South Devon Newsletter September 2015

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SOUTH DEVON HERD BOOK SOCIETY Westpoint, Clyst St Mary, Exeter, EX5 1DJ. Tel: 01392 447494 Fax: 01392 447495


NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2015 Contents: Message from Debbie Council matters: fees, polling Important notice to vendors Autumn Show & Sale Skipton Show & Sale Regional events Smithfield Festival English Winter Fair Beef South West

3 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 8

TB compensation TB consultation Cattle market in brief National Show Club tickets; Herd Books Semen for sale Diary New members And finally

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 16

Dear Member This is a very full newsletter, so I would ask that you take a little time to go through it as there will be things that affect you, inside! At the time of writing we are still just a maximum two in the office whilst we look to find the right person to join us to take on Debbie’s work. I apologise for any delay in response at this time, and we will do our best to help you as soon as we can. Sale time is upon us, and the Cirencester catalogue is at the printers, ready to send out in a few days’ time. You will find it on-line very shortly, but if you would like to receive a printed copy and your name is not already on our list, please let us know. There will be a pre-Sale 3-course supper, on Friday 9th October, at £20 per person, and you will need to book this with us as spaces are limited. I am delighted to announce the winner of this year’s Herd Competition as Douglas Scott’s Grove herd! His Open Day will be held at the beginning of October, and we are waiting to finalise the details before announcing the date in 1

a news sheet later this week. Full results of the Competition will be available at the Open Day, and will be published in the October newsletter. Another Consultation has been published by Defra concerning proposals for further TB measures. This closes on 23rd October. We will be making a response from the Society, but it is very important that you also take the opportunity to respond with your own comments. Further information is inside. Council met recently and have made rulings on a number of matters, which includes an increase in membership fees as of 1st January. Apart from the addition of VAT, there has been no increase in membership fees for twelve years, but you will appreciate that our costs have risen steadily during this period. Please would you help us by completing the enclosed Standing Order Form and returning it to us as soon as you can; or alternatively making the arrangements with your bank using their website. Our bank details are 30-96-06 (sort code), 00410188 (bank account). The new rates are given inside. Statements are also enclosed as appropriate. When posting to the office, please would you ensure that you use the correct postal rate; insufficient postage leads to delays in receiving mail, and costs us time and money. Although short-staffed at the moment, we would like to put together some new Christmas cards for this year. However it will depend on whether you can e-mail to us any South Devon snow scenes – my archive has run out of fresh material! Finally, Liz, Emily Rose and I wish to thank all those who supported us in the Race for Life at Westpoint, sponsoring to raise funds for Cancer Research UK. This year we raised £819, plus the Gift Aid which is a significant addition. The ‘South Devon Moos’ team were thoroughly soaked through by the end of the course – but as always, it was well worth the effort made! My best wishes



A MESSAGE FROM DEBBIE “I just wanted to say thank you for all of the cards, gifts, kind words and good wishes that I received – I was very overwhelmed. I have worked in many jobs, all of which have been customer facing, and the South Devon members are by far the best. I have enjoyed my decade with the Society, and I must say I wasn’t quite as green when I left as I was when I started, so thanks for all the support and encouragement you have given me over the years. I have been at my new job since 1st September and so far so good, a huge learning curve and a new challenge. I trust you will give my replacement the warmth and encouragement that you have given me. I wish you all good health and happiness and I hope I will see you somewhere, sometime, in the future. With my very best wishes, Debbie x”

COUNCIL MATTERS (17/09/2015) Membership Fees: As of 1 January 2016 the membership fees will increase for the first time in twelve years as follows, and please would you amend your standing orders accordingly: o o o o o o

Life membership £600 + VAT = £720 Full membership £60 + VAT = £72 Youth membership £20 + VAT = £24 Associate membership £50 Retired membership £25 Introductory membership £10 (no change)

Registration credits: As of 1 January 2016 the registration credit will be set at £30 Polled classes at shows: As of 1 January 2016 all pedigree females being entered in polled classes at summer shows will be required to be DNA tested to verify their poll status. This is already a requirement for Society Show & Sale


entries. Please allow sufficient time for the DNA result to come back, to avoid disappointment. Z prefix for untested females: As of 1 January 2016, if you wish to request the addition of the Z prefix to females retained in your herd you will be asked to submit a hair sample. In order to monitor polling progress within the breed, the Society from time to time will randomly DNA check these samples across all herds, at the Society’s expense.

IMPORTANT NOTICE TO SALE VENDORS If you are considering entering animals in any Society Sale, please be sure to allow sufficient time to comply with the regulations currently in force, which include: DNA testing of bulls/females The current turn-around time for lab testing and receipt of results for all DNA tests is 4 to 5 weeks. However, you should allow twice as long just in case the test fails and a new hair sample is required. BVD testing and vaccination Currently the Society’s Sale rules require that animals should either be from a herd which is CHeCS accredited free of BVD or that the individual animals are tested free of BVD antigen; and all animals must have completed a course of vaccination (two jabs, four weeks apart for Bovilis, one jab for Bovela – plus annual boosters if appropriate) at least one month before the Sale date. CHeCS membership From 2016 all animals coming to Society Sales must be from herds that are members of a CHeCS health scheme, and that are screening for Johnes. Your vet will be able to advise on schemes, or please ask the office for advice. Johnes risk levels From 2017 all animals coming to Society Sales must be from herds that are Risk Levels 1 or 2 only, so it would be advisable to join a CHeCS scheme and begin testing as soon as is practicable. A financial incentive continues to be in place, whereby you can claim £5 against each pedigree registration over the course of a two-year period, if you are joining a CHeCS health scheme and are testing for Johnes. 4

AUTUMN SHOW & SALE CIRENCESTER LIVESTOCK MARKET, GL7 5QA Saturday 10th October 2015 Comprising:

20 pedigree bulls 20 pedigree heifers aged between 2yrs 3mths & 3yrs 3mths 40 pedigree heifers aged between 1yr 3mths & 2yrs 3mths 3 pedigree cows with calves at foot to be followed by:

Dispersal of the Adult Portion of the Higher Manaton herd comprising 8 pedigree cows & calves, 3 pedigree in-calf heifers, 1 pedigree bull, 9 grading-up/crossbred cows with calves, 2 grading-up/crossbred in-calf heifers, plus semen from Higher Manaton Flash 2

PRE-SALE SUPPER Friday, 9th October The Waggon & Horses, 11 London Rd, Cirencester, GL7 2PU Three courses, £20 per person Limited number of spaces, please book with SDHBS FRAME SCORES The weights and frame scores of bulls have been recorded at Sales for many years, and we would encourage potential buyers to take careful note of the information which is displayed on the bull pens to help with selection. As of the Cirencester Sale, two additional traits will be included in the overall Frame Score – rump height and width. These measurements have been taken previously, but this is the first time that they will be included in the 5

mathematical calculation which produces the overall Score. The previous five years’ sale measurements are used as the comparative data. Weight will continue to be expressed in letter format, from A to J, with A being the heaviest and J the lightest. Frame score will now extend from a minimum 5 (smallest) to a maximum 45 (largest). So an example score might be E35. Individual weights and trait measurements will continue to be displayed on the pens.

SKIPTON SHOW & SALE CCM Auctions, Gargrave Rd, Skipton, Yorkshire, BD23 1UD Wednesday 11th November 2015 Entry forms are now available from the SDHBS office, and the closing date for receipt will be Friday 16th October

REGIONAL EVENTS Region 6 Annual Meeting The Clive, Ludlow, Shropshire October 22nd, 7 pm for 7.30 pm Bookings Richard (01952 770887) or Bob (01785 850575) Region 6 Annual Collective Sale Shrewsbury Livestock Market Tuesday 27th October Entries invited for pedigree & non-pedigree Halls, 01743 462620 6

Region 2 Open Day By kind invitation of Richard & Ann Camp Horsehill Farm, Lent Hill, Ashburton, TQ13 7NW Friday 6th November, late morning to mid-afternoon Further information to follow Region 2 Annual Meeting Tuesday 1st December at 7.30 pm The Oak, South Brent Region 2 Show Preparation Day Expressions of interest are invited from those who might wish to attend a Show Preparation Day for young and ‘not so’ young! To be kindly hosted by Robert, James and Elizabeth Shinner, Stretchford Farm, Buckfastleigh February/March 2016


Entries close 23rd October, and prize schedules are available on-line at

As has been done in previous years, if there are at least five South Devons forward in the Commercial native heifer or steer classes, we will be allocated our own breed class. If you have a commercial animal to enter, but need help with transport or showing, please would you contact Mr Roger Clemens, 01841 540256 who is coordinating commercial entries. The Society sponsors £65 per commercial exhibitor with animal forward, plus £20 per animal


The pedigree calf show will be held on the second day of the Festival, and entries are open for the following classes: - Bull calf born on or between 1 September and 31 December 2014 - Bull calf born on or between 1 January and 31 March 2015 - Bull calf born on or after 1 April 2015 - Heifer calf born on or between 1 September and 31 December 2014 - Heifer calf born on or between 1 January and 31 March 2015 - Heifer calf born on or after 1 April 2015 The Society sponsors ÂŁ20 per calf forward


Entries close 21st October, and prize schedules are available on-line at

Exhibitors with commercial South Devons forward will be sponsored ÂŁ65 by the Society. Although the Society is not yet sponsoring a dedicated South Devon Calf Show at the English Winter Fair, there are opportunities for South Devon classes to be held if there is a minimum of six entered in each class.


Entries close 30th September, and further information is available from 01392 882153,,

As before, the Society will have a Breed Stand which will be manned by Liz, and anyone who would like to lend a hand during the day is asked to contact her. Thank you. 8

COMPENSATION FOR BOVINE TB Payable during September 2015 NON PEDIGREE BOVINE Male Age Up to 3 months Over 3 months up to 6 months Over 6 months up to 9 months Over 9 months up to 12 months Over 12 months up to 16 months Over 16 months up to 20 months 20 months and over, non breeding bulls Breeding bulls 20 months and over

Compensation due 304 459

Female Age Up to 3 months Over 3 months up to 6 months Over 6 months up to 9 months Over 9 months up to 12 months Over 12 months up to 16 months Over 16 months up to 20 months 20 months and over, not calved Over 20 months, calved

688 830 976 1,041 1,097 1,378

Compensation due 260 408 602 727 872 957 1,018 907

PEDIGREE BOVINE Male Age Up to 6 months 6 months up to 12 months Over 12 months up to 24 months 24 months and over

Compensation due * * 3,508 2,516

Female Age Up to 6 months 6 months up to 12 months Over 12 months up to 24 months 24 months and over (not calved) Calved over 24 months and up to 36 months Calved 36 months and over

Compensation due * * 1,646 1,653 1,901**


*Compensation to be determined using individual valuation ** Compensation to be determined using previously ascertained market price 9

TB CONSULTATION The main part of the consultation is to ask for views on the statutory post-movement TB testing of cattle moving from HRA (high risk area, annual testing) to LRA (low risk area, 4 yearly testing). This would likely have an impact on pedigree trade, but would not apply to cattle slaughtered within 120 days of arrival at the destination herd. Also included are: A proposal for a more robust approach for dealing with TB breakdowns in the HRA A proposal to allow cattle to move to/from rented grazing with a 10 mile radius without pre-movement testing A proposal to phase out Exempt Finishing Units in the LRA A proposal to reduce TB risks from Approved Finishing Units A call for views on the case for enhanced TB surveillance in additional counties in the Edge Area A call for views on the situations in which private interferongamma blood testing could be permitted A call for views on options for reducing TB risks from sales of cattle from 4 yearly tested herds Some of these proposals seem to make sense; but others (such as updates on Risk-Based Trading) are, quite frankly, alarming; so your voice should be heard! Please respond by either: e-mail to on-line questionnaire at post to Defra, Cattle Measures Team, Area 5D, Nobel House, 17 Smith Square, London, SW1P 3JR by Friday 23rd October 10

The full consultation can be downloaded from the Defra website, using ‘post movement testing’ to find the consultation paper.


GB liveweight prices week ending 16/09/15 Price per kg/lwt Steers Heifers Young bulls Cows

188.1 201.7 178.2 101.7

Price/kg change on wk +1.0 -1.9 +1.3 +0.2

GB deadweight prices week ending 12/09/15 Price per kg/lwt Steers: R4L Steers: All Heifers: R4L Heifers: All Young bulls: R3 Young bulls: All Cows: -O4L Cows: All

360.5 350.2 358.1 350.0 340.1 331.8 237.0 212.1

Price/kg change on wk +1.1 +0.5 +0.3 +0.7 +0.9 -2.1 +2.0 +2.5

AHDB news in brief: - Defra have reported that the cattle breeding herd has increased for the second consecutive year in June. While most of the increase can be attributed to an increase in the dairy herd, the number of suckler cows in the herd were reported to be up on the year earlier for the first time since 2011 - Exports of beef and veal in July performed better than in recent months. They were still down on the year earlier, but at just 4% lower, this represented a notable improvement on the double digit falls of the previous couple of months 11

- The June 2015 Irish cattle survey revealed that further expansion in the dairy sector was apparent despite falling profitability in recent months. In contrast, and continuing to reflect the on-going concerns over profitability in the beef sector, beef cow numbers were back 5% at almost 1.1 million head.

NATIONAL SHOW 2016 Tuesday 21st/Wednesday 22nd June CHESHIRE COUNTY SHOW A meeting of the Working Group from the Society met with the Show organisers last week to outline the arrangements for the National Show next year, and received a warm welcome. Classes will be as follows: Heifer born between 1 January and 31 December 2015 Heifer born between 1 January and 31 December 2014 Heifer or cow born between 1 January and 31 December 2013, certified in calf or with calf at foot Cow born on or before 31 December 2012, certified in calf or with calf at foot, having had a full time calf in the previous 12 months Calf, born on or after 1 January 2016 Bull born on or after 1 January 2015 Bull born in 2013 or 2014 Bull born on or before 31 December 2012 Group of any three animals bred by and the property of the same exhibitor, entered in previous classes Special awards Male Champion Female Champion Best Young Bull on Performance and Inspection, born on or after 1 January 2015 12

Best Cow & Calf on Performance and Inspection (Centenary Trophy) Best Polled Animal (Herbert Tully Perpetual Cup) Best animal forward from an exhibitor whose herd is within region 6 (Powderham Perpetual Silver Challenge Cup) Best Homebred Pair Breed Champion (Liddell Perpetual Challenge Cup) Best Opposite Sex to Breed Champion (SAS Trophy) Most points in all classes (Track Marshall Trophy) Junior Champion (interbreed qualifier) It’s time to start your planning! Cheshire County Show is a fairly new one for South Devon classes, but provides exciting promotional opportunities to show off the breed to newcomers, so we are planning on making a big impact.

NEW CLUB FOR 2015/2016 Thank you to all those who have replied to repeat their Club membership subscription for this year. If you have yet to let us know if you would like to participate please would you do so as soon as possible. Tickets are ÂŁ15 each and half the proceeds are paid out in prize money during the year. Thank you.

HERD BOOKS We have been contacted by Mr Gordon Michell who has Herd Books ranging from volumes 47 to 78 (1947 to 1977) which he no longer wishes to keep. If you are interested please contact Gordon on 01726 843409, e-mail 13

SEMEN FOR SALE Charles Phillips (Macaroni herd) would like to offer the following semen for sale: Asdig Concorde 5 (2) Billington Sultan 22 (5) Shorland Ashley (13) Erme Jambo (15) Grove Hadrian (37) Highgate Pioneer 9 (25) Hindsloders Hadrian 9 (27) Manaton Trumpet Major (32) Roskymer Boxer (6) Roskymer Saffron’s Trump 9 (2) Sandwell Nizam (16) SDE Buttercup’s Brutus 3 (10) SDE Buttercup’s Trump 3 (1) SDE Downy’s Brutus 2 (1) Treglinnick Cavalier (3) Wappenshall Supreme (17) Winsor Saffron’s Trump (9) Cilwgwrrwg Illya (8) If you are interested please contact Charles, 01367 850237, e-mail


DIARY September


Office closed – sorry!


9th 10th 22nd 27th 30th

Pre-Sale Supper – please book Autumn Show & Sale, Cirencester Region 6 annual meeting, Ludlow Region 6 Collective Sale, Shrewsbury Agri-Expo, Carlisle


6th Region 2 Open Day, Mr & Mrs R W Camp 11th Skipton Sale 11th Beef Southwest 14th TSDCC Dinner 18th Breed Promotion committee meeting st nd 21 /22 English Winter Fair 24th Breed Improvement committee meeting th th 26 /27 East of England Smithfield Festival


1st 10th

Region 2, annual meeting, South Brent Council meeting, Tiverton

NEW MEMBERS Full Region 1

Mr J & Mrs F Deering, Roscarrack Vean, Roscarrack Road, Maen Valley, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 5BL Prefix: ROSELADEN

Region 7

Miss P E Cussons, Low Yedmandale Farm, West Ayton, Scarborough, Yorkshire, YO13 9JZ Prefix: YEDMANDALE

Introductory Region 1

J & R M Rowe & Sons, Treweers, Lansallos, Looe, Cornwall, PL13 2QJ Introduced by Yaron Peled

Region 2

Mr P Coaker, Runnage Farm, Postbridge, Yelverton, Devon, PL20 6TN Introduced by Simon Butcher 15

Region 4

Mr M Melly, Box Farm, Vernham Dean, Andover, Hampshire, SP11 0LJ Introduced by Malcolm & Thelma Broome Mr M Chichester, Lower Hayne Farm, Shabbington, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP18 9HF Introduced by Richard & Annabel Ford

Region 6

Mr A C Pugh, Yellow Oak Farm, Penylan, Ruabon, Wrexham, LL14 6HT Introduced by Arwyn Davies

Region 7

Mr A McCammond, 10 Clughanduff Road, Templepatrick, Ballyclare, Northern Ireland, BT39 0AL Introduced by Arwyn Davies

AND FINALLY ‌ What do you get if you cross an insomniac, a dyslexic, and an agnostic? Someone who will lie awake all night wondering if there really is a dog. *** An older gentleman was on the operating table awaiting surgery and he insisted that his son, a renowned surgeon, should perform the operation. As he was about to go under the anaesthetic he asked to speak to his son. "Yes, Dad, what is it?" "Now, don't be nervous, son, do your best and just remember, if it doesn't go well, if something happens to me ‌ your mother is going to come and live with you and your wife." *** The housewife answered a knock on the door and found a total stranger standing on the doorstep. "Excuse me for disturbing you, ma'am," he said politely, "but every morning I pass your house on my way to work, and couldn't help noticing that every day you hit your husband on the head with a loaf of bread." "That's right." "Every day you hit him on the head with a loaf of bread, and yet this morning you were beating him with a chocolate cake." "Well, today is his birthday." 16

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