Portfolio Landscape Architecture

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A new point of view on tourism & hydropowerplant development in Iceland

Asignment Msc Thesis project Explore in what way two seemingly opposing land uses, tourism & hydropowerplant devellopment, may be combined or even reinforces each other within the Icelandic landscape Location Proposed Hรณlmsรกrvirkjun hydropowerplant in Skaftรกrtunga, Iceland Supervisor dr. PA Roncken (Wageningen University) Design 2018 In this MSc thesis I developed a strategic plan for guiding tourism in a new hydropower landscape in Iceland. In this thesis I explored how the hydropower related infrastructure could be used for tourism and at the same time create a new experience for tourism. I explored the preferences of different types of tourists and translated them into a program and design for a future hydropower landscape in Iceland.




Relationship between two apparent conflicting land-uses that use the Icelandic landscape as a natural resource.

Laki fissure


Eldjá fissure Landmannalaugar Hólaskjól Highland Centre Álftavatn GA UN RT TA ÁF SK




Mýrdalsjökull Glacier






15 km

Vik Combined opportunities for touristic development on proposed location of the new hydropower plant.

F208 Landmannahellir

Landmannahellir F225

Hólaskjól Highland Centre

Laugavegur trail

Eldjá fissure

Landmannalaugar Fjallabaki Nature reserve



Álftvatn Kirkjubæjarklaustur


F232 þórsmörk


þórsmörk New startpoint for Highland safaries




Eldjá fissure Hólaskjól Highland Centre

Hólaskjól Highland Centre

Álftvatn New tourist stop along the main ringroad



New stepping stone in hiking trail system

Laugavegur trail Skógafoss







The location of the hydropower plant, can

The hydropowerplant can become a new scenic

The improved accesroad can become a new

become a new stepping stone for hikes

tourist stop on the edge of the Highlands.

starting point for Highland jeep safaries.

towards the ‘Laugevur trail’’.

A new program to guide multiple forms of tourism in the future hydropower landscape of Skaftรกrtunga.

(I) A Scenic located roads as the new entrance to the highlands.

(II) A start point for Highland safaris at the banks of glacial rivers.

A site design for new guiding touristic infrastructure at the location of the proposed hydropower plant

(III) Guiding infrastructure that facilitates the engament with the forces of water, at the 100m wide weir of the intake channel.

Scale model of the site design illustrating the scale of the dam structure.

(III) The bridge at the spillway structure, providing a scenic view over the river gorge


(IV) Dam becomes an imporant node in path system, connecting multiple long distance hiking routes.

(V) A series of last outpost along the reservoir lake, providing new refuge locations for hikers.



Searching for a new balance between nature, agriculture, water storage and recreation in the stream valley of Uffelte-Ruinen, Drenthe

Assignment Internship project at FLUX landscape interventions (previously LINT). FLUX was asked to find ways how combine recreation, nature development, agriculture and water storage in an old stream valley Location Beekdal (stream valley) Uffelte-Ruinen, Drenthe Client Provincie Drenthe, Waterschap Hunze aa Design 2015 The Province of Drenthe and the Waterschap Hunze en Aa’s asked FLUX to help them visualize a different perspective for a water storage assignment in an agriculture area. In this assignment FLUX was asked to find ways to combine functions such as recreation, nature development, agriculture and water storage. The underlying question is that they are searching for a new balance between nature and economy and wish to transform the area into an attractive distinctive place within the Province of Drenthe. This pilot project was part of the bigger HUMAN NATURE investigation of FLUX. For this assignment FLUX provided a vision of how the area of Unfelte Ruinen may be developed for the future. This vision is based on an extensive landscape analysis that explains the genesis and present spatial context of the area. Based on this analysis a concept plan was provided together with a series of spatial principles how to combine nature and economy with the water storage assignment. The spatial solution for combining nature, economy and water storage, that emerged during the design process, has many similarities with the spatial organisation of an estate. This resulted in the idea of a ‘water estate’ as the main spatial concept. The spatial concept and related principles were translated into site specific impressions that captures a possible desired future atmosphere. In addition, FLUX designed a series of bridges to show the Province and Waterschap that, in their approach to this area, they should also start thinking on this scale. During this internship project I worked on the spatial principles of this water estate concept, visualized different elements and designed a series of bridges.

een nat, open en laaggelegen beekzone welke zich kan vullen met water een nat, open en laaggelegen laaggelegen beekzone welke zich kanmet vullen met water water The lower situated brookbeekzone zones zich can een nat,een open en laaggelegen beekzone welke kannaturally vullen water nat, open en welke zich kan vullen met absorb the excess water.

functies liggen vooral in deare rand en hebben altijd The new fuctions situated onenthe these altijd higher functies liggen vooral de rand hebben functiesop liggen vooral invooral de rand enrand hebben altijd altijd functies liggen inin de en hebben uitzicht de beek uitzicht op de beek edges ofde the valley and are provided a clear view uitzicht uitzicht op de beek op beek on the stream.

hoger gelegen randen, zandiger en beplant met groepjes elzen hoger gelegen randen, zandiger en beplant beplant met groepjes elzen Higher situated sandy edges of beplant the stream valley aregroepjes hoger gelegen randen, zandiger en met groepjes elzen elzen hoger gelegen randen, zandiger en met planted with groups of eldar trees.

variatie aan routes: fiets, wandel, kajak, mountainbike en paardrijden. A variation ofaan different type of routes are provided. variatie routes: fiets, wandel, kajak, mountainbike en paardrijden. paardrijden. variatie sluiten aan routes: fiets, wandel, kajak, en mountainbike en paardrijden. variatie aanop routes: fiets, wandel, kajak, mountainbike Routes aan bestaande routes verbinden dorpen enennatuRoutes sluiten aan op bestaande routes en verbinden dorpen en natunatuThese new routes are logically connected with the Routes sluiten aan op bestaande routes en verbinden dorpen en natuRoutes sluiten aan op bestaande routes en verbinden dorpen en urgebieden onderling urgebieden onderling urgebieden onderling urgebieden onderling existing routes, infrastrucutre and villages.

The “water estate” model is based on an open and lower positioned stream valley that can be flooded with water. The higher positioned edges of the stream valley are often planted with clusters of alder trees. On the transtion from higher to lower positoned areas agricultural functions are present. Routes from the villages to the “water estate” offer a direct view on the stream. New functions are located on the edges. This principle ensures a cross-linking of the village, the road, views, the program, routes and the stream. The surrounding nature reserves are connected by the “water estate” causing an improved ecological exchange. New recreational routes connect to existing routes and connects villages and nature areas. The area has a wide variety of routes: for biking, hiking, kayaking, mountainbiking and horsriding. Local entrepreneurs will be pleased with a fantastic location with direct routes to the stream valley.


rijden. n.natuu-

Spatial design principles

routes vanuit de dorpen bieden zicht op de beek Routes thezicht surrouding villiages are routes vanuitemerging de dorpenfrom bieden op de beek

The stream valley functions as a shared public space for all functions in

provided with a clear vista on the stream valley.

the area. The identity and distinctive character of the area determines the attractivity for entrepreneurs. Objects like information panels, entrances


and bridges to a strong degree determine this identity. 4 Pedestrian-


and bicycle bridges have been designed for this area. These bridges fit together in terms of design and are designed for various watercourses



with various widths. The concept plan is not dependant on the development of the mentioned


functions or the initiatives of entrepreneurs. It can grow organically along withe the development of various functions. Even without local initiatives and without economical growth the plan must be able to proceed and have sufficient quality. The main components of the plan are nature, water storage, agricultural functions and opportunities for recreation.



ecologische verbindingen Connecting with the surrounding nature reserves ecologische verbindingen providing an improved ecological exchange in and through the water estate.



Impressions of stream valley at one of the new bridges during low & high waterlevels. These bridges become new connecting elements in the path structure and will connect the future facilities in the green edges of the stream valley

A phased organic growht of the concept plan over time: small groups businesses can develop in estates will be develloped first. Overtime new


estates can fill in the blanks areas in such a way that a coherent green


framework will emerge. plan niet afhankelijk van functies en ondernemers, maar kan als het ware opgeladen worden met functies





Spatial principle showing the functions and transition from the surrounding countryside towards the green edges and water rentention area in the stream valley.

Close up of the scale model: view at the main bridge

Handmade scale model of the large bridge

Series of bridges for crossing different widths of water in the stream valley

Impression the new program, with space for small businesses and recreational functions located at the green edges, with a sight over the stream valley

Impression of a new recreative program in the green edge located at the former estate of Rheebrugge


Transformation of a fragmented landscape into a multifunctional energy generating orchard

Assignment Bsc Thesis project Design an energy landscape that generates up to 500 terrajoules Location Overbetuwe, Gelderland Client Municipality Overbetuwe, Energy LAB, Wageningen University Design 2013 In the context of the BSc thesis the assignment was to deliver a regional landscape design which combines energy generation with the enhancement of spatial coherence for a spatial fragmented place “ the no mans land�. This fragmentation is caused by severe infrastructural transections by railways, highways and electricity pylons. The design should also enhance the identity of the surrounding region, the Overbetuwe. Due to the substantial spatial demand that accompanies the generation of sustainable energy, a combination with other forms of land use is desired. The energy objective to be achieved is to generate up to 500TJ.

The design elaborates on a combination of sustainable energy generation and the realization of an earlier planned regional business park. The originally elsewhere planned business park is moved to the study area “ the no mans land”. To counteract the effects of cluttering, the units of the business area are embedded in a green-blue spatial framework. The design of the framework is inspired by the characteristic element of the regional landscape of the “ Overbetuwe”,

N wooded banks waterway natural wall acces road green avenues prospective business locations highway (A15)

more specific the alternation of big open plots and more enclosed

To cope with the temporal development of the site, the design can be

plots with orchards. The interpretation of the green elements within

implemented in phases. The temporary vacant spots within the green

the framework is inspired by the characteristic hedgerows and avenue

framework can be used to produce energy by planting energy crops for

plantings in this region. The pattern of the green blue spatial framework

biomass production. When new businesses occupy these vacant spots,

allows a flexible and phased development of the business park. It is the

the roof surfaces of the new buildings can be used to produce energy

base of a strong landscape structure that counteracts the effects of

by installing photovoltaics. Eventually the area can generate theoretically

cluttering and thereby helps to maintain the land value.

a total of 265 TJ when roof surfaces are used for photovoltaics.

70 ha

Total surface project area

~11 TJ

Biomass 0.154 TJ/ha

~265 TJ Photovoltaics 3.78 TJ/ha

Prospective business location with high quality building integrated in the natural and green wall along the A15 highway: the spatial framework helps the buildings to blend into the surroundings.

Access road behind natural wall with integrated business location

Temporary landuse of the prospective bussineses locations, as an energy ochard for harvesting of biomass crops like giant elephantgrass

Blending in of new businesses using combined sphagnum moss and solar roofs

Duivendaal Central Axis

Creating a neigbourhood that forms a new gateway to the city centre of Wageningen


Design a new neighborhood on a former university complex. Requirements:150 housing units and 225 parking places. Location

Duivendaal, Wageningen Client

Gemeente Wageningen, Wageningen University Design 2011

Duivendaal is a former University complex near the city centre of Wageningen. The complex is going to be disbanded and the municipality and university are investigating how this place can be developed. One of main problems is the poor conntection of the old city centre of Wageningen with its surroundings. Furthermore there is a growing demand for new higher class housing units in the city centre of Wageningen.

new trees old buildings and 135 new housing units accessibility pedestrians & cyclists main axis + pedestrian pathways wooden boardwalks

250 half submerged parking spaces

The idea is to design a new neighborhood that improves the connectivity

The old main administration building, that is located in the centre of

of the city centre of Wageningen with its surroundings. The neighborhood

the neighborhood, becomes a new central spot/social meeting place

becomes a new gateway to the city centre.

that can also host new green and cultural functions. To facilitate these functions, the building is stripped down and overgrown with climbers like

The new central axis forms a new connection to the city centre market

Wisteria and Helix Hedra, which gives it a green appearance also during

square of Wageningen. The axis is placed in a courtyard that is formed

wintertime. This idea is inspired by the vertical gardens of the MFO park in

by 150 new housing units. All the older remaining buildings are re-used in

Zurich. By adding multiple facilities to the new neighborhood, the place is

the design for new neighborhood facilities (supermarket, offices, children

being used throughout the day. This creates a lively place and enhances

daycare, health centre and catering).

a feeling of social control.

N square main axis submerged parking pedestrian pathways boardwalks access road waterway buildings trees grass fields

The half submerged parking spaces helps to form a gradient in hight and sight between the semi private and public spaces, especially for the users at ground level. This also creates a sense of privacy for the inhabitants. The cars are hidden from sight and the neighborhood is safe for children to play.

For the Quality of life? For the ‘Kwellity’ of life!


Redesign the outdoor space of the Wageningen University campus Location

Campus Wageningen University, Wageningen Client

Wageningen University Design 2010

Create a new site design for the outdoor space of Wageningen campus, ‘’that improves the quality of life’’ (the mission statement of Wageningen University) for students. Additionally the design has to provide spatial solutions for the following problems: •

A parking situation that is characterized by poor routing, visually dominant presence of cars and a lack of a green appearance that doesn’t fit the image of Wageningen University

Non functional & logical positioned walking and cycling routes

A poor public space that lacks functional student facilities such as seating opportunities and meeting places

Poorly functioning drainage system that creates water problems during heavy rainfall in combination with a flow of seepage water.

Campus WUR

Wageningse berg

In the site design a new waterbody is created that is capable of collecting all the seepage and runoff rainwater. It forms an ecological and recreational element that re-connects the two separated parts of the campus terrain. The formally visual dominant parking places are transformed into a green border with parking places that form a green edge around the campus terrain. This green edge could provide a more enclosed feeling at the now still open campus terrain. The green edges also provides a pleasant space with a green back cover to stay and meet other students during the lunchbreaks. This composition of the waterbody, new routing system, green parking areas, could provides more pleasant and enclosed atmosphere for students in the openness of the present campus terrain. Together these design interventions create a better “quality of life� for students on the campus.

N green parking spaces swamp forest buildings pedestrian pathways grass hills water body access road tree avenues

Transforming the problem of speapage water into a solution by creating a large seepage waterbody with leisure possiblities for campus users.

lb s oi

a la

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The composition of the waterbody, routing , geen parking places and the existing buildings creates more enclosed places for students in the openness of the present campus terrain. Together these interventions create a better “quality of life� for students on the campus.

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