President's Newsletter - June 2024

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VOL. 2023-2024, ISSUE 2

PRESIDENT’s recognitions

Graduation ceremonies

Advancing academics

New Conscious Global Citizenship Projects

Higher education and other partnerships

New performance initiatives

Athletic Achievements

From the president, Dr. Peggy Pelonis

Dear ACS Athens Community,

As the academic year comes to a close I am filled with pride and gratitude for the incredible accomplishments we have achieved together. Our students have excelled academically, demonstrating remarkable dedication and resilience in their studies. Their achievements are a testament to the hard work and commitment that define our school. Driven by a relentless commitment to continuous improvement, ACS Athens continues to create an educational environment where learners are central to the educational experiences.

Our faculty have embraced professional development with enthusiasm, continually enhancing their skills to provide the highest quality education. Their dedication to personal and professional growth ensures that our students receive the most innovative and effective teaching. By investing in our teachers, we enable them to lead and inspire students towards achieving excellence.

We have seen our co-curricular activities flourish, providing students with opportunities to explore their passions and develop new skills. These activities enrich our students’ experiences, fostering a well-rounded education that extends beyond the classroom. Furthermore, we consistently develop partnerships to broaden our educational reach, ensuring a comprehensive and enriching experience for our students.

In the dynamic realm of artificial intelligence, we also sought to embrace the significant chance to enhance human intelligence through Conscious Global Citizenship. As caretakers of our interconnected world, we recognized our shared duty to direct the transformative capabilities of AI toward enhancing society. By promoting an understanding that transcended boundaries and celebrated diversity, we aimed to utilize technology to bridge divides, foster empathy, and promote global awareness. Together, as Conscious Global Citizens, we are poised to craft a future where intelligence, compassion, and innovation exist in harmony for the benefit of everyone.

Our campus has also undergone and continues to undergo significant improvements, creating an environment that supports and inspires learning. These enhancements are a visible reflection of our commitment to providing the best possible facilities for our community.

Such achievements are enhanced by the support of our Board of Trustees. Their vision and dedication have been instrumental in driving our progress and ensuring that we remain at the forefront of educational excellence.

With heartfelt wishes for a relaxing summer,



Dear ACS Athens Community Members, As the newly appointed Chairperson of the ACS Athens Board of Trustees, I am honored to address you for the first time in this capacity. I am grateful for the trust and confidence placed in me and am committed to leading the Board with ethos. I would like to thank Tim Ananiadis for his leadership as Chair over the past few years and look forward to working closely with him as Vice Chairperson and all the Board members.

The Board of Trustees plays a significant role in guiding strategic direction and ensuring effective governance, while always adhering to the institution’s mission and vision. Our primary goal is to ensure that ACS Athens meets the needs of its students and families through its dedication to academic excellence, while at the same time remaining a student-centered institution. The Board accepts accountability for both the financial stability and the financial future of the school; approving the annual budget, tuition, the master campus development plan and other major policy decisions. Fundraising is a major component for the Board members, as it looks to raise funds for various initiatives, including facility upgrades and new programs. We are always working towards making the educational experience for each student memorable as they move on to university as conscious global citizens.

As you know, we had elections for the three parent representatives on the BoT this past May. Two of our current parents were re-elected to the Board; Ms. Eleni Aravanis and Ms. Tina Stathopoulou. Two new members joined the Board as well: Ms. Areti Alafogiannis who is an appointed member of the US Embassy, and Ms. Yanjing Winnie Liu who was elected in May during the Board elections. Both have exceptional professional backgrounds and are committed to supporting ACS Athens in their areas of expertise. You can find their short bios and those of the other Trustees on the Governance section of our website.

As a parent of two ACS Athens graduates who have gone off to university and have now joined the workforce successfully, I believe in this institution and can attest to the many educational opportunities made available to all students at ACS Athens that give them the necessary tools to move on to become successful in their career choices.

Finally, I want to thank you for your continued commitment to ACS Athens.

Best regards,

College acceptances

Congratulations to our 2024 Senior Class students for their university acceptances! Congratulations are also in order to both our faculty, for their commitment in providing a holistic educational experience; and our counselors for their unwavering support of the students throughout the year.

USA acceptances include: Harvard University, University of California, San Diego, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, University of California, Davis, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Boston University, Hill College, Ohio State University, University of Maryland, College Park, Michigan State University, Case Western Reserve University, Tufts University, University of California, Santa Cruz, George Washington University, University of Miami, University of San Francisco.

UK acceptances include: Imperial College London, University College London, University of Edinburgh, King’s College London, University of Manchester, University of Bristol, University of Glasgow, University of Southampton, University of Birmingham, University of Sheffield, University of Warwick, University of Leeds, Queen Mary University of London, University of York, Durham University, University of Exeter, Cardiff University, University of St. Andrews.

Other Countries: University of Toronto/Canada, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich/Germany, University of British Columbia/Canada, Delft University of Technology/Netherlands, McGill University/Canada, University of Amsterdam/Netherlands, Leiden University/Netherlands, University of Groningen/Netherlands, Erasmus University Rotterdam/Netherlands, McMaster University/Canada, University of Alberta/Canada, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam/Netherlands, Bocconi University/Italy.

IB / AP Results

This year has been marked by exceptional achievements, with the majority of our students receiving acceptances from their first or second choice colleges. Such success is not only a testament to their hard work but also to the vibrant and nurturing environment our school community has cultivated. Congratulations go out to our students, faculty, administrators, staff and parents for their support throughout this rigorous process.

Advanced Placement Results

Number of students: 33

Number of exams: 54

Percentage scores of 4s and 5s: 67%

(World average: 30.2)

2024 Commencement Ceremony

The 2024 Commencement Ceremony took place on June 14, 2024. The atmosphere was that of joyful celebration and heartfelt moments. Our graduates proudly crossed the stage to receive their diplomas as their family and friends watched with pride. Congratulations Class of 2024!!!

His Excellency George James Tsunis, US Ambassador to the Hellenic Republic honored us with his presence as the Honorary speaker and shared words of wisdom with the Senior Class. Mr. Tom Mustin, ACS Athens alumnus, Class of ‘78, three-time Emmy-winning news anchor and Adjunct Professor at the University of Colorado was the commencement speaker. His inspiring address had many important messages laced with humor, emphasizing perseverance and the boundless opportunities available to the graduating class as they moved on to university.

8th Grade PromotioNAL Ceremony

5th grade moving up ceremony to Middle School

Congratulations to our 8th graders for successfully completing the Middle School and moving up to the Academy. Mr. Steve Vranakis, Executive Creative Director,Creative Lab, Google, honored us by speaking during this milestone for students.

Kindergarten stepping up ceremony to 1st grade

President’s Recognitions, Speaking engagements and Professional Development- building partnerships across the globe

Delphi Economic Forum, Greece panel speaker. April 2024, with Nuno Crato, Minister of Science, Technology & Higher Education (2011-2014) , Portugal, Jean-Michel Blanquer, Minister of National Education, Youth and Sports (2017-2022), Republic of France, Aigly Zafeirakou, Senior Technical Advisor and Consultant, The World Bank and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, USA, Sonia Rawat, Head of College, United World College Mostar, India. Moderator: Monique El-Faizy, French Journalist

The Global Impact 2030 Summit by Ideagen in partnership with ACS Athens and Allilonet, hosted at ACS Athens. The ACS Athens component consisted of a power chat with DCM Maria Olson on Education, inclusivity and accessibility, while the panel discussion on “Education, Inclusivity and Accessibility” included: Peggy Pelonis, ACS Athens, Aigly Zafeirakou, The world bank, Litsa Panayotopoulos, AMCHAM / E.VI.A, Nick Katsoris, The Loukoumi Make a Difference Foundation, Theodore Vagias, LEO Foundation. Other power chats featured, Alexandra Mistotaki, The World Human Forum and Dimitris Avramopoulos, Former EU Commissioner (20142019) and Former Mayor of Athens.

Published article. Pelonis, P. & C. Perakis. A Systematic Approach to the Mental Health Crisis in International Schools: Building Psychological Muscle. Association for the advancement of international education, InterED. Spring 2024. Vol. 53, number 134.

E-Kathimerini interview with Dr. Pelonis. The American Community Schools of Athens. June, 2024.

International School Counseling Association Conference (ISCA) - Athens Greece March 2024. Welcome Address by Dr. Pelonis speaking on the rise in mental health issues among young people.

UNESCO 2024, Paris, France

Dr. Pelonis moderated the panel discussion on “What is Effective Teacher Training”. Panel speakers included: Caroline Grant, Senior Global Adviser, British Council, Chin Kaylanlakhana, Deputy Director of Special Education, Cambodia, Jonathan Eckert, Professor at Baylor University, USA, Freddy James, Lecturer in Educational Leadership, University of West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago.

University of Piraeus, International Conference on Women and Diplomacy, May, 2024. Dr. Pelonis participated as a panelist along with Jamila Baraka, Office of Defense Cooperation, US Embassy, Athens, Aristotle Tziampiris, Professor, Chair of the Department of International and European Studies, University of Piraeus Sofia Zacharaki, Minister of Social Cohesion and Family, May Zani, President and Co-founder of Women Act, H.E. Julie Lymberopulos, Ambassador and General Consul of Panama to Greece.

Women Leading Schools & Systems in a time of Massive Change. Middle States Association webinar series: Year of Change-Makers in Education: Dr. Pelonis was invited to speak on this topic with Dr. Renee Rattray and Ms. Amber Berry.

Commissioner for the Middle States Association of Schools and Colleges, involved in the strategic planning of MSA as well as in planning school visits internationally.

Elected to the Board of Trustees of the Educational Collaborative for International Schools (ECIS).

Serves on the American Hellenic Chamber of Commerce Education Committee.

Participated in the Association for the Advancement of International Education (AAIE) conference in New York, 2024.

Co-organized the launching of a workshop on Learning Differences in partnership with The American College of Greece (Deree) and George Mason University, Virginia USA.

Invited to State Department Office of Overseas Schools, workshop in Washington DC, 2024.


Responsible AI In Learning

Stay safe. Stay ahead.

ECIS Conference on Educational Leadership, Windsor, UK, 2024.

Responsible AI Learning (RAIL)

ACS Athens is among the first schools to undergo a certification process for Responsible AI Learning (RAIL)

A process designed by the Middle States Association of schools and colleges to certify schools that are moving forward in responsible AI learning. ACS Athens is among the first seven pilot schools undergoing this process and will be receiving certification by the next academic year, leading the way for other schools to follow.

President’s edition Podcast took place with invited speakers discussing education, leadership, innovation and more: This year’s guest speakers were: Cheryl Brown & Brooke Fezler - Co-founders of ISCA, Dr. Richard L. Jackson, Distinguished American Diplomat, education leader and author of book: Μακριά και Αγαπημένοι, and Nancy Snow, a three-time Fulbright Scholar.

ACS Athens received a triple honor at UNESCO in Paris with the International Forums of Inclusion Practitioners (IFIP), Global Inclusion Awards this year, for the Youth to Youth Educational and Social Integration Program, the Optimal Learning Program (OLP) for meeting diverse learner needs, and the KOINONOS homeless project! This recognition underscored our unwavering dedication to fostering inclusion and diversity in our community and beyond.

New Award Initiative

The Mandalios Conscious Global Citizenship award

In 2023 we witnessed a horrific event during a relief mission in Libya, in the tragic loss of two ACS Athens alumni Angela and Phillip Mandalios, who were on a mission to aid the victims of the catastrophic flood caused by storm Daniel. In their memory and in their honor, the Angela and Phillip Mandalios Conscious Global Citizenship award has been established. The award is given to an individual or individuals who exemplify the characteristics that defined the two ACS Athens alumni: Academic Excellence; Exemplary commitment to improving life and living; Demonstrating leadership and mobilizing others to engage in humanitarian efforts; Shows compassion and empathy towards others; Inclusive mindset approach towards others; International mindedness and generosity; Outstanding community engagement and volunteerism; Innovative in addressing social and environmental issues; Demonstrating a genuine love for learning, intellectual curiosity, and helping others.

Dr. Pelonis receives the Ideagen Global Impact Award, July, 2024 in a heartwarming ceremony at the Grande Bretagne hotel.

Strategic Planning

The annual strategic planning meeting took place this academic year in March,2024, engaging representatives from all stakeholders: Board of Trustees, Faculty, Parents, Students, Administrators and Partners. A ‘report card’ of our accomplishments was presented and participants were asked to engage in dialogue highlighting strengths and areas for further growth. As we continue on this holistic educational journey defined by the Middle States Association as part of a “Sustaining Excellence” school, we are proud of how far we have come and are eager to continue to the next phase which will lead to a schoolwide celebration of learning.

The first media literacy festival

1. Unveiling the Truth: Empowering Society through Media Literacy: Alexopoulos, International Journalist; Elinda Labropoulou, Senior Journalist; Fanis Papathanasiou, Journalist, Alexis Tasouli, Journalist.

2. Empowering Voices: Media Literacy as a Catalyst for Women Empowerment: Dr. Peggy Pelonis, ACS Athens President, Steve Vranakis, Executive Creative Director, Creative Lab Google; Doreen Abdel Samad, Journalist & ACS Athens faculty member; Dora Panteli, Basketball Analyst.

The first International Media Literacy Festival was organized and took place at ACS Athens in March, 2024 with over 40 international schools invited from Greece and Southern Europe.

To date the production output is as follows: 120 student podcasts; 56 student radio plays; 27 Owl Cast podcasts; 70 Knowledge Series; 350 video productions for a total of 401 productions.

Four discussion panels took place with 19 experts in three days of Media Literacy and the New Careers and Entertainment:

3. Navigating the Digital Wave: Unpacking Media Literacy, Creativity, and Digital Consciousness in the Modern Era: Aphrodite Panagiotakou, Director of Culture at the Onassis Foundation; George Makris, Walt Disney Company; Mark Wolper, President at the Wolper Organization; Tom Hiotis, Film Producer; Michael Nickles, Actor.

4. Media Literacy & Education

ACS Athens Faculty: Hercules Lianos, Evan Syropoulos, Sofia Soseilos, and John Papadakis.

MC - Yanna Darili

Higher Education and Other Partnerships

Partnerships with higher education and other institutions continue to provide faculty and students with unique opportunities for professional development, as well as preparation for further studies and experiences. ACS Athens continues to foster such partnerships:

New York University, Drexel University, IKEAACS Athens, George Mason University, The National Child Research Center, Leroy Merlin, The Onassis Foundation, OTE, HOME Project, The Shapiro Foundation, The Stavros Niarchos Foundation, The American College of Greece, The University of Minnesota, Stenden University, Netherlands, University of Delaware, University of Drexel, University of Roger Williams, University of Widener, Wilkes University, Think Global School, American Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, Chapman University, American Farm School- Thessaloniki, The Loukoumi Make a Difference Foundation, The LEO Foundation.


One of our Academy junior students was a keynote speaker at the #AI ducationFestival: Artificial Intelligence in Education.

One of our faculty members participated in the event as a panelist in a discussion about AI literacy.

Advancing Academics

A strong academic program ensures optimal educational experiences for students. The following additions and enhancements continue to strengthen our academics:

Introduction of new course in AI.

Sports Science was added as an ACS Athens course, building on the Divisions’ experience with IB Sports Science the previous two years.

ACS Athens Virtual - Creation of new courses including World History, PE, and an Introduction to Greek Theater course. In progress is the creation of a Geometry and an Earth & Beyond Science course;

Increased number of field study opportunities that create experiential learning for our students in Humanities, Art, Theater, and Greek;

10th grade and IB Year 1 Chemistry students, learned from presentations by students from the University of Pittsburgh, Swanson School of Engineering under Professor Giannis Mpourmpakis.

New AP courses offered in the past two years in AP Pre-Calculus and AP Statistics

The IB art students worked with monoprint artists in their studios in Athens to learn printmaking. Some of the students’ work resulted in artwork for their final IB Exhibition and Process Portfolios.

Several project-based learning opportunities provided by our MS teachersInca Scavenger Hunt, Poe Poetry Writing, Egg Drop, etc.

Introduction of Robotics courses within the MS Exploratory Technology curriculum. Piloted in the 6th grade this school year and extending to 7th grade for the next school year.

Introduction of Math 7 and Math 8 courses to ensure solid Math foundational skills for our students.

Development of a Pre-Algebra 7 Pilot Enrichment program for high achieving math students in collaboration with the Math Studio.

Continuation and Expansion of Math competitions teams; ongoing club activity to prepare our MS students in advance of AMC 8, MOEMS competitions.

ACS Athens named Eco School

On March 30th at the beautiful amphitheater of the Benaki Museum, ACS Athens proudly accepted the Green Flag Award of the Eco-School Program. This recognition is not just an award, but a reflection of our school community’s dedication to making a difference for our planet through a variety of recycling initiatives implemented in 2021. Congratulations to the ES, MS and Academy recycling teams and their advisors for supporting and implementing this program.


This year’s career day took place in March, 2024 where successful alumni spoke with our students about their career trajectories.

Elementary School

Math Enrichment projects in the Innovation Lab (Grades 2 & 5): The 2nd graders worked to craft an Ancient Irrigation System, employing mathematical principles to bring their project to life.

5th graders constructed a Cardboard City, skillfully utilizing floor plans and mathematical concepts in their urban designs; In the “Alpha Project” exhibition these junior astronauts presented mind-blowing ideas with strong presentations, data charts, and videos!

Introduction of a Pilot program for Advanced Learners in Math (ALP).

New Conscious Global Citizenship Projects

Elementary School

Launch of community service initiatives encouraging students to actively participate in local and global outreach programs.

Promotion of environmental sustainability (SDG’s) through campus-wide initiatives such as recycling programs and energy conservation efforts.

Student-led campaigns advocating for social justice, inclusivity, and diversity within the academy and the broader community.

Middle School

The restructure of our B.A.S.E. (homeroom/advisory) and our new Flex block created several opportunities for lessons on overall health, character, and Citizenship.

7th Grade Science Fair projects included a strong focus on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

7th grade student, participating in the The Open program sponsored by The ACS Athens Institute. Projects include growing produce on the ACS Athens campus for self-sustainability and less waste.


Participation in the Athens Science Festival held at Technopolis on April 18th, 2024. Presentation of 20 experiments by the “ACS Athens Curious Chemists”.

Participation in the 10th annual Student Science & Technology Conference (ACSTAC). The team ACS Dynamics won TWO special awards. AI in education, AI and Sustainability.

Green and Smart City 2024, The Green team is developing a model mini-city showcasing sustainable city management solutions, renewable energy sources, Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, and AI integration.

Three groups of Academy students participated in the Earth Prize international competition, and one group of Middle school students took part in the Biomimicry Youth Design Challenge designing a solar powered trimaran capable of desalinating 200,000 gallons of freshwater a day to remote parts of Greece, using design inspiration from the Australian Fan Palm, Mangrove trees and Beaver dams.

Three high school teams submitted proposals to the Earth Prize Competition, which included components of a business plan, including a feasibility study, implementation plans and financial projections for SDG innovations.

Youth to Youth Educational and Social Integration Program continues.

Arctic Architects - Addressing SDGs: 7 and 11

Two 12th Grade IB students went on a mission to engineer solar panels tailored for cold climates. Inspired by family members who live in cold villages that rely on traditional home heating to stay warm, their innovative approach seeks to provide efficient, sustainable energy, addressing the needs of families in challenging environments.

ACS Athens student artwork symbolising the vision of ACS Athens and the transformative power of education, is now showcased on the side of a building in Athens. Special thanks to the Helidoni Foundation and for supporting this initiative.


- Addressing SDGs: 12, 6, and 14

A 12th Grade IB student dives into the second most polluting industry responsible for up to 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions, fashion, with an aim to revolutionize the fashion world by designing sustainable, carbon-neutral fabrics using photosynthetic organisms like Cyanobacteria.


Pure Sky - Addressing SDGs: 9, 13

A 9th-grade student designed an app that limits carbon emissions. The project aligns with the broader goal of sustainable development, contributing to a cleaner and greener future.

New Performance initiatives

Curious Chemists: A theatrical play at the ACS Athens theater featuring over 20 experiments on stage, with a focus on promoting science and environmental awareness.

Engineering Days: led by our Math Division, provided several special Engineering guest speakers for our students.

The Energy Bus: A community-wide performance under the umbrella of Conscious Citizenship involving all stakeholders: students, parents, teachers, administrators: The “ACS Athens Energy Bus” celebrated the common values of the ACS Athens community.

The ACS Athens Academy Art Department created a fashion collection made out of recycled materials, shown during the Energy Bus event this May.

“How to make it to Hollywood” a unique masterclass offered by the ACS Athens Institute and award-winning Hollywood Producer Mark Wolper; an opportunity for actors, writers, producers, directors and crew members to learn how to get a job in Hollywood!

Student Competitions/ Recognitions

Academic excellence awards honoring students for outstanding academic performance and intellectual curiosity in the:

Math Olympiad Awards.

Participation and recognition in prestigious competitions, conferences, and exhibitions at regional, national, and international levels.

MOEMS - Mathematical Olympiad Competitions.

Kangaroo Math.


We are proud of our students’ athletic achievements in inter-school competitions and tournaments, showcasing dedication, teamwork, and sportsmanship.

Athletes of the Year

ISAA Champions

Varsity Girls Volleyball

Varsity Boys Basketball

Varsity Tennis

Scholar-Athletes of the Year

Academic / Athletic Scholarships

Three scholarships have been awarded to our seniors for outstanding academic and athletic performance. They will be attending Harvard University, the University of San Francisco and Hill College.

Congratulations to all of them!


The Development Office in coordination and cooperation with the Fundraising Committee, consisting of Board members, staff, administration, and alumni, have successfully raised € 259,467 in 2023-2024 through different initiatives such as the ACS Athens Gala, Name a Seat - Leave your Legacy initiative, pizza sales, and health snacks sales. The funds raised will go to completing the upgrade and renovation of our Science Labs. This summer yet another lab is being upgraded.

LEadership roles

Leadership roles and contributions within student organizations, clubs, and committees, demonstrating initiative and organizational skills.

2024 PanHellenic Forensics Tournament in Thessaloniki

Our students’ achievements included:

Debate: Quarter Finalists: Five Students

7th Best Speaker Recognition

One Original Oratory: Finalist and two Honorable Mentions

Impromptu Speaking: Two Finalists

Group Discussion: Honorable Mention

Duet Acting Comic: Two Honorable Mentions

Faculty development

Faculty development this year was aligned with the needs and expectations of faculty and staff. Several initiatives were implemented to ensure that the faculty members are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to support student learning and development. These meetings aimed to provide the teachers with the latest teaching strategies and techniques, as well as encourage them to reflect on their practice. Faculty and administrators participated in or presented at conferences such as NESA, ECIS, AERO, AAIE, IBO.

Enhancing our Golden Triangle: School - Student - Parents

Our Partnership for Success initiatives this year included:

Sessions for parents on Positive Discipline presented by one of our faculty.

Cybersecurity session for parents by a Greek police officer in collaboration with the US Embassy.

Partnership for Student Success Session #1: Navigating Parenthood with Resilience & Self-Awareness by Dr. Elisabeth Calbari (Neuropsychologist) - October 2023.

Partnership for Student Success Session #2: The Art of Building Resilience in Children & Teens by Dr. Liza Varvogli (Psychologist/Psychotherapist) - December 2023.

Partnership for Student Success Session #3: Navigating the Intricacies of Parenting by Dr. Joanna Liasides (Psychologist & ACS Athens alum) & Mr. Iakovos Drakoulis (ACS Athens OLP parent) - March 2024.

Partnership for Student Success Session #4: Growing Up, Growing Wise: A Discussion on Puberty and Hormonal Changes by Dr. Aristotle Panayiotopoulos (Pediatric Endocrinologist) - April 2024.

Partnership for Student Success Session #5: The Basics of Conscious Parenting by Ms. Maggie Pouplis (Parent Coach & Children’s Books Writer).

Alumni Events and Networking

The ACS Athens Global Website platform has been completed and is running. The Global platform was designed to bring together alumni through network opportunities for internships, jobs/careers.

Alumni gatherings took place this year in London and in Miami, where alums had the opportunity to come together, reminisce and express ways to give back to ACS Athens i.e. internships for our students or job placements. Fourteen events have been organized to date, 120 alumni visited and took back to school tours, and a Business Directory was created on the Global website. Our alumni network is growing. To date we have 1,105 members registered on Global, 228 of which are new.

A Global Advisory Council convened this year, working to assist with the development of networking and various events. These successful alumni members from all over the world are committed to giving back to ACS Athens with their time and expertise.

Members of the Council include:

Artie Gyftopoulos, Financial Services Consultant; Ariel White-Tsimikalis, Attorney at Law; Daphne Apostolidis, Senior Marketing Manager - US Rheumatology - AbbVie; Katerina Stathopoulou, Executive Director of Investments & Finance Ltd;

Nasser Amarin, Lead Estimator @ Bechtel Corporation; Omiros D. Sarikas, Founder and Managing Partner (CEO) of Brookstreet Equity Partners; Peter Papageorgiou, Cardiovascular health pioneer and wellness entrepreneur; Tom Mustin, Emmy Award Winning television anchor and reporter and Adjunct Professor @ University of Colorado Boulder - Broadcast Journalism; Andreas Kambanis, Co-founder & Developer, Το Ρόδι; John Pazartzis, Managing Director, Financial Institutions & Capital Mobilization Division - U.S. International Development Finance Corporation; Rafat Faris, CEO at Fenchurch Faris Ltd. ; Teo Ananiadis, Faculty, ACS Athens; Chris Perakis, Head of Fundraising, ACS Athens; Carla Tanas, Dean of the Institute, ACS Athens; Maria Korovessis Sewell, Award winning Design, Content and Marketing Executive; Ann Lappas Stiles, Compass Investigations.

Facility Projects/ Renovations

Resurfacing of Track & Field and Long Jump areas around the Back Field.

Preparatory work for the installation of Solar Panels. Sound absorption works in the ES Cafeteria, and Art Rooms. Renovation of existing area on campus to create a new ES Music Room (to be completed for the 2024-25 Academic Year).

Ongoing works for Electrical Building Compliance Certification.

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