Dorset Sheep Newsletter December 2016

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Dec 2016


2016 has been another great year for the Dorset Horn and Poll Dorset breed with strong trade at all the sales across the country, coupled with some excellent social gatherings. The success we have enjoyed has been largely down to the hard work of all members who have been willing to get out and about promoting the attributes of our breed. However, a special mention must go to our immediate past Chairman – Ben Lamb – who has led from the front in all our collective ventures. It is a privilege for me to write this Christmas message as my first formal duty as your new Chairman and I look forward to getting round as many events over the forthcoming year as possible to catch up with you all in person.


One of the unique factors relating to our breed is that when everyone else is preparing their turkey for the dinner table, producers of Dorset sheep are more likely to be found hard at work, weighing and drawing lambs for the butcher’s hook.


Despite this, I hope that you all find a small amount of time to enjoy some well-earned rest and take the opportunity to spend time with family and friends. One of the great attributes of our Association is that friendship is the central pillar to our success and I would like to take this opportunity to wish all my friends a very happy and peaceful Christmas and a prosperous New Year.


James Royan Chairman

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ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING SATURDAY, 5th NOVEMBER, 2016 Confirmation of President Edwin Pocock was elected as President for the coming year. Election of Auditors Mitchells Chartered Accountants were re-elected as the Society’s accountants. Election of Council Members The President reported that the following were all standing for re-election: Mr N Burrington, Mr G Cubitt, Mr Jim Dufosee, Mr F Fooks and Mr Robert Hole, and that Mr R Sizmur had resigned during the year, leaving 6 vacancies to be filled. One new nomination had been received from Alistair Morton. All the above were elected on to Council. Election of President Elect Francis Fooks was elected as President Elect.

COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, 7TH DECEMBER, 2016 Council AGM Chairman James Royan was elected as Society Chairman Vice-Chairman Graham Cubitt was elected as Society Vice-Chairman Treasurer Chris Davis was re-elected as Treasurer Finance & General Purposes Committee Robert Hole, Jim Dufosee, Francis Fooks, and David Rossiter were re-elected on to the F & GP Committee. South West NSA – 1 Society Member John Cowell was re-elected as the South West NSA Rep. It was agreed that key elements of John Cowell’s NSA reports should be put in the newsletter.


FLOCK COMPETITION In the past members have not been allowed to enter the flock competition unless they have been members for three years. It was proposed and seconded that this rule should be deleted. It was also agreed that 20% of the ewe lambs shown must be homebred. 2017 AGM The 2017 AGM is to be held in Elgin, Morayshire, Scotland. Venue and date are still be confirmed and more information will be given in the March Newsletter. MAY FAIR, 2017 The dates for May Fair, 2017, were confirmed as Tuesday, 2nd and Wednesday, 3rd May Order of draw for Rams and Individual Females It was agreed that members should be informed/reminded that any members are very welcome to attend the May Fair draw, which will take place at 10.30 a.m. on Wednesday, 5th April in the Committee Room at Agriculture House, Dorchester. Signet Class Edwin Pocock proposed to sponsor a new Female Signet Class which was seconded and the majority in favour. It was also agreed that in order for both rams and females to qualify for this class, they would have to be in the top 50% .

APPLICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP The following new applications for membership were accepted: Mr P Cashin,, Wirral G R & M A Cox, Devon Miss J Green (Junior), Ireland A J & H E Hosegood, Devon Mr B Jackson, Northern Ireland Miss E Kingston, Somerset Mr R McGuire, Northern Ireland Messrs. K Niartghaiel & C Graham, Northern Ireland Mr J Smith, Warwickshire Mr S J Walters-Symons, Devon


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Cornhill Cannington Castlepark Halebury Glenabbey Underhill Springfield Drumnacur Oldbury Elston


very kindly donated by R & R Hole, Sherborne Flock

Won by Master Tom Baker 1 Horn or Poll ewe lamb

very kindly donated by Francis Fooks, Poorton Flock

Won by Phillip David £100 voucher

very kindly donated by Barkers Animal Health (chosen products will be delivered by courier)

Won by Jim Dufosee 1 bag of feed

very kindly donated by Alistair Morton, Galloway Macleod

Won by Zac Musson 1 bag of feed

very kindly donated by Alistair Morton, Galloway Macleod

Won by Alistair Morton Wax Jacket (Small Adult/Ladies)

very kindly donated by Buglers

Won by Mr & Mrs P Old £20 Voucher

very kindly donated by Mole Valley

Won by Joe Larder


A litre of Xcel lamb drench

very kindly donated by Denis Brinicombe

Won by Sam Grabham A softshell jacket (with Poll Dorset Horn logo & flock Name)

very kindly donated by DH & PD SBA

Won by Roger Huxter History of the Dorset Horn Book

very kindly donated by DH & PD SBA

Won by Phillip Brooks A wooden shepherds crook

very kindly donated by Edwin Pocock

Won by Roger Huxter A 2 and a half litre tub of Super Lube

very kindly donated by Edwin Pocock

Won by Joe Dufosee A dosing gun

very kindly donated by Edwin Pocock

Won by Sam Driver A vaccinating gun

very kindly donated by Edwin Pocock

Won by Stuart Alderson A showman’s coat

very kindly donated by Edwin Pocock

Won by Master Tom Baker A bottle of Whisky

Anonymously donated

Won by Elaine Swain 3 Jars of Jam

very kindly donated by Cathryn Pritt

Won by Sam Driver


Tom Baker winner of the in lamb ewe very kindly donated by R & R Hole, Sherborne Flock, at the AGM raffle, picking his prize with Robert Hole.

DAVID MATTHEWS MEMORIAL TROPHY AND BURSARY THE CORNELLA CUP Nominations are now invited for the above trophy and bursary for 2017. Nominees will be required to forward a CV together with their sheep experiences and achievements to the President. Together with the trophy Liz Matthews gave an extremely generous bursary of £1,000, £100 of which to be given every year for ten years to the winner to help towards their expenses in attending the AGM, which in 2017 is to be held in Eglin, Morayshire, Scotland. If you would like to nominate somebody please send your nomination, stating your reasons for the nomination, to the Breed Secretary by the June Council meeting to be held on Wednesday, 28th June, 2017. The winner will be chosen by our President, Mr Edwin Pocock. The winner will be informed well before the AGM and their cheque for £100 sent to them in advance so they have the funds. However, the trophy will still be presented at the AGM together with a replica glass tumbler to keep.


LASTEST REPORT FROM THE NSA SOUTH WEST MEETING The November meeting focussed on Brexit with two presentations. There was little feedback from the floor on the Brexit proposals and this caused concern in the NSA chair and presenter. People seemed weary of Brexit and a trade situation based on an open market would seem unrealistic given the feedback to date .It was discussed with some present welcoming a grant free farm scenario with a cut in red tape. This is an area where further time needs to be devoted to get a balanced proposal from the group. The Red Tractor scheme was discussed with the people very opposed to the extension of the scheme into new areas, making it much more demanding. The amendments Red Tractor wanted totalled 100 and this was not acceptable to many of the members present. It proved an interesting evening with some very interesting people attending. With many thanks to John Cowell for providing this report. If any members would like to see more detailed information on the NSA South West meetings, please contact the office.

2017 BREED ADVERTISING BROCHURE Don’t forget, that if you want to advertise in the Society 2017 Advertising brochure, I need your adverts, please, by 31 January, 2017

The costings for placing an advertisement are: Full Page Half Page Quarter Page


£100 £60 £40

27th Ballymena Annual Autumn Show and Sale Richhill Flock Scoops Top Prizes

Show & Sale Champion with breeder, Ben Lamb, Judge, Gary Henderson, & Seamus McCormick from Danske Bank

Opposite Sex Champion with breeder, Richard Currie & daughter, Judge, Gary Henderson & Seamus McComick from Danske Bank

Reserve Champion with breeder, Ben Lamb, Judge, Gary Henderson, & Seamus McCormick from Danske Bank

On Wednesday 12th October the NI Dorset Club held their 27th Annual Autumn Show and Sale at Ballymena Livestock Market. Judge for the evening was Mr Gary Henderson of the Sandelford flock in Bushmills and the show and sale was kindly sponsored by Danske Bank, represented by their Agri-business manager, Seamus McCormick. Champion of the show was an aged ewe entered from the Richhill flock of Mr Ben Lamb, Armagh. This ewe sired by Downkillybegs Pegasus and out of the consistent breeding Granagh N19 ewe was scanned in lamb to the 900gns ram, Sandelford Usain. She fetched the second highest price of the evening of 500gns to Andrew Knox, Dromara for his Braeview flock. The Richhill flock also secured the reserve champion exhibit at the sale with an in lamb shearling ewe. Sired by the English ram Manorcroft Thunder, who was placed 3rd in the individual stock ram class at the Northern Ireland flock competition and out of another Granagh ewe, she later realised a figure of 360gns to D Stevenson, Ballymena. Achieving 750gns and the highest figure of the sale was a December born ram lamb entered from the Hilltop flock of Mr Richard Currie, Ballymena. Bred out of the 950gns myomax gold gene carrier Downkillybegs Trudy and an 1800gns ram from the Wilsey flock in England 8

purchased by Richard at the May Fair, Exeter 2015. This lamb placed Opposite Sex Champion by the judge was purchased jointly by W&K Carson and Amy McConnell for their Downkillybegs and Beechmount flocks respectively. Ewe lambs sold to 360gns, again for an entrant of the Richhill flock. Sired by Sandelford Usain and out of a stylish homebred ewe, this lamb was purchased by C, D & J Knox, Dromara, for their newly established Annford flock. T & S Knox of the Riverview flock, which was recently placed second small flock in the UK, achieved a figure of 350gns for their 3rd prize ewe lamb. This lamb was out of a ewe which was champion ewe at Balmoral in 2015 and bred the 3000gns ram lamb Riverview Wasabi. She is making her way to a new home in Ballymoney with M & C Patton for their Tullybane flock. Ben Lamb realised 340gns for another Sandelford Usain sired ewe lamb, purchased by A Morton, Lanark, Scotland. The second placed ewe lamb entered by Richard Currie realised 300gns to W Magee, New Buildings. Ewe lamb average: Shearling ewe average:

£171.00 £174.50

Aged ewe average: Ram lamb average:

See full show results on show results page


£350.70 £373.00




SHOW RESULTS ABERYSTWYTH Judge: Mr Michael Lewis Breed Champion: Reserve Breed Champion:

Elin Hughes with the Champion

G & E Jones (Aged Ewe) Griffiths & Davies (Ram)

Rowland Davies with the Reserve Champion

Aged Ram:

1. Griffiths & Davies 2. Mr L James 3. Griffiths & Davies

Yearling Ram:

1. Mr E M James 2. Griffiths & Davies 3. G & E Jones

Ram Lamb:

1. Griffiths & Davies 2. Mr L James 3. G & E Jones

Aged Ewe:

1. G & E Jones 2. Mr L James 3. G & E Jones

Yearling Ewe:

1. Mr L James 2. G & E Jones 3. Griffiths & Davies

Ewe Lamb:

1. Griffiths & Davies 2. G & E Jones 3. Mr L James


1. Mr L James 2. Griffiths & Davies 3. G & E Jones BALLYMENA 27th ANNUAL AUTUMN SHOW & SALE Judge: Mr Gary Henderson Breed Champion: Reserve Breed Champion: Best Opposite Sex to Champion:

Mr B Lamb Mr B Lamb Mr R Currie

Show & Sale Champion with breeder, Ben Lamb, Judge, Gary Henderson, & Seamus McCormick from Danske Bank 13

Opposite Sex Champion with breeder, Richard Currie & daughter, Judge, Gary Henderson & Seamus McComick from Danske Bank

Reserve Champion with breeder, Ben Lamb, Judge, Gary Henderson, & Seamus McCormick from Danske Bank

Ewe Lamb:

1. Mr B Lamb 2. Mr R Currie 3. T & S Knox 4. Mr A Fleming

Shearling Ewe:

1. Mr B Lamb 2. Mr C Johnston 3. Mr C Johnston 4. Mr A Dodd

Aged Ewe:

1. Mr B Lamb 2. Mr B Lamb 3. Mr A Dodd

Ram Lamb:

1. Mr R Currie 2. R & M Coulter 3. Mrs K Kingan 4. J & W Smith

Senior Ram:

1. Mr M Peden BONT Judge: Mr Gareth Jones Breed Champion: Reserve Breed Champion:

Griffiths & Davies (Ram) Griffiths & Davies (Ewe)

Iolo Davies with the Reserve Champion

Rowland Davies with the Champion


1. Griffiths & Davies 2. Mr E M James 3. Mr L James

Ram Lamb:

1. Mr E M James 2. Mr L James 3. Griffiths & Davies


1. Griffiths & Davies 2. Mr L James 3. Mr T Jones

Ewe Lamb:

1. Mr L James 2. G & E Jones 3. Griffiths & Davies 14

CAERNARFON Judge: Miss Sian Downes Breed Champion: Reserve Breed Champion:

Mr L James (Ewe) G & E Jones (Ram)

Llyr James with the Champion


1. G & E Jones 2. Griffiths & Davies 3. Mr L James

Ram Lamb:

1. Mr L James 2. Griffiths & Davies 3. G & E Jones

Aged Ewe:

1. Mr L James 2. G & E Jones 3. Griffiths & Davies

Yearling Ewe:

1. Mr L James 2. Griffiths & Davies 3. G & E Jones

Ewe Lamb:

1. G & E Jones 2. Mr L James 3. Griffiths & Davies


1. Mr L James 2. G & E Jones 3. Griffiths & Davies CAPEL BANGOR Judge: Mr Alun Jones Breed Champion: Reserve Breed Champion:

Llyr James with the Champion

Mr L James (Ram) G & E Jones (Ewe)

Reserve Champion



1. Mr L James 2. Griffiths & Davies 3. Griffiths & Davies

Ram Lamb:

1. Mr L James 2. Griffiths & Davies 3. G & E Jones

Yearling Ewe:

1. G & E Jones 2. Mr B Jones 3. Mr L James

Aged Ewe:

1. G & E Jones 2. Griffiths & Davies 3. Griffiths & Davies

Ewe Lamb:

1. Griffiths & Davies 2. G & E Jones 3. Mr L James

Untrimmed E.Lamb 1. Mr B Jones 2. Miss B James 3. Mr G Evans Group:

1. Mr L James 2. Griffiths & Davies 3. G & E Jones COTHI BRIDGE Judge: Mr John Thomas Supreme Group Champion:

Mr L James

Breed Champion: Reserve Breed Champion:

Griffiths & Davies (Ram) Mr L James (Ewe)

Rowland Davies with the Champion


1. Griffiths & Davies 2. Mr L James 3. Griffiths & Davies


1. Mr L James 2. Mr L James 3. G & E Jones

Ram Lamb:

1. Mr L James 2. Griffiths & Davies 3. G & E Jones

Ewe Lamb:

1. Griffiths & Davies 2. Mr L James 3. G & E Jones


1. Mr L James 2. Griffiths & Davies 3. G & E Jones LLANGEITHO Judge: Mr H Evans Breed Champion: Griffiths & Davies (Ram) Reserve Breed Champion: Griffiths & Davies (Ewe)

Champion and Reserve Champion 16


1. Griffiths & Davies 2. G & E Jones 3. Mr E M James

Ram Lamb:

1. G & E Jones 2. Griffiths & Davies 3. Mr L James


1. Griffiths & Davies 2. Mr L James 3. G & E Jones

Ewe Lamb:

1. G & E Jones 2. Griffiths & Davies 3. Mr L James LLANILAR Judge: Mr Derfel Harris Breed Champion: Reserve Breed Champion:

G & E Jones (Aged Ewe) Griffiths & Davies (Ram)

Geraint Jones with the Champion (left), Derfel Harris, & Rowland Davies with the Reserve Champion (right)


1. Griffiths & Davies 2. Mr L James 3. Mr E M James

Ram Lamb:

1. G & E Jones 2. Griffiths & Davies 3. Mr L James

Aged Ewe:

1. G & E Jones 2. Griffiths & Davies 3. Mr L James

Yearling Ewe:

1. Mr L James 2. G & E Jones 3. Mr D C Jones

Ewe Lamb:

1. Griffiths & Davies 2. G & E Jones 3. Mr L James

Untrimmed Ewe Lamb:

1. Mr B Jones 2. Mr E Price 3. Mr G Jones


1. Mr L James 2. Griffiths & Davies 3. Mr D C Jones MID SOMERSET Breed Champion: Reserve Breed Champion:

Mr A Dufosee Master A Jones

Ewe Lamb:

1. Mr A Dufosee 2. Master A Jones 3. Mr G Davey

Ewe, any age:

1. Mr A Dufosee 2. Master A Jones 3. Mr G Davey

Ram Lamb:

1. Master A Jones 2. Mr A Dufosee

Ram, any age:

1. Mr G Davey 2. Mr G Davey 3. Mr G Davey

Young Handler: (7 – 9)

3. Master A Jones


PEMBROKESHIRE Judge: Mr Michael Lewis Breed Champion: Reserve Breed Champion:

Mr L James (Ewe) Mrs R Richards (Ram)

Llyr James with the Champion


1. Mrs R Richards 2. Mr L James 3. Mr J Thomas

Yearling Ram:

1. Miss C Robinson

Ram Lamb:

1. Mr L James 2. Mr A Davies 3. Mrs R Richards

Aged Ewe:

1. Mrs R Richards 2. Mr L James 3. Miss C Robinson

Yearling Ewe:

1. Mr L James 2. Miss C Robinson 3. Mr J Thomas

Ewe Lamb:

1. Mr J Thomas 2. Mr L James 3. Mrs R Richards


1. Mr L James 2. Mrs R Richards 3. Mr J Thomas

ROYAL WELSH WINTER FAIR Lamb over 32kg up to 45kg liveweight, any breed or cross not containing any Continental breeding 4. Miss L Crowther A Pair of lambs up to 90kg combined liveweight, any breed or cross not containing any continental breeding 3. Miss L Crowther One Pair of Poll Dorset/Dorset Horn Lambs 1. 5.

Griffiths & Davies 2. Mr E M James 3. Griffiths & Davies 4. Mr & Mrs H E Roberts Mr E M James 18

TALYBONT Judge: Miss S Downes Breed Champion: Reserve Breed Champion:

Griffiths & Davies (Ram) G & E Jones (Ewe Lamb)

Iolo Davies with the Champion


1. Griffiths & Davies 2. Mr E M James 3. G & E Jones

Ram Lamb:

1. Griffiths & Davies 2. G & E Jones 3. Mr L James

Aged Ewe:

1. Griffiths & Davies 2. G & E Jones 3. Mr L James

Yearling Ewe:

1. G & E Jones 2. Mr T Jones 3. G & E Jones

Ewe Lamb:

1. G & E Jones 2. Mr E M James 3. Griffiths & Davies

Untrimmed Ewe Lamb:

1. Mr B Jones 2. Mr E Jones 3. Mr G Evans

Group of Three:

1. Mr L James


DISCLAIMER The Dorset Horn & Poll Dorset Sheep Breeders’ Association produce this newsletter in good faith and cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies contained therein.

Agriculture House, Acland Road, Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1EF Tel/Fax: 01305 262126 e-mail: website: Breed Secretary: Marguerite Cowley




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