South Devon Newsletter February/March 2019

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SOUTH DEVON HERD BOOK SOCIETY Westpoint, Clyst St Mary, Exeter, EX5 1DJ. Tel: 01392 447494 Fax: 01392 447495


AUCTION OF PROMISES We need your help! Thank you so much to those who have made donations to date. However, more offers would be very gratefully received, and we’re keeping the catalogue open for a while longer in the run-up to Tuesday 26th March. PLEASE, if you have something you could offer as a Promise for the Auction, could you let us know as soon as you can. Council have agreed that proceeds from this year’s Auction will go towards one of our biggest breed promotion events – the National Show which this year will be at the Royal Welsh and next year at the Devon County. We look forward to hearing from you with your wonderful promises! ******

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING A copy of the AGM booklet which contains the Agenda, Minutes from Last Year, Trustees Report, and abbreviated Accounts, is being sent to all members. Please do come along to the Meeting if you are able; and it is always lovely to congratulate the winners of the Society Awards, and last year’s Herd 1

Competition. The Meeting is followed by the Auction of Promises, and then the AGM Dinner which is always a friendly occasion to catch up with old friends, and to meet new ones. Please ring the office with your menu choices, as below, if you would like to book a place at the Dinner:

Starter Prawn & Smoked Salmon Platter served on a bed of crisp salad leaves with Marie Rose sauce or

Chicken Liver Parfait with apple chutney & warm brioche Main course Roast Beef or Roast Turkey from the Carvery With seasonal vegetables & potatoes Dessert White Chocolate & Strawberry Torte or Fresh Fruit Salad Freshly brewed filter Coffee & Mints ÂŁ27 per person

We still have a few rooms reserved at the Devon Hotel for the night of Tuesday 26th March, and please let us know if you would like to fill one of them by Friday 8th. The cost is ÂŁ88 per room, payable direct to the hotel. ******

SPRING SHOW & SALE The Spring Show & Sale catalogue is going to print on Monday, and will be ready to post out to those names who are on our catalogue list. If you would like a printed copy and are unsure if your name is listed please let us know. ****** 2

NATIONAL SHOW The Working Group have held another meeting with the Royal Welsh Show organisers, and progress continues to making our National Show one to remember. This will be the 100th Royal Welsh Show – and we are hoping to amass 100 South Devons to make a great headline! We have reached these numbers before, so the goal is within sight. The Show Schedule is now in print, and will be available very shortly. We have provided address labels for previous National Show exhibitors but please contact the Royal Welsh livestock office (01982 554404) if you don’t receive one. Stall bookings open towards the end of March, and if you wish to exhibit you must make early entries to ensure space. Entries will close on 24th April but are likely to be full before that date – so don’t delay! The Towergate Young Handler Competition will be held on Tuesday 23rd July between 11 and 12.30, and there will be classes for 11-15 years, and for 16-25 years. We are short of sponsorship for the Show, and would ask members for help in identifying potential business supporters. If you have anyone in mind please let Caroline know. More information about the Show will be in the next newsletter. ******

PERFORMANCE RECORDING As part of a process to review our Performance Recording services through Breedplan we are inviting feedback from members of their recording practice. You might not be using Breedplan at the moment to produce EBVs, but you might be weighing regularly for farm management purposes and it would be very helpful to share this information. May we ask you to complete the form accompanying this newsletter, to enable us to provide a better service for you – whether or not you are publicly recording. It is of particular interest to know the “why’s” and “why not’s” – rather than assume that we know everything! ****** 3

SOCIETY OFFICERS Newly appointed officers of the Society are as follows: COUNCIL Region 1 Tim Bastard (Tregada herd) Region 2 John Andrew (Linscott herd) Region 3 John Virgin (Glebe herd) Region 5 Julian White (Broadwood herd) Region 6 Robert Hadley (Knightcote and Chesterton herds) BREED IMPROVEMENT Colin Edwards (Colcharton herd) and Mark Thomas (Treguddick herd) BREED PROMOTION Steve Tucker (Providence herd) JUDGES ADVISER Anne Tully (Waddeton herd) ******

LINDA’S TROPHY This will be the last reminder for nominations for the Linda Turpie Rounsevell Memorial Award, and please would you use the form included in the January newsletter if you wish to make a nomination. ******

AND FINALLY … Did you know if a stick insect laid its eggs in a jar of marmite it will give birth to a litter of twiglets?


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