Dairy Shorthorn Spring 2019 Newsletter

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SPRING 2019 NEWSLETTER AGM & Judging Day with Young Members Weekend. This years weekend will be hosted by Mr & Mrs Norbury of the Broadlane Herd on 28th/29th June 2019 @ Broad Lane Farm, Sproston Holmes Chapel, Crewe, Cheshire, CW4 7LT. The itinerary for the day is as follows:The Young Members weekend starts Friday 28th June from 6pm with games and a BBQ at 8pm, sponsored by Clippaholics. Tents and caravans can be accommodated. Invitations have been issued to all youngsters. Wendy Young along with the youngsters will get the cows ready for the Saturday Morning. The AGM will be 12noon followed by lunch supplied by Anne Norbury followed by Judging at 1.30pm. G James has agreed to be Master Judge and Jill Collins will mark the score cards

*****Please can we ask that any questions which are going to be put forward at the AGM are sent a week in advance to the office so that relevant information may be gathered to provide all those attending on the day.****** Thank you.

National Young Stars The event will be held at the Three Counties Showground, Malvern. Entries are now open, application forms can be found here: http://nationalyoungstars.com/ competitors/ Entry closure date no later than 15th July. The forms are complete with event Guidelines and timings. The entries should be filled out and posted to National Young Stars, Three Counties Showground, Malvern,

Worcestershire, WR13 6NW combined

with a cheque to enter the team. We hope you enter this event. If you have any queries about the event or wish to enter but are unable to attend the Young Members weekend

then please the contact Rachael Madeley 07885 138810/ Wendy Young 07785 971614 before the 27th June to confirm you would like to enter. The Shorthorn Society, 4th Street, Stoneleigh Park, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 2LG Tel 02476 696549 email: claire@shorthorn.co.uk www.shorthorn.co.uk

Shows & Events 2019 Surrey County show Bank Holiday Monday 27th May 2019 Balmoral Show: Wednesday 15th to Saturday 18th May 2019 Spring show & Sale at Wright Marshall Ltd -Beeston: Thurs 23rd May AGM, Judging Day & Young Members Weekend: 29th June 2019 @ 12noon Royal Cheshire Show (National show): Tuesday 18th June & Wednesday 19th June Royal Highland Show: Thurs 20th June to Sun 23rd June 2019 Great Yorkshire Show: Tues 9th July to Thurs 11th July 2019 (shared with Beef Society) Royal Welsh Show: Mon 22nd July to Thurs 25th July 2019 (shared with Beef Society) Bakewell Show: Sunday 30th June 2019 celebration of 200 years of Bakewell show Tullamore Show: Sunday 11th August 2019 Penrith Show & Sale Monday 19th August 2019 National Young Stars: 20th to 21st August 2019 Wensleydale Show: Saturday 24th August 2019 UK Dairy Day @ Telford: Wed 11th September 2019 Westmorland Show: Thurs 12th September 2019 The Dairy Show @ Bath and West show ground: Wednesday 2nd October 2019 Show & Sale @ Leek: Tuesday 15th October 2019 All Breeds All Britain calf show @ East of England Showground 19th to 21st October. Date are also on the Dairy Shorthorn Calendar via the website. If you have any events which you would like to promote please email Claire and we can add them to the calendar. Gold Cup Competition: Closure entry date is end of May. Entry forms can be obtained from the office or via the Shorthorn Society website.

Spring Show & Sale We are happy to report that the Shorthorn Society Spring Show & Sale will be held by Wright Marshall Ltd @ Beeston on Thursday 23rd May 2019 as part of their Colour Breeds Sale. Please note: Animals will be sold in £’s not guineas. Entry fees and commission will be standard Wright Marshall fees, there will be no extra for entering the Society Show & Sale. For entries or enquiries please contact the Pedigree Dept on 01829 262120. We look forward to seeing as many members there as possible to support the sale. For other sales during the year please see the Shorthorn Society Website. POSTPONED UNTIL 13.6.2019

Journal 2020 With the show season fast approaching so the 2020 Journal begins. As always we ask that if you are asked to judge that you provide a judges report to the office, a template of “Judges questions” can we provide if it helps the process. Along with any results and photos. Please also start to submit your adverts, associations events and articles by emailing them to Claire asap after any event. Advert Prices: Members adverts prices : £125 & VAT per page £90 & VAT for half a page £90 & VAT for a small classified advert Commercial advert prices: £400.00 & Vat for A4 page £250.00 & Vat for half page ***Please submit items early as we have to allow time proof reading.***

Farm Walk - Strickley Farm 25th June 2019 The NFU Organic Forum are hosting several free on-farm events, open to both conventional and organic farmers. One of the days is being host by James Robinson of the Strickley Herd. The day includes a short presentation and discussion in the morning followed with a complimentary lunch, farm walk around the fields looking at cropping and a chance to look at the Dairy Shorthorns too. The event is from 10.30am - 3.30pm and you need to book. For more information please contact Ruby.Powell@nfu.org.uk or use link https://www.nfuonline.com/sectors/ horticulture-and-potatoes/hort-and-potsnews/gain-a-wealth-of-organic-insightwithin-your-sector/

Presidents Dinner We would like to thank our President Seimon Thomas and his family for providing such beautiful settings for our lovely presidents meal this year plus some good weather came with it too. Seimon will again be hosting the Presidents Dinner next year and so details for this occasion will be available in the Autumn newsletter.

Invoices Please can we ask that along with prompt payment that the money is paid into the correct bank account number and sort code which will be quoted on each invoice. Please note there are two separate accounts one for Shorthorn Society and one for SSUK.

Shorthorn Society Showing Regulations 2019 l . All Cows and Heifers are required to be entered in the Coates’s Herd Book Main, Supplementary or Grade B sections. To be red, white or roan in colour. 2. Foundation, Grade A, Special A & Special B animals are not eligible to be shown. 3. An animal jointly owned by more than one member must be exhibited under the jointly owned names and if one of the joint owners bred the animal it is eligible to be shown in any exhibitor bred class. 4. No animal shall have its teats sealed nor the udder in any way 'faked'. No substance, or physical manipulation, shall be used to enhance the body features or character of any animal. Any infringement of this rule shall entail disqualification of the animal concerned and the exhibitor shall be reported to the Council of the Shorthorn Society. If the Shorthorn Society is notified by the Show Society of any infringement or disqualification due to “faking” then the President and Secretary of the Shorthorn Society shall convene a meeting of the disciplinary committee whose decision on any appropriate punishment will be final. 5. It is also a condition of the prize offers that the Judges be supplied with the following; information of any animal, if requested by them, (a) The exact date of birth (b) If calved, the last date of calving. 6. Shorthorn Society show uniform of blue trousers (no jeans), white shirt and Society tie to be worn by all handlers in all classes 7. Particulars of each animal, must be printed in the Catalogue. 8. Show Societies accepting Rosettes are required to provide a marked catalogue indicating Awards immediately after the Show 9. A statement to the effect that the Shorthorn Society's Regulations apply to the Show shall he printed in the Prize Schedule and the Catalogue. 10. Judges shall be selected from the Shorthorn Society 's list of Approved Judges 11. Animals should not he shown if they are bred by the Judge as advertised in the Show Schedule.

UK DAIRY EXPO 2019 First show of the season, well done all. Champion Irthingelt Vi 5 S Blissful Ted Spurgeon T Moscrop Reserve Tanat Rosemary 2nd S April Day Wisconsin-Red PE Bailey & Sons Hon Mention Churchroyd Fay 11 S Nejay Prince 4 IRG Collins & Partners Junior Championship Champion Shaunlea Geri 18 S Marleycote Royal Flush SE Dixon & G Holliday Reserve Champion Churchroyd Heather 119 S Churchroyd Wild Card IRG Collins & Partners Hon Mention Bilbro Dewdrop Rose 106 S Churchroyd Wild Card M Jackson

Presentation to the Champion Irthingelt Vi 5

Reserve Champion Tanat Rosemary 2

Reserve Junior Champion Churchroyd Heather 119

Going paperless! We have now been paperless Membership fee since January so all your registration certificates, invoices for next year letters and correspondence have been emailed for those who have supplied us with their email address. We hope this process is working well for you and you are able to access your certificates and invoices easily. Payments of invoices can still be made via BACS, card or cheque in the usual way and prompt payment is much appreciated. If you are experiencing problems with making a full payment a part payment can be made more regularly. This easy and quick system helps to minimize paper wastage and provide better storage for you plus the added incentive of a reduction of £2 per registration certificate. So if you haven't already “gone paperless” then please call Claire at the office and provide her with your email address and start making the savings.

In order to make your 2020 membership payment easier please can we ask that you set up a standing order, if you haven't already done so. You can call the office to obtain a form to complete and return to us. This will then be sent to your bank ready to start in January 2020. Memberships must be paid in order to be able to register your cattle.

World Shorthorn Congress and Tour Australia 2019 Dear Dairy Shorthorn Members Lawrie Willett from Australia has been in touch and would like to confirm numbers for the above tour. To date, from the UK we have 9 delegates attending from the Beef Shorthorn Society, and only Ros Rimmer as World Shorthorn Council Secretary and maybe the President Seimon Thomas that are attending from the UK Dairy Shorthorn Society, it would be great company to have some more Dairy Shorthorn Members. For the itinerary and booking form please contact the office. There are a number of options available for the tour. If you wanted to make your trip a bit more bespoke for you, we can put you in touch with someone to help plan and organise your visit.

OPTIONS – Prices based on 30/04/19 exchange rate in green TOUR COSTS (excluding flights and any additional nights/tours): (Return flights estimate being approx. £750 to £1250 per person) MAIN TOUR (Sat 23rd Sep- Fri 11th Oct) – 19 days Price per twin/double occupancy: AUD $8,450 (£4,595.38)/Extra for single occupancy: AUD $ 1,870(£1,016.97) TASMANIAN EXTENSION (Fri 11th Oct-Tues 15th Oct) – extra5 days Price per twin/double occupancy: AUD $1,995(£1,084.95)/Extra for single occupancy: AUD $375(£203.96) EASTERN TOUR (Sun 29th Oct-Sat 12th Oct) – 13 days Price per twin/double occupancy: AUD $6,100(£3,317.80)/Extra for single occupancy: AUD $1,300(£707.07) CONFERENCE & ACTIVITIES (Sun 29th Sep-Tues 8th Oct) – 10 days Price per twin/double occupancy: AUD $4,600(£2,501.95)/Extra for single occupancy: AUD $900(£489.55)

DEPOSIT PAYMENT DUE OF £250.00 per person - Lawrie would like this by 23rd May 2019, please. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Ros Rimmer who will be more than happy to help.


SSUK Newsletter 2019 For more details on the SSUK bulls please visit the SSUK website or call our Field Officer Graham Bell 07828 483995

Selection Criteria for SSUK Genetics Please see below the bull selection criteria which all bulls that are chosen by SSUK have to meet, if you think you have a bull which is suitable then please email the details to Claire ready for the next SSUK meeting in July. SSUK was established to provide top class Dairy Shorthorn genetics for use in the dairy herd. The Directors meet 3 times a year to consider any prospective young bulls which may be suitable for semen collection. The minimum selection criteria are that the dam has to be classified VG or EX and have at least one production index of 110 or greater. The bull will also inspected by the Directors to ensure he is of suitable conformation. Other factors such as butterfat and protein percentage, genetic indexes of parents, and pedigree are all considered before a bull is accepted for collection by SSUK. The stringent selection process has proved to be an extremely reliable measure of a young bull’s expected genetic potential.

Sexed Semen is now available The sexed semen from the Australian bull Glenbrook Queens Prince has now arrived here in the UK. Sexed straws are £32 per straw and conventional are £12 per straw. The demand for sexed semen is high so please get your orders in early. Photo below of the Dam: Llandovery Jordens Queen EX

Sexed semen is also available from Bushmills Jazz as the same prices.

Shorthorn Beef Scheme The new Morrisons Beef semen straws are now available from the bull: Ryden Legend. Morrisons promote Shorthorn Beef in their stores and require more beef to meet demand, there is a 25p/kg premium for animals sired by a Beef Shorthorn Bull that hit the required grade. Shorthorn Sires UK market bulls especially selected by Morrisons for their superior beef shape and easy calving attributes. Because Morrisons are subsidising this scheme Shorthorn Sires UK can offer high quality semen at extremely reasonable rates, with minimum orders of 50 straws, it is being sold on a first come first serve basis. There is a definite opportunity for many commercial dairy herds to make use of this offer and potential premium. Please call the office to place your order. £2 per straw. For 50 straws free delivery to DIY or farm flasks will be given.

SSUK Bulls Available - For a paper brochure please call the office.

Drisgol Mortimore


Strickley Wiggo


Drisgol Watzon


Gelli Ipod Discoverer


Glanhirwen Prince


Twells Prince


Lisnamulligan Fairway


Available for Export

Twells Barrington Grange 5th £10.00

Available for Export

Kilsally Redford


Available for Export

Brooksteads Bomber


Tonelea Chancellor


Irthingvale Lilians Rebel


Courtover Patriot

Available for Export

Available for Export

On offer £5.00

Orchardhome Lord Walton 3rd Nejay Ernie Nejay Earl

Available for Export


£10.00 On offer


Rantonall Edward


Winhall William


Castledale Snowman


Available for Export

Rodway Ronson


Available for Export

Churchroyd Percy


Available for Export

Churchroyd Pharaoh


Winbrook Brutus


Bushmills Jazz

£12.00 £32.00 sexed Available for Export



Churchroyd King Willie


Nejay Prince 4th


Churchroyd Goldwin


Hooton Fair Reflection


Churchroyd Foggathorpe V Dee Vinnies Lad Glenbrook Tornado Glenbrook Queens Prince

£10.00 £8.50 £10.00 Available for Export £ 12.00 £32.00 sexed Available for Export


Available for Export

The Shorthorn Society 4th Street Stoneleigh Park Kenilworth Warwickshire CV8 2LG Tel 02476 696549 email: claire@shorthorn.co.uk www.shorthorn.co.uk

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