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Hong Kong, Hong Kong

關注婦女性暴力協會 成立於1997年,期望使政府及公眾正視婦女遭受性暴力問題,爭取合理權益。服務單位性暴力危機中心風雨蘭提供24小時支援服務予受害人;教育單位Anti480反性暴力資源中心提供反性暴力及性別教育活動及資源。 Established in 1997, the Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women (ACSVAW) is a non-government charitable organisation concerning about women’s rights and gender equity, in particular sexual violence against women. RainLily, Hong Kong’s first one-stop crisis center for female victims of sexual violence, was set up in 2000, continues to offer the victimised women a one-stop service around the clock. Anti480 Anti-Sexual Violence Resource Centre provides educational resources and activities on fighting against Gender-Based Violence and gender equity.


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