertainment districts, in the heart of downtown Minneapolis. The hotel is connected by Skyway to the entire shopping and business district. Online reservations not available call hotel directly to receive the special hotel rate, mention the ACSA/CELA Administrators Conference and book by October 5, 2007.

Airport Transportation Minneapolis-Saint. Paul Int’l Airport Sedan Service is $35/person, contact hotel directly to reserve. Taxi Service is approximately $30 Graves 601 Hotel is two blocks from the light rail system, and connects directly to the airport for $2.00

Special Assistance ACSA will take steps to ensure that no individual who is physically challenged is excluded, denied services, segregated, or otherwise treated differently because of an absence of auxiliary aids and services identified in the American with Disabilities Act. If any such services are necessary to enable you to participate fully in these meetings, please contact Mary Lou Baily, 202/785 2324 ext 2; Cancellation Policy Cancellations must be received in writing, no later than October 15, 2007 to qualify for a refund, less a processing fee of $50. This fee also applies to PayPal purchases. Unpaid purchase orders will be billed at the full rate specified in the order unless cancelled before the deadline; Standard cancellation fees will apply. Contact For questions regarding registrations for the conference, contact Kevin Mitchell at 202/785 2324 ext 5; For all other conference questions, contact Mary Lou Baily at 202/785 2324 ext 2, mlbaily@ Payment ACSA accepts cash (on-site only), checks, money orders, Visa, and Mastercard. All payments must be in US dollars. Checks or international money orders should be made payable to ACSA and drawn on a bank located in the United States or Canada. Advance payments must be received at the ACSA national office by October 15, 2007. After that date, proof of purchase order, check requisition or on-site payment will be required upon conference check-in.




Architecture College + Career Expo

ACSANEWS october 2007

nts stude er regist online now!

on the Campus of Georgia Institute of Technology

school exhibitors • seminars • workshops college representatives • free to students High school and college students—come meet with school representatives to learn about beginning or continuing your architectural career and attend a special Portfolio Design Workshop by expert Harold Linton ( Free student registration online at or

Participants to include: Academy of Art University • Boston Architectural College • Carnegie Mellon University • Clemson University • Harvard University • Judson University • Lawrence Technological University • Mississippi State University • New Jersey Institute of Technology • Savannah College of Art & Design • School of the Art Institute of Chicago • Tulane University • University of Arkansas • University of Cincinnati • University of Maryland • University of Miami • University of Michigan • University of Oregon • University of Tennessee • University of Virginia • Woodbury University AND MANY MORE!

October 27, 2007

10:30 AM – 5:00 PM College of Architecture Atrium

Georgia Institute of Technology

Presented by Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture American Institute of Architecture Students

Supporting Sponsor Georgia Institute of Technology

For more information, please contact Kathryn Swiatek at or 202/785 2324


College of Architecture

ACSANEWS october 2007

call for topics

Portland, OR—97th Annual meeting


Host School: University of Oregon Co-chairs: Mark Gillem, U. of Oregon Phoebe Crisman, U. of Virginia Deadline: December 18, 2007 The ACSA board recognizes the need to ensure that the Annual Meeting serves as a forum for a broad range of research, scholarship, and creative activity. Members will have the opportunity to both propose session topics that frame their research interests within broader disciplinary and professional questions and to submit papers to such topics.

Session Topic proposals may be broad in reach or sharply focused. In either case, each proposal should clearly identify its subject and its particular approach to it: the premise, scope, and ambitions underlying the session should be clear to the reader. Session Topics are selected through a blind peer review process. The selection process takes into consideration both the merits of the Session Topic proposals – the subject, premise, and scope of the proposed Session Topics should be clearly stated – as well as the importance of organizing a diverse set of sessions for the Annual Meeting.



Submission and Review Process Faculty and graduate students at ACSA member schools, representatives of affiliated schools and societies, and other scholars, researchers, and practitioners are invited to submit proposals for Session Topics. Proposals are requested from the full range of subject areas within architecture, its related disciplines, and its allied professions. Session Topic proposals may, for example, address questions relating to history, theory, criticism, design, digital media, technology, pedagogy, construction, materials, practice, society, and culture. Session Topic proposals may also cut across traditional categories or address emerging issues, such as alternative models for professional practice, sustainability, diversity, and interdisciplinary.

The authors of the Session Topics selected in the first stage will serve as Session Topic Chairs for their particular sessions. Their responsibilities include the following: maintain a blind-review process for all parties during the entire review process; enlist and assign three reviewers to each of the papers submitted to their Session Topic; select the papers for presentation; and moderate the sessions during the Annual Meeting. Submission Requirements All Session Topic Chairs must be faculty, students, or staff at ACSA member schools or become Supporting ACSA members by September 1 of the academic year during which the Annual Meeting will occur. Prospective Session Topic Chairs are not required to be members of ACSA when submitting their Session Topic proposal.

Please visit the ACSA website, www.acsa-arch. org, to obtain detailed instructions and template for submitting your topic. STAGE TWO—CALL FOR PAPERS The Call for papers will list the final Session Topics and will be announced in the March 2008 ACSA News as well as on the ACSA website. All authors submitting papers must be faculty, students, or staff at ACSA member schools or become Supporting ACSA members at the time of paper submission. All papers will be submitted through an online interface and must meet the general criteria identified in the call for papers and in the submission guidelines. Each author will be limited to one submission per Session Topic. All papers will undergo a blind peer review process. Session Topic Chairs will take into consideration each paper’s relevance to the topic and the evaluation furnished by the three peer reviewers. The deadline for submitting a paper to a Session Topic is September 2008 (final date to be determined). Each session will be composed of at least three paper presentations. Authors whose papers have been accepted for presentation will be required to register for the conference before the proceedings go to press. For additional information please contact:

deadline: december 18, 2007 / for more information Please visit the ACSA website

ACSANEWS october 2007
















96th ACSA Annual Meeting Houston, TX | March 27—30, 2008 | Doubletree Hotel Houston Downtown

University of Houston Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture


Dietmar Froehlich University of Houston Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture Michaele Pride University of Cincinnati School of Architecture & Interior Design

Seeking the City Visionaries on the margins

Cities are expanding, exploding, their centers becoming scattered in the margins of mind and space. Cities and civilization have been inextricably linked throughout history, and the architecture of the city has been an expression of civilization’s highest collective achievements. But in recent decades cities have become hollow: Shifting social and economic pressures are challenging traditional urban forms and rituals, while new communications technologies have changed the nature of the social and physical network within which people dwell. A global and generic megalopolis is the city’s future. The city exists at a collision of forces of power. Globalization has given rise to a search for identity in a world of blurred boundaries. Spatially, this teeming agglomeration of people densely accommodated does not follow conventional planning

methods; the ubiquity of electronic communications replaces face to face contact, and the nonplace realm grows with an energy that eludes control. Corporations see the city as a commodity and aggressively deploy their brands everywhere, draining away diversity while defending their profits at all cost. Meanwhile, classes of citizens struggle to find their place in the economic and social milieu of the metropolis, challenging globalizing forces with grassroots, community-based efforts. Architects and planners play only marginal roles of corrective interventions. How can we understand the emerging city and mitigate cultural, economic and spatial conflict in the fluid and pluralistic society? What roles can architecture and architects play? What visions will emerge from the margins to nurture sustainable dwelling places and promote diversity of people, of ideas, and of possibilities?


host school

call for posters Deadline—November 12, 2007 Timeline August 20 November 12

Online poster submission site opens Poster submission deadline

Poster sessions are a fixture at many scholarly meetings. They offer an informal setting for thinkers and scholars to share emerging research and speculators to explore new directions. Typically, presenters exhibit posters illustrating their work for others to study and comment upon in direct oneon-one dialogue. From a number of general areas in which architectural scholars work we have identified several that we hope embrace the research and creative work of a majority of our members. Because each of these areas utilizes distinct methods of inquiry, we encourage the submission of posters relying on textual, quantitative, graphic and/or spatial evidence. We recognize that research is often done in the context of studio teaching and such research is also encouraged. The thematic areas are: Architecture in an expanded field, interiors to landscape Scholarship and design-based investigations situated at the architectural scale often slip toward the space of the room or the expanse of the site. Indeed some of the most often studied projects of recent years operate within this larger field of space making. This topic seeks to provide a home for work beyond the precise scale of the building. Building behaviors Sustainability has led to a renewed interest in the behaviors of buildings, particularly related to energy usage. In addition, lighting, acoustical responsiveness and structural stability are increasingly at the foreground of public interest. Design research in the studio context The studio is the traditional core of the architecture school. The 1996 Boyer Report on architectural education described it as the “holy of holies” of architectural education: “these studios scruffy though they may be are models for creative learning that others on campus might well think about.” Since the Boyer report was written design has become a hot trans-disciplinary phenomenon, putting the architecture studio in an enviable position relative to our peers in the academy. This topic might include research done on the design studio or research done in the design studio. History/Theory Scholarship on historic architects, settings, periods and themes occurs in a variety of research modalities. In addition ideas of design epistemology are often reflected in essays falling under this broad rubric. Housing As the planet’s population grows it becomes increasingly imperative that housing effectively provide appropriate shelter with reduced means. Housing research varies from historic and emerging typologies to urban and social concerns to evolving family types, all set in a global arena of cultural confluences. Research and design projects in all these areas are encouraged.

December 3 January 7

Accept/reject notifications sent to all authors Poster presenter registration deadline

Materials In recent years the convergence of new manufacturing processes and new materials has led to a proliferation of material studies with spatial, economic and societal implications. In addition, traditional materials and their methods of fabrication continue to hold interest for researchers and offer new information to the construction industry. Media Investigations Theories and practices of media and representation, ranging from historic drawing techniques to contemporary digital modalities, are critical to the production of architectural ideas. Scholars and designers often focus their inquiries on this key link in the design process. Urbanism Designers and scholars study and engage the differences between private and public, individual and societal spaces, incorporating buildings and public space in a variety of scales and densities within an increasingly global context. Two well-developed research trajectories are smart growth and new urbanism, and we solicit posters from our members working in these areas. In addition, we are seeking proposals that redefine architecture, urban design, city planning, and life in the cyber-age, in unexpected terms. We recognize that positions taken today may be located on the periphery of the architectural discourse but are poised to make a significant impact tomorrow. Open An Open Submission will accommodate promising research posters that do not fall into any of these areas. Poster Submission Requirements The poster submission site will be open on August 20, 2007. Authors will submit a 500-word abstract and a PDF or JPEG of the poster (not to exceed 20” x 30” portrait orientation). Abstracts need to be formatted for blind peer review, as well as the posters. Accepted poster authors will have a 20” x 30” (portrait orientation) space on a tack board on which to post materials. Authors must stand at their posters during presentation time to discuss them with other participants. Posters are not required to be mounted; a flat tackable surface and tacks will be provided. Other materials for presentation are the responsibility of the authors. Accepted authors will be notified by December 3, 2007 and must register for the conference by January 7, 2008 in order to be included in the proceedings. Please contact Mary Lou Baily, Conferences Manager, with questions at or 202/785 2324 x2

thursday evening—rice university, physics amphitheater

Richard Sennett London School of Economics

Saskia Sassen Columbia University

2008 annual meeting

keynote speakers

Saskia Sassen is now at Columbia University’s Committee on Global Thought, after a decade at the University of Chicago and London School of Economics. Her recent books are Territory, Authority, Rights: From Medieval to Global Assemblages (Princeton University Press 2006) and A Sociology of Globalization. (Norton 2007). She has now completed for UNESCO a five-year project on sustainable human settlement for which she set up a network of researchers and activists in over 30 countries; it is published as one of the volumes of the Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) (Oxford, UK: EOLSS Publishers). Her books are translated into sixteen languages. Her comments have appeared in The Guardian, The New York Times, Le Monde Diplomatique, the International Herald Tribune, Newsweek International, the Financial Times, among others.

saturday evening—university of houston

Elizabeth Diller Diller, Scofidio + Renfro

Elizabeth Diller is a principal and co-founder of the inter-disciplinary studio, Diller Scofidio + Renfro. Their work encompasses architecture, urban design, temporary and permanent site-specific installations, multi-media theater, electronic media, and print. DS+R is currently working on various projects for Lincoln Center such as the Julliard School, Alice Tully Hall, and the School of American Ballet; The High Line, a park situated on the obsolete railway running through the Chelsea neighborhood of New York; and the Kopp Townhouse, a private residence in Manhattan. DS+R’s new building for the Boston Institute for Contemporary Art opened in December 2006. DS+R has been awarded a MacArthur Foundation Fellowship, the first in the field of architecture; the National Design Award in Architecture from the Smithsonian; the Brunner Prize in Architecture from the American Academy of Arts and Letters; the MacDermott Award for Creative Achievement from MIT; an Obie Award for Creative Achievement in Off Broadway Theater for their multi-media theater work, “Jet Lag”; and a Progressive Architecture Design Award for the “Blur Building,” a building made of fog for the Swiss Expo 2002. Diller is Professor of Architectural Design at Princeton University.

Charles Renfro Diller, Scofidio + Renfro

Charles Renfro joined Diller + Scofidio in 1997 and was promoted to partner at Diller Scofidio + Renfro in 2004. As a collaborator with Diller+Scofidio, he has served as Project Leader on Brasserie, Eyebeam, the BAM master plan (with Rem Koolhaas/OMA), Blur, the Boston Institute of Contemporary Art, and the redesign and expansion of Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts among other projects. Prior to joining DS+R, Renfro was an associate at Smith-Miller Hawkinson Architects where he was project architect on several commercial and cultural facilities, and Ralph Appelbaum Associates. He was a founding partner of Department of Design in Brooklyn. His independent art and architectural work has been exhibited in several galleries including the Storefront for Art and Architecture in New York and the Farish Gallery and Rice University Art Gallery in Houston. His writing has been published in Bomb and A+U magazines. Renfro is a graduate of Rice University and holds a Master’s degree from Columbia University’s GSAPP. He has been on the faculty of Columbia since 2000.

ACSANEWS october 2007

Richard Sennett is a professor of Sociology at the London School of Economics and Bemis Professor of Social Sciences at MIT. In the school, he teaches in the Cities Programme and trains doctoral students in the sociology of culture. His three most recent books are studies of modern capitalism: The Culture of the New Capitalism, (Yale, 2006), Respect in an Age of Inequality, (Penguin, 2003) and The Corrosion of Character, (Norton 1998). He is currently writing a book on craftmanship. Professor Sennett has been awarded the Amalfi and the Ebert prizes for sociology. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Royal Society of Literature, the Royal Society of the Arts, and the Academia Europea. He is past president of the American Council on Work and the former Director of the New York Institute for the Humanities.

seeking the city


special focus sessions AIA 150 Blueprint for America: Town and Gown collaborations Moderator: Marvin Malecha, North Carolina State U, AIA First Vice President/President-Elect Panelists: Anthony Costello, Professor Emeritus, Ball State U 2007 marked the 150th anniversary of the founding of the modern American Institute of Architects. In celebration thereof, the Institute set about three initiatives, including the Blueprint for America, whose aim is to demonstrate the value of design and professional service for the benefit of local communities. To date, over 100 AIA components have engaged in community-driven planning and improvement projects across the nation. Many of these projects feature collaborations between AIA chapters and schools of architecture. The projects presented in this session represent the best of these, as they fulfill the promise of both towngown cooperation and the AIA 150 BFA Program.

Affordable Housing Education Moderator: TBD Panelists: TBD The ACSA/AIA Housing Design Education Award is granted jointly by the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) and the American Institute of Architects, Housing & Custom Residential Knowledge Committee (AIA, HCR KC) to recognize the importance of good education in housing design to produce architects ready for practice in a wide range of areas and able to be capable leaders and contributors to their communities. The award will be granted for the first time in fall 2007. This session will include presentations from award-winners in two categories—Excellence in Housing Design Curriculum, and Excellence in Housing Education Course or Activity—as well as a summary of the results of the ACSA Affordable Housing Education Survey. Moderators: Task Force Chair Tom Barrie, North Carolina State University and Michaele Pride, University of Cincinnati.

Architectural Research Centers Consortium: Is the Academy Ready? Moderator: TBD Panelists: TBD This session focuses on the pedagogical and academic dimensions of “Integrated Practice”. This intriguing national curricular issue will be discussed through the framework of the following questions: What are the innovative course-models that are successfully meeting the challenge of “Integrated Practice”? How should schools introduce this new subject matter and related practice-based design tools and technologies such as Building Information Modeling (BIM)? What are the research dimensions of integrated practice? Are there inherent sustainability efficiencies and advantages built into the understanding of this process? A distinguished panel of educators and practitioners will discuss these questions and present their insights and experiences. Best practices among schools and architectural firms pioneering this concept will be explored.

Constructing Houston: Culture and the Built Environment Moderator: Rafael Longoria, U of Houston Presenters: Stephen Fox, Anchorage Foundation of Texas: Houston and the Menil Aesthetic; Stephen Klineberg, Rice University: Questioning Houston Respondents: Adele Santos, MIT*; Josef Helfenstein, Menil Collection; Rick Lowe, Project Row Houses* Founded by land speculators in 1836, immediately after Texas was separated from Mexico, Houston is now the fourth largest city in the United States. This panel will provide a variety of perspectives on the culture and built environment of this elusive city that straddles the border between the old South and the new West.

From Canvas to Communities Moderator: William D. Williams, U of Virginia Panelists: TBD This session will discuss the role of artists and architects in community development and preservation, as exemplified by ongoing initiatives in three Houston communities—Freedman’s Town, the Fifth Ward, and Project Row Houses—all of whom are caught in a redevelopment struggle with development and gentrification. Are artists and architects merely unwitting agents of unwanted change? How/can design and the creative spirit really make a difference?

Pathogenesis and the Urban Laboratory Moderator: Bruce Webb, U of Houston Panelists: Carlos Jimenez, Jimenez Studio, Rice U Peter Cook, Bartlett School of Architecture*; Graham Livesey, U of Calgary; Trevor Boddy, Architect/Critic, Vancouver; Lars Lerup, Dean, School of Architecture, Rice U What if we were to listen to Reyner Banham’s alternative manifesto that the city is very much a scrambled egg, or the situationists critique that the city has collapsed into streams of images sanctioned by business and bureaucracy, or Paul Virilio’s assessment that speed, ubiquity, instantaneousness dissolve the city and displace it in time, or that Houston is really a high stakes Monopoly board game as Reyner Banham suggested, or Baudrillard’s assertion that the technological city is little more than a gigantic circulating, ventilating and ephemeral connecting space where the scene and the mirror have given way to the screen and the network?

The End of Architecture Revisited Moderator: Dietmar Froehlich, U of Houston Panelists: Trevor Boddy, Architect/Critic, Vancouver; Bruce Sterling, Sci-fi Writer, Italy*; Peter Cook, Bartlett School of Architecture*; Roger Connah, Writer/Architect, Wales*; Michelangelo Sabatino, Architectural Historian, U of Houston Speculating about the end of something is almost as common as dreaming up new beginnings. Nothing lasts forever: One thing gives way to another, or disappears like a creature lost to natural selection, or becomes so radically altered that it is no longer recognizable by its old name and definition. Such speculations were at the heart of the Vi-

t r a n s l a t i o n: from understanding to misreading and back again Moderator: TBD Panelists: TBD Teaching requires one to translate their experiences into models and lessons for their students. This is particularly true for beginning design students, for whom broad concepts and complex methods must be translated into more simple terms to ease understanding and acquisition. Though a selection of papers presented at the 23rd International Conference on the Beginning Design Student, this session will explore aspects of translation related to curriculum, pedagogy, and process in the teaching of beginning design.

*invited speaker

GalvestoN, TEXAS is a small romantic island tucked deep within the heart of south Texas possessing all the charm of a small southern town with its soft sandy beaches to famous 19th century architecture. Tour Guide: Dwayne Jones Menil Collection is a unique museum designed by Renzo Piano, located in the Museum District housing the collection of John and Dominique de Menil. The museum building is the centerpiece of a neighborhood featuring satellite gallery spaces and related cultural instituitons set in a parklike setting. Cy Twombly Gallery designed by Renzo Piano, has a sophisticated roofing system that allows for an even diffusion of natural light, being dispersed within the galleries by the stretched cotton fabric ceiling. The building houses more than thirty of Twombly’s paintings, sculptures, and works on paper, dating from 1953 to 1994. Tour Guide: Ronnie Self


Downtown Houston contains the headquarters of many prominent companies, major performing arts facilities, the Historical District, and a diverse collection of high-rises. There is also an extensive network of pedestrian tunnels and skywalks connecting the buildings of the district. Tour Guide: Michelangelo Sabatino Rothko Chapel designed by Phillip Johnson, is a non-denominational chapel founded the de Menil’s. The interior serves not only as a chapel, but also as a major work of modern art. Byzantine Fresco Chapel designed by Francois de Menil, is the repository in the United States for the only intact Byzantine frescoes in the entire western hemisphere. the Quaker Meeting House is the conception of James Turrell, a well-known artist, and designed by Leslie Elkins. Tour Guide: Nora Laos

seeking the city

enna conference convened in 1993 by Peter Noever in which seven, radical young architects, most of the now eminent, mused and fretted about the fate of their profession that no longer seemed vital or respected. The conference ended in a spirit of renewal, architecture did not end, but that’s not to say the question has been put to rest. At an earlier time Michel Foucault noted the how architects have been caught in a paradigm shift in which they are marginalized: “Architects are not the engineers or technicians of the three great variables: territory, communication and speed.” What then is left? Politicians, technocrats, developers, bankers, and builders are in control. Reactionary trends grow more popular; architecture has distanced itself from the real problems of a world culture and the mega- urban environment. Except for a cadre of “Starchitects,” rock star like luminaries of the profession, architecture is retreating from public consciousness. And the proliferation of entertainment culture and the virtual world has nudged architecture further into the background. This panel will explore the mission and definition of the architecture profession in the future.

2008 annual meeting


Rice University occupies a distinctive, tree-shaded, nearly 300-acre campus only a few miles from downtown Houston, with many architecturally significant buildings. Tour Guide: Drexel Turner Art Deco lightrail/walking tour This tour will highlight many of the Art Deco buildings along the light rail system. The Main Street line is the first phase of a projected 73 miles of light rail service in Houston with completion schedule in 2025. Tour Guide: self guided, maps provided by Rice Design Alliance/ Celeste Williams

hotel information Doubletree Houston Downtown 400 Dallas Street Houston, Texas 77002 Tel: 713.759.0202 Rate: Single/Double – US $145

The freshly renovated Doubletree Hotel Houston Downtown is a full service hotel centrally located on the edge of downtown in the heart of Houston’s business and financial district. Convenient sky-bridges connect the hotel to the Allen Center buildings and Heritage Plaza. Also, the Doubletree is connected to downtown Houston’s underground tunnel system. You must call hotel directly to make your reservation and to receive the special conference rate, mention the ACSA Annual Meeting and book by February 23, 2008.

ACSANEWS october 2007

more to come in november

ACSANEWS october 2007

competitive opportunities

Autodesk and ACSA Integrated Practice Project Call for nominations

Submissions Deadline October 15, 2007 16

Description Autodesk and ACSA have partnered to develop an Integrated Studio project. The project will document the efforts at ACSA member schools in which emerging design and project delivery methods are being taught in studio. The project will illustrate how building information modeling (BIM), technologies can be used as a platform for collaboration among participants in design, engineering and construction. The Integrated Studio will encourage collaborative work in the studio among disciplines and will seek to teach students to produce a comprehensive architectural project using building information modeling tools such as Revit Architecture, and other design tools such as Autodesk 3ds Max for visualization. The project will feature the efforts at selected member schools in a multimedia video (subject to change for Phase II). The video will include interviews with the students and faculty and will feature images and drawings from the studio work. The goal will be to exemplify the use of BIM across the disciplines to enable students from areas of architecture, design and civil engineering to collaborate on a project in preparation for professional practice. The Integrated Studio project will be conducted in two phases. Phase I will focus on an ACSA Member School and will commence in the fall of 2007. Phase II of the project will focus on additional ACSA member school studios and will commence in 2008. Schools selected

to participate will be contacted in late fall to determine the next steps. Please contact ACSA for more information. Benefits for Selected Studios Selected studio will receive a $5,000.00 honorarium (approximately $200 per student and $1,000.00 for faculty members) along with Autodesk design software such as Revit Architecture to use for this project. Autodesk will also provide an onsite tutorial of Autodesk software applicable to the project. Promotion of the school, faculty, and students work will be featured on ACSA website, at ACSA Annual Meeting, and on a DVD documentary distributed to all member schools. Submission Requirements Lead faculty member should send a one page (maximum) proposal outlining studio goals, activities, typical studio size, year in architecture curriculum, and what students learn about emerging project delivery methods. Attachments to the proposal should include instructor’s CV, a letter of school support, and information about any existing relationships or partnerships with engineering faculty or students. Send proposals to Eric Ellis, ACSA Project Manager at:




Download the competition program booklet at Registration will be online beginning December 2007.

ACSANEWS october 2007

student design competition

2007–2008 acsa/aisc

assembling housing student design competition

CATEGORY I Assembling Housing. The eighth annual ACSA/AISC competition will challenge architecture students to design ASSEMBLING HOUSING in an urban context of the students and sponsoring faculty selection. The project will allow the student to explore the many varied functional and aesthetic uses for steel as a building material. Steel is an ideal material for multi-story housing because it offers the greatest strength to weight ratio and can be designed systematically as a kit of parts or prefabricated to allow for quicker construction times and less labor, thus reducing the cost of construction. Housing built with steel is potentially more flexible and adaptable to allow for diversity of family structures and changing family needs over time. CATEGORY II Open. The ACSA/AISC Competition will offer architecture students the opportunity to compete in an open competition with limited restrictions. This category will allow the students, with the approval of the sponsoring faculty member, to select a site and building program. The Open Category program should be of equal complexity and comparable size and program space as the Category I program. This open submission design option will permit a greatest amount of flexibility with the context. SCHEDULE Registration Begins December 5, 2007 Registration Deadline February 8, 2008 Submission Deadline May 28, 2008 Winners Announced June 2008 Publication of Summary Book Summer 2008

Awards Winning students, their faculty sponsors, and schools will receive cash prizes totaling $14,000.The design jury will meet June 2008, to select winning projects and honorable mentions. Winners and their faculty sponsors will be notified of the competition results directly. A list of winning projects will be posted on the ACSA website ( and the AISC website ( SPONSOR The American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), headquartered in Chicago, is a nonprofit technical institute and trade association established in 1921 to serve the structural steel design community and construction industry in the United States. AISC’s mission is to make structural steel the material of choice by being the leader in structural steel–related technical and market-building activities, including specification and code development, research, education, technical assistance, quality certification, standardization, and market development. AISC has a long tradition of more than 80 years of service to the steel construction industry providing timely and reliable information. INFORMATION Additional questions on the competition program and submissions should be addressed to: Eric W. Ellis AISC Competition Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture 1735 New York Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20006 tel: 202.785.2324 (ext 8, Competitions Hotline) fax: 202.628.0448 email:

ACSA is committed to the principles of universal and sustainable design.

Download the competition program booklet at Registration will be online beginning December 2007.


INTRODUCTION The Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) is pleased to announce the seventh annual steel design student competition for the 2007‑2008 academic year. Administered by Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) and sponsored by American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), the program is intended to challenge students, working individually or in teams, to explore a variety of design issues related to the use of steel in design and construction.


ACSANEWS october 2007

student design competition

NEW VISIONS OF SECURIT Y: RE-LIFE OF A DF W AIRPORT TERMINAL 2007-08 ACSA/U.S. Department of Homeland Security Student Design Competition


INTRODUCTION Air travel is undergoing unprecedented change due to evolving security imperatives, technological developments, and sharply increasing demand. In recognition of the formidable challenge of securing the nation’s aviation facilities against deliberate attack, the architectural community should anticipate the permanent requirement to design airports (if not all transportation facilities) with security in mind. Major changes to airline operations, passenger expectations, and aviation security over the past 30 years, along with the aging terminal buildings, make it necessary for Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) to explore designs for a major terminal re-life.

September 2007 to February 8, 2008 December 7, 2007 March 1, 2008 March 15, 2008 June 4, 2008 June 2008 Summer 2008

AWARDS A total of $70,000 will be awarded for the competition, distributed as follows:

Designs for the re-life of DFW Terminal A should focus on: • Accommodating current and emerging security requirements • Converting its 1970’s architecture into 21st century statements • Incorporating sustainable design • Incorporating the airport’s new train system, SkyLink • Optimizing operational efficiencies • Including space for concessions

Mid-Project Review: 5 awards of $2,000 ($1,500 for student/team, $500 for faculty sponsor)

DFW Airport opened in 1975 as a regional airport. Today, DFW is a major international gateway serving over 55 million passengers annually, with 70% of passengers connecting. DFW is a major hub for the nation’s largest airline, American Airlines.

Second Place Student/Team $10,000 Faculty Sponsor $4,000

This competition will focus on DFW Airport Terminal A. Originally built in 1975, DFW Terminal A has 1,000,000 square feet, and serves domestic flights on two stories, with a two level roadway system, 30 gates, and offices for American Airlines’ domestic operations. SPONSORS Sponsor: U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Science and Technology Directorate–Transportation Security Laboratory


SCHEDULE Registration Mid-project Review Questions Deadline Answers Posted Submission Deadline Winners Announced Summary Book

Supporting Sponsors: Dallas Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) / American Airlines (AA) / Corgan Associates, Inc. Administrator: Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA)

Final Prize: First Place Student/Team $20,000 Faculty Sponsor $8,000

Third Place Student/Team $6,000 Faculty Sponsor $2,000 Honorable Mention: $10,000 total, made at jury’s discretion. INFORMATION Direct questions about the program and submissions to: Eric W. Ellis / DFW Competition Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture 1735 New York Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20006 tel: 202.785.2324 (ext 8, Competitions Hotline) email:

Download the competition program booklet at Registration will be online beginning December 2007.

2007 Student Design Competition

ACSANEWS october 2007

student design competition


Nature Center on Chicago’s Northerly Island Using Metal in Construction METAL CONSTRUCTION ASSOCIATION Deadline for entries: 5 pm, November 5, 2007


Inquiries and Information

FIRST PRIzE Team/Individual: School: Faculty Sponsor:

For a competition brochure, contact: Metal Construction Association—Student Competition 4700 W. Lake Avenue Glenview, IL 60025 847/375-4718 • Fax 877/665-2234 •

Cash prizes totaling $7,800 will be awarded to the winning students, the faculty sponsors, and their schools. $ 2,500 $ 1,500 $ 500

SECOND PRIzE Team/Individual: School: Faculty Sponsor:

$ 1,500 $ 750 $ 250

ThIRD PRIzE Team/Individual: School: Faculty Sponsor:

$500 $250 $ 50


This metal-in-construction competition challenges entrants to address architectural, structural, functional, cultural, and environmental issues in the design of various facilities at the Nature Center of Northerly Island. These facilities should utilize sheet metal and other metal materials, as well as metal structural members. The proposed project will be located on Northerly Island, a 91-acre peninsula that sits on the shoreline of Lake Michigan just south of downtown Chicago. The design should be sensitive to the purpose of the center as well as the context and activities surrounding this location, which is adjacent to the Museum Campus, a popular attraction for families and students.

ACSANEWS october 2007

ASSUMING RESPONSIBILITY The Architecture of Stewardship The Catholic University of America School of Architecture and Planning washington dc


2007 ACSA Southeast Fall Conference T h e c at h o l i c u n i v e r s i t y o f a m e r i c a o c t o b e r 1 1 - 1 3 , 2 0 0 7 wa s h i n g t o n , d c

Rooted in the principles of humanism, stewardship seeks to improve life through the natural and built environment, for those living now and for those who will follow us. We are stewards of the earth, and each of us must assume personal responsibility for the welfare of the world, taking it as our obligation to respect both human life and the world in which we live. We must take active roles: as laborers, shapers, healers, seekers, teachers or counselors. For it is only through our creative and physical actions that we might improve the quality of human life and the world around us. An holistic approach to stewardship requires that we think of ourselves as existing within a larger system. This internality requires an understanding that humanity is part of a larger and interconnected system. With increasing specialization architects, however, have been relegated to being stewards the physical environment, leaving those in other fields to serve as stewards of humanity, the economy, etc. Can and should architects adopt a more holistic approach to stewardship?

For more information, visit our website at or

acsaNATIONAL southeast2007.aspx Conference co-chairs: Luis Eduardo Boza ( Michelle A. Rinehart (

The 2007 Southeast Fall Conference will investigate the idea of the architect/designer as steward. What are the philosophical and spiritual foundations of stewardship? How has architecture and urban design historically supported or undermined these foundations? What role must we, as architects and educators, play to fulfill our ethical obligations within a larger system? How are we poised to be agents of the collaboration necessary of successful stewards? Can environmental, economic and social justice be mutually exclusive of one another? Do existing and new technologies and innovative materials aid in fostering the architecture of stewardship? Ultimately, should an Architecture of Stewardship fundamentally change the way we practice and teach? If so, how?

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ACSANEWS october 2007

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ACSANEWS october 2007 22

regional news

Welcome UMass Amherst as ACSA Full Member School The University of Massachusetts Amherst is the first public institution in New England to offer a professional architecture degree after its recent accreditation by the National Architecture Accrediting Board (NAAB). The accreditation is retroactive to Jan. 1, 2007. For more information please visit: Image from University of Massachusetts Amherst NAAB exhibit.



HARVARD UNIVERSITY Mohsen Mostafavi, an international figure in the fields of architecture and urbanism, will become the dean of the Faculty of Design beginning in January 2008, President Drew Faust announced August 10, 2007. An accomplished academic leader, architect, and scholar, Mostafavi is currently the dean of Cornell University’s College of Architecture, Art and Planning, where he is also the Arthur L. and Isabel B. Wiesenberger Professor in Architecture. Formerly an associate professor of architecture at Harvard’s Graduate School of Design (GSD) and director of the Masters of Architecture I program, he served for nine years as chairman of the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London, one of Europe’s foremost schools of design, before his appointment at Cornell. Mostafavi will succeed Dean Alan Altshuler, who will serve through the end of December. “I want to thank Alan for his exceptionally thoughtful and devoted service as dean of the GSD these past several years and for his willingness to carry forward his leadership through the fall term,” Faust said.

As dean of Cornell’s College of Architecture, Art and Planning since 2004, Mostafavi has led a school with some 100 faculty members and nearly 800 undergraduate and graduate students from more than 30 countries. The college’s programs range from architectural design, history, and theory to urban policy and planning to the visual arts. Mostafavi was also responsible for establishing the college’s new educational facility in New York City designed to give students a unique opportunity to live and study in the center of the architecture and art world, where he has been teaching and conducting research related to ecological urbanism. He is credited for the commissioning of Rem Koolhaas and the Office for Metropolitan Architecture as the designers of the College’s new Paul Milstein Hall. While at Cornell Mostafavi served as a member of the provost’s committee of deans, the social science deans committee, as a member of the board of trustees committee on buildings and property, and the university’s architecture advisory committee, in addition to representing Cornell in the National Humanities Alliance. As a scholar and educator, Mostafavi is particularly known for his studies of building surfaces and how they change over time, as well as his interest in the interplay of natural and built systems in the design and planning of urban environments. His books include “Surface Ar-

chitecture” (MIT Press, 2002, with David Leatherbarrow), which received the 2003 Bruno Zevi Book Award of the International Committee of Architectural Critics (CICA) for distinguished contribution to architectural criticism; “Delayed Space” (Princeton Architectural Press, 1994, with Homa Farjadi); and “On Weathering: The Life of Buildings in Time” (MIT Press, 1993, with David Leatherbarrow), which won the American Institute of Architects’ commendation prize for writing on architectural theory. His research and design projects have been published in numerous leading journals, and he has recently edited and contributed to “Landscape Urbanism: A Manual for the Machinic Landscape” (2004) and “Structure as Space” (2006) on the work of the innovative Swiss engineer Jürg Conzett. university of massachusetts amherst The University of Massachusetts Amherst is the first public institution in New England to offer a professional architecture degree after its recent accreditation by the National Architecture Accrediting Board (NAAB). The accreditation is retroactive to Jan. 1, 2007. Offered through the architecture+design program in the department of art at UMass Amherst, the master’s degree in architecture is available in two- and three-year tracks, according to Stephen Schreiber, the program director.

ACSANEWS october 2007

regional news


554-5251 (2006) installation by Freund Fellow Sarah Oppenheimer of Washington University in St. Louis

One of three programs of study in the department of art, the architecture+design program offers an undergraduate pre-professional degree in design, the master of architecture degree, and a graduate, post-professional master of science. “Our program offers a collaborative, interdisciplinary education to aspiring architects,” says Schreiber. “NAAB accreditation marks a significant achievement for our campus,” says Joel W. Martin, dean of the College of Humanities and Fine Arts. “UMass Amherst is now well positioned not only as a training ground for the architects of tomorrow but as a generator of innovative architectural design and research. Western Massachusetts, indeed all of New England, will be huge beneficiaries.” “The new architecture program at UMass Amherst opens the door to a design career for hun-

dreds of students who might not otherwise get the chance, and in the process creates a major center for the study of the built environment in the heart of New England,” says David Dillon, architecture critic and a member of the architecture+design advisory council. The architecture+design program evolved from a strong design concentration founded in 1972. The fledgling program developed a rigorous interior design curriculum based on the principles of the Bauhaus. In the mid-1990s, the design program underwent a substantial reorganization, with the hiring of several new, full-time faculty members who were registered architects. In 2002, UMass Amherst was granted NAAB candidacy status for a proposed “4+2” master of architecture and a three-year master of architecture course of study. In 2004, the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education approved the master of architecture degree program, the first and only public professional architecture degree in New England. Two years ago, the art department was reorganized into three distinct programs and a new senior position of director was created for the architecture+design program. After a national search, Schreiber, who had served as interim director since 2005, was named to the post.

west central Illinois Institute of Technology Associate Professor Robert J. Krawczyk showed his digital work in the following art exhibitions: Invited sculptural piece “Harmony” as part of Mark di Suvero’s Peace Tower at the Chicago Cultural Center; large-scale sculptural maquette “Any Week” in Sculpture Invasion at the Koehnline Museum of Art at Oakton Community College; and a piece from the Spiral Mandala series at the 1st Loyola National Works on Paper Competition at the Crown Center Gallery, Loyola University Chicago. Dirk Denison, Frank Flury and Harry Mallgrave were recently tenured and also promoted to the position of Associate Professor. Dirk Denison FAIA has been a faculty member since 1987 and has shown a continuous pattern of personal, scholarly and professional growth and development. He is widely recognized as an architect, with many commissions and professional awards most notably for his work in residences. Frank Flury is a dedicated teacher, architect and inspirational leader in the cause for design/build (WEST CENTRAL continued on page 24)


The National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) is the sole agency authorized to accredit U.S. professional degree programs in architecture. Since most state registration boards require any applicant for licensure to have graduated from a NAAB-accredited program, obtaining such a degree is an essential aspect of preparing for the professional practice of architecture.

ACSANEWS october 2007 24

regional news

(WEST CENTRAL continued from page 23)

projects in American schools of architecture. Harry Mallgrave is a preeminent architectural historian and theorist as demonstrated in the positions he has held, his extensive scholarly production, and the awards he has received. Senior Lecturer Eric Ellingsen had an article on “Designing Buildings, Using Biology” published in The Scientist magazine in July. A chapter on “Roadside Luxury,” written by Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Affairs Stephen Sennott in Looking Beyond the Highway: Dixie Roads and Culture, ed. by Claudette Stager and Martha Carver, was favorably reviewed in the July 2007 Choice magazine, published by the Association of College and Research Libraries. This summer Materials Lab Technician Chris Palmer had work in the “It’s All in the Fold: More than just Origami” show at the Chicago Center for Book & Paper Arts at Columbia College Chicago. Washington University in St. Louis Bruce Lindsey, dean of the College of Architecture and the Graduate School of Architecture & Urban Design, has been named the E. Desmond Lee Professor for Community Collaboration in the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts.

The professorship is one of four established at Washington University since 1997 by St. Louis philanthropist E. Desmond Lee, a 1940 graduate of the John M. Olin School of Business. The professorship is intended to recognize faculty who already have made, and will continue to make, important contributions to the mission of engaging the community. As such, the professorship appointment is open to all schools at Washington University, and is reviewed every five years. Lindsey, who arrived at Washington University in fall 2006, has also developed low-income housing as well as environmentally sustainable projects. He previously served as head of Auburn University’s School of Architecture and led its acclaimed Rural Studio, which allows students to design and build innovative “charity houses” that are then donated to impoverished families. Meanwhile, Lindsey’s design for the Pittsburgh Glass Center (with Davis + Gannon Architects) earned a gold rating under the U.S. Green Buildings Council’s Leadership in Environmental & Energy Design, or LEED, guidelines. The project also received a Design Honor Award from the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and was chosen as one of 2005’s top 10 green buildings by the AIA’s Committee on the Environment.

the selection of artists Sarah Oppenheimer and Claudia Schmacke as Henry L. and Natalie E. Freund Teaching Fellows for academic years 2007-08 and 2008-09 respectively. Oppenheimer’s work combines artistic practice with elements of performance and behavioral studies. For example, a project undertaken during a Japan Foundation Artist’s Fellowship in Tokyo (and later realized as a video) studied the newspaper folding habits of subway commuters. Meanwhile, recent installations at PPOW and the American Academy of Arts and Letters have explored phenomenological studies involving the reconfiguration of interiors. Water is a recurring theme in Schmacke’s videos and environmentally scaled installations. For example, Lights Spots, an installation of hundreds of clear plastic bags containing fluorescent-dyed water, absorbed ambient light during the day and glowed in black fluorescent light at night. For Quintet for Washtubs, galvanized tubs were placed beneath water funnels suspended from the ceiling, creating an eerie concert of drips and echoes. The Freund Fellowship consists of a yearlong residency in St. Louis, during which time fellows teach in the Sam Fox School’s Graduate School of Art and create exhibitions for the Saint Louis Art Museum’s Currents series.

The Saint Louis Art Museum and the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts at Washington University in St. Louis are pleased to announce



The School is pleased to announce and welcome new faculty members Assistant Professors Zuzanna Karczewska and Bruce Wrightsman. The Visiting Scholar’s Graduate Studio welcomes Mark McInturff and Holly and Tom Porter from England for the fall semester. Assistant Professor Michael Everts lead a writing team at the ACSA/AIA conference, Cranbrook 2007: Integrated Practice & the Twenty-first Century Curriculum. The 11 mem-

ber writing team proposed a reorganization of the architectural education system to create a network of specializing base and higher learning schools. The geographically based networks would focus on the dynamic conditions and potentials of their specific bio-region. The proposal accepts the architectural industry’s role and responsibility in addressing the impact of socio-economic and natural systems on climate change. Professor Steve P. Jurosek has completed his work with Francis D. K. Ching as Series Advisor for Building Codes Illustrated for Health-

care Facilities and Building Codes Illustrated for Primary Schools. Both books are authored by Steven R. Winkel and David S. Collins and are published by john Wiley and sons, Inc. Professor Peter Kommers led the School’s first Rome studio this past summer. The 12 week fourth year design studio offered MSU’s architecture students the transforming opportunity to explore Tuscany and Umbria for almost three weeks, and then live in Rome apartments near the Piazza Navona while learning and designing for six intensive weeks in their own studio just off the Campo dei Fiori. This immersion enables

“We never fathomed we would place, and are ecstatic to have been chosen as the winner,” said Bural, spokesman for the team. “By holding a design competition, Walla Walla demonstrates its commitment to design excellence in public projects, and opens opportunities for young, unknown talents like our Spokane students,” said Matt Cohen, assistant professor of architecture at WSU Spokane. “We are very proud of these students and the initiative they have taken in applying what they’ve learned in the classroom.”

ACSANEWS october 2007

regional news


The contest asked designers to explore the possibilities of a new Walla Walla Market Station, calling for the integration of a farmer’s market venue and transit center. In addition to these two key areas, designers were to address retail opportunities, visitor information kiosks, public space, parking and pedestrian and traffic flow.

continuous exposure to one of the greatest living laboratories of architectural experience, including recent contemporary works, anywhere in the western world. Washington State University The College of Engineering and Architecture at Washington State University has been invited to join “Performance-based Design of New Masonry Structures,” a multi-discipline Small Group project supported by the National Science Foundation’s NEES program (Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation). The research team, led by UT Austin (Prof. Richard Klingner), comprises UC San Diego (Prof. Benson Shing), Washington State University (Prof. David McLean, Assoc. Prof. Katherine Keane and Char Grimes), North Carolina A&T State University (Prof. Sameer Hamoush) and University of Louisville (Prof. Mark McGinley consultant to NCA&T) This research will demonstrate the performance of masonry and masonry veneer under severe earthquake loading, and obtain information that will support the design of masonry and masonry veneer in safe and cost-effective ways. It involves testing a wide range of connector types, and includes both cement-lime and masonry cement mortars. It will also provide educational products that will complement the masonry industry’s existing outreach efforts to architects

and to the general public. As one of only two NSF NEES projects involving masonry, the group has $700,000 in direct NSF support, and probably an equal amount of indirect NSF support for shaking-table facilities and other research infrastructure. Once the data has been collected from the tests, they will disseminate recommendations for the seismic design of masonry and masonry veneer to the professions, academy and industry, nationally and internationally. To supplement NFS funding the team has requested support from the masonry industry in the form of materials and labor which will permit the construction and testing of specimens. The masonry industry has the opportunity to provide additional support to help fill gaps in the NEES scope of work and address pressing seismic design issues for the 2011 MSJC cycle. Four master of architecture students from Washington State University Spokane didn’t have a typical summer break. The four-man team of Colin Anderson, Blake Bural, Nicholas Carpenter and Ben Fields spent their time in the studio designing the winning entry for a new Walla Walla Market Station. They entered the competition on their own outside of school curriculum to gain real-world design experience and in the process beat out 15 other teams including professional designers.

“The result of our design was a complex project that extended the urban edge of downtown with a two-story façade of low-rise mixed-use structures in a modern vernacular style,” said Bural. “We created a building that wraps around three edges—promoting the sense of building a community. This design also created an inner courtyard that encloses a market to encourage sustainable development through local food production. Because the project includes a bus station it also promotes mass transportation.” According to the final jury comments, the design contained a strong urban edge and included possibilities for retail activity and upper level residential growth, which provides the opportunity for public-private partnership developments. As a result of the team’s hard work, they were awarded $3,000 for first place in addition to the $5,000 they won for making it to the semi-final round. University of Hawai’i at Manoa The University of Hawai’i has a unique Arch.D. (Doctor of Architecture) program (by design) with a unique focus on practicum, service, and the Asia-Pacific promoted by new Dean Clark Llewellyn; fifth year Professors Amy Anderson, Kazi Ashraf, Barry Baker, and newly arrived Marga Jann have projects in Japan, Singapore, Fiji and South Korea this fall. The Fiji venue (Jann) includes “live” sketch projects with Adi (Princess) Ascenaca Caucau.


Winning entry for new Walla Walla Market Station by Colin Anderson, Blake Bural, Nicholas Carpenter and Ben Fields of Washington State University. Board B - Programmatic elements demonstrating the site and building adaptability.

ACSANEWS october 2007

regional news



From left to right, Entrance Canopy: New High School, Knox County, Tennessee; Film + Media Institute (“Homage to Scolari”), Decatur, Georgia, C. A. Debelius, University of Tennessee

north carolina state university


Professor Tom Barrie stepped down as Director of the School of Architecture in order to return to teaching and an extension position in affordable housing after taking a one-year scholarly leave. Professor Paul Tesar succeeds him in the position. Professor Pat Rand was elected to the College of Fellows of the AIA. Professor Frank Harmon retired from his faculty position to devote more time to his practice, but will continue to teach part-time. Assistant Professor Jeremy Ficca has accepted a position at Carnegie Mellon University. New faculty appointments are Assistant Professors Paul Battaglia, Laura Garofalo, and David Hill. Visiting Assistant Professor Sean Vance will divide his duties between teaching and research/extension projects at the Center for Universal Design. Visiting Assistant Professor Fei Wang has been appointed as a Teaching Fellow for the 07/08 academic year.

University of Florida’s School of Architecture Preservation Institute (PI: C), to document 1950’s Latin American modern architecture. The Mexican journal Arquine includes in its current issue --# 41 fall 2007-- chapter 4 of the book, both in English and Spanish. Professor PérezMéndez has been invited by the Mexican National Institute of Fine Arts to present the book in Mexico City’s Palace of Fine Arts, which will take place September 11. Assistant Professor Paul O. Robinson participated as lecturer and critic at the 1st International Seminario for the Study of Interior Design and Architecture sponsored by the Universita Degli Studi Di Napoli Federico II, Comune Di Bojano Compobasso, Provincia Di Campobasso and the Regione Molise, Italy where he gave the lecture “Proust’s Wall: Material and Imagination.” Participating lecturers included professors and practitioners from Barcelona, Uruguay, Milano, Italy, Venice, Italy and Mexico.

university of florida University of Virginia Professor Alfonso Pérez-Méndez completed his book on “The Houses of el Pedregal, 19471968” which is now available in its Spanish edition. The book is part of the efforts of

The University of Virginia School of Architecture has named landscape historian Ethan Carr to serve as associate professor of landscape archi-

tecture. The appointment, announced by Architecture School dean Karen Van Lengen, will begin this fall. Carr is a nationally recognized landscape architecture historian and preservationist specializing in the public landscape of the United States. He has redefined the scholarship on American national parks and modern landscape design through his two books, “Wilderness by Design” (1998, University of Nebraska Press), which won an American Society of Landscape Architects honor award, and “Mission 66: Modernism and the National Park Dilemma” (2007 Library of American Landscape History with University of Massachusetts Press). He currently teaches history of landscape architecture, seminars in cultural landscape studies and design studios at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. “We are excited that Carr will also offer seminars on Cultural Landscape Preservation, building on his experiences as a landscape historian and preservationist in the National Park Service, that promise to attract students from the School of Architecture and across the University community in American Studies, Environmental Thought and Practice, and anthropology.

Assistant Professor Michelangelo Sabatino, PhD, of the Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture published an article in “Places” (19.2) entitled “The Poetics of the Ordinary: The American Places of Charles W. Moore”; as a research scholar during the summer months at the Research Center of the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum in Santa Fe, Prof. Sabatino delivered a public lecture entitled “Symmetries: Georgia O’Keeffe, Frank Lloyd Wright, and the Architecture of the American Landscape.” University of texas at arlington Richard L. Dodge Jr., who served as acting dean of The University of Texas at Arlington’s School of Architecture from 2002-2003, died Friday, August 10, 2007. He was 71. Professor Dodge received his Bachelor of Architecture from Berkeley in 1961 and his Master of Architecture from Yale in 1967. He served on the faculty and as associate dean at The University of Texas in Austin as Bartlett Cocke Regents Centennial Professor (Emeritus). In 2002, he was appointed Acting Dean of UT Arlington’ School of Architecture and guided the institution through the difficult period following the dismissal of former dean Martha LaGess. Richard Dodge was succeeded by Donald Gatzke, the current Dean of Architecture at UT Arlington. “Richard Dodge took over the helm of the School at a turbulent time and did an exceptional job of steadying the course of the School in the brief time he was acting dean--and certainly made my job easier when I arrived in 2004 to succeed him as dean,” said Dean Gatzke. “He should be remembered for his success as an educator through his long time membership on the architecture faculty at UT Austin and then his influential role here at UTA. He was a lively character but an extremely kind and generous human being.“ Richard Dodge is survived by his wife, Kirsten; a daughter, Aina Dodge and her husband Steve Chapman; a son, Michael; and a grandson, Alex. A memorial service will be held in September, according to the Austin American-Statesman. Pat D. Taylor, Director of the Program in Landscape Architecture at The University of Texas at

Arlington, has been selected as the Outstanding Academic Administrator in landscape architecture for 2007. The award is sponsored by the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA.) It will be presented to Dr. Taylor at CELA’s annual meeting in State College, Pennsylvania later this summer. Taylor has served as Program Director at UT Arlington since 1992. During his time as Director, the Program has received five accreditations from the Landscape Architecture Accreditation Board. Its students and faculty have received numerous awards for design and research and its reputation has grown internationally, with virtually all of the Program’s graduates finding professional positions within three months of graduation. Most have jobs by the time they graduate. Taylor credits the award to the students and faculty of landscape architecture, and to outstanding leadership from Don Gatzke, Dean of the School of Architecture. “We also benefit from the support shown by Provost Dana Dunn, Vice President for Research Ron Elsenbaumer, and Graduate Studies Dean Philip Cohen,” Taylor says. “Since ours is exclusively a graduate program, it takes special understanding of our educational mission for us to thrive. Our administrators have that understanding.” Criteria for the award include innovative improvements that have a direct impact on a program’s initial accreditation or re-accreditation; major new initiatives benefiting performance and/or the reputation of a program; and unique fund-raising successes leading to lasting positive improvements in a program. Previous winners of the award have been chairs, directors or deans at Syracuse, Minnesota, Clemson, Kansas State and the University of Colorado at Denver.

ACSA Listserv Members are invited to join ACSA’s Listserv, a forum for quick communication among ACSA faculty members.To subscribe to the list, send an email to “” with the following message in the *body* of the email: Subscribe ACSA-list [Your Full_Name] Thanks to the University of Utah College of Architecture + Planning for hosting the Listserv.

(Please note that this guide is not intended to be exhaustive and offers general information only. ACSA staff exercise final editorial control.) For more detailed information please contact the editor at: 202.785.2324 ext.4 or


Distribution As part of a school’s membership in ACSA, ACSA News is distributed once a month during the academic year (September through May) to faculty in ACSA member schools. It is also distributed globally to libraries and individual subscribers from the profession and public at large. Contents ACSA publishes, free of charge, brief announcements. ACSA faculty councilors and faculty in general are encouraged to submit announcements. One paragraph announcements (preferably 100 words or less) must be submitted to ACSA. Please send via email and not via fax. Due to space limitations, announcements are normally published on a first-come, firstserved basis. Advertising Complete advertising information is contained in the ACSA News Advertising Rate Card. Also available via fax upon request from the ACSA office by calling: 202.785.2324 ext. 4. 2007-08 Advertising Rates: • Full-page - $1,090 • Half-page - $660 • Quarter-page - $440 • One column - $440 • Half-column - $280 • Online listing - additional $50** • Classified format - $16/line **Please note that advertisers CANNOT list positions exclusively online but MUST also list positions in that month’s corresponding ACSA News. Deadline & Submission Information The deadline for all submissions is the fifteenth of the month, six weeks prior to the month of publication (July 15 for September, August 15 for October, etc.) Please note that electronic submission is preferred. mailto:news@ The submission of images for consideration is encouraged. Please send as .TIFF or .JPEG files.


University of Houston



ACSANEWS october 2007

regional news

ACSANEWS october 2007


ACSA CALENDAR october 4-6


Special Journal Issue on Hurricane Response announced

ACSA Southwest Fall Conference

Early Registration Deadline ACSA/CELA Administrators Conference

ACSA Southeast Fall Conference

Student Registration Deadline College + Career Expo at Georgia Tech

Pre-Registration Deadline ACSA/CELA Administrators Conference

ACSA Central Fall Conference

Registration Opens 96th ACSA Annual Meeting

At the request of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), ACSA is supporting the publication of a special issue of the journal Cityscape devoted to university-based rebuilding efforts in the Gulf region after the 2005 hurricanes.


11-13 11


19-21 22


College + Career Expo at Georgia Tech Nomination Deadline ACSA Board of Directors and ACSA Representative on NAAB Board


EEAE/ACSA Special Joint Meeting at ACSA/CELA Administrators Conference

november 1-3

Kathy Dorgan, Michael Monti and Kinnard Wright will serve as co-editors for the special issue, slated for release in July 2008. Dorgan was the principal investigator for ACSA’s 2006 Affordable Design: Convening the Conversation project, supported by a grant from the Fannie Mae Foundation. (A copy of the project’s final report is available on ACSA’s website, ACSA members who are or were involved in rebuilding efforts in the Gulf are especially encouraged to submit their work for publication, according to the guidelines of the call for papers.

Call for PAPERS Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research University-Based Reconstruction Projects Responding to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita Cityscape seeks submission of articles documenting work by university-based architecture, landscape architecture, or planning programs to aid in the Gulf-region’s disaster recovery process. Specifically, articles are sought documenting built or substantially completed projects, including homes, parks, and other community development projects. Articles will be published in the July 2008 issue. The issue will be edited by Kathleen Dorgan, AIA, Dorgan Architects, Michael Monti, PhD, executive director of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture and Kinnard Wright of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The goal of this issue is to document both the products and the processes by which university faculty, staff, and students worked with local residents in addressing the residents’ needs and concerns. Articles should include descriptions and images of the planning, design, and construction process. Preference will be given to articles that also include a critical evaluative component. This may include responses to such questions as: • • • • • • •

How did the participants involve local voices in the planning, design, and construction process? What goals were set out for the project, and how were they met? What evaluation components were used during and after the project? What administrative structure was used to support the project? How were educational objectives balanced with community objectives? What obstacles and advantages were encountered because the teams were university based? What parts of the project can be generalized for use in future rebuilding efforts?

ACSA/CELA Administrators Conference

12 Call for Posters Deadline 96th ACSA Annual Meeting




Final Accepted Papers Due 96th ACSA Annual Meeting

18 Submission Deadline Call for Topics 97th Annual Meeting

Articles may, but are not required to, document projects carried out under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Universities Rebuilding America Partnership (URAP) or Community Outreach Partnerships Centers Program (COPC) programs and other HUD funding programs. Deadline for article submissions is November 15, 2007. Complete submission information is at Contact Kathleen Dorgan ( or Michael Monti (mmonti@ with questions about issue content. Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research strives to share HUD-funded and other research on housing and urban policy issues with scholars, government officials, and others involved in setting policy and determining the direction of future research. Cityscape focuses on innovative ideas, policies, and programs that show promise in revitalizing cities and regions, renewing their infrastructure, and creating economic opportunities. A typical issue consists of articles that examine various aspects of a theme of particular interest to our audience.

Editorial Content The bulk of the book should be created from scholarly papers and design work presented at ACSA conferences. Up to five chapters that do not come from ACSA conferences may be included to supplement or frame the book. These chapters may be specially prepared for the volume or come from other sources. The editors are expected to write introductions and other material surrounding the volume’s core content. Editorial Support The proposal form outlines in greater detail the editorial support available for the volume and the expected responsibilities of editors, authors, and ACSA in completing the manuscript for an accepted proposal. ACSA seeks proposals for thematic anthologies of papers presented at its conferences. The volumes will be included in the “Architectural Education Series” with Routledge/Taylor & Francis. The second volume, which follows The Green Braid published in March 2007, will focus on urban design, and is planned for release in 2008. Books in the series are intended as texts or supplemental readers for lecture and studio courses. As such, the book’s content should be selected for use primarily by faculty and students. Proposals Proposals must be made using a special proposal form, available at Prospective editors should plan to clearly articulate the volume’s subject and the editor’s particular approach to addressing it. The proposal should indicate the overall organization of the book and describe each part or section. Proposals from editorial teams are encouraged.Proposals will be reviewed by a series editorial board. The board will recommend acceptance, rejection, or revision of proposals. Once a proposal is accepted, the editors will be offered a contract for publication.

Royalties for sales of books in the series will go to ACSA. However, editors of volumes under contract for the series will receive a stipend to support manuscript completion. Additionally, the index to the volume will be prepared by the publishers at no cost to the editors. Upon request, ACSA can make available PDF copies of ACSA proceedings for prospective editors to use, as well as a PDF copy of the Index of the Proceedings of the ACSA Annual Meetings 1985–2006. Contact Kevin Mitchell, kmitchell@acsa-arch. org, 202/785 2324, to access the digital documents or with other questions. Deadline Proposals received by October 15, 2007, will be reviewed by December 1, 2007. Editorial Board Michael Benedikt, U of Texas at Austin; Luis Carranza, Roger Williams U; Thomas Fisher, U of Minnesota; Lisa Iwamoto, U of California at Berkeley; Fernando Luiz Lara, U of Michigan; John Stuart, Florida International U

2008 aia education honor awards Call for nominations Deadline January 16, 2008


The American Institute of Architects (AIA) is pleased to announce the 2008 Education Honor Awards Program. A program of the Educator/Practitioner Network (EPN), primary objectives of the award are: 1) to discover and recognize the achievement of individuals who serve the profession as outstanding teachers, and 2) to promote models of excellence for classroom, studio, community work and/ or courses offered in various educational settings. The awards jury will seek evidence of exceptional and innovative courses, initiatives, or programs that: • deal with broad issues, particularly in cross-disciplinary collaboration and/or within the broader community; • contribute to the advancement of architecture education; • have the potential to benefit and/or change practice; and/or • promote models of excellence that can be appropriated by other educators. For submission guidelines, please go to: The awards will be announced at the ACSA Annual Meeting and in various publications. Winners will be notified in February 2008 and awards will be conferred during the 2008 AIA National Convention, May 15-17, in Boston, where award recipients are invited to present their work in a special session. opportunities

Acsa Seeks Book Proposals for architectural education series

ACSANEWS october 2007


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events of note Conferences / Events

Competitions / Grants

10/25/07 WOMEN IN MODERNISM: Making places in architecture Thursday, October 25, 2007, 6:30pm A Colloquium presented by Beverly Willis Architecture Foundation with The Museum of Modern Art at the Museum of Modern Art The Celeste Bartos Theater 4 West 54th Street, New York City Moderated by Barry Bergdoll With speakers Gwendolyn Wright Sarah Herda, Toshiko Mori, Karen Stein With a welcome by Beverly Willis. Tickets required. modern

10/24/07 Portland Courtyard Housing Design Competition The Portland Bureau of Planning has launched the “Portland Courtyard Housing Design Competition: Creating spaces for families, community and sustainability in the city.” The central focus of this design competition will be to develop innovative designs demonstrating how higherdensity courtyard housing can serve as an attractive option for families with children, while also contributing to environmental sustainability, providing an affordable housing option, and respecting neighborhood character. Prizes totaling $20,000 will be given to selected entries. The competition is open to anyone and it will result in the publication of an “ideas” catalogue of the winning designs and will be followed by strategies to facilitate built projects. Deadline: October 24, 2007.

11/12/07 Architecture, Technology, and the Historical Subject Georgia Institute of Technology and the Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Architecture de Paris la Villette, in Atlanta.


11/13/07 Regional Architecture and Identity in the Age of Globalization Center for Study of Architecture in the Arab Region in Tunis, Tunisia. The CSAAR 2008 conference will focus on the causes and effects of emergent trends in architecture and urbanism in the Gulf. 11/15/07 The Role of the Humanities in Design Creativity International Conference EMMTEC, University of Lincoln, UK. This conference considers the influence of the Humanities on the processes of design. By taking both historical and contemporary perspectives, the conference explores how the traditional inter-relationship between word and image, highlighted for example in architecture, theatre, interior design and landscape design, has in more recent years become subsumed by the dominance of the digital image as the only legitimate means of developing and communicating design ideas.

12/17/07 Integrating Habitats: A Design Competition The Challenge: Blend. Balance. Integrate. The Details: Integrating Habitats seeks multi-disciplinary, collaborative designs of the future that integrate built and natural environments. Winning designs selected by this world-renowned jury will redefine the current language and standards of environmental sustainability by fostering balance between conservation and development, maximizing biodiversity and safeguarding water quality for this generation and those to come. Deadline: December 17, 2007. 1/15/08 The 99k House: Competition For an Affordable, Sustainable House Prototype The Rice Design Alliance (RDA) and AIA Houston announce a two-stage national competition to design a sustainable, affordable house that addresses the needs of the low-income family in the Gulf Coast region. The competition objectives are to: broaden awareness of green building

strategies applicable to affordable housing, generate and publicize buildable examples of sustainable, affordable houses, and construct an exemplary sustainable, affordable house prototype. Deadline: January 15, 2008.

Professional Opportunities 10/26/07 12th International Conference on Passive Houses: CALL FOR PAPERS 12th International Conference on Passive Houses on 11th and 12th April 2008 in Nuremberg, Germany. They will be introduced to the latest developments in energy efficient buildings. Organisers invite those who are involved in aspects of energy efficient construction to submit a paper. Deadline: October 26th 2007. 10/31/07 Making Cities Livable Conference on “True Urbanism: Designing the Healthy City” CALL FOR PAPERS Santa Fe, NM, June 1-5, 2008. An international conference for city officials, practitioners and scholars in architecture, urban design, planning, landscape architecture, transportation planning, health policy and social sciences from many parts of the world. Purpose: to engage in a dialogue on the relationship between the built environment and livability, health and sustainability; to share ideas, and establish working relationships to effect change. Deadline: October 31, 2007 11/15/07 NCARB Seeks Authors The National Council of Architectural Registration Boards seeks authors for two new monographs: Building Commissioning and Natural Hazards – Flooding. Also for mini-monographs on topics that fulfill health, safety, and welfare continuing education requirements. Interested authors should submit a letter indicating their experience with the subject matter, a resume, references, an outline and an unedited writing sample. Deadline: November 15, 2007.

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ACSANEWS october 2007

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