ACSA News November 2008

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november 2008 volume 38 number 3

acsaNews publication of the association of collegiate schools of architecture Puts ACSA Programs on Global Scene Read about ACSA’s new publications and collaborations on page 4

2008-09 ACSA Student Design Competition Programs Read this year’s competition programs starting on page 6

in this issue: 2

President’s Message


C+C Expo Recap


ACSA Publications: and Routledge


ACSA/ACC Plastic Advisory Committee


ACSA Board of Directors Call


NAAB Board of Directors Call


2008-09 Student Design Competitions






2009 Walter Wagner Forum Call

from the president

the evolution of accreditation by marleen kay davis

acsaNews In a two-year process, ACSA has had hundreds of faculty members participate in a variety of task forces, leading to the creation of the March 2008 ACSA Accreditation Review Conference (ARC) document. The final ACSA ARC document is a remarkable compilation, and distillation, of extensive input and thought from a wide range of educators. The articulation of “core values” has been influential in the NAAB discussions, while the discussion of current issues in architectural education serves as an important benchmark.

Pascale Vonier, Editor Editorial Offices 1735 New York Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20006, USA Tel: 202/785 2324; fax: 202/628 0448 Website: ACSA Board of Directors, 2008–2009 Marleen Kay Davis, FAIA, President Thomas Fisher, Vice President Kim Tanzer, AIA, Past President Mitra Kanaani, AIA, D.Arch, Secretary Graham Livesey, Treasurer Patricia Kucker, East Central Director Brian Kelly, AIA, Northeast Director Andrew D. Chin, Southeast Director Ursula Emery McClure, AIA, LEED AP, Southwest Director Stephen Meder, West Director Keelan Kaiser, AIA, West Central Director George Baird, FRAIC, AIA, Canadian Director Deana Moore, Student Director Michael J. Monti, PhD, Executive Director ACSA Mission Statement To advance architectural education through support of member schools, their faculty, and students. This support involves: • Serving by encouraging dialogue among the diverse areas of discipline; • Facilitating teaching, research, scholarly and creative works, through intra/interdisciplinary activity; • Articulating the critical issues forming the context of architectural education • Fostering public awareness of architectural education and issues of importance This advancement shall be implemented through five primary means: advocacy, annual program activities, liaison with collateral organizations, dissemination of information and response to the needs of member schools in order to enhance the quality of life in a global society. The ACSA News is published monthly during the academic year, September through May. Back issues are available for $9.95 per copy. Current issues are distributed without charge to ACSA members. News items and advertisements should be submitted via fax, email, or mail. The submission deadline is six weeks prior to publication. Submission of images is requested. The fee for classified advertising is $16/line (42-48 characters/line.) Display ads may be purchased; full-page advertisements are available for $1,090 and smaller ads are also available. Please contact ACSA more information. Send inquires and submission via email to:; by mail to Editor at: ACSA News,1735 New York Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20006; or via fax to 202/628 0448. For membership or publications information call ACSA at: 202/785 2324. ISSN 0149-2446

Accreditation, in its most constructive sense, is the process that assures an appropriate level of quality in education. As Ernst Boyer so eloquently stated: we are seeking “standards without standardization.” Indeed, our current NAAB accreditation conditions balance uniform expectations along with an emphasis on the self-defined mission for each of our 125 accredited programs. By the time you read this, the NAAB Accreditation Review Conference (ARC) will have taken place, moving us closer toward the creation of a final draft of updated Conditions for Accreditation. Every five years, the collaterals reassess the criteria and I have participated in the last three revision efforts. I believe that this current process has been, to date, the most inclusive, deliberate, and substantive. Commendably, a great deal of effort is being invested in the accreditation review process, giving our discipline and profession a focused view of education at this time. More than simply an opportunity for reassessing accrediting criteria, this effort provides a context for a better understanding of our pedagogical mission. We understand the profession’s expectations of education in a changing world, while articulating national trends that affect the internal curriculum discussions held at ACSA member schools.

The NAAB Process: Design Project as Metaphor In outlining its process updating the NAAB Conditions, NAAB has used the metaphor of a design project, with phases related to research, programming, preliminary design alternatives, schematic design, design development, and contract documents. During the “research” and “programming” phases, NAAB formed a number of task forces, while each of its collateral partners (NCARB, AIAS, AIA, and ACSA) developed position papers regarding issues of importance in accreditation. Each collateral organization conducted a number of surveys, with different methodological approaches, were conducted. The surveys and position papers are all available on the NAAB and other collaterals’ web sites. Based on the “research” and “programming”, NAAB held a “first crit” in June 2008, looking at five “preliminary design alternatives.” At present, NAAB is developing a “schematic design”, to be discussed at the Accreditation Review Conference (ARC) scheduled for October in Tucson. The proposed schematic design will presumably incorporate the different issues and ideas discussed over the last 18 months. After the discussion of its schematic design proposal in October, NAAB will move

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into the “design development” phase, producing a draft document to be approved at its Board Meeting in February 2009. This draft of the Conditions will be circulated among the collateral organizations for further input. NAAB anticipates final approval of the “construction documents” by July 2009.

Many schools are concerned about how any accrediting changes will affect their school, particularly if they are scheduled for an accrediting visit in the next few years. Changes will not take effect until 2010, and the NAAB “Procedures” outline how schools that haven’t had the appropriate time to implement any necessary changes can describe their plans.

Issues, Consensus, and Concerns The process, as outlined, has a reiterative cycle of input, discussion, and revision. The position papers published by the various collaterals have outlined major issues of concern. ACSA’s identification of “core values” in architectural education has resonated with the other organizations and formed an underlying basis for discussions. In assessing accreditation criteria, general consensus has evolved regarding the need for a greater emphasis on principles of sustainability, for revisions arising from changes in design and “integrated” practice resulting from building information modeling software, and for revisions that will encourage better leadership development and collaborative skills. While ACSA strongly encourages enrollment in IDP for our students, the other collaterals would like to see enrollment as mandatory. NCARB has addressed one of our key concerns by exploring eliminating fees for students until they begin to log IDP credits. NCARB has also tried to track areas of deficiency in practice as they may relate to education. There has been some discussion about a new requirement related to faculty credentials, similar to other accrediting agencies. Summary Both educators and practitioners recognize that the preparation of an architect is a partnership, with learning taking place in two broad spheres: the school and the internship. Similarly, our accreditation process is based on a partnership with the profession. During this accreditation review process, our discussions have been candid and constructive, moving us towards a general agreement about quality architectural education. We must balance the core values of architectural education within the changing demands of contemporary global practices. Let us hope that broad participation in constructive discussions will lead to the best possible consensus for accreditation changes. Special thanks are due to the hundreds of faculty who have provided input into this process.

Chicago area schools welcome 2008 c+C Expo by kathryn swiatek

On September 20th, ACSA and the American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) organized the annual Architecture College + Career Expo to provide students and parents the opportunity to meet with school representatives and explore the exciting careers and programs available in architecture. The Expo took place on the campus of Illinois Institute of Technology, with additional school hosts University of Illinois at Chicago, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Judson University, and the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Over 130 students from 9 states participated in the five-hour event. 43 schools attended to provide students with information on their undergraduate and/or graduate programs, and all informational sessions were presented by faculty from the five hosting schools. To round off the day, students attended a special joint session on New Techniques on Design Research on the campus of the University of Illinois at Chicago and the Mies Society provided architectural tours to tell the story of van der Rohe and IIT. Preliminary planning has already begun for next year’s Architecture College + Career Expo. We will be sending more information early next year with details on location, registration, and “Save the Date” notices. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact the national office with any questions or suggestions for next year’s Expo.


Participation Thousands of individuals have responded to a variety of surveys, and hundreds have participated in different task forces created by NAAB or the collateral organizations. In an attempt to structure a meaningful, focused conversation, NAAB has limited the in-person participation at the Accreditation Review Conference and “First Crit” to approximately 50 participants. Each collateral will be allowed to bring six individuals, who will meet with the NAAB Board members and a few NAAB invited guests. Ultimately, however, the NAAB Board of 13 individuals votes on all final decisions.

ACSANEWS november 2008

acsa publications puts acsa programs on global scene With content from 100% of schools in the system, the online edition of the ACSA Guide to Architecture Schools is now fully functional, with thousands of visitors using the site to search for information on ACSA’s full and candidate member programs. The website, found at, is a searchable database of ACSA schools, with content continuously updated by the schools themselves. Head administrators can manage their data directly and edit their listings at any time, providing the most up to date information to the public. This service is free to both ACSA members and the general public, requiring only that users log in (existing ACSA members can use their current login information). Once logged in to, users can perform basic searches by selecting criteria such as region, degree level, and related disciplines, or execute more sophisticated searches with filter options such as entry requirements, student body demographics, related and specialized disciplines, and financial information. The interface shows results in a dynamic list which allows users to toggle criteria on and off to optimize their results. This November, ACSA will publish the 8th printed edition of the Guide to Architecture Schools, reflecting the most up to date information submitted by all full and candidate member schools during the 2008-09 academic year. Because ACSA offers the only complete survey of all accredited professional architecture programs in the United States and Canada, both the website and the printed edition of the guide have become a valuable reference to prospective students, educators, administrators, councilors, and practitioners. ACSA plans to publish the printed edition every two years to keep the content up to date. The books will be available at a variety of stores, such as and local bookstores.

p The “advanced search” option offers five categories to find the schools that best fit individual preferences

If you have questions regarding the Guide, please contact Kathryn Swiatek at (202) 785-2324 x6 or


ACSA releases second edition in routledge “design reader” series Writing Urbanism, ACSA’s second book in the Routledge Architectural Education series, asks how cities can become more coherent, sustainable, authentic, and equitable, as well as aesthetically compelling and culturally meaningful. Edited by Douglas Kelbaugh and Kit Krankel McCullough, the essays probe such issues as community, social equity, design theory, technology, and globalism. Urban design continues to grow and mature as a field of study, research and professional endeavor. The collection, from previous ACSA publications and invited essays, is broad and comprehensive in its scope. Combining essays from both practice and academia, Writing Urbanism includes some of the most significant texts on urban design from the last two decades, a period of transformational growth in the field and exponential growth in the metropolis. By assembling a range of voices across different institutions and generations, Writing Urbanism offers a multifaceted portrait of urban design today. Scholars, students and design professionals alike should find this collection to be a useful resource for understanding this increasingly important design field and for insights into the forces that shape the city itself. Writing Urbanism is available online now! Visit $35.00—Members / $40.00—Nonmembers + $6.50 S/H

t q While viewing the results, users can toggle criteria on the left and dynamically edit results as they search schools

ACSA and acc renew ties to promote plastics in schools Following the success of the recently launched Architecture and Plastic ( teaching resources website, ACSA is joining forces yet again with the American Chemistry Council (ACC) Plastics Division. ACSA and ACC have formed a Plastic Advisory Committee to promote plastic as a building material in the classroom. The council invited distinguished academics to identify what is lacking in today’s curriculum and discuss steps in creating educational resources to better inform faculty and students on the availability and performance of plastics in design and construction solutions.

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acsa partnerships

The following distinguished scholars form the advisory group: Grace La, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Gail Peter Borden, University of Southern California Michael Meredith, Harvard University Franca Trubiano, Georgia Institute of Technology Santiago Perez, University of Houston Richard Dozier, Tuskegee University Tom Wiscombe, SCI-Arc Vera Parlac, University of Calgary Michael Wolcott, Washington State University Billie Faircloth, Kieran Timberlake Associates

Architecture and Plastic (shown on the right), ACSA and ACC’s first collaboration, is part of an on-going initiative by ACSA to create and disseminate case study curriculum materials to architecture faculty and students. The website, developed by Billie Faircloth and sponsored by ACC, investigates two case studies that demonstrate solutions to high-performance design problems faced in today’s increasingly technology oriented world.

p The Architecture and Plastic website is divided into eight visually engaging and informative teaching resource sections

p The “Plastics Terminology” section identifies and defines plastic terminology affiliated with building and construction

The subjects of the case studies are the Kingsdale School, a 1960’s building refurbished by Leslie Martin/de Rijke Marsh Morgan with the addition of the world’s largest variable skin ETFE roof creating an internal courtyard and auditorium, and the Chameleon House by Anderson Anderson Architects, , a building wrapped in a skirting wall of recycled translucent polyethelene slats. The case studies provide evidence that plastics exhibit unique material attributes, and as such provide the grounds for exploring structural, spatial, formal, aesthetic and innovation in architecture, and that plastics are embedded as part of building systems.

Through these two projects, the site offers additional resources such as identifying and defining plastic terminology affiliated with building and construction, surveying plastic experimentation through past and present allplastic-house proposals, an interview with polymer chemist Tat Tong, and an extensive bibliography. ACSA hopes to build on this effort and create more resources that would be used by faculty and students. Visit

p An interactive transcript of the interview with polymer chemist Tat Tong examines plastic’s performance


Each case study is structured to provide the context for thinking with plastic and is organized across five sections; establishing the design problem, identifying the architects’ design tactics, identifying the plastics found, identifying plastics affiliated with building systems, and assessing plastics performance.

ACSANEWS november 2008

call for nominations

2009 acsa regional director—Southeast & west central deadline: november 30, 2008

Southeast Region—The Southeast Region of ACSA is now accepting nominations for the position of Regional Director for the 2009–2012 term of service. West Central Region—The West Central Region of ACSA is now accepting nominations for the position of Regional Director for the 2009– 2012 term of service. Qualifications Each Regional Director shall be a full-time and/or tenured or tenure-track faculty member of a full member school and shall be on the faculty of a school in the region represented. Terms and Duties The term of office shall be three years beginning July 1, 2009, and extending through June 30, 2012. Regional Directors serve the ACSA in at least three ways – as members of the Board of Directors, on a variety of national committees, and as executive officers of their regional constituent associations. In this latter role, the Regional Director sets the agenda and chairs meetings of his or her regional council. He or she maintains a file of regional records, correspondence, and minutes of regional meetings. The director is responsible for the fiscal affairs of the constituent association and is accountable to his or her regional council for these funds. He or she provides assistance to regional schools and organizations applying for institutional membership. The Director prepares annual reports of

regional activities for publication in the Association’s annual report and provides updates to the constituency on both regional and national matters of note. He or she administers the nomination and election of the subsequent Regional Director and performs such other duties as may be assigned by the Board. Regional Directors are required to attend three Board meetings a year: a fall meeting which typically occurs after the Administrator’s Conference, a spring meeting which typically occurs after the ACSA Annual Meeting, and a summer meeting. The Nominations Committee will review applications received and develop a slate of not less than two nor more than three candidates. Ballots will be mailed to all full member schools in the appropriate region by midJanuary, 2009. The results of this election will be announced at the ACSA Annual Meeting in Portland in 2009. Candidates will be notified of the results in mid-February. Interested parties, for the position of Southeast or West Central Regional Director 2009-2012, should submit their CV and a brief statement of interest, including their qualifications by November 30, 2008 to: Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture ACSA (Regional Director Election) / Eric Ellis 1735 New York Avenue, NW Washington DC 20006 E-mail nomination preferred to



deadline: march 10, 2009

The 2009-2010 National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) will comprise thirteen members: three representing ACSA, three representing AIA, three representing NCARB, two representing AIAS, and two public members. Currently Thomas Fowler of Cal Poly State University; Wendy Ornelas of Kansas State University; and Craig Barton of University of Virginia represent ACSA on the NAAB Board. With the expiration of Thomas Fowler’s term in October 2009, the ACSA Board of Directors is considering candidates for his successor at its meeting this March in Portland, OR.

1. 2.

The appointment is for a three-year term (Oct. 2009 – Oct. 2012) and calls for a person willing and able to make a commitment to NAAB. The final appointment will be made by the sitting NAAB board itself through selection from a pool of names established by this call for nominations. While previous experience as an ACSA board member or administrator is helpful, it is not essential for nomination. Some experience on NAAB visiting teams should be considered necessary; otherwise the nominee might be unfamiliar with the highly complex series of deliberations involved with this position. Faculty and administrators are asked to nominate faculty from an ACSA member school with any or all the following qualifications:


3. 4. 5.

Tenured faculty status at an ACSA full member school; Significant experience with and knowledge of the accreditation process; Significant acquaintance with and knowledge of ACSA, its history, policy programs, and administrative structure; Personal acquaintance with the range of school and program types across North America. Willingness to represent the constituency of ACSA on accreditationrelated issues. Ability to work with the NAAB board and ACSA representatives to build consensus on accreditation related issues.

For consideration, please submit a concise letter of nomination along with a CV indicating experience under the above headings, and a letter indicating willingness to serve from the nominee, to: ACSA (NAAB Representative) / Eric Ellis 1735 New York Avenue, NW Washington DC 20006 E-mail nomination preferred to

ACSA Representatives on NAAB Visiting Team Roster deadline: march 10, 2009

The ACSA Board of Directors seeks nominees for ACSA representatives on National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) school visitation team roster member for a term of four years. The final selection of faculty members participating in the accrediting process will be made by NAAB.

The visit is not independent of the other parts of the accreditation process. The visiting team submits a report to NAAB; NAAB then makes a decision regarding accreditation based on the school’s documentation, the team report, and other communications.

Nominating Procedure 1. Members of ACSA schools shall be nominated annually by the ACSA Board of Directors for inclusion on a roster of members available to serve on visiting teams for a term of four years. 2. Proposals for nomination shall be solicited from the membership via ACSA News. Proposals must include complete curriculum vitae. 3. The ACSA Nominations Committee shall examine dossiers submitted and recommend to the board candidates for inclusion on visitation team rosters.

Team Selection The visiting team consists of a chairperson and members selected from a roster of candidates submitted to NAAB by NCARB, ACSA, the AIA, and AIAS. Each of these organizations is invited to update its roster annually by providing resumes of prospective team members.

Each candidate will be assessed on personal merit, and may not answer completely to all these criteria; however, a nominee must be a full-time faculty member in an accredited architectural program (including faculty on sabbatical or on temporary leave of absence.) ACSA Nominee Selection Candidates for NAAB team members shall be selected to represent geographic distribution of ACSA regional groupings. In particular, the ACSA Board of Directors strongly urges faculty from Canadian schools to apply for nomination. The board will seek to nominate people who, collectively, are representative of the broad range of backgrounds and characteristics exhibited by our membership. The number of candidates submitted to NAAB will be limited in order to increase the likelihood of their timely selection by NAAB for service. Description of Team and Visit Pending acceptance of the Architectural Program Report (APR), a team is selected to visit the school. The site visit is intended to validate and supplement the school’s APR through direct observation. During the visit, the team evaluates the school and its architecture programs through a process of both structured and unstructured interactions. The visit is intended to allow NAAB to develop an in-depth assessment of the school and its programs, and to consider the tangible aspects of the school’s nature. It also identifies concerns that were not effectively communicated in the APR.

A team generally consists of four members, one each from ACSA, NCARB, AIA, and AIAS. NAAB selects the team and submits the list to the school to be visited. The school may question the appointment of members where a conflict of interest arises. The selection of the chairperson is at the discretion of NAAB. The board will consider all challenges. For the purposes of a challenge, conflict of interest may be cited if: • The nominee comes from the same geographic area and is affiliated with a rival institution; • The nominee has had a previous affiliation with the institution; • The school can demonstrate that the nominee is not competent to evaluate the program. NAAB tends to rely on experienced team members in order to maintain the quality level of its visits and reports, and to comply with COPA and U.S. Department of Education guidelines. Each team member shall have had previous visit experience, either as a team member or observer, or shall be required to attend a training/briefing session at the ACSA Administrators Conference or ACSA Annual Meeting. Nominations Deadline and Calendar The deadline for receipt of letters of nomination, including a curriculum vitae, is Monday, March 10, 2009. Send nomination materials to: Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture ACSA (NAAB Visiting Team) / Eric Ellis 1735 New York Avenue, NW Washington DC 20006 E-mail nomination preferred; please send all nomination information to Nominations must be received by March 10, 2009. ACSA will notify those nominees whose names will be forwarded to NAAB by May 2009. ACSA nominees selected to participate on a visiting team will be required to complete and submit a standard NAAB Visiting Team Nomination form. NAAB will issue the roster of faculty members selected for 2009-2010 team visits in November 2009.

For additional information go to


Nominee Qualifications • The candidate should demonstrate: • Reasonable length and breadth of full-time teaching experience; • A record of acknowledged scholarship or professional work; • Administrative experience; and • An association with several different schools.

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call for nominations

ACSANEWS november 2008

student design competitions



thinking for a sustainable world

international student design competition


This fourth annual Concrete Thinking For A Sustainable World competition offers two separate entry categories, each without site restrictions, for maximum flexibility. Category I TransiT Hub Design an environmentally responsible Public Transportation Center focusing on architectural innovations to preserve tomorrow’s resources. Category II building ElEmEnT Design a single element of a building that provides a sustainable solution to real-world environmental challenges.


Show your solutions on up to two 20” x 30” digital submission boards and a design essay uploaded through the ACSA website in Portable Document Format (PDF) or Image (JPEG) Files -


Winning students, their faculty sponsors, and schools will receive prizes totaling nearly $50,000.


Call for Entries

registration begins registration deadline submission deadline results

dec 05 2008 Feb 09 2009 Jun 03 2009 Jun 2009

learn more

Program updates, including information on jury members, as they are confirmed, may be found on the ACSA website at


Sponsored by the Portland Cement Association (PCA) & the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA) and administered by Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA).

For complete information go to


ACSANEWS november 2008

student design competitions

2008-2009 acsa/aisc

Life Cycle of a School STEEL design student competition

INTRODUCTION The Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) is pleased to announce the ninth annual steel design student competition for the 2008-2009 academic year. Administered by ACSA and sponsored by American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), the program is intended to challenge students, working individually or in teams, to explore a variety of design issues related to the use of steel in design and construction. THE CHALLENGE The ACSA/AISC 2008-2009 Steel Design Student Competition will offer architecture students the opportunity to compete in two separate categories: Category I – LIFE CYCLE OF A SCHOOL will challenge architecture students to design a school for the 21st century that critically examines life cycle and proposes an innovative solution in steel. The problem of urban growth and decay is larger than an individual building. Therefore, architects should consider a total life cycle assessment approach to designing buildings so that they may be adaptable, flexible, and accommodate change. This project will allow students to explore many varied functional and aesthetic uses for steel as a building material. Steel is an ideal material for schools because it offers a high strength to weight ratio and can be designed systematically as a kit of parts, or prefabricated, to allow for quicker construction times and less labor, thus reducing the cost of construction. Schools constructed in steel are more flexible and adaptable to allow for diversity of uses over the life of the facility. Category II – OPEN with limited restrictions. This open submission design option will permit the greatest amount of flexibility. SCHEDULE December 5, 2008 February 9, 2009 May 6, 2009 May 2009 Summer 2009

Registration Opens online (registration is free) Registration Deadline Submission Deadline Prize winners chosen by the design jury Competition Summary Publication

SPONSOR American Insitute of Steel Construction (AISC), headquartered in Chicago, is a non-profit technical institute and trade association established in 1921 to serve the structural steel design community and construction industry in the United States. AISC’s mission is to make structural steel the material of choice by being the leader in structural-steel-related technical and marketbuilding activities, including: specification and code development, research, education, technical assistance, quality certification, standardization, and market development. AISC has a long tradition of more than 80 years of service to the steel construction industry providing timely and reliable information.

For complete information go to


Awards Winning students and their faculty sponsors will receive cash prizes totaling $14,000. The design jury will meet in May 2009 to select winning projects and honorable mentions. Winners and their faculty sponsors will be notified of the competition results directly. A list of winning projects will be posted on the ACSA web site at and the AISC web site at

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student design competitions




How can we plan, design, and construct the world between our buildings INTRODUCTION The 2008-2009 GREEN COMMUNITY Competition is oriented to challenge students to rethink their communities. From major cities to college campuses, designers, planners, policy makers, and citizens are rethinking their own towns and cities’ relationship to the environment, from where the energy originates, to where the waste ends up. The GREEN COMMUNITY Competition will expand on themes from the National Building Museum’s sustainable exhibits Green Community (2008-2009), Big and Green (2003), and The Green House (2006–2007). The GREEN COMMUNITY Competition will focus entirely on the issues of sustainable development—how can individuals plan, design, and construct the world between the buildings. The GREEN COMMUNITY Competition will encourage students to consider environmental sustainability dependant upon collective, community-scale efforts. The competition will also examine ways of reducing the impact of our built environments on the Earth. The competition will explore sustainable planning strategies such as brownfield/grayfield redevelopment, transit-oriented communities, natural resource management, and land conservation. THE CHALLENGE The GREEN COMMUNITY Competition offers students the opportunity to think critically about their communities, looking ahead to a sustainable future. Locate a site in your local community or region, identify the barriers and strengths to living sustainably, and develop a proposal to create a flourishing and sustainable community using the tools of the environmental design disciplines: architecture, landscape architecture, and urban planning. December 5, 2008 Registration opens online (registration is free) February 9, 2009 Registration Deadline May 20, 2009 Submission Deadline June 2009 Prize winners chosen by the design jury Summer 2009 Competition Summary Publication Awards Winning students, their faculty sponsors, and schools will receive cash prizes totaling $7,000. The design jury will meet June 2009 to select winning projects and honorable mentions. Winners and their faculty sponsors will be notified of the competition results directly. A list of winning projects will be posted on the ACSA website ( competitions). Competition finalists will present their concepts at the National Building Museum with travel costs covered by the competition sponsors. Prize winning submissions will be exhibited at the National Building Museum, highlighted in Architectural Record, displayed at the 2010 ACSA Annual Meeting and at the 2010 AIA National Convention, and will be published in the competition summary publication.


COMPETITION SPONSORS Since 1857, the American Institute of Architects (AIA) has represented the professional interests of America’s architects. As AIA members, over 74,000 licensed architects, emerging professionals, and allied partners express their commitment to excellence in design and livability in our nation’s buildings and communities. Ehrenkrantz Eckstut & Kuhn Architects (EE&K Architects) is an internationally-renowned firm that has distinguished itself by creating great places. McGraw-Hill Construction connects people, projects and products across the design and construction industry. From project and product information to industry news, trends and forecasts, we provide industry players the tools and resources that help them save time, money, and energy. COMPETITION ORGANIZERS The Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) is a nonprofit organization founded in 1912 to enhance the quality of architectural education. ACSA is committed to the principles of universal and sustainable design. The National Building Museum is America’s leading cultural institution dedicated to exploring and celebrating architecture, design, engineering, construction, and planning. Essential to the profession for more than 110 years, Architectural Record provides a compelling editorial mix of design ideas and trends, building science, business and professional strategies, exploration of key issues, news products and computer-aided practice.

For complete information go to

ACSANEWS november 2008

student design competitions


2008 Student Design Competition, Using Metal in Construction Metal Construction Association

The Site The project will be located on Northerly Island, a 91-acre peninsula along the Lake Michigan shoreline just south of downtown Chicago. The island has a unique history of its own. It was conceived by architect and planner Daniel H. Burnham, who imagined Northerly Island as one of a series of man-made island parks stretching from Grant Park on the north to Jackson Park on the south and providing breathtaking views of the lake and city skyline. Northerly Island was one of the sites of A Century of Progress, the 1933–1934 World’s Fair. Throughout the 1930s and 1940s, Northerly Island featured pathways, trees, grass, and a beach. In 1947, the park was converted to a small airport known as Meigs Field, which remained in use until 2003. Today, Burnham’s vision is being restored by a master plan to turn the northern half into an area for active use and the southern half into native landscape, restored shoreline, and woodland habitat. SPONSOR & Organizer Metal Construction Association (MCA)

Objectives This facility will allow visitors the opportunity to learn about and celebrate Chicago’s seafaring history by presenting its rich maritime heritage and connection with Lake Michigan and the other Great Lakes. Chicago’s history is intimately tied to the lake. Its human history begins with the Native Americans who first inhabited the area, to the early settlers who shaped a city out of a swamp into an international center of commerce and industry. The museum will exhibit this maritime history through the display of artifacts ranging from Native American handicrafts to items from important vessels and famous shipwrecks. Hands-on programs will also teach visitors boat building and seamanship. Materials The project must utilize metal as a prominent, creative, and structural element in the design. It should underscore the flexibility, efficiency, and beauty of metal in responding to the unique requirements of this facility and the sustainable qualities of metal. This facility should utilize state-of-the-art sustainable building strategies as defined by the USGBC’s LEED building guidelines integrating site, water, and building initiatives into the design. Entries should carefully evaluate the opportunities offered by the site, the Chicago climate, and the building program in order to design an energy neutral facility. SCHEDULE Submission Deadline November 10, 2008 Juror Select Winners November 17, 2008 Awards Cash prizes totaling $8,600 will be awarded to the winning students, the faculty sponsors, and their schools. INFORMATION For more information, please visit the MCA website:

For complete information go to


Design Challenge This unique metal in construction competition challenges the entrant to design a new Maritime Museum and Historical Center of Chicago. The facility will serve Chicago-area residents and visitors of all ages by providing interactive displays and programs, classrooms, a research library, and a restaurant. This facility will be a visitor center to Chicago’s beautiful lake shore park system and an education and research center. It will highlight the remarkable maritime history of Chicago and Lake Michigan and the adventure of seafaring on the Great Lakes. The center will include exhibits about small craft and displays for salvaged parts of large historic vessels. In addition, Lake Michigan’s geographical, anthropological, and economic history will be displayed. Finally, the center will include programs utilizing its location on Northerly Island as a resource for interactive research and teaching.

ACSANEWS november 2008

Preservation as Provocation

Re-thinking Kahn’s Salk Institute, 2008-09 International Student Design Competition



student design competitions

INTRODUCTION Jonas Salk commissioned the renowned Philadelphia architect Louis I Kahn to design his new Institute for Biological Studies in 1959. Together they collaborated and designed a facility uniquely suited to scientific research. This competition invites architecture students to imagine the next chapter in the life of one of America’s architectural treasures, which was designated a Historic Landmark in 1991. This challenge asks designers how the preservation of these extraordinary buildings can provoke a profound rethinking of our current conventions about composition, construction, and building performance. The aim is to envision a new type of facility that would be unimaginable without the existing structures. THE CHALLENGE The Salk Institute has been a highly successful research facility, but the changing landscape of science requires an evolution of the campus; along with respect of the architectural and historic integrity of the site. According to the Salk Institute’s Master Plan, “Our successful recruitment efforts are dependent on having state-of-the-art research facilities and equipment, as well as ancillary support systems that allows our scientists to focus on their work.” Embrace the design scheme and intent of the original master plan. SCHEDULE

December 05, 2008

Registration Begins, online

February 09, 2009 June 17, 2009 June 2009 Summer 2009

Registrations Deadline Submission Deadline Prize winners chosen by the design jury Competition Summary Publication

(registration is free)


Winning students and their faculty sponsors will receive cash prizes totaling $10,000. The design jury will meet in June 2009 to select winning projects and honorable mentions. Winners and their faculty sponsors will be notified of the competition results directly. A list of winning projects will be posted on the ACSA web site at www.acsa



Program updates, including information on jury members as they are confirmed, can be found on the ACSA web site at www.acsa

Download the competition program booklet at

Resourcing Research: a review and critique of the state of the art for a resource-efficient future

April 24-25, 2009 Boston, MA

In recent years, the various professional, academic and governmental communities involved in the design, construction, and operation of buildings have been increasingly influenced by a growing awareness of the critical need to address climate change and resource scarcities. The particular link between the extraction, production, and consumption of energy and the carbon content of the atmosphere have led to dire predictions of massive societal upheaval and escalating resource conflicts. As a result, a blizzard of initiatives, constructive and opportunistic, are addressing many aspects of the challenge of designing and operating buildings in ways that lessen our burden on the global environment.

ment. We seek to attract a diversity of recent and ongoing research projects and critical initiatives that address the many aspects of the emerging green built environment. Our intent is to establish a discourse that engages a multiplicity of disciplines while questioning the overwhelmingly technical grounds of work toward resource efficient architecture. Therefore, both technical and non-technical inquiries are of equal interest. Critical inquiries into the basis for technical solutions in addressing climate change and resource scarcities are of particular interest while serious technical research projects will form the foundation for understanding the scientific and technological state of the art.

Resourcing Research will highlight research initiatives that seek to provide pathways toward a more resource efficient built environ-

For Inquires contact: John E. Fernandez, MIT,

ACSANEWS november 2008

2009 ACSA Conference


Sponsored by: Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Massachusetts Institute of Technology


2009 ACSA/NCAA Administrators Conference

November 5-7, 2009 | St. Louis, Missouri Host School: Washington University in St. Louis


St. Louis

A joint meeting of the National Council of Art Administrators and the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture

ACSANEWS november 2008

97th acsa annual meeting

the value of design design is at the core of what we teach and practice

portland, oregon march 26-29, 2009 Host School University of Oregon Co-chairs Mark Gillem, U. of Oregon Phoebe Crisman, U. of Virginia


thematic overview Recent cultural changes have placed architects in a promising position to initiate positive change through design insight and proactive practice. Greater concern for the environment, the desire for a heightened sense of place and sensory experience, technological advances, the increasing importance of visual images in communication, and interdisciplinary collaborations all create favorable conditions for design innovation. As the disciplinary limits of architecture continue to expand, architects and architecture students are faced with the difficult and exhilarating challenge of synthesizing complex issues and diverse knowledge through physical design across many scales. By questioning the broader value of design, the role of architecture can become more significant within society.

o What social value does design have for individual inhabitants and clients, for the broader public, and for society as a whole? o What urban and environmental value does design have beyond the building? o What economic value does design have beyond the pro forma? o What aesthetic value does design have for the places and objects of daily life? o What material and technical value does design bring to the physical environment? o What pedagogical value does design education offer to other disciplines? o What are the ways in which design education can promote creative insight and foster the ability to make visions real? These are just a few of the questions we hope to investigate at the 2009 ACSA Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon. Portland is an

excellent city in which to discuss the value of design. Architects there have worked collaboratively with other professions to transform Portland into a vibrant, diverse, and livable city that highlights the multiple benefits of design. They have worked with transportation engineers to develop a comprehensive public transit system that focuses development in a predictable way. They have collaborated with landscape architects to ensure that public open space is a priority in the heart of the city and at its edges. They have teamed with urban designers, interior designers, and developers to create memorable settings and buildings that capture the spirit of the place. Within this intellectual and physical context, we ask conference participants to consider the multiple values of design for our discipline, our profession, and our society.

Call To Participate in a Critical Conversation On Fingerprints in the Act of Making Participants are invited to ignite a critical debate over the origin and value of singular authorship in a democratic studio culture. The challenge for our imaginations has always been to transform nowhere into now here. In the disciplines of politics and science, fingerprints and DNA evidence the identities of citizens and strangers alike. We need both identities as catalysts in the fecundity of friction some call an architecture of democracy. In our contemporary rush to embrace the interface of systems, architectural education has difficulty with the aberrant, the intuitive conjecture, the


Submission Information

Selected respondents will engage in a discussion with protagonist Peter Waldman, William R. Kenan Professor in Architecture at the University of Virginia. Studio faculty are invited to submit a position paper (max. 500 words) that states your ideas in relation to the issues and questions put forth in the protagonist’s statement. Also include a studio brief that reinforces your argument.

blister and certainly the scar marked by our distinct spatial tales of origin. In our fascination with parallel scientific methodologies, we all too often dismiss the power of the curious meander, if not the magician’s stretch. Two crucial questions: “Where do you come from?” might just have a different response than “From where will we proceed?” Please join Surveyors, Nomads, & Lunatics in a feisty focused discussion on fingerprints in the act of making. - Peter D. Waldman

Submission Process Materials must be received by November 5, 2008 and will be peer reviewed. Participants will be notified by late November 2008 of acceptance. Authors will submit position papers through the ACSA online interface. When submitting your position paper, you will be guided through the following steps. Note: Your submission is not finalized unless you click the Submit button and receive an automatic email confirmation.

1. Log in with your ACSA username and password. 2. Enter the title of your posistion paper. 3. Select the Session Topic, On Fingerprints in the Act of Making. 4. Add additional authors for your posistion paper, if any. 5. Type or Copy/Paste your position paper into the Abstract field. 6. Upload a PDF of your Studio Brief. 7. Click Submit to finalize your submission.

Submissions Due: November 19, 2008 Poster sessions are a fixture at many scholarly meetings. They offer an informal setting for thinkers and scholars to share emerging research and speculators to explore new directions. From a number of general areas in which architectural scholars work we have identified several that we hope embrace the research and creative work of a majority of our members. Because each of these areas utilizes distinct methods of inquiry, we encourage the submission of posters relying on textual, quantitative, graphic and/or spatial evidence. We recognize that research is often done in the context of studio teaching and such research is also encouraged.

ACSANEWS november 2008

Call for Posters


Scholarship and design-based investigations situated at the architectural scale often slip toward the space of the room or the expanse of the site. Indeed some of the most often studied projects of recent years operate within this larger field of space making. This topic seeks to provide a home for work beyond the precise scale of the building.

BUILDING BEHAVIORS Sustainability has led to a renewed interest in the behaviors of buildings, particularly related to energy usage. In addition, lighting, acoustical responsiveness and structural stability are increasingly at the foreground of public interest.

DESIGN RESEARCH IN THE STUDIO CONTEXT The studio is the traditional core of the architecture school. The 1996 Boyer Report on architectural education described it as the “holy of holies” of architectural education: “these studios scruffy though they may be are models for creative learning that others on campus might well think about.” Since the Boyer report was written design has become a hot trans-disciplinary phenomenon, putting the architecture studio in an enviable position relative to our peers in the academy. This topic might include research done on the design studio or research done in the design studio.

Submission Requirements



Scholarship on historic architects, settings, periods and themes occurs in a variety of research modalities. In addition ideas of design epistemology are often reflected in essays falling under this broad rubric.

Designers and scholars study and engage the differences between private and public, individual and societal spaces, incorporating buildings and public space in a variety of scales and densities within an increasingly global context. Two well-developed research trajectories are smart growth and new urbanism, and we solicit posters from our members working in these areas. In addition, we are seeking proposals that redefine architecture, urban design, city planning, and life in the cyber-age, in unexpected terms. We recognize that positions taken today may be located on the periphery of the architectural discourse but are poised to make a significant impact tomorrow.

HOUSING As the planet’s population grows it becomes increasingly imperative that housing effectively provide appropriate shelter with reduced means. Housing research varies from historic and emerging typologies to urban and social concerns to evolving family types, all set in a global arena of cultural confluences. Research and design projects in all these areas are encouraged.

MATERIALS In recent years the convergence of new manufacturing processes and new materials has led to a proliferation of material studies with spatial, economic and societal implications. In addition, traditional materials and their methods of fabrication continue to hold interest for researchers and offer new information to the construction industry.

MEDIA INVESTIGATIONS Theories and practices of media and representation, ranging from historic drawing techniques to contemporary digital modalities, are critical to the production of architectural ideas. Scholars and designers often focus their inquiries on this key link in the design process.

Authors will submit a 500-word abstract and a PDF of the poster (not to exceed 20” x 30” portrait orientation). Abstracts need to be formatted for blind peer review, as well as the posters.

tation time to discuss them with other participants. Posters are not required to be mounted; a flat tackable surface and tacks will be provided. Other materials for presentation are the responsibility of the authors.

Accepted poster authors will have a 20” x 30” (portrait orientation) space on a tack board on which to post materials. Authors must stand at their posters during presen-

Accepted authors will be notified by December 3, 2008 and must register for the conference by January 14, 2009 in order to be included in the proceedings.

THE VALUE OF DESIGN Recent cultural changes have places architects in a promising position to initiate positive change through design insight and proactive practice. As the disciplinary limits of architecture continue to expand, architects and architecture students are faced with the difficult and exhilarating challenge of synthesizing complex issues and diverse knowledge through physical design across many scales. By questioning the broader value of design, the role of architecture can become more significant within society.

OPEN SESSION ACSA encourages submissions that do not fit into one of the above topicS.

Timeline July 15—Poster submission site opens November 19—Poster submission deadline December 3—Accept/reject notifications sent to all authors with reviewer comments. January 14—Poster presenter registration deadline



ACSANEWS november 2008

keynote speakers

special focus sessions

patricia Patkau patkau architects university of british columbia 2009 Tau Sigma Delta Gold Medal Reciepient

Friday, March 27 8:00am - 10:00am The Accessible City: Sustainability’s Next Move Beyond Service: The Role of the Design Architect


10:30am - 12:30pm The Instant City: Dubai’s Overnight Urbanity

Tours Friday Tour 1

Saturday Tour 3

The Downtown Park: Investing in the Public Realm Portland’s urban plazas, connected park blocks, riverfront promenades, and small pocket parks will be highlighted on this tour. These public spaces help make density livable and are in large measure responsible for the character and quality of Portland’s downtown. They attract infill development and provide a place for public events of all sizes. But how can an investment in such places be justified amidst concerns over crime, underdevelopment, and increasing maintenance costs? This is just one of many questions about the role of public space in urban development that we will address on this tour.

Trains, Towers, and Townhomes: Portland’s Recipe for Urban Infill In an innovative partnership, government agencies and local developers have funded a unique streetcar system that seamlessly connects to the regional light rail network. The streetcar has been the catalyst for dozens of urban infill projects that have significantly increased the amount of housing in Portland’s downtown core. In this tour, we will use the streetcar to access several notable projects and hear from developers and designers involved in the remaking of downtown.

Friday Tour 2 The Pearl District: A Case Study in Urban Redevelopment Until the early 1990s, abandoned warehouses, vacant lots, and deteriorating infrastructure were the norm in what is now a national case study in urban redevelopment. The housing boom of the 1990s, demolition of an elevated roadway, and the eventual construction of a streetcar spurred numerous renovation projects and the construction of many new buildings throughout this old industrial area. Brownfield sites have been converted into brewpubs, urban housing, and shopping streets. With the collapse of the housing bubble and growing concerns about gentrification, what will the future be for the Pearl?


In addition to the numerous paper sessions that will take place at the Annual Meeting, the conference co-chairs have organized the following 14 sessions.

Saturday Tour 4 The South Waterfront: A City Under Construction With the success of the Pearl District in north Portland, planners and developers were anxious to find a new area to redevelop. In 2004, their focus turned to the South Waterfront, a former brownfield site now connected to downtown by Portland’s streetcar. The ambitious plans call for a mix of offices, retail shops, and urban housing. The first phase, totaling nearly $2 billion in construction, is nearly complete and includes seven towers and the home of the Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) Center for Health and Healing, which is connected by an aerial tram to the main OHSU hilltop campus. In this tour, we will look at ways developers and the city linked land-uses, transportation systems, open spaces, and building typologies through comprehensive urban design.

2:00pm - 4:00pm Environment & Engaged Design Structures and Sustainability Living Above: Mixed Use Buildings and the Urban Environment 4:30pm - 6:30pm Conceptions of Detail Spheres of Urbanistic Action

Saturday, March 28 10:30am - 12:30pm Praxis: the role of theory in making Architectural Implications of Global Capitalism 2:00pm - 4:00pm The Developer’s Dilemma: Design or Dollars? Magic of the Real/Challenge of the Virtual 4:30pm - 6:30pm Aesthetic Experience vs. Performative Action The Competition: Design as Research

Green Meetings Portland has long been known as a clean, green and friendly metropolis, and at ACSA we are doing our part to make our meetings more sustainable. We have already greatly reducing the quantity of printed programs, on-site materials and pre-conference mailers and using to keep our members informed. More recently ACSA has joined with to become a Carbon Free event. Portland is a great city to implement these initiatives and we encourage you to do your part. If you would like to learn more about this initiative please visit

go to acsa-arch .org

Nickname (badge)

Ways to Register Mail this form and payment to: ACSA 2008 Annual Meeting 1735 New York Avenue Washington DC, 20006


Fax form with credit card info to: 202/628 0448

CONTACT INFORMATION (Please print clearly) Full Name

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School / Company Name

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Mailing Address City





Country Fax

PAYMENT METHOD Select one only:

[ ] Check/ Money Order (# _________)

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early by feb 6, 2009

Regular by Mar 11, 2009

ON-SITE after Mar 11, 2009

Paper Presenters (by jan 14, 2009)








Student Member (with valid id)








Student Non-Member (with valid id)




One Day Registration (thursday, friday, saturday)




Topaz Recipient Luncheon (saturday)




Sponsored Luncheon (friday)





SPECIAL ACTIVITIES (Circle all that apply)

TOTAL: $__________________

Hilton Portland & Executive Tower 921 SW Sixth Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204 tel: 503-226-1611 fax: 503-220-2565 web: Rate: $159 (main building) or: $179 (executive tower)

Special Assistance ACSA will take steps to ensure that no individual who is physically challenged is excluded, denied services, segregated, or otherwise treated differently because of an absence of auxiliary aids and services identified in the American with Disabilities Act. If any such services are necessary to enable you to participate fully in these meetings, please contact Mary Lou Baily, 202/785 2324 ext 2;



Local Information


Max Light Rail The MAX Light Rail system is one block from the hotel (Pioneer Square South station) providing access to Portland’s main attractions. The MAX Light Rail system provides transportation to and from the Portland International Airport in just 30 minutes. Visit for more information. ACSA encourages all attendees to take advantage of the lightrail system and all of Portlands mass transit options for the duration of the conference.

Cancellation Policy Cancellations must be received in writing, no later than February 28, 2009 to qualify for a refund, less a processing fee of $50. This fee also applies to PayPal purchases. Unpaid purchase orders will be billed at the full rate specified in the order unless cancelled before the deadline; Standard cancellation fees will apply. Contact For questions regarding registrations for the conference, contact Kevin Mitchell at 202/785 2324 ext 5; For all other conference questions, contact Mary Lou Baily at 202/785 2324 ext 2, mlbaily@ Payment ACSA accepts cash (on-site only), checks, money orders, Visa, and Mastercard. All payments must be in US dollars. Checks or international money orders should be made payable to ACSA and drawn on a bank located in the United States or Canada. Advance payments must be received at the ACSA national office by February 6, 2009. After that date, proof of purchase order, check requisition or on-site payment will be required upon conference check-in.



96th acsa annual meeting

ACSANEWS november 2008

online Registration Now open

registration form

ACSANEWS november 2008




9 8 th aCSA Annual Meeting

New Orleans | March 4-7, 2010 Host School Tulane University


Bruce Goodwin, Tulane University Judith Kinnard, Tulane University


Overview What is the role of the building in architectural discourse today? As schools engage in cross-disciplinary dialogues that are essential to the expanded field of architectural practice, does the art and craft of building design remain central to our curricula? Sophisticated technologies now allow us to preview the appearance and predict the performance of proposed buildings. Our traditional conception of design is challenged as decision-making can be automated and building parts can be cut, routed or printed to exact tolerances. Yet the ecological, economic and cultural contingencies that surround each project are increasingly complex. Recent events have exposed the fragility of buildings as objects in the face of natural and man-made forces and the critical role of infrastructure has been made increasingly apparent.


The 2010 ACSA Annual Meeting will engage multiple themes associated with the changing art of building both as artifact and as process in architecture and related disciplines. The theme encourages debate on how we might balance traditional definitions of aesthetics, urbanism, preservation and construction with innovative practices that shatter the boundaries of architectural thinking. These debates will be informed by the city of New Orleans. More than 3 years after Hurricane Katrina the process and results of the re-building efforts at work in this most vibrant and unique of American cities will be an important point of reference and topic for discussion.

The ACSA Annual Meeting serves as a forum for discussion and speculation related to the meeting theme, as well as the exploration of a broad scope of research, scholarship, and creative activity. Faculty members have the opportunity both to propose session topics and to submit papers related to a range of given topics.


for Session Topics

Stage One Deadline for Session Topic Proposals: January 7, 2009

Proposals for session topics related to the conference theme are requested, as are proposals related to the full range of subject areas within architecture, its related disciplines, and its allied professions. Topic proposals may, for example, address questions relating to history, theory, criticism, design, digital media, technology, pedagogy, construction, materials, practice, society, and culture. Session Topic proposals may also cut across traditional categories or address emerging issues. Session Topic proposals may be broad in reach or sharply focused. Each proposal should clearly identify its subject, premise, and scope of the proposed Session Topic. Session Topic Selection Process

Session Topics are selected through a blind peer review process. In addition to the blind process, the conference co-chairs may identify additional session topics and moderators. The selection process takes into consideration both the merits of the Session Topic proposals, as well as the importance of organizing a diverse set of sessions for the Annual Meeting.


ACSANEWS november 2008

for Participation


The authors of the Session Topics selected in the first stage will serve as Session Topic Chairs for their respective sessions. Working in collaboration with the conference cochairs, their responsibilities include: maintaining a blind-review process for all papers submitted during the entire review process; enlisting three blind reviewers for each of the papers submitted to their Session Topic; recommending final papers for presentation; and moderating their respective sessions during the Annual Meeting. Eligibility

All Session Topic Chairs must be faculty, students, or staff at ACSA member schools or become a Supporting ACSA Member by September 1 of the academic year during which the Annual Meeting will occur. Prospective Session Topic Chairs are not required to be members of ACSA when submitting their Session Topic proposal. Please visit the ACSA website,, to obtain detailed instructions and template for submitting a topic. The deadline to submit a Session Topic is January 4, 2009.

for Papers

Stage Two Deadline for Paper Proposals: September 16, 2009

The Call for Papers will list the final Session Topics and will be announced in the April 2008 ACSANews as well as on the ACSA website. All papers will undergo a blind peer review process. Session Topic Chairs will take into consideration each paper’s relevance to the topic and the evaluation furnished by the three peer reviewers. Typically, each session will be composed of three or four presentations, with time for discussion. All papers will be submitted through an online interface and must meet the general criteria identified in the call for papers and in the submission guidelines.

Each author will be limited to one submission per Session Topic. All authors submitting papers must be faculty, students, or staff at ACSA member schools or become Supporting ACSA members at the time of paper submission. In the event of insufficient participation regarding a particular session topic, the conference co-chairs reserve the right to revise the conference schedule accordingly. Authors whose papers have been accepted for presentation will be required to register for the conference before the conference Proceedings go to press.



ACSANEWS november 2008

regional news


Miami River Library, Miami Waterfront Revitalization Program, Touzet Rebekah Fried



The School of Architecture and Planning at the Catholic University of America announces the launch in the Fall 2008 semester of two new graduate-level programs: Master of Science in Sustainable Design and Master of City and Regional Planning. The directors of these programs are Associate Professor Chris Grech, RIBA, and Associate Professor Hazel Ruth Edwards, Ph.D., AICP, respectively. These programs have been supplemented by the following new faculty: Assistant Professor Soolyeon Cho, Ph.D., whose area of research is High-Performance (Energy-Efficient) Commercial Building Systems, and Assistant Professor Jia Lu, Ph.D., whose specialization is in Population and Employment Distributions, GIS, Urban Modeling and Development in China. Florida Atlantic University The Florida Atlantic University School of Architecture is pleased to announce the arrival

of four new tenure track faculty members. The faculty, which began in 1996 with six full-time faculty members, expanded to twelve as of this fall 2008 term. Vladimir Kulic joined the faculty in the spring. Dr. Jean-Martin Caldieron, Henning Haupt, and Emmanouil Vermisso joined the School’s faculty in the fall. Dr. Caldieron has a Ph.D. from Tohoku University. He has experience both in practice and in research including several built works in Japan and Venezuela. His scholarship includes teaching of structural design and also the study of both self-improvement patterns and professional design interventions in Latin American shanty towns (favelas). He will be teaching in the junior level studios and in the structural design sequence. Henning Haupt is a Ph.D. candidate at the Technical University in Braunschweig, Germany. He brings to the faculty experience in both teaching and design research. His dissertation, “Colour investigations in the architectural design process” builds on more than ten years of active examination of the relationship between color and space. He will be teaching in the founda-

tion level of the design studios and seminar courses in the upper levels. Vladimir Kulic is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Texas in Austin. His research focuses on Architecture and Politics in Socialist Yugoslavia. He is currently working on an exhibition called “Balkanology: New Architecture and Urban Phenomena in South Eastern Europe,” which is curated by by Kai Vöckler (Berlin), and co-curated by Maroje Mrduljaš (Zagreb) and Vladimir Kuli. The exhibition will open on October 4, 2008 at the Swiss Museum of Architecture in Basel and is scheduled to travel to Architekturzentrum in Vienna in summer 2009. Vladimir Kulic has also contributed significantly to the journal of the exhibition and participated in a dialogue with Maroje Mrduljaš entitled “Yugoslavia and Beyond: From Modern Architecture to Current Practices,” which will be published in SAM (Basel), no. 7, in October of 2008. He will be teaching modern architectural history and theory in both the lower and upper division levels. Emmanouil Vermisso is a practicing designer and scholar in the area of digital fabrication.

Vladimir Kulic, in collaboration with Wolfgang Thaler, an architectural photographer from Vienna, received a grant of 9,000 Euros for a book project tentatively entitled The Architecture of Titoism. The grant was awarded by Erste Stiftung, a Viennese foundation that funds cultural and art projects in Central and Eastern Europe. The project focuses on the architecture of socialist Yugoslavia, c.1945-80. The book will contain photographic and critical essays by Professor Kulic on 30 buildings from the region that he selected and Mr. Thaler photographed. Associate Professor Anthony Abbate delivered a keynote presentation, on Collaborative Community Design: Getting from Conversation to Conservation in the Contemporary Subtropical City, at the Subtropical Cities 2008 conference in Brisbane, Australia on September 4th. The conference was hosted by the Queensland University of Technology’s Centre for Subtropical Design and the Government of Queensland. Abbate also lectured on Sustainable Growth and Local Distinctiveness in Subtropical Cities at the University of Western Australia School of Architecture in Perth on August 16th. UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI In October, the University of Miami School of Architecture unveiled a design study of the Miami Waterfront, “On the Waterfront: Miami’s SevenMile Promenade,” featuring drawings of the city’s public waterfront area, during an exhibit, symposium and reception, at the Miami Dade College Freedom Tower in downtown Miami. “The event will help bring attention to the City of Miami’s waterfront,” said Distinguished Professor and Dean of the School of Architecture Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk. “The objective of this work is to begin a public conversation about the future of the Baywalk and Riverwalk and to inspire the action necessary to complete Miami’s waterfront promenade”.

The exhibit showcases about 200 images created by more than 300 students and the entire UM School of Architecture design faculty. The display opens weekly Tuesday through Saturday, 12 noon to 5:00 p.m. from September 24 through November 7. The project represents the culmination of a yearlong intense academic engagement about the future of Miami’s public waterfront. The exhibit showcases a plan for a boardwalk, sidewalk cafes, water taxi stations, retail shops, and townhouses along the seven-mile water edge area that extends from Alice Wainwright Park north of Vizcaya, to Magnolia Park at N.E. 39th Street, including the downtown Miami River waterfront. Other planned amenities for this area include public parks, marketplaces, an educational center and a library. All the projects focus on the idea of creating a waterfront promenade for a future transient, pedestrian-friendly city. The plan incorporates the pieces of the promenade that already exist as well as propose design solutions for those areas that have impediments to its completion. The study is the university’s largest design project since a major post-Hurricane Andrew rebuilding plan. In addition to the School of Architecture, it involved faculty from the University’s Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science and the Department of Geography Urban Studies Program. Local government and community groups, including the City of Miami Planning Department, the City of Miami Parks Department, the Urban Environment League, the Miami River Commission and the Miami/Dade County Parks Department also participated throughout the different stages of the endeavor. “A project like this, where the whole school gives attention to regional assets, is part of the long-time commitment and tradition of the UM School of Architecture to involve the faculty and students with the community,” said PlaterZyberk. “Our faculty has long been dedicated to giving the students the experience of civic engagement as an important part of their professional life.” Launched on August 29, 2007, the project took place in four phases, with the first two involv-

ing the study of historical precedents, site reconnaissance, documentation, and analysis. The third through the fourth phases covered the urban design of the promenade and detail design of specific adjacent sites. Nine upper-level design studios worked on the urban design of the waterfront walkway. Seven studios focused on approximately ¾ of a mile of bay frontage, and two studios engaged the north and south riverfronts of the Miami River. Assignments for the core studios – first, second and third year students – worked on building designs for developable sites adjacent to the waterfront.


For information about the project or visit www. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA at CHARLOTTE 38 years after its founding as the College of Architecture, the College of Arts+Architecture began at UNC Charlotte this past summer. Comprised of the (renamed) School of Architecture, and Departments of Art & Art History, Dance, Music, and Theatre (formerly in the College of Arts & Sciences), the new college will offer up to 19 undergraduate degree programs in arts and architecture at both undergraduate and graduate levels. The new College seeks to bring the arts, creative leadership, community engagement, and professional programs more to the center of the University’s mission which complements the statewide initiative referred to as “UNC Tomorrow.” Further, this realignment will encourage collaborative and cross-disciplinary practices, and reinforce a longstanding goal of the architecture program to highlight liberal education goals. Dean Ken Lambla will continue as founding dean of the CoA+A. The School of Architecture has refocused its three research centers and continues to attract applied research projects. The Digital Design Center, including Professors Greg Snyder, Chris Beorkrem and Nick Ault, received an advanced program improvement grant from the university to install a CNC plasma cutter to pursue manufacturing methods incorporating fabrication technology. Graduate student Ginette Wessel’s collaboration with the Charlotte (SOUTHEAST continued on page 22)


He comes to the School after working in the offices of Alfred Hall Monaghan Morris in London and previously for Foster + Partners. His research examines methods for constructing complex surfaces and design theories of biomimetics. He will be teaching design and digital fabrication courses in the upper division of the curriculum.

ACSANEWS november 2008

regional news

ACSANEWS november 2008 22

regional news

(SOUTHEAST continued from page 21)

Visualization Center (College of Computing and Informatics) on “Legible Cities: Focus-Dependent Multi-Resolution Visualization of Urban Relationships” was presented at CAADRIA 2008 International Conference (Thailand), and ACADIA. The Third “Digital Opera” collaboration with the Department of Music will be “Solomon and Balkis” using motion-capture technology in operatic production. Additionally, Chris Beorkrem and Nick Ault, from the Digital Fabrication Lab have presented work at the EAAE/ARCC conference in Copenhagen, and at the Advances in Architectural Geometry Conference in Vienna. The Design + Society Research Center, led by Associate Professor José Gamez, will begin its 10th year in a new location but continued focus on issues of community development and empowerment through advocacy-based practices and strategic community partnerships. The Center for Integrated Building Design Research, led by Professor Dale Brentrup and Assistant Professor Thomas Gentry focuses on Daylighting and Building Performance simulation and assessment, and sustainable housing design-build practices. Professor Gentry has established the Labora-

tory for Innovative Housing (LIH). The LIH is currently involved in advancing design and construction methods for energy efficient and environmentally responsible housing for the Southeast United States. Construction of the first demonstration house is slated for completion in early 2009. Professor Gentry also testified before a U.S. Congressional subcommittee on the merits of mandating a national energy conservation code to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The School of Architecture has received approval to commence a new Master of Urban Design degree (MUD) with the first class admitted in the fall of 2009. The program is focused on the theme of “The Sustainable Southern City,” and is structured for full-time students over three semesters. It can also be tailored to suit the various demands of part-time students. All classes will be taught in the School’s urban studio in the city’s area adjacent to the light rail line and the program will eventually move into the university’s center city building when that facility is complete. This 3+ semester program will complement existing programs in Community Planning, Real Estate Finance, and Public Administration at the university.

The School of Architecture has welcomed several new faculty. Thomas Forget and Jeffery Balmer have been hired as Assistant Professors. Mohammed Gharipour, Nick Ault, and Nora Wendl were hired as New Visiting Assistant Professors. Bryan and Jennifer Shields have been hired at the School as new full-time Lecturers. Professor David Thaddeus was recently promoted to full professor. José L.S. Gámez, Ph.D., has been granted tenure and promoted to Associate Professor of Architecture in the School of Architecture. Gamez is actively involved in the launching of two initiatives: a new Master of Urban Design program within the School, which will accept its first students in the fall of 2009; and, the reformulation of the School’s public outreach arm now known as the Design+Society Research Center (formerly the Charlotte Community Design Studio). The D+SRC will serve as the new College of Arts+Architecture’s cross-disciplinary research and service learning unit in its new off-campus location in the historic South End of Charlotte. The College of Arts and Architecture will host the 2010 National Conference on the Beginning Design Student. Jeffery Balmer and Chris Beorkrem will be serving as co-chairs.



LOUISIANA TECHnological University Associate Professor Karl Puljak, Director of the School of Architecture, has served on several panels and committees over the past several months, including as a juror at the 2008 NCARB Prize and the 2008 Rose Awards for AIA-Baton Rouge. He continues to serve as president of AIA-Monroe and the Board of Directors for AIA Louisiana. He recently served on a panel discussing architectural education at the 2008 AIA Louisiana Design Conference in New Orleans and has presented work of the School of Architecture to the membership of Northeast Texas Chapter of the AIA. He continues to perform as the cellist of the University Piano Trio at Louisiana Tech University. The group will perform a recital of works from contemporary Mexican,

Brazilian, and Argentinian composers to support this year’s University enhancement series entitled “Shaping the 21st Century: Focus on Latin America.” Lisa Mullikin and Kevin Stevens have both been promoted to Associate Professor and have been granted tenure. Lisa Mullikin continues to serve as the Graduate Program Coordinator and Kevin Stevens has been appointed Chair of the Architecture Program. Professor Guy W. Carwile will present a paper on the former Jack Tar Motor Hotel of Galveston, TX at the Society for Commercial Archeology annual meeting in September. He will also present a paper on the Samuel G. Wiener House at the Southeast Chapter of the Society of Archi-

tectural Historians annual meeting in October. Professor Guy Carwile and Assistant Professor Vibha Jani recently received a Lighting Laboratory Enhancement Grant of $19,923.00. The funds will be utilized to enhance lighting equipment, fixtures and software. School of Architecture faculty members Walter Green, Damon Caldwell, Stephanie Carwile, Tim Hayes, Vibha Jani, Michael Williams, Alexis Wreden, Robert Moran, and Marty McElveen exhibited recent work in a joint exhibition called “Pieces of Eight” at the Southern Arkansas Art Center, El Dorado, Arkansas. Visiting Assistant Professor Marty McElveen has recently been selected to participate in DesCours, an AIA New Orleans event that takes

The installation, entitled SeeYouSeeMe, is an exploration into strategies for delineating the state of an ephemeral moment captured within an indeterminate space surrounded by indeterminate conditions. As a temporary intervention within an existing space, the work provokes participants to acknowledge memory while simultaneously evaluating their roles within the sequence of events taking place. Tulane University Marcella Del Signore has been appointed Assistant Professor in June 2008. She holds a Master in Architecture from University La Sapienza in Rome and a M.S. in Advanced Architectural Design from Columbia University. She has been practicing in Rome, New Orleans and New York. She is the principal of Neiron Studio and the co-founder of AAS_ The Automatic Architecture School, research group, currently investigating the production of strategic Architectural Design. Her research interests and areas of expertise are focused on the role of Digital media in the design process. In September, Prof. Del Signore presented her work at the Ibridazioni Symposium at the IUAV University and at the Biennale of Architecture in Venice. Professor Eugene Cizek is the recipient of the 2008-2009 Historic Preservation Fund Award, which is presented by the Louisiana Division of Historic Preservation. Professor Cizek has made significant contributions to historic preservation in the state of Louisiana, and this award will support the Historic Jackson Barracks HABS project. The grant was awarded from the Louisiana Division of Historic Preservation, Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism (CRT) to produce an Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) for the Historic Area of Jackson Bar-

racks, built in the 1830s as protection against foreign invasion following the Battle of New Orleans. It is one of the largest collections of Greek Revival Architecture in the United States. The resultant documents will be entered in the Charles E. Peterson Prize Competition sponsored by the National Park Service and the Athenaeum of Philadelphia. Professor Cizek, the Richard Koch Chair in Architecture is the founder and director of the Preservation Studies Program since 1997. The HABS program began at Tulane in 1981. The preservation studies program works directly with historic sites, neighborhood improvement associations, critical condition situations such as Katrina damage and other non profit community organizations. In 1977 Cizek co-founded the Education Through Historic Preservation Program which utilizes historic resources as learning environments. The first year of the Master in Preservation Studies Program focused on Belle Alliance Plantation with documentation and proposals for restoration as cultural resource which resulted in the saving of the historic site and its restoration. It became an integral component of the Bayou Lafourche-Donaldsonville, Louisiana Historic District, the creation of a master plan for preservation and economic development that became the stimulus and guidelines for the city’s historic center and a bayou heritage corridor. The work was funded by grants from CRT and the business community of Donalsonville. Each year the program addresses another critical issue site. Jackson Barracks suffered much damage from Hurricane Katrina. The Tulane work will assist in the restoration activities for the site and in the Spring 2009 Semester will develop a cultural resource and economic development plan for the Historic Jackson Barracks and its adjacent historic neighborhoods of Holy Cross in New Orleans and Arabi and St. Bernard Parish which also sustained major damage in Katrina. Assistant Professor Victor Jones presented a paper in October titled “Pitter Patter: Magazines, Maps and Fast Talk” at the 2008 ACSA Fall Conference “Material Matters” in Los Angeles. Associate Professor Carol Reese had a paper accepted on the New Orleans mid-century modernist black suburb Pontchartrain Park for a panel at the upcoming Society of Architectural Historians annual meeting in Pasadena. The

title of the session is “Extending the ‘Crabgrass Frontier’: New Approaches for Understanding the Complexity of Postwar Suburbanization in the United States.” In Spring 2008 Favrot Chair Professor Coleman Coker has lectured at Norwich University, Auburn University Rural Studio, Montana State University School of Architecture and at the Commencement for the Memphis College of Art in May 2008, where he received an Honorary Doctorate of Fine Arts from Memphis College of Art.. Also Professor Coker served on the P/A Design Award Jury for Architect Magazine and published his work in Detail in Process – As Built, Bridges Center for Princeton Architectural Press.


University of Houston Blair Satterfield, Research Assistant Professor, at the University of Houston received a R+D Award from ARCHITECT magazine. Scott Marble also won a R+D award and will be joining the college in the spring as a Visiting Assistant Professor. Both winners are working on the College’s Sustainable Building Component Research Initiative to develop innovative building assemblies. University of Louisiana at Lafayette Associate Professor Michael McClure, RA, Professor Tom Sammons, and Director Robert McKinney, AIA, LEED AP, CSI each received an Excellence in Academic Advising award from the University. Associate Professor Michael McClure, RA and his partner Ursula Emery McClure received the Gorham P. Stevens Rome Prize for their practice based research: Terra Viscus: Hybrid Tectonic Precedent. McClure with partner Ursula Emery McClure were also awarded a Southern Living Award from Southern Living Magazine, and took part in a symposium at UT Austin School of Architecture. McClure continues as a member of the editorial board of JAE and the design review board of JAE, and as a member of the Louisiana State Architecture Selection Board. The Community Design Workshop, headed by Professor Thomas Sammons, received $104,000 in funded research. Additionally, (SOUTHWEST continued on page 24)


place December 8-14, 2008. DesCours is a seven-day, annual contemporary architecture and art event that looks toward the future in showcasing cutting-edge, new media and interactive installations while embracing New Orleans’ rich architectural and cultural heritage. During DesCours, over 16 local and internationally recognized architects, designers, artists and musicians will transform 16 spaces, both ‘hidden’ and public, within the French Quarter and Central Business District into destination places for visitors and locals alike.

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Professor Sammons received the Contractors Educational Trust Fund/BORSF Professorship in Art and Architecture. Director Robert McKinney, AIA, LEED AP, CSI was awarded Endowed Professorship in Architecture by the University in May. McKinney serves as the Educator member to the Louisiana Architectural Examiners Board through which he was appointed to the NCARB ARE Construction Documents and Services Committee. Professor Hector LaSala received a Distinguished Professor Award and the Slemco/ BORSF Professorship in the Arts. Assistant Professor Corey Saft was granted tenure. Safts’ recent publications include Between Fear & Terror.

Batture, the LSU School of Architecture Journal, “Circling the Drain” DRAIN, refereed online Journal of Arts and Culture which he coauthored as well as “Conjecture in Design” DESIGNTRAIN Congress, European League of Institutes of the Arts (ELIA) Amsterdam, Netherlands which was also co-authored.


The University of Louisiana at Lafayette’s Solar 2009 International Solar Decathlon entry the BeauSoleil Louisiana Solar Home headed by faculty advisor Assistant Professor Geoff Gjertson, AIA and supported by an interdisciplinary team of over seventy members has completed, submitted and had accepted their design development drawings and is now in the testing and verification stage with construction documents. Assistant Professor Kari Smith, LEED AP received a summer research grant for her work on affordable sustainable design. She and her design partner Assistant Professor Dan Burkett’s competition entry to the Rice Design Alliance and Houston Chapter of the American Institute for Architects 99k house competition will be on exhibition at the Architecture Center in Houston. The National Architectural Accrediting Board reviewed the School of Architecture and Design

in March and granted the school a full six year accreditation. Associate Professor Michael McClure, RA, Professor Tom Sammons, Associate Professor George Loli, Assistant Professor Corey Saft, and Assistant Professor Kari Smith continued the schools vibrant study abroad programs in Paris, Florence and Mexico City this summer. University of New Mexico Eleni Bastéa, Ph.D., Professor of Architecture, published in Greek by Libro Publishers, The Creation of Modern Athens: Planning the Myth (Cambridge University Press, 2000) in Athens this June 2008. The book, which was translated by the author, received an outstanding review by the major Athenian newspaper Kathimerini (08-24-2008). Tim B. Castillo has been granted tenure and promotion to Associate Professor at the School of Architecture and Planning at the University of New Mexico. Professor Castillo and Professor Geraldine Forbes, director of the Architecture program, received a $66,000 grant from the Center for Regional Studies at the University of New Mexico to investigate the cultural landscape of Embudo, New Mexico. Mark C. Childs, Associate Professor, was appointed as Associate Director of the Architecture Program. Also, this summer he presented “Teaching Concinnity: How Towns Emerge” at the Oxford Conference 2008: 50 Years On – Resetting the Agenda for Architectural Education. Norman Crowe, Professor Emeritus, University of Notre Dame, is teaching a seminar in historic preservation and regionalism for graduate and upper level undergraduate students in architecture and landscape architecture and certificate students in Historic Preservation during the fall semester of 2008. Stephen Dent, Associate Professor, presented two papers titled, “An Integrated Household Solar System” about a sustainable residence designed by Dent & Nordhaus, Architects and “Is this The Future?” regarding the design process of Morphosis Architects related to the Phare Tower in Paris at the Oxford Conference 2008: 50 Years On – Resetting the Agenda for Architectural

Education. He attended the Annual Meeting of NCARB as a member of the New Mexico Board of Examiners for Architects and will again be a member of an NCARB IDP - related committee for the coming year. This year he is a member of the IDP Development Committee. Last year Prof. Dent was a member of NCARB’s Architectural Practice Analysis Task Force and the IDP Specification Task Force. Also, a student in his fall semester studio, Arch 598, (Christopher “Gona” Grover) received an Honorable Mention in the Metal Construction Association’s student competition for the design of a Nature Center on Chicago’s Northerly Island. Mark Forte, Lecturer, presented a private showing of his photography in Berkeley, California at Home/Studio of architect Mui Ho June 2008. The show was entitled “Legacies in Stone.” Dana K. Gulling, Assistant Professor, will have a paper published as part of the proceedings for the Architectural Engineering Institute’s National Conference. The paper title is “Designing Inside (Out)” and focuses on reversing the typical design order in order to create more integrated buildings. She will also be presenting a paper titled “Prefabrication at the Comprehensive Studio” at the ACSA NE Conference: Without a Hitch. Prof. Gulling is also working with Associate Professor Diane Armpriest, University of Idaho to organize the next Building Technology Educators’ Society Conference titled “Assembling Architecture” to be held at the University of New Mexico, August 6-8 2009. Gabriella Gutierrez, Associate Dean, last year along with studio consultant Nissa Patterson had taught the course Studio M, where two graduate students, (Laurie Baker and Kristi Merdler) had their work included in a poster that was accepted to the National Assembly on School Based Health conference. The conference was held in Santa Monica, CA and the student poster received third place recognition from conference participants. The poster sessions generated much interest in the architectural design issues related to school based health centers. Efthimios Maniatis, Lecturer, created and started the career discovery class for high school students at the School of Architecture

Roger Schluntz, FAIA, Dean of the UNM School of Architecture and Planning, has been appointed to chair the University’s recently established the Design Review Board. The three member panel is advisory to the UNM President on all major campus projects and planning for the central and four branch campuses. Dr. Anne Taylor, Professor, was honored with a certificate of recognition by the Albuquerque Public Schools Board of Education this August 2008 for her work with high schools, middle schools and students. Her ongoing activities engaging young students with careers in architecture, landscape architecture and planning were honored this year. Kristina H. Yu, Assistant Professor, lectured recently at the Brandenburg Technical University in Cottbus Germany in her research pertaining to the geometries of lightweight structures of Konrad Wachsmann, Robert Ricolais and Buckminster Fuller. She presented a paper at the symposium, Berlin: Divided City at the University of Texas, Austin, titled, “Topographies of Error: Berlin’s Monuments on Troubled Terrain.” She presented a paper at the 96th ACSA Conference, “The Farmer’s Trailer: An Architectural Musing on Farm-to-Table Distribution.” She will be presenting two papers at the ACSA NE Conference: Without a Hitch, “Prototype in Manufactured Housing with SIPs,” and “Early Lightweight Structures: Woven Intuition.” university of Texas at San Antonio The College of Architecture is very pleased to announce the selection of Associate Professor Gayle Nicoll as Chair of the Department of Architecture. Her selection was preceded by faculty nominations and comment/evaluations,

which were requested by Interim Dean Robert Baron. Professor Nicoll will continue with the challenge of helping to guide a rapidly expanding program that continues to seek qualified faculty for full-time tenure track positions in a variety of teaching and research areas. Associate Professor Shelley Roff and Assistant Professor Hazem Rashed-Ali are co-chairing the 2009 spring research conference of the Architectural Research Centers’ Consortium (ARCC) hosted by the College of Architecture from 1518 of April, 2009. This year’s conference theme invites an exploration of existing and future trends in leadership in architectural research, the impact of these trends on research subjects and methodologies, and how this leadership can foster an integrated design research culture. The conference invites papers by architectural researchers in both academia and the profession. More detailed conference information at: www. Assistant Professor Irina Solovyova successfully defended her dissertation “The Role of the autobiographical Experiences with Emotional Significance of an Architect in Design Conjecturing” and will receive her Ph.D. in Architecture from Texas A&M University in December 2008. Her recent and upcoming publications include: “Intuition in Interior Design,” a paper accepted to the 2nd Interiors Forum of Scotland International Interior Design / Interior Architecture Conference. The paper is scheduled for publication in Tools and Tactics 2008 by Middlesex University Press in November 08. Senior Lecturer and Coordinator of the Interior Design program, Susan Lanford, IIDA, achieved USGBC LEED-CI professional accreditation in August 2008. As the program expands its offerings in sustainability and advancement of student scholars in all areas of interior design, Lanford was pleased to announce that Pricilla Velez, ID senior, was one of only eleven students nationwide to win the prestigious Donghia Foundation Scholarship for 2007/2008. Two senior ID students, Christina de Saro and Ivonne Caballero, received Highly Commended award for their entry in the 2008 Transform the Future international design competition. The design “Sensational Flooring” was developed as a project in senior studio. Ivonne’s and Christina’s work will be published on the Dalsouple’s web site and

shown in company’s booth during 100% Design London show. Assistant Professor Irina Solovyova was the design advisor for both the scholarship submission and student design competition. Joaquin Abrego, ID senior, won the Starnet Flooring Design Competition 2008. The award included being flown to Orlando in April for the award ceremony. His winning design submission was “Balanced Advertising” and his design advisor was Susan Lanford. Finally, Nicole Nelson, ID junior, was the only student to win Hospitality Design magazine’s Hospitality Design Award 2008 for her design of a spa and Emily Smith won the NEWT Hospitality Scholarship.


Associate Professor and Coordinator of the Basic Design Course Sequence, Stephen Temple, continues his research in beginning design education, publishing the book Design Through Making: A Pedagogy for Beginning Architectural Design, as well as two papers; “A Curriculum Based on the Psychology of Skill: Collaborating with Instructors with Disdain for Teaching Beginning Design,” in the Proceedings of the 24th National Conference on the Beginning Design Student held in Atlanta, and, “First Class / First Project: To Raise Inquiry about Design Through Making,” in the Proceedings of the Designtrain Congress 2: Designing Design Education, held in the Netherlands. Mark A. Blizard, Associate Professor, has recently published his book, Architecture: Land Culture Practice, Kendall/Hunt Publishers 2008. The product of ten years of research and teaching on place and its inherent web of culture, the book is an inquiry into the “very many things” that situate and inform the practice of architecture. Associate Professor Ed Burian, who teaches a course “Modern Architecture of Mexico,” coordinated a visit to the College by Mexico’s best known architect, Ricardo Legorreta, whose San Antonio Central Library enlivens downtown San Antonio. Legorreta reviewed both undergraduate and graduate studio work during his visit which was in conjunction with an exhibit of his work at the Bluestar Contemporary Art Center. The exhibit, curated by Bill FitzGibbons, the center’s executive director, brought together photography of Legorreta’s built work with pencil sketches that revealed aspects of the architect’s conceptual agenda, working methodology, and design process.


and Planning at the University of New Mexico this summer of 2008. He partnered with Dr. Anne Taylor who has much experience teaching design issues to young students. Visiting Assistant Professor Kima Wakefield was invited to teach in the career discovery class. 26 high school students participated in the intense summer program. The primary goal of the career discovery program is to provide an opportunity to high school students to explore the design fields as a career option.

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WEST Montana State University The school is pleased to announce that David Fortin has joined the faculty in a tenure track capacity. David is currently finishing his Ph.D in Architecture at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. He received his Master of Architecture from the University of Calgary and his Bachelor of Arts from the University of Saskatchewan. David’s area of expertise is in history/theory, digital design and sustainability. He is a practicing architect and his work has been featured in Canadian Architect and elevation West. On July 4th, 2008 at the highly touted inaugural ROTHBURY music festival held in Rothbury, MI the School of Architecture set the Guinness World Record for “largest canned food sculpture.” The canned food installation was designed and constructed by Professor John Brittingham, Adjunct Assistant Professor Ciaran Fitzgerald and students Matt Aune, Nick Diggins, Agatha Frisby, Jordan Leppert and Emily Van Court. The project was conceived in the form of two hands reaching out to one another with one hand giving a can of food to the other empty hand. The project used 45,725 cans of food donated by Whole Foods Market. The previous largest canned food structure was comprised of 25,656 cans and was built in Johannesburg, South Africa in 2004. The project was executed on behalf of the non-profit Conscious Alliance from Boulder, CO. with the generous canned food donation from Whole Foods. The organization raises awareness about global hunger and sustainability. All of the food, a combined total of approximately 66,000 lbs., was donated to benefit local Michigan food pantries. A National Geographic film crew was on site and documented/interviewed the team.


This year the school is pleased to announce that 5 graduate option studios are being offered with and average faculty student ratio of 1:7. Option 1: The Visiting Scholar’s Graduate Studio will be directed by the Live Architecture Network. Instructors will include Monika Wittig, Luis Fraguada and Shane Salisbury. The studio will explore the realm of digital tecton-

Montana State University School of Architecture Guinness Team

ics, which is an approach that emphasizes total integration between digital modelling and fabrication at a 1:1 scale. Parametric design will be used both in methodology and modeling, where students will explore both associative and generative techniques that investigate variation in form and stress physical production’s efficiency. Option 2: Sustaining Kukaiau Ranch - Hawaii This studio will be led by Professor John Brittingham and hosted by the non-profit Kohala Center on the Big Island of Hawaii. The realtime project will have the design charge of planning a 10,000 acre sustainable community that meets the multi-faceted needs and overarching goal of keeping the land intact for the historic Kukaiau Ranch. The project will address business, farming, ranching, energy and land planning strategies. Professor Myleen Leary, Ph.D. from the School of Business at Montana State University will act as an overall business plan consultant while Molokai Ranch Manager Jack Spruance will advise the design team with his expertise in the cattle industry. Local Bio-Intensive Farming experts will serve as consultants as well. In addition a native Hawaiian expert in culture/forests will orient the team to native tree species and will be complemented with a short visit with

the U.S. Forest Service in Hilo. The legal area of conservation easements and native Hawaiian agricultural subdivisions will be addressed by Greg Hendrickson, a local expert, via a half day seminar. Option 3: Urban Design in Chicago will be led by Adjunct Assistant Professor Chere LeClair. This course will focus on the investigation of architectural and urban design theory within a specific urban fabric, encompassing both macro scale issues of urban pattern and its relationship to urban typologies, infrastructure, societal-cultural forces and sustainable strategies. Option 4: The Khumbu Climbing School design/ build project will be led by Assistant Professor Mike Everts. The studio will be working in concert with the Alex Lowe Foundation, Conrad and Ginny Anker and the technical development team of North Face. The team will travel to Nepal in early September and trek into Khumbu to set the parameters for the design and construction of the exterior envelope and structure. Returning to the studio the team will work with North Face’s materials development team to develop the interior skin. Option 5: Re-Choreographing Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park will be led by JLF & Associates and Professor John C. Brittingham.

University of California Berkeley Professor Rene Davids and graduate student Taylor Medling won the 43rd Central Glass Competition. They presented their scheme in Tokyo in front of distinguished panel of judges that included Kengo Kuma, Toyo Ito and Riken Yamamoto. The scheme got the top award from amongst the 733 entries submitted. CED’s Esherick Visiting Professor this fall is Peter Testa of Testa & Weiser, Architects, in Los Angeles. Peter Testa is faculty Southern California Institute of Architecture, and founding director of the Emergent Design Group (EDG), a transdisciplinary research program merging architecture, advanced engineering, material science, and artificial intelligence at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This fall’s Friedman Professors are Mary Griffin and Eric Haesloop of Turnbull Griffin Haesloop Architects in San Francisco, whose award-winning practice focuses on issues of environmental praxis. Associate Professor Lisa Iwamoto of IwamotoScott is the keynote speaker at the 2008 Western Regional ACSA conference: Material Matters making Architecture in Los Angeles. Assistant Professor Ronald Rael will present his forthcoming book Earth Architecture (Princeton Architectural Press 2008) at Lehm 2008: The 5th International Conference on Building with Earth in Koblenz, Germany October 10 – 12. Associate Professor Dana Buntrok will be presenting a paper at the Northeast Regional 2008 ACSA Conference this fall. Assistant Professor Paz Gutierrez will be presenting a paper

on material bio-intellegibility at ACADIA: Silicon + Skin 2008 this fall in Minneapolis. DESIGNING [GREEN] CALIFORNIA, September - October 2008 California Magazine mentioned the names of several CED faculty including Professor Emeritus Stanley Saitowitz, M. Arch ‘77 and associate professor of architecture and Associate Professor Lisa Iwamoto for its issue on how to build a healthier, more sustainable California. Professor Paul Groth’s freshman seminar Geographies of the American Home was featured in an article in the campus newspaper for faculty and staff: The Berkeleyan. The seminar analyzed American home culture associated to social stratification. The exhibit Fatal Design features nearly a century of drawings from architecture and landscape projects housed in the Environmental Design Archives at U.C. Berkeley. On display will be cemetery designs by Gertrude Jekyll and Garrett Eckbo, site plans by Frederick Law Olmsted and Julia Morgan, and chapels and crematoriums by William Merchant and B.J.S. Cahill. Tombstone designs by Beatrix Farrand for Theodore Roosevelt will be shown along with Bernard Maybeck’s designs for the Western Hills Cemetery based on his Palace of Fine Arts. The exhibit will also include related publications from the Environmental Design Library. The Halloween costume optional ghoulish gala opening will be Thursday, October 30, 2008 7 To 9 Pm 210 Wurster Hall. Please rsvp to (510) 642-5124 by October 15th. University of Nevada, Las Vegas Lee-Anne Milburn, Associate Professor, has joined the School of Architecture as the new Landscape Architecture Coordinator. She has earned a B.F.A. (Honors), University of Manitoba; M.L.A., University of Guelph; and Ph.D., University of Guelph. In addition to building upon the strengths of the landscape architecture curriculum, Lee-Anne’s emerging pedagogies surrounding such areas as ecotourism are being integrated into the school’s paradigm for design within the desert southwest. The School of Architecture’s new Downtown Design Center will be featured at the grand

rededication of the Historic Fifth Street School, celebrating the conversion of this Las Vegas landmark to a downtown cultural center. Associate Professor and Director of the Downtown Design Center, Robert Dorgan, will be joined by Mayor Oscar B. Goodman, Mayor Pro Tem Gary Reese, and Dean of the College Fine Arts, Jeffrey Koep, September 22, 2008. University of Washington


It’s official: UW architecture and urban planning has been renamed the College of Built Environments. Regents on Thursday, Sept. 18, approved a request from Dean Daniel S. Friedman and his faculty to change what has been the College of Architecture and Urban Planning. The new name takes effect Jan. 1. “‘College of Built Environments’ better reflects our core responsibility to 21st-century challenges — urbanization, climate change and livable communities,” said Friedman, a fellow of the American Institute of Architects. “Environmental integrity demands an increasingly interdisciplinary approach to design, planning and construction.” “Built environment” refers to surroundings human beings construct — from cities and transportation systems to houses and gardens. The name “College of Built Environments” is unique in the U.S., but many universities abroad favor “School of the Built Environment” for colleges that include architecture, engineering and construction programs. In the U.S., these sectors contribute $1.72 trillion to the gross national product each year, nearly 14 percent of the total. The UW is also one of only a dozen American universities that house architecture and construction management degree programs in the same college. The UW College of Architecture and Urban Planning already awards doctorates in the “built environment.” The new name at the UW also reflects a changing and increasingly urban world. This year, for the first time, half of the world’s population lives in urban areas, and (WEST continued on page 28)


This studio will be a collaborative effort between the School of Architecture, Yellowstone National Park and JLF and Associates. This unique team will work together representing the private sector, the national park system and the academy. With the understanding that Old Faithful is considered to be one of the most valuable and recognized resources in the Park the charge of the studio will be to synthesize and assess the immediate context. Programming, vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems, shade, interpretive exhibits, engagement of environmental and significant architectural assets, and the general enhancement of the overall visitor experience will be considered.

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the number is projected to reach 70 percent by 2050, according to the United Nations. In changing the college name, Friedman and his faculty align their core mission toward sustainable practices and environmental quality, the direction of their industry. It’s critical because according to Architecture 2030, a nonprofit that focuses on the building sector and global warming, buildings account for nearly 48 percent of all greenhouse gases.

The name change also reflects a larger, more diverse college than in the past. Formal study in architecture began at UW in 1914. In 1957, the university upgraded what had been an architecture school to the College of Architecture and Urban Planning. In the 1960s, the college expanded to include landscape architecture and construction management. Today it includes four departments offering nine degree programs and supporting eight research centers and laboratories, including an urban ecology lab, a green futures lab and real estate studies.

The new name follows a yearlong discussion among faculty members and a college-wide poll.

Assistant Professor Areli Marina has received the J. Paul Getty Postdoctoral Fellowship in the History of Art and the Humanities for her research titled, “Sanctified in Water, Sealed in Stone: The Italian Baptistery from 1000 to 1500”. She will be in residence in Italy for her research during the AY 08-09.

oped by Ralph Hammann, Associate Professor at the School of Architecture, University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana.

“The choice recognizes our unique intellectual and professional engagement with complex realities of the constructed world,” Friedman said. “As designers, planners, scholars and builders, we directly influence the health, safety and aesthetic vitality of homes, workplaces, neighborhoods and cities.”

west central University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Retiring after this academic year is Associate Director for Graduate Studies Robert I. Selby, FAIA. Bob has been with the School for 24 years. Also retiring is Associate Director for Undergraduate Affairs, Arthur L. Kaha. Art has been with the School for 33 years. Their dedication to the School of Architecture and University of Illinois will truly be missed.


The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, School of Architecture was chosen along with 20 other schools from all over the globe to be a part of UIA’s Education Commission exhibit at the XXIII World Congress of Architecture in Torino, Italy that was held this summer from June 29-July 3, 2008. Associate Professor Erik Hemingway’s exhibit was featured at the I Space Gallery in Chicago from June 6-July 3, 2008. The title of the exhibit was [RE]mote Chicago I II III which questions the role of the architect as master builder in the 21st Century. Also being featured at the I Space Gallery in fall 2008 is Professor Botond Bognar’s exhibit titled A Life in Culture: Introducing Kengo Kuma from September 5-October 11. Kengo Kuma, the School of Architecture’s 2007-2008 Plym Distinguished Professor and one of Japan’s most prominent architects, will have an exhibit featured at the I Space Gallery in Chicago from October 10-November 15.

Associate Professor Ralph Hammann is the author of Chapter 7, “Urban Space and Building Location,” in the new book Plusminus 20°/40° Latitude: Sustainable Building Design in Tropical and Subtropical Regions, published in December 2007 by Edition Axel Menges, Stuttgart, Germany. The editors are Dirk U. Hindrichs and Klaus Daniels. The chapter offers an in-depth analysis of the vernacular strategies for lowering energy consumption and increasing thermal comfort by passive means in traditional cities such as Cairo, Ahmadabad, and Jodhpur, India, and it compares potential solutions for our new urban megacities such as Tokyo, Sao Paulo, and Bangkok. The latest issue of Illinois Innovations: Tomorrow’s Technology, Today published the article “Integrated Lightweight Disaster Shelters are Portable and Sustainable,” which describes the provisional patent for an energy- and water-autonomous temporary shelter structure for tropical and sub-tropical climates—the global region that has experienced the greatest increase in natural disaster occurrences and human lives effected by them. The design of the Integrated Lightweight Disaster Shelter (ILDS) was devel-

The Smart Energy Design Assistance Center (SEDAC) is operated by the University of Illinois’ School of Architecture in Urbana-Champaign. The SEDAC is sponsored by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity. SEDAC provides energy efficiency and renewable energy advice, guidance, analyses, and training to the private sector in the state of Illinois for both existing buildings and new designs. The program is expanding under the newly implemented Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard with additional funding provided by Ameren Illinois Utilities and Commonwealth Edison through the state energy office. SEDAC’s added scope will provide assistance to both commercial buildings in the private sector and all public buildings within the state (K-12, community colleges, universities, state buildings, municipal buildings, and federal buildings). Allison Warren, Lecturer, delivered a paper at the EAAE ARCC Conference on Changes in the Paradigms of Architectural Research in Copenhagen, Denmark in June. Her paper examined digital photographic collage as a form of pre-design research in beginning architectural design. During the month of May, Warren mounted a permanent outdoor installation at the Stone Quarry Hill Park in upstate, New York. The work, entitled “Forest Walk (Grow)”, connected trail

University of Minnesota The School of Architecture is pleased to announce the hiring of several new faculty members. Professor Ignacio San Martin will join the College of Design as a tenured faculty member in the School of Architecture and, holding the Dayton Hudson Chair in Urban Design will assume responsibility of the Metropolitan Design Center. Professor San Martin brings his extensive experience in architecture, urban and community outreach and service projects to the school in January of 2009. Assistant Professor Blaine Brownell will begin his teaching this Fall. Professor Brownell is the author of Transmaterial 1 and 2 (Catalogs of Material that Redefine our Physical Environment) and has a nationally and internationally recognized reputation for his interest and expertise in material performance and technologies. He is also a licensed architect, having worked at NBBJ for several years. Assistant Professor Benjamin Ibarra-Sevilla joins the faculty this year as well. He has served a Cass Gilbert visiting Professor in the past and has experience in heritage preservation (working on architectural projects in Oaxaca and Mexico) as well as his expertise in projective geometry and stereotomy. Assistant Professor Gregory Donofrio accepted a position in the School of Architecture and will be teaching courses related to Heritage Preservation and Conservation. Professor Donofrio recently completed his doctoral dissertation on the economics of heritage preservation from Cornell University’s Department of City and Regional Planning. He joins the faculty in January of 2009. As part of a the Rutherford Arts Seminar Series on Design this fall, hosted by the Department of Chemical Engineering and Material Science at the University of Minnesota, Professor Blaine Brownell will be presenting a seminar entitled “Materials in Architecture,’ and Professor Marc Swackhamer will present a lecture on ‘Biomimicry.”

Professor Marc Swackhamer (Site Chair), along with colleagues from CCA, MIT, Northeastern and Kieran Timberlake Associates are coorganizing this year’s ACADIA conference, hosted at the University of Minnesota. The conference, entitled ‘Acadia 2008: Silicon and Skin’ ran from October 16 to 19, and featured workshops, seminars and several keynote addresses by prominent scholars, theoreticians, practitioners and researchers, including Michael Weinstock (AA), Sanford Kwinter (Rice) and George Jeronimidis (University of Reading). Please see http:// for more details. Professor Marc Swackhamer, and his partner in practice, Blair Satterfield (Rice University) were awarded one of five awards in the second annual R+D Awards issue of Architect Magazine. Professor Swackhamer and Satterfield are featured on the cover, and their collaborative practice, HouMinn, was recognized for their work on the ‘Drape Wall/Cloak Wall,’ two discrete wall systems, developed on a modular concept as an alternative to stick construction for single family homes. The pair was also nominated by the Cooper Hewitt for consideration for the National Design awards. Professor Thomas Fisher was elected ACSA President for 2009-2010 and his term will overlap with Minnesota alumnus Professor Marvin Malecha’s term as National AIA President in 2009, coinciding with Professor Renee Cheng’s 2009 term as AIA Minnesota President. Professor Renee Cheng, Head of the School of Architecture, was promoted to full Professor in the spring of 2008. Professor Leslie Van Duzer was recently promoted to full Professor, and has been awarded a faculty fellowship with the University of Minnesota’s Institute for Advanced Study. Professor Van Duzer will be continuing her research with a project entitled ‘The Art of Deception.’ Professor Laura Lee of Carnegie Mellon’s School of Architecture, joins the faculty as a Cass Gilbert Visiting Professor this year. She is the recipient of numerous honors, including Carnegie Mellon’s Ryan Award, it’s highest teaching honor, as well as the AIAS National

Educator Award, a fellowship in the AIA (FAIA) and the Henry van de Velde Institute Award for Architecture Education. She will be helping develop a new professional practice course, taught by Renee Cheng and Vincent James (VJAA), as well as assisting with curricular development in practice education. Cass Gilbert Visiting Assistant Professor, Nikos Bakaritis joins us for the year, recently graduated with his PhD in Art History and Archeology from Princeton. He brings a wealth of expertise on the Mediaeval Mediterranean and Byzantine studies. He has experience both in the classrooms of Columbia University and on site at various archeological surveys in Greece and Cyprus.


University of Nebraska-lincoln The UNL College of Architecture welcomes Chris Abel and Steve Hardy to our faculty. Mr. Abel is an accomplished architectural author, scholar and journalist of over one hundred architectural publications. His first title, “Architecture & Identity,” has been printed in two editions (1997 & 2000). However his more recent titles include “Architecture, Technology and Process” (2004) and “Sky High: Vertical Architecture” (2003). The latter title was a companion book to an exhibit of the same name at the Royal Academy of Arts in London which was co-curated by Lord Norman Foster. Mr. Abel permanently resides in Sydney Australia where he teaches courses at the University of Sydney’s Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning. Mr. Abel joins us as our visiting Hyde Chair of Excellence for the Fall 2008 semester. Mr. Hardy has previously taught at the Architectural Association, the Bartlett School and London Metropolitan University, most recently serving at the AA as a research curator and unit master of dip16 and at LMU as the departmental chair for digital design technologies. Mr. Hardy is a member and director in Urban Future Organization, a multi-national architectural practice and design research initiative whose work has been exhibited throughout Europe and Asia including the Venice and Beijing Biennales. His most recent publication is the book (WEST CENTRAL continued on page 30)


walkers with the cycles of nature through the injection of textual disks along the site. Warren has also recently been asked to install a work at Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas later this summer.

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titled “Environmental Tectonics: Forming Climatic Change” (2008). Mr. Hardy joins us as a tenure-track Associate Professor where he will provide leadership in digital issues in architectural design. University Wisconsin-Milwaukee UWM School of Architecture welcomes Assistant Professor Mo Zell and Adjunct Professor Marc Roehrle to the faculty. Earlier this year, Architecture Recordpublished work by BAUENSTUDIO, their joint practice, in AR2, its “community dedicated to the world’s emerging and influential young architects”. Their NEU Veterans Memorial recently received a 2008 Citation for Design in the BSA’s Honor Awards for Design Excellence program and a 2008 BSLA Merit Award. They jointly published a design as scholarship article “Memorializing: the Northeastern University Veterans Memorial” in the fall edition of JAE. UVA’s lunch series Volume 3: Territory published an article on the Veterans Memorial as well. Zell recently published a book about beginning design titled The Architectural Drawing Course (Barron’s 2008). Prior to joining the faculty, Zell taught at Northeastern University while Roehrle taught at Wentworth Institute of Technology.


LA DALLMAN, the architecture practice of Associate Professor Grace La and her partner James Dallman, is currently published in a new book, Detail in Process, (Princeton Architectural Press, 2008). This is the second book in a series which “presents details from a selection of the most provocative contemporary works designed by an international list of celebrated architects (Killory and Davids).” The book includes the first publication of LA DALLMAN’s construction details for the Marsupial Bridge and Urban Plaza. LA DALLMAN has also been awarded two 2008 Design Awards from the American Institute of Architects Wisconsin for the Levy House (Fox Point, WI) and the Great Lakes Future Exhibit, Discovery World at Pier Wisconsin (Milwaukee, WI). Both projects were the subject of a keynote lecture, delivered by Grace La and James Dallman, at the Mississippi State University NOMAS Conference.

Christine Scott Thomson, the Plunkett Raysich Visiting Professor at SARUP as well as Kim Thornton and Gunther Koppelhuber, both Professors at the Technical University of Graz, Austria, launched a bold, collaborative design project that brought international and community participation together to develop solutions for small communities responding to extreme development pressure. The crosscultural study provided a forum for more than 40 architecture and planning students in two countries to work directly with each other and the study communities of Mukwonago, WI and Radstadt, Austria. A design studio held at SARUP, and design studio held at the TU Graz, along with a companion lecture class on urban form taught by the director of the Institute of Urbanism, Joost Meuwissen, gave students the opportunity to explore the relationships between social and political tendencies within architecture and planning for small communities facing big changes. Students developed design strategies for each community that would allow local decision makers to make more informed and better choices about future development. Work on this studio effort can be seen at addition to university backing, the project was supported by the Milwaukee-based design firm of Plunkett Raysich Architects and the Salzburg-based architecture firm KMT/n-o-m-a-d. Professor Thomson presented the results from this studio at the 2008 Upper Midwest American Planning Association (APA) conference in September. Mark Keane, Professor of Architecture, received the 2008 UWM Public Service Award on Oct 13th. The Award highlights Keane’s work with local organizations including Drive to Distinction, SUPAR, Conference Point Center and Greening Shorewood. Associate Professors Jim Shields, AIA and Mike Utzinger have received the 2008 SE2 “Award of Excellence” from the Wisconsin Green Building Alliance for the green/sustainable design of Discovery World at Pier Wisconsin. This is the top award for green building in Wisconsin, presented at the annual WGBA conference on September 17, 2008. Discovery World at Pier Wisconsin is a recently completed museum complex on Milwaukee’s waterfront.

Shields was the designer on the project, while Utzinger worked as the sustainability consultant for HGA Architects. Associate Professor Jim Wasley has organized the Carbon Neutral Design Summit for November 1 at UWM. This summit was supported by the AIA through the Society of Building Science Educators. Congratulations to SARUP alumnus Roger Klein, a principal at RMJM Hillier in Princeton, for being chosen by the editors of Building Design+Construction as an outstanding architect in their second annual “40 under 40” competition. Washington University in St. Louis Kathryn Dean, founding partner of Dean/ Wolf Architects in New York City, has been appointed director of the Graduate School of Architecture & Urban Design. Dean previously served on the faculty of Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture and also has taught at Harvard University, the University of Michigan and the University of Florida. Since launching Dean/Wolf in 1991, with her husband, Charles Wolf, the firm has earned a reputation for innovative residential architecture, completing dozens of homes and major interior renovations, as well as a number of commercial and institutional developments. Major projects include Spiral House, which won a 1998 Design Excellence Award from the New York State chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIA); and the Urban-Interface Loft, built in a former Tribeca electrical warehouse, which won both a Design Excellence Award and an Honor Award from the national AIA in 1998. In 2007 Dean/Wolf won a New York AIA Honor Award for their Operable Boundary Townhouse Garden. In recent years Dean/Wolf has completed a number of commercial and institutional developments, including gallery space for Ethan Cohen Fine Arts and the Robinhood Library P.S. 151, a pro-bono elementary school project. In 2007 the firm won an Excellence in Design award from New York’s Art Commission for EMS Station 50, located at the edge of Queens Memorial Hospital.

In 1986-87 Dean was awarded the Rome Prize Fellowship of the American Academy in Rome. Other honors include the Young Architects Award from Progressive Architecture magazine (1993); an Emerging Voices Award from the Architectural League of New York (1997); and an Alumni Achievement Award from North Dakota State University (1998).

Full press release and downloadable images:

in the United Kingdom, Lovell specializes in the design, development and application of building envelope strategies in both the UK and the United States, with current research focusing on the integration of environmental systems. She previously taught at the University of Virginia and the University of Michigan, and has worked for Allies and Morrison Architects, Allford Hall Monaghan Morris Architects and Arup Associates (all in London), as well as for William McDonough + Partners in Charlottesville, VA. Lovell earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Architecture from the University of Manchester in 1990 and a Diploma in Architecture from The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London, in 1993. In 2010 her book on building envelopes will be published by the Princeton Architectural Press.

Jenny Lovell has been appointed assistant professor of architecture. A registered architect

Jen Maigret has been appointed assistant professor of architecture. Maigret came to Wash-

Dean received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Architectural Studies from North Dakota State University in 1981 and a Master of Architecture degree from the University of Oregon School of Architecture and Allied Arts in 1983.

ington University in 2006 as a Cynthia Weese Teaching Fellow, leading courses on digital design and fabrication. She previously served as a lecturer at the University of Michigan’s Taubman College of Architecture + Urban Planning, where she earned her Master of Architecture degree in 2004. In 2005 she launched Jen Maigret Design, which has completed residential, educational and institutional projects in Michigan and Missouri. Last summer the Sheldon Art Galleries displayed her “Seven Veils for St. Louis: Novel Fabrications in Brick,” which employed advanced digital computing tools to explore new architectural possibilities for locally salvaged brick. In addition to her M.Arch, Maigret holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in biology from Hartwick College in Oneonta, NY; and a Master of Science degree in ecology from the University of Michigan.

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east central Mahesh Senagala has been appointed Chair of the Department of Architecture. He holds the Irving Distinguished Professorship in Architecture and the inaugural Fellowship at the Institute for Emerging Media. Previously he was the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Research at the College of Architecture, University of Texas at San Antonio. Mahesh has been elected 2008-09 President of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA), an international professional organization. Associate Professor Wes Janz was selected one of five finalists for the inaugural Curry Stone Design Prize. Founded by visionary architect Clifford Curry and his wife, H. Delight Stone, to recognize “exceptional, emerging design innovations that contribute to the vitality of the world community,” The Curry Stone Design Prize “was created in the belief that designers can be an instrumental force for improving people’s lives and the state of the world. Our goal is to make the talents of leading designers available to broader segments of society and to inspire the next generation of

designers to harness their ingenuity and craft for social good.” The Curry Stone Design Prize purposely defines design in the broadest possible sense – encompassing architecture, urban planning, product, landscape, graphic, interior, and industrial design – and invites new definitions that defy tradition and break boundaries. The winner receives an award of $100,000. The remaining four finalists receive $10,000 each. The awards come with “no strings attached.” The other four finalists were: Shawn Frayne, inventor of the Windbelt, the world’s first nonturbine wind-powered generator; MMA Architects, whose principals, Luyanda Mpahlwa and Mphethi Morojele, are reshaping South Africa’s post-apartheid architectural landscape; Marjetica Potrč, an artist and architect who works closely with impoverished communities –specifically the barrios of Caracas, Venezuela- to devise sustainable solutions to quality-of-life dilemmas; and, Antonio Scarponi, an architect based in Venice, Italy whose interdisciplinary projects use architecture, multimedia arts and design to “jam” conventional social orders and illuminate the social and political lines that unite and divide us. Nominees for the Curry Stone Design Prize

are selected by an anonymous, rotating group of leaders representing broad fields of contemporary design and key individuals from other disciplines with global vision. Unsolicited proposals are not accepted. Jurors for this year’s prize are journalist and National Public Radio host John Hockenberry; internationally acclaimed architect David Adjaye; designer Renny Ramakers; Michael Speaks, international design scholar and dean of University of Kentucky’s College of Design; and prize founder Clifford Curry. The prize is administered by the University of Kentucky’s College of Design. The finalists presented at the 11th International Venice Architecture Biennale in Venice, Italy. For more information, see: http:// Duncan Campbell has been appointed Associate Professor in the Department of Architecture. Duncan holds a B.A. and a M.S. from Columbia University. He is the Director of the Master of Historic Preservation Program and the Center for Historic Preservation. Duncan has served as both advisory member and voting member of (EAST CENTRAL continued on page 32)


Ball State University

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Bloomington’s Historic Preservation Commission since 1992, and co-authored the city’s Historic Preservation Ordinance. He has also been an active board member of Bloomington Restorations, Inc., a local preservation nonprofit, and has served as their affordable housing construction manager and chairman of their Revolving Loan Fund Committee. He is currently on the Board of Directors of Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana, serves on the Executive Board, and is chairman of the Project Review Committee that oversees preservation loans and acquisitions. Duncan also serves on the board of directors of Middle Way House, a Bloomington non-profit committed to the eradication of domestic violence. He holds an Indiana Real Estate Sales License, an Indiana Lead Supervisors License, and is a Certified Professional recognized by the Indiana Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology. Paul Puzzello has been appointed a full time Instructor in the Department of Architecture after teaching for two years as a part-time faculty. He will be involved with the first-year curriculum teaching design. Paul is a graduate of Ball State University with a Bachelor of Architecture and a Master of Architecture from Cranbrook Academy of Art in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. Paul co-owned his own architectural design practice in Bloomington, Indiana and has taught at Indiana University Bloomington and Lawrence Technological University in Southfield Michigan. Paul explores methods of art information, building/making, and materiality.


Lawrence Technological University Lawrence Technological University Architecture students Zach Rusu, Eric Gale, and Jason Netzel took third place in the architecture design category of the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) 2008 competition. The students were part of a Sustainable Design Studio taught by Associate Professor Daniel Faoro, AIA, RA, in the Spring 2008 semester. The students and their advisors, Professor Faoro and Assistant Professor Janice K. Means, PE, are scheduled to attend the ASHRAE awards ceremony in Chicago to present and exhibit the project.

LTU’s Center for Sustainability and the Detroit Chapter of ASHRAE will co-sponsor the 5th annual “Seminars On Sustainability—SOS for the Environment,” on March 10, 2009. Janice K. Means will chair this year’s event. As President of the 2007-2008 ASHRAE Detroit Chapter, Professor Means received a Sustainability Plaque and certificate at the August 16, 2008 ASHRAE Region V Chapters Conference for the Chapter’s sustainability events. Associate Professor Edward Orlowski, LEED, and Professor Means of the Center for Sustainability and outside jurors assisted students at quarterly reviews. The class attended presentations by Pat Bailey of Green Building Studio® to learn their whole building energy analysis software, and instructor Kim Lapinski, who provided REVIT software instruction. University of Cincinnati The College of Design, Art, Architecture, and Planning (DAAP) has appointed Robert Probst to be Dean of the College. Nicholas Sillies, 4th year BSArch student received the Cooperative Education Student Achievement Award. The award was presented by the Cooperative Education and Internships Association at the Gala Awards Banquet during the 2008 National Conference in Myrtle Beach, SC. His Professional Practice faculty advisor is Professor Vasso Apostolides. Assistant Professor Terry Boling was faculty advisor for students Sean Cottengim, Shadi Saleh, and Marco Downs who received second place in the ACSA Student Design Concrete Competition in the building element category. Their submission was based on work from a prior studio led by guest critics from the University of Michigan, Craig Borum and Karl Daubman of PLY architecture.

Visiting Associate Professor, Dr. Adrian Parr, has published a new book through the Edinburgh Press titled: Delueze and Memorial Culture. She has another volume, forthcoming from MIT Press, titled Hijacking Sustainability. Elizabeth Riorden has been awarded tenure and promotion to Associate Professor. Associate Professor Virginia Russell is meeting with the Mayor Mark Mallory of Cincinnati to disseminate research from her Green Roofs Seminar.

The Domestic Architecture of Benjamin Henry Latrobe (John Hopkins University Press), co-authored by Associate Professor Patrick Snadon and Michael Fazio, won the Hitchcock Award from the Society of Architectural Historians. The annual award for “the most distinguished book on design/architectural history by a North American scholar” will be announced and presented at the SAH Annual Conference in April. Assistant Professor Karl Wallick received the 2008 DAAP Outstanding Teaching Award. Assistant Professor Rebecca Williamson was awarded the Pogue Wheeler Award to assist in preparing a publication about the Swiss practice of Durisch and Nolli. In June, she led an interdisciplinary group of 17 Honors students on a one week visit to Paris that was the culmination of a course entitled Paris: Reading the City. Currently Professor Williamson is teaching a course on the History of the Italian City in Turin, Italy, in a program administered by the University Studies Abroad Consortium in partnership with the University of Turin. University of michigan

Professor Jay Chatterjee was recently recognized with the Cincinnati Contemporary Arts Center 2008 Visionary Award for his impact on the history-making architecture at the University of Cincinnati and in the Greater Cincinnati community.

Assistant Professor Fernando Luiz Lara published his first book The Rise of Popular Modernist Architecture in Brazil, available from University Press of Florida who describes the book as an “original and significant contribution to the field [that] counters the traditional historiography of modernist architecture and has broad applicability in examining the importance of the style throughout Latin America.”

Professor Dennis Mann is retiring from the school in June 2009 after a 42-year career at UC.

Susan Massey, 2008 M.Arch. graduate and current M.Sc. architecture student, won a first prize

for the preparation of an idea-project based on the theoretical-critical text written by Aaron Betsky” in which he laments the placelessness

of our towns and suburbs. Massey’s proposal is based on her thesis, “Addressing the (Wal-Mart) Carcass: Fantasies of Adeptive Misuse.”

NORTHeast Pennsylvania State University Donald Kunze, has been appointed to the editorial board of Second Nature: The International Journal of Creative Media, published in Australia. Professor Kunze’s appointment began in summer 2008. The Department of Architecture has welcomed three new faculty members: Marcus Shaffer Assistant Professor of Architecture. Prior to joining the Penn State faculty, Marcus was working towards the completion of his Master of Architecture in the graduate program at the School of Architecture and Design at Virginia Tech. His graduate thesis,“Rise Tectonic Machines! The Revitalization of the Relationship Between the Architect and Machines as a Means of Restoring Intimacy, Immediacy, and Delight to the Act of Building” was awarded the graduate program’s Outstanding Design Research Award. He is interested in machinery and mechanisms in an architectural context--from the building machines, automatons, and “spiritual mechanisms” designed by the ancients, to the “mechano-pagan” influence of the machine on modern and visionary architecture in contemporary times. The conceptual basis for the machine in Marcus’s work is that it is both an extension of our physical abilities, and an indicator of our spiritual desiring. He is currently working on a prototype of his Shokushu Machine, a digitally driven, semi-autonomous mechanical formwork for a low-fire ceramic material. Marcus holds a BFA in Industrial Design from the Rhode Island School of Design, and prior to his master’s studies, worked as a designer of exhibitions and museum installations. Notable exhibit work includes the Smithsonian’s renovation of the National Museum of American History and the display of the Star-Spangled Banner, and Cranbrook’s New Institute of Science.


Rebecca Henn joined Penn State’s Department of Architecture in Fall 2008. Partner of Celento Henn Architects + Designers, Rebecca also studies the use of sustainability as a lever for power in the building design and construction industry. As traditional practices move toward environmental concerns, shifting expertise and control modify the structure of the field. Rebecca looks at these firms’ sources of information, the fragmented nature of the industry, and how resource conservation can move forward without sacrificing the quality of inhabited spaces. She believes that as technical and economic barriers to sustainability are overcome, resistant social barriers become more conspicuous. Her co-authored article (with Andrew Hoffman), “Overcoming Social and Psychological Barriers to Green Building” will be published in December 2008 in the journal Organization & Environment. She is also pursuing this work in a doctoral dissertation at the University of Michigan’s Erb Institute for Global Sustainable Enterprise, which is supported by both the School of Natural Resources and Environment and the Ross School of Business. Prior to her work at Michigan, she graduated with the Gerald M. McCue medal from Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design. Rebecca will begin a full Assistant Professor position at Penn State in Fall 2009. Jin Baek (Assistant Professor of Architecture). Prior to joining Penn State, Jin Baek was an Assistant professor at the University of South Florida, where he taught theory, history and studio. Jin holds a Bachelor of Science in Architecture from Seoul National University, Master of Architecture from Yale University, and Ph.D. in the area of theory and history of architecture from the University of Pennsylvania. His teaches theory and studio at Penn State. His research interests include cross-cultural issues between East Asia and the West in architecture and urbanism. His articles appeared in architectural and philo-

sophical journals such as Architectural Research Quarterly and Philosophy East and West. He is completing a book entitled Nothingness: Tadao Ando’s Christian Sacred Space to be published by Routledge in 2009. Jin also organizes cultural Events; Most recently he is collaborating with others to organize the Second International Conference on Architecture and Phenomenology to be held in Kyoto in summer 2009. University at Buffalo

Technology and Design by Professor Annette LeCuyer has been recently published by Birkhauser. The book provides an in-depth introduction to ETFE and its applications in building construction, viewed in the context of the recent history of pneumatic buildings. Featuring recently completed buildings world-wide - including the National Aquatics Center for the Beijing Olympics, Allianz Arena in Germany and the Eden Project in the UK - it explores specific characteristics of ETFE cushion envelopes in the areas of structural behavior, light transmission, insulation, acoustics, fire engineering and environmental modification. Assistant Professor Despina Stratigakos published A Women’s Berlin: Building the Modern City (University of Minnesota Press). The book explores a largely forgotten city in the heart of early twentieth-century metropolitan Berlin, a place imagined and built by women patrons, designers, and architects. Associate Professor Omar Khan was awarded a fellowship from the New York Foundation for the Arts for his work and research. He also presented a paper at ACADIA 2008: Silicon + Skin in Minneapolis entitled “Reconfigurable Molds as Architecture Machines.” The paper develops an (NORTHEAST continued on page 34)


in the “EveryVille” Competition. Her project was exhibited at the 11th International Venice Biennale in September 2008. The competition “calls

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argument for designing idiosyncratic machines that brings current thinking on evolutionary processes and responsiveness in materials together. Assistant Professor Joyce Hwang was awarded a $10,750 grant from the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) for “Bat Pods for Vision,” a project to develop, build, and install a series of bat house prototypes in local urban farms. The fiscal sponsor for this project is the Van Alen Institute. Professor Edward Steinfeld made three presentations at the Rehabilitation Engineering Society of North America’s annual conference in Washington, DC, June 28-30. The first was a program called From Proving Ground to Mainstream, with Joseph Lane, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, University at Buffalo. This program demonstrated how assistive technology can be used as a way to test new ideas and concepts for design that can later enter the mainstream as universal designs. The second was a presentation on the Anthropometry of Wheeled Mobility Project, a long range study that is collecting and analyzing data on the sizes and abilities of contemporary wheelchair and scooter users. The third was a presentation with Jon Sanford of the Department of Design, Georgia Institute of Technology on Evidence Based Practice in universal design. The IDEA Center also participated in an exposition of research and development work at the Senate Office Building.


The IDEA Center is partnering with the Burton Blatt Institute at Syracuse University to develop the Global Universal Design Commission, a non-profit organization that will develop standards for universal design of buildings and products. The Center is coordinating the standards development activity. Professor Edward Steinfeld is one of the founding board members of the Commission. The Built Environment Research Project, developed and managed by Prof. Scott Danford, is a 3-phase online study of designed environments’ influences on the activity performance of participants who have varying functional and sensory abilities (

research/index.php). The first phase establishes the “baseline” incidence of problematic activities in each of three environments (i.e., public buildings, public streets and residential environments) both within and across participant groups. The second phase develops “more inclusive” design solutions for each environment intended to remedy those problematic activities. The third phase “benchmarks” the design solutions’ effectiveness by comparing their incidence of problematic activities against the established baselines’. The initial harvest of data from the first phase surveys was recently analyzed for participants from the 2007 calendar year. These data identified over 4000 hits on the research project’s homepage yielding 955 individuals who provided Informed Consent, 861 who provided the requested demographic information, 620 who completed at least 1 of the 3 environments’ surveys and 418 who completed all 3 environments’ surveys. This initial harvest included 572 surveys on problematic activities in public buildings, 489 surveys on public streets and 490 surveys on residential environments. The first phase surveys’ preliminary results are now posted on the Built Environment Message Boards (http://research.udeworld. com/forum/index.php) along with additional information about this research project including (1) how participants’ survey responses are being analyzed, (2) what the next phases of the research project will involve and (3) how scholars can request access to the original data to conduct further analyses. Visitors may look at any of these message boards. But to post messages (e.g., questions, comments and/or suggestions) you must first register a username and password and then login each time you return. University of Maryland Associate Professor Madlen Simon, AIA has been appointed Director of the Architecture Program. Professor Simon was also awarded a grant from NASA to support a graduate studio that worked with the Goddard Space Flight Center to research precedents, program, and propose schematic designs for a Science Education and Exploration Center. Professor Simon and her students presented the projects to US Senator Barbara Mikulski (D - MD) last spring. Courtney Miller Bellairs has been appointed

Senior Lecturer and Assistant Director of the Architecture Program. Professor Matthew J. Bell, AIA was an invited panelist in the American Architecture Foundation “Forum on Urban Schools,” in Washington, DC, in August 2008. The focus of the event was the challenge of urban public high schools, examining strategies for change, from design and local community engagement to curriculum and partnership strategies. Bell is a principal in Ehrenkrantz Eckstut & Kuhn Architects of Washington, DC. EE&K Architects was recently awarded a 2008 Merit Award from the Innovative School Design- Design Share program for the School Without Walls Senior High School addition and modernization in Washington, DC. The project is now under construction in the Foggy Bottom neighborhood. Dean Garth Rockcastle was featured in the New York Times Real Estate Section for his work on the Open Book Literary and Arts Center project in Minneapolis, for which Professor Rockcastle was the architect (with his firm Meyer, Scherer & Rockcastle). Dean Rockcastle was also chosen this summer to lead the Meyer, Scherer & Rockcastle team to develop a master plan and $25 million addition to the Minneapolis College of Art and Design. Assistant Professors Deborah Oakley and Michael A. Ambrose have been awarded the prestigious University of Maryland CTE-Lilly Fellowship for the 2008-2009 academic year. Under the auspices of the Center for Teaching Excellence and the Office of Undergraduate Studies, they will join eight other faculty cohorts from across the campus in weekly discussions on a joint University-wide project. In their independent research, Deborah Oakley will be looking at enhancements to structural technology classes through the integration of Building Information Modeling (BIM) software, and Michael Ambrose will be creating a new design studio/seminar study abroad experience in architecture to target developing countries.” Assistant Professor Isaac Williams was awarded the prestigious Henry C. Welcome Fellowship by the Maryland Higher Education Commission for his research and creative work focused on the relationships between space

Professor Ralph Bennett, Jr. has been appointed Professor Emeritus after over 30 years of distinguished service to the University of Maryland. Professor Bennett taught graduate and undergraduate design studios, and is co-founder of Bennett Frank McCarthy Architects. During his tenure at the University of Maryland, he was the recipient of many awards and honors including the University of Maryland President’s Medal, Phi Kappa Phi, and the ACSA Distinguished Professor Award. Professor Bennett has authored chapters in five books, and written more than 20 articles in scholarly and popular publications on issues concerning affordable housing, urban design, and elderly housing. Professor Karl F.G. Du Puy has been appointed Professor Emeritus. Professor Du Puy has served the University of Maryland with distinction for over 30 years. He has been awarded the University of Maryland, Center for Teaching Excellence Award for Outstanding Teaching four times, and is known by students and faculty for his expertise in urban design and international issues, as well as his commitment to student administration and academic advising. During Du Puy’s tenure he directed more than 145 student thesis projects and served on 61 committees. Professor Du Puy has also been an invaluable university and community citizen, dedicating his time and expertise to several committees and organizations in the community concerning urban development and design issues, coordinating the undergraduate and graduate design studios, and directing the M.Arch thesis program at the School for many years.

ARCC Journal: Affecting Change in Architectural Education May 2009 Volume 6 Issue 1 Call for papers Deadline December 1, 2009 This journal issue examines how change is affected in architectural education, the history of those changes, and the issues which presently dominate the evolution of architectural education. Given the NAAB Reaccreditation Conference and the Oxford Brooks “Teaching In Architecture” Conference events of 2008, there is a sense that momentous change is about to occur in this domain, and such change should be founded on objective investigations that are supported by blind peer review. ARCC Journal is an ideal forum for that foundation. We solicit research or evidence based articles related, but not limited to the following major themes: 1. Positive and negative impact of institutionally internal studies that examined architectural education, such as the Boyer Mitgang/Carnegie Report, and the AIAS Studio Culture Summits as well as the ARChaos Summits in the UK 2. The consequential impacts of published works on architectural pedagogy which were not commissioned by the collateral organizations 3. New work that critically examines any aspect of architectural education and that suggests how improvements could and should be affected, provided that the critique is based on objective evidence. Such works should not be purely argumentative or speculative 4. The operational impact of particular exterior forces on the conduct of architectural education, such as evolutionary issues of gender, technology, pedagogy, sustainability, and the culture of higher education

5. Resistance to change in architectural education such as entrenchment in atelier formats of teaching, Beaux Arts tradition, or other obstacles


6. Administrative issues such as those arising from university programs on institutional effectiveness, accreditation, accountability, faculty culture, tenure and promotion, or similar influences PROCESS 1) Initial proposal includes a cover page, 300 word abstract, outline of content, keywords and key references, images (optional). Submission: cover with name and contact information + maximum 3 pages, with no identifying content. All paper proposals are subject to a blind peer review process by an editorial board drawn from member schools and named by the ARCC Journal review editorial review board. (Due December 1, 2008: send to 2) Full papers are reviewed by ARCC review committee. Papers are expected to be roughly 5,000 words. Instructions for paper submission will be sent with letters of acceptance. (Draft paper due March 1, 2009, final paper due April 15, 2009) Schedule December 1, 2008—Abstracts due December 15, 2008—Acceptance notification March 1, 2009—Draft papers due March 21, 2009—Comments to authors April 15, 2009—Final copy due Contact Kate Wingert-Playdon, Managing Editor Leonard Bachman, Guest Editor Christine Bachman, Guest Editor opportunities

and learning, and the pedagogical dimensions of the designed physical environment. The Welcome Fellowship is a competitive program that supports the research, creative work, publications, and speaking engagements of accomplished and promising new full-time faculty of diverse backgrounds. In July 2008, Williams was an invited juror for the DesignShare awards program, an international innovative school design awards program.

ACSANEWS november 2008


ACSANEWS november 2008


ACSA CALENDAR NOVEMber 5 Critical Converation Proposals Due 97th ACSA Annual Meeting


5-8 ACSA Administrators Conference and Preconference Workshops in Savannah, Georgia

19 Submission Deadline 97th Annual Meeting Call for Posters

DECEmber 3 Final Accepted Papers Due 97th ACSA Annual Meeting

5 Registration Begins ACSA Student Competition Online

15 Submission Deadline 98th ACSA Annual Meeting Session Topic Proposals

february 9 Registration Deadline ACSA Student Competition

march 26-29 97th ACSA Annual Meeting Portland, Oregon

ACSA Listserv


Join ACSA’s Listserv, a forum for quick communication among ACSA faculty members. To subscribe to the list, send an email to “” with the following message in the *body* of the email: Subscribe ACSA-list [Your Full_Name]

events of note Conferences / Lectures 11/14/08 Fourth international Forum on Architectural Education organized by MimED CALL FOR PAPERS MIMED (Association for Architectural Education) featuring the theme “Flexibility” is going to be held at Faculty of Architecture, Erciyes University in Kayseri, a major city in the prominent Capadocia region of Turkey in May 26-29, 2009. The forum is organized with the motive that scholars and practitioners from all over the world will come together in order to interrogate the current nature of architectural education. Deadline for abstracts and posters, suggestions for workshops and exhibitions: November 14, 2008 Acceptance of abstracts and suggestions for workshops and posters: December 19, 2008 Deadline for full Papers, Posters submission: March 25, 2009 11/15/08 FORUM FOR ARCHITECTURE, CULTURE AND SPIRITUALITY (ACS) INAUGURAL SYMPOSIUM March 24 - 26, 2009 St. Benedict, Oregon The symposium dates were chosen to precede the ACSA Annual Meeting in Portland Oregon, and the monastery setting for its contemplative site and architecture, which includes a library designed by Alvar Aalto. This meeting offers the opportunity for the ACS community to share, discuss, and explore practices, pedagogies, and studies within the multifarious subject areas of architecture, culture and spirituality. We envision that the intimate size of this gathering (30 participants) will result in focused, engaging, and joyful discussions in an environment conducive to inspiring communication, learning and insight. The Symposium will include two open sessions, two focus sessions, a workshop on sacred geometry, an ACS Membership meeting and a closing session. There will be generous free time for connecting to oneself, other people and the surroundings. Deadline: November 15, 2008.

11/17/08 CALL FOR PAPERS: 2009 DESIGN COMMUNICATION CONFERENCE Southern Polytechnic State University in Atlanta, Georgia, Wed., March 25 – Sat., March 28, 2009 Theme: Bridging Communication: [Consilience: Connect-Include-Discipline-Media] Papers and presentations that include but not limited to approaches and applications of design communication in architecture, landscape architecture, interior, and allied disciplines are invited to foster and contribute to the discussion of the conference theme. Deadline: Mon., Nov. 17, 2008 12/10/08 Call for Papers: LE CORBUSIER A utopian visionary, Le Corbusier was both innovative and influential in architecture, urbanism, art and theory. This symposium will explore the work, writings and legacy of this important and controversial modernist and their relationship to contemporary architecture, art and urbanism. Topics may include but are not limited to: History/Theory—The Machine Aesthetic: High Tech and Beyond—The House as Type: Standardization and Mass Production—Tectonics: Construction and Materiality—The Role of Nature in Le Corbusier’s work, writing and legacy—Architecture and Urbanism—Architecture, Art and Photography. Authors should submit four copies of both a complete draft (3,0004,500 words) and a concise 250 word abstract. Submissions should be prepared for ‘blind’ jury review. All submissions must be accompanied by a separate cover sheet with the title and sub- theme category, author’s name, affiliation, postal and email addresses, telephone and fax numbers, and authors signature. Deadline Wednesday Dec. 10, 2008.\annualdeanssymposium 3/27/09 ASSEMBLING ARCHITECTURE B/T/E/S 2009 CONFERENCE CALL FOR PAPERS Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque, N.M. August 6-8, 2009. In keeping with the BTES Mission, this year’s conference will assemble

AIA Education Honor Awards

Scholarships / Grants The David R. Coffin Publication Grant The Foundation for Landscape Studies invites applications for the David R. Coffin Publication Grant, named in honor of the eminent scholar of landscape and garden history, for the purpose of research and publication of a book in the English language that advances scholarship in the field of garden history and landscape studies. It is awarded without restrictions to the period or subject treated, or to the nationality of the author. It will be selected by a jury comprising members of the foundation’s board of directors and any outside professionals they may wish to appoint. Applications must be sent to each of the three jury members by December 1, 2007. To receive the mailing addresses for the jury or address inquiries please contact: Elizabeth Barlow Rogers, President, Foundation for Landscape Studies, 7 West 81st Street, New York, NY 10024.

CRS ARCHIVE SCHOLAR OPPORTUNITY AT TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY Researchers (faculty, students) may be eligible for the CRS Archive Scholar program in the CRS Center at Texas A&M University. This program consists of an award that will reimburse expenses up to $2,500 related to research that utilizes the business records, architectural programs, articles, slides, photographs, video, audio tapes and/or personal records of the former A/E/C firm Caudill Rowlett and Scott (CRS) currently housed in the Center. This award is intended to help offset living & travel expenses incurred in visiting the CRS Center, as well as other expenses related to the support of research, scholarship and publication that makes use of the archives. Successful applicants will be assigned a work space in the CRS Center and will be classified as a visiting scholar for the duration of their stay in the Center. Deadline: January 2, 2009. For more info., please visit: BERKELEY PRIZE Sustainable Architecture Traditional Wisdom... to those who work to encourage the creation of buildings and open spaces guided by the principles of sustainable architecture and informed by the built traditions of their indigenous culture. The PRIZE is focused on the study and teaching of the social art of architecture. It is open to undergraduate students in architecture throughout the world and all aspects of the PRIZE are completed online. This will be the eleventh prize cycle. Each year a topic is presented and students are asked to answer a Question with first a 500-word Proposal, and then a 2500-word Essay. There are winners for the best Essays. This year’s Purse for the Essay Competition will be $9500. The semifinalists are also offered the opportunity to compete for an international Travel Fellowship and an Architectural Design Fellowship. A distinguished jury, often of international scope, is selected each year to select the final winners. Over the years, hundreds of students have responded from over 27 countries. Deadline: November 30, 2008

Call for entries Deadline January 13, 2009 The American Institute of Architects (AIA) invites submissions for the 2009 Education Honor Awards Program for excellence in teaching.


An independent jury, chaired by Randy Byers, AIA, of The Design Studio, Inc., Cheyenne, WY, will seek evidence of exceptional and innovative courses, initiatives, or programs that: • deal with broad issues, particularly in cross-disciplinary collaboration and/or within the broader community; • contribute to the advancement of architecture education; • have the potential to benefit and/or change practice; and/or • promote models of excellence that can be appropriated by other educators. A program of the Educator/Practitioner Network (EPN), primary objectives of the award are to discover and recognize the achievement of individuals who serve the profession as outstanding teachers, and to promote models of excellence for classroom, studio, community work and/ or courses offered in various educational settings. Winners will be notified in February 2009 and awards will be conferred during the 2009 AIA National Convention, April 20May 2 in San Francisco, where award recipients are invited to present their work in a seminar on architecture education and display posters in the convention gallery. The awards will also be announced at the ACSA Annual Meeting and included in the ACSA/AIA 2008 Architectural Education Awards publication. For submission guidelines, please go to:


architectural educators, researchers & practitioners “who are passionate about teaching the technology of building design and construction” to engage in lively discussion and debate. Assembling Architecture hopes to bridge the gap between the theoretical and the practical, providing participants the opportunity explore advancements in technology at the intersection of design, theory, and practice. Significant developments in material science, design and manufacture of building components, innovative building systems, and dynamic structures, require specific knowledge and expertise and are driving design practice. However, one of the emerging challenges in architectural education, research and practice is to promote integrative design through interdisciplinary models of teaching, research and practice. Despite this call to action, many architectural programs remained fractured and collaborative work between technologists, theorists, and designers is undervalued and underrepresented. At the same time, new models for teaching, research, and creative work are required to intersect these contrasting developments.

ACSANEWS november 2008


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